Object interaction simulation.

Im working on a complex project where individual text items interact with one another.  Im fighting with repel to simulate solids interacting.  Its a shame we can't just make object "solid" so that they "hit" and bounce off etc.  But if repel is all we have, does anyone have settings that simulate solid object interaction?  This trial and error is killing me. 
FYI - using gravity to set the objects in motion, follow motion path to simulate interaction with the floor, now just need repel settings to hopefully simulate interaction among the objects so that hopefully they only react as though they "touch" but don't allow individual object to overlap.
Any help appriciated.

Yep, you're missing a whole concept in your model.
I'd say a Person signs-up to bid at an Auction, at which point they become a Bidder, and are given a (unique) number. The "role" is closed before bidding commences.
* An Auction has one-to-many Lots.
* A Person signs-up as a Bidder at an Auction.
.... * I'd model it as a Bidder is-a Person.
.... * An Auction has-a finite set of Bidder's before bidding commences.
Bidding opens on a Lot...
* A Bidder bids an amount on a Lot... creating a Bid.
* A Bid on a Lot has a Bidder and an amount.
What you've got doesn't make much sense to me.
Things start going horribly wrong at Auction.bidFor(int lotNumber, Person bidder, long value)
I'd have something like Lot.placeBid(Bid bid) a bidder would place a bid by lot.placeBid(new Bid(this, amount))
That's just how it makes sense to me, at face value.
Cheers. Keith.

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    I understand the importance of interactive simulators because they are so useful when learning tips and tricks about the phones.  I apologize we don't have one listed on our page for the iPhone 5s, but here is a link so you can get more information online http://bit.ly/1bRR5ss .  Have a great rest of your day!
    Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport

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    There is no capability in Captivate for the user to drag across text in a simulation.  My suggestion is that you place a click box over the text on the background graphic, tell the user to double-click the text instead of dragging to select it, and then use this action to jump to another slide where the text is shown as selected.

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    Here's the Javascript on my page:
    Header Text:
    <script language="javascript">
        function OnPageLoad() {
            var cmdButton;
            cmdButton = document.getElementById('CMD_P10_BASEPRODUCT');
            cmdButton.onclick = null;
            cmdButton.attachEvent("onclick", cmdSelectBaseproduct_onClick);
            cmdButton = document.getElementById('CMD_P10_CUSTOMER');
            cmdButton.onclick = null;
            cmdButton.attachEvent("onclick", cmdSelectCustomer_onClick);
            cmdButton = document.getElementById('CMD_P10_PRODUCT');
            cmdButton.onclick = null;
            cmdButton.attachEvent("onclick", cmdSelectProducts_onClick);
            cmdButton = document.getElementById('CMD_P10_VERSION');
            cmdButton.onclick = null;
            cmdButton.attachEvent("onclick", cmdSelectVersion_onClick);
            cmdButton = document.getElementById('CMD_P10_RUNREPORT');
        function cmdSelectBaseproduct_onClick() {
            PopupCriteriaListButton1_onClick('H_P10_BASEPRODIDLIST', 'TXT_P10_BASEPRODUCT', 26, 350, 300);
        function cmdSelectProducts_onClick() {
            PopupCriteriaListButton3_onClick('H_P10_PRODUCTIDLIST', 'TXT_P10_PRODUCT', 22, 1350, 575);
        function cmdSelectVersion_onClick() {
            PopupCriteriaListButton4_onClick('H_P10_VERSIONIDLIST', 'TXT_P10_VERSION', 21, 1550, 575);
        function cmdSelectCustomer_onClick() {
            PopupCriteriaListButton3_onClick('H_P10_CUSTOMERIDLIST', 'TXT_P10_CUSTOMER', 14, 1350, 575);
        function PopupCriteriaListButton1_onClick(hiddenInputControlName, strTextControlName, intPopupPageID,
    intWidth, intHeight) {
            var strIDList = document.getElementById(hiddenInputControlName).value.replace(new RegExp(/,/g),
    "_") + ',' + document.getElementById('CBO_P10_PRODUCTLINE').value;
            var itemVal = document.getElementById('CBO_P10_PRODUCTLINE').value;
            var returnValue = OpenDialog(intPopupPageID, true, intWidth, intHeight, 'H_P' + intPopupPageID +
            if (returnValue != undefined && returnValue != null && returnValue.length > 0) {
                document.getElementById(hiddenInputControlName).value = returnValue.split('|')[0];
                document.getElementById(strTextControlName).value = returnValue.split('|')[1];
        function PopupCriteriaListButton3_onClick(hiddenInputControlName, strTextControlName, intPopupPageID,
    intWidth, intHeight) {
            var strIDList = document.getElementById(hiddenInputControlName).value.replace(new RegExp(/,/g),
    "_") + ',' + document.getElementById('H_P10_BASEPRODIDLIST').value;
            var returnValue = OpenDialog(intPopupPageID, true, intWidth, intHeight, 'H_P' + intPopupPageID +
            if (returnValue != undefined && returnValue != null && returnValue.length > 0) {
                document.getElementById(hiddenInputControlName).value = returnValue.split('|')[0];
                document.getElementById(strTextControlName).value = returnValue.split('|')[1];
    function PopupCriteriaListButton4_onClick(hiddenInputControlName, strTextControlName, intPopupPageID,
    intWidth, intHeight) {
            var strIDList = document.getElementById(hiddenInputControlName).value.replace(new RegExp(/,/g),
    "_") + ',' + document.getElementById('H_P10_PRODUCTIDLIST').value;
            var returnValue = OpenDialog(intPopupPageID, true, intWidth, intHeight, 'H_P' + intPopupPageID +
            if (returnValue != undefined && returnValue != null && returnValue.length > 0) {
                document.getElementById(hiddenInputControlName).value = returnValue.split('|')[0];
                document.getElementById(strTextControlName).value = returnValue.split('|')[1];
    Page HTML Body Attribute:

    Hi Jari,
    The below function used work perfectly in APEX 3.2 for
    Pulling Page2 IR Report into Page1 Region having
    but in APEX 4.0, I am getting "gReport is undefined" when I click on IR Toolbar/Control panel like Action or Go
    function periodRep(){
    type: "POST",
    url: "wwv_flow.show",
    data: {
    p_flow_id : $v('pFlowId'),
    p_instance : $v('pInstance'),
    p_flow_step_id : "2",
    p_request : ""
    dataType : "html",
    success : function(data){
    var startTag = '<apex2ajax>';
    var endTag = '</apex2ajax>';
    var start = data.indexOf(startTag);
    if (start > 0) {
    data = data.substring(start+startTag.length);
    var end = data.indexOf(endTag);
    data = data.substring(0,end);
    $x_Value('pFlowStepId', "2");
    if($('#apexir_CONTROL_PANEL_COMPLETE').length > 0){
    if(!($('#apexir_CONTROL_PANEL_COMPLETE').css('display') == 'none')){
    gReport = new apex.worksheet.ws('');
    }); //ajax
    Please help
    -Senthil K

  • How to spin 3D objects interactively?

    I'd like to import 3D objects into Flash,
    so that people can interactively click + drag to spin them.
    The first images at the top.
    - ○ 8 ○ - ☼ - ○ 8 ○ -
    Are there ways to accomplish this, other than buying "freespin 3d" ?

    Some of the links here will help you:
    Google it for more...

  • Is it possible to do an interactive simulation of a software package using Captivate or similar?

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    Is this kind of thing actually possible with Captivate 8 or another adobe product in the eLearning suite...or something else?

    This can be a little tricky at first. Try this:
    1. Remove the order by clause from the query.
    2. Log out of the application, not the builder, just the application.
    3. Log back in and try using the options in the interactive report to sort the information.
    Does it work? If so:
    4. Get the order the way you would like it as the default. Note: you get more sort options if you use the Action Menu (grind wheel) and selecting Sort over just clicking the column headers.
    5. Save the report by selecting the Save Report option from the Action Menu. If you see a drop down, save the report as the "default".
    6. Log out of the application again and back in.
    Does it work?
    You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct ;-)

  • Confusion about how object interact and are aware of each other

    I have this java applet
    Two of the classes it contains are the main class with the init method and a UI class that is code for the interface.
    the main class instantiates the UI class anonymously (i think you call it that) i.e it does not put it into a named reference it just creates it by calling new without assigning it to anything.
    When I click on a button from the UI class I want to call a method in the main class...but how so?
    At first I tried to make the function i want to call in the main class static so I could easily call it from the UI class...but then it began to get complex...so i just sent a reference of the main class to the UI class via its constructer.
    Now i want the main class to update a JTable in the UI class, but how? It does not have any reference to the UI class.
    What is really the standard method of operation for this sort of thing when objects have to be calling methods of each other. How do I make them aware of each other.

    the best way to do it is like this:
    public class Main {
      //this is the main class
      private static class MyUIFrame extends JFrame {
        //create the class. It is useable within Main this way
        //static means it doesn't implicitly 'know' about the Main class. You can also
        //remove this and call Main.this to use Main's methods
    }Edited by: tjacobs01 on Apr 11, 2009 2:28 AM

  • Configuring interactive simulation settings

    Hi. I am working on a simulation of a project that I am building. Project is to run a battery charger with a solar panel power supply. We have simulated the solar panel as our teacher suggested, and created a buck converter for the charging circuit. The problem we are having with the simulation is that the output of the buck is giving us 12V, or just the battery power. I tried switching the battery with a load resistor, and found out that the voltage of the buck converter is just rising veeeeeeeeery slowly, because the capacitor needs to charge. I have been trying to change the time steps and so on, and following a few threads that I have found here with no luck. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I could make this simulation work a bit faster, even alot faster?
    Bjarki Jóhannsson
    Solar120Wmichael ver4.ms12 ‏202 KB

    This has to do a lot with the processing power fo your computer and the simulation settings. Your current settings are faster than anything I could come up with to lighten the load. For a slightly faster response (maybe) change TMAX to 0.001 and ABSTOL, CHGTOL, GMIN and RSHUNT to 1e-007. This should free up convergence issues and slightly speed up the calculations. The reason why I'm loosening the tolerances is because you do not require results to the precision of 10 digits, but looking at large voltage values with at most 3 decimal places. I'm afraid There's nothing except using a different computer to make the simulation go by MUCH faster.
    Miguel V
    National Instruments

  • This circuit has no power sources: unable to determine the simulation timestep automatically. Please add a power source or set the simulation timestep under "Interactive Simulation Settings" to proceed.

    Hi again.
    I built this circuit but I keep getting the error message in the title.  I have gone through the older threads on it but can find nothing to help.  If I run the digital smaples they work fine.  If I run other digital circuits I made they work fine.  I have tried this circuit on another PC and get the same error.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Five input TTL circuit.ms10 ‏81 KB

    Followed the procedure I just told you, and it works fine.........again.  I've attached the fixed version, see if it works there now.
    Signature: Looking for a footprint, component, model? Might be here > http://ni.kittmaster.com
    Five input TTL circuit_fixed.ms10 ‏82 KB

  • Interactive Captivate simulations not working correctly in Presenter

    I'm looking for a fix for what appears to be a bug with
    importing interactive Captivate 2.0.0 (build 1177, originally a
    trial verson) files into Presenter 6.0.432 (in PowerPoint 2000 SP-3
    9.0.8952 on a Windows XP computer).
    The course works fine when I publish the Presenter file to My
    Computer, but doesn't work correctly when I publish to Adobe
    Connect (hosted version). What happens is that the interactive
    Captivate simulations are already done. (It seems like Presenter is
    somehow completing the simulations before the end user gets to
    those slides.)
    Each course I've created is approximately 40 slides in length
    with approximately eight Captivate demonstrations and eight
    Captivate simulations spread out through the course. (A few slides
    of content with voiceover, then a slide with a Captivate
    demonstration, then a slide with a Captivate simulation slide, etc.
    Captivate Project Preferences are set to:
    Advanced project compression
    508 compliance
    Compress compiled SWF file
    Publish Adobe Connect Enterprise metadata
    Captivate Publish settings are:
    (unchecked) Export HTML
    Flash Player 7
    I tried switching the Flash Version to Flash Player 8, but it
    didn't help at all, and instead caused an additional problem which
    was that the text entry part of the interactive simulations stopped
    working altogether.
    I'm inclined to think this is a problem with the Connect
    server (since the course runs fine when published to My Computer,
    just not when published to Adobe Connect), but suppose it could be
    a Captivate or Presenter issue. In any case, I'm open to whatever
    gets it fixed.

    Thanks Art,
    I tried it, but it didn't help.
    Given TechNote #46b77621 (recommending people link to
    Captivate files rather than embed them in Presenter), and the
    problems I'm having, I'm starting to wonder if this is a known
    If it is, it's a big one, as a major selling point of
    Presenter has been that you can embed Captivate files within the
    slides. Linking out to them would be a different experience for the
    end-user (and not as nice).
    Another problem is that the TechNote says text entries won't
    work in Captivate files embedded in Presenter (I have had some
    inconsistent issues with this). Serious feature problem if it's
    true. (As I'm sure you know, it's a very common aspect of computer
    training courses, which is what many people are using
    Presenter/Captivate for.)
    Hopefully this all gets sorted out sooner rather than later.
    (Or you never know, perhaps, hopefully, there's just something I'm
    missing. :))

  • LabVIEW instruments in transient simulation

    I'm performing some tests with an InputOutput LabVIEW Instrument that I made myself (2 in/4 out) that basically implements a simple lookup table (on the basis of two DC voltage levels it perform a 2D interpolation and then sets the 4 voltage outputs accordingly).
    In the interactive simulation mode everything works great.
    However, if I try to run a transient simulation, the LabVIEW instrument does not respond, it seems to ignore the two inputs so it gives zero for all the 4 parameters. 
    This suggests me that LabVIEW instruments are interactive-simulation objects only. Is it correct?
    This would limit the benefits of this great tool! 
    Can anyone suggest me a way to overcome this? 
    I work with Multisim 11 and LabVIEW 2009.

    Yes the custom LabVIEW instruments are used in interactive mode only.  What other things are you looking to do in Analysis -> Transient mode?  Expresssions, Post Processor data, etc?
    Are you are trying to use LabVIEW as a type of I/O behavioral component?
    Also, another possibility is using the Multisim API with LabVIEW (www.ni.com/labs) -
    LabVIEW Multisim Connectivity Toolkit (Beta), this will allow you to create interactivity between LabVIEW controls and the Multisim simulation - you can adjust source inputs and measure probes and pause the simulation between steps.
    If you would like to discuss the use case in more detail, please email me directly. 
    Pat Noonan
    [email protected]

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    But since it's supposed to be interactive, I question the need for this, unless I could link them somehow, so that a user's long answer would flow from one field to the next as needed.
    Is there a way to do that? Or would it work better to combine the 3 text fields into one big text field?
    If the latter, is there a way to change a text field back into a text or picture box? I can't seem to find that option.

    You cannot link PDF fields to each other.
    Make a text field Multiline and Scrollable to allow for extra input (in Acrobat, but not in InDesign, you can also set a limit on the number of characters).
    As I said elsewhere, choose Object > Interactive > Convert to Object to change a field to a regular object.

Maybe you are looking for

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