Packagemaker not truly replacing App bundle

I have a Packagemaker problem. It relates to the contents of the Frameworks folder.
I have an app, and it has a certain amount of files in the Frameworks folder in the bundle. I have a installer built with Packagemaker that is intended to update the app. There's nothing funny about it, it's just a common install script with no additions or anything.
Here's the problem: I was expecting that if the App exists (the App being a bundle like all Mac apps), PM just replaces it with the new one. It doesn't seem to though, it seems to replace every FILE that is the same but if there are any files within the App bundle that PM isn't updating, it just leaves them there and doesn't delete them. It's a merge really.
Of course, I sort of expect PM to DELETE the App bundle first and replace the whole thing. But it doesn't.
This causes problems for apps. I have a current case where an old App (not that old, it was built 2 days ago) has 47 files in the Frameworks folder. The updater also has 47 files to "put in" the Frameworks folder, but 13 of them are differently named. So that adds 13 files to the Frameworks folder.
In this case, my app now bombs, crashing on start up. You can tell by the crash log that it's choking on what it reads out of Frameworks. Upon inspection of the Frameworks folder, I see the 13 older files because they are dated as older. If I delete those files, the app starts up fine.
How do you get PM to truly REPLACE an App?

A pre-or-post-flight script?

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    at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks \projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
    at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.5.1\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
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    I have checked we are compiling all SWC's with 4.5.1 and it appears to be the case although we are using third party compiled SWC's for RobotLegs, Signals and some flash skins which I'm assuming wouldn't be an issue?
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        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294231234000" size="1531" optimizedsize="836">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294229901000" size="1206" optimizedsize="316">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="" mod="1306854026000" size="623" optimizedsize="370">
          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_TreeDisclosureClosed_699467254" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1308837418000" size="3337" optimizedsize="1844">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1292428848000" size="1187" optimizedsize="730">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <def id="MYAppPro" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="mx.binding:IBindingClient" />
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          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSStyleDeclaration" />
          <dep id="mx.core:DeferredInstanceFromFunction" />
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          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="MYAppPro__embed__font_MyriadPro_bold_normal_1315605509" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:IWatcherSetupUtil2" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSCondition" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:Binding" />
          <dep id="_MYAppPro_FlexInit" />
          <dep id="_MYAppPro_Styles" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
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          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.modules:IModuleInfo" />
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          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
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          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders:Reflector)" mod="1272837850000" size="2141" optimizedsize="1490">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders:Reflector" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:describeType" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
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          <def id="mx.resources:IResourceManager" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="flash.system:SecurityDomain" />
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          <dep id="mx.resources:IResourceBundle" />
          <dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor)" mod="1272837850000" size="577" optimizedsize="339">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="String" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="Number" />
          <dep id="Class" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
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          <dep id="Object" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Proxy" />
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          <pre id="" />
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          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
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          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
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          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="mx.managers:ISystemManager" />
          <dep id="flash.text.engine:FontDescription" />
          <dep id="flash.text:TextFormat" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.text:TextField" />
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          <dep id="mx.core:Singleton" />
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          <pre id="mx.resources:ResourceBundle" />
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        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/skins/PopupSkin.mxml" mod="1308837418000" size="4789" optimizedsize="3018">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="mx.core:IStateClient2" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="spark.components.supportClasses:Skin" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="spark.primitives:Rect" />
          <dep id="spark.layouts:VerticalLayout" />
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          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.states:State" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="spark.components:Group" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:SkinnableContainer" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
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          <def id="org.robotlegs.base:ContextEvent" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294750696000" size="723" optimizedsize="315">
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          <dep id="" />
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          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:MethodInjectionPoint" />
          <pre id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:InjectionPoint" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:InjectionConfig" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:InjectorError" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <dep id="Error" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="mx.core:UIComponent" />
          <pre id="" />
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          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="mx.binding:IBindingClient" />
          <pre id="spark.skins:SparkSkin" />
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          <dep id="" />
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          <pre id="org.robotlegs.core:IContext" />
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          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
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          <pre id="" />
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          <dep id="mx.rpc:Fault" />
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          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.modules:IModuleInfo)" mod="1306872055374" size="1626" optimizedsize="534">
          <def id="mx.modules:IModuleInfo" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="flash.system:SecurityDomain" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:ByteArray" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1308837418000" size="4145" optimizedsize="2113">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1297160952000" size="529" optimizedsize="271">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="" mod="1306854026000" size="641" optimizedsize="376">
          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_mx_skins_cursor_DragReject_207783805" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1295374588000" size="1105" optimizedsize="609">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="Date" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294221810000" size="1161" optimizedsize="734">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.robotlegs.base:MediatorBase)" mod="1269791984000" size="1944" optimizedsize="1038">
          <def id="org.robotlegs.base:MediatorBase" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.core:IMediator" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="Error" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1295255883000" size="1046" optimizedsize="531">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294410482000" size="498" optimizedsize="255">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/mediator/" mod="1309180556000" size="8603" optimizedsize="5066">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.mvcs:Mediator" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:Fault" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.core:FlexGlobals" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Timer" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObject" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1292231868000" size="1092" optimizedsize="605">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.robotlegs.base:ViewMap)" mod="1269791984000" size="2749" optimizedsize="1552">
          <def id="org.robotlegs.base:ViewMap" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.core:IViewMap" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.base:ViewMapBase" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IInjector" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObject" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Dictionary" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1295279651000" size="2655" optimizedsize="1547">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.managers:BrowserManager" />
          <dep id="mx.utils:URLUtil" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.managers:IBrowserManager" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:mx_internal)" mod="1306872039530" size="184" optimizedsize="109">
          <def id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="" mod="1306854026000" size="620" optimizedsize="369">
          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_CloseButtonDisabled_452580263" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:EmbeddedFont)" mod="1306872041265" size="1212" optimizedsize="625">
          <def id="mx.core:EmbeddedFont" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="mx.core:EmbeddedFontRegistry" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.c

  • Updating files inside App Bundle

    This is dealing with an app bundles in the normal desktop environment.
    I have a bundle I've created that has already been distributed. We've updated the code in the Jar file some and want to push this new Jar out to the existing bundles. There are user created files inside the existing bundles that should not be lost so simply creating a new bundle to replace the old isn't an option. Is there a recommended way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

    KenW2 wrote:
    Am I getting trolled by lazarus because I made a n00b mistake and he's a jerk, or did I deserve that helpful reply because I'm stoopid?
    Neither of the above, Ken. Consider it an honor to have successfully invoked that visit. Q Lazarus has a mission here that few or none of us understand. Yet I know his work is not done.
    If some context would help, refer to the list of aliases provided by KT, and try to appreciate the author's unique style. I don't think it's overstatement to say that some of these contributions have elevated rudeness and abuse into an art form. In time--I got over my first helpful reply(TM) in just two short weeks--you may recognize the work of an authentic American crank, possibly one of the last of his kind. If you haven't done so already, try to see Clint Eastwood's +Gran Torino+. This is how I often imagine my hero--though Walt Kowalski had a front lawn to protect, and I don't think I know anyone in San Franscicso who owns a front lawn.
    That said, I must tell you that the programmer channeling Walt is an expert in most of the topics which earn his comments. Would you rather see a surgeon with a pleasant, supportive bedside manner, or one who knows what he's doing? His advice is almost always good, and on the days he remembers his meds, you'll find solid answers to the most difficult questions in the forum.
    Welcome to the Dev. Forum, Ken! I hope you'll be back whenever you can use some help, and whenever you can help someone else here.
    \- Ray

  • My ipod touch will not sync any apps or music after resotre, pc is authorized , can't de autorize until this coming august?

    Need help:
    My ipod touch will not sync any apps or music after resotre, pc is authorized , can't de autorize until this coming august?

    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities

  • Creative Cloud installs and appears in my menu bar, but will not truly "open".

    I'm on OSX 10.9.3 . Creative Cloud downloads, installs, and appears in my menu bar, but will not truly "open". I only see the spinning symbol (the Adobe one, not the Apple beach ball). I never even get a chance to log in and download anything. I've tried on three different Macs with the same result. All three meet the system requirements for CC. Thanks in advance for any assistance!

    Sorry, it didn't work for me. I closed the application (it hung the first time I tried and I had to restart the Mac to get rid of the window), and deleted the recommended file. When I tried to re-open the app, I got this:
    I never got the opportunity to log in, either before or after the attempted fix.

  • Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'

    We are porting a fairly large body of Flex3 code developed under FlexBuilder 3 to Flex4 under FlashBuilder 4.  Most of the conversion appears to be working fine, with one exception.  When I launch the Flex4 version, all my data interchanges with the server works.  Just as it is about to show the UI, the following error occurs:
         Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'
    I am actually using a locale of fr_FR, but I assume it couldn't find that, reverted to en_US, failed again and then barfed.  If I look in
         ~Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.0.0\frameworks\locale\fr_FR
    I see a lot of swc files, and of course no 'components.swc'.  I believe the problem is that our Flex3 code is using mx components, and the compatibility mode is not properly handling it for some reason.  I think this is mostly from our in-house UI library.  The properties for that library (and for my main app I am testing now) have:
         - Use default SDK (currently "Flex 4.0")
         - Use Flex 3 compability mode
         - Use minimum version (Flash Player) required by the Flex SDK
         - Enable strict type checking
         - Enable warnings
    I also tried putting the compatibility flag in the mxmlc compile line, with no change in behavior.  This project is built by the following script:
    ruby scripts/concat_properties.rb -o ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_common/ ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_common/scout/ ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_fr/ ^
    mxmlc -locale=fr_FR -source-path=. ^
         -compatibility-version=3.0.0. ^
         -static-rsls=true ^
         -include-resource-bundles=resources ^
         -output src/main/resources/bundles/mypals/fr_fr_resources.swf
    copy src\main\resources\bundles\mypals\fr_fr_resources.swf ^
    What have I missed???

    You have two posts. I will try to answer each completely.  Second one first. You say I should change my build to include the framework resources.  I am afraid I am not sure which and what to do there.  We combine all our properties file into one large one, then use the following build line:
    mxmlc -locale=fr_FR,en_US -source-path=. ^
         -compatibility-version=3.0.0. ^
         -static-rsls=true ^
         -include-resource-bundles=resources ^
         -output src/main/resources/bundles/mypals/fr_fr_resources.swf
    I am assuming you are telling me to change the "-include-resource-bundles" line, but what to add?  The "sdks\4.0.0\frameworks\locale\en_US" holds 13 swf files.  I tried adding that entire folder (along with the fr_FR folder) to the project library path (in the project properties dialog), but that made no change.  I also tried reverting the library path tab back to "MX Only" instead of "MX + Spark", but again no change.
    For your first message, I did a search for 'spark' in the entire project.  It only existed on 3 lines, each at the start of css files:
        @namespace s "library://";
    I had put those in based on reading needed changes to naming in CSS.  Since I was not actually using any spark ('s') components yet, I removed these lines.  The entire project now does not have the word 'spark' anywhere in it. No change in behavior (as I expected).
    I did a search for "s:" throughout the project.  That does exist in probably 100 places, but all are legitimate. Things like (xmlns:mx="") or variable names ("var matches:Object").  No reference to any s: object.  (While on the topic, why does FlashBuilder still not have a "whole word" box to limit searches??).
    Note that when I first reported this problem, the compiler was set to ONLY support fr_FR.  In fighting this, I changed it to "en_US,fr_FR" hoping that would tell the compiler to load whatever en_US items it was looking for.  We really do not want any English support in this version. (We do have another SWF created with only support for en_US, and another for en_UK, etc.  Each language is a separate node on our server, so there is no need to mix & match at runtime)
    The console shows a lot of swf loads that I do not understand...
    The console output shows (my comments after ==> indicator)
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf - 2,229,992 bytes after decompression
                 ==> our locale is set here, after the above load and before the next line
    Look for name file at: ./data/fr_fr/names.csv
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf - 21,200 bytes after decompression
    Loaded 2278 names.       ==> indicates successful load of data retrieved from server
    Loaded 154 bad words     ==> our second data set has been retrieved and loaded
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 58,777 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 322,606 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\bundles\mypals\fr_fr_resources.swf - 595,025 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 202,168 bytes after decompression
        ==> not sure what this next warning means.  I'm guessing I will later have to research it and return to 'secure' comm with server, but I'm ignoring for now
    Warning: Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from  The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files.  See for details.
    Resource bundle loaded for locale fr_fr  ==> at this point, we appear to have our French assets loaded successfully
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 202,168 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 1,303,976 bytes after decompression
    [Unload SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf  ==> some runs see this, but others do not. I expect it is a timing issue of whether it is reached or not before the crash
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 794,898 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 194,635 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 261,589 bytes after decompression
    ==> everything looks fine up to here.  This is then when the third call to installCompiledResourceBundles occurs
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'.
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks \projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.0.0\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameListener()

  • Hi.. I want to be able to type quotes on my iPad like I did on my old computer using Microsoft word. What is the best replacement app on the iPad?

    Hi.. I want to be able to type quotes on my iPad like I did on my old computer using Microsoft word. What is the best replacement app on the iPad?

    Hit the ".?123" button. If the quotes character (over the right end of the space bar) is not to your liking, hold that button and several alternatives show up.

  • Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'SharedResources' for locale 'en_US'

    I'm trying to launch my flex app then i got this error:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'SharedResources' for locale 'en_US'.
    Does anyone know what the problem could be?
    Ps: I'm using flex4 under FlashBuilder 4.5

    There isn't new doc, because the workflow didn't change.  It works pretty
    much the same as Flex3.  There is no s:Module or s:ModuleLoader so you
    continue to use the mx versions as you did before.
    The styles mechanism did change so that each module has its own styles and
    now is sensitive to a common mistake in setting up modules projects.  Folks
    accidentally reference the module class directly from within the main
    application instead of using a shared interface.  Doing so actually links in
    the module and its dependencies into the main app, defeating the main point
    of modules, but in Flex 4, that configuration also throws errors.
    Another change in Flex 4 is that the main app must load singletons shared by
    modules.  That is the result of optimizing startup a bit by not linking in
    every manager you might possibly need.   This means that if your app doesn't
    use popups and your modules do, you must link the PopUpManager into the mai
    app by doing:
    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager; PopUpManager;
    It is also possible that there is a bug.  Simplify your scenario and file a
    bug or post the test case if the simple case also fails.  Maybe you've got
    some other configuration we didn't anticipate.

  • Finder doesn't pick up icon in app bundle

    Sometimes when I copy an app bundle from a dmg volume onto the Desktop or some other folder, the finder displays the icon incorrectly. It displays a "Missing Icon" icon. However if I rename the app bundle it displays the correct icon.
    It seems that the finder looks for the icon before it is actually copied and doesn't update it when it arrives. It happens for some applications but not for other applications. Why is that?
    See also

    Sometimes when I copy an app bundle from a dmg volume onto the Desktop or some other folder, the finder displays the icon incorrectly. It displays a "Missing Icon" icon. However if I rename the app bundle it displays the correct icon.
    It seems that the finder looks for the icon before it is actually copied and doesn't update it when it arrives. It happens for some applications but not for other applications. Why is that?
    See also

  • Could not load NIB in bundle

    I am trying to load a nib file from MainViewController but i get an exception which i mentioned below. I am not getting this exception regularly (1 out of fifty times). Check the exception below  
    Exception :
    Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle </private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/38ABE26C-F87E-49F1-9F29-E46E 7ACDBD54/> (loaded)' with name 'NetWorkError'
    the code i use to present this nib file is 
    NetWorkError *error=[[NetWorkError alloc]initWithNibName:@"NetWorkError" bundle:nil];
                            error.errorMessage=[details serverDownMessage];   // passing some message before presenting .
                            [self presentViewController:error animated:YES completion:nil];
    i am using an iPad running with iOS 7.
    People with similar issues where asked to check the nib name , check if the .xib is added to target, check if the .xib is added to copy bundle resource.But every thing is correct for me. what else might be the issue ??.

    Seems to be a bug in Xcode 6.3. I have this only happening when loading nibs on iPad. I tried unchecking 'Use Size Classes', recreating the nib and even using an empty nib. Seems Xcode 6.3 cannot instantiate ANY nib on iPad.
    UINib * testNib = [UINib nibWithNibName:@"..." bundle:[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"..."]];
    NSArray* testNibObjs = [testNib instantiateWithOwner:self options:nil];
    The UINib object gets created. But trying to unarchive it crashes at the second line. I think there is  a workaround Apple provided, but I cannot find it. Has anyone experienced this?

  • OK to remove apps bundled with Leopard?

    Despite having my Macbook for nearly a year (and owning an eMac before that) I am still a bit clueless as to what extent Leopard's pre-installed apps are integrated into the OS. Given that I don't use many of the default OS X apps, I'd prefer to remove some of these rather than have them cluttering up my hard-drive.
    However, I've noticed that some apps seem to perform other tasks and provide resources for other programs... and certainly some "alternatives" to the likes of Safari and iTunes rely on those being installed to work.
    Can anyone give me a rough idea of which programs I can remove (if any?), and which ones it's a good idea to keep even if I don't use them?

    The suite of apps bundled with your machine are fantastic. You never know when, somewhere down the line you will decide to use one of them. For example, you may not be a musician and would think Garageband is a waste of your time but somewhere down the line you may need to do some simple editing or even do some kind of recording/podcast.
    I deleted iMovie and iDVD on my iBook because it didn't have a DVD burner. This saved tons of space. Now that I have a large hard drive I keep both those apps, even though I only use them from time to time. They are the right tool for the job when I need to do a quick video and burn it on a DVD.
    iTunes and iPhoto help you organize your digital media. I don't just organize photos in iPhoto, I also use it to organize a vast quantity of clip art. Other iApps link directly to the iphoto library and allow you to search and paste in clip art without even opening iPhoto. If you have the iWork suite it takes full advantage of this integration.
    There is no need to keep Safari, although it is still my favorite browser. Apple has done a great job creating a web browser in minimalist fashion. Safari is simple, powerful and takes up little of your screen. It is also very easy to organize and search bookmarks and history. Safari's new find field is much better than other browsers I have used. You can find a word on a large web page in seconds and Safari highlights it for you so you can see it easily.
    Mail may not be robust enough for some but I love smart mailboxes and Mail's junk filter. Very few spam items see my inbox. Mail's integration with Address Book is excellent.
    iWeb allows you to make a web page in seconds and post it to the net. I have used it for a large website with many pages, photo pages, file sharing, etc. If you have a .Me account, publishing to the web is a simple click of a button.
    Some people's needs are simple or there are third party utilities that people like better. Personally, I spend about 80% of the time using iApps and 20% using some excellent third party apps.
    Give a list of the apps you have questions about and we will tell you what they are used for and if it is a good idea to get rid of them.

  • I can not open my app store application

    I can not update my app store app and it crashes every time I try.

    I am having the exact same problem.  MacForums has been helping me, and I called Apple.  After trying everyone's suggestions, and Apple's, no success.
    My App Store app still says "incomplete or damaged."  There is even a circle with a line through it on the icon.  Apple said reinstall my Snow Leopard upgrade disc (not my original Leopard disc) and then run the Combo Update (like your suggestion).  Did not work.  I also updated the software from "Software Update".  Rebooted.
    I think this started after I replaced my hard drive with a SSD and moved the hard drive to where the DVD was.  I wonder if the person above who had the same problem also installed a SSD?
    Anyway, anymore ideas?  Even Apple is stumped.
    (In answer to the other post above, my Quicktime works fine.)
    Message was edited by: mrivmriv
    Just did some more reading.  I was going by the icon in the dock.  When I checked in Finder, there it was, fixed and brand new!!  Thanks, anyway.
    Message was edited by: mrivmriv

  • I wanted to ask whether the camera for ipod touch comparable to a digital camera? if not are there apps available that can turn it into a digital camera? i want to buy an ipod touch and i like photography....what should i do?plz suggest

    i  wanted to ask whether the camera for ipod touch comparable to a digital camera? if not are there apps available that can turn it into a digital camera? i want to buy an ipod touch and i like photography....what should i do? plz suggest

    The iPod touch has a very rudimentary camera.  It has only a 0.6 MP resolution, no optical zoom, no flash, etc.   There is no app that can improve this as it is limited by the hardware. So it is not a replacement for a digital camera (nor even for an iPhone whose camera has a 5.0 MP resolution.

  • ITunes default computer - new iMac will not back up APP's from iPhone 3GS

    Hi all,
    I have had an iPhone 3gs since Feb and it sync'd to my Windows laptop fine, but this laptop died recently and I could not deathorise the computer before it did. I now have a brand new iMac and have installed iTunes, it will recognise my iPhone and Sync's calender and contacts but it will not sync my App's from my as it says my iPhone has another default computer, I can see them in iTunes but they are grey'd out. Before my laptop died I restored it to factory settings so even if I could get into it iTunes is not on there anymore - any help appreciated in helping me be able to sync my app's will be appreciated! Thanks, Matt

    Iphone will sync itunes content to one and only one computer. When you sync to another it will erase the current itunes content from the iphone and replace with content from the new computer.
    You can transfer itunes purchases from your iphone to your computer: Without syncing - File>Transfer Purchases

Maybe you are looking for