Number of Files in same copied DIR Differs

any ideas why when i copy a dir from one drive to another, both formatted with OS Extended Journalled, tat the file numbering differs? One drive had the DIR on, i copied across to another which didn't have it on, thus a clean copy, no overwriting, and source drive says 45 items, destination says 50, as per the image attached..

Im running the applet from the webserver.
So it is not possible?An applet is always run client-side. The Java plugin for the browser you're using downloads the applet from the browser and runs it locally.
Don't let the fact that your client and server might be the same machine confuse you, they are still seperate entities.
If however you're not running this with a browser, but with an applet viewer I don't know. The general rule is that applets can't get access to the client filesystem, I guess that still holds true when using viewers other than browsers.

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    I think your problem is likely that you have the option to stack the copy with the original turned on. First, right-click on one of these photos and go to the stacking menu. If Unstack is not grayed out then you have a stack -- select Unstack to reveal all copies.
    To change the automatic stacking of edited copies from Photoshop, when you next choose to edit a file, in the bottom left corner of the dialog is the check box for unstacking. Clear it, and that choice should "stick" until you change it again.
    Hope this helps!

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    Edited by: 887680 on Mar 6, 2013 10:48 AM

    Hi Srinath
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  • Applescript: Create a Folder from Files of Same Name but different Extension

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    This will do what you need.
    set source to (((path to desktop folder) as text) & "Test") as alias
    tell application "System Events"
                   set fnames to (name of every file of source)
    end tell
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
    repeat with fname in fnames
                   set folderName to text item 1 of fname
                   if folderName is not "" then
                    tell application "Finder"
                      if not (exists (folder folderName of source)) then
                          make new folder at source with properties {name:folderName}
                      end if
                     move file fname of folder source to folder folderName of source
                 end tell
           end if
        end try
    end repeat
    (the code formatting here really s*?ks. select all the text in the box and right click and select services make new AppleScript to get it into the editor)
    It's not very polished so be careful, setup some test folders and make sure it does what you want before using it on your live data.
    You need to set the
    set source to
    line to the path of the folder where the files are. You can do that as an absolute path ie "Macintosh HD:Users:etc" or using the path to as in the example.
    It is also not very efficient and there are many different ways to attack this problem. If this is a one time thing this will be fine. If it will be an ongoing situation you might want to describe exactly what is happening and other ways to solve the problem might be possible.
    As for learning AppleScript start with the Apple Development Site, especially AppleScript Language Guide.
    There are lots of sites out there with good info MacScripter being one of the better ones.
    Book wise I really like Learn AppleScript by Apress. Its good as both a tutorial and reference and has a good intro to AppleScript Objective-C (a way Apple ahs setup to allow AppleScripts to access pure objective-c code and the OS X GUI).
    good luck

  • Batch processing: save processed file with same name to different location without moving the original

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    Kind regards,

    Which version of Audition are you using? The latest ones allow you to specify where the batched files are saved and also if any Prefix or Postfix are added to the file name. These are all under Export Settings in the Batch Process pane. However you must have the Export box ticked to give you access to the settings.

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    i want to say it was added in cs7, which requires subscription, so in that case might as well be using latest version 8.  if you had to use an older version like cs5, you could still use h264 or low bitrate dnxhd/prores codecs inside a quicktime .mov file. that would allow you to have same file ext on both versions of files.

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    You can use the same class name in different packages.
    The Java API does that (java.awt.List, java.util.List).
    This is odd. What version of javadoc are you using,
    and what command are you passing in, with what classpath setting?
    -Doug Kramer
    javadoc team

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    Thank you thank you thank you!

    You can chain your scripts together - depending on the complexity of your pre-existing scripts, you could do this with either AppleScript or Automator. The workflow would just take the selected text file (from step 1), convert to both HTML (2) and RTF (3), then launch your application with the resulting RTF - no need to change any selection.
    By the way, this is the Tiger Automator forum - Snow Leopard's Automator is quite a bit different, so you will probably have better luck posting in the Snow Leopard forum.

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    Hi Experts,
    I have copied an Directory (49GB) using *cp -R +<Original file path> <new place>+* command.
    When i run du -c | grep total cammand in both original file and the copied filr below are the values,
    Original - 50998896
    Copied - 50999684
    Why it gives different values ??
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    Please help me ......

    Dude wrote:
    It works fine here, see below example:
    # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb3
    # mkdir /mnt/sdb3
    # mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/sdb3
    # cd /lib64
    # tar -cf - . | (cd /mnt/sdb3; tar -xf -; sync)
    # du -s /lib64
    27072     /lib64
    # du -s /mnt/sdb3
    27088     /mnt/sdb3
    # du -s /mnt/sdb3/lost+found
    16     /mnt/sdb3/lost+found
    Do you have any hidden files on /extra/sdb6? Are you using the same filesystem? You can try the diff command to see what is different, e.g.:
    # diff /lib64 /mnt/sdb3
    Only in /mnt/sdb3: lost+found
    You can also use the cp copy command, but you will have to add some options to preserve file ownerships, timestamps, links, etc, e.g.:
    # rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/lib64
    # cp -pdr /lib64 /mnt/sdb3
    # sync
    # du -s /lib64
    27072     /lib64
    # du -s /mnt/sdb3/lib64
    27072     /mnt/sdb3/lib64
    Edited by: Dude on Dec 3, 2012 2:12 PMThis is what I got, still doing my investigation:
    [root@oracle-32 usr]# du -s /mnt/home/oracle/
    166996     /mnt/home/oracle/
    [root@oracle-32 usr]# du -s /extra/sdb6/home/oracle/
    175152     /extra/sdb6/home/oracle/
    [root@oracle-32 usr]# diff -r /mnt/home/oracle/ /extra/sdb6/home/oracle/
    Only in /mnt/home/oracle/.dropbox: command_socket
    Only in /mnt/home/oracle/.dropbox: iface_socket
    diff: /mnt/home/oracle/.pulse/5325b55a5d3c35d27a2aecaa00000021-runtime: No such file or directory
    diff: /extra/sdb6/home/oracle/.pulse/5325b55a5d3c35d27a2aecaa00000021-runtime: No such file or directory

  • How to use the same element in different photoshop files?

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    Is there a possibility to use some kind of template, one single document,  that can be placed in different files , which is still editable afterwards?
    Thanks in advance.
    I'm using Photoshop CS6

    In a single document you can have several pages and these pages may have headers and footers that share smart objects.  If you replace the contents of the an embedded smart object on one page page that is shared on an other page the pages you will see both pages contents are changed. For they share the common object.   It is also possibly to have independent smart object layers. It depends how you create the layers in the single document.
    Example one sharing a smart object hi-light a smart object layer and use menu layer>Duplicate Layer... This will create a second smart object layer that share a common smart object. Each layer has is own associated transform. Do it again and you will have three layers the share a common smart object. So you can use each layer associated transform to position and size the layers contents. Make a picture package for example. When you hi-light any of the three smart layers and you use menu Layer>Smart Objects>Replace Contents... all three layers contents will be replace with the new smart object.  Care must be taken to replace the smart object with an identical size object for only the object is replaced the three associated transform for the three layers are not replaced or changed.
    Example two independent smart objects  hi-light a smart object layer and use menu layer>Smart Objects>New Smart Object via Copy.  This will  create a second smart object layer that has it own embedded smart object copy.  Do it again and you will have three all have independent embedded smart object that are identical.  However they do not have to remain identical.  For example if the first smart object layer was created by using ACR to open a RAW file as a smart object layer the embedded object is a copy of the raw file and its associated RAW conversion settings.  Double clicking on one of the smart object layers and you will see ACR open on its embedded RAW file with the embedded RAW conversion setting.  Changing these settings will update the layer smart object content with new ACR setting and pixel when you click OK in ACR. Repeat for the third and you will find you have three different raw conversions in Photoshop you can mask and blend together to bring out detail.
    I think what your missing is that a smart object contains a copy of the original object.  Changing the original after creating a smart object layer in document will not effect the smart object layer at all. Its independant from the original having a copy of the original. Only changes to the smart object layer and its embedded smart object effect smart object layers.

  • Problem while copying two files into same file

    I want to copy n number of files into the same file.I am using the below code for the purpose.
    private void testFiles(){
              FileOutputStream fos = null;
              String file1  = "C:"+File.separator+"test1.doc";
              String file2 = "C:"+File.separator+"test2.doc";
              String file = "C:"+File.separator+"test123.doc";
              File testFile = new File(file);
              ArrayList arrFiles = new ArrayList();
              try {
                    fos = new FileOutputStream(file,true);
                   for(int i = 0; i < arrFiles.size();i++){
                        int ReadBytes = 0;
                        int BUFSIZ = 4096;
                        long fileSize ;
                        long copiedBytes=0;
                        String curFileName = (String) arrFiles.get(i);
                        File srcFile = new File(curFileName);
                        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(srcFile);
                         fileSize = srcFile.length();
                        byte Buf[] = new byte[BUFSIZ];
                        while(copiedBytes < fileSize)
                             ReadBytes =, 0, BUFSIZ);
                             copiedBytes +=ReadBytes;
                        System.out.println("copied files::"+curFileName);
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              } finally{
                   try {
                        if(fos != null){
                   } catch (IOException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         }Iam expecting that both the files will be copied sucessfully.But iam able to see only one file.But the file size of the destination file is the sum of both the source files copied.So that means the content is copied.Any ideas on possible causes/solutions.
    Thanks in advance.

    Just a thought, if you build a sequence of inputstream using SequenceInputStream something like that
                    String file1  = "C:"+File.separator+"test1.doc";
              String file2 = "C:"+File.separator+"test2.doc";
              FileInputStream s1 = new FileInputStream(file1); 
              FileInputStream s2 = new FileInputStream(file2);
              FileInputStream[] array = new FileInputStream[2];
              array[0] = s1;
              array[1] = s2;
              EnumerationImpl enumeration = new EnumerationImpl(array);
              SequenceInputStream sequence = new SequenceInputStream(enumeration);
                   //code here the read to go through the sequence of inputstream and write them  into FileOutputStream
    // and your Enumberation implementation class as below
    public class EnumerationImpl implements Enumeration<FileInputStream> {
        private FileInputStream[] array;
        private int index;
        public EnumerationImpl(FileInputStream[] array) {
            this.array = array;
        public boolean hasMoreElements() {
            return index < array.length;
        public FileInputStream nextElement() {
            if (index < array.length) {
                return array[index++];
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
    } Regards,
    Alan Mehio
    London, UK

  • Limit to number of files that can be moved or copied?

    I'm trying to move the contents of the "previous systems" folder (from my update to Leopard) to an external harddrive, but when I drag and drop the file name it starts the process but stays at "preparing to copy 16,850 items." It's still on that message in the dialogue box with the barber pole over an hour later.
    My question is: Is there a limit to the number of files that can be moved/copied at one time? Or does it just take a very long time?
    Thanks for any help.

    Thanks, Katy. I left it up all night and it was in the same place in the morning, so I'm assuming it isn't going to go what I need done in one fell swoop. I had to relaunch Finder before the dialogue box would go away.
    Moving all those files will have to wait, I guess, until I have enough time to break them into manageable chunks.

  • Powershell Script to Copy an Unknown number of Files in a Directory

    I need to be able to copy an unknown number of files in a folder to an FTP site.  I have the FTP components figured out and working, but am running into a problem when there is only 1 file for upload.  The folder is a queue that users manually
    copy files to, so i do not have control of how many files may be pending.  And the file names are always different.
    My script performs the following steps.
    1. Get a list of files in the directory with the a attribute.  (this prevents subfolders from being processed)
    2. Loop thru the list, copying each file.
    Here is my problem.
    no files. nothing happens. normal and expected
    2 or more files. all files upload correctly.  EXPECTED
    Filename returned from variable = "True".  File does not exist and upload fails.  ERROR
    This is what the script looks like. (There are several Write-Output statements for debugging purposes.
    $ftpUploadPath = "$ftpServer/claims/"
    $localUploadPath = "$localDir\claims\"
    $localSentPath = "$localUploadPath`Sent\"
    $listFile = "$localDir\uplist.txt"
    Write-Output "Uploading Claim files to $ftpUploadPath ..."
    #1 get list of claim files to upload
    $list = Get-ChildItem -Name $localUploadPath -Attributes a   
    Write-Output $list
    Write-Output " "
    #2 loop thru list and upload files
    if($list.Length -ne 0){
        #Write-Output "  Getting files from list"
        # download each file in the list
        foreach ($file in $list -cne "") {
            Write-Output $file
        } # end foreach file
    } #end if($list.Length)
    else {
        Write-Output "  No files for upload"
    } #end else($list.Length)
    Thanks in advance,

    You are writing way too many lines for such a simple task. Try this:
    Get-ChildItem -Name $localUploadPath -Attributes a |
    Write-Host $_ -fore green

  • Moving files with same name, different extension (automator?)

    I'm trying to find a way to move a large number of files in multiple directories (all at once or directory-by-directory, doesn't matter) if they have the same name but different extensions. For example, let's say I have a photo directory with the following files:
    I would like to move the raw files "Photo1.raw" and "Photo3.raw" while leaving "Photo2.raw" in it's current location (as a sign that it doesn't have a JPG counterpart. I'm assuming this can be done using Automator. Can anyone offer some help? Also, it IS likely that the vast majority of files will have a common prefix (similar to "photo" in the above), if that's something that can be used.
    Thanks in advance.

    Anyone have an idea on how to accomplish this?

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