Package to output dimension member list

I would like to schedule the automatic output of a dimension member listing from BPC.
Is there an inbuilt package I can use to do this?
Many thanks

There is no built in proceess that I know of that dose that but, you can use one of the follwing options.
If you are looking for dimension you can parse thru the XML file that it creates.
it's located under
C:\Documents and Settings\admBPCSQL\My Documents\OutlookSoft\Admin\MEI_Group\AdminAPP\DimCache\ACCOUNT.XML
if you are just looking for member detail you can always get the infor out form SQL tables
Mbr<dimensionname> or dim<dimensionname> tables.
Mbr<dimensionname> has same infor as your member sheet, and dim<dimensionname> table has the parent level info.
Hope this helps.

Similar Messages

  • Creating a member list for Custom3 dimension

    Hello gurus. I'm trying to create a member list for my custom3 dimension based on the UD1. I keep getting this error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: HS.AddMember ToList. Here's my script. Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks
    Sub EnumMemberLists()
    Dim aCustom3Lists(2)
    Select Case HS.Dimension
    Case "Custom3"
         aCustom3Lists(1) = "Reporting Sector - SPS"
         aCustom3Lists(2) = "Tax Provision - US"
    HS.SetMemberLists aCustom3Lists
    End Select 'Dimension
    End Sub 'EnumMemberLists
    Case "Custom3"
    Select Case HS.MemberListID
    Case 1
         'Reporting Sector
         For i = Lbound(ELi) to Ubound(ELi)
         If (StrComp(HS.Custom3.UD1(ELi(i)),"SPS",vbTextCompare)=0) Then
         HS.AddMemberToList (""),ELi(i)
         End If
    End Select ' Case HS.MemberListID

    An obvious reason that your code throws a number of arguments error to the AddMemberToList function, is that the line should read like this:
    HS.AddMemberToList ELi(i)However, in your code I see that there are also some incomplete structures, like the for-loop is not ended with a next and the whole paragraph after "End Sub 'EnumMemberLists" should be followed by a "Sub EnumMembersInList()". But I assume that you have omitted those in order to be short.

  • Target Group Member List Display and Output to Excel

    Hi all,
    I am using CRM 2007.  On the Web Client I want to output to excel a target group with 7000 accounts. I have 2 users. One User when the target group is selected can see all the details of all 7000  in the target group members list and when exported to excel all 7000 accounts are listed in the excel file.
    With the second user when the target group is selected only the details of 100 accounts are visible in the target group members list and when exported to excel only 100 of the accounts are output.
    The 2 users have the same roles and parameters and the personalize icon next to the excel export button also have the same settings.
    Does anyone know where the setting is that will allow the second user to output all 7000 on the list?
    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Jonathan,
    Open a Profile Set with user2.
    Push button "Graphical Modeler".
    When the modeler is loaded , Press button "Settings".
    On the upcoming popup, you can change the number of members that are loaded to the Target Group Member list in the WebUI in the field "Number of Members Displayed".
    Most probably, this field is empty for your second user, so the default of 100 is used.
    Note that a maximum of 9999 members can be loaded to the list in the UI. For bigger Target Groups, you must export the list to the application server using the "Export to File" button on the Target Group WebUI page.
    Hope that helps & Best Regards

  • How to maintain the dimension member that had large amount (over 10K)

    Hi, all,
    I am now doing a Project Planning using BPC and had some questions as follows:
    1. the total amount of the project memeber is huge (exceeding 10K in total). it will be crazy for the Administrator to maintain it only by himself. Is it possible that we can find a workaround method to let the end user to do the restricted work of administrator. in another word, can we find a way that prevent the end user to enter the Administration interface but can add the member themselves through the front end. the process work can be done in shcedule or by manually by the administrator?  Anybody had the experience on this? Or do you have any alternative and workaround way to solve the problem?
    2. the project memeber adding is not finished within one time. that means, in the first time, maybe only add the highest level. and later, adding the members under it. how can we manage it? Dynamic Hierachy or the others?

    You could also have the end user update a regular excel spreadsheet with the same column format as a membersheet.  Easiest would be to save off the membersheet in another location accessible to the end user.  Then it can be modified using excel.  Or have the end user maintain a delimited flat file containing all the information included in a membersheet.
    Using the bpc makedim package as a starting point, you can create a custom version that takes the user updated document as input and updates the bpc sql mbr table for that dimension then process the dimension. As long as the member list does not exceed the excel limitations, I would also suggest updating the membersheet in bpc.  In previous implementations this has meant taking a copy of the membersheet, deleting it, coping a template with the correct columns, then adding the members into it.  Updating excel spreadsheets from SSIS can be challenging if you have to deal with deleted members.
    Also if you have the potential of deleted members that might have associated facts, I have another post concerning that issue, but have not had time to try any of  the suggestions.
    Now, the end user is responsible for updating the member list without having access to BPC Admin tool, but someone with access to run datamanager packages would have to execute the datamanager package to process the dimension.

  • Dynamic Entity Member Lists using UD1 and UD2

    Hello fellow HFM gurus:
    I have created dynamic member lists to get all members of the entity dimension that have a UD1 or UD2 member as specified in the script.
    THe member lists all appear in HFM, but when I try to select them, I get a run-time error. I am trying to select them in the member selection of a data form (in the same drop down with the different system member lists for entiites, like hierarchy, descendants, etc.).
    I believe this is the standard syntax. Please let me know if something is wrong with it.
    ElseIf HS.Dimension = "Entity" Then
    If HS.MemberListID = 1 Then
    For i = Lbound(ELi) to Ubound(ELi)
    If HS.Entity.IsBase("",ELi(i)) = TRUE Then
    If (StrComp(Hs.Entity.UD1(ELi(i)),"DD",vbTextCompare)=0) Then
    Hs.AddEntityToList "",ELi(i)     
    End If
    End If     
    End if     
    Error in HFM:
    Invalid member selection. Error executing VBScript Microsoft VBScript runtime error, Line 475:Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'HS.Entity.List'.Error executing VBScript 0.Error Reference Number: {9A7697E2-75AE-4A06-9A34-B45D58022984};User Name: mark.d.smith@Native DirectoryNum: 0x80042fc2;Type: 1;DTime: 9/10/2012 5:51:16 PM;Svr: VMHODDLPHP4;File: CHsvScriptEngine.cpp;Line: 392;Ver:;Num: 0x80042fc2;Type: 0;DTime: 9/10/2012 5:51:16 PM;Svr: VMHODDLPHP4;File: CHsvDSMemberLists.cpp;Line: 2722;Ver:;Num: 0x80042fc2;Type: 0;DTime: 9/10/2012 5:51:16 PM;Svr: VMHODDLPHP4;File: CommonMetadataInternal.cpp;Line: 461;Ver:;Num: 0x80042fc2;Type: 0;DTime: 9/10/2012 5:51:16 PM;Svr: VMHODDLPHP4;File: CHsvEntities.cpp;Line: 338;Ver:;Num: 0x80042fc2;Type: 1;DTime: 9/10/2012 5:51:16 PM;Svr: VMHODDLPHP4;File: CCommonDimension.cpp;Line: 1015;Ver:;

    Hi Mark,
    Please check the double quotes after Entity.List. It should be "","".

  • Display Dynamic Member List Variable value in the Header

    In my HFR report im using a dynamic member list as DynList1(@POV) in the Entity Dimension; for HFM Application.
    For the Entity Parameter im using User Prompt for Entity.
    For the User Prompt im using a choice list of Four entity members. E1, E2,E3, E4.
    I have 4 member lists ML_E1,ML_E2, ML_E3, ML_E4 such that ML_E1 contains few of the descendants of E1.
    So wen i run the report i select E1 in the user prompt and the ML_E1 is used in the Report. This is working fine.
    Now, i want to display the MemberName and Description of E1 in the Header.
    Im not sure if it can be done. But wanted some confirmation from Hyperion Community on whther this can be done.If yes, please let me know how.

    I tried to recreate the problem like listed above, but after I add the Outputcollection of the Invoke as a parameter, there is no schema info (not even task:task) when editing the Assignment and Routing Policy section. At any rate, there weren't errors to speak of - the instance completed with "The state of this instance is Completed".
    In the meantime, I've used a while loop to loop through a sequence of approvers that are result of a query. I'll have to keep track of approvers and include them in each new payload I think.

  • Performance issue:Show id and Description for same dimension member

    I am connecting a cube to another reporting system and i need to show the id of member resulting of a query.My first thought was to use this kind of code (bellow) however when i do the same thing with many dimension (many cross join ),it slow down a lot
    my query.So how can i have in the same DImension member showing a description and id ? I also have a lot of statement,so i can't have just two columns in the dimension or i will need to duplication the mdx and i could drop down the performance.
    So i am trying to get as a result
    Dim1 | Dim2| Dim3| Measure
    1 50
    32 25.2
    and also be able to get
    Dim1                            |   Dim2                                  |  Dim3  
                                |                Measure
    NameElement1Dim1 NameElement50Dim2
    NameElement32Dim3 25.2
    Thanks in advance
    with MEMBER [Measures].[IdElement] as 
    } on columns,
    } on rows
    ) as list
    where ((ElementName is null AND IdElement=0) OR (ElementName is not null))
    but i have multiple 

    Hi Vincent,
    In your query, you use CrossJoin in it. Crossjoin function will cause the performance issue if there are a lot of properties that need to be displayed. If you cross-join medium-sized or large-sized sets (e.g., sets that contain more than 100 items each),
    you can end up with a result set that contains many thousands of items—enough to seriously impair performance. For the detail information, please see:
    In your MDX query, ensure only retrieval the required data. Here are some useful links for your reference.
    Configure memory setting:
    Performance Tuning:
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Retrieve current period in member list

    Dear all,
    Is there any function in member lists to retrieve the current period? Example:
    Month() = Returns current month
    Many thanks for your help,

    Hi Benoit
    I think you need get the actual year or month, here an example how to get them in member lists file definition.
    Sub EnumMemberLists()*
    'as = array of strings
    Dim asYear(1)
    Dim asPeriod(1)
    Select Case HS.Dimension
    Case "Year"
    asYear(1) = "Actual Year"
    HS.SetMemberLists asYear
    Case "Period"
    asPeriod(1) = "Actual Month"
    HS.SetMemberLists asPeriod
    End Select 'HS.Dimension
    End Sub 'EnumMemberLists
    Sub EnumMembersInList()*
    Select Case HS.Dimension
    Case "Year"
    Select Case HS.MemberListID
    Case 1 'Actual Year
    HS.AddMemberToList CStr( Year( Date ) )
    End Select 'HS.MemberListID Year
    Case "Period"
    iMonth = Month( Date )
    'the label for the period is needed
    If iMonth = 1 Then
    sMonth = "JAN"
    sMonth = "DEC"
    End If
    Select Case HS.MemberListID
    Case 1 'Mes Actual
    HS.AddMemberToList sMonth
    End Select 'HS.MemberListID Period
    End Select 'HS.Dimension
    End Sub 'EnumMembersInList

  • Dynamic member list

    Can some one give me a complete sample dynamic member list for reference?

    Sub EnumMemberLists()
        '|                                                                            |
        '|  This block of code defines which dimensions have lists and how many       |
        '|  lists per dimension have been created.                                    |
         Dim aEntityLists (2)
            Select Case HS.Dimension
              Case "Entity"
                   aEntityLists(1) = "US"
                   aEntityLists(2) = "NonUS"
                   HS.SetMemberLists aEntityLists
         End Select
    End Sub 'EnumMemberLists
    Sub EnumMembersInList()
        Select Case HS.Dimension
        '|                                                                            |
        '|  This block of code specifies the criteria for each of the entity lists.   |
        '|                                                                            |
        '|  They may be revised as needed. Note that these are dynamic lists.         |
                 Case "Entity"
                   Select Case HS.MemberListID
                        Case 1
                            US_list = HS.Entity.List("FlatOrg", "[Base]")
                                 For US_loop = LBound(US_list) To UBound(US_list)
                                  If HS.Entity.UD1(US_list(US_loop)) = "US" Then
                                            HS.AddEntityToList "", US_list(US_loop)
                                  End If
                        Case 2
                            NonUS_list = HS.Entity.List("FlatOrg", "[Base]")
                                 For NonUS_loop = LBound(NonUS_list) To UBound(NonUS_list)
                                  If HS.Entity.UD1(NonUS_list(NonUS_loop)) <> "US" Then
                                            HS.AddEntityToList "", NonUS_list(NonUS_loop)
                                  End If
                   End Select 'Entity List
            End Select 'Entity
    End Sub 'EnumMembersInList

  • Member Lists defined by user in Data Grids or Data Forms

    Hi guys,
    I'd like to know if it is possible to include in either a Data Form or a Data Grid a member list created by myself.
    If it's possible, could you please tell me the steps to do so? I tried using AddMember:MemberList but it did not work.

    We can see this option in the Member Attributes of Dimensions.
    Specifies the account name used for identifying differences in intercompany transactions. The PlugAcct
    attribute is required when the IsICP attribute for the account is selected.
    When we run an inter-company transaction the difference amount would be reflected in Plug Account.We need to write a rule to see that difference amount in the plug Account.

  • Unsorted member list @RELATIVE

    I am trying to copy data from one set of products to another for 2 entities. Entity1 uses Map1 products whilst Entity 2 uses Map2 My sample Product dimension structure is as follows:-
    |_ProdA (shared)
    |_ProdB (Shared)
    |_ProdC (Shared)
    |_ProdA (shared)
    |_ProdF (shared)
    |_ProdE (shared)
    The mapping is defined by the position of the shared products in Map1 and Map2 eg Prod A maps to ProdA, Prod B maps to Prod F etc
    I have used the MDSHIFT function but I cannot get an unsorted member list (@RELATIVE etc sorts the retrieved member list and also removes duplicates).
    Is there another way to copy data from Map1 to Map2?

    I suggest you not try to count on a process moving data only based on relative outline order. It would be more robust to name the items in a similar fashion and use some of the text functions to assist your business problem. You will probably also find that datacopy may not work well under certain design constraints when you are attacking this problem.
    Other thoughts from the forum?
    John A. Booth

  • Cannot access system member lists after deleting unused currencies

    I recently removed some unused currencies from the metadata file for an app.
    The currencies I removed were not set as the default currency for any entities, and there was no stored data in the application using those currencies. The currencies removed were also not referenced in the rules file or the member list file.
    The problem is that, after deleting the unused currencies, when I try to select either the "[Inputs]" or "[Totals]" system member lists for the Value dimension (within a grid), the system returns a "The parameter is incorrect" error message, and no list appears. The log from system messages is as follows :
    The parameter is incorrect.
    System Message Details
    +Error Reference Number: {AF171E03-945D-4616-802F-21E90DD45CFA};+
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 1;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: DSCommonMetadataTI.cpp;Line: 456;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: DSCommonMetadataTI.cpp;Line: 648;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: CHsvDsVti.cpp;Line: 446;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: CommonMetadataInternal.cpp;Line: 1623;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: CommonMetadata.cpp;Line: 3273;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 1;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:35;Svr: EUROPEMUK143;File: CCommonDimension.cpp;Line: 961;Ver:;
    All the other system member lists in the Value dimension work fine, and all other member lists in other dimensions are ok. I tried reloading a metadata file with the old currencies back in, but this did not resolve the issue. There are no special characters in any member names or descriptions.
    The app is on HFM v9.
    Any help would be much appreciated

    delete the file homedirectory/library/preferences/ and log out/in. this will reset your dock, spaces and exposé preferences to the defaults. set them up again.

  • Dimension member security

    could you please help me to configure a security system (BPC 10.0 Nw) like bellow requirement of my end user:
    Dimension : Product
    Property: Group:- A, B, C, D
    Now user want to update member of Dimension PRODUCT manually with web admin tab.
    Requirement is when user BPCUser1 login into the system so user can see only "Group A" products in the dimension and can delete or enter new product in the member list of PRODUCT Dimension.

    Thanks Vadim Kalinin
    I have opened a case with SAP for mater data on fly as system configuration status mismatched with How-to-Guide transport files.
    In that case SAP recommend only web admin interface to update master data and informed us that MASTER_DATA_ON_FLY is not  BPC standard function: Please find reply of SAP
    This master data on the fly is not BPC standard
    function, which is out of our capability and the support scope as per
    note 83020 and be noted that there may be potential risk. In addition, BPC Admin is the
    only standard way to maintain master data.

  • Creating Dynamic Member List

    I am trying to create a member list holding all the accounts that are indicated as IsICP Y. However when I select the list after loading it no members populate the data form I am creating. Please help. My script is as follows:
    Sub EnumMemberLists()
    Dim aAccountLists(1)
    If HS.Dimension = "Account" Then
         aAccountLists(1) = "ICPAccounts"
         HS.SetMemberLists aAccountLists
    End If
    End Sub
    IF HS.Dimension = "Account" Then
         If HS.MemberListID=1 Then
         For i=Lbound (ALi) to Unbound (ALi)
         If (StrComp(HS.Account.IsICP (ALi(i)),"Y",vbTextCompare)=0) Then
         HS.AddMembertoList ALi(i)
    End If
    End If
    End If

    I will test both out and see which works.
    I tried this too but it wasn't perfect...
    Sub EnumMemberLists()
    Dim aAccountLists(1)
    Select Case HS.Dimension
    Case "Account"
    HS.SetMemberLists aAccountLists
    End Select
    End Sub 'EnumMemberLists
    Sub EnumMembersInList()
    If HS.Dimension = "Account" Then
    If HS.MemberListID = 1 Then
                   BaseAcct = HS.Account.List("","[Base]")
                        For a = LBound(BaseAcct) to UBound(BaseAcct)
                             If HS.Account.IsICP(BaseAcct (a)) Then
                                  HS.AddMemberToList BaseAcct(a)
                             End If
              End If
         End If
    End Sub 'EnumMembersInList

  • Deleting comments for multiple dimension member selection

    Hi all,
    When using the package (using /CPMB/CLEAR) to delete data and comments (TASK(/CPMB/CLEAR_COMMENTS_FOR_CLEAR,ENABLETASK,1)), there seems to be a problem to delete comments when using a multiple member selection. When selecting <all> or a single dimension member for a given dimension, data and comments are effectively deleted. However, when selecting eg 2 members, the data is deleted, but the comments remain in the comment tables. Any ideas on how to solve this, without running the package x-times when comments on x members need to be deleted?
    Kind Regards,

    I don't know whether your question is answered or not . Please look into the following which may be helpful to you.
    As far as i know u can
    1. Delete Comments selecting " ALL" member selection.
    2. Delete comment selecting " SINGLE MEMBER "  --> _Multiple member selection is not supported in NW._
    Please look into the following SAP Note on this which may be useful to convince the client:
    1372497 - BPC7NW: Behavior of Clear Comments package

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