
Hi All,
i'm getting this exception can any one explain why this exception occurs and how to resolve this issue. I achieved a solution by refreshing the respective object, but i expect this might be occured due to commit of same object twice.
Will this exception occurs if we commit the same object twice.
Exception [TOPLINK-5006] :
The Object cannot be updated because it has changed or been deleted since it was last read
Thanks in advance.

Please post the code that throws the exception.
Also go through the following link regarding optimistic locking -

Similar Messages

  • Clearing Toplink cache

    We are encountering OptmisticLockException sometimes in our app, when this happens all the other transactions are affected, is there any way to clear the Toplink cache externally? thanks

    Thanks, but can you please tell me why Toplnik is issuing an update instead of insert for the object FXSingleLegC.FI120.0#16137966, I have given the list of registered objects and the sql generated, as you
    can see the primary key is 0 for the object and Toplink still issues an update statement
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,385 DEBUG Thread-199 [[email protected]] ISTransactionManager.endTransaction called
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Severe]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.387--UnitOfWork(16131849)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    UnitOfWork identity hashcode: 16131849
    All Registered Clones:
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16153182     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.fx.FXLegDealingPriceC.CITI.0#16153182
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 15825629     Object: com.integral.finance.trade.TradeExternalSystemIdC.MAIN.0#15825629
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16151868     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.QuoteC.CITI.0#16151868
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16136988     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.RequestExternalSystemIdC.MAIN.0#16136988
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16165592     Object: com.integral.finance.fx.FXLegC.MAIN.0#16165592
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16152054     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.fx.FXLegDealingPriceC.CITI.0#16152054
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16136630     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.RequestC.FI120.0#16136630
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16152405     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.fx.FXDealingPriceElementC.MAIN.0#16152405
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16261779     Object: com.integral.workflow.WorkflowStateMapC.FI120.0#16261779
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16153490     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.fx.FXDealingPriceElementC.MAIN.0#16153490
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16137966     Object: com.integral.finance.fx.FXSingleLegC.FI120.0#16137966
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16137678     Object: com.integral.finance.fx.FXLegC.MAIN.0#16137678
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16140011     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.fx.FXLegDealingPriceC.MAIN.0#16140011
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16262600     Object: com.integral.finance.trade.CptyTradeC.FI120.0#16262600
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16263303     Object: com.integral.finance.trade.CptyTradeC.FXI.0#16263303
    Key: [0]     Identity Hash Code: 16137383     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.fx.FXLegDealingPriceC.MAIN.0#16137383
    Key: [4434103]     Identity Hash Code: 16156067     Object: com.integral.finance.dealing.RequestC.FI120.4434103#16156067
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Finer]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.387--UnitOfWork(16131849)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: begin unit of work commit
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,387 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,391 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Finer]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,391 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.391--ClientSession(16131816)--Connection(38882854)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,391 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: begin transaction
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,391 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Finer]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.392--ClientSession(16131816)--Connection(38882854)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: Begin batch statements
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Fine]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.392--ClientSession(16131816)--Connection(38882854)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: INSERT INTO IdcWorkflowState (id, modifiedDate, statusLastModified, status, wrkflowCode, wrkflowCodeArg, statelastmodified, createdDate, guid, version, displayKey, workflowparentid, cptyId, changeSetId, workflowErrorsId, namespaceId, lastactor, clsfId, lastStateId, workgroupId, firstactor, lastModifiedById, stateid, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Fine]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.392--ClientSession(16131816)--Connection(38882854)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      bind => [5036105, 2008-10-16 13:30:45.378, null, A, null, null, 2008-10-16 13:30:45.379, 2008-10-16 13:30:45.378, G2cbe1d024c11d05d9e502972, 1, null, null, null, null, null, 167001, 402003, null, null, null, 402003, 402003, 78, IdcWFStateMapC]
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Finer]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.392--ClientSession(16131816)--Connection(38882854)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: End Batch Statements
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,392 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,393 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Fine]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,393 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.393--ClientSession(16131816)--Connection(38882854)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,393 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: UPDATE IdcTrd SET modifiedDate = ?, statusLastModified = ?, origUsrId = ?, takerRefId = ?, origCptyId = ?, workflowStateMapId = ?, tkrCptyId = ?, mkrCptyId = ?, version = ?, lastModifiedById = ? WHERE ((id = ?) AND (version = ?))
         bind => [2008-10-16 13:30:45.392, 2008-10-16 13:30:45.378, 402003, test167, 392001, 5036105, 392001, 392012, 1, 402003, 0, 0]
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,393 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,395 WARN pool-2-thread-1 [-] HTTPMessageSenderC.sendMessage : status=200 responseStr=com.integral.is.message.ResponseMessageC|{}|{}|null|^1|{}|null|^
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,395 WARN pool-2-thread-1 [-] HTTPMessageSenderC.getReturnMessage : objType is com.integral.is.message.ResponseMessageC
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,395 WARN pool-2-thread-1 [-] HTTPMessageSenderC.getReturnMessage : objStr is {}|{}|null|^1|{}|null|^
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,431 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: [TopLink Warning]:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,431 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: 2008.10.16 01:30:45.431--UnitOfWork(16131849)--Thread(Thread[Thread-199,5,ASF Session Pool Threads])--
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,453 WARN JMS SessionPool Worker-60 [[email protected]] MessageListenerC.handleTradeResponse: Got trade response for transaction id FXI7423644->com.integral.is.message.TradeVerifyC - Properties{START_TIME=1224163845446,PROCESSED_TIME=1224163845446,} Timing{AcceptanceReceivedByAdapter=1224163845387,VerificationReceivedFromProvider=1224163845446,AcceptanceSentToProvider=1224163845387,} serverId=null,tradeId=FXI7423644,requestReferenceId=null,buySell=0,baseCcy=null,variableCcy=null,statusDesc=null,providerTradeId=FXI742364410,valueDate=Sat Oct 18 00:00:00 GMT 2008,acceptedAmount=0.0,acceptedSettledAmount=0.0,acceptedPrice=0.0
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,453 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: Local Exception Stack:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,454 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,456 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink: Exception [TOPLINK-5006] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 080602)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.OptimisticLockException
    Exception Description: The object [com.integral.finance.fx.FXSingleLegC.FI120.0#16137966] cannot be updated because it has changed or been deleted since it was last read.
    Class> com.integral.finance.fx.FXSingleLegC Primary Key> [0]
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.exceptions.OptimisticLockException.objectChangedSinceLastReadWhenUpdating(OptimisticLockException.java:125)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.descriptors.VersionLockingPolicy.validateUpdate(VersionLockingPolicy.java:677)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.updateObjectForWriteWithChangeSet(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:1081)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.WriteObjectQuery.executeCommitWithChangeSet(WriteObjectQuery.java:98)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.executeWriteWithChangeSet(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:251)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.WriteObjectQuery.executeDatabaseQuery(WriteObjectQuery.java:47)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.execute(DatabaseQuery.java:620)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(DatabaseQuery.java:542)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelModifyQuery.executeInUnitOfWorkObjectLevelModifyQuery(ObjectLevelModifyQuery.java:100)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelModifyQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(ObjectLevelModifyQuery.java:72)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalExecuteQuery(UnitOfWork.java:2631)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Session.java:993)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Session.java:950)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.insert(ObjectReferenceMapping.java:853)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.preInsert(ObjectReferenceMapping.java:469)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,457 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DescriptorQueryManager.preInsert(DescriptorQueryManager.java:892)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.insertObjectForWrite(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:380)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.InsertObjectQuery.executeCommit(InsertObjectQuery.java:65)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.InsertObjectQuery.executeCommitWithChangeSet(InsertObjectQuery.java:75)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.performUserDefinedWrite(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:522)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.performUserDefinedInsert(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:490)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.insertObjectForWrite(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:357)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.WriteObjectQuery.executeCommitWithChangeSet(WriteObjectQuery.java:110)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.executeWriteWithChangeSet(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:251)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.WriteObjectQuery.executeDatabaseQuery(WriteObjectQuery.java:47)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.execute(DatabaseQuery.java:620)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(DatabaseQuery.java:542)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelModifyQuery.executeInUnitOfWorkObjectLevelModifyQuery(ObjectLevelModifyQuery.java:100)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelModifyQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(ObjectLevelModifyQuery.java:72)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalExecuteQuery(UnitOfWork.java:2631)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Session.java:993)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Session.java:950)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.insert(ObjectReferenceMapping.java:853)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.mappings.ObjectReferenceMapping.preInsert(ObjectReferenceMapping.java:469)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DescriptorQueryManager.preInsert(DescriptorQueryManager.java:892)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.insertObjectForWrite(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:380)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.InsertObjectQuery.executeCommit(InsertObjectQuery.java:65)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.InsertObjectQuery.executeCommitWithChangeSet(InsertObjectQuery.java:75)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.DatabaseQueryMechanism.executeWriteWithChangeSet(DatabaseQueryMechanism.java:251)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.WriteObjectQuery.executeDatabaseQuery(WriteObjectQuery.java:47)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.execute(DatabaseQuery.java:620)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(DatabaseQuery.java:542)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelModifyQuery.executeInUnitOfWorkObjectLevelModifyQuery(ObjectLevelModifyQuery.java:100)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelModifyQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(ObjectLevelModifyQuery.java:72)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.internalExecuteQuery(UnitOfWork.java:2631)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Session.java:993)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Session.java:950)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.CommitManager.commitNewObjectsForClassWithChangeSet(CommitManager.java:243)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.CommitManager.commitAllObjectsForClassWithChangeSet(CommitManager.java:218)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.CommitManager.commitAllObjectsWithChangeSet(CommitManager.java:174)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.writeAllObjectsWithChangeSet(Session.java:3194)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.commitToDatabase(UnitOfWork.java:1320)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.commitToDatabaseWithChangeSet(UnitOfWork.java:1416)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.commitRootUnitOfWork(UnitOfWork.java:1164)
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:
    2008-10-16 13:30:45,458 INFO Thread-199 [[email protected]] Persistence - TOPLink:      at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.UnitOfWork.commit(UnitOfWork.java:932)

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