Other firewall software?

I have a new imac (very impressive!) and have just switched from pc's. I want to share files, itunes, etc, but when i try to do this through the appropriate system prefs page I am told I have another firewall software running on my computer and can't get in to turn the OSX firewall on or off or change settings. So far as I know i have not added any firewall software. I do have ClamXav and MacScan running. Can anyone help me? How do I find out what this other firewall is and turn it off so I can change my prefs and share files across my home network?
Thanks in anticipation for your help!

Open the Terminal application in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and enter 'sudo ipfw flush' without the quote marks. If it still doesn't work, choose Go to Folder from the Finder's Go menu, enter /Library/Preferences/ as the folder's location, drag the file com.apple.sharing.firewall or com.apple.sharing.firewall.plist to the desktop, and restart the computer.

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    Which problems are you experiencing if you visit that website?
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    * Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    * Firefox > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

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    Hello Simon.
    You will receive a number of differing views on the subject of using antivirus software with OS X but regarding the built-in Firewall included with OS X, it is industrial strength so don't waste your money on additional Firewall software.
    Keep the built-in Firewall on and don't enable any ports/services that aren't required.
    Go to System Preferences > Sharing and select the Advanced button under the Firewall tab to select the following:
    Block UDP Traffic
    Enable Firewall Logging
    Enable Stealth Mode
    And then the OK button to save the changed settings.
    If you decide to use anti-virus with your Mac, it shouldn't take the place of what lies between your ears.
    Just as when using Windows, you should never open a message attachment received from someone you don't recognize, don't use P2P software to download files from someone you don't know, download software or anything from a reliable source only and a big difference between Windows and OS X is you will be prompted for your admin password before anything can be installed on the root directory of the drive. If out of the blue you are prompted for your admin password for any reason without intentionally installing anything, you should always decline.
    Since you can forward an attachment received from someone else (which you should also be very careful when doing and avoid doing if at all possible), I use a free anti-virus software package for OS X called ClamXav set to automatically scan my Mail folder only since I use the Mail.app.
    You can download ClamXav here.

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    Welcome to the world of Mac - I hope you will like it here
    I came from the Windows world some years ago and have never regretted the switch - on the contrary. I love the ease of use, stability and security of OS X.
    There are a lot of opinions regarding whether you should use antivirus and/or third party firewall on a Mac.
    I was used to having all the security I could, so to speak, on my Windows machines, and with good reason - my antivirus program stopped "nasties" on more than one occasion.
    With OS X I have never quite felt the need to install antivirus. One reason for this is that there are very few, if any, viruses or other "nasties" in the wild for OS X. Another is that OS X works differently from Windows and is less vulnerable (but not invulnerable!).
    Regarding firewall, I have found OS X own firewall to be sufficient since I also have a router with built in firewall on my network.
    That said, there are those who suggest that we should install an antivirus program if most of those we communicate with run Windows. This is in order to avoid unintentionally spreading viruses to them, viruses that may not affect us but might affect a Windows machine.
    In addition, OS X in not invulnerable, and there are those who think Apple might be more open to peoples interest in writing "nasties" for OS X if the market shares increase enough. Then again - it is all speculation and no one knows what the future brings.
    I am very security conscious, but would tend to agree with those who suggest that a third party firewall and an antivirus program is not strictly necessary.
    Should you still want to have added security, I would suggest antivirus and stick to OS X own firewall.
    Two excellent antivirus programs for OS X are ClamAVX (free) and Intego VirusBarrier X5 (pay) (Intego also has firewall and anti-spam solutions). They put little strain on the computer and are considered among the best.
    All the best,

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    I've got a 2.4MHz Macbook 7.1 & I've been using Fusion to run Windows 7 Ultimate for quite a while now. I've got Win7 all updated, it shares my Macbook's network connection just like it had its very own, shares Mac folders so that those Mac folders (or even the entire Mac file structure, if I wanted to) are accessible inside Win7, & I can Copy [Cmnd-C] & Paste [Cmnd-V] info back & forth between the two OS's by just Cmnd-Tab switching back & forth between the two. Nearly seamless integration between the two.
    My Windows 7 actually works better & more problem-free on my Mac, in fact, than any Windows I've ever had running on any PC machine. Believe it or not. Just as fast too, if not faster. And I don't think I have EVER seen one of those mean nasty little Windows popup messages with text and a "So whatya wanna do, bucko?" question in 'em that only a Redmond software engineer could understand.
    A couple of caveats though......
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    And in addition to the 60Gigs of static, unchangeable space it takes up on my Mac's SSD, it uses another quarter Gig or so of my SSD's free space for its virtual memory requirements (see the Activity Monitor screenshot below).
    RAM: Lots & lots of that, too. Right around 2.25GBs of Real RAM Memory it uses. I outfitted my Macbook with 8GBs though, so running Win7 along with 6 to 10 other Mac apps, including Photoshop, is usually not a problem. Close with that many other apps, but usually not a problem.
    If VMWare Fusion looks like a good way to you for you to get Windows 7 running on your Mac (personally, I think it's SO cool), I'd use Craigslist to find a good deal on a copy of Fusion. And Windows 7.
    Here's a Google hitlist showing a nationwide Craigslist search result for people selling VMWare Fusion disks last month & this month. Looks like $25 or so bucks is all it'd take, on average:
    site:craigslist.org mac OR macintosh AND "vmware fusion" AND "intext:2012-09" OR "intext:2012-10" -macbook
    Happy Mac'in!
    Kevin Kendall

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    The first thing to do with a second-hand computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. You—not the original owner—must do that. Changes made by Apple over the years have made this seemingly straightforward task very complex.
    How you go about it depends on the model, and on whether you already own another Mac. If you're not sure of the model, enter the serial number on this page. Then find the model on this page to see what OS version was originally installed.
    It's unsafe, and may be unlawful, to use a computer with software installed by a previous owner.
    1. If you don't own another Mac
    a. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) installation disc from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller—not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine is very old and has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. Preferably, install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    b. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the installation media that came with it: gray installation discs, or a USB flash drive for a MacBook Air. You should have received those media from the original owner, but if you didn't, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To start up from an optical disc or a flash drive, insert it, then restart the computer and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    c. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, you don't need media. It should start up in Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    d. Some models shipped with OS X 10.6 and received a firmware update after 10.7 was released, enabling them to use Internet Recovery. If you have one of those models, you may not be able to reinstall 10.6 even from the original discs, and Internet Recovery may not work either without the original owner's Apple ID. In that case, contact Apple Support, or take the machine to an Apple Store or another authorized service provider to have the OS installed.
    2. If you do own another Mac
    If you already own another Mac that was upgraded in the App Store to the version of OS X that you want to install, and if the new Mac is compatible with it, then you can install it. Use Recovery Disk Assistant to prepare a USB device, then start up the new Mac from it by holding down the C key at the startup chime. Alternatively, if you have a Time Machine backup of OS X 10.7.3 or later on an external hard drive (not a Time Capsule or other network device), you can start from that by holding down the option key and selecting it from the row of icons that appears. Note that if your other Mac was never upgraded in the App Store, you can't use this method.
    3. Partition and install OS X
    a. If you see a lock screen when trying to start up from installation media or in Recovery mode, then a firmware password was set by the previous owner, or the machine was remotely locked via iCloud. You'll either have to contact the owner or take the machine to an Apple Store or another service provider to be unlocked. You may be asked for proof of ownership.
    b. Launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive—not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In the  Partition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive.
    c. An unusual problem may arise if all the following conditions apply:
              OS X 10.7 or later was installed by the previous owner
              The startup volume was encrypted with FileVault
              You're booted in Recovery mode (that is, not from a 10.6 installation disc)
    In that case, you won't be able to unlock the volume or partition the drive without the FileVault password. Ask for guidance or see this discussion.
    d. After partitioning, quit Disk Utility and run the OS X Installer. If you're installing a version of OS X acquired from the App Store, you will need the Apple ID and password that you used. When the installation is done, the system will automatically restart into the Setup Assistant, which will prompt you to transfer the data from another Mac, its backups, or from a Windows computer. If you have any data to transfer, this is usually the best time to do it.
    e. Run Software Update and install all available system updates from Apple. To upgrade to a major version of OS X newer than 10.6, get it from the Mac App Store. Note that you can't keep an upgraded version that was installed by the original owner. He or she can't legally transfer it to you, and without the Apple ID you won't be able to update it in Software Update or reinstall, if that becomes necessary. The same goes for any App Store products that the previous owner installed—you have to repurchase them.
    4. Other issues
    a. If the original owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're irrevocably linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Mac App Store Customer Service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.
    b. If the previous owner didn't deauthorize the computer in the iTunes Store under his Apple ID, you wont be able to  authorize it immediately under your ID. In that case, you'll either have to wait up to 90 days or contact iTunes Support.
    c. When trying to create a new iCloud account, you might get a failure message: "Account limit reached." Apple imposes a lifetime limit of three iCloud account setups per device. Erasing the device does not reset the limit. You can still use an iCloud account that was created on another device, but you won't be able to create a new one. Contact iCloud Support for more information. The setup limit doesn't apply to Apple ID accounts used for other services, such as the iTunes and Mac App Stores, or iMessage. You can create as many of those accounts as you like.

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    Just drag the older versions of the Reader out of the Applications folder to the trash. Done. They have nothing to do in any way with other Adobe products on the hard drive.
    Edit: To clarify on my post you linked to. As long as you stick to just dumping the Reader apps themselves in the main Applications folder, you're fine. Just leave the few small leftovers in the Support folders alone.

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