Oracle on As-400

Our company has AS-400 machines in different cities. We are running RPG on them. Could we shift to Oracle?

Thank you kushal:
But I want to either it is possible to run ORACLE on AS-400 Machine or not

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    Hi Experts,
    1)I got a requirement to load data from oracle to as/400.What KM's we can use here in terms of good performence etc.
    2)Normally ODI will return 0 for success and non zero for failure,how can i get that value if i call a ODI Scenario through shell script( i.e how a shell script will know that it is '0' or 'non zero' during a run of a scenario?

    Try this:
    In the Topology Manager you need to go to the Oracle DataServers individually and double-click on them,
    Click on the third tab ('Properties'), and add in a new key named 'oracle.jdbc.V8Compatible' and set the value to 'TRUE'.
    More info here:
    Incidentially, if you are using jt400 (ibm toolbox for java) to connect to the AS/400. You might try and updating tot newer version of the jt400 jar available here:
    Because Oracle ship a very outdated (from 2004) version of this jar with odi.

  • ORACLE TO AS/400

    What are the KM'S i need to use if i need to load data from oracle to as/400?

    This might help you

  • Install oracle on AS 400

    Can't i install oracle on AS 400 machine?
    can i install only scheduling as a seperate package without going for complete oracle manufacturing implementation?
    This is a very urgent requirement. Please give me an answer as soon as possible.

    Hi Bhanu,
    SAP on Oracle on AS/400 is not released.
    There is no installation package available for that and the combination of OS and DB is not supported for any SAP product.
    Besides: is there really a Oracle version available for AS/400 ?
    Since AS/400 brings it's own DBMS you may want to install SAP to that.

  • Export preparation details for Het. Sysytem copy

    I used to work with a certified migration specialist migrating 4.6C from Window/Oracle to AS/400 about 6 years ago. I remember there was a list of preparation steps to be taken on the source SID to check for readiness before DBEXPORT was done. I did not keep that information.
    Now, I have another opportunity to propose migration of 4.6C from HP UX/Oracle to i5. I wonder if anyone can help point me to that list of preparation steps. I need to include it in the appendix of the migration proposal.
    Thanks in advance.
    Satid S.
    IBM Thailand

    Hi Satid,
    You might find it helpful to check page <a href=""></a> and the FAQs and Media Library sections there. The latter contains a document called <b>SAP OS/DB Migration Check Planning Guide</b>

  • HSODBC.EXE Performance

    I'm testing HS performance between our Oracle(NT) servers and AS/400.
    A query that takes 3 seconds on our Dev server takes 30+ seconds on our Prod server. I can't find anything different between the two environments, here is a list of everything I've checked:
    1.     EXPLAIN_PLAN of query
    2.     INIT<sid>.ORA files
    3.     Data in HS_* tables
    4.     PING and TRACERT between Oracle and AS/400 servers
    5.     ODBC drivers and configuration
    6.     HSODBC.EXE activity in NT Task Manager
    I've combed through the log files and can't find anything. One difference is that our Prod server is a more powerful machine with 2 processors.
    Can anybody recommend anything else to check or what kind of diagnostics to run?
    Willy Vancrey

    This might happen if you are using shared sockets.
    Shared sockets means you have defined for example 1521 port in the listener and then all connections spawned by the listener are also using the 1521 port.
    This is a cool feature as your firewall needs to open only the listener port. The disadvantage is that if you stop the listener you won't get it online anymore as long as there is any connection allocating this 1521 port.
    A while ago before Windows TCP/IP stack V2 Windows didn't support the shared socket mechanis and your connection got redirected to a randomly choosen port#.
    Here you had to open all ports for SQL*Net connections; but not many Firewall vendors implemented the SQL*Net filter. The big advantage of this method was all connections had a several port and thus you could stop/start the listsnser all the time.
    As far as I have seen sutting down is in most cases possible, but a restart of the listener will fails as long as any active process like hsodbc (or even database connections) are allocating the listener port.
    Here the only chance is to kill all processes allocating the listener port.
    Shared sockets are enabled on Windows using the registry or environment parameter use_shared_socket.
    Please have a look at Metalink for more details.

  • 了解11g OCM

    2007年发售的Oracle Database 11g号称Oracle 20年来最具影响力的产品, 在11gR1中大约引入了400个新功能和特性, 而在11gR2中这数字不会小于200个,且在已发布的2个Patch Set 和11.2.0.3中仍在引入新特性。
    11gR1已经发布了6个年头(2007-2012), 而11gR2 服役已经第四个年头了(2009-2012),随着版本10gR2的support lifetime从Premier Support转变成Sustaining Support(Oracle Database 10.2 has now transitioned from Premier Support to Sustaining Support)。
    越来越多的企业会在部署新系统时优先考虑采用11gR2,以减少software support的支出。 在OTN Forums的版本使用率调查中11.2.0.x已经占有了30.6%份额, 在未来几年中这个数字将超过其他几个版本使用率的总和。
    版本11gR2在国内发力的黄金发展期即将到来, 但是国内DBA对版本11g的所知甚少, 实际上从10g 到 11g的改变并不局限于新特性, 很多同学在实施upgrade to 11g后发现了之前从未有过的不少问题, 这些问题主要集中在 管理、SQL执行计划和新进程的作用上,但不局限于此。
    实际上Maclean 建议系统地去学习一下11g的新特性, OU(OU指Oracle University,即Oracle大学,原厂培训机构)提供的课程包括:
    Oracle Database 11g: High Availability
    Oracle Database 11g: Change Management
    Oracle Database 11g: New Features
    Oracle Database 11g: Performance
    Oracle Database 11g: Scheduler
    Oracle Database 11g: Server Manageability
    当谈及11g ocm的时候, 大家可能都有一些茫然, OCM 还分版本吗?
    是的, 最早的OCM在9i时代就有了, 不过在大陆9i的OCM非常少,在2000年左右大陆还没有OCM的考点,考OCM需要去韩国; 这个阶段的OCM当时主要是 Oracle在国内的一些重量级客户,例如移动、联通等, 不过这些第一批获得OCM的精英们后来绝大多数都从移动、联通跳槽到一些金融、银行单位了。 所以过往有一次去移动的一个部门,移动的领导向我们介绍当年这里可是出了好几个OCM, 但好景不长OCM精英纷纷跳槽, 以至于现在他要鼓励手下的员工去考OCP了。
    OCM 在大陆大举登陆是在10g的时代,也即2005年以后的一段时间。这个时间点大陆在北京、上海、深圳等大城市的OU都有了OCM的考试点, 同时大量乙方、第三方的技术人员或为了自身发展或为了公司资质都投身到了OCM认证考试中来,由于考试人数众多,这导致几乎不变的10g OCM考题或被以帖子或被以博客的形式共享出来。 客观地说10g OCM 的考题在保密的前提下还是能够反映一位Oracle技术人员的知识广度和操作熟练度的, 应变能力也能够大致体现; 但是受限于考试的形式, 仍不无法测量应试者的知识深度和理论是否扎实;虽然如此,但是若能够以正大光明的形式通过10g OCM考试,那么仍能说明一个人有一定的技术功底。
    说起10g的OCM考试,这里面有一个搞笑的小插曲。在2011年初参加OCM考试的同学可能遇到过尴尬的问题, 安装完成Grid Control/OMS软件后却因为网页证书在2011年过期的问题(之前的考试不会遇到该问题),无法登陆OMS管理界面,这导致后续的考试环节都无法使用Grid Control完成。 如果这时节是你在考试,打开了GC的界面却发现无法登陆,即便心理素质再好恐怕也难免傻眼。具体由于这个意外造成考试结果如何计算不得而知, 只知道后来的OCM 考试提供一个专门解决该GC问题的patch,考生可能需要apply 这个patch,这算不算是变相地对10g OCM考试的扩展呢?
    有人说10g OCM考试已经在国内泛滥了,这主要是因为部分帖子和博客披露了大量10g OCM的信息, 同时有不少Oracle WDP或非WDP的培训机构看中了10g OCM考试培训的这块肥肉;现在登录一个Oracle相关主题的门户网站或论坛或多或少都会看到这些机构在打10g OCM考试的广告。 如果说纯粹的应试的话,那么参加这些培训机构的10g OCM考试培训还是很有效的,显然他们把考题直接作为平时培训的练习了; 但如果你真的通过这些机构获得了10g OCM的认证,那么你发生会发现10g OCM不过如此, 和你水平差不多或者远不如你的人在这些机构学上几个月也都能获得10g OCM, 而10g OCM作为一个认证的最高点, 你在获得了它之后还有什么可以去学习、去提高的呢? 你在获得了OCM是否真的达到了这样的一个至高点?你是否还会有动力去学习其实你还不熟悉的包括在OCP范畴内的技术知识呢? 你在Oracle之路今后要怎么走呢? 别人是否信服你获得的这个日益有更多人获得的OCM呢?
    所以Maclean的态度是,谢绝除OU外的一切培训机构! Maclean 在考10g OCM的时候为了省钱仅参加了原厂2门最便宜的高级课程,加上10g OCM exam考试的费用, 总支出不超过2w¥。 对于Maclean来说 考ocm只是一个强迫自己去系统复习知识的机会, 获得10g OCM认证几乎没有给Maclean带来任何就业上的好处。
    实际在这几年中10g OCM认证给求职者往往带来负面的影响, 有不少同学在面试中因为从业年数不多且已经获得OCM, 受到面试官的不经意的”调戏”, 已经有不下于2个10g OCM小兄弟由于这个认证带来的”调戏”现象对Maclean诉苦。 我只能告诉他们,世界上伟大的美德是”等待和希望”!
    扯了许多无关的话题, 实际我的这篇文章是要介绍11g OCM的。 在9i OCM已退役, 10g OCM几乎已经在国内烂大街的今天, 11g OCM仍是一片乐土和净土。
    说11g OCM是一片净土的原因是,11g OCM没有任何被过分共享的资源,我写的《11g OCM Upgrade Exam Tips》 一文提供了一些11g OCM考试的准备技巧; 同时具我所知,到目前为止全世界没有那一家培训机构能够做11g OCM认证的考试培训(可能需要排除OU), 这保证了考试的公正性, 还了OCM认证一片净土。
    11g OCM的花名册可以在OTN 11g OCM profile中找到,记录在册的大约有76人,绝大多数是Oracle原厂的员工或者OU的讲师,印度和欧美的Oracle技术人员占了绝大部分。
    关于11g ocm的难度,可以参考上海OU资深讲师包光磊同学的博客,还是比较刺激的(
    11g OCM认证的获得路径目前有3条,即:
    路径1,适合没有获得过9i/10g ocm的新晋同学: 11g ocp的获得者=> 参加2门原厂的11g高级课程 => 通过Oracle Database 11g Certified Master Exam2天的考试 => submit course form=> Submit Fulfillment Kit Request => 最后获得11g ocm 的证书和纪念服。
    路径2,适合10g ocm: 已获得10g ocm认证=> 通过Oracle Database 11g Certified Master Upgrade Exam 1天的升级考试=> Submit Fulfillment Kit Request => 最后获得11g ocm 的证书和纪念服。
    路径3,适合9i OCM: 已获得9i OCM => 通过1Z0-048 Oracle Database 10g R2: Administering RAC 或者 1Z0-058 Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Release 2 and Grid Infrastructure Administration 考试 ,这2门考试在考试机构就可以考,不需要去OU => 参加 Oracle Database 11g Certified Master Upgrade Exam(1天的升级考试) 或者Oracle Database 11g Certified Master Exam(2天的原生态11g OCM考试),一般都会选择1天的升级考试 => Submit Fulfillment Kit Request => 最后获得11g ocm 的证书和纪念服。
    关于获得11g ocm认证路径的更多信息 ,可以参考: Oracle Database 11g Certified Master track page 和 oracle 官方的认证博客 certification blog 。
    Maclean Liu
    Oracle Database Administrator
    Oracle Certified 10g/11g Master
    Edited by: Maclean Liu on 2012-8-22 下午10:56

    I would personally like to see OCM / Knowledge Transfer part of not only the business case, but of the RFP and of the implementation contract to vendors.
    In my opinion this should be an outcome based measure with some real penalty to the vendor who fails to deliver in this area.  The following excerpt is from a recent article I wrote on the topic of knowledge transfer:
    To avoid [vendor failure of knowledge transfer], your vendor contract might include a provision where you commit to the number of resources and time (client staffing levels) and the vendor is required to reach a point of operational independence within 2 (or 3, or whatever number) months of go-live.  Define operational independence as the client resourceu2019s ability to troubleshoot and resolve transaction problems within the scope of the transactions that are implemented.  Also, the terms of your agreement might spell out that as of u201Cxu201D date, the vendor agrees to support all client resources at u201Cyu201D discounted rate (say 50% of the project rate) until operational independence is achieved.
    This is from "A Cautionary Tale about Knowledge Transfer" posted on my site at,
    Bill Wood - President
    R3Now Consulting SAP thought leadership!
    Platinum SAP Solutions
    (704) 905 - 5175

  • Intel hardware recommendations wanted

    Our dept. is looking for a database solution for storage
    and retrieval of statistical and service related data
    for our telephone services.
    The choice is narrowed down to Oracle. If hardware
    allows, we'd like to run it under Linux. I'm
    looking for information and hands-on experience
    with regards to choice of hardware; We're looking
    for a Intel based solution, with SMP and RAID.
    Has anyone had any luck running Linux and Oracle under
    such a configuration ?
    Has anyone been able to run it under a Compaq Proliant 3000R
    with SmartArray Raid ? Or how about HP Netserver LC II with
    NetRaid ? Or, are these servers plattforms one should stay
    clear off ?
    The database should initially handle at least 2 GB of data.
    (Estimated growth will be approx. 10 MB each day).
    Performance must be high, because telephone applications
    will use the database for "real-time" information-retrieval.
    (We might have as many as 400 callers querying the
    database for unique records at same time. Search
    parameters will be indexed fields).
    Stability is also crucial. Our services are running
    24 hrs a day, 365 days a year.

    Hi Christian,
    I currently have it all (WAS, Local Oracle, Sql*Net to
    remote DB on VAX/VMS) working with linux on a Compaq Proliant
    1600 (300MHz with 320 Mb Ram). I disabled the on-board Ethernet
    adapter and used an Intel Ether Express 100. I also removed the
    SMART 2/SL RAID controller and use 3x4.3GB UW HotPluggables
    drives on single SCSI bus. I'm thinking of getting an expansion
    cabinet and slapping another 3 or 4 UW drives on a second
    SCSI bus.
    I've searched and searched for a SMART driver on the net to no
    avail. Linux will do software RAID, but as for HW RAID5, the
    driver availability is very limited. Take a look at the latest
    LinuxGazette issue#35 (I believe), there's an article on RAID.
    For my setup, RAID is OUT (for now)! From experience I know that
    Oracle likes lots of hard drives (and lots of memory). Say for
    instance (no pun intended) you can get a couple of drives to hold
    your data and you can store your indexes on other drives, that
    will help performance. Logically, multiple buses will help also.
    As for Oracle WAS handling 400 simultaneous queries, I've got
    about 2% of that load so I cannot comment on it. As for
    stability, well it's Oracle, we've been running it for 10 years
    on VAX/VMS, not once have we got corruption... (knock on wood, of
    Good Luck!
    Christian S Rosnes (guest) wrote:
    : Hi!
    : Our dept. is looking for a database solution for storage
    : and retrieval of statistical and service related data
    : for our telephone services.
    : The choice is narrowed down to Oracle. If hardware
    : allows, we'd like to run it under Linux. I'm
    : looking for information and hands-on experience
    : with regards to choice of hardware; We're looking
    : for a Intel based solution, with SMP and RAID.
    : Has anyone had any luck running Linux and Oracle under
    : such a configuration ?
    : Has anyone been able to run it under a Compaq Proliant 3000R
    : with SmartArray Raid ? Or how about HP Netserver LC II with
    : NetRaid ? Or, are these servers plattforms one should stay
    : clear off ?
    : The database should initially handle at least 2 GB of data.
    : (Estimated growth will be approx. 10 MB each day).
    : Performance must be high, because telephone applications
    : will use the database for "real-time" information-retrieval.
    : (We might have as many as 400 callers querying the
    : database for unique records at same time. Search
    : parameters will be indexed fields).
    : Stability is also crucial. Our services are running
    : 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year.
    : Regards,
    : Christian

  • Oracle Smart View prompt bug still not resolved?

    Good morning,
    in our company we have OBIEE and we are testing Oracle Smart View (Build 376) on Excel 2007 32 bit and Excel 2013 64 bit to allow our final users to work more easily.
    Unfortunately almost all of our reports contains prompts and when we try to insert an object in the Excel worksheet we see the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object” and Excel hangs.
    Is there any solution?
    Many thanks.

    Check out the following:
    When Attempting to Import a Report, a Pop Up Shows Up in Excel With the Following Error - 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' (Doc ID 1952856.1)
    Noted as:
    Caused by code bug introduced in bundle patch. Also occurs in
    Duplicated symptoms on 7.140715 and could not on 7.140527.

  • Error retrieving data in Oracle BI 11g from DB2 AS/400

    Hello everybody,
    In my Oracle BI 11g environment I want to have data coming from a DB2 AS/400 database. Retrieving the tables from the database in BI Administration and building the repository works fine. But as soon as I want to see the data (from the BI Administration or BI Answers) I get the following error (in BI Answers):
    +Description: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [08S01] [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver]Communication link failure. comm rc=11004 - CWBCO1011 - Remote port could not be resolved+
    I tried some different settings (ODBC Basis, ODBC Advanced and AS/400) as a databasetype and different type of connections (ODBC 2.0 and ODBC 3.5) in the connection pool. But non of the settings seems to solve the problem.
    When I try to query the database using another tool, Oracle Interactive Reporting, everything works fine as long as I use ODBC as both database- and connectiontype.
    Does anybode got an idea how this can be solved/where to look for a solution?
    Thanks in advance!
    With regards,
    Dennis de Kock

    Hi Dennis,
    We have used default ODBC 3.5 to connect DB2 AS400 iseries but we would like to know from Oracle what is the certified client connectivity software to use.
    Afte Opening SR with Oracle they have mentioned that Oracle has not tested and it is not a certified database to support as per SRSP document.
    Please let me know your feedback if you have contacted Oracle on this ?

  • HTTP 400 Bad Request when accessing Oracle XE/Apex from the Internet

    I have Oracle Express Edition upgraded to Apex 3.2. I can access everything (SQL prompt, Apex HTTP) from my local machine. I have configured the server for remote access on a non-default (not 8080) port.
    I have executed: exec dbms_xdb.setListenerLocalAccess(false);
    I can access the server using:
    http://coyote:9977/apex (brings me to Application Express Administration Services login screen)
    (where "coyote" is the local machine name of my Windows Vista box, where the Oracle/Apex server is installed.)
    But when I try:
    (where "internet_server_name" is the internet DNS name visible of my machine visible from the internet.)
    I get "HTTP 400 Bad Request"
    I know the request is hitting the Oracle Listener (getting through firewalls, cable modem router, etc) since the http attempt causes the entry:
    20-MAR-2009 20:36:53 * http * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * handoff * http * 0
    to be made in the C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\log\listener.log
    An attempt using the local (Windows) machine name makes a similar entry in the listener log:
    20-MAR-2009 20:47:35 * http * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * handoff * http * 0
    This seems like a security issue of some kind (is the server dropping a request from "outside" the local domain?)
    I'm new to Oracle so I am not familiar with how to debug this sort of connectivity issue. In case it helps:
    LSNRCTL> status
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    Start Date 20-MAR-2009 19:27:00
    Uptime 0 days 1 hr. 30 min. 59 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security ON: Local OS Authentication
    Default Service XE
    Listener Parameter File C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\admin\listener.ora
    Listener Log File C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\network\log\listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "XEXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "XE_XPT" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "xe" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    Any help appreciated,

    Hans Forbrich wrote:
    CoyoteTech wrote:
    I have tried running with the firewall (F-Secure) completely disabled, but it made no difference. I do see the request hit the listener, and the handoff appears to be successful, but it goes silent from there. I also have a cable modem router that has the port forwarding set, but maybe there are other handoff ports besides the initial one (e.g. 8080) that need to be forwarded?Please also check the Windows firewall is off as well. Yes, Windows Firewall is disabled as well. See my previous post to Tyler - I'm pretty sure the reqwuest makes it through the firewall/router layer, since it causes an entry in Listener.log
    Is your problem through the router only? In other words, if you try from a second machine that is on the same side as your XE, are you working OK? (My home ISP blocks a bunch of ports. Including SMTP, FTP, Telnet. And 8080 since that is a traditional default for many Java 'servers'.)
    Yes, it appears to be related to a non-local IP address. I'm sure it makes it through the router - I also have several other ports that make it through (e.g. port 80).
    I have poked around the DBMS_EPG docs, and ran a few of the commands there (list DADS etc). DBMS_EPG was first 'released' to us in 10gR2. As far as I'm concerned, XE is the public 'beta' or 'release candidate'. (This is supported by Oracle's docs that state that Apex using DBMS_EPG is first supported using or 11g.) There are known bugs and there is no way to patch XE to fix them. However, I do not know whether you are hitting those bugs. provides some good notes.
    Interesting. I will check out these docs later today.
    What happens when the listener hands off to a registered handler? gives a good description.
    How do I pick up the [log] trail from there?I'm thniking that the listener's log is still the primary way to go. You may need to increase the log or trace level. I have not investigated how to gen or access logs inside EPG.I tried Tyler's trace but did not seem to add additional info to the Listener.log.


    This is the problem.
    I'm passing a table from AS/400(MAPICS) to Oracle using ODI. The problem is that the data is all wrong. The different values for a column should be:
    And I'm getting:
    Obviously it's a problem with the character set, but I don't know how to solve it.
    The scenario is as follow:
    Oracle Data Integrator Version 11.1.1
    Oracle Database: 11g
    Driver to connect to AS400: weblogic.jdbc.db2.DB2Driver (IBM DB2 Datadirect Driver)
    Using LKM SQL to SQL
    Using IKM SQL Control Append
    The datatype at the source is char(3), but I get an error message saying that I need a char(6) in the target, so I changed to char(6) but I get that wrong data.

    As far as I know Oracle has a possibility to communicate with a AS400 database. More info can be found here:

  • AS/400 TO ORACLE

    I need to extract the data from AS/400 into oracle DB using ODI.
    If i need to create the file from AS/400 then load it into oracle DB how to do it in ODI?
    If i need to directly loading from as/400 into oracle db how to do that in ODI?

    Here :
    install agent on TARGET server (= Oracle DB) and unload the data of DB2 in the form of files into FOLDER (which can be read by AGENT, why not in the same place than your Oracle DB) and load them using sqlloader(which again needs to be there on source server) using same agent,right?
    ie :
    You create a package that launch and SQL statement on DB2 database and unload it into a file.
    Then, copy this file in a folder located in the same host than your Oracle DB.
    Then launch an interface that use LKM SQL LOADER to load the file into an Oracle DB table.
    Using the agent that is installed on the same host than your Oracle DB.

  • As/400 to oracle migration (migrane)

    Dear folks,
    I am using oracle migration workbench to migrate data from AS/400 to Oracle. When I am capturing/importing data/model from source AS/400 system it shows up the databases available to be imported. Within that column it only shows the AS/400 system name instead of any relational database entry name. Therefore when I import that I only get some system tables and objects not the data files which are on the system. I dont know how to fix that so that it shows the relational database name so that I can import the data files not the system files.
    Note: There was not RDB directory entry in the AS400 system but I have created one now.
    your help is appreciated.
    Munwar Soomro.

    Hi Munwar,
    Am I correct in saying that you only see the server name in the Capture wizard?
    1)If so can you confirm that when you connected that you had privileges to see the database you wanted
    2)And if that database physically reside on the machine you connected too.

  • How  to access data in AS 400 from Oracle database

    Could you please help me on accessing data in AS 400 from Oracle database? what are the main things to do? Any private documentation or any oracle metalink note please...

    Please find the details given below....Any body can help me on this please....
    Issue Description: The stock status report to be developed at SATN has some information that is currently calculated and stored in the Fox/pro system. A real time ODBC needs to be done to the AS/400 system to retrieve values for the respective fields. This has never been tested before as it impacts many areas.
    The DBA team need to work to establish such a relationship and a report needs to be written in Oracle to have this tested on a real time basis. Mapping needs to be developed on the Oracle side to grab the correct fields

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