Page Custimizations , using JSTL functions - R2

We customize user pages by changing visibility of some fields according to some values. We do it by select page->Customize->view->source selecting the related field and typing the expression something like #{bindings.eventName.inputValue=='something'} here instead of operator I need to use contains. In jstl there exist function in the name contains, bu to use it I must include the namespace xmlns:fn="" , can I do that? Can I confgure user pages using those jstl functions? Any help is strongly appreciated..

We customize user pages by changing visibility of some fields according to some values. We do it by select page->Customize->view->source selecting the related field and typing the expression something like #{bindings.eventName.inputValue=='something'} here instead of operator I need to use contains. In jstl there exist function in the name contains, bu to use it I must include the namespace xmlns:fn="" , can I do that? Can I confgure user pages using those jstl functions? Any help is strongly appreciated..

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    Sorry, but you can't use tags as attributes to other tags (where would it end?)
    You're stuck with using <%= %> syntax.

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              Kiran :)

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              pal :)

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    Edited by: Rohith puchalapalli on Apr 9, 2013 3:39 PM

    You can use JSTL perfectly in ADF. I don't share the opinion of Oracle not recommends... there are a lot of official pages saying how to use JSTL in ADF.
    <af:outputText value="#{fn:length(yourList)}"/>Yannick is saying that you can't mix lifecycles. Take care using $ or # operators :).
    For example if you are using a JSTL c:forEach. Next code is going to crash:
    <c:forEach var="..." value="${list}">
       <af:outputText value="#{list.item}"/>
    </c:forEach>Because # is evaluated in prepareModel phase and $ while rendering.
    I hope this help you.

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    It is taking almost 20 to 25 seconds to load the entire page.
    Is it the optimal time to load or it could be improved?
    Please let me know.

    Hi Evnafets,
    Thank you for the response.
    Here are the tasks I am doing to display the data on JSP.
    0. We are running on Tomcat 5 and the memory size is 1024MB (1GB).
    1. Getting the data - I am not performing any database queries. The data is stored in the static cache memory. So the server side response is so quick - less than a milli second.
    2. Using Java beans to pass data to the presentation layer (JSP).
    3. 10 'if' conditions and 2 'for' loops and 2 'choose' statements are being used in the JSP page while displaying the data.
    4. Along with the above, there are 4 javascript files are being used.
    5. The jsp file size after rendering the data, is aprox. 160 kb
    Hope this information helps you to understand the problem.

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    How do I fix this error?
    PS. I tried to us jstl because I need to connet to database which jstl tag(sql) if somebody has another solution for connect database in task detail page, Please help suggest me.

    Is the jstl tag libray loaded in the appsserver?
    Can you use jdbc connection like
    DataSource ds = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/myDB");
    Connection con = ds.getConnection();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource) org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource()
    Connection con = ds.getConnection();

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    Thanks, - Dave

    I'm sorry, I don't understand your requirement. What do you mean by "remove HTML tags from a page attribute"?
    If you are dealing with a value of an attribute, it is most likely a String, and should be treated as such. The best approach would probably be java coding.

  • Using replaceAll() function with jstl

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    Thanks a lot of you people in advance.

    The JSTL function taglib has a fn:replace tag. In your case, replace each singlequote with an escaped singlequote.

  • Use jstl tags in jsf page

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                        <h:dataTable id="pnlHistory" value="#{UserOrdersBean.orderLineWrappers}" var="wrapper" rendered="#{UserOrdersBean.isBasicUser}"
                                     columnClasses="history_col1, history_col2, history_col3, history_col4, history_col5" width="100%" cellpadding="5" >
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:commandLink action="doRefresh" actionListener="#{UserOrdersBean.doSort}">
                                        <h:outputText value="#{msg.userorders_itemName}">
                                            <f:param value="orderLineWrappers"/>
                                            <f:param value="itemName"/>
                                <h:outputText value="#{wrapper.itemName}" styleClass="itemdescription"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:commandLink action="doRefresh" actionListener="#{UserOrdersBean.doSort}">
                                        <h:outputText value="#{msg.userorders_data}">
                                            <f:param value="orderLineWrappers"/>
                                            <f:param value="data"/>
                                    <c_rt:when test="#{wrapper.type==0}">
                                        <h:outputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin"/>
                                    <c_rt:when test="#{wrapper.type==1}">
                                        <h:inputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin" style="width:160px"/>
                                    <c_rt:when test="#{wrapper.type==2}">
                                        <h:outputLink value="#{}">
                                            <h:outputText value="#{msg.userorders_link}" styleClass="basic_thin"/>
                         </h:dataTable>trying to use jstl tags but unsuccessfull. Is it ever possible user jstl tags in jsf tags like listed above

    Replace the c:choose block by<h:outputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin" rendered="#{wrapper.type == 0}" />
    <h:inputText value="#{}" styleClass="basic_thin" style="width:160px" rendered="#{wrapper.type == 1}" />
    <h:outputLink value="#{}" rendered="#{wrapper.type == 2}">
        <h:outputText value="#{msg.userorders_link}" styleClass="basic_thin"/>

  • JSTL Function Causing JDev Designer to Hide Field

    I added a JSTL function to an OutputText field in an ADF Web application. The function itself works at run-time; however, in the JDev Designer, the Designer does not display the field.
    What I did was this:
    1. Added the namespace prefix to the page fragment:
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    2. Added the function to an af:outputText. To keep this post simple, in the below example i just used 'MMM' as the fn:toLowerCase() param value:
    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{viewcontrollerBundle.LOGGER_PROTOTYPE_2}" id="plam4"
    rendered="#{bindings.Type1.inputValue !=2 and bindings.MessageLevelId.inputValue != 0}">
    <af:outputText value="#{fn:toLowerCase('MMM')}" id="ot4"
    inlineStyle="font-family:'Courier New', Courier, monospace;"/>
    At runtime 'MMM' is correctly displayed as 'mmm'. However, the field is not visible in the JDev Designer - which will make this confusing to maintain. Is there something I am doing wrong, or am i missing a step?
    Versions: JDeveloper, Linux. JSTL functions library is for v. 1.2.
    Thanks for your help.

    There is no JDev version (at least officially).
    Anyway, can you check what you see if you add some static text in front of the EL.
    I guess jdev tries to calculate the value, fails and you end up getting nothing (or in case of an outputText with no text which means nothing).

  • Tricky table formatting using jstl

    I have an array List of elements of size for example50. I need to retrieve the elements as shown above and print them as a two dimensional table as below:
    The steps involved as below:
    1. I need to check the size of array say Z
    2. Divide it by 10 (ceil Z/10) and find the number of columns needed
    3. Print the elemnts from the ${List} as follows:
    1stelement   11thelement    21stelement   31stelement    41stelement
    2ndelement   12thelement   22ndelement   32ndelement   42ndelement
    10thelement   20thelement   30thelement    40thelement    50thelement I tried few methods and I feel it as bit trick for me as a beginner. I would appreciate very much if someone could help me! Thanks.

    So the requirement is to split the list into 10 rows, and as many columns as are required?
    Here is some basic code:
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri=""%>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
      int numToDo = 50;
      List listOfNumbers= new ArrayList();
      for(int i=0; i<numToDo; i++){
      pageContext.setAttribute("List", listOfNumbers);
      int numCols = (int)Math.ceil(listOfNumbers.size() / 10.0);
      pageContext.setAttribute("numCols", new Integer(numCols));
           <c:forEach var="entry" items="${List}" varStatus="status">     
               <c:if test="${status.index % numCols== 0}">
             <c:if test="${status.index % numCols== (numAppsPerLine-1)}">
    </html>The issue is how to calculate how many columns correctly.
    JSTL/EL doesn't have rounding math operators available, so I did that bit in scriptlet code for a quick/dirty approach.
    Apart from that calculation, it is all standard JSTL/EL.
    Basically it just keeps track of the index (using the varStatus variable) and starts/ends a table row as necessary.

  • Trouble with JSTL functions uri

    I have JSTL 1.1 installed, am using J2EE 1.3 on Websphere 5.0 and am referencing 2.3 DTD in my web.xml. I have the jstl.jar, standard.jar, jdbc2_0-stdext.jar, xalan.jar and xercesImpl.jar in WEB-INF/lib
    I can successfully use the core JSTL functions with
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> but have not been able to get the functions URI to work.
    I have tried the two listed below
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
    but get the error:
    [Servlet Error]-[File "" not found]: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: File "" not found
    Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong or if I am trying to use something that I shouldn't with my setup. I have only started using JSTL this week and have a lot left to learn.

    I want to use JSTL 1.1 tags if possible. Not possible given your environment.
    Its on the header of the taglibs site:
    Standard-1.1 (JSTL 1.1) requires a JSP container that supports the Java Servlet 2.4 and JavaServer Pages 2.0 specifications. (
    Websphere 5.0 supports only Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2. Thus you can only use JSTL1.0 with it. JSTL 1.0 does not define these functions.
    Sorry, but thats the way things are.

  • I can't use JSTL tag for read rss.

    I want to read rss from another web. but I can't read rss . I use Netbeans and I add JSTL Library already. I can use forEach tag but every time when I use xml tag it show error. This is my code for read rss. I don't know how to read rss with JSTL tag please help me.
    <h6><!-- Filename: ShowStudents.jsp -->
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="x"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <c:import var="xmlDoc" url=""/>
    <x:parse var="parsedDocument" xml="${xmlDoc}"/>
    <th>Title : </th>
    <th>Link : </th>
    <x:forEach select="$parsedDocument/channel/item"> // This code I ever been change to $parsedDocument/rss/channel/ and $parsedDocument/rss/channel/title ,but it show same error.
    <td> <x:out select="title" /> </td>
    <td> <x:out select="link" /> </td>
    when I run this code it show error like this. how to read rss with JSTL tag please help me.
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.
    root cause
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog.
    Edited by: user12864851 on 15 ม.ค. 2554, 22:59 น.

    Ok, I did a bit more experimenting, and web searching, and found you are the victim of the UTF-8 BOM bug.
    Basically the java UTF-8 reader does not recognise a BOM at the start of a UTF-8 stream, and it has to be discarded manually.
    For details:
    Here is a 'fixed' JSP for you.
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="x"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="fn"%>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>
         <c:import var="xmlDoc"
              charEncoding="UTF8" />
            JSTL hack to work around the UTF-8 BOM bug in JDK.
         <c:set var="testChar" value="fn:substring(xmlDoc, 0, 1)}"/>
         <c:if test="${testChar != '<'}">
           <c:set var="xmlDoc" value="${fn:substring(xmlDoc, 1, fn:length(xmlDoc))}" />
                   <th>Title :</th>
                   <th>Link :</th>
              <x:parse var="parsedDocument" doc="${xmlDoc}" />
              <x:forEach select="$parsedDocument/rss/channel/item">
                        <td><x:out select="title" /></td>
                        <td><x:out select="link" /></td>

  • Hw can i get arabic support in oracleAS using jstl: showing '?????' symbols

    Hello All,
    I am using OracleAS for portal deployment and portlets UI constructed by using jstl.
    i have used spring portlet jstl for the jsp pages.
    when i am trying to change the language, it is showing '?????' symbols.
    I have used correct unicode. i tested in pluto portal server. when i deployed in oracleAS,
    for english not a problem. for arabic it is showing as '????'.
    i have used this code to get arabic in pluto. same code i used. i am getting error.
    <c:set target="${pageContext.response}" property="characterEncoding" value="UTF-8" />
    <fmt:setLocale value="ar" />
    <fmt:requestEncoding value="UTF-8" />
    i know it is not setting charector encoding.
    i tried some other too like:
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
    No improvement. please help me out of this.
    how can i get arabic support in oracle AS by using jstl?

    Only Apple Account Security could help at this point. You can try calling Apple Support in Canada - you'll have to find one of the several ways, such as Skype, to call an 800 number from outside of the relevant country - and ask for Account Security and see if they can help. Or you can find a friend who speaks Chinese and ask them to help you talk to Apple Support in China. There are really no other options that I know of.
    Note, by the way, that these are user-to-user support forums. You aren't speaking with Apple when you post here.

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    If yes...How
    Thanks in Adv

    Yes ! You Can!
    while creating the dashboard prompt, under "Show" pick SQL results and you write the SQL statement and include the EVALUATE function.
    I have several such examples. Most of of dashboard pages are parameter driven.
    1. 1st paratmeter - users specify the dates
    2. 2nd parameter - constrains the results for the period specified in 1st paramter and my SQL for 2nd paramter looks like this -
    SELECT table1.column1
    FROM table, datedim1, table1,table2
    WHERE BETWEEN EVALUATE( 'TO_DATE(%1,%2)','@{presentation variable1}','dd/mm/yyyy') AND EVALUATE('TO_DATE(%1,%2)', '@{presentation variable 2}','dd/mm/yyyy')

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