P7N Diamond: How to REALLY Turn Off EIST?

I saw this mentioned in a post while I was at work, and (naturally) I can't find it now that I am at the computer...
Turning off EIST in the BIOS apparently doesn't REALLY turn off EIST.  There's some "advanced" CPU settings that need to be adjusted in the BIOS for Speedstep to really shut down.  Now that I've got my nMonitor to work, the CPU multiplier jumps up and down while I'm watching!  Can someone post the advanced settings (or post a link to the thread I must have been reading?)

Quote from: Jack the Newbie on 24-April-08, 17:58:31
I have been running SMP clients on both of my system mentioned in my signature with C1E and/or EIST enabled and there never where any problems.
I don't know what operating system you are using, so I can't assume my rig should be operating as well as yours.  There are known issues with the client and 64-bit operating systems.
Note:  If multiplier and VCore are reduced even though the processor is under full load, it may be overheating.  The CPU has a protection feature that will  make it operate at reduced speed and voltage to cool it down.
The speedstepping was not observed while the cores were under full load.  I just wanted to eliminate it as a possible problem when I DID go to full load.  The cores run at around 50c when the SMP client is running.  This is pretty cool for a quad-core at 100%.  I'm not expecting any serious heating issues unless I start overclocking.

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    Hello there, Amir Nazhif.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some great information for making sure your side switch is set to serve as a Mute:
    iPad: Understanding the side switch
    Particularly of help for you might be the following:
    Enabling Mute if Use Side Switch is set to Lock Rotation
    Swipe up along the bottom of the screen to display Control Center (you can do this from any screen, including the Lock screen).
    Tap the Mute button.
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    You can disable this in the registry. This is not a Cisco documented or recommended option. I have done it for customers who were really adament about the notifications.
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    2. Open regedit
    3. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Active Voice\MalEx\1.0
    4. Open the REG_DWORD DisableStatusCheck
    5. Change the value from 0 to 1
    This should take effect right away. This is a universal system all off for the Unity server only. Exchange is not effected.
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    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, and then click General. 
    Open the General pane of Security & Privacy preferences
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    From what I am aware, you cannot turn off the keychain.
    I hope this helps.
    This is also a link that might help http://macs.about.com/od/systempreferences/ss/Mac-Security-Using-The-Mac-Securit y-Preference-Pane_2.htm

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    Yeah, I do see your point. I personally feel perfectly safe using my iPhone wherever I go however I would consider that my usage is a lot less than the average user. I've had the phone for a year and have only made a total of 5 hours worth of calls and have only taken it out of my city one or twice. So for me I don't see any privacy concerns.
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