Open Modal Dialog on Page Load of MOSS 2010

Hi All
We are trying to open modal dialog when home page opens on Sharepoint portal 2010
We followed these steps:
1. Created Page
2. Created HTML Form Editor web part
3. Added following code to its source
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function HideNewIcons(){
  var options=SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();
options.height = 400;void(SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options))
4. Neither ALERT nor MODAL DIALOG appear.
We are on MOSS 2012. I checked the net and found there might be some issues in 2010. However, it works best on 2007
Is there any other solution?

Hi ,
I understand that you want to open a modal dialog on page load in SharePoint 2010. The code Ashish provided works great. But you need to put the code on the page directly by editing the page in SharePoint designer(When putting the code in Content Editor
Web Part ,the modal dialog doesn’t pop up correctly).
Edit the page in SharePoint designer in Advanced Mode.
Browse to the bottom of the code view .
Add the code before the </asp:Content> tab.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(yourFunction, 'SP.js');
        function yourFunction() {
            var options = { url:
'/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx', title: 'Title, Description, and Icon', width: 640, height: 400 };
Entan Ming
Entan Ming
TechNet Community Support

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  • Error while opening modal (skillbuilder plugin)  page on page load

    Hi all,
    I'm using 4.2.1. ( on 11GR2 ), theme 25.
    Skillbuilder Modal page plugin v2
    Modal pages are working great, on all kinds of events, but if I try to open one via a D.A. on page load it fails with "Uncaught TypeError: Object load has no method 'stopImmediatePropagation' " error (in the browser console).
    just found that this error is caused by the "cancel event" DA action which should be fired after the open modal dialog action. If I ommit this cancel event the modal page is not loaded but also no error is shown.
    Any ideas on how to fix this? In the end I just want to open a modal window after the page is loaded depending on the value of an item set when loading the page ( the branch sets an item value to indicate that the modal window should be opend ).
    Edited by: Bas de Klerk on 11-apr-2013 7:43

    Narrowed it down to change in behaviour between APEX 4.1 and APEX 4.2
    Page source for both versions is alsmost similar, besides the different APEX js libraries being loaded, so probably the source of the problem is somehow in there.
    Apex 4.1 generates code below :
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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    </html>Apex 4.2 on same server etc, after upgrade generates code below :
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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    <script type="text/javascript">
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    <link rel="stylesheet" href="#PLUGIN_PREFIX#plugins/modal-page/server/TEST.css" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_plugin_id=34423998056404065675&p_security_group_id=4874907161072557&p_file_name=jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script>
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    apex.jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    </html>Any suggestions why this plugin does not load on page load in 4.2 would be great ( a fix would be even better :) ).

  • Clicking a frame in the taskbar that has an open modal dialog

    hi guys,
    ive written a small application which openes several dialogs. since i need to pass it to less experienced users who dont know how to use alt+tab (on windows) i have a question:
    if there is an open modal dialog with my frame as owner and it isnt activated / on top of the screen a click onto the taskbar icon (the frame) should bring up the dialog with the frame in the background.
    testing this results in a behaviour i didnt expect - not the modal dialog with the frame in the background pops up but the frame without showing up the dialog.
    since dialogs dont get an entry in the taskbar the 0815-user doesnt know how to get back the dialog. and even worse - he cant do anything anymore (modal dialog..).
    how can i fix that problem?
    thanks in advance

    got the problem
    i added the owner of the dialog - but in a different class ;)
    my test case was still null

  • Find already opened modal dialog

    Dear Friends,
    I have opened the modal dialog through some action. But in my application
    there is a chance for opening Modal dialog from other thread (due to some notification from server). Is there any way to check programatically, whether the modal dialog is already opened or not. If any one knows please help me, It is very urgent.

    what about this:
    public class MyMessageShower
      private static boolean isShowing = false;
      public static void showErrorMessage ()
        isShowing = true;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (...);
        isShowing = false;
      public static boolean isShowing ()
        return isShowing;

  • CR 2008 SP2 - Slow to open Print Dialog or Page Setup Dialog (And SP3+)

    When I am designing my report in CR 2008 SP2 and select either Page Setup or Print from the File menu, Crystal Reports stops responding for about 5 minutes and then the dialog box will open.  I created a blank report and did not add anything to it and this continues to happen.  The program operates at normal speed otherwise.  It is quick to startup and load reports. Any ideas on why this is so slow?
    Update:  I have also tried checking the box in page setup that says No Printer but the problem persists.
    Update 2:  I have updated from SP2 -> SP3 -> FP 3.1 -> FP 3.2 -> FP 3.3, and after each upgrade I tried both Print and Page Setup and it continued to exhibit the same slowness as in SP2.

    Hi Ashwini,
    I just completed updating my OS and I am still experiencing the behavior.  I have applied every update available through Windows Update.  I just reformatted my computer two days ago so this is a pretty fresh install.
    This problem existed before my reformat as well however.  A few months ago, Crystal did not have this slow issue when opening either Print or Page Setup dialogs.  About a month ago these two dialog boxes just became very slow.  I hoped reformatting would get rid of this issue but it persists.  I also experience this slowness on a different computer that I am using.
    One idea I just tried is to shutdown the Print Spooler service in Windows.  The print dialog won't open at all but it does quickly tell me Warning: No Printer is installed on this system.  The Page Setup dialog on the other hand opens immediately, however, the Printer Options group box is totally greyed out.  This "fix" is of course no good to me since I cannot print, but perhaps it narrows down the issue to something regarding printing and/or printers?

  • Open File Dialog - JSP pages

    If I create a jsp page with an open file dialog will it work no matter what OS people are running? What I want to do is attach a file. It would be preferrable if I could set a "working" directory and when I open up the dialog it starts in that directory. It has to work with Windows, Macs, and Linux . If there is no way to set the "working" directory, can a cookie be created that remembers the last directory accessed from the page so that when they open up the dialog it opens up under the last directory accessed?

    there is a html input type that sparks up the OS native filechooser. Thus, it should be platform independent. You should look into Apache Commons FileUpload, as it makes the process of uploading/sending files ridiculously easy.

  • Open Modal Dialog in Photoshop (Mac)

    I can't seem to open a modal dialog in Photoshop on the Mac with the CS SDK. The code works fine in InDesign. In Photoshop, the modality is there (the application responds to mouse clicks with a bell) but the window is not visible. Here is my mx:WindowedApplication:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
                   import com.adobe.csxs.types.CSXSWindowType;
                   import mx.core.Window;
                   protected function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void
                        var w:Window = new TestDialog();
                        if (w) {
                             w.type = CSXSWindowType.MODAL_DIALOG;
                             w.resizable = false;
         <mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="Open Popup" click="onClick(event)"/>
    The Window itself is more or less copied from the "MakeSideHeads" sample project:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Window xmlns:mx=""
                   private function myCloseWindow():void{
         <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" id="TestPanel" backgroundColor="#D2D2D2">
              <mx:VBox verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center" height="100%" width="100%">
                   <mx:HBox height ="90%" width="100%">
                        <mx:Text width="100%" height="100%" text="Some Text"/>
                   <mx:HBox  height = "10%" horizontalAlign="center">
                        <mx:Button id="CloseButton" label="Close" click="myCloseWindow()" />
    This seems like quite a significant bug. Or am I missing something?

    I've tested this one and it works.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <csxs:CSXSWindowedApplication xmlns:csxs="com.adobe.csxs.core.*"
                   import com.adobe.csxs.types.CSXSWindowType;
                   import mx.core.Window;
                   import ModalDialog;
                   public function showModal():void
                        var window:Window = new ModalDialog;
                        window.type = CSXSWindowType.MODAL_DIALOG;
                        window.resizable = false;
              <mx:Button label="Display Modal Dialog" click="showModal()"/>          
    The following is the ModalDialog.mxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         title="Modal Dialog"
                   private function onCreationComplete():void
                        //Center the window on the screen
                        var screenBounds:Rectangle = Screen.mainScreen.bounds;
                        nativeWindow.x = (screenBounds.width - nativeWindow.width) / 2;
                        nativeWindow.y = (screenBounds.height - nativeWindow.height) / 2;
         <mx:VBox verticalAlign="middle" textAlign="center" horizontalAlign="center">
              <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center">
                   <mx:Label text = "This is an example of a modal dialog box."/>
              <mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center">
                   <mx:Button label = "Close" click="close()"/>

  • Problem with accordion widget flashing open and shut when page loads

    why is it that my accordion widget flashes open and shut when the page is loading (see Ehx7JyII)  have tried everything to solve this, and Adobes customer service is terrible they don't get back to you when they say they will.
    Please help me someone,

    Thank you Zak for your help, I spent 5 hours going round in circles trying to fix that problem and that's all I needed to hear, a bit of honesty and integrity.and yes, Adobes terrible customer service has still not got back to after promising 2 level technical support to contact me last Monday, I wish there'd keep their promise
    Pamela, did you try my test website or my own website and if so my own has now no accordion widget on it and my test website may need you to try loading a few times to see if it really works or not, sometimes it does actually work even on a pc but most times not.
    thanks for you help too.

  • How can I open links on a page loaded with Firefox in my default browser (Mac Safari) instead of Firefox?

    I don't want Firefox to be my default browser, but I do want to use it for certain things. When I do use it, if there's a link on a web page, it doesn't respect my default browser selection which is Safari (Mac). It always opens the link in Firefox. This makes me not want to use it at all. Can I fix this?

    See here

  • Every time I open safari my home page load and than it closes.

    Just got my macbook today. When i got it everything worked fine. Than i put in the two disks that came with it and after downloading everything on it this problem arised. When i open safari it stays open for about 3 seconds than safari closes on me. My ichat works and i can check my mail but i can't open safari. If anyone has had this problem or can just give me advice i will be very grateful. Thanks.

    Let's test to see if your issue is user specific or system wide.
    If you do not have one already, create a new user account by going to System Preferences > Accounts, click the lock and enter your password to unlock it, then click the "+" button. Enter the required information and then click "Create Account". Now log out of your usual account, then log in to the new one. Are you able to open Safari here?
    Let us know, we'll keep helping you.
    Best of luck.

  • Spry Accordion - Tabs open and then close after page loads

    I am using a Spry Accordion menu driven from a database.
    The menu opens up during the page load and then closes.
    I'm using SpryAccordion.js 1.6.1
    And to open a preset tab, I'm using:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1",{useFixedPanelHeights:false, enableAnimation: false, defaultPanel: 0 });
    But, all of the tabs open and then close on page load.
    My page:
    Any fix for this??
    Thanks, Ron

    Well to both thanks.  Actually I wasn't disappointed as I had a two part question...
    I tested the 1.6 JS and remembered that I had to modify the 1.4 so that tabs actually would link.  So I reverted back to 1.4.
    So, going to 1.6 fixed the open panel on load but "unfixed" the panel tab from linking.....
    So changing this in the 1.6 js fixed the link issue as well:
    Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.onPanelTabClick = function(e, panel)
        if (panel != this.currentPanel)
        if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
    //    if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
    //    else e.returnValue = false;
    //    if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
    //    else e.cancelBubble = true;
    I t appears everything is working........
    Thanks, Ron Gaddis
    Visual Reality Productions

  • ActiveX controls disappear when VI is loaded in a Sub-Panel with Start Modal Dialog usage

    I have a subpanel in a VI (VI1) in which another VI (VI2) is loaded. VI1 is used as a module for an Action step in TestStand. VI2 has ActiveX controls like ExpressionEdit and Adobe PDF reader etc. VI1 loads VI2 in a sub-panel and calls Start Modal I have set 'Show front panel when called' to true for VI1 so that the VI pops up when the sequence is run. When the sequence runs and when the Start Modal Dialog VI is called from VI1, all ActiveX controls in VI2 (loaded in the sub-panel) disappears. Here is the screenshot of the frontpanel of VI1 when the sequence is run:
    This problem occurs in TestStand 4.2.1, TestStand 2010 and TestStand 2010 SP1 (as far as I have tested. May occur in older versions too). In the attached file, VI1 is 'ExprEdit' and VI2 is ''. The attached sequence is developed in TestStand 2010 SP1.
    How can this issue be solved?
    Thank you,
    Ganesh Kumar
    Go to Solution.
    Subpanel Load ExpressionEdit ‏23 KB

    An update on this issue: I tried changing the order of loading the VI in the SubPanel and the start modal dialog. I called start modal dialog and then loaded the VI (VI2) in the SubPanel. When I ran the sequence, the activeX controls did not disappear (I was pretty sure that the ActiveX controls in VI2 would not disappear since I am calling Start Modal Dialog before loading the VI in the Subpanel). Then I just changed the sequence of operations back to the previous order (loading the Subpanel with the VI and then calling the Start Modal Dialog). When I ran the sequence, the activeX controls where still displayed. But when I ran the sequence with the VI1 backup (that I had taken before making all these modifications) the activeX controls were not displayed. I a nutshell, I now have 2 versions whose codes are the same. But when I run the sequence with action steps for these VIs, the activeX controls disappear when the unmodified backup VI runs and does not disappear when the modified VI is run. I have attached the files that I used along with the sequence file. The details are as follows:
    ExprEdit Test (Not Working).vi - The unmodified backup VI for which the ActiveX controls disappear.
    ExprEdit Test (Working).vi - The modified VIs in which the ActiveX Controls do not disappear (But same code as ExprEdit Test (Not Working).vi).
    ExpreEdit Test.seq - The sequence file containing 2 action steps one each for theabove mentioned VIs. - The VI that contains activeX controls and is loaded in the SubPanel.
    Note that the sequence is created in TestStand 4.2.1.
    Thank you,
    Ganesh Kumar
    Subpanel Load ExpressionEdit ‏36 KB

  • Blocking application input without a modal dialog

    Is it possible to block all input to a Swing application while still having the EDT running? I'd want the effect of opening a modal dialog without showing the dialog itself. This is required in order to wait for a SwingWorker thread to execute.
    The API documentation of SwingWorker.get() states that "When you want the SwingWorker to block on the Event Dispatch Thread we recommend that you use a modal dialog." However, I'm using a ProgressMonitor to monitor the progress of the worker which opens its own dialogs, so I don't want any other extra dialogs popping up. If the EDT simply waits for the worker, the ProgressMonitor dialog pops up but does not paint itself.
    I guess it might be possible to open an modal dialog that is invisible, but it probably can't be guaranteed to be invisible in all environments and not to show up in window lists.
    Is this possible using the normal API, or do I need to duplicate the functionality of ProgressMonitor using an always-open modal dialog (which would seem like quite a waste of code)?
    Also, is there any method that could be called at intervals and which would handle any pending EDT events? I've seen this in some other toolkits (for example GTK+), and it would simplify working in the EDT a lot.

    Thanks for the comments. Especially the page about the disabled glass pane summarized both methods well.
    However, my application may have sevelar application panes and dialogs open that modify the document. Disabling and re-enabling all of them manually would be quite a hassle. Unless somebody can give instructions on replicating the disabling effect of a modal dialog, I guess there are two possibilities left:
    1. Using a modal dialog that opens always, even for short tasks.
    2. Re-implementing the functionality of ProgressMonitor and blocking the EDT for the 0.5 - 1 seconds while it evaluates whether the task is long enough to open the dialog or not.

  • How to customize URL in modal dialog script?

    Hi All,
    I am using JSLink to open Modal dialog, want to customize the url by adding '&DefaultView=Email' to URL in script. How to do this in below script:
    (function () {
    // Create object that have the context information about the field that we want to change it output render
    var pictureFiledContext = {};
    pictureFiledContext.Templates = {};
    pictureFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
    //"Picture" is the column name.
    "Picture": { "View": pictureFiledTemplate }
    function pictureFiledTemplate(ctx) {
    var url= ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
    var itemID=ctx.CurrentItem.ID;
    var itemTitle=ctx.CurrentItem.Title;
    return "<img alt='"+url+"' src='"+url+"' complete='complete' onclick=\"openModalDialog('EditForm.aspx?ID="+itemID+"','"+itemTitle+"')\" />";
    function openModalDialog(url,title)
    var options = {
    title: "Item-"+title,
    width: 600,
    height: 600,
    url: url
    return false;
    Thanks in advance!

    You should be able to do it like this:
    function openModalDialog(url,title)
    var options = {
    title: "Item-"+title,
    width: 600,
    height: 600,
    url: url + "&DefaultView=Email"
    Brandon Atkinson

  • [JS] [CS3] UI Modal Dialog Layering

    I have a dialog with a list of objects, sort of object manager, with a typical New/Edit/Delete set of buttons. I'm showing this dialog modally. Now, the New/Edit buttons are supposed to open modal edit dialogs on top of this window. And they apparently do, but some kind of a bug or lack of knowledge on my side makes this work not exactly right. The problem is layering.
    Imagine this: I open a New/Edit dialog, then switch back to another application (which is something a user may do), and when I return back to my script, the editor is hidden behind the manager dialog, allowing me to click New/Edit buttons again.
    Thus, I was even able to open several instances of editor dialogs, until I finally I added code to prevent this. But still the interface problem remains: the editor dialog floats under the manager window - and this is contrary to the UI convention of modal dialogs.
    Is this something you guys are facing too? What am I doing wrong?
    I'm using this syntax to open modal dialogs:
    mywin = new Window ('dialog',...)

    You will probably need to force your windows to a specific location on the screen to prevent overlap.

Maybe you are looking for

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