Oracle Reports OCP test

Can any one tell me some kind of a braindump for oracle reports test. I'm trying to prepare for the test.

I used Oracle Application Test Suite
Hao Tran

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  • HELP:About the OCP exam with Oracle Reports??

    Can i achieve OCP with SQL exam , PL / SQL exam and oracle 9i reports exam / xml publisher exam
    I'm not intrested in giving an oracle forms exam.
    I'm working as an oracle reports writer on oracle applications.
    Kindly guide me in the right direction with appropriate oracle links etc.
    Fahad Hameed.

    You can achieve "PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate" by passing "Introduction to Oracle9i SQL 1Z0-007" OR "Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL 1Z0-001" OR "Oracle Database SQL Expert 1Z0-047".
    For "Oracle Forms Developer Certified Professional", you need to pass "Oracle Forms: Build Internet Applications 1Z0-141" after getting the "PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate" certificate.
    Oracle PL/SQL and Oracle Forms Developer
    Oracle Certification Program - Oracle Middleware

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  • Error while generating the report on Test env (for divide condition)

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    I am facing the below error while generating the report in test environment while the same report is working fine on Prod environment.
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: S1000 code: 1791 message: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression. [nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: S1000 code: 1791 message: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01791: not a SELECTed expression. [nQSError: 16015] SQL statement execution failed. (HY000)
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  • Grouping in rtf template like oracle reports - a newbie question

    Hello all
    I am new to BI Publisher and have probablly a silly question to ask.
    I have a basic query that returns a flat xml file which looks something like this. it will have multiple rows.
    <ROW num="1">
    <NAME>Test Customer</NAME>
    Because i am fairly new to xml i am at a loss trying to work out how i can form a template that will effectively allow grouping at say
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    3.Drop Off level
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    In reports i would just do groups and alter the layout accordingly. Obviously if i had an oracle report version of the sql that generates the xml then i could just generate the xml from the report and i would get the xml i am looking for .
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    If you haev word plugin installed,
    please follow the documentation and try using that,
    load the xml in the word plugin
    and then select insert table/form and then you can do the drag and drop,
    and group by each fields.

  • New to oracle report builder

    Dear all;
    Please pardon me. I am new to oracle report builder and I am trying to accomplish the following. First and foremost please find my pl/sql queries below. Kindly note, all the queries have been tested and I just need to be able to input those queries into the report builder. Thank you.
    create or replace package test1 is
    type r_cursor is ref cursor;
    function report(company_name in varchar2) return r_cursor;
    end test1;
    create or replace package body test1 is
    function report(company_name in varchar2) return r_cursor as
    my_r_cursor r_cursor;
    if(company_name = 'ALL COMPANIES') THEN
    open my_r_cursor for
    select t.t_id, t.t_description from t1 t;
    return my_r_cursor;
    elsif(company_name != 'ALL COMPANIES') THEN
    open my_r_cursor for
    select t.t_id, t.t_description from t1 t
    where t.t_id = company_name;
    return my_r_cursor;
    end if;
    end test1;
    create table t1
    t_id varchar2(200) not null,
    t_description varchar2(250),
    primary key(t_id)
    insert into t1
      (t_id, t_description)
      ('CITI', 'PROFIT: 2.2Billion');
    insert into t1
      (t_id, t_description)
      ('GE', 'PROFIT: 1Billion');
    insert into t1
      (t_id, t_description)
      ('JPMORGAN','PROFIT: 0');Now, I am trying to create a simple report in oracle report builder. The interface for generating for this report is basically, there is a dropdownlist where by the user picks a company name from the dropdownlist and clicks on the go button, this should then generate a report with the above query shown in the package. How can this be achieved? All help will greatly be appreciated.

    first of all you need strong typed ref cursor, oracle reports need to detect witch are the columns returned by your cursor.
    so first you create your package
    create or replace package test1
    , company_desc VARCHAR2(150)--TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME%TYPE
    procedure report(company_name in varchar2 ,cur_out OUT t_ref_cursor) ;
    end test1;
    show errors
    create or replace package body test1
    procedure report(company_name in varchar2 ,cur_out OUT t_ref_cursor)
    my_r_cursor T_REF_CURSOR;
    if(company_name = '1')
    open my_r_cursor for
    select 1 as t_id, 'description' ast_description from dual
    open my_r_cursor for
    select 2 as t_id, 'description2' as t_description from dual
    end if;
    end test1;
    show errors
    then, in your report you create a ref cursor query :
    function QR_1RefCurDS
    return test1.t_ref_cursor
    C_return test1.t_ref_cursor;
    RETURN(C_return) ;
    hope this helps you !

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    It's because .bat (or .cmd) files are scripts and not executables and are interpreted using the command line executable - which is normally cmd.exe (although you can buy others).
    So you need to call cmd.exe passing the bat file name as a parameter, something like
    cmd.exe /c batchfilename
    Without the /c you will never get a response.
    However, this brings us to the bizarre conclusion that you are going to:
    call cmd.exe (a shell interpreter)
    to launch a batch file
    that calls cygwin (another shell interpreter)
    which then runs ls
    When shouldn't that just be:
    call cmd.exe to run the dir command
    Or better yet, If you are just after a file name listing and you seem to understand Java stored procs, why not just write a JSP to list the contents of a directory? No problems with OS dependant commands, scripts and 3rd party interpreters. Plenty of examples of that out on the internet as well.

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    Imported the wspds.jar fle from oracle plugin exchage. When tried using it received the following error in oracle reports trace file.
    04/26 22:27:22 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:[Loracle/xml/parser/v2/XMLDocument;Ljava/net/URL;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    By troubleshooting issue found out that xmlparserv2.jar in 10g is newer than xmlparserv2.jar in 9i. wspds.jar is using xmlparserv2.jar in 9i as it was developed and tested for 9i only. Believe there is no newer wspds.jar file developed specifically for 10g?
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  • Oracle Reports 6i Delimied Format and Carriage Returns

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    Whew...lot's of questions...let's see if I can help (at least a little)...
    1. Quite possibly, the user is/was pulling the image from the database? I do this in my environment, so it might be worth a look.
    2. You should be able to print in any format from the web. You may need to adjust your destype/desname/desname parameters.
    3. Only thing I can think of here is that maybe the original report was not written using a standard web-friendly font?
    4. There's a couple of ways you can get data into an excel file:
    A. Use DDE and poke the data right into it (messy when you need to print the regular Oracle report too).
    B. Add an option to print to file and set the desformat to DELIMITEDDATA. Be sure to go through the data model and set Exclude from XML Output to 'Yes' for fields you don't need. Also, be aware that this may not come out in the same order as they do on the printed report. You can read about this on Metalink.
    Hopefully that helps you a little bit. :)

  • How to run Oracle Report in new window

    There appear to be many threads regarding this issue, but so far I've been unable to piece together a solution to my problem.
    My requirements are quite simple really.
    - Invoke an Oracle Report from an HTMLDB page
    - Pass parameters form the page to the report URL
    - Run the report in a new window
    I have created a simple example at:
    Page 1 contains the following HTML Header attribute
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function callMyPopup (url){
    w = open(url,"winLov","");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
    The URL i wish to invoke is
    My question is, where would I put the code to invoke the URL? I'm trying to use the following code
    I've tried putting this in a branch but I get a 'Page can not be displayed' error.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I'm trying to invoke an oracle report through a button in apex2.2. Please let me know how to display the report in a new window.
    I have put the URL as of now in the branch of the button, and the report is getting displayed in the same window.
    I've read some of the posts and put the URL as the target of the button instead of a branch and also used the javascript:popupURL(), but it still doesnt work for me. The URL works fine without the javascript.
    I have put the URL as of now in the branch of the button, and the report is getting displayed in the same window.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Exception while opening a JSP file created using oracle report builder

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    I have deployed the JSP created above to the Oracle Application Server
    but when i try to open the JSP file it gives the following error:
    500 Internal Server Error
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: rwlib-1: REP-1202: ORACLE logon not specified. at oracle.reports.jsp.ObjectsTag.doEndTag( at testing.test1._jspService( [SRC:/testing/test1.jsp:0] at com.orionserver[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService( at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter( at Source) at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (] at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (] at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ at
    can anybody help regarding this
    this is of high priority to me
    thanks and regards


  • Help desiging a 10g Oracle Report with Matrix and Lexical Parameters - Long

    Hello all:
    I apologize in advance for this long post.... I'm using Oracle Reports 10g ( First -- the question:
    I need to create a Matrix where the rows come from one database table
    (TABLE1) and the columns and cell contents come from a linked query (pulled from TABLE2) that is generated with lexical parameters based on the current TABLE1 row. The lexical parameters contain a WHERE clause for the TABLE2 query. Basically, I have a linked query between TABLE1 and TABLE2. I need to generate a Matrix around it.
    Does anyone know if this is even possible?
    Here's the background on the application, if that is helpful...
    I have an application where I maintain database tables containing names/addresses along with information pertaining to them. As part of the processing, I need to produce reports that contain statistics based on values in the table. For example, each row has a field RTYPE that identifies the Record Type (1-Suppress, 2-Buyer, 3-Inquirer). Each row also has a last purchase date field. The statistics produced for this field would look like this:
              2001     2002     2003     11/03     12/03 01/04     02/04 03/04     04/04     05/04 ...
    Buyer      100 150 250 30 25 15 8 9 22 83
    Inquirer     1000 800 493 ...
    Suppress ... ...
    Totals ... ...
    Each cell contains the count of the number of records that have the corresponding RTYPE and Last Purchase date. The dates across the top are determined by the most recent purchase date in the file. We count the last 12 months, month by month, and then anything older than that is grouped by
    year of purchase. So, the column headings are variable.
    The SQL query for this example looks like this:
    SELECT CASE WHEN rtype = '2' THEN 'Buyers'
    WHEN rtype = '3' THEN 'Inquirers'
    WHEN rtype = '1' THEN 'Suppress'
    END YYMM_8,
    END FmtDate_8,
    GROUP BY CASE WHEN rtype = '2' THEN 'Buyers'
    WHEN rtype = '3' THEN 'Inquirers'
    WHEN rtype = '1' THEN 'Suppress'
    There might be a better way to write this, but that isn't the issue at the moment.
    I have many different tables, each with different fields. I need to produce counts on each of those fields. Some of those fields have a limited number of values where I need to count the occurrences and attach a description (like the RTYPE counts above). Others, like Last Purchase Amount, require counts within ranges (between 0 and 9.99, 10 and 19.99, etc.). Still others are "multiple choice"-style fields (such as products purchased), where we have multiple single-char flags that are not null when the corresponding products are purchased. In this case, we need to produce statistics that look like this:
              2001     2002     2003     11/03     12/03 01/04     02/04 03/04     04/04     05/04 ...
    Product 1 .........
    Product 2 .........
    The worst of the bunch is a field where I need to count the occurrence of each value within it (hundreds of values) without entering descriptions, so I don't know how many rows will appear ahead of time. This is used for "source codes" that identify where the name/address came from. They look similar to the RTYPE above, but the leftmost column contains each value from the field rather than a description. There are so many possible values and they change so often that it isn't feasible to enter a description for each one.
    Right now, I manually create an Oracle Report for each table when I design/load it. This is becoming difficult to manage, since I have over 150 of them now. Each of these reports can have any number of matrices to display (the largest right now has about 25).
    The new table structure to generate these reports consists of two tables: A COUNTHDR table and a COUNTROW table. The COUNTHDR table represents a single Matrix within the report. It contains info such as a heading for the Matrix and whether column totals should be calculated or not. The COUNTROW table contains a description for each row and an SQL Fragment that contains an appropriate WHERE clause to match the description. In the event of a "source code" style count, COUNTHDR has the name of the field to count. COUNTROWs won't exist, so I'll be handling those counts differently. But, ignoring that issue for now, the report structure looks like this:
    + Q1 +
    + COUNTHDR +
    + COUNTROW +
    | linked query
    + Q2 +
    + COUNTDTL +
    Q2 is the query with lexical parameters for the table and "where clause" that identifies the actual statistic I need counted. I need fields from COUNTROW and COUNTDTL to form a Matrix.
    Can this be done? How?
    Of course, if anyone out there has a better idea on how to achieve my goal of not writing a report per table, please let me know!! :-)
    Eric Raskin
    PS. This structure does not exactly duplicate my original query, since multiple Matrix rows are created by the single SQL query given in the example. Instead, I'll end up executing an SQL query for each row, which is less than desirable. The design will need some tweaking...
    PPS. I have tried handling this problem by pre-counting the target table and storing the results in a COUNTCOL table, containing the details of the matrix. This actually does work, but the performance is terrible. I have one "source code"-style count that generated over 20,000 detail cells, including all the "0" cells needed to fill out the matrix. If you don't generate the "0" cells, you get holes in the matrix presentation and/or error messages (which I can explain if you wish). I never did get Oracle Reports to print this one -- I gave up after an hour of runtime on a P4 3GHz machine connected via Gigabit Ethernet to the server. Hence the attempt to push the SQL Queries back into the Oracle Report itself.
    Eric H. Raskin Voice: 914-765-0500
    Professional Advertising Systems Inc. Fax: 914-765-0503
    200 Business Park Dr Suite 107 [email protected]
    Armonk, NY 10504

    Hi there
    here's example of my code
    Html header of the page :
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function callMyPopup (formItem1,formItem2) {
    var formVal1 = document.getElementById(formItem1).value;
    var formVal2 = document.getElementById(formItem2).value;
    var url;
    url = 'f?p=&APP_ID.:8:&APP_SESSION.::::P8_PROJECT,P8_PDRL_NO:' + formVal1 + ',' + formVal2;
    w = open(url,"winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=600");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
    1.Test each parameter separate first - each work ?
    2.Use code above, rerig it, create multiple parameter
    3.try again...
    hope this helps...
    check your orginial source (page where items are) - what data

  • Run XML Publisher Report  via URL (like Oracle Reports)

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to run xml-publisher report via URL?
    In Oracle Reports works this fine:
    We need this for public reports without user login.

    I was waiting to get home before Tim replied... He got the better of me this time :-)
    You say you want to let your users run reports using XMLP just by clicking on an URL same way you do with reports and without having to login. If I got the question right and assuming that:
    1.Your company is not overly concerned on who runs what reports
    2.Who sees what data
    3.Your XMLP installation is on your intranet and firewalled from the outside
    What you can do is:
    On the main page of your XMLP Enterprise installation you should see a folder called "Guest". Any report you create under this folder is run as user "guest" which means you don't have to authenticate yourself as you would normally do.
    I have tested this on my home server and this is what I've done:
    1.Logged in as admin or any other user you've created with admin privileges created a report under the "Guest" folder.
    2.Copied the URL, on my server it is ""
    4.Logged off as admin and pasted the URL to a new browser window
    5.Hit return and Voila, my report runs without the need to login to XMLP.
    Hope this helps. Let us know how you got on.
    PS: If you want to see the report for yourself here's the URL from the outside:
    I'll keep the link alive for a couple of days.

  • Key Mapping with Oracle Reports

    I am currently trying to run report requests using the Oracle Report Server however the problem that I have is that we need to send database username/password information over the network. From a security perspective this is not acceptable.
    One way we were going to get around this is to "wrap" the Oracle Report servlet with another servlet, so the client browser sends the wrapper servlet information such as report location and report name, and the
    wrapper servlet adds in additional information such as the username and
    password, eliminating the need for the client application to know this information.
    The problem is that the URL returned to the client when the report is generated contains the username/password, which again is not
    acceptable. As I have seen mention that Oracle Reports can be run over the Internet,
    I assume that there is a mechanism for hiding this information. Do you know how to achieve this?.
    I am keen to just hard code the user name, password, and database connection into a key mapping file to resolve this security issue. However we are having trouble getting this method to work with the Oracle Report Servlet. We are using WebLogic Server to serve these servlets.

    Here is an extract from Reports documentation:
    Oracle9iAS Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web
    Release 2 (9.0.2)
    Part Number A92102-01
    3.3.2 Reloading the Key Map File
    Use the RELOAD_KEYMAP parameter to specify whether the key map file
    (cgicmd.dat) should be reloaded each time the servlet receives a request.
    For example:
    This is useful if you frequently make changes to the map file and want the
    process of loading your changes to be automatic. Runtime performance will be
    affected according to how long it takes to reload the file.
    Typically, this parameter is set to no in a production environment and yes in
    a testing environment.

  • Adding a field to an sql statement in Oracle Reports error ORA-00933

    We have been requested to add a field that already exists in the table referred to by the sql statement in Oracle Reports Builder. The report was set up by a consultant about 3 yrs ago and we don't really have much skill in this area. What is happening when I try to modify the SQL statement, either adding a field or deleting a field to the SELECT statement, causes an error message preventing the statement from being saved. The only way out of the error message is to click Cancel. The error message is
    ORA-00933:SQL command not properly ended
    ORDER BY Program ==> NAME
    Even adding or deleting a space anywhere in the SQL statement causes the error (not adding any new fields). A coworker found that if we comment out the ORDER BY, the statement will accept the new field in the SELECT section, however then we lose the order by functionality. I would like to add one additional field before the FROM. Not sure if any additional data are needed. Thank you.
    SELECT p.person_uid PIDM_KEY, p.id_number ID,
                   p.full_name_lfmi name,            
                    p.BIRTH_DATE, p.GENDER Sex,
                    Decode(a.residency,'D',p.Primary_ethnicity,'F')  Ethn,
                    a.academic_period TERM,        
                    CASE WHEN :p_group_by = 'PROGRAM' THEN a.program
                                 ELSE ' '
                    END AS Program,
                    a.COLLEGE,, a.major, ' ' rule,
                    a.STUDENT_POPULATION,a.STUDENT_LEVEL,    a.application_status Status,  a.application_status_date app_sts_dte,
                    ad.decision_date1 Last_Dec_Date,
                    ad.decision1||' '||ad.decision2||' '|| ad.decision3||' '|| ad.decision4||' '|| ad.decision5 Decisions,
                    /*  Deposit Date uses the last term entered in :p_term parameter string */
                    (SELECT MAX(deposit_effective_date) FROM usf_as_deposit WHERE account_uid = a.person_uid &term_clause group by account_uid)   AS "DEPOSIT DATE",     
           as PHONE,
                    CASE WHEN PS.FIRST_CONTACT IN ('NET','PAP','COM','COP') THEN PS.First_Contact
                     ELSE CASE WHEN ps.latest_contact IN ('NET','PAP','COM','COP') THEN PS.Latest_Contact
                                ELSE '  '
                    END AS FIRST_CONTACT,
                    DECODE(:p_address,'Y',REPLACE(adr.street1||' '||adr.street2||' '||adr.street3||' '||||','||adr.state||' '||adr.nation||' '||,'  ',' '),' ') as  address, adr.nation, adr.state,
                    goremal_email_address email, a.residency, a.application_date, p.primary_ethnicity, c.cohort
               MST_PERSON p,mst_pre_student PS,  Admissions_Cohort c, usf_v_phone_pr_ma ph,
               MST_admissions_decision_slot AD, usf_v_email, usf_v_address_dr_lr_ma_pr adr
    WHERE a.PERSON_UID = p.person_uid
            AND a.curriculum_priority  = 1
            AND a.person_uid = ps.person_uid
           AND a.person_uid = ad.person_Uid(+)
           AND a.person_uid = goremal_pidm(+)
           AND a.person_uid = adr.pidm(+)
           AND a.person_uid = ph.pidm(+)
           AND ph.rnum(+) = 1
           AND a.person_uid = c.person_uid(+)
           AND a.academic_period = c.academic_period(+)
            AND NOT(p.id_number = '00000000'   OR SUBSTR(p.id_number,1,1) = 'B'  OR UPPER(p.full_name_lfmi)  LIKE '%TESTING%')
           AND  a.application_status_date >= NVL(:p_as_of_date,sysdate-8000)
           AND a.academic_period = ad.academic_period(+)
            AND a.application_number = ad.application_number(+)
            AND <> 'ND'    /*   AND <> 'LW'                         --  Does not need non-degree and law students    */

    Hi Denis,
    I tried your suggestion. The good thing is that adding the comma allowed me to be able to add a.campus to the select statement, unfortunately, another error message happened.
    ORA-00936: missing expression SELECT p . person_uid PIDM_KEY ,
    p . id_number , p . full_name_lfmi name , p . BIRTH_DATE , p . GENDER Sex ,
    Decode ( a . residency , 'D' , p . Primary_Ethnicity , 'F' ) Ethn , a . academic_period TERM ,
    CASE WHEN : P_group_by = 'PROGRAM THEN a I started over and tried only putting in the comma and get the same message even though I didn't add campus. After that, removed the comma which led to the ORA-00933 error message. So once again, I had to close the file without saving, in order for the report to run at all.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Populating a dropdown list box from from a RFC/web service call

    Hello All,   So far all the samples that I have on dropdown listboxes pulls their values from the Simple Type Enumeration table. Howvever, If i will like to populate the dropdown listbox with returned values from an imported model, does anyone have a

  • I have too many iphoto librarys..  how delete one?

    I am giving my old PB to my daughter.  I created  a new library for her. It shows up in "pictures" And my old one is still there too.  How can I delete it?  And her's doesn't show up when I open iphoto  ??