Oracle9i Installation Concerns/Issues

I see you must install Oracle9iDS in a seperate home on a machine where an Oracle Datbase is installed (I'm using 9i EE).
I may not install there but wish to install on workstation where Developer 6i and 8.0.6 client is installed. I'll assume I have to install in a seperate home form 6i and 8.0.6 client. But can it be installed on a machine with Dev6i and have both IDE's continue to work?
Secondly can 9iAS be installed on the same machine where 9iEE Database is installed? Same or different home?

I see you must install Oracle9iDS in a seperate home on a machine where an Oracle Datbase is installed (I'm using 9i EE).
I may not install there but wish to install on workstation where Developer 6i and 8.0.6 client is installed. I'll assume I have to install in a seperate home form 6i and 8.0.6 client. But can it be installed on a machine with Dev6i and have both IDE's continue to work?
Secondly can 9iAS be installed on the same machine where 9iEE Database is installed? Same or different home? I answered you in the other message also. Everything in different Oracle Homes.

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    Hi All,
    Getting follwing error during the Oracle9i installation “Oracle9i Database Release 2 ( for Compaq Tru64 machine"
    - Linking Oracle
    rm -f /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/rdbms/lib/oracle
    cc  -L/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib/ -L/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/rdbms/lib -o /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/rdbms/lib/oracla
    load_whole_file: Could not malloc 31328. bytes, for /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/lib//libn9.a(asndata.o), didnt attempt to mmap
    *** Exit 1
    While checked the memory details in the machine its showing plenty of free virtual memory.
    # ps aux
    oracle     1353 0.6 27.2  601M 555M pts/2    S N  09:14:07 5:49.67 /tmp/OraInstall2014-01-21_09-14-02AM/jre/bin/../bin/alpha/native_threads/java -Doracle.installe
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    And I have rebooted the machine still also getting the same error.
    Is there any way to resolve this issue??

    Pl elaborate the business / technical reason for installing a 15+ year old unsupported software on a 15+ year old unsupported hardware, assuming you are installing an a supported OS version

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    When I tried to install Oracle9i on my new PC with Windows XP Pro, I got the world famous blue screen and after that I could not reboot my PC. Windows XP Pro was reinstalled.
    Any and all advice will be appreciated
    <<< Ali >>>

    Hi all
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    iMac, iOS 6

    If your old version of iTunes is still working - then I sugest you stick with that.
    iTunes 11 is a lousy update - It will not retain your playlists, you can't find and delete duplicates... and a whole arry of oyher issues. (have a look around this forum to see how many issues IT11 gives people)
    Just a friendly advise and warning :-)

  • AW: [Acrobat Installation & Update Issues] AW: [Acrobat Installation & Update Issues] Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3

    I say again that I have acquired the Acrobat 8.0 version honestly. I ordered this version even if a handler is Germany. This handler was registered on the website at Adobe as a handler. If you do not believe me, I'm looking for stuff from my archive. But this time I would like to have then paid by you. Again, it is known that the version 8 Without the update 8.3, constantly has errors. I used to simply confirmed the update button. Today there is no longer this site. You are obliged to provide me with the update. Or give me a free replacement to the next higher version. Please give me a link to a zip file that contains a setup file.
    Best Regards
    Ich sage nochmals, dass ich die Acrobat 8.0 Version ehrlich erworben habe. Ich habe diese Version auch bei einem Handler ist Deutschland bestellt. Dieser Handler war auch auf der Webseite bei Adobe als Handler registriert. Wenn Sie mir nicht glauben, werde ich die Sachen aus meinem Archiv suchen. Diese Zeit möchte ich aber dann von Ihnen bezahlt haben. Nochmals, es ist bekannt, das die Version 8. Ohne das Update 8.3, ständig Fehler hat. Ich habe früher einfach das Update Button bestätigt. Heute gibt es diese Seite nicht mehr. Sie sind dazu verpflichtet, mir das Update zu liefern. Oder liefern Sie mir kostenlosen Ersatz auf die nächste Höhere Version. Bitte, Sie mir einen Link mit einer Zip-Datei, die eine Setup Datei beinhaltet.
    Best Regards
    Mobil:   +41 (0) 79 559 83 21
    Skype:<skype:werner6331?call> Werner Göbel<skype:werner6331?call> (werner6331)
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    Von: Rave
    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. August 2014 22:50
    An: Werner Göbel
    Betreff:  AW:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    AW:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    created by Rave<> in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues - View the full discussion<>
    < This thread has been answered a duplicate of Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3<> >
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    Warum Sie antworten nicht auf meine Frage??
    Wie muss ich Instaliren??
    Beste Grüße
    Werner Göbel
    Mobil:     +41 (0) 79 559 83 21
    Skype:<skype:werner6331?call>  Werner Göbel<skype:werner6331?call> (werner6331)
    IGH Holding AG
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    Von: Bill@VT
    Gesendet: Sonntag, 31. August 2014 22:09
    An: Werner Göbel
    Betreff:  AW:  AW:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    AW:  AW:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    created by Bill@VT<> in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues - View the full discussion<>

  • AW: [Acrobat Installation & Update Issues] Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3

    Sehen Sie in der Anlage.
    Alles ist original.
    Ich möchte jetzt eine kostenlose Fehlerbeseitigung.
    Oder geben Sie mir eine kostenloses Update.
    Ich habe ein Anrecht darauf.
    Beste Grüße
    Werner Göbel
    Mobil:     +41 (0) 79 559 83 21
    Diese E-Mail enthält vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail ist ausschließlich für den bezeichneten Adressaten bestimmt. Bitte beachten Sie in diesem Fall, dass jede Form der Kenntnisnahme, Veröffentlichung, Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe des Inhalts dieser E-Mail UNZULÄSSIG ist. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat bzw. sein Vertreter sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Vielen Dank. Der Versender übernimmt keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit der Meldung. Eventuell entstandene Schäden die aus den Inhalten dieser Meldung resultieren werden vom Versender nicht übernommen.
    This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error), any form of disclosure, reproduction, distribution or any action taken or refrained from in reliance on it, is strictly PROHIBITED and may be unlawful. If you have received this transmission in error, please inform the sender immediately by e-mail at the above address and destroy this e-mail. Thank you.
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    Von: Bill@VT
    Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. August 2014 16:16
    An: Werner Göbel
    Betreff:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    created by Bill@VT<> in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues - View the full discussion<>
    How did you purchase? AA8 has not been available for almost 8 yrs or so. The only current version available from Adobe is 11 and you can not upgrade from 7 to 11, but have to buy the full product.
    Updates also require the use of the S/N of the qualifying product (AA7 in your case) to be able to use the newer product. So at this point, it is unclear what you actually have.
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    < This thread has been answered a duplicate of Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3 >

  • WG: [Acrobat Installation & Update Issues] Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3

    Ich bin ein korrekter Mensch.
    Sie sehen in der Anlage, dieser Mail, das ich das Produkt ehrlich gekauft habe.
    Ich verwende nur original Software.
    Die Acrobat Version 8.0, war immer sehr gut für mich.
    Diese Version reichte für mich vollkommen aus.
    Ich hatte einen Computerabsturz und musste Acrobat auch neu installieren.
    Die Acrobat Version 8.0, ohne Update, stürzt immer ab.
    Das können Sie auch im Internet lesen.
    Jeder weiß das, dass Acrobat Version 8.0, ohne Update abstürzt.
    Es gibt aber dies Update nicht mehr zum Download.
    Ich erwarte jetzt von Adobe, kostenlose Abhilfe.
    Ich möchte jetzt eine kostenlose Fehlerbeseitigung.
    Oder geben Sie mir ein kostenloses Update auf die neue Version.
    Ich habe ein Anrecht darauf, dass Sie mir kostenlosen Ersatz liefern.
    Beste Grüße
    Werner Göbel
    Mobil:     +41 (0) 79 559 83 21
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    The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which may arise as a result of e-mail transmission.
    Von: Bill@VT
    Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. August 2014 16:16
    An: Werner Göbel
    Betreff:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    created by Bill@VT<> in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues - View the full discussion<>
    How did you purchase? AA8 has not been available for almost 8 yrs or so. The only current version available from Adobe is 11 and you can not upgrade from 7 to 11, but have to buy the full product.
    Updates also require the use of the S/N of the qualifying product (AA7 in your case) to be able to use the newer product. So at this point, it is unclear what you actually have.
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    Start a new discussion in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues by email<mailto:discussions-community-acrobat-installation_and_update_installation@adobe-v7.hosted.jivesoft> or at Adobe Community< 14>
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    I was not trying to imply that you improperly purchased the product, but that the source may have been a rip off and that could be the problem. From what I can see, it appears that you were able to install Acrobat, but can not do the updates. In that case, try the updates from the ftp site. I will have to come back with the address that I do not have on this machine. The html updates are no longer available for some reason, but the ftp site contains all the updates. You do have to install the updates in order in general, though you only have to reboot after the last update. I will change computers and find the ftp link to provide you.
    The ftp site is:

  • WG: [Acrobat Installation & Update Issues] WG: [Acrobat Installation & Update Issues] Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3

    Mein Guter Freund.
    Ich brauche nur eine Datei mit einem Vollen Update.
    Ich möchte das Update mit einer EXE starten können..
    Beste Grüße
    Werner Göbel
    Mobil:     +41 (0) 79 559 83 21
    Skype:<skype:werner6331?call>  Werner Göbel<skype:werner6331?call> (werner6331)
    Diese E-Mail enthält vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail ist ausschließlich für den bezeichneten Adressaten bestimmt. Bitte beachten Sie in diesem Fall, dass jede Form der Kenntnisnahme, Veröffentlichung, Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe des Inhalts dieser E-Mail UNZULÄSSIG ist. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat bzw. sein Vertreter sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Vielen Dank. Der Versender übernimmt keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit der Meldung. Eventuell entstandene Schäden die aus den Inhalten dieser Meldung resultieren werden vom Versender nicht übernommen.
    This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error), any form of disclosure, reproduction, distribution or any action taken or refrained from in reliance on it, is strictly PROHIBITED and may be unlawful. If you have received this transmission in error, please inform the sender immediately by e-mail at the above address and destroy this e-mail. Thank you.
    The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which may arise as a result of e-mail transmission.
    Von: Bill@VT
    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. August 2014 17:15
    An: Werner Göbel
    Betreff:  WG:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    WG:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    created by Bill@VT<> in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues - View the full discussion<>
    I was not trying to imply that you improperly purchased the product, but that the source may have been a rip off and that could be the problem. From what I can see, it appears that you were able to install Acrobat, but can not do the updates. In that case, try the updates from the ftp site. I will have to come back with the address that I do not have on this machine. The html updates are no longer available for some reason, but the ftp site contains all the updates. You do have to install the updates in order in general, though you only have to reboot after the last update. I will change computers and find the ftp link to provide you.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
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    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at . In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues by email<mailto:discussions-community-acrobat-installation_and_update_installation@adobe-v7.hosted.jivesoft> or at Adobe Community< 14>
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

    Warum Sie antworten nicht auf meine Frage??
    Wie muss ich Instaliren??
    Beste Grüße
    Werner Göbel
    Mobil:     +41 (0) 79 559 83 21
    Skype:<skype:werner6331?call>  Werner Göbel<skype:werner6331?call> (werner6331)
    IGH Holding AG
    Diese E-Mail enthält vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail ist ausschließlich für den bezeichneten Adressaten bestimmt. Bitte beachten Sie in diesem Fall, dass jede Form der Kenntnisnahme, Veröffentlichung, Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe des Inhalts dieser E-Mail UNZULÄSSIG ist. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat bzw. sein Vertreter sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Vielen Dank. Der Versender übernimmt keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit oder Vollständigkeit der Meldung. Eventuell entstandene Schäden die aus den Inhalten dieser Meldung resultieren werden vom Versender nicht übernommen.
    This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error), any form of disclosure, reproduction, distribution or any action taken or refrained from in reliance on it, is strictly PROHIBITED and may be unlawful. If you have received this transmission in error, please inform the sender immediately by e-mail at the above address and destroy this e-mail. Thank you.
    The sender does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which may arise as a result of e-mail transmission.
    Von: Bill@VT
    Gesendet: Sonntag, 31. August 2014 22:09
    An: Werner Göbel
    Betreff:  AW:  AW:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    AW:  AW:  Update von Acrobat 8.0 auf 8.3
    created by Bill@VT<> in Acrobat Installation & Update Issues - View the full discussion<>

  • Any installation concerns with Mavericks?

    Any installation concerns with Mavericks?

    There can always be concerns with upgrading OSXs. Incompatable software, failing hardware being put under extra stress ad being found out, or just not being happy with new or loss of old features. Everyone's work habits are different.
    I have had no concerns at all, but others have.
    1. Backup you current system and data. Preferably to a bootable clone. Then you can reinstall later if you find it does not suit your needs.
    2. Consider installing Mavericks on an external drive or another partition first and see if you are happy with it.
    3. Read as much as you can about Mavericks (not just in troubleshooting forums such as this, though. It only contains posts from the few who are having problems or are unhappy with changes.) Make sure the features suit your needs first.
    4. Upgrade all software to current Mavericks compatable versions.
    Just a few things to consider. Others will add others, I'm sure. But for me, Mavericks is faster and more stable than any recent releases of OSX.
    Happy computing

  • I can't install 10.5.2 because of an installer package issue. Can anyone help me out?

    I recently bought the Iphone 4S and wanted to sync my phone to my PC. I was prompted to download the latest version of Itunes 10.5.2 but the installation was interrupted due to a "installer package issue".  Has anyone encountered this issue and resolved it accordingly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    If you have more than one account now (e.g., one created during the install, and one/more restored from a back up), have you tried installing the combo (110 MB) update from the account you created during the erase & install (the very first admin account created)? If not, try logging into that account and try installing the combo update and see if the problem goes away. Then do a permissions repair (it might take a while).

  • Adobe acrobat 9 pro installation/licensing issues

    I installed my licensed copy of Acrobat 9 on a new Windows  7 system.  Acrobat launched but would not open files and shuts down on attempt. Message is "Licensing for this product has stopped working" with subtext "You cannot use the product at this time. You must repair the problem by uninstalling and then reinstalling this product or contacting your IT administrator or Adobe customer support for help."
    I doubt any of you have a solution, so I simply remark on what transpired as a warning and complaint:
    1.  I went to Adobe databse and found that a patch was provided to correct installations/licensing problems on windows 7.  I downloaded it and installed per instructions.  It did not resolve the problem.
    2.  I uninstalled/reinstalled several times. no resolution.
    3.  I called customer support and was outsourced to someone who knew little and first sent me to a kb article having to do with 'expired licensing' even though I clearly informed them that the message and the fact had nothing to do with expired licenses.  They finally referred me to kb405970 on "Licensing has stopped working".  I tried all of the applicable solutions (methods 1-6) and none of them worked.  Now I will have to wait until tomorrow (though I had pressing work to do today) to contact support again.  I fear I will get another outsourced tech who knows little and wastes more of my time.  Such is Adobe's way of supporting paid and licensed product users.
    I understand and sympathize with Adobe's wishes to protect its products from piracy.  However, I expect and paid for a product which works on major and supported operating systems like windows 7. I also understand that if MS or Mac put out a new OS or version, it may require certain adjustments or updates on Adobe's part.  What I do not understand (or have patience with) is that 1) Adobe failed to provide a patch that works; 2) that it then sends me to an outsourced customer service tech who didn't have the knowledge to correct the problem and gave me the wrong information to begin with*. What I finally got was the kb article with a series of multi-step instructions for several methods, none of which worked.  This is an unprofessional and unethical response to those of us who have paid for our product and expect it to work under reasonable conditions in a supported environment.  This is not an acceptable good-faith effort to resolve issues for which Adobe should take full responsibility.
    If any of you do happen to have a real solution (or had a similar problem) do let me know....
    *The first thing the outsourced tech wished to do was get onto my machine via a remote connection, before anything was tried other than giving them the error message and have them provide me with the wrong information. It became clear that this person had less knowledge than I do (which isn't saying much) and there was no way I was going to permit a clueless techie to crawl around in my machine and fiddle with settings.  That is simply asking for trouble. I'm perfectly capable of opening panels and following instructions myself. DC should be the last thing tried; not the first.

    Bill,  I tried as you suggested - installed every update from 9.1  through 9.3.4.  The 'license not working message persists'. The only change was that now Acrobat will not close and must be forced to shut down from the taskbar menu.  I appreciate the suggestion though.
    Called Adobe (Manila) again, within the hours given on their contact page for installation and licensing issues, and was told "It's Sunday, nobody here can help you".  Finally, after an hour of hammering got them to get me a supervisor (their script says to tell the customer there "Is no supervisor available on Sunday"  -  Finally the "supervisor", Alvin, suggested I need a new serial number and left me on the line while he called someone else to get on. Cameback and informed me that he couldn't get one, I'd have to call Monday (how's that for having solutions?)  Result: wasted more time and had more delay on my project.
    Conclusion:  Adobe has become obsessed and 'piranoic' about piracy and licensing to the extent that they put that first and client/customer needs second (if that).  After reading a lot of online 'Adobe Sucks'  forums, I'm inclined to believe Adobe is shooting itself in its own foot and is not going to be a reliable method of presentation/document transmission in the future - service and support is an integral part of software and other concerns such as piracy or licensing need to be transparent to legitimate users.  Sad that they spend so much time on this, when they need to be fixing real problems.  As well, these outsourcing Philipines companies are poor substitutes for good support - they are so scripted and obsessed with regulations over solutions that it is clear that only the most persistent users will get anywhere with them.  As a frontline of contact with after-sale clients, they are going to cost Adobe a lot of potential business in the future, whatever their short-term savings.  Too bad. Adobe used to be a leader in the market.
    Next round:  Calling Manila again this am. to be continued...

  • Please help with oracle9i installation on PCQ Linux 2004

    hi all
    please help,
    installation of oracle9i hangs on PCQ Linux2004 ,
    The installation starts with message
    Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /tmp/OraInstall2005-03-02_11-04-34PM/jre/bin/java. Please wait...
    After this message installation stops.I also have latest JDK version which jdk1.4
    please help

    You said you upgraded the JRE to 1.4. Did you change the parameter JRE_LOCATION in oraparam.ini, to point to the newer jre? I found some info on this forum thread for this error (but this error occurs before the installation screens even come up. You didn't mention exactly what screen your error comes up on so I figured I would mention this just in case).
    Re: install oracle9204 in redhat linux es 3
    If you're on the screen after the installation summary screen, and it hangs while saying "Link pending, copying JRE" above the progress bar, I am also at this stage.
    Although I haven't fixed the problem yet, someone mentioned that you need to install patch 2878462 to fix this problem. I haven't done this yet, but saw the write up here:
    I can't figure out how to get the patch since I don't have a support contract. I don't understand how they can provide a free linux download and not give you access to the patchsets (on metalink)!!!! Anyone know how I can get the patchset without having a support contract and logging into metalink?
    Anyone know if installing this patch solves the issue?

  • Adobe cs6: extracting files, installer detects issues. Using Photoshop, the program crashes quickly.

    I'm in the process of downloading Adobe cs6, and when I extract the downloaded files, installer detects a machine restart is pending, but even after restarting the computer, and retrying to extract the files the issue persists. So I tried ignoring the problem, (as that is one of the options) and completing the download, but then when I go ahead and use Photoshop, I only get to use it for less than 20 seconds and the program completely shuts down. I have no clue how to fix this problem.
    I've tried unistalling Adobe cs6 and reistalling it multiple times, but no luck.
    I've also downloaded the update published by adobe today (11/26/2012) but i still have this problem.
    I don't know how to solve this issue, doesn anyone have any suggestions as how to fix it?
    i'm using windows 7, and AMD Professional firepro graphics card
    Thanks Stef

    Hi Stef. You’ve posted your question in a forum that is for beginners trying to learn the basics of Photoshop.  I'm moving your question to the Downloading, Installing, Setting Up forum for specialized attention to your situation.

  • Oracle9i installation error on Redhat 9

    Dear all,
    I'm trying to install oracle9i( on redhat,
    after a few second the installer does nothing.
    I check the log file, it shows :
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/OraInstall2003-05-01_11-59-11AM/ /tmp/OraInstall2003-05-01_11-59-11A
    M/ symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
    at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
    at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
    at java.lang.System.load(
    at ssOiGenClassux22.<clinit>(
    at sscreateLinkux.createLink(
    at sscreateLinkux.installAction(
    at oracle.sysman.oii.oiis.OiisCompActions.doActionWithException(
    at oracle.sysman.oii.oiis.OiisCompActions.doActionImpl(
    at oracle.sysman.oii.oiis.OiisCompActions.doAction(
    at CompActions.doActionP1createLink3(
    at CompActions.stateChangeActions(
    at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstallActionsPhase$
    at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstallActionsPhase.executeProductPhases(
    at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstallActionsPhase.doInstalls(
    at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstallActionsPhase$
    what may cause the problem ?
    (is it because the of GLIB, if so how to fix it ? )

    Hi Widya,
    This might be of help.
    Check out
    Hope this helps,

  • SAP Netweaver 7.0 installation - serious issue (startsap db n4sadm)

    We are trying to setup SAP Netweaver 7.0 (Test Drive x-86 edition) on Fedora 12. We have successfully ran the "" file. The DB2 instance gets installed and we are able to start it as 'db2n4s' user using the 'db2start' command (we could as well stop using db2stop).
    But, we are facing issues when we start the db2 instance as prescribed by the SAP Netweaver installation guide for the following command.
    n4shost:n4sadm 52> startsap db n4shost
    Checking db6 db Database
    ABAP Database is not available via R3trans
    Starting SAP-Collector Daemon
    expand: write error: Broken pipe
    expand: write error
    * This is Saposcol Version COLL 20.94 700 - v2.00, Intel x86 with Linux, 2007/02/16
    * Usage:  saposcol -l: Start OS Collector
    *         saposcol -k: Stop  OS Collector
    *         saposcol -d: OS Collector Dialog Mode
    *         saposcol -s: OS Collector Status
    * Starting collector (create new process)
    saposcol on host pwc01 started
    Running /usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/startdb
    SQL1042C  An unexpected system error occurred.  SQLSTATE=58004
    Activate database failed
    R3trans connect failed
    DB startup failed
    Details of our DB2 instance
    [db2n4s@]$ ./db2licm -l
    Product name:                     "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
    License type:                     "CPU"
    Expiry date:                      "Permanent"
    Product identifier:               "db2ese"
    Version information:              "9.1"
    Annotation:                       "-3;(_c)"
    DB2 Database Partitioning:        "Licensed"
    DB2 Performance Optimization ESE: "Not licensed"
    DB2 Storage Optimization:         "Licensed"
    DB2 Advanced Access Control:      "Not licensed"
    DB2 Geodetic Data Management:     "Not licensed"
    Homogeneous Federation for DB2:   "Licensed"
    DB2 Pure XML ESE:                 "Not licensed"

    Thanks for your quick reply.
    I actually went ahead one step in the problem. Now i am getting the following message when i try to start the sap.
    n4shost:n4sadm 55> startsap db n4shost
    Warning: Could not found virtuell host in ifconfig list
    Checking db6 db Database
    ABAP Database is not available via R3trans
    Starting SAP-Collector Daemon
    expand: write error: Broken pipe
    expand: write error
    * This is Saposcol Version COLL 20.94 700 - v2.00, Intel x86 with Linux, 2007/02/16
    * Usage:  saposcol -l: Start OS Collector
    *         saposcol -k: Stop  OS Collector
    *         saposcol -d: OS Collector Dialog Mode
    *         saposcol -s: OS Collector Status
    * Starting collector (create new process)
    saposcol on host pwc01 started
    Running /usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/startdb
    11/10/2010 14:17:12     0   0   SQL1063N  DB2START processing was successful.
    SQL1063N  DB2START processing was successful.
    Database activated
    R3trans connect failed
    DB startup failed
    Also i did the R3trans -d and have attached the log.
    4 ETW000 R3trans version 6.14 (release 700 - 11.04.07 - 14:28:00).
    4 ETW000 unicode enabled version
    4 ETW000 ===============================================
    4 ETW000
    4 ETW000 date&time   : 10.11.2010 - 14:19:38
    4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>
    4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: R3trans -d
    4 ETW000  trace at level 2 opened for a given file pointer
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Wed Nov 10 14:19:38 2010                              83  0.000083
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_init called                                    21  0.000104
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  create_con (con_name=R/3)                             29  0.000133
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Loading DB library '/usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/' ...
    4 ETW000                                                                              35  0.000168
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  load shared library (/usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/, hdl 0
    4 ETW000                                                                             191  0.000359
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Library '/usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/' loaded
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.000380
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function DbSlExpFuns loaded from library /usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/
    4 ETW000                                                                              27  0.000407
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Version of '/usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/' is "700.08", patchlevel (0.107)
    4 ETW000                                                                              85  0.000492
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function dsql_db_init loaded from library /usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/
    4 ETW000                                                                              24  0.000516
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library /usr/sap/N4S/SYS/exe/run/
    4 ETW000                                                                              27  0.000543
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  New connection 0 created                              18  0.000561
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                              27  0.000588
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)                         20  0.000608
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  find_con_by_name found the following connection for reuse:
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.000629
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                              25  0.000654
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  DB2 library successfully loaded DB2 library '/db2/db2n4s/sqllib/lib32/' successfully loaded
    4 ETW000                                                                            7545  0.008199
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  RLIMIT_STACK: current=10485760, max=0                 40  0.008239
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  DB6 (DB2 UDB) UNICODE database interface 700.08 [opt]
    4 ETW000                                                                              23  0.008262
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  DB6 shared library (dbdb6slib) patchlevels            15  0.008277
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.8) DB6: V8.2.2 optguidelines in OPEN SQL (note 150037)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008299
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.8) Support of SDBUPDEXCL (note 847616)           14  0.008313
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.9) DB6: use export file for dbdb6slib (note 835135)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008334
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.9) DB6: Core in getAndBindSQLDA (note 833183)
    4 ETW000                                                                              30  0.008364
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.10) DB6: link dbdb6slib.dll on windows with libdb6.obj (note 761159)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008386
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.10) DB6: DUPLICATE_KEY on MERGE -> repeat (note 851474)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008407
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.15) DB6: wrong CAST for short string ABAP type (note 861905)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008429
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.17) DB6: special characters in sidadm passwd (note 865839)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008450
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.21) DB6: no SAP_INFO comments (note 873889)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008472
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.22) DB6: hints: get correlation names from view texts (note 868888)
    4 ETW000                                                                              20  0.008492
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.23) DB6: hints: get correlation names from view texts (note 868888)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008514
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.26) DB6: DB6_DBSL_CLP_COMMAND STRING_BAD_REF (note 883402)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008536
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.27) DB6: activate value compression (note 886231)
    4 ETW000                                                                              20  0.008556
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.28) DB6: optimization guidelines on views part 2 (note 868888)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008578
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.30) DB6: no SQL trace for SQLCancel (note 892111)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008599
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.33) DB6: append SAP_TA comment (note 873889)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008621
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.34) DB6: activate value compression with quoted names (note 886231)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008642
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.36) DB6: Repeat isolated DDL statements after SQL0911 (note 901338)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008664
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.41) DB6: add V9 to list of supported DB2 releases (note 912386)
    4 ETW000                                                                              23  0.008687
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.50) DB6: reread passwords for secondary connections (note 931742)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008709
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.52) DB6: double quote table names in optguidelines (note 868888)
    4 ETW000                                                                              33  0.008742
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.54) DB6: error handling in DBSL CLP (note 940260)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008764
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.69) DB6: technical support of DB2 CLI driver (note 962892)
    4 ETW000                                                                              23  0.008787
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.73) DB6: log table name on TRUNCATE failure (note 970743)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008809
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.79) DB6: column type XML in index size calculation (note 982993)
    4 ETW000                                                                              27  0.008836
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.82) DB6: CAST for SSTRING data types (note 989568)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008857
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.86) DB6: long runtimes for R3szchk (note 1000847)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008879
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.88) DB6: patch collection Dec 06 (note 1005574)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008901
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.96) DB6: patch collection Jan 07 (note 1017852)
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.008923
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.97) DB6: CLP commands with DB2 CLI Driver (note 1024102)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008944
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.99) DB6: SUBSTITUTE VALUES with FAE statements (note 1028779)
    4 ETW000                                                                              21  0.008965
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]    (0.107) DB6: patch collection Apr 07 (note 1047194)
    4 ETW000                                                                              31  0.008996
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Supported features:                                   16  0.009012
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  ..retrieving configuration parameters                 19  0.009031
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  ..done                                                70  0.009101
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  Running with UTF-8 Unicode                            15  0.009116
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  *** ERROR in DB6Connect[dbdb6.c, 1634] CON = 0 (BEGIN)
    4 ETW000                                                                           31472  0.040588
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  &+     DbSlConnectDB6( SQLConnect ): [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N  Security processing failed with reason "15" ("PROCESSIN
    4 ETW000                                                                              25  0.040613
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  &+     G FAILURE").  SQLSTATE=08001                                                                               
    4 ETW000                                                                              23  0.040636
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  &+                                                                               
    4 ETW000                                                                              25  0.040661
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  &+                                                                               
    4 ETW000                                                                              24  0.040685
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  &+                                                                               
    4 ETW000                                                                              22  0.040707
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  *** ERROR in DB6Connect[dbdb6.c, 1634] (END)          26  0.040733
    4 ETW000  [dbdb6.c     ,00000]  *** ERROR => DbSlConnect to 'N4S' as 'sapn4s' failed
    4 ETW000                                                                              60  0.040793
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = DB6                              --- DB2DBDFT = 'N4S'"

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