Other parser in CF7

We have a problem integrating another product wich uses the
parser in CF.
With CF6.1 it works, and there are the jvm args:
-Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=com.macromedia.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFact oryImpl
With CF7 there is an error concerning the parser. CF7 doesn't
have jvm start parameter.
So can anyone tell what in CF7 has changed ? Does it use
another parser?
Putting the startparam from CF6.1 and the crimson.jar ends up
in a non start of CF.....
Thanks for help

Actually, the stuff that comes with JavaCC is pretty good.
When you ask for more, it makes me wonder if you've started with that simple brace matching grammar and worked your way up. It's not easy. It takes a while to learn what they're getting at. But it's worth it.
Ever read much about context-free grammars and lookahead parsers? That will help.

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  • Parsing XML from a socket that does not close

    Hi -
    I've seen similar questions to this already posted, but either they did not really apply to my situation or they were not answered.
    I have to read messages from a server and process them individually, but the protocol does not indicate the message length or give any sort of terminating character. You only know you have a complete message because it will be a well formed XML fragment. To complicate matters more, there could be extra binary data preceding each XML message. I must stress that I did not write this server, and I have no influence over the protocol at all, so while I certainly agree that this is not such a good protocol, changing it is not an option.
    I'm hoping that there is a reasonable way to deal with this with an existing parser. Ironically, I don't really need to parse the XML at all, I just need to know when the current message is over but the only indication I get is that it will be the end of an XML fragment.
    I do have the ability to strip off the non-XML binary data, so if there is some way that I can give the stream to a SAX (or other) parser when I know XML is coming and have it inform me when tags begin and end, or ideally inform me when it is done a complete XML fragment, that would be perfect. I'm aware of how to do this using SAX normally, but it seems that it will not function correctly when there is no EOF or other indication that the document has ended.
    The best algorithm I have come up with (and it's pretty cheesy) is:
    1. Start with a string buffer.
    2. Append data from the socket to the buffer one byte at a time.
    3. Keep checking if there is a '<' character that is not followed by '?' or '!'. (ie - don't concern myself with the special XML elements that don't close with '/>' or </tagName>. I keep them in the buffer to pass on when I'm done though.)
    4. When I get my first tag with <tagName> I make note of what this tag is and increment a counter. If the tag is self closing, then I'm done.
    5. Anytime I see this tag I increment the counter.
    6. Anytime I see </tagName> I decrement the counter. If the counter = 0, I am done.
    7. I pass on the entire message, preceding binary data, special XML tags and the fragment to the module that actually processes it.
    This has a few problems. I'll have to go out of my way to support multiple character encodings, I'll have to be careful to catch all the special XML tags, and its quite CPU intensive to be interested in every single character that comes down the pipe (but I suppose this is not avoidable). Also, I just don't like to re-invent the wheel because I'm likely to make an error that a well established parser would not make.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for this, or know of a parser that will deal with fragments using streams that don't close?

    The parser expects to read to the end of the stream. If you closed the stream right after you wrote to it, I bet it would work. You wouldn't want to close the stream though would you? Try sending the string using a DataOuputStream and calling DataOutputStream.writeUTF(String) on the client side. Then, on the server side call String str = in.readUTF() (where 'in' is a DataInputStream). Then wrap the string in a StringReader and give the StringReader to the parser as it's input source.

  • Simple help with DOM parsing - urgent

    i'm new to xml parsing and have a simple (i think) question.
    i have the following xml
    i'm trying to parse first the records then from a record parse the header and from it get the id in the following way:
    NodeList nodeList = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, "//*[name() = 'record']");
    for every element i in the nodeList
    Node node1 = nodeList.item(i);
    Node node2 = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(node, "//*[name() = 'header']");
    Node node3 = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(node2, "//*[name() = 'id]");
    String id = node3.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
    even due i run in a loop and i see node1 containing the right record the other parsing gives me the always the data of the first record.
    can't i parse and then re-parse on the node i got?
    if the second parsing always done from the root, even due i gave the parser another node?
    what am i doing wrong?
    thanks in advance

    Your xpath & everything else looks right. I have 2 questions...
    1 -- what is the length of NodeList nodeList = org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, "//*[name() = 'record']"); ?
    The answer should be 2, you have 2 record from the XML
    2 -- both id of your record is 1. Are you seeing the same value returned because of this? What do you see if you change the second record's id to 2 ??

  • Create document with PL/SQL xml parser

    I'm trying to create a document with PL/SQL package xmldom on 8.1.7 and write to a file.
    The problem is that my file is empty when it's created.
    Can anyone send me an example of this simple problem or fullfill my example so it's works.
    As you understand I'm new in using XML. :)
    My example is:
    doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    n xmldom.DOMNode;
    e xmldom.domelement;
    t xmldom.domtext;
    doc := xmldom.newdomdocument;
    t := xmldom.createtextnode(doc, 'ROOT');
    n := xmldom.makenode(t);
    doc := xmldom.makedocument(n);
    xmldom.writetofile(doc, 'd:\orant\xdk\plsql\demo\test.xml');

    Your problem may be memory for the JavaVM. Remember, the PL/SQL
    parser uses the Java XML Parser APIs which run in a VM instance.
    Are you running Oracle 8i? If you are you can access our Java
    XML parser loaded in 8i's VM directly from your PL/SQL code.
    That is in fact how our PL/SQL Parser does it.
    Finally, we have no experience loading other XML Parsers into
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network
    Premal Mehta (guest) wrote:
    : Hi,
    : I asked about his a few days back. Pl/SQL parser does not
    : for XML files of size greater then 500Kb. You replied saying
    : that there were no such problem.
    : However whenever I try, either I get some exception or
    : crashes due to memory error. I am clueless. Is there some
    : setting that I can do to get away with the problem? Please
    : guide...
    : Also, tell me about the alternatives.
    : Can I write code in Java and load these class filesin Oracle
    : and then reference these classes from Pl/SQL code. Can I load
    : any other parser for Java in Oracle.
    : Looking forward for help...
    : Premal.

  • Clarification for the parser to be used in wls6.1

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    any other parser by configuring in the xml registry and entering the DocumentBuilderFactory,SAXParserfactory
    and TransformerFactory .Is this right? please endorse it.

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  • How to use Xerces parser in my code

    Hello all,
    This is my first time in the forumn. I am a beginer to xml. I am trying to use xerces SAX parser to parse the xml document. I have downloaded xerces 2.6.2 in the c drive. Can you please guide me how can I use it in my piece of code and how to execute. I tried using the parser available on my system. This code works fine. But I am confused with how can modify my code to parse using Xerces parser.
    Help appreciated!
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;//This class creates instances of SAX parser factory
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;//factory returns the SAXParser
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;//if the parser configuration does not match throws exception
    /*2 statements can be substituted by import org.xml.sax.*;
         This has interfaces we use for SAX Parsers.
         Has Interfaces that are used for SAX Parser.
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class CallSAX_18 {
         public static void main (String []args)
                   throws SAXException,
                   IOException {
         /*     3 statement below can be substitued by this below 1 statement when using other parser
    XMLReader xmlReader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");
              SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
              XMLReader xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader();
              /*/MyContentHandler has callback methods that the SAX parser will use.This class implements startElement() endElement() etc methods.
              DBContentHandler dbcontent = new DBContentHandler();
              xmlReader.parse(new File(args[0]).toURL().toString());

    Well, I am not too familiar with SAX, but I know my DOMs 8-)
    is there a reason you are using SAX to parse versus DOM?
    what is your final objective that you want to accomplish? Perhaps
    DOM might be better? Are you trying to parsing XML into nodes?

  • Preserve CDATA while parsing

    Hi all!
    I receive an XML string that contains a CDATASection with a complete XML-Structure inside.
    What do I have to do to preserve that CDATASection in the XML tree I build out of it to avoid output-escaping on other parsing actions?
    At the moment the program produces the following output:
    NodeName: RootTag
    NodeName: LevelOne
    Text: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><InsideRootTag><InsideValueOne>3</InsideValueOne></InsideRootTag>
    import java.io.StringReader;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
    import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.w3c.dom.Text;
    * ToDo: Dokumentation
    * @author CPA
    * @created 16.03.2006
    * @version $Revision$
    public class CDataTransformerTest2 {
      public CDataTransformerTest2() {
      private void transform() {
        String rawData = "<RootTag><LevelOne><![CDATA[<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
        try {
          TransformerFactory tFactory    = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
          Transformer        transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
          StringReader       reader      = new StringReader(rawData);
          DOMResult          result      = new DOMResult();
          transformer.transform(new StreamSource(reader), result);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
      private void dumpNodeContent(Node inNode) {
        while (inNode != null) {
          if (inNode instanceof Element) {
            System.out.println("NodeName: " + inNode.getNodeName());
          } else if (inNode instanceof CDATASection) {
            System.out.println("CData: " + inNode.getNodeValue());
          } else if (inNode instanceof Text) {
            System.out.println("Text: " + inNode.getNodeValue());
          inNode = inNode.getNextSibling();
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        CDataTransformerTest2 instance = new CDataTransformerTest2();

    Hi Shabarish,
            Thanks for your prompt reply. I've already checked with that. However, below is my code for your reference.
    MappingTrace trace;
    trace = container.getTrace();
    String m = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
    "<ns0:ZSCE_RFC_LOOKUP" +
    " xmlns:ns0=\"urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions\"><TANUM>" + a +
    "</TANUM><VSOLA>" + b + 
    "</VSOLA></ns0:ZSCE_RFC_LOOKUP>" ;
    RfcAccessor accessor = null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
    InputStream in = null;
    Channel channel = LookupService.getChannel("BS_RFC_Lookup","CC_RFC_RCVR");
    accessor = LookupService.getRfcAccessor(channel);
    InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(m.getBytes());
    XmlPayload payload = LookupService.getXmlPayload(inputStream);
    Payload result = accessor.call(payload);
    in = result.getContent();
    }catch(LookupException e)
    trace.addWarning("Error while lookup " + e.getMessage() );
    String txt = "";
            InputStreamReader inR = new InputStreamReader(in);
            BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(inR);
            String line;
          while ( ( line = buf.readLine() ) != null )
                 txt = txt + line;
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = null;
    Document docRsp = null;
    try {
            docRsp = builder.parse(in);
          } catch (Exception e) {
                         trace.addWarning("Error when parsing RFC Response1 - " + e.getMessage());                                   return null;
    //trace.addInfo("RFC Response XML: " + docRsp.toString());
    if (accessor!=null) {
    try {
    } catch (LookupException e) {
    trace.addWarning("Error while closing accessor " + e.getMessage() );
    return txt;

  • How to use SAX parser in J2ME

    Please help me how to use SAX parser in J2ME.
    Is there any function to find the value of a particular element from a XML file?
    I am able to get Element name, Values, Attributes. But control is not in my hand, DefaultHanldler automatically invokes Character method, then only I am able to get values. But I don't know when this method gets invoked.
    Is there any way or method so that I can get value of any element or attribute just by passing element name as parameter in SAX parser?
    Is there any other parser through which I can perform this task in J2ME?
    Thanks in advance.

    have a look at this.

  • Parsing name field in Dataright IQ

    Using DataRight IQ 7.70, I have one field which can contain either a person or business name.  The problem comes in when trying to parse names like Wisconsin Roof Masters, the result is a person's name of Roof Master.  There are names like Ted Roof and Alan Rooffener which do result in correct names.
    I've tried modifying the dictionary, but I cannot get it to work.  I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's not the best solution to use.
    There are other examples with key words other than roof I am trying to parse as well.
    Thanks in adavance for the help.

    Hello Dennis,
    The method you used to modify the parsing dictionary is the recommended solution if firms are parsed as names (and vice versa). If you should need assistance with the other parsing anomolies you mentioned, please feel free to open a support incident within Service Marketplace and use component EIM-COR. A member of the DataRight IQ support team will be happy to assist you in more detail regarding any further questions you have on modifying the parsing dictionary.  Additionally, when you open an incident, you will have an opportunity to search our extensive knowledge base which may answer many of the questions you have on this subject.
    We we look forward to working with you again.
    Best Regards,
    Shelly Corcoran
    Support Engineer u2013 EIM / Postalsoft
    AGS Primary Support
    SDN WIKI/Forum Active Contributor:  http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/x/fwxXDw

  • Bazaar JSON Parser Issue.... Please Help!!!

    I have 2 JSON-encoded strings that are identical in structure, but one string returns an error on parsing, and the other parses just fine. (This happens in both java and PHP.)
    PHP actually doesn't return anything, not even an error, just null (this is with "error_reporting = E_ALL" set in php.ini)
    Java on the other hand, did throw an exception, which is described just above the Java code.
    I can't understand what could possibly be breaking as these are nearly identical, with exception to the values, but even the values' types are identical (int, string, etc);
    Here are the strings in plaintext:*
    {"id":40119,"name":"3Solid Majestic Zircon","level":80,"slot":0,"source":[1],"sourcemore":[{"t":6,"ti":66497,"n":"Solid Majestic Zircon","s":755,"c":11}],"classs":3,"subclass":1}
    {"id":41266,"name":"4Skyflare Diamond","level":80,"slot":0,"source":[1],"sourcemore":[{"t":6,"ti":57425,"n":""Transmute": Skyflare Diamond","s":171,"c":11}],"classs":3,"subclass":6}
    Code Examples:*
    PHP: using the default json_decode() function
    +JAVA: using the JSON-SIMPLE package for the java decode [   json_parser()   ]+
    if you change inputstring from "goodstring" to" badstring", returns:
    .....+Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Lexical Error: Unmatched Input.+
    .............+at json.simple.parser.Yylex.yylex(Yylex.java:295)+
    .............+at json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(JSONParser.java:41)+
    .............+at wowgemsdb.test.main(test.java:28)+
    Note: test.java LINE 28 is the line with:
    String result = json_parser.parse(new BufferedReader(new StringReader(inputstring))).toString();
    //******************BEGIN JAVA CODE******************//
    JSONParser json_parser = new JSONParser();
    String goodstring = "{\"id\":40119,\"name\":\"3Solid Majestic Zircon\",\"level\":80,\"slot\":0,\"source\":[1],\"sourcemore\":[{\"t\":6,\"ti\":66497,\"n\":\"Solid Majestic Zircon\",\"s\":755,\"c\":11}],\"classs\":3,\"subclass\":1}";
    String badstring = "{\"id\":41266,\"name\":\"4Skyflare Diamond\",\"level\":80,\"slot\":0,\"source\":[1],\"sourcemore\":[{\"t\":6,\"ti\":57425,\"n\":\"\"Transmute\": Skyflare Diamond\",\"s\":171,\"c\":11}],\"classs\":3,\"subclass\":6}";
    String inputstring = goodstring; //which JSON-encoded string to parse
    String result = json_parser.parse(new BufferedReader(new StringReader(inputstring))).toString();
    } catch(Exception e){}
    //******************END JAVA CODE******************//
    PHP CODE:+
    //*******************BEGIN PHP CODE*******************//
    $goodString = '{"id":40119,"name":"3Solid Majestic Zircon","level":80,"slot":0,"source":[1],"sourcemore":[{"t":6,"ti":66497,"n":"Solid Majestic Zircon","s":755,"c":11}],"classs":3,"subclass":1}';
    $badString = '{"id":40119,"name":"3Solid Majestic Zircon","level":80,"slot":0,"source":[1],"sourcemore":[{"t":6,"ti":66497,"n":"Solid Majestic Zircon","s":755,"c":11}],"classs":3,"subclass":1}';
    json_decode($goodString); //THIS WORKS
    json_decode($badString); // THIS RETURNS NOTHING (doesn't even give an error)
    //*******************END PHP CODE*******************//

    You've got an (escaped) double-double quote in the second string - like this:
    \"\"Easier to see if you reformat the content - note how syntax highlighting shows up the word "Transmute" below:
      "id"          :     40119,
      "name"     :     "3Solid Majestic Zircon",
      "level"     :     80,
      "slot"     :     0,
      "source"     :     [1],
      "sourcemore"     :     [
                       "t"     :     6,
                       "ti":     66497,
                       "n"     :     "Solid Majestic Zircon",
                       "s"     :     755,
                       "c"     :     11
      "classs"     :     3,
      "subclass"     :     1
      "id"          :     41266,
      "name"     :     "4Skyflare Diamond",
      "level"     :     80,
      "slot"     :     0,
      "source"     :     [1],
      "sourcemore"     :     [
                       "t"     :     6,
                       "ti":     57425,
                       "n"     :     ""Transmute": Skyflare Diamond",
                       "s"     :     171,
                       "c"     :     11
      "classs"     :     3,
      "subclass"     :     6

  • ImportNode() does not import attribute values

    I want to import one part of xml document into another xml document. I use the Document.importNode() method to do this. Here's my code snippet:
    Document newdoc = db.newDocument();
    Node importedNode = newdoc.importNode(xmlnode,true);
    But as the result the xml part is copied into importedNode, but attribute values are empty. What do I do wrong? I'm really lost, so thanks for ANY help.

    Well, the importNode() method should do this. But while using Xerces (I must use this one (currently in 1.4.4 version), not any other parser) you'll find out there is a bug in this method. It could work for you (maybe), but for me it just removes all the attribute values. So I'm still looking for an answer.
    I wrote one very simple (not generic, which is enough for my case) method to just hack the behaviour, and I entered bug to Xerces bugzilla, but nobody cares ;O( for it. Sad, but true.

  • How to change the defaut xmlparser on OC4J Standalone for Spring 3

    Hi All
    I am trying to use OC4J standalone with Spring 3.0 but I keep getting the error
    nested exception is oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDException: Duplicated definition for: 'identifiedType'It worked fine when I was using Spring 2.5.6
    I have tried to change the parser as described here (http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/java/oc4j/1013/how_to/how-to-swapxmlparser/doc/readme.html). This is not quite ideal as I want to change the parser for the whole server and not just one application and besides, If I cant start the server, I will not be able to change the parser for an application anyway. I say this because the default xml parser (xmlparserV2.jar) throws an exeception if you try to use it with Spring 3.0 i.e.
    nested exception is oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDException: Duplicated definition for: 'identifiedType'I have had a look on them Oracle Forums(How can I use a 3rd party XML parser such as xerces with OC4J ? and Spring forums and appararently you have to change the XML parser (because the oracle xml parser is buggy!!) by puting the Xerces parser(or any other parser for that matter) on the classpath and then using the following switch
    java -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl -Xbootclasspath/a:C:\Miscellaneous\xercesImpl.jar -jar oc4j.jarHowever, when I try and start OC4J, I get the following error and I have no idea how to solve this. I have been at this for a couple of weeks but I still not getting any joy.
    [Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 ERROR J2EE JCA-01006 Error initializing an ApplicationConnectionManager - ConnectorArchive and Application cannot be null
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 ERROR J2EE JCA-01004 {0}
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 WARNING J2EE JCA-01013 Error (Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) while setting up RA for MCF (oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl) for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'
    2010-01-07 10:29:06.881 ERROR J2EE OJR-00105 Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    10/01/07 10:29:06 SEVERE: ApplicationStateRunning.initConnector Error occurred initializing connectors.  Exception is: Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    10/01/07 10:29:06 SEVERE: ApplicationStateRunning.initConnector Stack trace: oracle.oc4j.sql.DataSourceException: Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.addConnectionFactory(ApplicationStateRunning.java:1623)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initManagedDataSource(ApplicationStateRunning.java:1573)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initDataSourceConnector(ApplicationStateRunning.java:2042)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initConnector(ApplicationStateRunning.java:1287)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initConnectors(ApplicationStateRunning.java:362)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.initializeApplication(ApplicationStateRunning.java:220)
         at com.evermind.server.Application.setConfig(Application.java:454)
         at com.evermind.server.Application.setConfig(Application.java:355)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.initializeDefaultApplication(ApplicationServer.java:1603)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.initializeAutoDeployedApplications(ApplicationServer.java:1586)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.setConfig(ApplicationServer.java:1018)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerLauncher.run(ApplicationServerLauncher.java:131)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
         at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.initOutbound(ApplicationConnectionManager.java:909)
         at com.evermind.server.connector.ApplicationConnectionManager.init(ApplicationConnectionManager.java:314)
         at com.evermind.server.connector.deployment.ConnectorArchive.createConnectionManager(ConnectorArchive.java:1178)
         at com.evermind.server.connector.deployment.ConnectorArchive.addConnectionFactory(ConnectorArchive.java:662)
         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationStateRunning.addConnectionFactory(ApplicationStateRunning.java:1616)
         ... 12 more
    10/01/07 10:29:06 WARNING: Application.setConfig Application: default is in failed state as initialization failed.
    java.lang.InstantiationException: Error occurred initializing connectors.  Exception is: Exception creating Managed DataSource ConnectorPropertySet.  Exception: Error setting up resource adapter for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl' cannot be set up: Error setting JavaBean property 'managedDataSourceConfigXML' for ManagedConnectionFactory class 'oracle.oc4j.sql.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl for standalone resource adapter 'Oracle JDBC Resource Adapter'. Exception is: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    10/01/07 10:29:06 Error initializing server: Application: default is in failed state as initialization failed
    10/01/07 10:29:07 Fatal error: server exitingCan anyone help or show me how to change the xml parser please ?
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi All,
    I have found a way to change the xml parser for my application and NOT the xml parser for the server. I followed the instructions here http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/java/oc4j/1013/how_to/how-to-swapxmlparser/doc/readme.html. In the end, I had to settle for changing the xml parser of my application(i.e. It uses its a custom parser e.g. xerces not the default OC4J parser i.e. xmlparserV2) and not the xml parser for OC4J because it was near impossible to change the xml parser for OC4J and besides, as the OC4J default parser(xmlparserV2) works well with the server and not my application, it made more sense to change the parser for my application (changed to Xerces) and not OC4J. Hope this helps someone else who may come across a similar problem.

  • Finalize() method being called multiple times for same object?

    I got a dilly of a pickle here.
    Looks like according to the Tomcat output log file that the finalize method of class User is being called MANY more times than is being constructed.
    Here is the User class:
    package com.db.multi;
    import java.io.*;
    import com.db.ui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * @author DBriscoe
    public class User implements Serializable {
        private String userName = null;
        private int score = 0;
        private SocketImage img = null;
        private boolean gflag = false;
        private Calendar timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance();
        private static int counter = 0;
        /** Creates a new instance of User */
        public User() { counter++;     
        public User(String userName) {
            this.userName = userName;
        public void setGflag(boolean gflag) {
            this.gflag = gflag;
        public boolean getGflag() {
            return gflag;
        public void setScore(int score) {
            this.score = score;
        public int getScore() {
            return score;
        public void setUserName(String userName) {
            this.userName = userName;
        public String getUserName() {
            return userName;
        public void setImage(SocketImage img) {
            this.img = img;
        public SocketImage getImage() {
            return img;
        public void setTimeStamp(Calendar c) {
            this.timeStamp = c;
        public Calendar getTimeStamp() {
            return this.timeStamp;
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            try {
                if (obj instanceof User) {
                    User comp = (User)obj;
                    return comp.getUserName().equals(userName);
                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                return false;
        public void finalize() {
            if (userName != null && !userName.startsWith("OUTOFDATE"))
                System.out.println("User " + userName + " destroyed. " + counter);
        }As you can see...
    Every time a User object is created, a static counter variable is incremented and then when an object is destroyed it appends the current value of that static member to the Tomcat log file (via System.out.println being executed on server side).
    Below is the log file from an example run in my webapp.
    User Queue Empty, Adding User: com.db.multi.User@1a5af9f
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    User Dustin destroyed. 0
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    User Dustin destroyed. 1
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    User Dustin destroyed. 2
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    User Dustin destroyed. 3
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    User Dustin destroyed. 4
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    User Dustin destroyed. 5
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    User Dustin destroyed. 6
    USER QUEUE: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    AFTER METHOD: false
    User Dustin pulled from Queue, Game created: Joe
    User Already Placed: Dustin with Joe
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    User Dustin destroyed. 7
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Joe destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    User Dustin destroyed. 9
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    USER QUEUE: true
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    INSIDE METHOD: false
    It really does seem to me like finalize is being called multiple times for the same object.
    That number should incremement for every instantiated User, and finalize can only be called once for each User object.
    I thought this was impossible?
    Any help is appreciated!

    I am already thinking of ideas to limit the number of threads.
    Unfortunately there are two threads of execution in the servlet handler, one handles requests and the other parses the collection of User objects to check for out of date timestamps, and then eliminates them if they are out of date.
    The collection parsing thread is currently a javax.swing.Timer thread (Bad design I know...) so I believe that I can routinely check for timestamps in another way and fix that problem.
    Just found out too that Tomcat was throwing me a ConcurrentModificationException as well, which may help explain the slew of mysterious behavior from my servlet!
    The Timer thread has to go. I got to think of a better way to routinely weed out User objects from the collection.
    Or perhaps, maybe I can attempt to make it thread safe???
    Eg. make my User collection volatile?
    Any opinions on the best approach are well appreciated.

  • WSAD 5, xerces, datasource and classcastexception issue

    I am running into an issue trying to run my code once I upgraded from WDAD 5.0 to WSAD 5.01. I am getting the error below when I try and connect to my DataSource. This all was working fine before I upgraded. It looks like an issue with the xerces.jar file because if I take out the JAXP stuff in the xerces.jar file I work fine. But I need the JAXP stuff because I am doing messaging. Anyone have any ideas?
    [5/22/03 7:02:59:848 CDT] 2ec4c80 SystemOut O 2003.05.22 07:02:59.848--ServerSession(426724481)--Thread[asyncDelivery0,5,main]--Connection(47762586)--TopLink, version:TopLink - 9.0.3 (Build 423)
    2003.05.22 07:02:59.848--ServerSession(426724481)--Thread[asyncDelivery0,5,main]--Connection(47762586)--connecting(DatabaseLogin(
         platform => DB2Platform
         user name => "ou79ecm"
         datasource name => "jdbc/DB239DataSource"
    [5/22/03 7:03:00:118 CDT] 2ec4c80 ConnectionFac I J2CA0122I: Resource reference jdbc/DB239DataSource could not be located, so default values of the following are used: [Resource-ref settings]
         res-auth: 1 (APPLICATION)
         res-isolation-level: 0 (TRANSACTION_NONE)
         res-sharing-scope: true (SHAREABLE)
         res-resolution-control: 999 (undefined)
    [Other attributes]
    isCMP1_x: false (not CMP1.x)
    isJMS: false (not JMS)
    [5/22/03 7:03:01:160 CDT] 2ec4c80 ConnectionFac E J2CA0009E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate the ManagedConnectionFactory class com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.spi.WSManagedConnectionFactoryImpl used by resource jdbc/DB239DataSource : java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.validate(XMLReader.java:673)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.init(XMLReader.java:241)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.<init>(XMLReader.java:165)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectorRuntime.getJ2C_Properties(ConnectorRuntime.java:341)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.poolmanager.PoolManager.<init>(PoolManager.java:541)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createCFD_Common(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:699)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createConnectionFactoryDetails(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:417)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.getObjectInstance(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:1400)
         at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(NamingManager.java:313)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.Helpers.processSerializedObjectForLookup(Helpers.java:884)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.processResolveResults(CNContextImpl.java:1675)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1538)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1458)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.lookup(CNContextImpl.java:1130)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.lookup(WsnInitCtx.java:122)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:363)
         at oracle.toplink.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.buildConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.startUp(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ServerSession.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DatabaseSession.login(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:121)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getClientSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:56)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.dao.RCTSGateway.findDealerASMByDealerNumber(RCTSGateway.java:194)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.service.RCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(RCTSService.java:159)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.adapter.SoapRCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(SoapRCTSService.java:107)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.invokeServiceMethod(RCTSMessageHandler.java:103)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.processMessage(RCTSMessageHandler.java:62)
         at com.deere.jdc.mqseries.MQJMSMessageHandler.onMessage(MQJMSMessageHandler.java:122)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueReceiver.receiveAsync(MQQueueReceiver.java:861)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.SessionAsyncHelper.run(SessionAsyncHelper.java:401)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:513)
    [5/22/03 7:03:01:310 CDT] 2ec4c80 ConnectionFac A J2CA0013I: An exception occurred while trying to create ManagedConnectionFactory for DB239DataSource : java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.validate(XMLReader.java:673)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.init(XMLReader.java:241)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.<init>(XMLReader.java:165)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectorRuntime.getJ2C_Properties(ConnectorRuntime.java:341)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.poolmanager.PoolManager.<init>(PoolManager.java:541)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createCFD_Common(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:699)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createConnectionFactoryDetails(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:417)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.getObjectInstance(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:1400)
         at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(NamingManager.java:313)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.Helpers.processSerializedObjectForLookup(Helpers.java:884)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.processResolveResults(CNContextImpl.java:1675)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1538)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1458)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.lookup(CNContextImpl.java:1130)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.lookup(WsnInitCtx.java:122)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:363)
         at oracle.toplink.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.buildConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.startUp(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ServerSession.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DatabaseSession.login(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:121)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getClientSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:56)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.dao.RCTSGateway.findDealerASMByDealerNumber(RCTSGateway.java:194)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.service.RCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(RCTSService.java:159)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.adapter.SoapRCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(SoapRCTSService.java:107)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.invokeServiceMethod(RCTSMessageHandler.java:103)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.processMessage(RCTSMessageHandler.java:62)
         at com.deere.jdc.mqseries.MQJMSMessageHandler.onMessage(MQJMSMessageHandler.java:122)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueReceiver.receiveAsync(MQQueueReceiver.java:861)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.SessionAsyncHelper.run(SessionAsyncHelper.java:401)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:513)
    [5/22/03 7:03:01:340 CDT] 2ec4c80 Helpers W NMSV0605W: A Reference object looked up from the context "localhost/nodes/localhost/servers/server1" with the name "jdbc/DB239DataSource" was sent to the JNDI Naming Manager and an exception resulted. Reference data follows:
    Reference Factory Class Name: com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl
    Reference Factory Class Location URLs: <null>
    Reference Class Name: DB239DataSource
    Type: connectorName
    Content: DB239DataSource
    Type: classpath
    Content: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere Studio\runtimes\base_v5/lib/rsadapter.rar
    Type: FactoryJndiName
    Content: jdbc/DB239DataSource
    Address Type: dd
    AddressContents: ffffffac ffffffed 0 5 73 72 0 25 63 6f 6d 2e 69 62 6d 2e 65 6a 73 2e 6a 32 63 2e 52 65 73 6f 75 72 63 65 ...
    Address Type: poolProps
    AddressContents: ffffffac ffffffed 0 5 73 72 0 27 63 6f 6d 2e 69 62 6d 2e 65 6a 73 2e 6a 32 63 2e 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 6f ...
    Address Type: configProps
    AddressContents: ffffffac ffffffed 0 5 73 72 0 23 63 6f 6d 2e 69 62 6d 2e 65 6a 73 2e 6a 32 63 2e 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 6f ...
    Address Type: dsProps
    AddressContents: ffffffac ffffffed 0 5 73 72 0 14 6a 61 76 61 2e 75 74 69 6c 2e 50 72 6f 70 65 72 74 69 65 73 39 12 ffffffd0 7a ...
    Address Type: mcfProps
    AddressContents: ffffffac ffffffed 0 5 73 72 0 2d 63 6f 6d 2e 69 62 6d 2e 65 6a 73 2e 6a 32 63 2e 4d 61 6e 61 67 65 64 43 ...
    Address Type: mbeanProps
    AddressContents: ffffffac ffffffed 0 5 73 72 0 1a 63 6f 6d 2e 69 62 6d 2e 65 6a 73 2e 6a 32 63 2e 4d 42 65 61 6e 50 72 6f ...
    Exception data follows:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.validate(XMLReader.java:673)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.init(XMLReader.java:241)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.<init>(XMLReader.java:165)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectorRuntime.getJ2C_Properties(ConnectorRuntime.java:341)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.poolmanager.PoolManager.<init>(PoolManager.java:541)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createCFD_Common(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:699)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createConnectionFactoryDetails(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:417)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.getObjectInstance(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:1400)
         at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(NamingManager.java:313)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.Helpers.processSerializedObjectForLookup(Helpers.java:884)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.processResolveResults(CNContextImpl.java:1675)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1538)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1458)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.lookup(CNContextImpl.java:1130)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.lookup(WsnInitCtx.java:122)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:363)
         at oracle.toplink.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.buildConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.startUp(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ServerSession.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DatabaseSession.login(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:121)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getClientSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:56)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.dao.RCTSGateway.findDealerASMByDealerNumber(RCTSGateway.java:194)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.service.RCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(RCTSService.java:159)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.adapter.SoapRCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(SoapRCTSService.java:107)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.invokeServiceMethod(RCTSMessageHandler.java:103)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.processMessage(RCTSMessageHandler.java:62)
         at com.deere.jdc.mqseries.MQJMSMessageHandler.onMessage(MQJMSMessageHandler.java:122)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueReceiver.receiveAsync(MQQueueReceiver.java:861)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.SessionAsyncHelper.run(SessionAsyncHelper.java:401)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:513)
    [5/22/03 7:03:01:891 CDT] 2ec4c80 Helpers W NMSV0610I: A NamingException is being thrown from a javax.naming.Context implementation. Details follow:
    Context implementation: com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl
    Context method: lookup
    Context name: localhost/nodes/localhost/servers/server1
    Target name: jdbc/DB239DataSource
    Other data:
    Exception stack trace: com.ibm.websphere.naming.CannotInstantiateObjectException: Exception occurred while the JNDI NamingManager was processing a javax.naming.Reference object. Root exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.validate(XMLReader.java:673)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.init(XMLReader.java:241)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.<init>(XMLReader.java:165)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectorRuntime.getJ2C_Properties(ConnectorRuntime.java:341)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.poolmanager.PoolManager.<init>(PoolManager.java:541)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createCFD_Common(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:699)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createConnectionFactoryDetails(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:417)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.getObjectInstance(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:1400)
         at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(NamingManager.java:313)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.Helpers.processSerializedObjectForLookup(Helpers.java:884)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.processResolveResults(CNContextImpl.java:1675)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1538)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1458)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.lookup(CNContextImpl.java:1130)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.lookup(WsnInitCtx.java:122)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:363)
         at oracle.toplink.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.buildConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.startUp(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ServerSession.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DatabaseSession.login(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:121)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getClientSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:56)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.dao.RCTSGateway.findDealerASMByDealerNumber(RCTSGateway.java:194)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.service.RCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(RCTSService.java:159)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.adapter.SoapRCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(SoapRCTSService.java:107)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.invokeServiceMethod(RCTSMessageHandler.java:103)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.processMessage(RCTSMessageHandler.java:62)
         at com.deere.jdc.mqseries.MQJMSMessageHandler.onMessage(MQJMSMessageHandler.java:122)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueReceiver.receiveAsync(MQQueueReceiver.java:861)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.SessionAsyncHelper.run(SessionAsyncHelper.java:401)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:513)
    2003.05.22 07:03:02.111--ServerSession(426724481)--Thread[asyncDelivery0,5,main]--EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-7060] (TopLink - 9.0.3 (Build 423)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException
    EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Cannot acquire data source [jdbc/DB239DataSource].
    INTERNAL EXCEPTION: com.ibm.websphere.naming.CannotInstantiateObjectException: Exception occurred while the JNDI NamingManager was processing a javax.naming.Reference object. [Root exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl]LOCAL EXCEPTION STACK:
    EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-7060] (TopLink - 9.0.3 (Build 423)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException
    EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Cannot acquire data source [jdbc/DB239DataSource].
    INTERNAL EXCEPTION: com.ibm.websphere.naming.CannotInstantiateObjectException: Exception occurred while the JNDI NamingManager was processing a javax.naming.Reference object. [Root exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl]
         at oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException.cannotAcquireDataSource(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.buildConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.startUp(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ServerSession.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DatabaseSession.login(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:121)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getClientSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:56)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.dao.RCTSGateway.findDealerASMByDealerNumber(RCTSGateway.java:194)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.service.RCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(RCTSService.java:159)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.adapter.SoapRCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(SoapRCTSService.java:107)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.invokeServiceMethod(RCTSMessageHandler.java:103)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.processMessage(RCTSMessageHandler.java:62)
         at com.deere.jdc.mqseries.MQJMSMessageHandler.onMessage(MQJMSMessageHandler.java:122)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueReceiver.receiveAsync(MQQueueReceiver.java:861)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.SessionAsyncHelper.run(SessionAsyncHelper.java:401)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:513)
    com.ibm.websphere.naming.CannotInstantiateObjectException: Exception occurred while the JNDI NamingManager was processing a javax.naming.Reference object. Root exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl
         at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.validate(XMLReader.java:673)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.init(XMLReader.java:241)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.XMLReader.<init>(XMLReader.java:165)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectorRuntime.getJ2C_Properties(ConnectorRuntime.java:341)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.poolmanager.PoolManager.<init>(PoolManager.java:541)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createCFD_Common(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:699)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.createConnectionFactoryDetails(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:417)
         at com.ibm.ejs.j2c.ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.getObjectInstance(ConnectionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:1400)
         at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(NamingManager.java:313)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.Helpers.processSerializedObjectForLookup(Helpers.java:884)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.processResolveResults(CNContextImpl.java:1675)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1538)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.doLookup(CNContextImpl.java:1458)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.jndicos.CNContextImpl.lookup(CNContextImpl.java:1130)
         at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.lookup(WsnInitCtx.java:122)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:363)
         at oracle.toplink.jndi.JNDIConnector.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.sessions.DatabaseLogin.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.buildConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ConnectionPool.startUp(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.threetier.ServerSession.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DatabaseSession.login(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionmanagement.SessionManager.getSession(Unknown Source)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:121)
         at com.deere.jdc.toplink.ToplinkServerSessionFactory.getClientSession(ToplinkServerSessionFactory.java:56)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.dao.RCTSGateway.findDealerASMByDealerNumber(RCTSGateway.java:194)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.service.RCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(RCTSService.java:159)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.adapter.SoapRCTSService.getRCTSDealerASM(SoapRCTSService.java:107)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.invokeServiceMethod(RCTSMessageHandler.java:103)
         at com.deere.jdc.component.rcts.messaging.RCTSMessageHandler.processMessage(RCTSMessageHandler.java:62)
         at com.deere.jdc.mqseries.MQJMSMessageHandler.onMessage(MQJMSMessageHandler.java:122)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueReceiver.receiveAsync(MQQueueReceiver.java:861)
         at com.ibm.mq.jms.SessionAsyncHelper.run(SessionAsyncHelper.java:401)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:513)

    This looks like a classPath issue.check ur runtime
    class path and make sure xerces is before any other
    parser(xml4j /oracleParser)

  • How do you get your content in front of the right people?

    "Outbound Content Marketer of the Year, Joe Chernov (VP of content at HubSpot) told me: Marketers always ask me how to make more or better content, and it’s almost always the wrong question. The right question is: “How do I get my content in front of the right people?” - Forrester's Ryan Skinner
    Forrester published a very interesting report in October called "Put Distribution at the Heart of Content Marketing" (here's the related Forrester blog post). My VP shared the report with me and asked me to review and research a key content distribution strategy potentially leveraging the key technologies that are listed in the report. These technologies focus on helping identify influencers, publish content on targeted media properties and publish content if it ranks highly. I have to admit, this is somewhat new territory for me - I've yet to really focus on content distribution strategies across the entire buyer/customer lifecycle and although I've used one or two of these technologies personally, others I've only heard of and some I just flat-out had to Google.
    In true intrapreneurial spirit, I starting working through the research phase - I'm actually still working through it - and as I do, I can't help but to start mentally creating a blueprint of sorts... Imagining our technology roadmap interwoven with a content distribution strategy to create and drive a valuable buyer/customer experience (to acquire, keep and grow, of course). Ideally, we'd be able to accomplish all of the above points to significantly - and intelligently - extend our reach moving forward. So, back to the the Forrester report... To help more holistically drive content distribution, Forrester recommends creating a "distribution boss" and linking that person to content creation. I like it. To even further boost success of content marketing initiatives, Forrester suggests: (and I'm paraphrasing liberally here):
    1. Your distribution boss needs to be a left-brained analyst with a right-brained way with words
    2. Borrow some $$ from your content creation budget for some content promotion
    3. Encourage a BFF relationship between your PR and media teams and your content marketing teams
    Bottom (or should I say "top") line? I'm looking forward to our organization developing a more scientific content distribution strategy in 2014. Can I get an "amen!"? So, what are you and your teams doing to take a more scientific approach to content distribution in 2014? Or what are you currently doing? I look forward to Topliners feedback!
    P.S. Technologies currently under review:
    - Include your influencers in a distribution strategy: Little Bird, Klout, PeerIndex
    - Look to specific vendors to push content on publisher’s sites: Outbrain, Sharethrough, Taboola
    - Identify social content winners and invest to amplify reach on the networks that work: SimpleReach
    - Keep an eye on emerging technologies for content visibility and distribution: TrendSpottr
    - Others: Parse.ly
    CC: marilyncox

    I agree! In our current blog consolidation project, we're implementing Google Authorship for all our bloggers and we're currently evaluating how to best leverage Deltek's Google+ channel w/in our content strategy. Our PR/Social Director is not a fan - I'm working on, I mean with, her to see the possibilities.

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