Opening .doc files from Java

Ok, here's my problem.
I'm using Java to create an autorun program for a little thing I'm putting together.
One of the options should be "Read documentation" . However, to do that, I need to make my program open a Microsoft Word (.doc) document. What is the command/how can I do this? By open, I mean open the file in MS Word for viewing.

When you say "where filename is the path" do you mean
type in "\documentation\file.doc" or is it a variable?It's a variable in the example. It doesn't matter -- just as long as the resulting string passed to exec will contain the correct file name so the OS will see it.

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  • Open servlet file from java

    can i open servlet file from java

    do you mean linking to a servlet from java application?
    have you try this?
    URL toServlet = new URL("URLtoServlet");
    URLConnection servletConnection = toServlet.openConnection();

  • Opening .doc files from IFS

    I have a question about some functionality in the default web package with ifs. It is probably quite basic, but I am having difficulty with it. In the out of the box web ui, if I click on an uploaded .doc file, Microsoft Word gets loaded in my browser with the file openned.
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    The decision on which application the browser runs is taken by the browser based on information supplied in the HTTP response.
    Here's an updated version of the RenderContent method that gives you some degree of control over this process...
    // $Header$
    * Please complete these missing tags
    * @author
    * @rref
    * @copyright
    * @concurrency
    * @see
    import oracle.ifs.adk.http.HttpUtils;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Selector;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Format;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.lang.Class;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.ClassObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Document;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObjectDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Attribute;
    import oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.FolderPathResolver;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryService;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.common.CleartextCredential;
    import oracle.ifs.common.ConnectOptions;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class JspHelper extends Object
    public static final String ACTION = "Action";
    public static final String OPERATION = "Operation";
    public static final String POLICY = "Policy";
    public static final String MIMETYPE = "MimeType";
    public static final String OPEN = "Open";
    public static final String DOWNLOAD = "Download";
    public static final String RENDER = "Render";
    public static final String WEBLOGON = "/Login";
    public static final String USERNAME = "username";
    public static final String PASSWORD = "password";
    public static final String SERVICE = "service";
    public static final String SCHEMA_PASSWORD = "schemapassword";
    public static final String IFSHTTPLOGIN = "IfsHttpLogin";
    public static final String IFSWEBROOT = "/ifs/webui";
    public static final String IFSTIMEOUT_URL = "/html/timeout.html";
    private static String m_ServletPath = null;
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    private static final String OPEN_SAVEAS_DIALOG = "oracleifs/download";
    * Please complete the missing tags for JspHelper
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    private static Hashtable characterEncoding = new Hashtable();
    static {
    characterEncoding.put(" ","%20");
    private static String getServletPath()
    return m_ServletPath;
    public static String generateURL(Long id)
    // Creates an Encoded URL from a Docid
    String url = "";
    if (getServletPath() != null) {
    url = getServletPath();
    url = url + "/";
    url = url + (String) characterEncoding.get(":");
    url = url + id.toString();
    return url;
    public static String generateURL(String path)
    // Creates an Encoded URL from a Docid
    String url = "";
    if (getServletPath() != null) {
    url = getServletPath();
    if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
    url = url + "/";
    url = url + encodePath(path);
    return url;
    private static void setupServletPath(HttpServletRequest req)
    // If never initialized, get the servlet path and store
    // in the static
    if ( null == m_ServletPath )
    String contextPath = null;
    String servletPath = "";
    // Start with an empth string
    m_ServletPath = "";
    //let's figure out whether we're running under Servlet API 2.2
    //or an earlier version
    Class c = req.getClass();
    //getContextPath() is first defined in 2.2
    Method m = c.getMethod("getContextPath", null);
    contextPath = (String)m.invoke(req, null);
    catch (NoSuchMethodException e1)
    catch (InvocationTargetException e2)
    catch (IllegalAccessException e3)
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): contextPath = " + contextPath);
    servletPath = req.getServletPath();
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): servletPath = " + servletPath);
    if ( null != contextPath )
    m_ServletPath = contextPath;
    if ( null != servletPath )
    m_ServletPath += servletPath;
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): not first time through.");
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): m_ServletPath = " + m_ServletPath);
    private static String getReposPath( HttpServletRequest request )
    String result = null;
    String path = request.getParameter(DOCUMENT_PATH);
    if (null == path) {
    path = request.getParameter(ALTERNATIVE_PATH);
    return getReposPath(path);
    public static String getReposPath(String path)
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Initial Path = " + path);
    if (path != null) {
    if ( ( null != getServletPath() ) && path.startsWith(getServletPath())) {
    path = path.substring(getServletPath().length());
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Stripped Path = " + path);
    path = undoSubstitutions(path);
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Converted Path = " + path);
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.getReposPath(request) Final Path = " + path);
    return path;
    public static String encodePath(String path)
    // Substitute '%', then everything else
    path = replaceString(path,"%","%25");
    return doSubstitutions(path);
    public static String decodePath(String path)
    path = undoSubstitutions(path);
    return replaceString(path,"%25","%");
    public static String doSubstitutions(String path)
    String encodedPath = path;
    Enumeration keys = characterEncoding.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String source = (String) keys.nextElement();
    String target = (String) characterEncoding.get(source);
    encodedPath = replaceString(encodedPath,source,target);
    return encodedPath;
    public static String undoSubstitutions(String path)
    String encodedPath = path;
    Enumeration keys = characterEncoding.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String source = (String) keys.nextElement();
    String target = (String) characterEncoding.get(source);
    encodedPath = replaceString(encodedPath,target,source);
    return encodedPath;
    public static String getReposPath( HttpServletRequest request )
    return HttpUtils.getIfsPathFromJSPRedirect(request);
    public static String generateURL(HttpServletRequest request, Long id)
    return HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath(request,":" + id.toString());
    public static String generateURL(HttpServletRequest request, String path)
    return HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath(request,path);
    public JspHelper()
    IfsException.setVerboseMessage( true );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getArgumentAsString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String getArgumentAsString( Object arg )
    if( null == arg )
    return "";
    return arg.toString();
    * Please complete the missing tags for getArgumentAsString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String getArgumentAsString( String formatMask, Date arg )
    if( null == arg )
    return "";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( formatMask );
    return sdf.format( arg );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getSession
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibrarySession getSession( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getSession(request,response): Entering Method." );
    dumpServletParameters( request );
    // setupServletPath(request);
    LibrarySession ifsSession = null;
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession( true );
    if( null != httpSession )
    IfsHttpLogin ifsLogin = ( IfsHttpLogin ) httpSession.getValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN );
    if( ifsLogin != null )
    ifsSession = ifsLogin.getSession();
    if( null == ifsSession )
    // String timeoutPath = generateURL(request,getTimeOutURL());
    String timeoutPath = HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath( request, getTimeOutURL() );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getSession(request,response): Unable to get a valid Session = assuming Timeout problem. Redirecting to " + timeoutPath );
    response.sendRedirect( timeoutPath );
    catch( IOException ioe )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, ioe );
    return ifsSession;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getObject
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static PublicObject getObject( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    // Will return null and set a Redirect to the Timeout Page if the Sesssion
    // is null.
    String path = null;
    PublicObject po = null;
    LibrarySession ifsSession = getSession( request, response );
    if( null != ifsSession )
    // path = getReposPath(request);
    path = HttpUtils.getIfsPathFromJSPRedirect( request );
    if( path.charAt( 1 ) == ':' )
    Long docId = new Long( path.substring( 2 ) );
    po = ifsSession.getPublicObject( docId );
    FolderPathResolver fpr = new FolderPathResolver( ifsSession );
    po = fpr.findPublicObjectByPath( path );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getObject(request,response): Object is a " + po.getClassname() );
    po = po.getResolvedPublicObject();
    return po;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getExtendedAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getExtendedAttributeValues( LibraryObject lo, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    // Returns a Library Object Definition containing the Attribute Values for each
    // Extended Attribute which appears as a parameter in the request obvject.
    ClassObject co = lo.getClassObject();
    Attribute [] attributes = co.getExtendedClassAttributes();
    return getAttributeValues( attributes, request );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getEffectiveAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getEffectiveAttributeValues( LibraryObject lo, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    // Returns a Library Object Definition containing the Attribute Values for each
    // Extended Attribute which appears as a parameter in the request obvject.
    ClassObject co = lo.getClassObject();
    Attribute [] attributes = co.getEffectiveClassAttributes();
    return getAttributeValues( attributes, request );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getAttributeValues( Attribute [] attributes, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    LibraryObjectDefinition def = new LibraryObjectDefinition();
    if( attributes != null )
    for( int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ )
    AttributeValue av = getAttributeValue( attributes [ i ], request );
    if( av != null )
    def.setAttribute( av );
    return def;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getAttributeValue
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static AttributeValue getAttributeValue( Attribute attribute, HttpServl etRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = null;
    String name = attribute.getName();
    String newValue = request.getParameter( name );
    if( newValue != null )
    if( newValue.equals( "" ) )
    av = AttributeValue.newNullAttributeValue( attribute.getDataType() );
    av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    av.setName( name );
    return av;
    * Please complete the missing tags for downloadContent
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void downloadContent( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    boolean download = false;
    String action = request.getParameter( ACTION );
    if( action != null )
    if( action.equals( DOWNLOAD ) )
    download = true;
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): download = " + download );
    Document doc = ( Document ) JspHelper.getObject( request, response );
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    if( download )
    response.setContentType( OPEN_SAVEAS_DIALOG );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + doc.getName() );
    response.setContentType( doc.getFormat().getMimeType() );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + doc.getName() );
    response.setContentLength( ( int ) doc.getContentSize() );
    InputStream is = doc.getContentStream();
    byte [] bytesRead = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length );
    byteCount > 0;
    byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length ) )
    os.write( bytesRead, 0, byteCount );
    catch( Exception e )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, e );
    * Please complete the missing tags for dumpServletParameters
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void dumpServletParameters( HttpServletRequest request )
    // setupServletPath(request);
    Enumeration parmList = request.getParameterNames();
    Alert.log( "Parameter List:" );
    while( parmList.hasMoreElements() )
    String parmName = ( String ) parmList.nextElement();
    Alert.log( " " + parmName );
    Alert.log( "Parameter Processing Completed." );
    * Please complete the missing tags for obtainSession
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibrarySession obtainSession( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "obtainSession(request,response): Servlet Parameters = " );
    dumpServletParameters( request );
    // setupServletPath(request);
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession( true );
    if( httpSession != null )
    IfsHttpLogin ifsLogin = ( IfsHttpLogin ) httpSession.getValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN );
    if( ifsLogin != null )
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsLogin.getSession();
    if( ifsSession != null )
    return ifsSession;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Unable to get Session. - Attempting to create new Session" );
    LibrarySession ifs = null;
    String username = "guest";
    String password = "welcome";
    String service = "IfsDefault";
    String schemaPassword = "manager";
    String suppliedUsername = request.getParameter( USERNAME );
    String suppliedPassword = request.getParameter( PASSWORD );
    String suppliedService = request.getParameter( SERVICE );
    String suppliedSchemaPassword = request.getParameter( SCHEMA_PASSWORD );
    if( suppliedUsername != null )
    username = suppliedUsername;
    if( suppliedPassword != null )
    password = suppliedUsername;
    if( suppliedService != null )
    service = suppliedService;
    if( suppliedSchemaPassword != null )
    schemaPassword = suppliedSchemaPassword;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Creating new Session." );
    Alert.log( " Username = " + username );
    Alert.log( " Password = " + password );
    Alert.log( " Service = " + service );
    Alert.log( " Schema Password = " + schemaPassword );
    LibraryService ifsService = new LibraryService();
    CleartextCredential me = new CleartextCredential( username, password );
    ConnectOptions connect = new ConnectOptions();
    connect.setLocale( Locale.getDefault() );
    connect.setServiceName( service );
    connect.setServicePassword( schemaPassword );
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsService.connect( me, connect );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Session Created." );
    JspLogin login = new JspLogin();
    login.setSession( ifsSession );
    httpSession.putValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN, login );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Login Object Saved." );
    return ifsSession;
    * Please complete the missing tags for replaceString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String replaceString( String string, String string1, String string2 )
    int offset = string.indexOf( string1 );
    switch( offset )
    case - 1 :
    return string;
    case 0 :
    return string2 + replaceString( string.substring( string1.length() ), string1, string2 );
    return string.substring( 0, offset ) + string2 + replaceString( string.substring( offset + string1.length() ), string1, string2 );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printLink
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printLink( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String name,
    String url,
    String color )
    if( null != url )
    if( url.indexOf( "http://" ) != 0 )
    url = "http://" + url;
    out.println( "<BR><A HREF=\"" + url + "\"><FONT COLOR=\"" + color + "\"><B>" + name + "</B></FONT></A>" );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    String dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    out.println( "<FONT COLOR=\"" + titleColor + "\">" + titleValue + ": </FONT> <FONT COLOR=\"" + dataColor + "\"><B>" + dataValue + "</B></FONT><BR>" );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Integer dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Boolean dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Date dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for renderContent
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void renderContent( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    Document doc = ( Document ) JspHelper.getObject( request, response );
    boolean download = false;
    boolean renderedOutput = false;
    String mimeType = null;
    // Determine if we are opening or Downloading Content based on Action
    String action = request.getParameter( ACTION );
    if( action != null )
    if( action.equals( DOWNLOAD ) )
    download = true;
    if( DEBUG )
    Aler t.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): download = " + download );
    // Determine is we want Raw or Rendered Content. For Rendered Content both
    // Operation and Policy must be supplied.
    String operation = request.getParameter( OPERATION );
    String policy = request.getParameter( POLICY );
    if( ( null != operation ) && ( null != policy ) )
    renderedOutput = true;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): renderedOutput = " + renderedOutput );
    // Determine if contentType comes from Document or is supplied explicity.
    mimeType = request.getParameter( MIMETYPE );
    if( null == mimeType )
    mimeType = doc.getFormat().getMimeType();
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): mimeType = " + mimeType );
    // Process as Requested.
    response.setContentType( mimeType );
    String filename = doc.getName();
    String fileExtension = filename.substring( filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
    filename = filename.substring( 0, filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) - 1 );
    Selector mySelector = new Selector( getSession( request, response ) );
    mySelector.setSearchClassname( Format.CLASS_NAME );
    mySelector.setSearchSelection( Format.MIMETYPE_ATTRIBUTE + "='" + mimeType + "'" );
    if( mySelector.getItemCount() > 0 )
    Format f = ( Format ) mySelector.getItems( 0 );
    fileExtension = f.getExtension();
    filename = filename + '.' + fileExtension;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.RenderContent(): Filename = " + filename );
    if( download )
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + filename );
    InputStream is;
    if( renderedOutput )
    is = doc.renderAsStream( operation, policy, null );
    is = doc.getContentStream();
    response.setContentLength( ( int ) doc.getContentSize() );
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    byte [] bytesRead = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length );
    byteCount > 0;
    byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length ) )
    os.write( bytesRead, 0, byteCount );
    catch( Exception e )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, e );
    * Please complete the missing tags for dumpInputStream
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void dumpInputStream( ServletInputStream sis )
    throws IOException
    FileOutputStream fos;
    if( File.separator.equals( "\\" ) )
    fos = new FileOutputStream( "C:\\temp\\request.txt" );
    fos = new FileOutputStream( "/tmp/request.txt" );
    byte [] bytes = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int bytesRead = sis.readLine( bytes, 0, bytes.length );
    bytesRead > 0;
    bytesRead = bytes, 0, bytes.length ) )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.dumpInputStream() BytesRead = " + bytesRead );
    fos.write( bytes, 0, bytesRead );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getTimeOutURL
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    private static String getTimeOutURL()
    Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
    String country = locale.getCountry();
    String language = locale.getLanguage().toLowerCase();
    String localizedFolder = language;
    if( country != null )
    if( ( ! language.equalsIgnoreCase( "en" ) ) &#0124; &#0124;
    ( ( language.equalsIgnoreCase( "en" ) ) && ( ! country.equalsIgnoreCase( "US" ) ) ) )
    language = language + "_" + country.toUpperCase();
    return IFSWEBROOT + "/" + language + IFSTIMEOUT_URL;

  • Open .doc file in java on Windows 98/2000

    Hi all,
    I need to open a .doc file on Windows 98/2000 PC thriugh java.I have used the command
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"cmd", "/C", "start", "\"\"", filename});
    This command works fine on Window 2000 but gives IO Exception: CreateProcess: start <filename> error=2
    So I tried the command
    Now this command works fine on Windows 98 but gives the same error on Win2000.
    Someone please suggest a command which will work fine on all Windows OS.
    Thanks in advance

    Have a look at the Java Desktop Integration Components Project
    especially look at
    which opens a File using the default application associated with this kind of file.

  • Not opening .doc files from cd??

    I have various .doc files on cd. I want to use pages to open them. When i drag them from the cd onto either the pages icon or try the same using "file, open" from within pages i get an error message saying that it cannot open the file.
    If i drag the same .doc files onto the hard drive first i can open them in pages no problem.
    I need to be able to open them from the cd. Does anyone know what is wrong here or how it can be fixed?
    Many thanks.

    My guess is that the device must be set as read/write to permit to expand the Index.xml.gz file which contains the doc's description.
    I just guess because I saw the Index.xml file during the save process but, even with huge documents I was unable to see the expansion process at work.
    I was also able to see the Index.xml file if I double click the Index.xml.gz icon.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 21 février 2008 20:08:49)

  • Can not open .doc files from Finder

    I installed Snow Leopard and now I'm having trouble with .doc files. I use Microsoft Office 2004. When I try to open a .doc file directly from the internet or by clicking on it from Finder or desktop, it won't open. Instead I have to go into Word and click open then browse. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    This works only for files that I know have been created in Mac Office 2004, but any other files I download - for instance, from school - will not open in this way. I followed your suggestion, but Word was already the default application used and the "change all" box was unclickable.
    I tried right clicking on the file, going to the "open with" menu, then clicking "other" and selected Word that way. I made sure that "always open with" was checked, but it still didn't help.

  • Trial question:  Can't open .doc files from web page

    I'm using Dreamweaver on a Mac, and I have a link on a page
    that should bring up a doc file. When I preview the page in Safari,
    it brings up a directory listing which highlights the file so that
    you can double-click and open the file. (Of course, I'd love for it
    to go ahead and open the file, but my understanding is that
    Dreamweaver Mac doesn't support that.) However, when I preview in
    Internet Explorer, I either get a message that the File is Not
    Found or it just spins and never brings up anything. The file is in
    the root directory of my site (same directory as my index.html.
    Any ideas?

    Do you have Word installed on your Mac? If you don't, it
    won't open.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "kshorb" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eenckl$h3a$[email protected]..
    >I used code similar to that below, but the .doc file
    never opened in IE. I
    > find, however, if I link to a .pdf it works just fine.
    So I just went
    > ahead
    > and converted my .doc to a .pdf and changed the href.
    Maybe it's
    > something
    > specific to my computer... Thanks.
    > <a href="yourdoc.doc">Click here to open Word Doc
    > </a>

  • Opening HTML file from java GUI

    Can someone please tell me how I can open a HTML file in Internet Explorer from a Java GUI,
    I have an asssignment I am doing for college and I was toying with the idea of putting in helpfiles, for the program, can anyone tell me the easiest way of apcomplishing this???
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Although this should answer your question, there are other (cross platform) ways to do what you want. As opposed to your "must have internet explorer" solution. Swing has a built in html viewer you might use, for example. I've been doing some reading on java/xml solutions. I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough (yet) to comment on that solution though. A delimited text file would be another solution. Useing that solution you could treat the file like a set of parrallel arrays on the hard drive and disply your text on pre-formated labels. Anyway, here is a link to you answer......

  • How to open a file from thumbdrive by Java!

    Can anyone reply me the Java sample code to open a file from thumbdrive. Currently I can only open files from my "C"Drive. The Drive which I will be using for my thumbdrive is F Drive.
    Thank you!

    Currently I need to make changes to this code so that it can read the "my file" from my f drive instead of the c drive.
    /public class Main {
    public Main() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    //Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start myfile.doc");
    //Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start \"myfile.doc\"");
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start myfile.pps");
    //Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start myfile.xls");
    //Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start myfile.pdf");
    catch (Exception x) {
    catch (Error e) {

  • How to open an PDF file from Java Application

    I am developing a GUI application in java swing.
    on clicking one button, I want to open PDF file from my swing application.
    Is there any API through which I can achieve this?
    Tapan Maru
    Sun Certified Java Programmer

    Here's a way to do it (if I understand you
    correctly). Just let explorer.exe do it for you.
    import java.awt.*;
    public class openPDF
         Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();
         public openPDF()
         public void open(String path)
                   Runtime.getRuntime().exec("explorer.exe "+path);
    } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("NAI!
    I! ERROR!\n"+e); }
         public static void main(String[] args)
              openPDF myApplication = new openPDF();
    Why do you have a Desktop object as a member but instead of using it, you execute a command with Runtime (which is not platform independent!)???

  • I cannot open any .doc files on Firefox from any source such as yahoo mail, blackboard, and UW Catalyst, while I have no problem opening .docx files from the same sites. When then happens, I have to switch to explorer and it's really annoying.

    Cannot open Microsoft Word .doc files from any website (.docx are ok)

    That is a legitimate Mozilla newsletter. As it says in the email:
    You're receiving this email because you subscribed to receive email newsletters and information from Mozilla. If you do not wish to receive these newsletters, please click the Unsubscribe link below.
    Modify your preferences "

  • MulticastSocket Multicast socket receive error: java.lang.RuntimeException: I/O error opening JAR file from file:/D:/weblogic/mycluster/server86/tmp_deployments/ejbjar-17327.jar

              I need some help.
              Revision=(Release Level)=
              Problem Description=
              I am doing cluster of weblogic server, I have no problem to set up the
              cluster and to run servlet and EJB examples.
              However, on my command line for startcluster I got a lot of message as
              Fri Aug 18 11:31:44 EDT 2000:<E> <MulticastSocket> Multicast socket receive
              error: java.lang.RuntimeException: I/O error opening JAR file from
     error in opening zip file
              at Method)
              at<init>(, Compiled Code)
              at<init>(, Compiled Code)
              at weblogic.boot.ServerClassLoader.deploy(,
              Compiled Code)
              .java, Compiled Code)
              , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Co
    , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
              at weblogic.cluster.StateDump.readObject(, Compiled
    , Compiled Co
    , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
              at weblogic.cluster.TMSocket.execute(, Compiled Code)
              at, Compiled
              The message freshed about every 20 seconds.
              Another question, I used a iplanet web server as a proxy server with a
              cluster of two weblogic servers pluged in, although I set
     to round-robin, however, when I run a fibonacci servlet,
              it does not do the round-robin. It always go to one machine for a lot of
              times. Any idea?
              Thank you for your help.

    May i presume that your cluster is configured on a shared file system?.
              I have seen this problem only if you cluster is configured on different machines
              and if the directory structure is not identical.
              let us know..
              Cameron Purdy wrote:
              > First, update to SP4 (or SP5 if it is out now). Second, follow the cluster
              > instructions on setting up deployments for a cluster. The only
              > implementation that I have used is the single shared location that all the
              > servers load from.
              > --
              > Cameron Purdy
              > "Tom Gan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > > Hi,
              > > I need some help.
              > >
              > > Product=weblogic5.1.0
              > > Revision=(Release Level)=
              > > Problem Description=
              > > I am doing cluster of weblogic server, I have no problem to set up the
              > > cluster and to run servlet and EJB examples.
              > > However, on my command line for startcluster I got a lot of message as
              > > followed:
              > > Fri Aug 18 11:31:44 EDT 2000:<E> <MulticastSocket> Multicast socket
              > receive
              > > error: java.lang.RuntimeException: I/O error opening JAR file from
              > > file:/D:/weblogic/mycluster/server86/tmp_deployments/ejbjar-17327.jar
              > > error in opening zip file
              > > at Method)
              > > at<init>(, Compiled Code)
              > > at<init>(, Compiled Code)
              > > at weblogic.boot.ServerClassLoader.deploy(,
              > > Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.cluster.AnnotatedServiceOffer.expandClassPath(AnnotatedServiceOffer
              > > .java, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.cluster.AnnotatedServiceOffer.readObject(
              > > , Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readPublicSerializable(WLOb
              > >, Compiled Co
              > > de)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readLeftover(WLObjectInputS
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectBody(WLObjectInpu
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObject(WLObjectInputStr
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectWL(WLObjectInputS
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readArrayList(WLObjectInput
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at weblogic.cluster.StateDump.readObject(, Compiled
              > > Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readPublicSerializable(WLOb
              > >, Compiled Co
              > > de)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readLeftover(WLObjectInputS
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectBody(WLObjectInpu
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObject(WLObjectInputStr
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at
              > >
              > weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectWL(WLObjectInputS
              > >, Compiled Code)
              > > at weblogic.cluster.TMSocket.execute(, Compiled Code)
              > > at, Compiled
              > > Code)
              > >
              > > The message freshed about every 20 seconds.
              > >
              > > Another question, I used a iplanet web server as a proxy server with a
              > > cluster of two weblogic servers pluged in, although I set
              > > to round-robin, however, when I run a fibonacci
              > servlet,
              > > it does not do the round-robin. It always go to one machine for a lot of
              > > times. Any idea?
              > > Thank you for your help.
              > > Tom
              > >
              > >
              > >

  • Multicast socket receive error: java.lang.RuntimeException: I/O error opening JAR file from file:/D:/weblogic/mycluster/server86/tmp_deployments/ejbjar-17327.jar

    I need some help.
    Revision=(Release Level)=
    Problem Description=
    I am doing cluster of weblogic server, I have no problem to set up the
    cluster and to run servlet and EJB examples.
    However, on my command line for startcluster I got a lot of message as
    Fri Aug 18 11:31:44 EDT 2000:<E> <MulticastSocket> Multicast socket receive
    error: java.lang.RuntimeException: I/O error ope
    ning JAR file from
    file:/D:/weblogic/mycluster/server86/tmp_deployments/ejbjar-17327.jar error in opening zip file
    at Method)
    at<init>(, Compiled Code)
    at<init>(, Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.boot.ServerClassLoader.deploy(,
    Compiled Code)
    .java, Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readPublicSerializable(WLOb, Compiled Co
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readLeftover(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectBody(WLObjectInpu, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObject(WLObjectInputStr, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectWL(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readArrayList(WLObjectInput, Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.cluster.StateDump.readObject(, Compiled
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readPublicSerializable(WLOb, Compiled Co
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readLeftover(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectBody(WLObjectInpu, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObject(WLObjectInputStr, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectWL(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.cluster.TMSocket.execute(, Compiled Code)
    at, Compiled
    The message freshed about every 20 seconds.
    Another question, I used a iplanet web server as a proxy server with a
    cluster of two weblogic servers pluged in, although I set to round-robin, however, when I run a fibonacci servlet,
    it does not do the round-robin. It always go to one machine for a lot of
    times. Any idea?
    Thank you for your help.

    I need some help.
    Revision=(Release Level)=
    Problem Description=
    I am doing cluster of weblogic server, I have no problem to set up the
    cluster and to run servlet and EJB examples.
    However, on my command line for startcluster I got a lot of message as
    Fri Aug 18 11:31:44 EDT 2000:<E> <MulticastSocket> Multicast socket receive
    error: java.lang.RuntimeException: I/O error ope
    ning JAR file from
    file:/D:/weblogic/mycluster/server86/tmp_deployments/ejbjar-17327.jar error in opening zip file
    at Method)
    at<init>(, Compiled Code)
    at<init>(, Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.boot.ServerClassLoader.deploy(,
    Compiled Code)
    .java, Compiled Code)
    , Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readPublicSerializable(WLOb, Compiled Co
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readLeftover(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectBody(WLObjectInpu, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObject(WLObjectInputStr, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectWL(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readArrayList(WLObjectInput, Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.cluster.StateDump.readObject(, Compiled
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readPublicSerializable(WLOb, Compiled Co
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readLeftover(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectBody(WLObjectInpu, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObject(WLObjectInputStr, Compiled Code)
    weblogic.common.internal.WLObjectInputStreamBase.readObjectWL(WLObjectInputS, Compiled Code)
    at weblogic.cluster.TMSocket.execute(, Compiled Code)
    at, Compiled
    The message freshed about every 20 seconds.
    Another question, I used a iplanet web server as a proxy server with a
    cluster of two weblogic servers pluged in, although I set to round-robin, however, when I run a fibonacci servlet,
    it does not do the round-robin. It always go to one machine for a lot of
    times. Any idea?
    Thank you for your help.

  • Want to open specific file from DMS Doc. thorugh Function

    is there any function module to open specific file from DMS Document. ?
    There is already one function module DOCUMENT_SHOW_DIRECT to open File from document. But
    in case of there are more than one file in DMS Document is it giving me Popup menu to open file from List.
    I just want to open any single file without any popup from DMS Document.

    from standard point of view this kind of pop-up is always raised by the function module in case there are multiple originals assigned to the document info record.
    Best regards,

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