Order array by object variable

Hello !
I have an array which I'm looping through to get variables(as text) to display in dynamic text fields..
If possible I would like to sort the array into numeric order using "sTabArray[i].sHour". A variable of each of the array items..
Is there a way I can do this ? Maybe create a new array from the original one and then use that ??
for(i = 0; i < sTabArray.length; i++) {
    var sMin:String = sTabArray[i].sMin;
    var fMin:String = sTabArray[i].fMin;
    var table_number:String = sTabArray[i].table_number;
    var salle_number:String = sTabArray[i].salle_number;
    printBox["horaires" + i].text = sTabArray[i].sHour + ":" + sMin + " à " + sTabArray[i].fHour + ":" + fMin;
    printBox["evenement" + i].text = sTabArray[i].titre;
    printBox["salle" + i].text = salle_number;
    printBox["table_no" + i].text = table_number;
Many thanks in advance for you help


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  • Array of Object Refs

    I am doing exercises in a book (a couple books) to learn Java. I am a procedural pgmr and want to learn Java.
    Question 3 in Chapter 4 says:
    Create an array of object references of the class you created in Exercise 2, but don't actually create objects to assign into the array. When you run the program, notice whether the initialization messages from the constructor calls are printed.
    In exercise 2, I created an created an overloaded constructor. There are two constructors one that takes an argument and one that doesn't. I think I understand that I am being asked to look to see the values of the variables before the object is actually created but after initialization.
    My question is that I am not sure I understand what is being asked in question 3. I have to create an array of object references. I understand object references to be the varable names that hole the contents of the object. I don't understand what I am supposed to put into each (the two) elements of the array.
    Here is program written for exercise 2:
    //: c04:J402.java
    /* This has overloaded constructors. However, the argument must be given. Without it, there is an exception at runtime. */
    class Bird {
    Bird() {
    System.out.println("The object is an egg");
    Bird(String age) {
    System.out.println("The object is " + age + " months old");
    public class J402 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String age = args[0];
    new Bird(age);
    } ///:~
    Thank you so much for any help.

    My question is that I am not sure I understand what is
    being asked in question 3. I have to create an array
    of object references. I understand object references
    to be the varable names that hole the contents of the
    object. I don't understand what I am supposed to put
    into each (the two) elements of the array.
    You need to make three different concepts clear to yourself: objects, object references, and reference variables.
    Objects are objects are objects. They are self contained entities that live somewhere in the memory. But, as you can't manipulate the memory directly (there are many good reasons for that), you can't manipulate objects directly.
    To get to objects you need references (or pointers). A reference is like a memory address. It normally points to the memory location of an object, but if the reference can also be a special 'null' reference that doesn't point to any object (or to every possible object, depending on how you want to look at it). The JVM takes care of talking to the underlaying object through the reference.
    An object can have many references pointing to it but a reference can point to only one object (or no / any object in the case of a null reference).
    Reference variables, then, are the ones you have in source code. Here's an example of a reference variable:Bird tweety;
    tweety = new Bird("I thought I saw a pussy cat!");(given a hypotetical class that can take a String object as an argument to the constructor)
    "tweety" is a reference variable. A reference variable is a variable that can hold a reference -- surprise! :). If not set to any particular reference, it's value may be null. If you now do something likeBird bird2 = tweety;
    tweety = new Bird();you first define a new ref. variable "bird2" and set its value to tweety's ref. Then you reset the var. tweety to point to a new Bird object. What happens to bird2? Nothing!! ... but if instead of "tweety = new Bird();" you had written "tweety.setChirp("TWEET!!!");" and then called bird2.chirp(), it would have chirped with "TWEET!!!" because the references of bird2 and tweety point to the same object.
    But, you can have references outside reference variables. In reference arrays (or "object arrays", the terminology can be confusing), for instance. Then, the codeBird[] flock = new Bird[2];0) Creates, allocates and initializes a new reference array object.
    1) Creates a new reference variable called "flock" and assigns it to a reference that points to the object that was created in 0).
    2) Creates 2 more references to Bird objects, initially set to null. No further objects are created. These references can be used like reference variables through flock[0] and flock[1].
    (not necessarily in this order)
    Now this should answer the excersise 3. The references of flock[0] and flock[1] are left as null and they don't point to any objects - They will only if you do something like "flock[0] = new Bird("chirp!");" or "flock[1] = tweety;"

  • Trying to pass and object variable to a method

    I have yet another question. I'm trying to display my output in succession using a next button. The button works and I get what I want using test results, however what I really want to do is pass it a variable instead of using a set number.
    I want to be able to pass the object variables myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, and maxNumber to method actionPerformed so they can be in-turn passed to the displayResults method which is called in the actionPerformed method. Since there is no direct call to actionPerformed because it is called within one of the built in methods, I can't tell it to receive and pass those variables. Is there a way to do it without having to pass them through the built-in methods?
    import javax.swing.JToolBar;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    public class Panel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
         protected JTextArea myTextArea;
         protected String newline = "\n";
         static final private String FIRST = "first";
         static final private String PREVIOUS = "previous";
         static final private String NEXT = "next";
         public Panel( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
                 super(new BorderLayout());
              int counter = 0;
                 //Create the toolbar.
                 JToolBar myToolBar = new JToolBar( "Still draggable" );
                 addButtons( myToolBar );
                 //Create the text area used for output.
                 myTextArea = new JTextArea( 450, 190 );
                 myTextArea.setEditable( false );
                 JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( myTextArea );
                 //Lay out the main panel.
                 setPreferredSize(new Dimension( 450, 190 ));
                 add( myToolBar, BorderLayout.PAGE_START );
                 add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              myTextArea.setText( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) );
              setCounter( counter );
         } // End Constructor
         protected void addButtons( JToolBar myToolBar )
                 JButton myButton = null;
                 //first button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( FIRST, "Display first record", "First" );
                 //second button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( PREVIOUS, "Display previous record", "Previous" );
                 //third button
                 myButton = makeNavigationButton( NEXT, "Display next record", "Next" );
         } //End method addButtons
         protected JButton makeNavigationButton( String actionCommand, String toolTipText, String altText )
                 //Create and initialize the button.
                 JButton myButton = new JButton();
                     myButton.setActionCommand( actionCommand );
                 myButton.setToolTipText( toolTipText );
                 myButton.addActionListener( this );
                   myButton.setText( altText );
                 return myButton;
         } // End makeNavigationButton method
             public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                 String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
                 // Handle each button.
              if (FIRST.equals(cmd))
              { // first button clicked
                          int counter = 0;
                   setCounter( counter );
                 else if (PREVIOUS.equals(cmd))
              { // second button clicked
                   counter = getCounter();
                      if ( counter == 0 )
                        counter = 5;  // 5 would be replaced with variable maxNumber
                        setCounter( counter );
                        counter = getCounter() - 1;
                        setCounter( counter );
              else if (NEXT.equals(cmd))
              { // third button clicked
                   counter = getCounter();
                   if ( counter == 5 )  // 5 would be replaced with variable maxNumber
                        counter = 0;
                        setCounter( counter );
                        counter = getCounter() + 1;
                        setCounter( counter );
                 displayResult( counter );
         } // End method actionPerformed
         private int counter;
         public void setCounter( int number ) // Declare setCounter method
              counter = number; // stores the counter
         } // End setCounter method
         public int getCounter()  // Declares getCounter method
              return counter;
         } // End method getCounter
         protected void displayResult( int counter )
              //Test statement
    //                 myTextArea.setText( String.format( "%d", counter ) );
              // How can I carry the myProduct and myOfficeSupplies variables into this method?
              myTextArea.setText( packageData( product, officeSupplies, counter ) );
             } // End method displayResult
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event dispatch thread.
         public void createAndShowGUI( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
                 //Create and set up the window.
                 JFrame frame = new JFrame("Products");
                 //Add content to the window.
                 frame.add(new Panel( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, maxNumber ));
                 //Display the window.
                 frame.setVisible( true );
             } // End method createAndShowGUI
         public void displayData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int maxNumber )
              JTextArea myTextArea = new JTextArea(); // textarea to display output
              JFrame JFrame = new JFrame( "Products" );
              // For loop to display data array in a single Window
              for ( int counter = 0; counter < maxNumber; counter++ )  // Loop for displaying each product
                   myTextArea.append( packageData( myProduct, myOfficeSupplies, counter ) + "\n\n" );
                   JFrame.add( myTextArea ); // add textarea to JFrame
              } // End For Loop
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( myTextArea ); //Creates the JScrollPane
              JFrame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 170)); // Sets the pane size
              JFrame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); // adds scrollpane to JFrame
              JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); // Sets program to exit on close
              JFrame.setSize( 350, 170 ); // set frame size
              JFrame.setVisible( true ); // display frame
         } // End method displayData
         public String packageData( Product myProduct, OfficeSupplies myOfficeSupplies, int counter ) // Method for formatting output
              return String.format( "%s: %d\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f\n%s: $%.2f",
              "Product Number", myOfficeSupplies.getProductNumber( counter ),
              "Product Name", myOfficeSupplies.getProductName( counter ),
              "Product Brand",myProduct.getProductBrand( counter ),
              "Number of Units in stock", myOfficeSupplies.getNumberUnits( counter ),
              "Price per Unit", myOfficeSupplies.getUnitPrice( counter ),
              "Total Value of Item in Stock is", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ),
              "Restock charge for this product is", myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ),
              "Total Value of Inventory plus restocking fee", myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter )+
                   myProduct.restockingFee( myOfficeSupplies.getProductValue( counter ) ) );
         } // end method packageData
    } //End Class Panel

    multarnc wrote:
    My instructor has not been very forthcoming with assistance to her students leaving us to figure it out on our own.Aren't they all the same! Makes one wonder why they are called instructors. <sarcasm/>
    Of course it's highly likely that enough information was imparted for any sincere, reasonably intelligent student to actually figure it out, and learn the subject in the process.
    And if everything were spoonfed, how would one grade the performance of the students? Have them recite from memory
    public class HelloWorld left-brace
    indent public static void main left-parenthesis String left-bracket right-bracket args right-parenthesis left-brace
    And everywhere that Mary went
    The lamb was sure to go

  • Array of objects.....different syntax !!

    Both are Array of objects.........
    Object[] array  = new Object[2];
            array[0] = new Long( 1 );
            array[1] = new String( "My string" );Another code.........
    private Color colors[] =
             { Color.black, Color.blue, Color.cyan, Color.darkGray,
             Color.gray, Color.green, Color.lightGray,
             Color.magenta, Color.orange, Color.pink, Color.red,
         Color.white, Color.yellow };Both are array of objects. but look the difference one usues new another dont
    i dont like the second one.....but it is usued. what is it ?

    What I meant is you can always use the new operator to create an array. You can even use it in conjunction with populating it: Object[] = new Object[] {"foo", new Integer(5), etc...}; But more to the point, declaring an array final says nothing about that array's elements.
    public class ZZZ {
        final int[] arr_; // legal, as long as all ctors give this variable a value
        public ZZZ() {
            arr_ = new int[1]; // legal, even without providing a value for the element
        public ZZZ(int size) {
            arr_ = new int[size]; // legal
            arr_[0] = 0; // legal
            arr_[0] = 1; // legal

  • "Object variable or With block variable not set" error

    I have Presenter 6.2 installed into PowerPoint 2007 on a XP
    operating system. I have successfully used this product a couple of
    months ago.
    Evidently now I am getting an Adobe Presenter error prompt
    that says "Object variable or With block variable not set" for
    every feature I click on in PP.
    I have reinstalled Presenter to see if that would fix it. It
    did not. I uninstalled/deleted it from my PC and then installed a
    fresh copy. I still get the same issue prompt.
    Has anyone experienced this and if so got any suggestions on
    how to fix it?

    I am having the same problem, and I have since I installed this  add-in a month ago, honestly I am wondering why people use this  product.  Others around me are not having this issue so I don't know  what is going on.
    I have called Adobe 3 times,
    I  tried uninstalling and re-installing Presenter - no luck
    I tried  disabling and enabling the add-in - no luck
    I updated to version  7.0.5, http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=153&platform=Windows   (make sure you install 7.0.1, then 7.0.2, then 7.0.5 in this order)  still  had problems - but I did just find this post from 2009, and I am going  to try starting a new presentation (updates would not help a current  PP), which really is not great because I have a 60 slide class at this  time.
    Give  it a try and let me know if it works or if you find a solution!

  • Placing an array of objects onto stage

    I am trying to place an array of objects onto a stage where they drop vertically. I have been able to do it by placing the array objects into an object called "bag" but have found that the bag object only contains the last array object id so I can not apply actions to various array objects.
    Also my objects do not loop and only appear once.
    Below is the code so far.
    var tempArray:Array = new Array(); // Stores randomised values
    var bagArray:Array = new Array("gslow_id","gshigh_id","glow_id","ghigh_id","gdiv_id",
      "gcall_id","gbust_id","gbull_id","gboom_id","gbear_id"); // List of bag names
    function createBags() {
    if (tempArray.length == 0) { // check if array is empty
         for (var i:Number = 0; i < targets; i++) { // for loop - creat variable bagName to the value of targets
         var bagName: String = bagArray[i];
         var depthLevel:Number = this.getNextHighestDepth();
         // attach movies to time line
         this.attachMovie(bagName, bagName, depthLevel, {_x:random(350) + 100, _y:random(0) + spacing});
         spacing += 45;
         bag = _root[bagName]; // create a bag object contain the bagName variable
         //trace (bag);
         bag.onEnterFrame = function() {
              if (this._x < 570 && this._y > 0) {
              this._y += speed * random(8);
              } else {
              this._x = random(500);
              } // end if (this._x < 570 && this._y > 0)
         } // end bag.onEnterFrame ()
    bag.onPress = function() {
    // if bag is pressed select action
    //trace (bag); 
    xPos = this._x
    yPos = this._y
    score += 1000
    scoreText_txt.text = score;
    } // end bag.onPress ()
    } // end for (var i:Number = 0; i < targets; i++)
    } // end if (tempArray.length == 0)
    } // End createBags()

    var bagA:Array=[];
    var bagArray:Array = new Array("gslow_id","gshigh_id","glow_id","ghigh_id","gdiv_id",
      "gcall_id","gbust_id","gbull_id","gboom_id","gbear_id"); // List of bag names
    function createBags() {
    if (tempArray.length == 0) { // check if array is empty
         for (var i:Number = 0; i < targets; i++) { // for loop - creat variable bagName to the value of targets
         var bagName: String = bagArray[i];
         var depthLevel:Number = this.getNextHighestDepth();
         // attach movies to time line
         var bag:MovieClip = this.attachMovie(bagName, bagName, depthLevel, {_x:random(350) + 100, _y:random(0) + spacing});
         spacing += 45;
         //trace (bag);
         bag.onEnterFrame = function() {
              if (this._x < 570 && this._y > 0) {
              this._y += speed * random(8);
              } else {
              this._x = random(500);
              } // end if (this._x < 570 && this._y > 0)
         } // end bag.onEnterFrame ()
    bag.onPress = function() {
    // if bag is pressed select action
    //trace (bag); 
    xPos = this._x
    yPos = this._y
    score += 1000
    scoreText_txt.text = score;
    } // end bag.onPress ()
    } // end for (var i:Number = 0; i < targets; i++)
    } // end if (tempArray.length == 0)
    } // End createBags()

  • Printing a listing from an array of objects

    I know I'm missing something simple here but for the life of me I can't spot it. The code below should print a list of student names to the screen. At the moment it only prints the last name entered into the array. I will kick myself when I see the answer but can anyone suss this out ? Many thanks for any help.
    // A Program called StudentDetails3.java which inserts student names into an array according to
    // a calculated hash Index and then prints out the name list in this order
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class StudentDetails3
    // Member Section
    // Private members
    private static String studentName;
    // Public members
    public static String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Please enter the number of students in the class : - ");
    public static int maxNum = Integer.parseInt(input);
    public static int hashIndex = 0;
    // Constructor Section
    StudentDetails3 ( String newStudentName )
    studentName = newStudentName.toUpperCase();
    // Method Section
    public int hashCalc()
    int total = 0;
    for( int charNo = 0; charNo < studentName.length(); charNo ++ )
    char letter = studentName.charAt(charNo);
    int asciiVal = letter;
         if( studentName.charAt(charNo) ==' ')
         asciiVal = 0;
         total = total + asciiVal;
    hashIndex = total % maxNum;
    return hashIndex;
    public void output()
    System.out.println(" The student's name and hash index is " + studentName + " " + hashIndex );
    static class DetailsStorage
    // Member Section containing the array into which the student objects will be inserted
    private Object [] array;
    private int current;
    // Constructor
    DetailsStorage ( int noOfStudents )
    array = new Object[ noOfStudents ];
    current = 0;
    // Method for adding name to array
    public void add ( Object StudentDetails3 )
    {  if ( array [ hashIndex] == null )
    array [ hashIndex ] = StudentDetails3;
    else if ( (hashIndex + 1) <= (array.length-1) )
    { hashIndex = ( hashIndex + 1 );
         if ( array [ hashIndex ] == null )
         {   array [ hashIndex ] = StudentDetails3;
    } while ( (hashIndex + 1) <= (array.length-1) );
              for ( int firstLp = 0; firstLp < array.length; firstLp ++ )
         if ( array [ firstLp ] == null )
         {   array [ firstLp ] = StudentDetails3;
    public void printOut ( )
    {   int loop = 0;
    System.out.println ( " Name\t\tCourse " );
    System.out.println ( "____\t\t_________ " );
         for ( loop = 0; loop < array.length; loop ++ )
         System.out.println ( ( ( StudentDetails3 ) array [ loop ] ).studentName );
    // Main Program for testing
    public static void main( String[] args )
    {   String  name;                                              
    // Obtain list of names from the user
    DetailsStorage nameList = new DetailsStorage( maxNum );
    for( int lp = 0; lp < maxNum; lp++ )
    {   name =  JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Please enter the name of student in full ( e.g. Gareth Edwards )");
    StudentDetails3 newDetails = new StudentDetails3( name );
         nameList.add ( newDetails );

    You've made the student name a static field, which means that there's only one for the whole class.
    So the last one you input is the one you use for everybody.

  • Passing an array of objects to a method.

    Hi I'm building a program to act as a CD Collection Database. An array of objects represents the entries: Artist, Album and NUmber of Tracks. What I want to do is in the Menu, user to choose wether he or she wants to Add new CD to collection, print or quit, if he/she does then I call a method addNewEntry, to which i pass the array of objects called array, and I want the user to enter the entries each in turn, after that i want the program to return to the method Menu and ask if he or she wants to quit, print or add new cd. The idea is that the details entered already would be contained in the array of objects [0], so the next set of details go to [1] and then to [2] and so on. I have build up the code at this stage but i get an error while copmiling and im totally stuck. Im a beginner in Java.
    Here is the code:
    //by Andrei Souchinski
    //Mini Project: CD Collection Database
    //Designed for a grade F
    //Defining new class of objects to represent CD database entries.
    //A database entry consists of the artist name, the album name and number of tracks.
    //A single entry can be entered by the user typing the details in and the entry can be printed out.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MiniProject
         public static void main (String[] args)     
              System.out.println("\tCD Collection Database\n");
              System.out.println("1. Add new Compact Disk to the Database");
              System.out.println("2. Print out current database entries");
              System.out.println("3. Quit\n");          
         public static void theMenu()
              CompactDisk [] array = new CompactDisk[20];
              String menu;
              menu = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What would you like to do?");
              if (menu.equals ("3"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thank You For Using our Service! \nGoodbye!");
              if (menu.equals ("2"))
              if (menu.equals ("1"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please select your choice form the menu");
         public int addNewEntry(int newcd[])
                   int i;          
                   newcd[i] = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Artist"));
                   newcd[i] = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Album"));
                   newcd[i] = (Integer.parseInt (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the number of tracks on this album")));
    //A Compact Disk entry consists of three attributes: artist name, album and number of tracks
    class CompactDisk
         public String artistname; //Instance variables for artistname, albumname and numberoftracks.
         public String albumname;
         public int numberoftracks;
         public CompactDisk(String n, String a, int t)
         artistname = n; //Stores the 1st argument passed after "new Dates" into day
         albumname = a; //Stores the 2nd argument passed after "new Dates" into month
         numberoftracks = t; //Stores the 3rd argument passed after "new Dates" into year
         //When called from the main method, prints the contents of
         //artistname, albumname and numberoftracks on to the screen.
         public void printCompactDisk ()
                   String output = "\n " + artistname + "\n " + albumname + "\n " + numberoftracks;

    //by Andrei Souchinski
    //Mini Project: CD Collection Database
    //Designed for a grade F
    //Defining new class of objects to represent CD database entries.
    //A database entry consists of the artist name, the album name and number of tracks.
    //A single entry can be entered by the user typing the details in and the entry can be printed out.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MiniProject
         public static void main (String[] args)     
              System.out.println("\tCD Collection Database\n");
              System.out.println("1. Add new Compact Disk to the Database");
              System.out.println("2. Print out current database entries");
              System.out.println("3. Quit\n");          
         public static void theMenu()
              String menu;
              menu = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What would you like to do?");
              if (menu.equals ("3"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thank You For Using our Service! \nGoodbye!");
              if (menu.equals ("2"))
              if (menu.equals ("1"))
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please select your choice form the menu");
         public static void addNewEntry()
                   CompactDisk [] array = new CompactDisk[20];
                   int i = 0;
                   array.artistname = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Artist"));
                   array[i].albumname = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the name of the Album"));
                   array[i].numberoftracks = (Integer.parseInt (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the number of tracks on this album")));
    //A Compact Disk entry consists of three attributes: artist name, album and number of tracks
    class CompactDisk
         public String artistname; //Instance variables for artistname, albumname and numberoftracks.
         public String albumname;
         public int numberoftracks;
         public CompactDisk(String n, String a, int t)
         artistname = n; //Stores the 1st argument passed after "new Dates" into day
         albumname = a; //Stores the 2nd argument passed after "new Dates" into month
         numberoftracks = t; //Stores the 3rd argument passed after "new Dates" into year
         //When called from the main method, prints the contents of
         //artistname, albumname and numberoftracks on to the screen.
         public void printCompactDisk ()
                   String output = "\n " + artistname + "\n " + albumname + "\n " + numberoftracks;
    I've edited the code, itcompiles, but gives an error when i ran it..:(

  • Trouble creating and populating an array of objects.

    I'm trying to create/populate an array of objects with consisting of a {string, double, integer}, and am having trouble getting this theory to work in Java. Any assistance provided would be greatly appreciated. Following are the two small progs:
    public class HairSalon
    { private String svcDesc; private double price; private int minutes;
    //Create a constructor to initialize data members
    HairSalon( )
    svcDesc = " "; price = 0.00; minutes = 0;
    //Create a constructor to receive data
         HairSalon(String s, double p, int m)
         svcDesc = s; price = p; minutes = m;
    //Create methods to get the data members
    public String getSvcDesc( )
         return svcDesc;
    public double getPrice( )
         return price;
    public int getMinutes( )
         return minutes;
    public class SortSalon
         public static void main(String[ ] args)
         SortSalon [] sal = new SortSalon[6];
    //Construct 6 SortSalon objects
              for (int i = 0; i < sal.length; i++)
              sal[i] = new SortSalon();
    //Add data to the 6 SortSalon objects
         sal[0] = new SortSalon("Cut"; 10.00, 10);
         sal[1] = new SortSalon("Shampoo", 5.00, 5);           sal[2] = new SortSalon("Sytle", 20.00, 20);
         sal[3] = new SortSalon("Manicure", 15.00, 15);
         sal[4] = new SortSalon("Works", 30.00, 30);
         sal[5] = new SortSalon("Blow Dry", 3.00, 3);
    //Display data for the 6 SortSalon Objects
         for (int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++ )
         { System.out.println(sal[i].getSvcDesc( ) + " " + sal.getPrice( ) + " " + sal[i].getMinutes( ));
         System.out.println("End of Report");

    Hey JavaMan5,
    That did do the trick! Thanks for the assistance. I was able to compile and run the program after adding my sorting routine. Do you happen to see anything I can do to clean it up further, or does it look ok? Thanks again,
    public class SortSalon
         public static void main(String[ ] args) throws Exception
         HairSalon [] sal = new HairSalon[6];      
         char selection;
    //Add data to the 6 HairSalon objects
         sal[0] = new HairSalon("Cut", 10.00, 10);
         sal[1] = new HairSalon("Shampoo", 5.00, 11);      
         sal[2] = new HairSalon("Sytle", 20.00, 20);
         sal[3] = new HairSalon("Manicure", 15.00, 25);
         sal[4] = new HairSalon("Works", 30.00, 30);
         sal[5] = new HairSalon("Blow Dry", 3.00, 3);
    System.out.println("How would you like to sort the list?");
         System.out.println("A by Price,");
         System.out.println("B by Time,");
         System.out.println("C by Description.");
         System.out.println("Please enter a code A, B or C, and then hit <enter>");
              selection = (char)System.in.read();
    //Bubble Sort the Array by user selection
              case 'A':
              BubbleSortPrice(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'a':
              BubbleSortPrice(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'B':
              BubbleSortTime(sal, sal.length);                    break;
                   case 'b':
              BubbleSortTime(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'C':
              BubbleSortService(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'c':
              BubbleSortService(sal, sal.length);
              System.out.println("Invalid Selection, Randomly Sorted List!");
    //Display data for the 6 HairSalon Objects
              for (int i = 0; i < sal.length ; i++ )
         System.out.println(sal.getSvcDesc( ) + " " + sal[i].getPrice( ) + " " + sal[i].getMinutes( ));
              System.out.println("End of Report");
    public static void BubbleSortPrice(HairSalon[] array, int len)
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order by price
    int a, b;
    HairSalon temp;
    int highSubscript = len - 1;
    for(a = 0; a < highSubscript; ++a)
         for(b= 0; b < highSubscript; ++b)
         if(array.getPrice() > array[b + 1].getPrice())
              temp = array[b];
              array[b] = array [b + 1];
              array[b + 1] = temp;
    public static void BubbleSortTime(HairSalon[] array, int len)
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order by time
         int a, b;
         HairSalon temp;
         int highSubscript = len - 1;
         for(a = 0; a < highSubscript; ++a)
              for(b= 0; b < highSubscript; ++b)
         if(array[b].getMinutes() > array[b + 1].getMinutes())
         temp = array[b];
         array[b] = array [b + 1];
         array[b + 1] = temp;
    public static void BubbleSortService(HairSalon[] array, int len)
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order by time
         int a, b;
         HairSalon temp;
         int highSubscript = len - 1;
         for(a = 0; a < highSubscript; ++a)
         for(b= 0; b < highSubscript; ++b)
         if(array[b].getSvcDesc().compareTo( array[b + 1].getSvcDesc()) > 0)
                   temp = array[b];
                   array[b] = array [b + 1];
                   array[b + 1] = temp;

  • Formatted .data file, reading in and creating an array of objects from data

    Hi there, I have written a text file with the following format;
    List of random personal data: length 100
    1 : Atg : Age 27 : Income 70000
    2 : Dho : Age 57 : Income 110000
    3 : Lid : Age 40 : Income 460000
    4 : Wgeecnce : Age 43 : Income 370000
    and so on.
    These three pieces of data, Name,Age and Income were all generated randomly to be stored in an array of objects of class Person.
    Now what I must do is , read in this very file and re-create the array of objects that they were initially written from.
    I'm totally lost on how to go about doing this, I have only been learning java for the last month so anyone that can lend me a hand, that would be superb!

    Looking at you other thread, you are able to create the code needed - so what's the problem?
    Here's an (not the only) approach:
    Create an array of the necessary length to hold the 3 variables, or, if you don't know the length of the file, create a class to contain the data. Then create an ArrayList to hold an instance of the class..
    Use the Scanner class to read and parse the file contents into the appropriate variables.
    Add each variable to either the array, or to an instance of the class and add that instance to the arraylist.

  • How to update an object property located in an array of objects

    Hello all,
    I have a script that creates custom objects and populates them and saves them into an array. This array of objects is later converted to a CSV file for reuse later on. On a subsequent need to run the script and to save time and avoid recollecting
    data I have previously amassed, I read in the contents of the csv file and put this data into an arryOfObjects.
    I need to manipulate the data in specific objects but I can't figure out how to accomplish that task.
    I can identify the correct object within the array with the following command. I have been trying to pipe that result into either set-variable or set-itemproperty without success.
    $arrayOfObjects | select-object | where HostName -like $_.'name'
    This works, I can see my desired object and the data fields contained within it.
    I now need to modify one of the property fields. (Alias).
    I have been trying the following as a line of thought, but so far without success. It doesn't fail/error out, but it doesn't update the data either.
    $arrayOfObjects | select-object | where HostName -like $_.'name' | set-itemproperty -name Alias -value "newAlias"
    I'm wondering if I need to specify something for the -path argument, but since the array is in memory and not a registry location or a file I am not sure what I should use, if this is the problem at all.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    yes, I have redacted things, and obscured other things because I can not go around posting critical infrastructure information out on the internet.
    Here is the first three lines of my .csv file
    "","EFGH","yes","yes","Dec 30 2014 09:15:00","efgh.domain.com","yes","yes","-25","No","Y","Y","Y","TEST","*","yes","eventlog","xxxxxx","","EFGH.DOMAIN.COM","*"
    When I import this file I create a new custom object (objectCurrent) which I populate with the data from the csv file. I then store this object into an array of objects (objectCollection).
    All of the data is present.
    I then read in a new csv file that would contain most of the same hosts, but possibly additional new ones. upon importing the second csv file I loop through the entries.
     I have a conditional statement that checks to see if the host name from the second csv file, if it isn't then treat it like a new object and go fill in all of the details of the object using my various functions, etc.
            # then create a new currentObject and go populate the properties of the object 
         elseif ($objectCollection.N_HostName -contains $_.'name') {
              # copy this object and update the object's AL_Status (which is the last reported message date info)
                  # send that to the function that will parse it, compare Julian dates and see if it falls within my
                  # criteria as being stale.  if so set the IsStale property to Yes, but reguardless set the AL_Status
                  # newest last reported message data
    JRV states that "The "select object" does nothing at all unless you have a column in your CSV called "object".  The where clause will do nothing because it is syntatctically wrong and illogical. "
    I beg to differ.  Using the above command :   with the script running and the current focus ($_.'name') equals "abcd.domain.com"
     $arrayOfObjects | select-object | where N_HostName -like $_.'name'
    It obtain a single object within my array of objects similar to this:
    N_HostName: abcd.domain.com
    IsStale: No
    LastMsgDate: Dec 30 2014 09:15:00
    Delta: 1
    Ping: Yes
    InDNS: Yes
    InAD: Yes
    Alias: *
    (other fields omitted for brevity) I could get any of my existing objects if I match the hostname
    If I used only the command "  $objectCollection | Select-Object "    it returns every object in my array.
    So to narrow down the selection to a single object I add the " | where N_HostName -like $_.'name'  "
    which gives me the exact object I am searching for.
    My only question is how can I modify the contents of the object that I have specified within the array of object???

  • Reading arrays of objects

    I am new to OCI programming, but have read the manuals on reading objects, but can not figure out how to do what I want to do from that documentation. I am using oracle
    I have a package that produces a bunch of data. Currently this data is stored as records in local variables. From my understanding OCI can not read oracle records
    so that I will need to change package to use either varrary or associative arrays. I do not want to place this data into a actual oracle table because the data only has meaning at time package procedure is run and then is out of date for any other purposes. I Only want to read the data that is created in sql packages so that my C program can do other work with that data. It will change data into an XML format that Internet Application will use.
    This is where I am stuck, it is implied that OCI should be able to read these created arrays of objects, but all examples are reading oracle tables that have objects in them. So I would like either an example or some suggestions on how to get started on doing this. So far I have created and oracle object type that has my fields in it. Since I do not know how many records I will be creating when I
    run this package I think I should put data in an associative array.

    Yes, you'll need to publish the data somehow. One way to do it is to place the data into a PL/SQL collection; then select from that.
    There's a write up of some examples at http://www.dbasupport.com/oracle/ora9i/cast.shtml
    regards Nigel

  • Passing array of objects to the procedure

    Hi I have written a procedure to accept array of objects as input . it worked fine.
    this is the only input parameter in my procedure.
    But now I tried to add an out put parameter of type varchar2 to my procedure to send some return value but it gives me an error
    PLS-00410: duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted.
    please suggest cant i pass any other arguments when using a record or object array as parameter?
    this is my code
    PREF_CD  varchar2(20),
    USR_ID   VARCHAR2(20),
    PROD_CD  VARCHAR2(50),
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure MMM(in_pref PREF_ARRAY,v_err out varchar2 )
    v_prod_dim_nb NUMBER;
    v_usr_dim_nb  NUMBER;
    v_count NUMBER;
    v_err varchar2(50);
    for i in  in_pref.first.. in_pref.last
    /* Derive the product and user dim numbers */
    select prod_dim_nb into  v_prod_dim_nb from prod_dim where prod_cd=in_pref(i).prod_cd ;
    select usr_dim_nb into v_usr_dim_nb from usr_xref where usr_id=in_pref(i).usr_id and sys_id='ACCESS';
    /* check if the record already exist in usr_prod_pref corresponding to that  user,prod,pref */
    select count(1) into v_count from usr_prod_pref_test where prod_dim_nb=v_prod_dim_nb and usr_dim_nb=v_usr_dim_nb and pref_cd=in_pref(i).pref_cd;
    if v_count=0 then
    INSERT INTO USR_PROD_PREF_TEST values(v_usr_dim_nb,in_pref(i).pref_cd,v_prod_dim_nb,in_pref(i).DFLT_PREF_VAL_TX,in_pref(i).usr_PREF_VAL_TX,'Active',NULL,
    update USR_PROD_PREF_TEST set USR_PREF_VAL_TX=in_pref(i).USR_PREF_VAL_TX,DFLT_PREF_VAL_TX=in_pref(i).DFLT_PREF_VAL_TX,UPDT_USR_ID=in_pref(i).updt_usr_id,updt_dt=sysdate,cre_usr_id=in_pref(i).cre_usr_id where
    prod_dim_nb=v_prod_dim_nb and usr_dim_nb=v_usr_dim_nb and pref_cd=in_pref(i).pref_cd;
    end if;
    end loop;
    /Edited by: raj_fresher on Oct 9, 2009 6:56 AM

    okay i was wondering.... if he knew the error code in advance i thought user defined messages have numbers like -20000 to 209999 or something like that..
    neverthless one final question ....
    Now that my procedure is ready .. i have 2 final questions for this thread
    1) is my usage of errorcode and error message to return to the calling application correct?
    2) how to test this procedure in sql plus (or) toad?
    i mean how to call?
    exec modify_user_preferences(value, ?????(what should  i write here for output variable ) ) ?? i want to check what value is it returning?
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure MODIFY_USER_PREFERENCES2(in_pref PREF_ARRAY,v_status_message out varchar2  )
    v_prod_dim_nb NUMBER;
    v_usr_dim_nb  NUMBER;
    v_count NUMBER;
    v_product_exception EXCEPTION;
    v_user_exception EXCEPTION;
    p_error_code varchar2(50);
    p_error_msg varchar2(50);
    for i in  in_pref.first.. in_pref.last
    /* Derive the product and user dim numbers */
    select prod_dim_nb into  v_prod_dim_nb from prod_dim where prod_cd=in_pref(i).prod_cd ;
            p_error_code := sqlcode;
            p_error_msg := SQLERRM;
            raise v_product_exception;
    select usr_dim_nb into v_usr_dim_nb from usr_xref where usr_id=in_pref(i).usr_id and sys_id='ACCESS';
            p_error_code := sqlcode;
            p_error_msg := SQLERRM ;
            raise v_product_exception;
          raise v_user_exception;
    /* check if the record already exist in usr_prod_pref corresponding to that  user,prod,pref */
    select count(1) into v_count from usr_prod_pref_test where prod_dim_nb=v_prod_dim_nb and usr_dim_nb=v_usr_dim_nb and pref_cd=in_pref(i).pref_cd;
    if v_count=0 then
    INSERT INTO USR_PROD_PREF_TEST values(v_usr_dim_nb,in_pref(i).pref_cd,v_prod_dim_nb,in_pref(i).DFLT_PREF_VAL_TX,in_pref(i).usr_PREF_VAL_TX,'Active',NULL,
    update USR_PROD_PREF_TEST set USR_PREF_VAL_TX=in_pref(i).USR_PREF_VAL_TX,DFLT_PREF_VAL_TX=in_pref(i).DFLT_PREF_VAL_TX,UPDT_USR_ID=in_pref(i).updt_usr_id,updt_dt=sysdate,cre_usr_id=in_pref(i).cre_usr_id where
    prod_dim_nb=v_prod_dim_nb and usr_dim_nb=v_usr_dim_nb and pref_cd=in_pref(i).pref_cd;
    end if;
    end loop;
    when v_product_exception then
    v_status_message:= 'invalid product code  '||p_error_code||p_error_msg;
    when v_user_exception then
    v_status_message:= 'invalid user'||p_error_code||p_error_msg;
    /Edited by: raj_fresher on Oct 9, 2009 7:33 AM

  • Object variable problem

    I have created a shop game, which has a BankAccount class, Customer class and Shop class. When the program starts the Customer objects are passed to the Shop class and they buy objects depending on what they want (randomly generated) the numBread, numMilk etc (number in stock) decrements every time the customer buys an item so the object variables are being decremented there, but later when the user has the option to order more stock, it won't update them!
    for example,
    I get the user input using:
    orderAmount = scan.nextInt();
    this.numBread = this.numBread + orderAmount;but it doesn't update the value in numBread, where as it does when the customer buys bread, and has the following:
    this.numBread = this.numBread - 1;What are the reasons for this?

    The above sentence was the most useful.If by chance you intended that to be a sarcastic remark, I urge you to reconsider your approach. Most people around here don't respond well to people who ask for help and then snap back with a snide comment.
    there was too much code to copy and paste into hereThat's why I directed you to the SSCCE reference. We don't need to see all the code. We just need to see a compileable example of what it is you're actually doing. Everything else that is unrelated to the problem is unnecessary. However, you didn't provide enough detail to tell you specifically where you're messing things up.
    and my question was general. General enough that it was impractical or impossible to answer in any specific manner. If you don't want general answers, don't ask general questions.
    I wanted to make sure there wasn't some kind of java rule that won't allow an object variable to be changed in a certain situation.There is, but it doesn't apply in your situation. If you're curious about it, you can look up the final modifier.

  • Reference array in object

    Forgive me, I a new to Java. All I am trying to do is have an array dedicated to an object, that is encapsulated inside it. But now I the compiler can't recognize the 'array' array. How do I call the array from a particular object? I tried the object.variable method but it doesn't work - I think I am missing something rather obvious here.
    public class testing
         public static void main (String[] args)
              testing obj = new testing();
        public testing()
             int [] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
        static void printArray(testing obj)
             for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++)         

    OK, I modified it so that now it is like this. I had to change the array to be static, though, which might defeat the purpose. Now I get this:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at testing.printArray(testing.java:18)
    at testing.main(testing.java:7)
    public class testing
         static int [] array;
         public static void main (String[] args)
              testing obj = new testing();
              printArray(obj);                                                 //line 7
         public testing()
              int [] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
         static void printArray(testing obj)
              for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++)                           //line 18

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