OS 10.8.1 Update / Phaser 6300N compatibility

I had a serious problem after upgrading to Mountain Lion with compatibility with my Xerox Phaser 6300N. It continually paused and would not print. An OS update about a week later fixed the problem. This morning, I installed another update and BAM! - no more compatibility! Now I'm back to the same pausing problem with the printer that I had before! How frustrating! Apple, please help!

Thanks a lot to you
Eric Root
It worked so well, I now have the updated version. - 10.8.2 and it's updating through AppStore also. Felt so great !!! Thanks a ton to you all for your help.

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  • Xerox Phaser 6300N / OS 10.8 compatibility

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    Do both of these resets, if that doesn't help try  Safe Mode and see if that resolves the problem. Alos do a Disk Repair/Permissions Repair
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and ALL peripherals.
    Wait 15 seconds.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Wait another 5 seconds and press the power button to turn on the computer.
    The 5 second timing is important to a successful reset.
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    Go to Microsoft website to fix install and Unistall problems. Click "Run now" from Fix it to remove all iTunes & related installer files:
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    Hello David,
    If I understood correctly, you want to change a custom field existing both in the project definition and at phase level, without accessing the Phase in the UI? Is that right?
    If so, than it's simple. In your subsystem, I suppose you have an instance of your loaded project (cl_dpr_project_o). When you change the value of the particular field and "trigger" the updating, you just use the project instance (let's call it lo_project) to get all the child phases in an object table (type CL_DPR_PHASE). Loop through this table and use the method lo_phase->set_data( ). I'm not sure in which of the three structure you can find the custom fields, but it's definitely either _INT/_CHG/_EXT. Also, I recommend you encapsulate this code inside a method, as you'll need to call it from the beginning (if you decide not to save the value).
    Hope this helps!

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    It's 6 weeks between Firefox version updates, not 8 weeks.
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  • OS 10.8 / Phaser 6300N

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    Zap the PRAM
    Disk Permissions/Repair
    Safe Mode
    None of these fixed the problem. However there is a new error message in the print progress window - it says "Unable to use legacy USB driver." Does anyone have any ideas?
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    If you work for Xerox, I need a working driver ... please.

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    __0oNIostream_initdtv test.o
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    Besides the RSS feed "http://blogs.sun.com/SDNProgramNews/feed/entries/atom?cat=%2FJava+SE+6+Update+N" is there another way to get notification of up coming release?

    Prior versions can be had by by going to java.sun.com, clicking on the J2SE (Core/Desktop) link, and scrolling to the bottom of the page.
    The only automated mechanisms for installing specific JRE's (Java Plug-in) is in conjunction with the running of applets or WebStart programs. See the Java Plug-in Developer's Guide or the WebStart docs for the Java JRE version that would execute the automated installs for the details.

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    Hope this helps somebody (maybe even Adobe..............ahem..........)
    PS - wanted to mention, my username on here used to be SCAPsinger (before the forum switchover), so that should help you all know what kind of dude you're dealing with here. Use that extra bit of information however it may suit you.

  • TS1702 I was notified that I had two aps that needed update.  I tried to update the two and they froze for over a week in the downloading phase!  So I removed both and tried to download as e aps...new.  Same problem.  They froze in the installing phase.

    I was notified that I needed to update two of my current apps.  I tried to do so and they both froze in the install-update phase.  So I discontinued them and tried to download as new.  they froze again During the install phase.  So to test the apps in general I tried to install a completely new app.  It also froze in the installing phase also!  Please help me.  Thanks.

    Once one app stalls in the downloading phase, every other app behind it will probably stall as well. Do not try to downloads any other apps until you get this resolved.
    If the Apps are showing the "waiting" icons, try some of theses suggestions and see if one of them will get you out of this predicament.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Make sure that you do not have a stalled download in iTunes - a song or podcast .... if you have a download in there that did not finish, complete that one first. Only one thing can download at a time on the iPad so that could be what is causing the problem.
    If that doesn't work - sign out of your account, restart the iPad and then sign in again.
    Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Sign in and then try to update again. Tap one waiting icon only if necessary to start the download stream.
    You can also try deleting the waiting icons - tap and hold down on an icon until it wiggles - the tap the X on the icon to delete it. Then try to download again.
    You can try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered.
    If all else fails, download the updates or the apps in iTunes on your computer and then sync the content to your iPad.

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    When i opened firefox today , there were updates but when it tried to update it came back that java and real player updates were not compatable with my firefox. I have Firefox 6. Will these 2 programs still work all right if they are not updated?
    I'm sorry I don't know what installed plugins I have. After putting in search it says I have Java 6 Standard Edition Update 26. I have Real Player(tm)(win32), Version 14.0.4 652. Hope that is enough information

    I just had a similar issue and I ended having to manually clean up the registry to get Java working again.
    I just got a new computer at work and it had Java 7 installed but it turns out an app we need to use at work doesn't work with Java 7, only Java 6.
    I uninstalled Java 7 and installed Java 6 but Firefox was not showing the Java plugin as installed. I tried all sorts of things, including uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox and none of it worked. Finally I again uninstalled Java and then I searched for "Java" in the registry and found TONS of entries still in there for Java, including for Java 7. I manually deleted all the entries (WARNING: this is extremely risky) rebooted, then installed Java 6 and now it's working fine.
    I really hate it when uninstallers leave stuff behind. It just makes a mess.

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