Package quality

I've been using ArchLinux since "Gimmick" and I liked it a lot (at least in the beginning): nice community and developers, great package management, very easy to build packages, rc.conf kicks ass and all that.
But since "Duke" came out all hell broke loose. A lot of packages break after pacman -Syu. This month alone I had problems with udev, fontconfig, curl, wine, nautilus, gnome 2.18. Curl was fixed quite fast, wine broke because of wine's developers, so it's not Arch's fault here, but udev and fontconfig are still broke. I can't use my camera and my collection of fonts. I don't use gnome and nautilus anymore (so they might be a little bit better now) but after the upgrade from 2.16 to 2.18 it became very unstable and buggy.
Bottom line... is there any chance that the packages in "current" be tested more rigorously? It seems to me that Arch developers are more concerned with getting the latest(-and-not-always-the-greatest) versions of the packages in the repositories, than testing them for stability.
If things keep going this way, we are going to have useless systems pretty soon (mine is half-useless already).
I would prefer the "current" packages to be as outdated as "stable" on Debian are, than the way they are now.
Are there not enough developers working on Arch? or what is the real problem?
Arch is gaining a lot of users and popularity. Many people left Gentoo, Debian, Slackware or whatever for this distro, so having problems like these is a real turn-off.
I didn't want this to sound like a rant/whine or whatever, but I really hoped that Arch would put an end to the hunt for the perfect distro, because it looked very very promising in the beginning.
Last edited by wooptoo (2007-07-24 02:31:20)

I didn't want to post links to the bug reports because it could have been interpreted like blackmail or something: "fix this bug for me or I'm leaving". I was just making a few observations about Arch. Maybe these bugs will get fixed but more will come and will surely break other folks' systems.
iphitus wrote:But to say we don't care about testing and stability is... short sighted and ignorant. Maybe take a look at the arch-dev-public mailing list and see exactly what we talk about. Stability has been our primary concern of the last 6 months and we've been working on new ways to improve it.
Ok... I never looked over arch-dev-public, my bad, but I do trust you. It's just that packages seem to break more often lately than they did before, and all I do is the nightly pacman -Syu, when the mirror i use synchronizes. It's what I used to do before and never had so many problems.
Regarding the udev issue, i discovered phraktured's mirror, and it has udev-111. Will try it now.
Also, thanks Lone_wolf for the suggestion on the bug tracking page.
edit: kishd: ok, will try that too, thanks.
edit2: ok, it works fine with udev-111
edit 2.1 : brain0: yes, udev-111 seems to be faster than 113.
Last edited by wooptoo (2007-07-24 19:24:22)

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  • Debian type package guidelines for Arch.

    Well, maybe not as anal or strick.
    With the recent breed of Debian based distro's coming out (Ubuntu in particular) and with a Debian release just around the corner, there has been a lot of talk regarding this distro. So I decided to take a closer look in this flavour of Linux.
    I myself coming from Slackware, have heard and used (very little) Debian before in the past decided to take a look at how far this distro has come since my first encounter with it.
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    They argue the ease of Apt-get/dpkg and how powerful these tools are and how you only need to install Debian once. Especially now that the installer has been given a huge facelift, it is much easier to install Debian than previous versions.
    Now none of that really sounds very enticing as Arch has Pacman, with Arch's rolling-release packaging scheme and the fact that I think the Arch installer is by far the fastest install I have ever done of a Linux system before, I see no reason to use Debian in place of Arch, at least not for what I use my system for.
    But the one thing that stood out that made a lot of sense was the fact that Debian has a very strict packaging guideline. Things for menu's, config files and the works all had a standard place in a Debian system, making all of the packages very intergrated and work well together on the same system. Due to these guidelines, one can argue that the package quality for a .DEB, compared to most others is much higher. That is not to say it's perfect, as even on the "stable" branch there are packages that don't always work, but that is very rare.
    What I'm getting to is I think that Arch should adopt something similar. I didn't really think it through to much as it is just an idea and I want to see what others think of this.
    Basically there should be an offical set of documents that outline where configs go (/etc usually) where large packages go (in Arch /opt) and menu entries etc. This way new maintainers or people who would like to learn Arch's packaging system would know the "right way" for an Arch system, which would, in my opinion, skip a lot of the headaches of malfunctioning packages in the repos.
    Another thing Debian has which is an okay idea is they have a system in place that checks the packages being submitted to the repos follow the guidelines and if the packages don't check out they are rejected, as to keep the system clean regarding standards.
    Now the AUR (I forget what it's called) system being developed does what again? I only heard about it but didn't do enough digging to find out what its for exactly.
    I don't know how to explain my idea exactly, but I thought I would throw it out there anyway and see what people have to say, if anything at all .

    We have a not-all-that-strict guideline in the official documentation... … guidelines
    And we don't have things like menu specifications, because we haven't figured them out yet.
    We also have namcap which checks for some packaging guideline checking in iit.
    Most of the stuff you talked about is there, in the works, or being planned.

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    I exported the file as a SWF file and when a colleague viewed it, she said it was quite pixelated.
    What should I do? Is there a better method for someone very very new to Flash?

    you can set the export resolution and package quality in Export SWF window´s Advanced Tab.
    Higher resolution will not help if the original quality of your placed images is low.
    And don´t set the resolution too high, if you have lot´s of images you may end up having a bloated SWF.

  • Newsletter 6-13-04

      Arch Linux Weekly Newsletter
    *Jason Chu and Ben Mazer*
    Welcome to the Arch Linux Newsletter. This attempts to give you an ``at
    a glance'' look at the world of Arch Linux.
        This Week in Dev Land
       1. Dale has received a script to let firebird and thunderbird play
          nice. He's looking at adding them now.
       2. Arjan is busy right now. Everyone else is trying to pick up his
       3. Functional specifications are nearly complete for the new AUR system.
        ArchStats Updates
    /To participate, visit:/
    Number of registered systems: 450
    Date first system was registered: 20031017
    Most recent update occurred: 20040615
    Longest recorded uptime: 175 days, 22 hours, 51 minutes, 55 seconds.
    Average uptime: 5 days, 1 hours, 51 minutes, 45 seconds.
    Least packages installed on a system: 44
    Average installed packages: 263
    Most packages installed on a system: 733
        Forum Highlights
       1. Benedict_White has been working on porting Webmin to Arch. Check
          on his progress in this thread:

       2. DP has solved the problem that has plagued many users. He
          has provided a simple file to install on your system to replace
          the missing library. Read the thread here:

        Mailing List Highlights
       1. The debate was raised again about packaging quality. Jlowell
          criticized the developers, stating that there have been too many
          broken packages. More of the same points were raised, including
          having the developers focus more on developing the base, and less
          on the packaging. Read the whole thread here:
 … 01625.html.
       2. I semi-seriously asked about the possibility of bittorrent
          integration with pacman. It would save the developers bandwidth
          and give the users a way to contribute. There would be many
          technical issues with a bittorrent system. Read the thread here:
 … 01670.html.
       3. tsykoduk asked about adding changelogs to the packages or
          PKGBUILDs. It was decided that the CVS changelogs were sufficient.
          Read the thread here:
 … 01647.html.
        Package Highlights
       1. KDE 3.2.3 was packaged this week. This should fix most of the
          problems people have been having with KDE. Read the announcement
        New Packages
    speex 1.1.5-1
    enigma 1.04-1
    fontconfig 2.2.1-2
    glibc 2.3.3-1t2
    squirrelmail 1.5.1cvs-1
    spamassassin 2.63-6
    kdetv 0.8.1-1
    amarok 1.0beta4-1
    m4 1.4.1-1
    gimp-gap 2.0.2-1
    gimp-help-2 0.3-1
    gimp-freetype 0.6-1
    bogofilter 0.91.1-1
    phpmyadmin 2.5.7-1
    ghex 2.6.1-1
    openbox 3.2-3
    apollon 0.9.4-3
    quanta 3.2.3-1
    kdevelop 3.0.4-1
    sylpheed-claws 0.9.11-1
    mozilla-thunderbird 0.6-2
    vim 6.3-2
    ttf-ms-fonts 1.3-5
    subversion 1.0.5-1
    iputils 021109-2
    iputils 021109-3t1
    lcms 1.13-1
    xsane 0.94-3
    cvs 1.11.17-1
    mlterm 2.8.0-5
    jed 0.99.16-1
    kdeaccessibility 3.2.3-1
    kdesdk 3.2.3-1
    kdetoys 3.2.3-1
    kdeutils 3.2.3-1
    kdemultimedia 3.2.3-1
    kdenetwork 3.2.3-1
    kdepim 3.2.3-1
    kdegames 3.2.3-1
    kdegraphics 3.2.3-1
    kdelibs 3.2.3-1
    kdebase 3.2.3-1
    kdebindings 3.2.3-1
    kdeedu 3.2.3-1
    kdeaddons 3.2.3-1
    kdeadmin 3.2.3-1
    kdeartwork 3.2.3-1
    arts 1.2.3-1
    xawtv 3.93-1
    expect 5.41.0-1
    gvim 6.3-1
    xmms-cdparanoia 0.1-1
    gv 3.5.8-4
    irssi 0.8.9-4
    imagemagick 6.0.2-1
    taglib 1.1-1
          STAGING Listing
    /To get access to this, and other repos, visit
    giftui 0.4.1-s1
    briquolo 0.4.2-1
    tutris 1.0.1-s1
    straw 0.23-1
    qtparted 0.4.4-s1
    workrave 1.4.1-s1
    opera 7.51-s1
    sim 0.9.3-s1
    gxine 0.3.3-s1
    taged 3.0-s1
    gmencoder 0.1.0-s1
    aspell-fr 0.50.1-1
    cmf 1.4.2-s1
    gnotime 2.1.7-s1
    smb4k 0.4.0-s1
    gp 0.26-1
    gtk-smooth-engine 0.5.6-s1
    windowlab 1.23-s1
    crypto++ 5.1-s1
    gtkglextmm 1.0.1-s1
    libgnomecups 0.1.8-s1
    muine 0.6.2-s1
    ion-devel 20030814-1
    gocr 0.39-s1
    kbarcode 1.6.1-s1
    ksambaplugin 0.5b2-1
    oooqs 2.0.3-s1
    libchipcard 0.9.1-1
    plone 2.0-s1
    ether-wake 1.09-1
    gxmame 0.34b-1
    libofx 0.6.4-1
    fortune-mod-dune-quotes 2.0.1-s1
    gtweakui 0.0.6-s1
    lwm 1.2.0-1
    nvidia 1.0.5336-s1
    materm 0.1-1
    lablgtk 1.2.6-s1
    monopd 0.9.0-s1
    mp3burn 0.3.1-1
    ntfsprogs 1.9.2-s1
    ocaml 3.07pl2-s1
    parse-yapp 1.05-1
    kshutdown 0.1.7-s1
    pixieplus 0.5.4-1
    ooqstart 0.8.3-s1
    logjam 4.4.0-s3
    replace 2.22-s1
    prizm 0.2-s1
    bittornado 0.3.2-s1
    pygtkglext 1.0.1-s1
    xmms-vqf 0.94-s1
    scribus-docs 1.0.1-s1
    seahorse 0.7.3-2
    shaaft 0.5.0-1
    supertux 0.1.1-s1
    synaptics 0.13.2-s1
    hwd 2.2-s1
    spe 0.4.2c-s1
    gifsicle 1.40-1
    tse3 0.2.7-1
    unison 2.9.1-s1
    universalkopete 0.1-1
    streamtuner-xiph 0.1.0-s1
    streamtuner-python 0.1.2-s1
    xml-dom 1.43-1
    xml-regexp 0.03-1
    xml-xql 0.68-1
    xtermset 0.5.1-s1
    xv 3.10a-1
    xymms 0.9.1-s1
    sip 3.10.1-s1
    qscintilla 1.2-s1
    tnftp 20030825-1
    imms 1.1-s1
    adns-python 1.0.0-1
    digikam 0.6.1-s1
    htmldoc 1.8.23-1
    si3d 1.2-1
    xfree86-freefonts-fonts 0.10-1
    pil 1.1.4-s1
    esmtp 0.5.0-1
    gkrellm_amiconnected 0.6-1
    gkrellmseti 0.7.0b-1
    meld 0.9.1-1
    msmtp 0.7.1-1
    nautilus_thumbnailers 0.0.3-1
    njam 1.00-1
    gtk-sharp 0.93-s1
    dosemu 1.2.1-s1
    digikamplugins 0.6.1-s2
    pyxml 0.8.3-s1
    skencil 0.6.16-s1
    bfilter 0.9.3-1
    wtf 0.0.4-s1
    amule 1.2.6-s2
    jack-audio-connection-kit 0.91.1-2
    gnome-cups-manager 0.18-s1
    fbpager 0.1.4-s1
    mpd 0.10.3-s1
    pychecker 0.8.14-s1
    py-libmpdclient 0.10.0-s1
    cups-pdf 1.4.2a-s1
    3ddesktop 0.2.5-s1
    scribus-devel 1.1.7-s1
    sip 4.0rc3-s1
    pyqt 3.11-s1
    qalculate 0.5.1-s1
    soundtracker 0.6.7-s1
    tla 1.2-s1
    pycrypto 1.9a6-s1
    emelfm2 0.0.7-s2
    sylpheed-gtk2 0.9.9-s2
    lyx-qt 1.3.4-s1
    kradio 0.3.0-2
    eric 3.4.1-s1
    Q: I'm trying to compile something (in C++), but I'm getting random errors.
    A: Arch is using GCC 3.4.0. GCC 3.4 is much stricter when it comes to
    C++ code. It will break on many more errors than GCC 3.3. You should
    email the developers of the broken application, or check their
    CVS/mailing list to see if they have provided patches.
          Bugs Closed This Week
    997 font-config wrong fonts.conf please correct that
    991 fontconfig-2.2.90-2 takes out several of my fonts
    998 loaddisk is required if installing not from cdrom0
    992 Upgrading KDE conflicts spamassassin
    990 iputils-021109-2 fails to build
    981 Clamav CVS
    704 dns lookup AAAA records
    898 gv build error
    892 imagemagick fails on install. perl5.8
    932 librsvg missing libgsf dependency
    926 tcl-8.4.6 bug
    958 BitchX has a wrong symlink
    751 downloaderx is broken (needs rebuild against new gtk)
    900 xine-lib does not compile with gcc 3.4
    979 Clamav CVS
    980 Clamav CVS
    977 Clamav 0.72
          Bugs Opened This Week
    1001 unable to use kprinter in OO after update to 3.2.3
    1000 idesk missing needed dependency on imlib
    999 Automatic loaddisk during bootup fails if CD not in cdrom0
    996 avifile will not compile
    995 transcode will not compile
    994 transcode unable to use xvid option
    993 Add xjed to the jed package
    989 Xfce4-tips - unfiled dependency
    988 rox-system can't start, due to libgtop error.
    987 libnss-mysql+pacman woes
    986 makepkg -e doesn't validate files
    985 liquidwar segfaults - allegro relink error
    984 Thunderbird's PKGBUILD source entree is invalid
    983 gnome depends on samba and cups
    982 gnome-themes contains invalid symlinks
    We're thinking about changing the format of the newsletter. Now that
    Arch has an official HTML/CSS standard for documentation, it seems
    appropriate to move the newsletter to that standard. We can convert the
    newsletter to plain TXT for email, though it may lose some formatting.
    How do you read the newsletter? If many people read it over email, we
    will continue to provide email ``delivery'' along with HTML, but if most
    people read it over the web, we will cut the email delivery. Please give
    us your feedback. What is the most convenient format for the newsletter?
    That's it for this week, stay tuned for more exciting Arch Linux news.

    Dusty wrote:
    sarah31 wrote:the link for the bit about jlowell bitching again doesn't work.
    bah. so what?
    ok, i read it on a lot of posts, and now i want to know what it means:
    what do you mean with "bah"? is this a short form for something you have in canadian english or canadian français i do not know about?

  • Acrobat Reader v8 and vXI side-by-side installation

    A while back I bought a Fujitsu scanner which came with Acrobat Reader Standard ver.8. It has worked brilliantly over the years. The whole package - quality!
    Now Acrobat Reader has obviously evolved and we are now up to version XI and occasionaly a pdf arrives that acrobat complains about. I suspect pdf was created in a newer version with features my old v8 can't handle. Now, I'd like to be able to read these docs, so the question is whether I can have these two products installed on the same PC? Can I download the free XI reader while keeping the old Version 8 Standard?
    I don't want to pay £194 for an upgrade. That would be a complete waste of money as I see it.
    Thanks for any comments.

    Just to get your product names right - Adobe Acrobat Standard was the retail product, Adobe Reader is the free one. "Acrobat Reader" doesn't exist.
    Yes, you can install Reader and Acrobat at the same time; but you'll need to define which is the default hander when double-clicking PDF files (unless you change it, Reader will take over as it's the last thing to be installed).
    Acrobat 8 is now end-of-life so there won't be any more free updates, and if you upgrade something else (move to Windows 8, etc.) you will have to buy a newer version anyway. It depends on what you're using it for, but the OCR and editing/exporting features in Acrobat XI are far better than they were in Acrobat 8.

  • Unlimited storage by Google - BIG JOKE.

    Hey there.
    News about it here.
    "Google officially announced its long-rumored revamp of its photo-sharing service, Google Photos, at its I/O developer conference in San Francisco today. The killer feature? Users can now backup up full-resolution photos and videos – up to 16MP for photos and 1080p for videos – to Google’s cloud for free. The service will roll out to Android, iOS and web users starting today, the company says."
    It's pure joke. I mean storage is really unlimited, but they reduce photo quality to very low. I have 16 Mpix digital camera and photo on my hard drive is 16 Mpix 7.2 Mb and on Google unlimited it is 16 Mpix 2 Mb in size. This is Unlimited, but so badly packaged, so it is bad backup! The video next. Quality is lower than originals and the most thing. YouTube plays online on my mobile 1 Mbps very fine, but this one - only buffering. I think this feature is pure joke and no one should really use it as main backup - as this reduces the quality of your photos and videos dramatically. I considered to keep all the stuff on my laptop on SSD-drive.
    As backup for mobile phone photos this works great, but for digital camera stuff - look elsewhere.
    I can say, I was excepting more from Google as Unlimited storage. It is Unlimited, but package quality is so low - it's almost joke.
    Many thanks for reading.

    I still love Unlimited personal video space for streaming at home pc, but this won't work well on 1.5 Mbps mobile internet. At least on Android phone.
    I have now tried photos, comparing them. 7 MB vs 2MB, the difference is little. So package is somehow very great made. Mauybe Google stuff? But it's odd, they even managed to package big photo as low as 0.7MB, when original was 5MB and the size is till 16 Mpix. It works for most, but if you prefer to serve unedited photos in any way - Google unlimited photos is not for you.

  • Create summary for operator performance statistics

    Post Author: dkekesi
    CA Forum: General
    Hi All,I use CR XI and MSSQL2000. I have made a report where each user's performance is detailed. Data gathered from the DB is grouped by user (group1) and work type (group2). Each user is displayed on a separate page so that their performance can be handed out to them. The users' performance are further divided into tables according to the type of work they made (assembly, packaging, quality control, etc.). Each table lists the type of items they worked on and the corresponding statistics data.See a sample page from the report: There are as many pages as operators. So far no problem. But management requires that I prepare a summary page where some important data is extracted from these tables into a single summary table. The table should contain operator name, and some data from the total and grand total lines. How can this be done without creating a subreport or a separate report?Also if I create a subreport is there a way to make the subreport use the results from the SQL query of the main report? I really do not want to go through the data twice to get the summary and the details.Thanks for the kind help in advance.Best Regards,Daniel

    Post Author: synapsevampire
    CA Forum: General
    Well you certainly put your time into this post, thanks for that!
    Fleshing out what you need to summarize and where would be useful.
    You might use a crosstab, or a manual formula, but we don't know what you want.

  • Gnome 2.26 Discussion

    This is not another thread asking when Gnome 2.26 will be released (though I am curious and looking forward to it). This is a thread trying to figure out why even asking about it results in short replies and closed topics. We know that releasing an upgrade to Gnome is a big job. We know it will be ready when it is ready. I think we are just hoping for a possible status update. Or some idea of how we can help make it ready.
    I understand that everyone working on Arch is doing it in their free time and I appreciate that. Possibly to help stop people from asking about when it is coming, you can make a page/sticky/something with just brief status updates to let us know that work is progressing.

    JGC wrote:
    alex_anthony wrote:
    I had a thought about this.
    A group of users could start writing PKGBUILDs for the next version of GNOME earlier in the cycle. A lot of the time there won't be huge changes, and they particularly don't change much from beta to final release. We can submit them to AUR as *-devel. Then when it comes around for a dev to package them, he can see changes in dependencies etc and can check package quality (malicious commands etc), instead of having to find out why each package isn't building. Just taking a bit of the work off the devs
    We could then try to get GNOME pkgs up on release day like KDE!
    just a thought
    Good idea. We used to have that when I wasn't a developer: it was me who made those packages.
    Now I'm a dev and maintain mozilla-*, xorg and GNOME. We already have xorg-server 1.6 sitting in testing, which had more priority than getting gnome 2.25.90 in the repositories.
    Sometimes I have to make choices. Getting a GNOME beta release packaged was not high priority, users can wait for a week or two.
    As for pulseaudio: I won't implement it. Adding pulseaudio to gnome-applets and gnome-settings-daemon means that pulseaudio is a forced dependency. If pulse isn't running, you won't have sound or volume control. I compiled gnome-applets with the gstreamer mixer and patched gnome-settings-daemon to use gstreamer instead of pulse for volume control using multimedia keys.
    gnome-applets and gnome-settings-daemon are the only two packages concerining the pulse-audio question?
    I'd like to know because surely I'll de-patch them myself, as I'm using Pulseaudio for a while and I'm happy with it.
    Btw I agree for this decision, in fact many people don't use already PA or they have some (big) problems with it.

  • Problem in Importing Transport Package in Quality

    Dear All,
    I had created an Transport Package on Development Server of EP.
    That transport package has got three ivews and one work set and two role.
    I downloaded that Transport package  ".epa" file on my local machine.
    I tried to Import that ".epa" file in Quality Server of Ep i am getting an error "Could not upload file. Check the log files for details."
    I need to know how to resolve this problem.
    Please help fast.
    Swapnil Indulkar

    Hi swapnil,
    Whats the error you are getting in Log file.
    once check it provide the details here. and at the time of Exporting in EP Development is it given the sucess message with '0' errors?
    Check the log file in <host:portno/nwa-> Monitoring --> logs and traces

  • Package in Devlopment not appearing in Quality

    Hi Gurus,
    Here my problem is: I have Package in Development that is not appearing in quality but the objects in the package are appearing in quality and working fine.
    In case of script transport from development to quality then it is throwing an error that the package doesnot exist. Please help me to sort out this problem.

    Hi kranti,
    1. One way is goto se21 tcode.
    2. Enter the package name
    3. Save (by changing little bit the text, and then revert back after saving)
    4. It will ask for new request number
      (If the original request number has been released).
    5. Then u can transport this request number ( which contains the package),
       by asking the basis team.
    amit m.

  • Package not moved but assigned objects moved to quality.

    In our project, Transport request containing the Package creation is not moved to Quality system, but Classes/Webdynpro components/programs assigned to that Package is moved to quality through different Transport request without any errors.
    Strange point is that all is working fine in quality.  I just want to confirm is this normal behaviour or there will be some issues in production.

    You should move the package as well for consistency reasons. The programs can be executed without it, but there is probably errors or warnings in extended program checks, import logs, etc.

  • Improve AUR quality - automated testing of all packages

    As the subject states, I think the quality of the AUR-packages could be improved; and automated testing is probably an idea that might work. Which is why I have spend some days creating a script and website.
    The next step is to improve the AUR and fix the unmaintained packages. Do you guys like the idea of testing the AUR packages automatically?

    fwojciec wrote:
    Spider.007 wrote:
    As the subject states, I think the quality of the AUR-packages could be improved; and automated testing is probably an idea that might work. Which is why I have spend some days creating a script and website.
    The next step is to improve the AUR and fix the unmaintained packages. Do you guys like the idea of testing the AUR packages automatically?
    Very cool.  Bu the system that builds/checks AUR packages doesn't seem to have [community] repo enabled, both of my packages that I checked failed because they couldn't resolve a dependency that's in community repo.
    Good point, I will add it soon; so the next run we'll see if it works
    Army wrote:This is really cool! What about running namcap over them and checking, if dependencies are okay? And what about makedeps, do you have the ability to check them too?
    Well; that's what the 'package validation' button does; but I haven't decided yet on how to interpret the results. About the makedepends; they are checked as well (if everything is working like it should )
    Last edited by Spider.007 (2008-11-30 21:42:46)

  • 5800Xm package contents and mobile quality

    Ok, i want to buythis mobile so i looked around in my city in all authorized Nokia distributors and i found it in acceptable price.
    The problem now is that i doubt it's quality and have some complains regard the package contents.
    From what i read i understand that the phone's price dropped due to removing some contents from the package which are:
    Video-out cable, Additional stylus, Pouch, and stand.
    These are extra stuffs for me that i don't think i will use.
    Also i was happy to know video-out feature still exist in the mobile even after removing the cable and not mentioning this feature on Nokia site for this phone specification.
    The package i found for sale only have: Charger, headset, car stand,mini DVD, and the phone comes with only 4GB memory card????
    I looked all over the net to see if there are any 5800xm shipped with only 4GB memory card and i found nothing !!!  so why these mobiles comes with only 4GB)? Why reducing one of the most important parts in this mobile???
    Note that the mobile manufacture is in China.
    These couple of factors (removing contents, 4Gb MC, Chinese manufacture,...) through a huge doubts regard the quality of this mobile and it's accessories and I'm thinking to go for other brands unless i know the story behind this mobile in our country and if it's reliable or not.
    I live in Jordan, City: Irbid.
    So, i hope someone can help me with this.

    hello tirawi
    here some of my tought, in my country Malaysia nokia dealer sell 5800 with 2 spec, 4gb and 8gb. 4 gb is for nevigation editon and for normal editon they sell with 8gb, so ask your dealer if they sell it for nevigation edition.
    here is item packages in normal 5800xm
    5800 XpressMusic with pen stylus
    Battery (BL-5J)
    High Efficiency Charger (AC-8)
    Music Headset (HS-45, AD-54)
    Connectivity Cable (CA-101D)
    8 GB microSDHC card (MU-43)
    Plectrum in wrist strap (CP-306)
    User guide
    Dvd installer
    here is item packages in 5800xm nevigation editon
    5800 XpressMusic with pen stylus
    Battery (BL-5J)
    High Efficiency Charger (AC-8)
    Nokia Stereo Headset (WH-205)
    Connectivity Cable (CA-101D)
    4 GB microSDHC card (MU-41)
    Plectrum in wrist strap (CP-306)
    User guide
    In car holder for GPS (Nokia Mobile Holder CR-119)
    BTW..the packaging box for normal 5800 and 5800 nevigation editon also different for normal 5800 is small box with black color and for nevigation editon is big box with blue color, also you can see nokia 5800 nevigation picture at top on the box..
    hopfully my info will help you..
    Buy Original..See Original..

  • PSE 11 print quality and picture package options

    I've been using PSE 5 since 2006, and figured it's time to check out what's new under the sun.  I downloaded the PSE 11 trial version, whose editing function offers slightly better enhanced photos than PSE 5, but seems to fall short in two areas of importance to me:  1)  When using the highest quality print settings, PSE 11 prints photos more quickly, but of lower quality than PSE 5.  2)  PSE 5's "print multiple photos" feature lets me print an 8 X 10 photo with my choice of borders, whereas PSE 11's "picture package" feature seems to allow prints with choice of borders only up to 5 X 7.  Unless I'm doing something wrong, I'll just keep my trusty PSE 5.  Thanks for any assistance you're able to provide.  Aloha, Peter

    Yes I did restart PSE7.
    but that did not help
    I also tried to remove all  the present llayout-text files except my own, then there was NOTHING to chose from!
    So her is one of the layout text file that I use with PSE2 and it is working, when I select paper size A4
    C  21  21
    A4 (3)  10.5  10.5 cm
    0  0 10.5  10.5
    10.5  5.2  10.5  10.5
    0  10.5  10.5  10.5
    That txt file did not show in the dropdown select layout,(setting paper size A4  or Letter)
    I tried the following txt file, setting papersize Letter
    with the same result
    I  8.5  11.0
    Letter (3)  10.5x10.5 cm
    0  0  4.1  4.1
    4.1  2.0 4.1  4.1
    0  4.1 4.1  4.1
    Since there are no (error) messages I do not understand the criteria to meet for showing this layout in the select dropdown list.

  • Installing Reader in Ubuntu 64bit but get message: The package is of bad quality

    Tried to force the install but no joy.
    The warning message details are:
    The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.
    Lintian check results for /home/graham/Downloads/AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i386linux_enu.deb:
    E: adobereader-enu: control-file-has-bad-permissions postinst 0555 != 0755
    E: adobereader-enu: control-file-has-bad-owner postinst acrorel/named != root/root
    E: adobereader-enu: control-file-has-bad-permissions prerm 0555 != 0755
    E: adobereader-enu: control-file-has-bad-owner prerm acrorel/named != root/root
    E: adobereader-enu: maintainer-address-missing Adobe Systems, Incorporated
    E: adobereader-enu: wrong-file-owner-uid-or-gid etc/ 10490/25

    These do not seem important problems. Anyway, there will be no further development or fixes of the Linux Reader, so you can try a different package manager perhaps or contact the maintainer of the newly vigilant package installer.

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