Oracle APEX PL/SQL reports

I was wondering if someone can help me with the syntax error, or if someone can give an example how to implement dynamic query based on a select list item.
Last night I was looking how to implement simple PL/SQL report using Oracle Apex source region, but every time I try to run the page I'm getting an error "Flow=128 page=10 ORA-20001: wwv_flow_flash_chart.func_ret_sql_qry_err"
IF I put the same query into SQL developer and replace :P10_STATUS into string 'open', query returns correct results.
It works fine for single table, but not for inner joint.
Any help would be appreciated.
v_return varchar2(3000);
IF :P10_STATUS is not null THEN
v_return := 'select p.priority, p.status, i.departments
from help_details p, help_department i
where status = :P10_STATUS';
return v_return;

Thanks for the suggestions.
Now i have replaced the code as
v_return varchar2(3000);
v_return:='select dname,deptno from dept ';
return v_return;
V_RETURN:='SELECT ename,deptno FROM EMP ';
return v_return;
plsql reportEdit      
report error:
ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-01403: no data found
DEPTNO     Ename
and in case i change
select dname from dept ; for select dname ,deptno from dept ;
then i m able to see only the col deptno , but in query i never used dept...
I am unable to get where is the mistake ..
Kindly to a favour by using the above link & checking the application .
Nandini Thakur.
Edited by: Nandini thakur on Nov 25, 2010 3:59 AM

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    APEX (formerly known as HTML DB) is a framework integrated into the Oracle Database, so you are of course bound to the restrictions that apply to the database.
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    You don't really MIGRATE TO APEX, it's more of a re-development process.. Your existing PL/SQL code can be re-used where viable, but in Forms & Reports you have a state environment versus a stateless environment with APEX..
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    Hello Eric,
    eric_in wrote:
    I have developed a report in eclipse birt and trying to intergrate with apex,
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    How do you call popUp2() function?
    Why don't you wrap it up in another javascript function and call it inside it?
    function printPDF() {
       var vinterimno = $v('P5_INTERIMNO');
       popUp2('http://localhost:8080/BHH/frameset?__report=3_CI_Printing.rptdesign&cino='+ vinterimno +'&__format=pdf');
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  • Conditional display in a SQL-Report/Report Region

    here I have an example for "Conditional display in a SQL-Report/Report Region". I figured it out in Firefox 3.6.2 using Firebug as development tool on Apex
    First you have to put the following javascript code in the Page HTML-Header:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // SOURCE
    // W:\oracle\PRJ DWLS\javascript.07.js
    // Beispiel Funktion zur bedingten Formatierung einer Tabellenzelle.
    // Help (Substitution Strings):
    // HTML Expression:
    // <script>ex_conditional_td('R094260001010', #ROWNUM#, #COLNUM#-1);</script>#DFT_COND1#
    function ex_conditional_td
    ( p_id
    , p_rownum
    , p_cellnum
      var l_td;
      l_td = vd_getColumn(p_id, p_rownum, p_cellnum);
      // hier die Bedingung definieren
      if (true) { = '#808080';
    }  // -- eof ex_conditional_td -- //
    // Beispiel Funktion zum Abstellen der onMouse Funktionalität der Tabellenzeile
    // HTML Expression:
    // <script>ex_conditional_tr('R094260001010', #ROWNUM#);</script>#DFT_ID#"
    function ex_conditional_tr
    ( p_id
    , p_rownum
      var l_tr;    // TABLE.TR
      var l_td;    // TABLE.TR.TD
      if (true) {
        l_tr = vd_getRow(p_id, p_rownum);
        l_tr.onmouseover = null;
        l_tr.onmouseout  = null;
        for (var i=0; i<l_tr.cells.length; i++) {
          l_td = l_tr.cells; = '#DDDDDD';
    } // -- eof ex_conditional_tr() -- //
    var g_DEBUG = false;
    var g_TBODY = null;
    // Liefert das Body-Element der Tabelle mit der ID <p_id>.
    // Parameter
    // p_id - die Id der HTML-Tabelle
    // Return
    // das Body-Element oder NULL, wenn die Zeile nicht gefunden wurde
    function vd_getBody
    ( p_id
    if (g_TBODY == null) {
    var l_table = null;
    l_table = document.getElementById( p_id );
    if (l_table == null) {
    l_table = document.getElementByName( p_id );
    if (l_table != null) {
    if (vd_debug()) {
    alert("Tabelle gefunden, " + l_table.nodeName);
    g_TBODY = vd_search( l_table, 'TD', 't10data', 'TBODY');
    return g_TBODY;
    } // -- eof vd_getBody() -- //
    // Liefert die Zeile <p_rownum> der HTML-Tabelle mit der Id <p_id>.
    // Parameter
    // p_id - die Id der HTML-Tabelle
    // p_rownum - die Zeilennummer
    // Return
    // die Zeile oder NULL, wenn die Zeile nicht gefunden wurde
    function vd_getRow
    ( p_id
    , p_rownum
    var l_body = vd_getBody(p_id);
    if ( l_body != null
    && l_body.nodeName == 'TBODY'
    && l_body.children[p_rownum].nodeName == 'TR') {
    return l_body.children[p_rownum];
    else {
    return null;
    } // -- eof vd_getRow() -- //
    // Liefert die Spalte <p_column> der Zeile <p_rownum> der HTML-Tabelle mit der
    // Id <p_id>.
    // Parameter
    // p_id - die Id der HTML-Tabelle
    // p_rownum - die Zeilennummer
    // p_column - der Index der Spalte / Zelle
    // Return
    // die Zelle oder NULL, wenn die Zelle nicht gefunden wurde
    function vd_getColumn
    ( p_id
    , p_rownum
    , p_column
    var l_tr = vd_getRow(p_id, p_rownum);
    if ( l_tr != null
    && l_tr.nodeName == 'TR'
    && l_tr.children.length >= p_column
    && l_tr.children[p_column].nodeName == 'TD') {
    return l_tr.children[p_column];
    else {
    return null;
    } // -- eof vd_getColumn() -- //
    // Rekursives Suchen nach einem Node.
    // Zweck: Das bedingte Formatieren einer Tabellenzelle in einem Apex Standard
    // SQL-Report.
    // Diese Funktion durchsucht rekursiv, ab einem Ausgangsknoten <p_node>, alle
    // darunter befindlichen Elemente, ob in dem Element <p_seachIn> sich die
    // Klasse <p_class> befindet.
    // Bei Standard-Reports ist die Reportzelle (TD) mit der Klasse
    // "t10data" formatiert.
    // Zunächst muss dazu die Tabellenzelle (TD) selbst, die übergeordnete
    // Tabellenzeile (TR), der Tabellenbody (TBODY) oder die Tabelle (TABLE)
    // selbst ermittelt werden.
    // Der Beispielaufruf:
    // var l_body;
    // var l_node = document.getElementById( 'R112233' );
    // l_body = search( l_node, 'TD', 't10data', 'TBODY');
    // durchsucht also das mit der Id "R112233" versehene Element [der Report, für
    // den in Apex eine statischen ID vergeben werden musste] rekursiv, bis er
    // die [erste] Tabellenzelle "TD" findet, die als Klasse "t10data"
    // definiert hat. Für diese ermittelt er dann das übergeordnete TBODY-Element.
    // Parameter
    // p_node - das Ausgangselement
    // p_searchIn - der Knotenname, der durchsucht werden soll
    // [node.nodeName == p_searchIn]
    // p_class - der Name der CSS Klasse
    // [node.classList[<index>] == p_class
    // p_parentName - der Name [node.parentNode.nodeName == p_parentName]
    // des Elements, das zurückgeliefert werden soll. Wird als
    // p_parentName der Suchname p_searchIn angegeben, wird
    // das Element selbst zurückgegeben.
    // Return
    // das per p_parentName gesuchte Element (TD, TR, TBODY, TABLE)
    function vd_search
    ( p_node
    , p_searchIn
    , p_class
    , p_parentName
    var LN = "vd_search";
    var l_element = null;
    // DEBUG
    if (vd_debug()) {
    alert(LN + ":" + "Untersuche " + p_node.nodeName + ", id=" +;
    // 1) der aktuelle Knoten ist der, der durchsucht werden soll
    if (p_node.nodeName == p_searchIn) {
    if (p_node.classList.length > 0) {
    for(var c=0; c<p_node.classList.length; c++) {
    if (p_node.classList[c] == p_class) {
    // Parent Node dynmisch suchen
    l_node = p_node;
    if (l_node.nodeName == p_parentName) {
    return l_node;
    while(l_node != null && l_node.parentNode != null) {
    if (l_node.parentNode.nodeName == p_parentName) {
    return l_node.parentNode;
    else {
    l_node = l_node.parentNode;
    // 2) wenn nicht 1) oder nicht in 1) gefunden, dann in den Kindelementen
    // weitersuchen
    if (p_node.children.length > 0) {
    var i = 0;
    while (i<p_node.children.length && l_element==null) {
    l_element = vd_search( p_node.children[i], p_searchIn, p_class, p_parentName);
    return l_element;
    } // -- eof vd_search() -- //
    // Gibt an, ob Debug ein- (true) oder ausgeschaltet (false) ist.
    // Return
    // true - debug ist eingeschaltet
    // false - debug ist ausgeschaltet
    function vd_debug()
    return g_DEBUG;
    Maybe you have to modify the "vd_getBody" function. I'm searching the table cell with having the class "t10data". When you use another theme, there's maybe another class used.
    Second is, that you set an static id for your report region. I prefer this structure:
    R<app-id><page-id><seq> (Raaaaappppsss) e.g. R094260001010.
    First example is to turn off the onMouse-Effect. Maybe on the first or last column definition you put this code in the "HTML-Expression" area:
    <script>ex_conditional_tr('R094260001010', #ROWNUM#);</script>#ID#This will call the example function ex_conditional_tr with the parameter
    a) the region id
    b) the rownum (as oracle always starts with 1 this is the first data row [rownum=0 is the table header row])
    Second example is the conditional formatting of a table cell. Put this in the HML-Expression area:
    <script>ex_conditional_td('R094260001010', #ROWNUM#, #COLNUM#-1);</script>#ENAME#This will call the example function ex_conditional_tr with the parameter
    a) the region id
    b) the rownum
    c) the cellnum (here we have to subtract 1 to get the "real" cell index)
    The "ex_conditional" functions are just a representation of how to get the row or cell node.
    Hope this help a bit.

    I would use a CASE statement in the select....
    each CASE would be an img src tag for a different button if the button is an image.
    does that make sense? I can include an example if you would like...

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    Hello all,
    I need your help...
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
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    When I try to Create report query,
    Shared Components >> Report Queries then create.
    and test a report in a create wizard I am getting a error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small".
    I have also applied a patch "16760897".
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    Not working  -
    Working -
    Please give a solution.
    Thanks you.

    check the DB version compatibility with apex 4 or your DB version to apex 4.0 support for upgrade!
    Oracle Application Express Installation Requirements for 4.0

  • Need advise on SQL Report  base for APEX or jasper

    Hello everyone,
    I need some advise on how to approach this below report requirement. It has been bugging me for nearly 2 weeks now, and my time is running out.
    Here is a simplified version of the database
    Four tables: Defendant, Engagement, Service, Event.
    A defendant can have more than 1 engagement, but they have only one open engagement at a time.
    For each engagement, they will have services and events.
    These events can be just general events or events that relates to the service.
    Here is the script for the tables and sample data
       ("DEF_ID" NUMBER,
         "FIRST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "LAST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (1,'Joe','Bloggs',1);
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (2,'John','Doe',1);
       ("ENG_ID" NUMBER,
         "DEF_ID" NUMBER,
         "COURT_NAME" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
         "DATE_JOINED" DATE,
         "ACTIVE" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE)
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (1,1,'AAA',to_date('01/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('20/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),'European','1');
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (2,2,'BBB',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'Asian','1');
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (3,1,'AAA',to_date('22/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'European','1');
       ("EVENT_ID" NUMBER,
         "ENG_ID" NUMBER,
         "NOTES" VARCHAR2(20 BYTE),
         "START_DATE" DATE,
         "END_DATE" DATE,
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (1,1,null,1,to_date('01/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('02/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (2,1,null,1,to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (3,1,null,2,to_date('15/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (4,2,null,null,to_date('02/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (5,2,null,2,to_date('03/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (6,3,null,null,to_date('22/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (7,3,null,4,to_date('23/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into EVENT (EVENT_ID,ENG_ID,NOTES,RELATED_SERVICE_ID,START_DATE,END_DATE,ACTIVE) values (8,2,null,null,to_date('12/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
       (     "SERVICE_ID" NUMBER,
         "ENG_ID" NUMBER,
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (1,1,'Counselling',to_date('15/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('18/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (2,1,'Housing',to_date('20/09/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (3,2,'Treatment',to_date('01/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),to_date('15/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),1);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (5,1,'Other',to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,0);
    Insert into SERVICE (SERVICE_ID,ENG_ID,DESCRIPTION,DATE_STARTED,DATE_TERMINATED,ACTIVE) values (6,2,'Treatment',to_date('16/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,1);****
    And this is the view I am thinking to use as the base for the report
      SELECT Def.Def_Id,
        Ser.Date_Started    AS Service_Start_Date,
        Ser.Date_Terminated AS Service_Date_Terminated,
        Ser.Active          AS Service_Active,
        Ev.Notes, AS event_active
      FROM Defendant Def
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Engagement Eng
      ON Def.Def_Id = Eng.Def_Id
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Service Ser
      ON Eng.Eng_Id = Ser.Eng_Id
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Event Ev
      ON Ev.Eng_Id = Eng.Eng_Id;****
    Report parameter: Start Date, End Date, Court_name
    From chosen Court_name, list defendants who currently engage in the court.
    For each defendant display
    Section 1: Identifying Details: First Name, Last Name, Ethnicity, Date Joined Court
    Section 2: All Services currently active that the defendant attend
    Section 3: All Events that related to the service that the defendant attend
    Section 4: All other events (don't have Related Service ID)
    User must be able to download the whole report in spreadsheet or PDF format.
    I did try to create a set of union selects (but the format is not that good, when no data return it display nothing, I would rather show some messages like "There is no associated events, rather than nothing")
    and it only produces report for 1 defendant at a time.
    We use Oracle APEX , so only select statement or PL/SQL Code return select statement is valid for report source.
    In our place we use Jasper Report adjacent to APEX, but I have very little experience with Jasper report.
    The developer who knows a lot about jasper report is too busy to help me.
    Currently, I use union selects like below:
    With Current_Engagement As
    ( Select Eng_Id From Engagement
      Where Def_Id =2
      And Date_Joined Is Not Null
      And ( Date_Terminated Is Null Or Date_Terminated > Sysdate)
      And Rownum =1
    Select '1.Defendant ID' as col1, 'First Name' as col2, 'Last Name' as col3, 'Court Name' as col4, 'Ethnicity' as col5, 'Date Joined' as col6, 'Date Terminated' as col7
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select Distinct to_char(Def_Id), First_Name, Last_Name, Court_Name, Ethnicity, to_char(Date_Joined), to_char(Date_Terminated)
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Union All
    select '2.Service ID', 'Service Description', 'Start Date', 'End Date', Null, Null, Null
    from dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(service_id), description, to_char(service_start_date), to_char(service_date_terminated), null, null, null
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    where service_active =1
    Union All
    Select '3.Event ID', 'Related Service ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(event_id), to_char(related_service_id), to_char(start_date), to_char(end_date), notes, null, null
    from Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Where Event_Active = 1
    and related_service_id is not null
    Union All
    Select '4.Event ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null, null
    From Dual
    Union All
    Select distinct to_char(event_id), to_char(start_date), to_char(end_date), notes, null, null, null
    From Base_Vw Inner Join Current_Engagement Ce On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
    Where Event_Active = 1
    and related_service_id is nulland the result is kind of what I try to achieve (except that I need to work on display a message 'No data found' rather than nothing), But it seems that my code works only for one defendant.
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                           COL4                 COL5                 COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                      Court Name           Ethnicity            Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                            BBB                  Asian                01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                     End Date                                                             
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                       15/10/12                                                             
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                     End date             Notes                                           
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                       Notes                                                                
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    10 rows selected
         However, I struggle to find a way to apply this to more than 1 defendant and still keep the format.
    Defendant 1
    All details related to defendant 1
    Defendant 2
    All details relayed to defendant 2
    Defendant n
    All details relayed to defendant nIs it possible to display a report as above by using only SQL script ?
    Thanks a lot in advance. I am willing to compensate financially to someone who can give me a solution.
    Edited by: Ann586341. View base_vw SQL script is fixed.

    Thanks a lot Jeneesh. (You are really a guru.)
    It is nearly 98% what the requirements ask for.
    I just have one more question.
    If I add more information into the database, just one more defendant
    Insert into DEFENDANT (DEF_ID,FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,ACTIVE) values (3,'Minnie','Mouse',1);
    --and one in Engagement table
    Insert into ENGAGEMENT (ENG_ID,DEF_ID,COURT_NAME,DATE_JOINED,DATE_TERMINATED,ETHNICITY,ACTIVE) values (4,3,'BBB',to_date('05/10/12','DD/MM/RR'),null,'Latin America','1');Then I run the select statment again (without changing anything)
    With Current_Engagement As
    ( Select Eng_Id
      From Engagement
      Where /*Def_Id =2
      And*/ Date_Joined Is Not Null
      And ( Date_Terminated Is Null Or Date_Terminated > Sysdate)
      --And Rownum =1
    titles as
    ( Select  .9 dummy_rn,'1.Defendant ID' as col1, 'First Name' as col2, 'Last Name' as col3,
        'Court Name' as col4, 'Ethnicity' as col5, 'Date Joined' as col6,
        'Date Terminated' as col7
      From Dual
      union all
      select  1.9,'2.Service ID', 'Service Description', 'Start Date', 'End Date',
        Null, Null, Null
      from dual
      union all
      Select  2.9,'3.Event ID', 'Related Service ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes',
        null, null
      From Dual
      Union All
      Select 3.9,'4.Event ID', 'Start Date', 'End date', 'Notes', null, null, null
      From Dual
    all_titles as
    ( select dummy_rn,eng_id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
      from current_engagement,titles
    select col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
    from (
          select dummy_rn,eng_id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7
          from all_titles
          Union All
          Select Distinct 1,ce.eng_id,decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(Def_Id)) def_id,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',First_Name) First_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',last_Name) Last_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',court_Name) Court_Name,
                          decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',ethnicity) Ethnicity,
                 to_char(Date_Joined), to_char(Date_Terminated)
          From Base_Vw
                  right outer join Current_Engagement Ce
                  On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Union All
          Select distinct 2,ce.eng_id,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_id)),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',description) ,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_start_date)),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(service_date_terminated)) ,
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          From Base_Vw
                  right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
                  On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          where service_active =1
          Union All
          Select distinct 3,ce.eng_id,
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(event_id)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(related_service_id)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(start_date)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(end_date)),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',notes),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                 decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          from Base_Vw
               right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
               On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Where Event_Active = 1
          and related_service_id is not null
          Union All
          Select distinct 4,ce.eng_id,
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(event_id)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(start_date)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',to_char(end_date)),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',notes),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null),
                  decode(Base_Vw.Eng_Id,null,'No Data',null)
          From Base_Vw
              right outer Join Current_Engagement Ce
              On Base_Vw.Eng_Id = Ce.Eng_Id
          Where Event_Active = 1
          and related_service_id is null
    order by eng_id,dummy_rn,col1
    ;The result is
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                      COL4                 COL5                      COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                       BBB                  Asian                     01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                  15/10/12                                                                  
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    1                              Joe                            Bloggs                    AAA                  European                  22/09/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    4                              Housing                                                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    7                              4                              23/09/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    6                              22/09/12                       23/09/12                                                                                            
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    3                              Minnie                         Mouse                     BBB                  Latin America             05/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    23 rows selected Is it possible in SQL to display it like this
    COL1                           COL2                           COL3                      COL4                 COL5                      COL6        COL7         
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    2                              John                           Doe                       BBB                  Asian                     01/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    3                              Treatment                      01/10/12                  15/10/12                                                                  
    6                              Treatment                      16/10/12                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    5                              2                              03/10/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    4                              02/10/12                                                                                                                           
    8                              12/10/12                                                                                                                           
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    1                              Joe                            Bloggs                    AAA                  European                  22/09/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    4                              Housing                                                                                                                            
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    7                              4                              23/09/12                                                                                            
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                                     
    6                              22/09/12                       23/09/12                                                                                            
    1.Defendant ID                 First Name                     Last Name                 Court Name           Ethnicity                 Date Joined Date Terminated
    3                              Minnie                         Mouse                     BBB                  Latin America             05/10/12                   
    2.Service ID                   Service Description            Start Date                End Date                                                                  
    No Service Found
    3.Event ID                     Related Service ID             Start Date                End date             Notes                                                
    No Event Found
    4.Event ID                     Start Date                     End date                  Notes                                                              
    No Event FoundOr just a 'No data found' would do. I am thinking about create a dummy table which contains only one row with text "There is no data found". And so the outer join with the result, but I still cannot work out how to integrate with the condition in your select statement.
    I really appreciate your help.

  • How to pass a value to a bind variable in a query report in oracle apex

    Hi Guys,
    I have requirement to send weekly reports via email to some users. The users should receive their own records in the report. The user details is stored in a table. What I am planning to do is to create a report query in oracle apex to generate the report and then run a function/procedure via a scheduler to email the report to respective users. Now my query is ............. is it possible to pass a value (user name) to the report query to pull records of only that user? I know we can have bind variables in the report query but I have no idea how to pass a value for bind variables from a function/procedure.
    Can anyone help me on this issue or suggest a better approach?

    You need to use dynamic sql
    But please keep in mind that since you're using Oracle you may be better off posting this in some Oracle forums
    This forum is specifically for SQL Server
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Create Simple Printable SQL Reports in APEX 3.2 Without a Print Server

    Oracle Apex 3.2
    Oracle 11g
    I thought I'd post an answer on how to get a printable SQL report in Oracle Apex without having to configure a print server. I'm sure that similar things have been posted in various other places, but I found the documentation for using custom row templates (to create a printable report) to be incomplete at best. For my needs, I was not looking for an awe inspiring report printout, but rather simple directory information printouts. For example, if you wanted a printable report to look like this:
    First Name: Bob                  Employee ID: 0000000000
    Last Name: Swarts              Company Credit Card Number: 0000-0000-0000-0000
    Middle Initial: F                  Social Security Number: 000-00-0000
    First Name: Sue                  Employee ID: 1111111111
    Last Name: Johnson           Company Credit Card Number: 1111-1111-1111-1111
    Middle Initial: G                 Social Security Number: 111-11-1111
    etc.....In MS Access, doing this is very easy. From what I understand, this is also very easy to do this using PDF software with a print server. However, if you are like me, you don't want to waste time and money by obtaining and configuring a print server (even if it is free). However, never fear because you can create simple reports like this with relatively minimalistic effort; and you can do so without having to configure a print server.
    1.) Create a new page
    2.) Create a new sql query report region on the page
    3.) Make your query just as you would normally.
    For this example the query would be:
    select first_name, employee_id, last_name, company_credit_card_number, middle_initial, social_security_number from employee_table4.) Go to "Shared Components"
    5.) Under "User Interface" click on "Templates"
    6.) Click on the "Create" button
    7.) Select "Report"
    8.) Select "From Scratch"
    9.) For the "Template Class," choose one of the "custom" classes. For the "Template Type," choose "Named Column"
    10.) Click the "Create" button
    11.) Now that you created a custom row template, go back to "Shared Components" and then to "Templates"
    12.) Find your custom template and click on it
    1.) In the "Row Template 1" textbox, you are going to create some custom css that will display the data on the page. The css to make the report look like the report above would be:
    <div style = text-align: justify">
    <td style = "width: 200px"><b>First Name: #1#</b></td>
    <td style = "width: 225px">&nbsp</td>
    <td style = "width: 215px"><b>Employee Id: #2#</b></td>
    <td style = "width: 200px">Last Name: #3#</td>
    <td style = "width: 225px">&nbsp</td>
    <td style = "width: 215px">Company Credit Card Number: #4#</td>
    <td style = "width: 200px">MI: #5#</td>
    <td style = "width: 225px">&nbsp</td>
    <td style = "width: 215px">Social Security Number: <b>#6#</b></td>
    <p style = "page-break-after: always">----------------------------------------------------------------</p>
    As you probably figured out, the numbers between the two pound signs ("#") are substitution strings for the variables in your select query in the SQL report.  As you have also probably noticed, the "page-break-after: always" line will always make it so that only one report is shown on a page.  To fix this, we will need to use logic and row template 2.
    2.)  For the "Row Template 1 Condition," select "Use Based on PL/SQL Expression" from the select list.
    3.)  In the textbox for the row template 1 expression enter in the following:  {code}substr('#rownum#',-1) = 0 or substr('#rownum#',-1) = 5{code}
    ***** This condition will make sure that this template is applied when the last digit in the row number is either a "0" or a "5."  So, only 5 reports will be displayed per page.
    4.)  Now go down to "Row Template 2" and enter in the following in the textbox:
    <div style = text-align: justify">
    <td style = "width: 200px"><b>First Name: #1#</b></td>
    <td style = "width: 225px">&nbsp</td>
    <td style = "width: 215px"><b>Employee Id: #2#</b></td>
    <td style = "width: 200px">Last Name: #3#</td>
    <td style = "width: 225px">&nbsp</td>
    <td style = "width: 215px">Company Credit Card Number: #4#</td>
    <td style = "width: 200px">MI: #5#</td>
    <td style = "width: 225px">&nbsp</td>
    <td style = "width: 215px">Social Security Number: <b>#6#</b></td>
    </div>look familiar? that is because it exactly the same code as above, except without the page-break-after piece.
    5.) For the "Row Template 2 Condition," select "Use Based on PL/SQL Expression" from the select list.
    6.) In the textbox for the row template 2 expression enter in the following: substr('#rownum#',-1) != 0 or substr('#rownum#',-1) != 5***** This condition will make sure that this template is applied when the last digit in the row number IS NOT a "0" or a "5."
    7.) Scroll down to column headings and enter this in the textbox for the "Column Heading Template": OMIT
    8.) Click the "Apply Changes" button
    9.) Now go back to your application and the page you want to apply the custom report to
    10.) On the report, click on the report tab
    11.) Scroll down to "Layout and Pagination"
    12.) Click on the "Report Template" select list
    13.) Select your custom template
    14.) Click the "Apply Changes" button and run the page
    Try printing the report, if it does not print correctly, try it in Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome. Please note that it is my understanding that only Firefox does not understand the css "page-break-after: always"
    If needed, add some css to the page to hide tabs and other items when you print.
    ~Andrew Schulltz

    DOH. Too much copy/paste.
    In my code, I was setting an application variable to contain the email address I was retrieving from AD. Once commented out, it worked fine.
              IF l_attr_name = 'mail' THEN
              END IF;

  • How to change report query dynamically in Oracle APEX?

    I want to dynamically change the where condition in APEX report query. Can anyone help me solve my this problem?
    (Just want to change the query which we change in Oracle Reports using lexical parameter to change &Where, &Order by etc. dynamically!!)
    Thanks, Praful

    I've been using flexible queries in APEX for a few years now, and your question just added a whole new dimension to the flexible and powerful nature or writing reports in APEX.
    While APEX Interactive reporting has almost completely removed the need the equivalent of Lexicals in Oracle Reports, I thought it might be fun to try and use lexicals in an APEX report.
    Before we start I should summarise the powerful capability of APEX reporting to have oprtional parameters (lots and lots of them if this is needed).
    For each parameter, you simply add a page item which will hold the value of the parameter.
    The item/parameter can be populated by typing in the value, defining an LOV, using a date-picker etc.
    To make the parameter optional simply use an OR in the where clause.
    So for a apge item P200_PARAM1.....include
    OR COLUMN1 = :P200_PARAM1)
    This way you can either leave the page item null or type in / select a value from a LOV.
    There is a small quirk in APEX LOV's which sometimes returns a value of '%' or '%null%' - depending on the version - when no value is selected.
    See Patrick Wolf's solution for this at Re: Null value handling in LOVs
    I include this Application Process in all my APEX applications ;)
    Now let's look at using the equivalent of Oracle Reports Lexicals......
    First-off - this is based on the APEX SQL report - NOT Interactive Report.
    It relies on the fact that you can let the query be parsed only at runtime.
    1. Define an SQL report entering the 'core' of your query.
    With a query like SELECT ENAME, JOB FROM EMP
    Select 'Generic Columns' option in the 'Column Headings' section
    Finish the report creation
    2. Define a page item - say P200_LEXICAL - type text on the page
    3. Edit the report and update the SQL query to include your lexical page item
    Ensure that the option "Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)" is selected at the bottom of the query
    4. Add a button to the page -using 'Create a button displayed among this region's items' the will submit the page.
    5. Run the page - you will see all the employee names and job desdriptions
    6. Enter a where clause into the 'Lexical' textbox - say "WHERE ENAME LIKE 'K%'" and click the 'Go' button
    Voila! your where clause is magically applied.
    Try any variant you like adding an ORDER BY clause etc...... this is FUN!
    7. Clear the value of the LEXICAL and click go.
    Edit the report and move the &P200_LEXICAL. into the selected columns (or add another one)
    8. Run the page
    Enter ",SAL" in the textbox and "Go"
    We can add as many columns as we like (subject to the "Maximum number of generic report columns:" set below the SQL query in the report edit section)
    Now because we have all the flexibility in APEX of setting page items using SQL or PLSQL you can set the value of the lexical programatically, or just pre-set a few values in an LOV - the options are limitless.
    While I've never had the need to use lexicals - you can see that APEX provides the most Flexible Lexicals in town.
    Eat your heart out "Oracle Reports"!!!
    Have fun

  • APEX 3.0: Create SQL Report Wizard raises a Javascript error

    in the "Create SQL Report Wizard" (Create Page/Report/SQL Report) when you click onto the "Generic Columns" radio group the following JavaScript error is displayed. has no properties
    disableItems("html_RadioValue('P4795_GENERIC_COLS')=='N'", "P4795_MAX_COLUMNS", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined)
    Check out my APEX-blog:
    Check out the ApexLib Framework:

    sorry was not clear enough. It's just a Javascript error which shows up, it doesn't stop me to create the report. I just noticed that there seems to be a functionality which isn't completely implemented.
    I'm using FF 2.0 with the Firebug plugin, that's why I immediately see if an error occurs on a page.
    Reproduced the same behavior on
    1) Create Page
    2) Report
    3) SQL Report
    4) Press Next
    5) Press Next
    6) Click on "Generic columns" radio option
    7) In FF go to Tools/Error Console => you should see the error (maybe you have to filter for Errors)
    Check out my APEX-blog:
    Check out the ApexLib Framework:

  • How to register a pl/sql report as an Oracle report.

    I have a requirement to add a Pl/sql report in a shipping document set.
    Shipping document set can contain Oracle reports only(RDF).
    Is there a way we can add pl/sql report in a shipping docuemnt set?

    Please see these docs.
    Adding PL/SQL Stored Procedure To Document Set. [ID 551154.1]
    Concurrent Programs Of Pl/Sql Attached To Shipping Document Set Is Not Firing [ID 810856.1]
    Concurrent Programs Of Pl/Sql Attached To Shipping Document Set Not Working. [ID 1246184.1]
    Shipping Document Set Containing PL/SQL Program Ends with Oracle Error 6550 in FDPSTP [ID 316221.1]
    Concurrent Program Not Being Called? [ID 956722.1]

  • Report in pdf format in oracle apex

    how can i save the contents of a form as a report in pdf format by clicking on tha print button in oracle apex???
    plz help if anyone knows tha solution
    Edited by: user9139675 on Mar 9, 2010 11:14 PM

    how can i save the contents of a form as a report in pdf format by clicking on tha print button in oracle apex???You may create a report and call it in an Apex process fired by press a button.
    in the process:
    l_utl_http := utl_http.request(l_url);
    where set l_url like:
    The generated pdf report my_rpt.PDF is kept at /arch/chrisweb/devi/cache/

  • Create PDF from PL/SQL-Interface XML FOP / Oracle BI / Oracle APEX packages

    Hi All,
    I think this is perhaps the most often asked question. And people suggest using PL-FPDF or PL PDF. There is a constraint, I can't use PL PDF because of monetary reasons.
    I wish I could use some method to output PDF from the PL/SQL. I already have a document (word document stored as CLOB). Now, I need to output this file as PDF. I know doing this outside database is easy and advisable, but this what I have been asked to do.
    Is there any method of implementation, using either XML - FOP or Oracle BI publisher or Oracle APEX tools (and not Oracle APEX itself, I know how to do this if the application is built, run using Oracle APEX, but this is plain Oracle HTP).
    Database: Oracle 9.2 running in Windows server.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: guru paran on Oct 22, 2009 12:55 PM
    Added tags

    Apologies for that.
    I am looking into ways to use Apex. Like calling the FOP in Oracle OC4J server and generating PDF from it. As I told already, we have this application built on Oracle HTP, we can't move to Oracle Apex now. I can install Oracle APEX and use the tools it offers. No problem in that.
    PL-FPDF is free, but I can see this doesn't help much. What I have is CLOB, not data from table. :(
    I am just looking into different ways one can do this.

  • Can Oracle APEX access/report against an Oracle9i datbase?

    Can Oracle APEX access/report against an Oracle9i datbase? I know APEX has to be installed on Oracle 11g or 12c. I have a 11g environment to install it in, but I want to have ti read data from an existing 9i databasethat we are unable to upgrade at this time.

    APEX can create reports on any data that the database (which is running APEX) can access.
    This becomes a database question that is usually found in the General forum:
    How can an Oracle 11g database access data from an <place a name of a database here> database?
    One common answers:  Database Links.
    (Materialized Views and Golden Gate come to mind... but, again... these are database problems, not APEX problems.)
    I'll let others comment on the practicality of these solutions.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • One field shows as blank always irrespective of the selection in the report

    Hi there is a field (RKF) in my report which always shows blank irrespective of the selection parameters.. i have verified in the multiprovider with the same selection , filter and condion values what are used in the report,, the field is showing up