OracleXMLSave - Insert into table with NOT NULL Columns

Im having trouble using OracleXMLSave (XSU12) to insert into a
table where columns are initialized on insert with system
derived values (see table script below) I get the following
error message.
Message: 'java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01400: cannot insert
Im inserting this XML:
<ROWSET table="testmeeting">
<STARTDATE>2001-10-22 00:00:00.0</STARTDATE>
Table Script:
If I remove these columns the insert works OK. Inserts also work
fine from sqlplus etc.
Apologies for the previous entry, itchy fingers.
Thanks for your help

try to insert data in column "TESTMEETING"."S_TERMID" by trigger.

Similar Messages

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    This is my first opportunity to work with BLOB columns. I was wondering if anyone had some sample code that shows the loading of a blob column and inserted into the table with a blob column.
    I have to produce a report (including crlf) and place it into a blob column. The user will download the report at a later time.
    Any suggestions / code samples are greatly appreciated!!!!

    You can enable string binding in TopLink.
    login.useStringBinding(int size);
    or you could enable binding in general,

  • ORA-07445 in the alert log when inserting into table with XMLType column

    I'm trying to insert an xml-document into a table with a schema-based XMLType column. When I try to insert a row (using plsql-developer) - oracle is busy for a few seconds and then the connection to oracle is lost.
    Below you''ll find the following to recreate the problem:
    a) contents from the alert log
    b) create script for the table
    c) the before-insert trigger
    d) the xml-schema
    e) code for registering the schema
    f) the test program
    g) platform information
    Alert Log:
    Fri Aug 17 00:44:11 2007
    Errors in file /oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/admin/dntspilot2/udump/dntspilot2_ora_13807.trc:
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [475177] [] [] []
    Create script for the table:
    (     "XML_DOCUMENT" "SYS"."XMLTYPE" ,
    Before-insert trigger:
    create or replace trigger BIS_SIGNATURETABLE
    before insert on signaturetable
    for each row
    -- local variables here
    l_sigtab_rec signaturetable%rowtype;
    if (:new.xml_document is not null) then
    end if;
    l_sigtab_rec.xml_document := :new.xml_document;
    XML-Schema (xmldsig-core-schema.xsd):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Schema for XML Signatures
    $Revision: 1.1 $ on $Date: 2002/02/08 20:32:26 $ by $Author: reagle $
    Copyright 2001 The Internet Society and W3C (Massachusetts Institute
    of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
    Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved.
    This document is governed by the W3C Software License [1] as described
    in the FAQ [2].
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:xdb=""
    targetNamespace="" version="0.1" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <!-- Basic Types Defined for Signatures -->
    <xs:simpleType name="CryptoBinary">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary">
    <!-- Start Signature -->
    <xs:element name="Signature" type="ds:SignatureType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SignatureType">
    <xs:element ref="ds:SignedInfo"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:SignatureValue"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:KeyInfo" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:Object" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="SignatureValue" type="ds:SignatureValueType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SignatureValueType">
    <xs:extension base="xs:base64Binary">
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <!-- Start SignedInfo -->
    <xs:element name="SignedInfo" type="ds:SignedInfoType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SignedInfoType">
    <xs:element ref="ds:CanonicalizationMethod"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:SignatureMethod"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:Reference" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="CanonicalizationMethod" type="ds:CanonicalizationMethodType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="CanonicalizationMethodType" mixed="true">
    <xs:any namespace="##any" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <!-- (0,unbounded) elements from (1,1) namespace -->
    <xs:attribute name="Algorithm" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
    <xs:element name="SignatureMethod" type="ds:SignatureMethodType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SignatureMethodType" mixed="true">
    <xs:element name="HMACOutputLength" minOccurs="0" type="ds:HMACOutputLengthType"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <!-- (0,unbounded) elements from (1,1) external namespace -->
    <xs:attribute name="Algorithm" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
    <!-- Start Reference -->
    <xs:element name="Reference" type="ds:ReferenceType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="ReferenceType">
    <xs:element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:DigestMethod"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:DigestValue"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="URI" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Type" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="Transforms" type="ds:TransformsType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="TransformsType">
    <xs:element ref="ds:Transform" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:element name="Transform" type="ds:TransformType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="TransformType" mixed="true">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <!-- (1,1) elements from (0,unbounded) namespaces -->
    <xs:element name="XPath" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Algorithm" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
    <!-- End Reference -->
    <xs:element name="DigestMethod" type="ds:DigestMethodType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="DigestMethodType" mixed="true">
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Algorithm" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
    <xs:element name="DigestValue" type="ds:DigestValueType"/>
    <xs:simpleType name="DigestValueType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary"/>
    <!-- End SignedInfo -->
    <!-- Start KeyInfo -->
    <xs:element name="KeyInfo" type="ds:KeyInfoType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="KeyInfoType" mixed="true">
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element ref="ds:KeyName"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:KeyValue"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:RetrievalMethod"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:X509Data"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:PGPData"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:SPKIData"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:MgmtData"/>
    <xs:any processContents="lax" namespace="##other"/>
    <!-- (1,1) elements from (0,unbounded) namespaces -->
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="KeyName" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="MgmtData" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="KeyValue" type="ds:KeyValueType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="KeyValueType" mixed="true">
    <xs:element ref="ds:DSAKeyValue"/>
    <xs:element ref="ds:RSAKeyValue"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xs:element name="RetrievalMethod" type="ds:RetrievalMethodType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="RetrievalMethodType">
    <xs:element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:attribute name="URI" type="xs:anyURI"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Type" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"/>
    <!-- Start X509Data -->
    <xs:element name="X509Data" type="ds:X509DataType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="X509DataType">
    <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="X509IssuerSerial" type="ds:X509IssuerSerialType"/>
    <xs:element name="X509SKI" type="xs:base64Binary"/>
    <xs:element name="X509SubjectName" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="X509Certificate" type="xs:base64Binary"/>
    <xs:element name="X509CRL" type="xs:base64Binary"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xs:complexType name="X509IssuerSerialType">
    <xs:element name="X509IssuerName" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="X509SerialNumber" type="xs:integer"/>
    <!-- End X509Data -->
    <!-- Begin PGPData -->
    <xs:element name="PGPData" type="ds:PGPDataType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="PGPDataType">
    <xs:element name="PGPKeyID" type="xs:base64Binary"/>
    <xs:element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="xs:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
    <xs:element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="xs:base64Binary"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
    <!-- End PGPData -->
    <!-- Begin SPKIData -->
    <xs:element name="SPKIData" type="ds:SPKIDataType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SPKIDataType">
    <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="SPKISexp" type="xs:base64Binary"/>
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"/>
    <!-- End SPKIData -->
    <!-- End KeyInfo -->
    <!-- Start Object (Manifest, SignatureProperty) -->
    <xs:element name="Object" type="ds:ObjectType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="ObjectType" mixed="true">
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="MimeType" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> <!-- add a grep facet -->
    <xs:attribute name="Encoding" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="Manifest" type="ds:ManifestType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="ManifestType">
    <xs:element ref="ds:Reference" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="SignatureProperties" type="ds:SignaturePropertiesType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SignaturePropertiesType">
    <xs:element ref="ds:SignatureProperty" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="SignatureProperty" type="ds:SignaturePropertyType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SignaturePropertyType" mixed="true">
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <!-- (1,1) elements from (1,unbounded) namespaces -->
    <xs:attribute name="Target" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
    <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="optional"/>
    <!-- End Object (Manifest, SignatureProperty) -->
    <!-- Start Algorithm Parameters -->
    <xs:simpleType name="HMACOutputLengthType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"/>
    <!-- Start KeyValue Element-types -->
    <xs:element name="DSAKeyValue" type="ds:DSAKeyValueType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="DSAKeyValueType">
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
    <xs:element name="P" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
    <xs:element name="Q" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
    <xs:element name="G" type="ds:CryptoBinary" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="Y" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
    <xs:element name="J" type="ds:CryptoBinary" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
    <xs:element name="Seed" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
    <xs:element name="PgenCounter" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
    <xs:element name="RSAKeyValue" type="ds:RSAKeyValueType"/>
    <xs:complexType name="RSAKeyValueType">
    <xs:element name="Modulus" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
    <xs:element name="Exponent" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
    <!-- End KeyValue Element-types -->
    <!-- End Signature -->
    Code for registering the xml-schema
    schemaurl => '',
    schemadocuri => '',
    local => TRUE,
    gentypes => TRUE,
    genbean => FALSE,
    gentables => TRUE,
    force => FALSE,
    owner => 'DNTSB',
    options => 0);
    Test program
    -- Created on 17-07-2006 by EEJ
    XML_TEXT3 CLOB := '<Object xmlns="">
                                       <SignatureProperty Target="">
                                            <Timestamp xmlns="">2007-05-10T12:00:00-05:00</Timestamp>
    xmldoc xmltype;
    xmldoc := xmltype(xml_text3);
    insert into signaturetable
    (xml_document, ts)
    (xmldoc, current_timestamp);
    Platform information
    Operating system:
    -bash-3.00$ uname -a
    SunOS dntsdb 5.10 Generic_125101-09 i86pc i386 i86pc
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Aug 17 00:15:13 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    Enter password:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning and Data Mining options
    Kind Regards,

    You should report this in a service request on
    It is a shame that you put all the effort here to describe your problem, but on the other hand you can now also copy & paste the question to Oracle Support.
    Because you are using; I am guessing that you have a valid service contract...

  • Popup not INSERTing into table and not refreshing called page ...

    Environment: APEX on AIX 5.3 in 10gR2
    I have read many of the threads concerning my issue and I feel I am getting close to the answer but somehow have combined too many of the suggestions and am tripping over my own code.
    Please look at my sample application on
    Workspace: galway
    User: gwicke
    Password: gwicke
    Please start with Page3, select any Agency and then click 'Add New Contract'.
    There is currently a <strong>BOLD </strong>label 'Add New Builder' that is a link that should open a popup window. Type any name into the field and click 'Create Builder'. This should INSERT the row into the builder table, close the popup, assign the new builder name to the calling page item 'Builder Name' and populate the screen item.
    In it's current state, the application will open the popup window, allow entry and close upon clicking the 'Create Builder' button. However the new builder is NOT inserted into the table and the calling page item is not populated.
    By looking at the Page Items and Session State I can see the correct values assigned to the 'Pn_BULDER_NAME' items on both the popup page (4) and the calling page (2) but the value does not appear on the screen.
    I've read where there's really two parallel universes, no sorry, two versions of the screen items, one in Session State and one that is displayed in the browser and there are steps to take to be sure the one displayed is updated from Session State as I would like in this case.
    I've entered Javascript code in the Page4 - header to define the 'passBack2()' function and code in the 'Optional URL Redirect' section of the 'Add Builder' button to hopefully execute the ARP for the INSERT, assign the Page2 items and close the popup. It doesn't quite get all that done.
    Any helpp is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Denes for most of the code suggestions I've followed.

    Hi Gary,
    I think that there's a very simple solution to this - didn't really spot it last night.
    Firstly, yes, you could use a "button" to handle the call for the popup - just make sure that the button is a URL type "button" that is actually an A tag with the call in the URL target setting. Alternatively, you could take you existing A tag and use the same class attribute for one of your buttons as this should make it look like a button.
    More importantly, though, I think that we could do it as:
    1 - On your page 2 popup call, clear that cache for page 4 (the popup page) - I have already done this in your app by updating the url
    2 - On the popup page, allow the user to enter in their desired P4_BUILDER_NAME value (not sure if you want to do something to make this unique?)
    3 - Let the user click the Create button on the popup. This will submit the page, which will get your P4_BUILDER_RANK (the pk) value and insert a new record into the table (you could consider creating a sequence and a trigger to handle the creation of a new PK value?).
    4 - Assuming the P4_BUILDER_RANK then exists (it wouldn't if there was an error somewhere), then conditionally display a region that had a piece of javascript that submits page 2 and then closes itself - we don't need to pass anything back to page 2 (see below)
    5 - As the P4_BUILDER_NAME and P4_BUILDER_RANK exist in the session, when page 2 is being reloaded, (A) the select list would be updated with the new Builder (still not sure why all my entries appeared at the bottom instead of in alpha order??) and (B) both P2_BUILDER_NAME and P2_BUILDER_RANK can have Post Calculation Computations set (NVL(:P4_BUILDER_NAME,:P2_BUILDER_NAME) and NVL(:P4_BUILDER_RANK, :P2_BUILDER_RANK) respectively) - the effect of this is, if there are values stored in the P4 page items, we use them, otherwise we use whatever values were in the P2 page items
    6 - Finally, to stop (5) happening in all page 2 loads, you would need to clear the cache for page 4 in as many places as possible - eg, branches to page 2 or buttons on page 2
    The reason we can't pass values back to page 2 is that one of the items is a select list. The value we want to select won't appear on the select list until the page has been submitted. So, we can't set the value and submit because the value isn't there. We can't submit and set the value because javascript wouldn't know when the page has been updated (or, at least, you would have to put some independant mechanism in place to identify this, which may become complicated).
    So, simply put, as long as we know that if the values are in the session, we can use Post Calculation Computations to set our fields to these values. The only thing to bear in mind is that we need to ensure that these session values only exist when we need them - hence clearing the cache. This principle should work for any type of field - but, as you have no doubt seen, simple text fields can be updated by the popup directly as the field should accept any value we give it.
    My only other recommendation would be to completely remove the MRU processes from the page as these are not required (they just confuse the issue) and you could make your PK fetch and record insert into a single process - just to keep things neat and tidy, you understand!
    When I finished with your app last night, I did leave it so that javascript would create a new option on the select list and then set the value. But the above methodology seems to be a lot simpler.

  • Batch load images (tiff) into table with a BLOB column

    Does anyone know any third-party tool/software to bulk/batch load images into Oracle table? There is an ETL software to regularly pull the images (tiff) from a ftp server to a directory in the database server. There is no way I can hardcode the image filenames into the control file and use SQL*Loader to load the files. Is there any tool/software that can just grab whatever files in the directory and load them into Oracle. Then, I can write a program to extract the filename from the file already loaded into the table and update the filename column.

    sound like simple scripting to me...
    -- SQL loader example
    -- dynamically build control file
    devuser1:/tmp>>touch image1.gif
    devuser1:/tmp>>touch image2.jpg
    devuser1:/tmp>>touch image3.jpg
    devuser1:/tmp>>ls -l image*
    -rw-rw-r--   1 devuser1   mygrp           0 Jul 10 11:19 image1.gif
    -rw-rw-r--   1 devuser1   mygrp           0 Jul 10 11:19 image2.jpg
    -rw-rw-r--   1 devuser1   mygrp           0 Jul 10 11:19 image3.jpg
    devuser1:/tmp>>ls -l image* | awk '{ print NR "," $9}'
    devuser1:/tmp>>echo "LOAD DATA" > t.ctl
    devuser1:/tmp>>echo "INFILE *" >> t.ctl
    devuser1:/tmp>>echo "..." >> t.ctl
    devuser1:/tmp>>echo "BEGINDATA" >> t.ctl
    devuser1:/tmp>>ls -l image* | awk '{ print NR "," $9}' >> t.ctl
    devuser1:/tmp>>cat t.ctl
    INFILE *
    3,image3.jpgEdited by: maceyah on Jul 10, 2009 12:42 PM

  • ORA-01400 - not null column with default value and item with authorization

    I've searched - I would think someone has run into this. APEX - I've created a simple form on a table. One of the column is a not null column with a default value. I have a select list on that item, but it has security on it - authorization scheme. So, it checks the user and if that user isn't of the right role, it will not even display that item. However, APEX appears to still send in the column in its sql! So, the default value is useless, it sends in null each time. Even if I set the default at the Item level, I get null. Argg. That's got to be a bug...
    In debug, I do not see the item listed at all. It's not used. That's fine - but why is it trying to insert the value? I would think it would leave it off??? I think because the item is associated with a database column. But, getting around this is ugly. Having to create a hidden item for each one, and then check to see if I need to take the list value... horrible. Any way to get around this???

    I should add - I guess I can always put my own custom process in to replace the DML. Just seems like a simple thing - if the value doesn't appear on the debug, isn't set with any default value... don't include it in the DML.

  • Reg: read excel column and insert into table.

    hi Friends,
          i wanted to read the data from Excel and insert into in my oracle tables.
          can you provide the link or example script.
        how to read the column value from excel and insert into table.
      please help.

    < unnecessary reference to personal blog removed by moderator >
    Here are the steps:
    1) First create a directory and grant read , write , execute to the user from where you want to access the flat files and load it.
    2) Write a generic function to load PIPE delimited flat files:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TABLE_LOAD ( p_table in varchar2,
    p_dir in varchar2 DEFAULT ‘YOUR_DIRECTORY_NAME’,
    P_FILENAME in varchar2,
    p_ignore_headerlines IN INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
    p_delimiter in varchar2 default ‘|’,
    p_optional_enclosed in varchar2 default ‘”‘ )
    return number
    – PURPOSE: Load the flat files i.e. only text files to Oracle
    – tables.
    – This is a generic function which can be used for
    – importing any text flat files to oracle database.
    – P_TABLE
    – Pass name of the table for which import has to be done.
    – P_DIR
    – Name of the directory where the file is been placed.
    – Note: The grant has to be given for the user to the directory
    – before executing the function
    – The name of the flat file(a text file)
    – By default we are passing 1 to skip the first line of the file
    – which are headers on the Flat files.
    – Dafault “|” pipe is been passed.
    – Optionally enclosed by ‘ ” ‘ are been ignored.
    – AUTHOR:
    – Slobaray
    l_input utl_file.file_type;
    l_theCursor integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    l_lastLine varchar2(4000);
    l_cnames varchar2(4000);
    l_bindvars varchar2(4000);
    l_status integer;
    l_cnt number default 0;
    l_rowCount number default 0;
    l_sep char(1) default NULL;
    L_ERRMSG varchar2(4000);
    V_EOF BOOLEAN := false;
    l_cnt := 1;
    for TAB_COLUMNS in (
    select column_name, data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name=p_table order by column_id
    ) loop
    l_cnames := l_cnames || tab_columns.column_name || ‘,’;
    l_bindvars := l_bindvars || case when tab_columns.data_type in (‘DATE’, ‘TIMESTAMP(6)’) then ‘to_date(:b’ || l_cnt || ‘,”YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS”),’ else ‘:b’|| l_cnt || ‘,’ end;
    l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
    end loop;
    l_cnames := rtrim(l_cnames,’,');
    IF p_ignore_headerlines > 0
    FOR i IN 1 .. p_ignore_headerlines
    UTL_FILE.get_line(l_input, l_lastLine);
    v_eof := TRUE;
    END IF;
    if not v_eof then
    dbms_sql.parse( l_theCursor, ‘insert into ‘ || p_table || ‘(‘ || l_cnames || ‘) values (‘ || l_bindvars || ‘)’, dbms_sql.native );
    utl_file.get_line( l_input, l_lastLine );
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    if length(l_lastLine) > 0 then
    for i in 1 .. l_cnt-1
    dbms_sql.bind_variable( l_theCursor, ‘:b’||i,
    end loop;
    l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_theCursor);
    l_rowCount := l_rowCount + 1;
    when OTHERS then
    insert into BADLOG ( TABLE_NAME, ERRM, data, ERROR_DATE )
    values ( P_TABLE,l_errmsg, l_lastLine ,systimestamp );
    end if;
    end loop;
    utl_file.fclose( l_input );
    end if;
    values ( P_FILENAME, P_TABLE,l_rowCount,sysdate );
    ‘_’ || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, ‘DD_MON_RRRR_HH24_MI_SS_AM’) || ‘.txt’
    end TABLE_LOAD;
    Note: when you run the function then it will also modify the source flat file with timestamp , so that we can have the track like which file was loaded .
    3) Check if the user is having UTL_FILE privileges or not :
    AND OWNER =<>;
    If the user is not having the privileges then grant “UTL_FILE” to user from SYS user:
    4) In the function I have used two tables like:
    import_hist table and badlog table to track the history of the load and another to check the bad log if it occurs while doing the load .
    Under the same user create an error log table to log the error out records while doing the import:
    SQL> CREATE TABLE badlog
    errm VARCHAR2(4000),
    data VARCHAR2(4000) ,
    error_date TIMESTAMP
    Under the same user create Load history table to log the details of the file and tables that are imported with a track of records loaded:
    SQL> create table IMPORT_HIST
    FILENAME varchar2(200),
    TABLE_NAME varchar2(200),
    NUM_OF_REC number,
    5) Finally run the PLSQL block and check if it is loading properly or not if not then check the badlog:
    Execute the PLSQL block to import the data from the USER:
    SQL> declare
    P_TABLE varchar2(200):=<>;
    P_DIR varchar2(200):=<>;
    P_FILENAME VARCHAR2(200):=<>;
    v_Return NUMBER;
    v_Return := TABLE_LOAD(
    P_DIR => P_DIR,
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘v_Return = ‘ || v_Return);
    6) Once the PLSQL block is been executed then check for any error log table and also the target table if the records are been successfully imported or not.

  • Script to add not null columns to all tables in database

    I need to add 5 not null columns to my existing database (all tables).
    The problem is that i do not want to loose the current data.
    I need a script so that i need not do this manually for each table.
    Can u suggest?

    I need to add 5 not null columns to my existing database (all tables).
    The problem is that i do not want to loose the current data.
    I need a script so that i need not do this manually for each table.
    Can u suggest?
    Vishal I always follow this step
    1) Alter table <<tablename>> add(<<columnname>> <<datatype>>)
    2) Update <<tablename>> set <<columnname>>=<<anyvalue>>
    3) Alter table <<tablename>> modify(<<columnname>> <<datatype>> not null)
    1) rename <<tablename>> to <<tablenamebk>>
    2) drop table <<tablename>>
    3) Alter table <<tablenamebk>> add(<<columnname>> <<datatype>>)
    4) update <<tablenamebk>> set <<columnname>>=<<anyvalue>>
    5) create table <<tablename>> (with additional columns with not null)
    6) insert into <<tablename>> select * from <<tablenamebk>>

  • Data is not inserting into table

    Hi Team,
    I am inserting data into a custom table.
    but my records are not inserting into table
    //CO File
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    // am.invokeMethod("init");
    * Procedure to handle form submissions for form elements in
    * a region.
    * @param pageContext the current OA page context
    * @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Apply") != null)
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("TestEmpVO1");
    String NAME = (String)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Name");
    Number employeeNumber = (Number)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("Num");
    String NUM = String.valueOf(employeeNumber.intValue());
    MessageToken[] tokens = { new MessageToken("EMP_NAME", NAME),
    new MessageToken("EMP_NUMBER", NUM) };
    OAException confirmMessage = new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_T_EMP_CREATE_CONFIRM", tokens,
    OAException.CONFIRMATION, null);
    else if (pageContext.getParameter("Cancel") != null)
    TransactionUnitHelper.endTransactionUnit(pageContext, "empCreateTxn");
    // End CO
    package oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.labsolutions.server;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.Transaction;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
    import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl;
    // --- File generated by Oracle Business Components for Java.
    public class TestEmpAMImpl extends EmployeeAMImpl
    * This is the default constructor (do not remove)
    public TestEmpAMImpl()
    * Container's getter for TestEmpVO1
    public TestEmpVOImpl getTestEmpVO1()
    return (TestEmpVOImpl)findViewObject("TestEmpVO1");
    * Creates a new employee.
    public void createEmployee()
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)getTestEmpVO1();
    // Per the coding standards, this is the proper way to initialize a
    // VO that is used for both inserts and queries. See View Objects
    // in Detail in the Developer's Guide for additional information.
    if (!vo.isPreparedForExecution())
    Row row = vo.createRow();
    // Required per OA Framework Model Coding Standard M69
    } // end createEmployee()
    public void apply()
    * Sample main for debugging Business Components code using the tester.
    public static void main(String[] args)
    launchTester("oracle.apps.fnd.framework.toolbox.labsolutions.server", "TestEmpAMLocal");
    //End AmImpl
    Please suggest.

    Its always a good idea to close the thread with an explanation. It will help others whenever they are into similar situation.

  • SRM MDM, Error, "Table with Code 'null' does not exist in repository"

    Hi experts,
    We has SRM MDM scenario, while doing OCI settings, we are able to connect with MDM repository but getting follwoing error message in portal, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Table with Code 'null' does not exist in the repository 'Repository' or is one of the system table (e.g. Workflows) that is not exposed in repository schema" 
    Can You please suggest,
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi everyone,
    Sudhanshu and Anshuk:- Thanks for your response, let me try and explain the real scenario in details:-
    We have deployed the SRM-MDM Catalog Search UI in Portal.
    We tried accessing the http://<Portal Host>:<Portal Port>/SRM-MDM/SRM_MDM
    Then we got a screen (Search UI App screen), where in we have provided the MDM Server name, then the MDM Server Password, then presses the Connect button, then below this, it displayed the Repository name created in the MDM. We have selected the Repository, then provided the Credentials of a User (Name: T_CORP) in MDM which has "Catalog Manager", and the "UI Configuration Manager" Roles. Please note that these Role names were created by us in MDM. Is it the right procedure or do we have any standard Roles delivered by SAP in MDM to map? If any standard Roles are available, where we need to check these.
    Once the Credentials of MDM User is provided, and then selected the "Login" button.
    Then we are getting the below error.
    "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Table with Code 'null' does not exist in the repository 'Repository' or is one of the system table (e.g. Workflows) that is not exposed in repository schema"
    Please clarify; we are not configuring any values in iViews. Where we need to do this, I mean name of the iView, and what values do we need provide generally? We are just running the Search UI App application; I don't think it is an iView, because the URL shows the Application name details, etc...
    Please guide us, how to fix this Error.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Oracle BPEL - Does not cater for not null columns and use of "default".

    Oracle BPEL - Does not cater for not null columns and use of "default".
    BPEL fails with message:
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("EDDB"."SEISMIC_LINES"."COORD_SYSTEM_ID")
    But SQL*PLUS command works:
    Allan Ford
    Analyst / Programmer - IT Application Services, IT Services, Shared Business Services
    Santos Ltd
    Level 4, 91 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
    Phone: 08 8224 7944 Fax: 08 8218 5320
    Email: [email protected]

    note: BPEL keeps it's own "offline" copy of table and database items. A column that is marked not null in the database can be marked as nullable in this area. (if you kmow that a trigger is going to cater for this ..)
    One workaround is to use a trigger to provide value rather than use the column default ..

  • Insert into table error - ora-01722 invalid number

    Need some assistance with inserting data into a table. The date column keeps on failing to insert.
    here is my insert statement
    values ('$i_owner','$i_table','$i_part_name','$i_subpart_name','$i_ins','$i_upd','$i_del','$time','$trunc');Script loads data for partition tables, but not normal tables with the timestamp column
    I select the data using this select statement:
    select table_owner, table_name, partition_name, subpartition_name, inserts, updates, deletes, timestamp, truncated
    from dba_tab_modifications
    where table_owner in ('scott','MAC')
    order by table_name;

    ok here are the errors:
    values ('MAC','WC_MST','11','1','1','12/04/2011','NO','','')
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    Session altered.
    values ('MAC','WF_05A','208','128','208','18/02/2011','NO','','')
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-01722: invalid numberHere is the table structure
    SQL> desc tab_mod_history
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TABLE_OWNER                                        VARCHAR2(30)
    TABLE_NAME                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    PARTITION_NAME                                     VARCHAR2(30)
    SUBPARTITION_NAME                                  VARCHAR2(30)
    INSERTS                                            NUMBER
    UPDATES                                            NUMBER
    DELETES                                            NUMBER
    TIMESTAMP                                          DATE
    TRUNCATED                                          VARCHAR2(3)
    DROP_SEGMENTS                                      NUMBERI used the column names to create the variables..that is why $time was used.
    How else could I have done it????
    thought this was easy..but to my dismay...

  • Tabular Form based on table with lots of columns - how to avoid scrollbar?

    Hi everybody,
    I'm an old Forms and VERY new APEX user. My problem is the following: I have to migrate a form application to APEX.
    The form is based on a table with lots of columns. In Forms you can spread the data over different tab pages.
    How can I realize similar in APEX? I definitely don't want to use a horizontal scroll bar...
    Thanks in advance

    If the primary key is created by the user themselves (which is not recommended, you should have another ID which the user sees which would be the varchar2 and keep the primary key as is, the user really shouldn't ever edit the primary key) then all you need to do is make sure that the table is not populated with a primary key in the wizard and then make sure that you cannot insert a null into your varchar primary key text field.
    IF you're doing it this way I would make a validation on the page which would run off a SQL Exists validation, something along the lines of
    SELECT <primary key column>
    FROM <your table>
    WHERE upper(<primary key column>) = upper(<text field containing user input>);
    and if it already exists, fire the validation claiming that it already exists and to come up with a new primary key.
    Like I said if you really should have a primary key which the database refers to each individual record itself and then have an almost pseudo-primary key that the user can use. For example in the table it would look like this:
    table_id (this is the primary key which you should NOT change)
    user_table_id (this is the pretend primary key which the user can change)
    hope this helps in some way

  • How can I load data into table with SQL*LOADER

    how can I load data into table with SQL*LOADER
    when column data length more than 255 bytes?
    when column exceed 255 ,data can not be insert into table by SQL*LOADER
    A VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ,
    B VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ,
    C VARCHAR2 ( 10 ) ,
    E VARCHAR2 ( 2000 ) );
    control file:
    load data
    append into table A
    fields terminated by X'09'
    (A , B , C , E )
    SQL*LOADER command:
    sqlldr test/test control=A_ctl.txt data=A.xls log=b.log
    column E is more than 255bytes
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)
    1     1     1     1234567------(more than 255bytes)

    Check this out.

  • Duplicate insert into table

    hello all,
    i am having problem when insert data into table. my first value will insert into table once again and again when i refresh page or logged in as another person.
    is it because i am using JavaScript onChange on my page? here is my script..
    <title>Post New Offer</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <script language="JavaScript" src="ts_picker.js"></script>
    <%@ page import ="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import ="java.lang.*" %>
    <%@ page import ="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ page import ="*" %>
    <%@ page import ="java.text.SimpleDateFormat"%>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function select_offer() {
    String username;
    String otype="";
    String submitform;
    String submitsave="";
    String bizid="";
    String contperson="";
    String ocategory="";
    String otitle="";
    String odesc="";
    String oposted="";
    String oexpiry="";
    String oprice;
    String ocheck="";
    String oqty;
    String ounit="";
    String oneeded="";
    String odelivery="";
    String opackaging="";
    String ostatus="";
    float price;
    int qty;
    int columns =0;
    int col =0;
    int vd =0;
    int columncate =0;
    int colcate =0;
    int rowcate =0;
    int vdcate=0;
    <jsp:useBean id="insertinto" class="ita.InsertNewOffer" scope="request" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="insertinto" property="*" />
    <% insertinto.connect();
    col = insertinto.getColumn();
    Vector recordVector = insertinto.getVectorRow();
    colcate = insertinto.getColumn();
    rowcate = insertinto.getRow();
    Vector outVector = insertinto.getVectorRow();
    <!-- Header Menu -->
    <%@ include file="headermenu.jsp"%>
    <hr size="1">
    <table width="100%" border="0">
    <td width="23%"><div align="right"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica,
    sans-serif">Post by <b><% out.println(username); %></b></font></div>
    <!-- Left Menu -->
    <%@ include file="leftmenu.jsp"%>
    submitform = request.getParameter("submitform");
    if((submitform != null) && (submitform.equals("Post Offer")) && (!(otype.equals("none"))) && (!(bizid.equals(""))))
    ostatus = "posted";
    if((submitform != null) && (submitform.equals("Save Offer")) && (!(otype.equals("none"))) && (!(bizid.equals(""))))
    ostatus = "saved";
    bizid = request.getParameter("bizid"); if (bizid == null) { bizid = ""; }
    bizid = bizid.trim();
    otype = request.getParameter("otype"); if (otype == null) { otype = "none"; }
    ocategory = request.getParameter("ocategory"); if (ocategory == null) { ocategory = ""; }
    String cat="";
    String[] cat2 = request.getParameterValues("ocategory");
    if (cat2 != null)
    for(int i=0;i<cat2.length;i++) {
    cat += cat2[i] +";";
    //out.println("choose1 : "+cat2+"<br>");
    //out.println("choose2 : "+cat2[i]+"<br>");
    //out.println("choose3 : "+cat+"<br>");
    otitle = request.getParameter("otitle"); if (otitle == null) { otitle = ""; }
    odesc = request.getParameter("odesc"); if (odesc == null) { odesc = ""; }
    oposted = request.getParameter("oposted");
    oexpiry = request.getParameter("oexpiry");
    oexpiry = oexpiry.trim();
    oprice = request.getParameter("oprice");
    float price = 0;
    if (oprice != null) {
    try {
    price = Float.parseFloat(oprice);
    catch(NumberFormatException e) {}
    oqty = request.getParameter("oqty");
    int qty = 0;
    if (oqty != null) {
    try {
    qty = Integer.parseInt(oqty);
    catch(NumberFormatException e) {}
    ocheck = request.getParameter("ocheck"); if (ocheck == null) { ocheck = "no"; }
    ounit = request.getParameter("ounit"); if (ounit == null) { ounit = "none"; }
    oneeded = request.getParameter("oneeded"); if (oneeded == null) { oneeded = ""; }
    odelivery = request.getParameter("odelivery"); if (odelivery == null) { odelivery = ""; }
    opackaging = request.getParameter("opackaging"); if (opackaging == null) { opackaging = ""; }
    contperson = request.getParameter("contperson"); if (contperson == null) { contperson = ""; }
    contperson = contperson.trim();
    <td width="77%">
    <form name="formoffer" method="post" action="NewOffer.jsp?username=<% out.println(username);%> ">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2">
    <td width="77%">
    <table width="100%" border="0">
    <td><font size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">My Offer</font></td>
    <tr bgcolor="#FFCC00">
    <td colspan="3"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <b>1) Offer Detail</b></font> </td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Offer
    date :</font></td>
    <td width="61%" colspan="2"><font color="#336600" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <%= new java.util.Date() %></font>
    <input type="hidden" name="oposted" value="<%= dateString %>"> </td>
    <td width="39%" valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Offer
    type :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <select name="otype" onChange="select_offer()">
         if (otype.equals("")||otype.equals("none")) { %>
    <option selected value="none">Select one</option>
    <option value="Buy">Buy</option>
         <option value="Sell">Sell</option>
         <option value="Biz Opportunity">Biz Op</option>
    <option value="Excess Stock">Excess Stock</option>
         <% }
    else if (otype.equals("Buy")) { %>
    <option value="none">Select one</option>
    <option selected value="Buy">Buy</option>
         <option value="Sell">Sell</option>
         <option value="Biz Opportunity">Biz Op</option>
    <option value="Excess Stock">Excess Stock</option>
         <% }
    else if (otype.equals("Sell")) { %>
    <option value="none">Select one</option>
    <option value="Buy">Buy</option>
         <option selected value="Sell">Sell</option>
         <option value="Biz Opportunity">Biz Op</option>
    <option value="Excess Stock">Excess Stock</option>
         <% }
    else if (otype.equals("Biz Opportunity")) { %>
    <option value="none">Select one</option>
    <option value="Buy">Buy</option>
         <option value="Sell">Sell</option>
         <option selected value="Biz Opportunity">Biz Op</option>
    <option value="Excess Stock">Excess Stock</option>
         <% }
    else if (otype.equals("Excess Stock")) { %>
    <option value="none">Select one</option>
    <option value="Buy">Buy</option>
         <option value="Sell">Sell</option>
         <option value="Biz Opportunity">Biz Op</option>
    <option selected value="Excess Stock">Excess Stock</option>
         <% } %>
    </font> </td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Category
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2">
    <% vdcate=0; %>
    <select name="ocategory" size="4" multiple>
    <% while (vdcate<outVector.size()) {
    for (int j=0; j<colcate; j++) {
    if (j==0) {
    String catid = (String)outVector.elementAt(vdcate) ;
    String mainlevel = (String)outVector.elementAt(vdcate+1) ;
    String level1 = (String)outVector.elementAt(vdcate+2) ;
    String level2 = (String)outVector.elementAt(vdcate+3) ;%>
    <option value=<% out.println(catid); %> >
    <% out.println(mainlevel); %>  - 
              <% out.println(level1); %>  - 
              <% out.println(level2); %>
    <% }
    if (j > 0) {}
    } %>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Title
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <input name="otitle" type="text" size="35">
    </font> </td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Offer
    description :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <textarea name="odesc" cols="30"></textarea>
    </font> </td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Expiry date :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <input type="Text" name="oexpiry" readOnly style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eeeeee">
    <img src="img/cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Click to select date">
    System.out.println("display form" +otype);
    if (otype.equals("Buy")) { %>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    Target price : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">RM
    <input name="oprice" type="text" size="7">
    <input type="checkbox" name="ocheck" value="yes">
    <font color="#FF0000">*<font color="#000000" size="1">Negotiable</font></font></font>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Minimum
    quantity :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <input name="oqty" type="text" size="10">
    <select name="ounit" size="1">
    <option selected value="none">Choose one</option>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">When
    needed / Supply period :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <select name="oneeded">
    <option selected value="none">Select one</option>
    <option>1 week</option>
    <option>2 weeks</option>
    <option>1 month</option>
    <option>2 months</option>
    <option>3 months</option>
    <option>6 months</option>
    <% } %>
    if (otype.equals("Sell")) { %>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Delivery
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <select name="odelivery" size="1">
    <option selected value="none">Choose one</option>
    <option>Own transport</option>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Packaging
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <select name="opackaging" size="1">
    <option selected value="none">Choose one</option>
    <option>Not included</option>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    Selling price : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">RM
    <input name="oprice" type="text" size="7">
    <input type="checkbox" name="ocheck" value="yes">
    <font color="#FF0000">*<font color="#000000" size="1">Negotiable</font></font></font>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Available
    quantity :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <input name="oqty" type="text" size="10">
    <select name="ounit" size="1">
    <option selected value="none">Choose one</option>
    <% } %>
    if (otype.equals("Excess Stock")) { %>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Delivery
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <select name="odelivery" size="1">
    <option selected value="none">Choose one</option>
    <option>Own transport</option>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Packaging
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <select name="opackaging" size="1">
    <option selected value="none">Choose one</option>
    <option>Not included</option>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    Offer price : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">RM
    <input name="oprice" type="text" size="7">
    <input type="checkbox" name="ocheck" value="yes">
    <font color="#FF0000">*<font color="#000000" size="1">Negotiable</font></font></font>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Available
    quantity :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <input name="oqty" type="text" size="10">
    <select name="ounit" size="1">
    <option selected value="none">Choose one</option>
    <% } %>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> </font></td>
    <% vd=0; %>
    <% for (int vd=0; vd<col; vd++) {  %>
    <tr bgcolor="#FFCC00">
    <td colspan="3" valign="top"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>2)
    Contact Information</b></font></td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Business
    ID : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <% String bizid = (String)recordVector.elementAt(vd); vd++; %>
    <% out.println(bizid); %></font>
    <input type="hidden" name="bizid" value="<% out.println(bizid); %>">
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Contact person : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <% String conttitle = (String)recordVector.elementAt(vd); vd++; %>
    <% String contperson = (String)recordVector.elementAt(vd); vd++; %>
    <% out.println(conttitle);
    out.println( contperson);%>
    <input type="hidden" name="contperson" value="<% out.println(contperson); %>"></font></td></tr>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Company name :</font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %></font>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Address
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
         <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %>,
    <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %>, 
    <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %>
    <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %></font></td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Telephone
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
         <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %></font></td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Mobile phone
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
         <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %></font></td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Fax
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <% out.println(recordVector.elementAt(vd));vd++; %></td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Email
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <a href ="mailto:<% out.println(username);%>">
    <% out.println(username);%></a></font></td>
    <td valign="top"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Website
    : </font></td>
    <td colspan="2"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <% String website = (String)recordVector.elementAt(vd); vd++; %>
    <a href="<% out.println(website); %>"><% out.println(website); %></a></font></td>
    <td colspan="3"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> </font></td>
    <td colspan="3"><div align="center"> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <input type="submit" name="submitform" value="Post Offer"> 
    <input type="submit" name="submitform" value="Save Offer"> 
    <input type="reset" name="resetform" value="Reset">
    <% } %>
    <% vd=0; %>

    I'm not going to try to read all your code, but I will take your hint about the "onChange".
    What I would suggest is that you set a boolean variable, such as "changed", set to false at the beginning (perhaps in the "onLoad" event). Your "onChange" event can simply change the "changed" variable to true. Then, when the user leaves the page, or clicks Submit or whatever, test that variable to see if any changes were made, then take the appropriate action.

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