OCR and incorporation police

I have Acrobat X and I can not after making a pdf ocr optimized because no fonts embedding.
Could you please help me

You may run this command with user root
root@yourracnode1# $CRS_HOME/bin/racgons add_config yourracnode1:6200 yourracnode2:6200
After run,this command helps you to ping your ons
root@yourracnode1# $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/onsctl ping
I hope this helps you

Similar Messages

  • OCR and voting disks on ASM, problems in case of fail-over instances

    Hi everybody
    in case at your site you :
    - have an 11.2 fail-over cluster using Grid Infrastructure (CRS, OCR, voting disks),
    where you have yourself created additional CRS resources to handle single-node db instances,
    their listener, their disks and so on (which are started only on one node at a time,
    can fail from that node and restart to another);
    - have put OCR and voting disks into an ASM diskgroup (as strongly suggested by Oracle);
    then you might have problems (as we had) because you might:
    - reach max number of diskgroups handled by an ASM instance (63 only, above which you get ORA-15068);
    - experiment delays (especially in case of multipath), find fake CRS resources, etc.
    whenever you dismount disks from one node and mount to another;
    So (if both conditions are true) you might be interested in this story,
    then please keep reading on for the boring details.
    One step backward (I'll try to keep it simple).
    Oracle Grid Infrastructure is mainly used by RAC db instances,
    which means that any db you create usually has one instance started on each node,
    and all instances access read / write the same disks from each node.
    So, ASM instance on each node will mount diskgroups in Shared Mode,
    because the same diskgroups are mounted also by other ASM instances on the other nodes.
    ASM instances have a spfile parameter CLUSTER_DATABASE=true (and this parameter implies
    that every diskgroup is mounted in Shared Mode, among other things).
    In this context, it is quite obvious that Oracle strongly recommends to put OCR and voting disks
    inside ASM: this (usually called CRS_DATA) will become diskgroup number 1
    and ASM instances will mount it before CRS starts.
    Then, additional diskgroup will be added by users, for DATA, REDO, FRA etc of each RAC db,
    and will be mounted later when a RAC db instance starts on the specific node.
    In case of fail-over cluster, where instances are not RAC type and there is
    only one instance running (on one of the nodes) at any time for each db, it is different.
    All diskgroups of db instances don't need to be mounted in Shared Mode,
    because they are used by one instance only at a time
    (on the contrary, they should be mounted in Exclusive Mode).
    Yet, if you follow Oracle advice and put OCR and voting inside ASM, then:
    - at installation OUI will start ASM instance on each node with CLUSTER_DATABASE=true;
    - the first diskgroup, which contains OCR and votings, will be mounted Shared Mode;
    - all other diskgroups, used by each db instance, will be mounted Shared Mode, too,
    even if you'll take care that they'll be mounted by one ASM instance at a time.
    At our site, for our three-nodes cluster, this fact has two consequences.
    One conseguence is that we hit ORA-15068 limit (max 63 diskgroups) earlier than expected:
    - none ot the instances on this cluster are Production (only Test, Dev, etc);
    - we planned to have usually 10 instances on each node, each of them with 3 diskgroups (DATA, REDO, FRA),
    so 30 diskgroups each node, for a total of 90 diskgroups (30 instances) on the cluster;
    - in case one node failed, surviving two should get resources of the failing node,
    in the worst case: one node with 60 diskgroups (20 instances), the other one with 30 diskgroups (10 instances)
    - in case two nodes failed, the only node survived should not be able to mount additional diskgroups
    (because of limit of max 63 diskgroup mounted by an ASM instance), so all other would remain unmounted
    and their db instances stopped (they are not Production instances);
    But it didn't worked, since ASM has parameter CLUSTER_DATABASE=true, so you cannot mount 90 diskgroups,
    you can mount 62 globally (once a diskgroup is mounted on one node, it is given a number between 2 and 63,
    and other diskgroups mounted on other nodes cannot reuse that number).
    So as a matter of fact we can mount only 21 diskgroups (about 7 instances) on each node.
    The second conseguence is that, every time our CRS handmade scripts dismount diskgroups
    from one node and mount it to another, there are delays in the range of seconds (especially with multipath).
    Also we found inside CRS log that, whenever we mounted diskgroups (on one node only), then
    behind the scenes were created on the fly additional fake resources
    of type ora*.dg, maybe to accomodate the fact that on other nodes those diskgroups were left unmounted
    (once again, instances are single-node here, and not RAC type).
    That's all.
    Did anyone go into similar problems?
    We opened a SR to Oracle asking about what options do we have here, and we are disappointed by their answer.

    Hi Klaas-Jan
    - best practises require that also online redolog files are in a separate diskgroup, in case of ASM logical corruption (we are a little bit paranoid): in case DATA dg gets corrupted, you can restore Full backup plus Archived RedoLog plus Online Redolog (otherwise you will stop at the latest Archived).
    So we have 3 diskgroups for each db instance: DATA, REDO, FRA.
    - in case of fail-over cluster (active-passive), Oracle provide some templates of CRS scripts (in $CRS_HOME/crs/crs/public) that you edit and change at your will, also you might create additionale scripts in case of additional resources you might need (Oracle Agents, backups agent, file systems, monitoring tools, etc)
    About our problem, the only solution is to move OCR and voting disks from ASM and change pfile af all ASM instance (parameter CLUSTER_DATABASE from true to false ).
    Oracle aswers were a litlle bit odd:
    - first they told us to use Grid Standalone (without CRS, OCR, voting at all), but we told them that we needed a Fail-over solution
    - then they told us to use RAC Single Node, which actually has some better features, in csae of planned fail-over it might be able to migreate
    client sessions without causing a reconnect (for SELECTs only, not in case of a running transaction), but we already have a few fail-over cluster, we cannot change them all
    So we plan to move OCR and voting disks into block devices (we think that the other solution, which needs a Shared File System, will take longer).
    Thanks Marko for pointing us to OCFS2 pros / cons.
    We asked Oracle a confirmation that it supported, they said yes but it is discouraged (and also, doesn't work with OUI nor ASMCA).
    Anyway that's the simplest approach, this is a non-Prod cluster, we'll start here and if everthing is fine, after a while we'll do it also on Prod ones.
    - Note 605828.1, paragraph 5, Configuring non-raw multipath devices for Oracle Clusterware 11g (11.1.0, 11.2.0) on RHEL5/OL5
    - Note 428681.1: OCR / Vote disk Maintenance Operations: (ADD/REMOVE/REPLACE/MOVE)
    -"Grid Infrastructure Install on Linux", paragraph 3.1.6, Table 3-2


    제품 : RMAN
    작성날짜 : 2004-05-20
    오라클 9i RMAN 에서는 백업을 보다 효율적으로 할 수 있는 기능을 보강 했다.
    지금 소개할 "Retention Policies" 기능을 통해서 보다 효율적인 RMAN 백업
    전략을 세울 수 있다.
    1. 백업 화일 최적화 방법 (Backup File Optimization)
    백업 화일 최적화란 백업에 소요되는 공간을 최소화 하는 전략이다. RMAN
    백업시에 같은 정보 (dbid, checkpoint, and resetlogs data 등등) 를 가지고 있는
    화일이 이미 존재하는 백업 셋 내부에 있는지 체크하게 된다. 만일 같은 화일이
    이미 백업 되어 있다면 BACK UP 명령은 해당 화일에 대해서는 백업을 하지 않게
    이때 같은 화일이라고 판단하는 기준은 다음과 같다.
    * Datafile: 같은 DBID, checkpoint SCN, resetlogs SCN 과 time. 데이타 화일은
    반드시정상적으로 offline 되었거나, read-only 이거나, 또는 정상적 으로 close
    되어야 함.
    * Archived redo log: 같은 thread, sequence number, 그리고 같은 Resetlogs
    SCN 과 time.
    * Backup Set: 같은 Backup Set recid 와 stamp.
    RMAN 이 백업을 수행하다가 위와 같은 조건의 화일이 이미 존재함을 확인하면
    이것은 건너뛰게 될 화일의 대상이다. 하지만 이때 바로 Skip 을 결정하지 않고
    정해진 Retention Policies 를 조사 한후에 Skip 여부를 결정 하게 된다.
    만일 백업 명령에 DELETE INPUT option 이 사용되면 RMAN 은 백업이 Skip
    되어도 화일을 지우게 된다.
    RMAN 은 모든 화일에 대한 백업이 Skip 되어도 에러메시지나 경고를 보내지
    그러나 만일 데이터 화일에 대한 백업이 recovery policy window 보다 오래
    된 것 이면 RMAN 은 새로운 백업 화일을 만들기 위해서 화일을 백업 하게 된다.
    자체적인 expirations policy 를 가지고 있는 media manager 를 사용할 경우에는
    이런 백업 최적화 정책을 사용하는 것에 신중을 기해야 한다.
    백업 최적화 를 사용하기 위해서는 CONFIGURE 명령을 사용한다. CONFIGURE
    명령은 명령 수행 이후에 이루어지는 모든 백업에 대해 적용이 된다.
    2. Backup Optimization에 Retention Policies 적용 하기
    Retention Policy 로 백업 최적화를 조절 할 수 있다. 그러나 retention policy를
    이용해서 명시적으로 retention policy를 사용하지 않는다고 해야 한다. 디폴트로
    REDUNDANCY = 1 이 적용 된다.
         a. Recovery Window 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    만일 백업 최적화가 enable 되어 있고 Recovery Window 가 retention policy
    적용을 위해서 셋업 되어 있으면 RMAN 은 항상 가장 최근의 백업이 Recovery
    Window 보다 오래된 데이터 화일을 백업한다.
    예를 들면 다음과 같은 조건에서
    o Today is February 21.
    o The recovery window is 7 days.
    o The most recent backup of tablespace tbs2 to tape is January 3.
    o Tablespace tbs2 is read-only.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스를 테이프로 백업을 하라는 명령을 내리면,
    RMAN 은 이 화일이 1월3일 이후에 변경 사항이 없는데도 불구 하고 백업을 하게
    된다. 이로써 RMAN 은 최근 7일 동안에 최소한 한번의 백업이 있어야 된다는
    조건을 지키게 된다.
    이러한 작동 방식은 media manager 가 오래된 테잎을 제거 해도 되도록 한다.
    그렇지 않다면, media manager 는 1월 3일의 백업을 무한정 가지고 있게 된다.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스의 보다 최근의 백업을 만듦으로 써, RMAN 은
    media manager 가 1월 3일에 백업 했던 테입을 지워도 되도록 한다.
         b. Redundancy 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    Retention policy 로 Redundancy 를 채택 한 경우에 RMAN 은 Redundancy
    에 1을 더한 갯수를 초과하는 오프라인 또는 읽기 전용 화일의 백업을 건너뛴다.
    Redundancy의 갯수를 정한다.
    아래와 같은 백업 최적화 명령을 내린 경우를 예로 든다:
    아카이브 테이블스페이스를 한번도 백업을 받은적이 없고 다음의 작업을 1주일
    동안 한다고 하자.
    Day Action Result Redundant Backup
    Monday Take tablespace archive offline clean.
    Tuesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Wednesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Thursday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Tuesday backup.
    Friday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Saturday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Sunday Run DELETE OBSOLETE. The Tuesday backup is deleted.
    Monday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Wednesday backup.
    화요일, 수요일, 그리고 목요일의 백업은 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 복사 해서
    3개의 백업이 반드시 존재 해야 한다는 조건을 충촉 시킨다. (1+Redundancy)
    금요일과 토요일에는 백업 최적화 조건에 의해서 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를
    복사하지 않게 된다.
    RMAN 은 일요일에는 유효기간이 지난 백업 화일을 지우게 된다. 따라서 화요일에
    만든 백업은 삭제 된다. 월요일의 전체 백업은 3개의 백업이 존재 해야 한다는 조건
    때문에 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 또 다시 백업하게 된다. 이런 방식으로 백업
    사이클이 진행 된다.
    주의 사항:
    자체가 존재 하지 않는다는 의미 이며 백업은 expire 되지 않으며 'DELETE
    OBSOLETE' 명령은 사용 할 수 없게 된다. 후자는 디폴트 RETENTION POLICY
    (REDUNDANCY 1) 를 사용하게 된다는 의미 이다.
    'DELETE OBSOLETE' 명령은 RETENTION POLICY 기준으로 expire 된 백업을
    제거 하라는 명령이다.
    보다 자세한 내용은 Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide and
    Reference의 Backup Optimization 부분을 참고 하시기 바랍니다.
    --------------THE END----------------------------------------------

    Backup optimisation = +- do not copy empty space.
    So, when you issue your BACKUP statement, it backs up the datafile. dot. nothing more.
    In order to achieve what you're testing, look into TFM for BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL x .

  • Maximum number of connection profiles and group policies for Cisco ASA

    We have a Cisco ASA 5520 running 8.0(2) that we use only for Remote Access VPN.
    Does anyone know how many connection profiles and group policies that are supported on the box? I have not been able to find this in the manual.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Best regards,

    There is no limit for connection profiles or group policies that can be configured on ASA. However the numbers do depend upon the memory available in the device as the profiles are stored in memory during execution.

  • OCR and Extract

    I have two questions:
    1) When I try to "Recognize Text Using OCR" a document (which is a collection of scanned images of invoices), the result is extremely poor, with most of characters not being recognized at all. The image quality is not great, but I have been able to obtain better results by a) printing an invoice and scanning it with OCR; and b) using Able2Extract from www.ocr.com. However, a) would take too long and b) doesn't seem to have the option of saving OCRed pages as PDF.
    My question is: is it possible to OCR a lower quality PDF more reliably in Acrobat. If not, is there another software that can do this?
    2) Is it possible to extract pages that satisfy certain conditions? For example, can you extract all pages that contain any kind of notes or markings (e.g. Acrobat highlights) or pages that contain certain words?
    Thanks in advance your assistance.

    An answer to question 2 is a conditional yes. The condition is that you have a version which is not Reader (which I assume you do), and also you will need a custom-made script that will determine which pages to extract. Contact me by email if you're interested in such a tool.

  • How to examine pdf for image file formats, OCR, and layers

    I have a question about how to find out specific features of a pdf.  I am using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro for windows.
    With any given PDF, I am looking to find out:
    a]  The specs of any image files used  to create the pdf (i.e., if the pdf is made up of text pages with image objects on top of them, are those image objects JPGs?  TIFFS?  What resolution are they? Are they compressed?)
    b]  Does this PDF have OCR already embedded in it?
    c]  Does this PDF have multiple layers?
    with a] -- file format is perhaps the most important, resolution and compression being second most
    with c] -- is there an easy way to see the layers, visually, on the page images?
    What is a smiple way to find out this information?
    I've poked around a bit in the "Examine Document" function, and various checks in "Preflight," as well as the help manual, and have found bits and pieces that look like some of what I'm looking for, but nothing simple or conclusive yet.
    Any help or advice would be wonderful!  I just want a simple way to be able to see what my PDF is made out of, in terms of image files, OCR, and layers.

    Preflight is inded the best way to do this operation. You may have to read a bit to figure out what you are looking at, but that is the right route to take.

  • How do I define 2 disk groups for ocr and voting disks at the oracle grid infrastructure installation window

    It may sound too easy to someone but I need to ask it anyway.
    I am in the middle of building Oracle RAC on Linux. I have 2 storage and I created three LUNs in each of storage so 6 LUNs in total look in both of servers. If I choose NORMAL as a redundancy level, is it right to choose my 6 disks those are created for OCR_VOTE at the grid installation? Or should I choose only 3 of them and configure mirroring at latter stage?
    The reason why I am asking this is that I didn't find any place to create asm disk group for ocr and voting disks at the oracle grid infrastructure installation window. In fact, I would to like to create two disk groups in which one of groups contains three disks those were brought from storage 1 and the second one contains rest three 3 disk that come from the last storage.
    I believe that you will understand the manner and help me on choosing proper way.
    Thank you.

    You have 2 Storage H/W.
    You will need to configure a Quorum ASMDisk to store a Voting Disk.
    Because if you lose 1/2 or more of all of your voting disks, then nodes get evicted from the cluster, or nodes kick themselves out of the cluster.
    You must have the odd number of voting disk (i.e 1,3 or 5)  one voting disk per ASM DISK, So 1 Storage will hold more voting disk than another storage.
    (e.g 3 Voting Disk - 2 voting stored in stg-A and 1 voting disk store in stg-B)
    If fail the storage that hold the major number of  Voting disk the whole cluster (all nodes) goes down. Does not matter if you have a other storage online.
    It will happen:
    You must configure your Clusterware same as RAC extended
    Check this link:
    Explaining: How to store OCR, Voting disks and ASM SPFILE on ASM Diskgroup (RAC or RAC Extended) | Levi Pereira | Oracl…

  • Confusion with OCFS2 File system for OCR and Voting disk RHEL 5, Oracle11g,

    Dear all,
    I am in the process of installing Oracle 11g 3 Node RAC database
    The environment on which i have to do this implementation is as follows:
    Oracle 11g.
    Red Hat Linux 5 x86
    Oracle Clusterware
    EMC Storage
    250 Gb of Storage drive.
    As of now i am in the process of installing Oracle Clusterware on the 3 nodes.
    I have performed these tasks for the cluster installs.
    1. Configure Kernel Parameters
    2. Configure User Limits
    3. Modify the /etc/pam.d/login file
    4. Configure Operating System Users and Groups for Oracle Clusterware
    5. Configure Oracle Clusterware Owner Environment
    6. Install CVUQDISK rpm package
    7. Configure the Hosts file
    8. Verify the Network Setup
    9. Configure the SSH on all Cluster Nodes (User Equivalence)
    9. Enable the SSH on all Cluster Nodes (User Equivalence)
    10. Install Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2)
    11.Verify the Installation of Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2)
    12. Configure the OCFS2 (/etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf)
    13. Configure the O2CB Cluster Stack for OCFS2
    BUT, here after i am a little bit confused on how to proceed further. The next step is to Format the disk and mount the OCFS2, Create Software Directories... so and so forth.
    I asked my system admin to provide me two partitions so that i could format them with OCFS2 file system.
    He wrote back to me saying.
    *"Is what you want before I do it??*
    */dev/emcpowera1 is 3GB and formatted OCFS2.*
    */dev/emcpowera2 is 3GB and formatted OCFS2.*
    *Are those big enough for you? If not, I can re-size and re-format them*
    *before I mount them on the servers.*
    *the SAN is shared storage. /dev/emcpowera is one of three LUNs on*
    *the shared storage, and it's 214GB. Right now there are only two*
    *partitions on it- the ones I listed below. I can repartition the LUN any*
    *way you want it.*
    *Where do you want these mounted at:*
    *I was thinking if this mounting techique would work like so:*
    *emcpowera1: /u01/shared_config/OCR_config*
    *emcpowera2: /u01/shared_config/voting_disk*
    *Let me know how you'd like them mounted."*
    Please recommend me what i should convey to him so that i can ask him to the exact same thing.
    My second question is, as we are using ASM, for which i am gonna configure ASM after clusterware installation, should i install Openfiler??
    Pls refer the enviroment information i provided above and make recommendations.
    As of now i am using Jeffery Hunters guide to install the entire setup. You think the entire install guide goes well with my enviroment??
    Kind regards

    Thanks for ur reply Mufalani,
    You have managed to solve half part of my query. But still i am stuck with what kind of mount point i should ask the system admin to create for OCR and Voting disk. Should i go with the mount point he is mentioning??
    Let me put forth few more questions here.
    1. Is 280 MB ok for OCR and voting disks respectively??
    2. Should i ask the system admin to create 4 voting disk mount points and two for ocr??
    3. As mentioned by the system admin.
    Is this ok for creating the ocr and voting disks?
    4. Can i use OCFS2 file system for formating the disk instead of using them as RAW device!!?
    5. As u mentioned that Openfiler is not needed for Configuring ASM... Could you provide me the links which will guide me to create partition disks, voting disks and ocr disks!! I could not locate them on the doc or else were. I did find a couple of them, but was unable to identify a suitable one for my envoirement.

  • About OCR and Vote Disk size

    I have a simple question about OCR and Vote Disk in a 10g/11g RAC setup:
    official documentation speaks about sizing OCR and Vote Disk about 280 MB, but do they mean each OCR and Vote disk LUN ?
    In other words, for 2 OCR and 3 Vote disk I need 280*5 MB ( in multiple o single LUN)
    Is it so?
    thx in advance

    ottocolori wrote:
    I have a simple question about OCR and Vote Disk in a 10g/11g RAC setup:
    official documentation speaks about sizing OCR and Vote Disk about 280 MB, but do they mean each OCR and Vote disk LUN ?
    In other words, for 2 OCR and 3 Vote disk I need 280*5 MB ( in multiple o single LUN)
    Is it so?
    thx in advanceYes. Also see Re: Reduce size of OCR file

  • Move OCR and Vote Disk to a new SAN

    Can you guys help me with some links/documents for moving OCR and Vote disk files from old SAN to new SAN.
    Both SAN will have ocfs2 formatted 3 partitions on which ocr and votedisk will be placed (normal redundancy).
    Oracle version 11g R2,
    OS linux 5.5
    RAC nodes : 2
    Datafiles on ASM
    OCR/Votedisk on ocfs2

    user7443016 wrote:
    Thanks for the reply, but all the examples were showing either ocfs2 to ASM or raw to ocfs2. could you just point out the high level steps for moving 3 ocr & votedisk files from one san to another(ocfs to ocfs).
    Hi Ajay,
    Steps will be same . It doesnt matter whether it is raw to ocfs2 or ocfs to ocfs.
    There will be change only how do you assign storage for OCR/voting disk.
    I have another doubt that, i already have 3 ocr files, can i add more ocr files pointing to another mount point? the same goes with votedisk.
    You can use replace option so there is no need to add 4th OCR disk.
    i found steps in one of the website: i have few doubts in it, could any one clarify it...All the steps seems to be fine.
    Moving OCR
    1) create mount point(new san - /u05) in all nodes
    2) precreate ocr files in new mount points (i am not sure how to do it? is it just touch and filename, its a ocfs2 file system)on ocfs you need to create file as below :
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/ocfs/OCR/ocrnew.dbf bs=1M count=128
    Also I would suggest to have a look at :
    'ocrconfig -replace ocr' Fails With PROT-16 [ID 444757.1]
    RAC Assurance Support Team: RAC Starter Kit and Best Practices (Linux) [ID 811306.1]

  • Ocr and mirror ocr files

    hi gurus,
    what is the difference between ocr actual file and ocr mirror file. as i know ocr mirror is nothing but ocr copy. is there any much difference b/w these files.
    but while recovering ocr file can we use ocr mirror file.

    what is the difference between ocr actual file and ocr mirror file. as i know ocr mirror is nothing but ocr copy. is there any much difference b/w these files.yes it is a mirror copy of ocr disk. no difference.
    you can check it by command ---- ocrcheck
    in 10gR1 only one ocr disk
    in 10gR2 one ocr and one ocr mirror disk(optional also recommended by oracle)
    in 11gR1 onwards, one ocr and five ocr mirror disk(optional)
    but while recovering ocr file can we use ocr mirror file.yes
    Administering Oracle Clusterware Components

  • OCR and Voting Disk partition

    Dear all
    I uninstall clusterware. And i want to install again that but when i made partition in windows 2003 then CVU fail the stage command.
    I did the following things..
    1) diskpart --->select Disk 1----> clean -->exit (both the nodes)
    2) diskpart -->automount enable--->exit ---> restart (both the nodes)
    3) Then i make four partition in one node. And see after restart node 2 have that partition with drive letter. I remove all the drive letter.
    But CVU stage command failed. And if i run clusterware then it can get partition which has not previous OCR and voting. I think previous OCR and Voting disk could not clean.
    Could u pls tell me how can i get solution.

    Check Metalink for this problem area ! Raise TAR

  • OCR and Voting Disk Migration to new media

    We need to move OCR,voting disk and ASM from one storage media to another .I think ASM related files are very easy to move/re map but how OCR and Voting Disk files will be migrated to the new storage media?

    when you said:
    "Move Voting Disk : run as root.
    crsctl query css votedisk
    crsctl add css votedisk new_backup_san_device
    crsctl query css votedisk - Make sure the new device is added
    crsctl delete css votedisk current_san_device_to_be_encrypted
    crsctl query css votedisk - Make sure that the old one is removed "
    I supose the new_backup_san_device could be a raw device??
    In my system I have a 2 nodes cluster, oracle 10gR2, RAC and ASM
    the ocr and voting disk are stored in /dev/raw/raw1 and /dev/raw/raw2
    thoses 2 raw devices are mapped with LUNS in the first storade media.
    We are about to change it..
    So what must I do at this step? What are the logical steps I must done?
    add the new LUNS in the nodes and map it as raw devices?
    I have this at the moment:
    crw-r----- 1 root oinstall 162, 1 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw1
    crw-r----- 1 root oinstall 162, 2 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw2
    crw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 162, 3 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw3
    in the case of migration, I must add 3 new row devices?
    as this?
    crw-r----- 1 root oinstall 162, 1 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw1
    crw-r----- 1 root oinstall 162, 2 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw2
    crw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 162, 3 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw3
    crw-r----- 1 root oinstall 162, 1 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw4
    crw-r----- 1 root oinstall 162, 2 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw5
    crw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 162, 3 Feb 8 17:33 /dev/raw/raw6
    That's it?
    Thanks to help

  • OCR and Voting Disk Mirror

    We have oracle RAC database. Now we are planning to mirror the OCR and Voting disk. Currently we are using SAN mirror copy. SAN admin assures that we don't need mirror copy as it is being mirrored at the disk level. Can any one please suggest me if we need any mirror copy of these. If so what advantages I get from the regular SAN copy.

    You use SAN or High Availability Storage + RAID. You don't need to mirror OCR/VOTING .
    Anyway , If you can do it... Mirror OCR + Multi VOTING... , that's good thing oracle recommend.
    By the way, If you can not mirror OCR + multi VOTE on 10g, You should backup VOTE File ("dd" linux command) after setup completed/add node/delete node.
    And Check OCR file automatic backup:
    $ ocrconfig -showbackup

  • OCR and votingdisk

    I believe that voting disk and CRS has to be raw devices..
    can we create OCR and votingdisk in directories.
    in RAC ?
    check here
    db1:/oradata/d01/CRS$ crsctl query css votedisk
    0. 0 /oradata/d01/CRS/VOTE
    1. 0 /oradata/d01/CRS/VOTE
    2. 0 /oradata/d01/CRS/VOTE
    located 3 votedisk(s).
    is the name of the voting disk.. where they've created this disk in the directory ccbs/oradata/u01/CRS
    am wondering how ?
    this is in solaris ?
    any idea ?
    I cannot find any symbolic links here als
    Please guide

    Hai Ashok,
    Yes we are using OCFS only... thanks for the info... I understand that if you are not formatting with OCFS, (ie.ASM) then you have to use OCR and VOTE DISK as raw device only right ?..If using OCFS,we can have OCR and votedisk in directories.. can u refer me some links to understand this RAC concepts well ?
    Hai Chandra,
    Thanks for the reply. yes they are OCR and voting disk only and they are updated every minute. yes.. crsctl query css votedisk displays the output and I understand by this command what are the configured voting disk that we have...is there any command to check the OCR like this ?..in Otherwords I want to display all the configured and mirrired ocr's.. any commands to display that ??
    thanks for helping pal s

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