OEE Report Multi Site User Validation

The OEE Report allows a site to be selected.
Are there plans to implement a config so we can restrick which sites a user can select?

Obviously no. I don't have insider information, but I found out the report is still the same in SAP ME 6.0. Every UME user with roles SAP_XMII_Read_Only and Role_SAPMEINT or any other SAP_XMII_* role is allowed to execute the report and select all existing sites.

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  • Simplifying printers for multi-site users

    Windows 2008 R2
    Windows 7 Enterprise
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    Any ideas?

    Have you considered Group Policy Preferences - Printers ?
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

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    In the Report Builder, create two user parameters, and set the parameter name, datatype, width, and default values to what you want. Modify the query and put in a where clause (e.g., where deptno = :p_deptno). When you request the report with PARAMFORM=YES on the URL, it'll generate a default parameter form in HTML and allow the user to enter in the selected parameter values. Also set DESTYPE=CACHE&DESFORMAT=PDF on the URL to get the output back as PDF.
    If you upgrade to Reports 6i, you can customize the default HTML parameter form.
    The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    Edited by: Sandeep Saini | Roorkee | India on Jan 10, 2011 6:58 PM

    Hi Sandeep,
    I was not visiting site for quiet some time due to project schedules.
    Here is a trick to make Dashboard secured.
    Keep an object covering the whole canvas/page of dashboard with required transparency %.  On that keep a UserName and/or password field to validate. Once validated make the object covering the data invisible.
    This is a successful method which has been in practice already.  Revert in case you need more clarification.

  • How to Block Account member in input reporting for some users?

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    thank you in advance
    Ignacio Vazquez

    I would think you could do one of the following:
    Either set account as a secured dimension.  You would then define security profiles for all account groups and assign those to your users / teams as appropriate.  Would take a while to setup initially, but if your users don't change that much it shouldn't be too difficult to manage once it's done.
    Setup different input templates that only showed the accounts you wanted each group of users to see.  Put the templates in different site folders and assign access to those sites as required.  users would then only have access to open the template applicable to them.  Would require that you basically make duplicate copies or your current template, modify and save to different site folders which could become a pain if the template requires changes (since you would now have to make the same change multiple times).
    Setup a macro in the current template so that you need to enter a password to unlock the send commands for the respective accounts.  I don't know if it can be setup to support multiple passwords - assuming it can, password 1 would unlock all accounts, password 2 would only unlock CASH accounts, password 3 would only unlock LIABILITY accounts, etc.  You then distribute the passwords to the users as appropriate.
    Hope that helps.

  • Exchange 2013 Multi Site Not SR/HA

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    You can't create a second organization when the domain is in the same forest, so you shouldn't have done that.
    You're saying that SMTP messages are stuck in the queue?  That can be caused by any number of problems, but my experience is that it is most likely one of the following.  Look at the SMTP queue and see if any error code is listed, and post that
    1. In the main site, the site to which the messages are being sent, someone has modified the Default receive connector(s) in a way that the Exchange server can't connect.  The most likely issues would be modifying the PermissionGroups or RemoteIPRanges
    properties.  Best practice is to not modify the Default receive connector (except maybe to add AnonymousUsers to the PermissionGroups to allow inbound mail), and instead create a new connector for the special purpose with the connection limitations supplied.
    2. You have a firewall or relay device between the servers that's "helping" your SMTP connections (Cisco PIX firewalls are notorious for this, disable "SMTP Fixup") or breaking authentication.  The servers must be able to connect on port 25 without
    any molestation of the transactions.
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

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    I am not seeing this problem currently with that URL. Firefox refreshes the site list from Google quite frequently. You can check for new files in the following folder and if they are not getting refreshed, I suppose you could try deleting them.
    Note that this is under the Local branch (location of cache) and not the Roaming branch (location of preferences, extensions, etc.)

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    Hi Adam
    Can you send us a bug report so we can get more details on your setup?:
    David Alcala
    Dreamweaver QE

  • SQL Server 2012 Multi-Site clustering with 2 nodes for HA and DR

    Usually we setup 2 Node Prod cluster for Local HA and 1 or 2 Nodes in other data centre for DR
    Given that we have an option to setup multi-site / multi-subnet clustering from SQL 2008 R2/2012. I am planning to use just 2 nodes, 1 in prod data centre and 1 in DR data centre with 2 or 3 instances. This will act as both HA and DR solution.
    I would like to know if this solution is good, and any disadvantages, any best practices, etc.? By implementing this I can save some cost on physical servers.
    Following will be configured:
    * Will be using different subnets, quorum on different server with "Node and File Share Majority"
    * All virtual IPs will be registered for virtual name, and Subnetdelay, Subnet threshold will be modified accordingly
    * All nodes on same domain
    * Use SAN Disk with replication to DR site

    SQL 2008 R2 doesn't support multi-subnet clustering. You would still need 3rd party component like VLAN and Disk Replication. SQL 2012 is the first version to support multi-subnet clustering without using VLAN. you would still need disk replication hardware/software.
    Taken from my book
    Since nodes are often located in two different data centers at geographically dispersed locations, there is no shared storage between the nodes in a multi-site cluster. Clustering across two different data centers provides a higher level of availability and
    protection at the storage level as we have more than a single copy of the data.
    For SAN replication technology implemented in such clusters, the main activity is to keep data replicated between the sites. Typically, if we have nodes on two different sites, we would have two different network infrastructures and the nodes would be in
    different subnets. In such cases, if we are on a SQL Server version before 2012, we need to use third party VLAN (Virtual LAN) technology so that one IP address travels between two sites. This is called wide-IP. Companies hesitate with this solution because
    of the need to buy a third party solution to deploy the VLAN. Using VLAN technology means the same IP address would failover to the remote site in case of a local site disaster. Network administration might consider this as an overhead to maintenance and an
    extra piece of the networking component that needs to be secure.
    With SQL Server 2012 we do not need to use stretch VLAN technology but SAN replication is still needed for multi-site clustering. The OS version for this can be from Windows Server 2008 R2 and above. In this deployment, we can have a SQL virtual network
    name having an “OR” dependency on two different IP addresses. One address would be representing each subnet. With the “OR” dependency, if IP1 or IP2 is online we just use the network name. This is one of the Enterprise Editions only features.
    Other option which you can think of, without using 3rd party solutions would be AlwaysOn Availability Group. I have written details about it in my book.
    Balmukund Lakhani | Please mark solved if I've answered your question, vote for it as helpful to help other users find a solution quicker
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
    My Blog |
    Team Blog | @Twitter
    Author: SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn -
    Paperback, Kindle

  • Scheduling of Crystal report or allowing user to refresh

    I am the only person in my organization that has Crystal Reports. Normally I just develop and run the reports for my users. I have a report I have developed that one of my users needs to be able to refresh and update the parameters. I am trying to come up with the simplest, least expensive way to make this possible. It is my understanding that Crystal Reports Viewer will only let him look at the report, not refresh it, unless I have Crystal Reports server. I saw some other products on the Internet that say they would provide the capability I need, but are pretty expensive. The only other option I can think of is getting his own copy of Crystal, save my report definition onto a folder on our server, and just let him run it with his own desktop copy of Crystal.  Anyone have any better ideas?  Thanks.

    Please re-post if this is still an issue to the Business Objects Forum or if you have a valid support contract create a case on line.
    You can set the option for the users not to be able to hit the refresh button or export to any format will also not give them the option to refresh

  • Windows 2008 R2 Multi-Site (geo) Cluster File Server

    We need to come up with a new HA file server (user drive data) solution complete with DR. It needs to be 2008 R2, cater for about 25TB of data, and be suitable for 500 users (nothing high end on I/O). I don't want to rely on DFS for any form of resilience
    due to its limitations for open files. We have two active-active data centers (a third can be used for file share quorum).
    We could entertain:
    Site1 - 2 x HP ProLiants with MSA storage, replicating with something like DoubleTake to a third HP Proliant at site 2 for DR.
    Site1 - 2 x HP ProLiants with local storage and VSA or HP StoreVirtual array (aka LeftHand), using SAN replication to site 2 where we could have a one or two node config of the same setup.
    Ideally I would like all 3/4 nodes in these configurations to be part of the same multi-site cluster to ensure resources like file shares are in sync. With two pieces of storage across this single cluster (either a DoubleTake or SAN replication to local
    disks in DR) will this work? How will the cluster/SAN fail over the storage?
    We do have VMWare 5.0/1 (not 5.5 yet). We don't have Hyper-V yet either. Any thoughts on the above, and possible alternatives welcome. HA failover RTO we'd like in seconds. DR longer, perhaps 30 mins.
    Thanks in advance for any thoughts and guidance.

    For automated failover between sites, the storage replication needs to have a way to script the failover so you can have a custom resource that performs the failover at the SAN level before the disks come online. 
    DoubleTake has GeoCluster which should accomplish this. I'm not sure about how automated Lefthand's solution is for multi-site clusters.
    VMware has Site Recovery Manager, though this is really an assisted failover and not really an automatic site failover solution. It's automated so that you can failover between sites at the push of a button, but this would need to be a planned failover.
    RTO of seconds might be difficult to accomplish as you need to give the storage replication enough time to reverse direction while giving the MS cluster enough time to bring cluster applications online. 
    When planning your multi-site cluster, I'd recommend going with 2 nodes on each site and then use the file share witness quorum on your 3rd site. If you only had one node on the remote site, the primary site would never be able to failover to the remote
    site without manually overriding the quorum as 1 node isn't enough to gain enough votes for quorum. With 2 nodes on each site and a FSW, each site has the opportunity to gain enough votes to maintain quorum should one of the sites go down.
    Hope this helps.
    Visit my blog about multi-site clustering

  • What is Profile realm in multi site

    Hi All,
       What is a realm mean in ATG??? What is the role of Profile realm in Multi site?? I have gone through the ATG docs, but i was not able to understand the exact meaning.
    A profile can be associated to a site using profile realm. what does it mean.

    From Oracle ATG Web Commerce - Profile Realms, it looks Profile Realms allow you to have a single account for multiple sites or allow you to have an account for a grouping of sites, but not another.
    For instance, if you have 3 sites (Electronics Site, Clothes Site, and Kitchenware Site), you can create a Profile Realm named Home Goods Realm that has Electronics Site and Kitchenware Site and a Profile Realm called Clothing Realm containing Clothes Site. If a user creates an account on the Electronics site, the account will allow you to log in on the Kitchenware Site but not the Clothes Site because the Kitchenware site is in the same realm and the Clothes Site is not. To sign in on the Clothes Site, you would have to create an account on a site within that realm.

  • Regarding OEE Report

    Dear PP experts,
               I am facing problem in OEE report,actually in that OEE report i am getting same actual hrs for all different types of materials.Please find the below scenario.
    Total working available hr 11.20hr
    Date               Shift     machine       material     actual working hr    breakdown hr
    28/04/2015                    A 100          A                7.20                     4
    28/04/2015      Day        A100          B                 7.20                     4
    28/04/2015                    A100          C                 7.20                     4
    Presently i am getting report like that,but it is wrong.
    I need report as explained below
    Date               Shift             machine         Material        Actual working hr      breakdown hr
    28/04/2015                            A100                 A               2.20                         4
    28/04/2015       Day               A100                 B               3.00                         0
    28/04/2015                           A100                 C               2.00                         0
       In above report for for all 3 materials taking same time and breakdown time.
          So kindly help me for resolving the isuue..

    Dear Amit,
         In this report actual working hr will be taking from work center capacity.In this report end user will enter breakdown time manually.As per break down time actual hr will be calculated.
    For example:
       Work center capacity is 11.20hr.This is the shift available hr also.
    If we enter machine down time 2hr,then actual hr will be calculated as 9.20hr..If machine runs only 3hr for making product A.
    If we enter machine down time as 0hr then actual hr will be calculated as 11.20hr.If machine runs only 1hr for making product B.
    If we enter machine down time as 1hr then actual hr will be calculated as 10.20hr.If machine runs only 4.20hr for making product C.
      So that we are getting wrong calculation.So we need as explained below
    If we enter machine down time for A product as 2 hr then actual hr should be 3hr
    if we enter machine down time for B product as 0hr then actual  hr should be 1hr
    If we enter machine down time for c product as 1hr then actual hr should be  4.20hr
        So this is the scenario of the report.

  • Directaccess and Multi-Site

    Hello everyone,
    I'm having an issue with my Directaccess implementation, allow me to give you a brief description of my DA infrastructure.
    Originally I had a single DirectAccess server working properly, and configure for my Windows 7 users. That single server works perfectly. We decided to enable multi-site, and here's what's going on with this configuration.
    SITE 1 - which includes my working DA server, it allows my Windows 7 & 8 clients to connect properly.
    SITE 2 - which includes my new DA server, it's configured to allow only Windows 8 clients to connect, this one isn't working properly.
    Problem: My test client, a Windows 8 Enterprise laptop, connects automatically to SITE 1 (I have access to all intranet resources), then I manually change sites to SITE 2 and here's when things break.
    When I run get-DaConnectionStatus, I get NameResolutionFailure response. I'm unable to access any intranet resources.
    One thing I noticed on the SITE 2 DA server Remote Client Status console, the client's device name shows up, but the authenticated username isn't showing there. The authenticated username does show up when I switch back to SITE 1 server.
    I read several messages posted here, but those don't seem to apply to the issue I'm having.
    I ran the 
    Any suggestions on how to go about this?
    P.S. if it's of any help, I can upload the DAClient Troubleshooter logs that I have.

    Okay, I've done more research and it looks like the issue with SITE 2 DA server is that is not resolving IPs. (This issue isn't present on the DA server for SITE 1)
    From SITE 2 DA server, I'm able to ping intranet servers using their IPv6 address, but not their names.

  • Site user info

    Hi Experts,
    I want to learn the training material file that explaining about the site user, settings and configuration in B1 8.8. I know that the site user is not available in previous version. Please advice where to download the document.  Thx.

    As far as I know the site user definition is explained in the administration module delta training document. Here is the link to download it:
    you must have valid S-id, password and authorisation to download it.

Maybe you are looking for