Pages size limitation

I'm wondering what Pages file size limitation might be. I put together an 83 page document that occupied around 750 MB of disk space when saved, and the next morning when I went to open it, the last 20 pages were trashed. It caused Pages to crash a couple times on launch before I got it to stay open, and I was unable to replace/repair the damage in the file. Anybody else suffered anything like this? Or have I run into a real limitation here?

My G5 has 4 Gb of RAM and plenty of empty space on the boot drive.
Interestingly, when I've tried to reload the images on the blown pages, Pages has reported the image files as corrupted/unopenable even though they open just fine in both PhotoShop CS2 and InDesign. For lack of time, I rebuilt the entire project, all 134 pages, each with a 5x7 300 ppi photo on it, using the very same image files, and had no trouble with it at all.
For what it is worth, I repair permissions regularly, and carefully keep up to date with all updates/patches.
Activity Monitor showed RAM filling upcompletely when I tried to open the file, with free memory down to about 40 Mb when Pages crashed while trying to open the damaged file. I did manage to open the damaged file when it first started misbehaving, and truncated it by chopping off the damaged 20 pages.
This truncated file opens fine, but it also fills memory to about 40 Mb free, before the document opens and memory use frees up over 2 Gb.

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    How do i cahnage it?
    Best Regards,
    Ayelet Regev
    [email protected]

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         env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldaps://");
         env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "EXTERNAL");
         env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
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  • PDF Printer Page Size Limitation

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    PDF Page Size in Adobe PDF printer is small causing pages to be split.
    Press OK to convert without preserving transparency, bookmarks & links.
    Press Cancel to choose a bigger sheet (at least 17.00 by 11.00 inches)
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    the Change Conversion Settings, in the Adobe PDF tab in Publisher
    Conversion Settings: (Created custom setting with default page size)
    Printers & Faxes in Control Panel
    Adobe PDF Printer
    Printing Preferences
    Changed default settings & page size
    I even changed the output paper 11x17
    Yet, it never fails to try to convert everything into letter size. It seems as though it won't do anything over Letter size.
    I have Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard & running Windows XP.

    WOW! I was amazed to see that within minutes of posting my initial thread, I tried something that works.
    Apparently, the only way is will actually convert is if you select the regular Print option in the File tab. Then, change the Printer to Adobe PDF & the Paper Size to 11x17. It also worked for 36"x48" becuase I created a custom size named "Poster", so I changed the paper size to Poster & it worked!
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    APEX 4.2
    I have an application that uses theme 2. On one page I have several regions that display updateable items populated with SQL.  One particular region shows a tabular report that contains a combination of updateable and non-updateable items.  This region will show no more than 15 rows.  In one case I know that 22 rows should show.  The pagination links do nothing.  That is, nothing happens when I click the NEXT link or select the next X of Y from a list.
    I saw on a not-too-related posting that suggested that a theme for an application can restrict page size.  Is this true?
    I've spent two days on this problem, and I have gotten nowhere.
    Can anyone suggest what else I should look for?

    Thanks for the response.
    I have tried what you have suggested several times, and nothing worked.
    I am now seeing an error in the Firefox error console:
    Error: TypeError: tabular.gChangedItems is undefined
    Source File: http://localhost:8080/i/libraries/apex/minified/widget.tabular.min.js?v=
    When I click on the Source File link (above) I see:
    apex.widget.tabular={},function(tabular,report,$,undefined){function _highlightCheckedRow(a,b,c){b.checked?(report.gStyleChecked[a]&&$(b,apex.gPageContext$).closest("tr").children("td").css("background-color",report.gStyleChecked[a]),report.gRowActive[a][c]="Y"):(report.gStyleChecked[a]&&$(b,apex.gPageContext$).closest("tr").children("td").css("background-color",""),report.gRowActive[a][c]="N",$("#check-all-rows",apex.gPageContext$).prop("checked",!1))}function _setModified(a){var b=!1,c=$x_FormItems($x("report_"+a)),d=c.length,e=tabular.gChangedItems.length;for(var f=0;f<d;f++)tabular.gTabFormData[f]!==c[f].value&&c[f].name!=="X01"&&($x_Class(c[f],"apex-tabular-highlight"),b=!0);for(var g=0;g<e;g++)$x_Class(tabular.gChangedItems[g],"apex-tabular-highlight"),b=!0;return b}tabular.gNewRowDatePicker="",tabular.init=function(a,b){var c,d,e;c=$.extend({beforeRow:null,afterRow:null},b),tabular.gTabFormData=[],tabular.gErrItems=b.errorItems,tabular.gChangedItems=[],tabular.gNewRows=0,tabular.gTabFormRegionID=a,tabular.gTabFormReportID="report_"+a,tabular.gTabForm=$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).parent(),tabular.gTabFormDefaultBG=$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).children("td").css("background-color"),tabular.gTabFormInitRow=b.beforeRow+$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).html()+b.afterRow,b.initialPageLoad&&(tabular.gInternalRegionId=b.internalRegionId,tabular.gUnsavedMsg=b.unsavedMsg,tabular.gAjaxEnabled=b.ajaxEnabled,$(apex.gPageContext$).on("apexbeforepagesubmit",function(){$("input[name$=NOSUBMIT]",$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$)[0]).each(function(){$x_disableItem(this,!0)}),$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).remove()})),$("#init_row_"+a,apex.gPageContext$).remove(),d=$x_FormItems($x(tabular.gTabFormReportID)),e=d.length;for(var f=0;f<e;f++)$(d[f]).attr("autocomplete","off"),d[f].name!=="X01"?tabular.gTabFormData[f]=d[f].value:tabular.gTabFormData[f]="0";$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$).on("click","input.row-selector",function(){_highlightCheckedRow(tabular.gInternalRegionId,this,$(".row-selector",apex.gPageContext$).index(this))})},tabular.checkAll=function(a){$("input[name=f01]",$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$)).each(function(b){$(this).prop("checked",a.checked),_highlightCheckedRow(tabular.gInternalRegionId,this,b)})},tabular.pad=function(a,b){var c=""+a;while(c.length<b)c="0"+c;return c},tabular.paginate=function(a,b){function c(){tabular.gAjaxEnabled?report.paginate(tabular.gInternalRegionId,b):apex.navigation.redirect(b)}_setModified(a)?confirm(tabular.gUnsavedMsg)&&c():c()},tabular.sort=function(a,b){function c(){tabular.gAjaxEnabled?report.sort(tabular.gInternalRegionId,b):apex.navigation.redirect(b)}_setModified(a)?confirm(tabular.gUnsavedMsg)&&c():c()},tabular.addRow=function(pNewRowVals,pNewRowMap,pDispTypeMap){var lItem,lNewRowIndex,lItemsIterator,lNewRowIdentifier,lItems=$x_FormItems($x(tabular.gTabFormReportID)),lItemsCount=lItems.length,lNewRow=tabular.gTabFormInitRow,lNewRowDatePicker=tabular.gNewRowDatePicker,lErrorItemsCount=tabular.gErrItems.length;tabular.gNewRows=tabular.gNewRows+1;for(lItemsIterator=0;lItemsIterator<lItemsCount;lItemsIterator++)tabular.gTabFormData[lItemsIterator]!==lItems[lItemsIterator].value&&lItems[lItemsIterator].name!=="X01"&&tabular.gChangedItems.push(lItems[lItemsIterator]);lNewRow=lNewRow.replace(/_0000/g,"_"+tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4)),lNewRow=lNewRow.replace("p_element_index=\" + escape ('0')","p_element_index=\" + escape ('"+(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows)+"')"),lNewRow=lNewRow.replace(/\$_row/g,tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows),$(tabular.gTabForm).append(lNewRow),$("#"+tabular.gTabFormRegionID,apex.gPageContext$).contents().find(".nodatafound").hide(),lNewRowDatePicker.length>0&&(lNewRowDatePicker=lNewRowDatePicker.replace(/_0000/g,"_"+tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4)),eval(lNewRowDatePicker)),lNewRowIndex=tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4),$(":input[id^=f][id$=_"+lNewRowIndex+"]",apex.gPageContext$).change(function(){$("#fcud_"+lNewRowIndex,apex.gPageContext$).val("C")});for(var lErrorItemIterator=0;lErrorItemIterator<lErrorItemsCount;lErrorItemIterator++)tabular.gErrItems[lErrorItemIterator].length>0&&$("#"+tabular.gErrItems[lErrorItemIterator],apex.gPageContext$).addClass("apex-tabular-form-error");if(pNewRowMap)for(var i=0;i<pNewRowMap.length;i++)lNewRowIdentifier=tabular.pad(tabular.gNumRows+tabular.gNewRows,4),$("#fcud_"+lNewRowIndex,apex.gPageContext$).val("C"),$("#"+pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier,apex.gPageContext$).val(pNewRowVals[i][tabular.gNewRows-1]),pDispTypeMap[i].indexOf("RADIO")>=0&&$("[name="+pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier+"_NOSUBMIT"+"]",apex.gPageContext$).each(function(){$(this).val()===pNewRowVals[i][tabular.gNewRows-1]&&$(this).prop("checked",!0)}),pDispTypeMap[i].indexOf("SIMPLE_CHECKBOX")>=0&&$("#"+pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier+"_01",apex.gPageContext$).each(function(){lItem=$x(pNewRowMap[i]+"_"+lNewRowIdentifier+"_01"),lItem.value===pNewRowVals[i][tabular.tabular.gNewRows-1]&&$(this).prop("checked",!0)});lItems=$x_FormItems($x(tabular.gTabFormReportID)),lItemsCount=lItems.length;for(lItemsIterator=0;lItemsIterator<lItemsCount;lItemsIterator++)lItems[lItemsIterator].name!=="X01"?tabular.gTabFormData[lItemsIterator]=lItems[lItemsIterator].value:tabular.gTabFormData[lItemsIterator]="0"}}(apex.widget.tabular,,apex.jQuery),;
    I searched Google for TypeError: tabular.gChangedItems is undefined but received no hit.
    Can anyone suggest what to do next?

  • Does 'Export Relative to Page Size' NOT work in Kindle books & some other ereaders?

    Hi I've been looking at this issue that has made the wheels in my head work overtime! I've made a book with pictures for the Kindle store and all the images look too small.
    I've used Indesign 5.5 on a Win 7 PC.  My file has multiple graphic images and I am exporting it as an epub. When exporting from Indesign you have 2 main options when exporting graphics. You can display them Relative to page size, or have them a Fixed pixel size. In age of multiple size device screens Relative to page size is the logical option because it should be able to make images on a page fill roughly the same percentage of the screen size whatever device you read it on. However I am finding that it doesn't function with all programmes.
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    Any help, thoughts, ideas, knowledge would be appreciated!

    InDesign doesn't have an export to Kindle function. It is not designed to export in the Kindle MOBI format.
    There are many things which are lost when converting from EPUB to MOBI files. I'd recommend doing some reading on Elizabeth Castro's blog where she talks about some of these limitations. Also read her book "EPUB Straight to the Point for her section on converting to Kindle.
    Formatting ebooks - EPUB Straight to the Point
    Another good place to ask is in the Mobile Read forums where many long-term eBook experts reside:

  • How to Get Around the Memo Size Limitations in CR ?

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    Database has Memo Fields up to 164000 characters in length. Viewer show fine, but with the reports that have been designed to print this information, only seeing part of the Memo field.
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    Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on a work-around ? 
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    Please offer any and every suggestion,
    Thanks to all  ! !
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Oct 21, 2010 1:31 PM

    yes sir,
    already did but i didn't receive any answers. . .   Memo Field Size Limitations with Crystal Reports 2008 ?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Is there a file size limitation to using this service?

    I am working on a large PDF file (26 mb) and I need to re-size the original and mess with the margins. I don't beleive there is an easy way to do this in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Pro. It sounds like I have to convert the file back to a Word document, do the adjustments there and then produce a new PDF. I have two questions:
    Is there a file size limitation to using this service?
    Will a PDF to Word doc. conversion mantain the format of the orginal PDF?

    Good day Tim,
    There is a 100MB file size limitation for submitting files to the ExportPDF service.  As for the quality of the conversion, from our FAQ entitled Will Adobe ExportPDF convert both text and formatting information?:
    Adobe ExportPDF is capable of exporting high quality information, but the quality of your Word or Excel document depends on the quality of the PDF file you start with. For instance, if your PDF file was originally authored in Microsoft Word or Excel and converted to PDF using the PDFMaker functionality of Adobe Acrobat®, your PDF file contains a rich set of information that can be captured by Adobe ExportPDF. This includes relative positioning of tables, images, and even multi-column text, as well as page, paragraph, and font attributes.
    If your PDF file was originally authored using simpler PDF generation methods, such as “print to PDF” or “scan to PDF” options, Adobe ExportPDF will convert any recognizable text and then use sophisticated conversion intelligence to preserve as much of the page layout as possible.
    Please let us know if you have any other questions!
    Kind regards,

  • Custom page size in PSE 9 photobooks?

    Does anyone know a way that allows one to create a photo book with a freely selected page size, such as 20 x 25 cm in PSE 9? The size options that present themselves when creating a book are quite limited, so I'm wondering whether there is a way to do this?
    Best wishes

    You should get the FM updates. There have been 3 patches released since the 9.0p196 version. Install them in order.
    Before creating PDFs, make certain that your default printer is set to the AdobePDF printer instance. The SetPrint utility from Sundorne helps ensure that this is always the case for FM, see
    In the Save As PDF dialogue, set the "Page Size" for the output on the Settings tab, as shown here:
    Set your PDF joboptions for the appropriate press requirements.
    Set your registration if required.
    Make sure the "Convert CMYK Colors to RGB" is set (the PDF CMYK generation is still buggy).
    Hit the "Set" button and you should get the correctly sized output.
    When you were creating the ouptut via the printer route, if you had set the "Generate Acrobat Data" option, then FM sets the document so that it is always cropped to the FM page size, rather than the printer specified output sheet size, in the final PDF. Omit setting this option and it should work via this route as well.

  • Page size

    I am trying to convert a file in word file in A4 format to PDF with
    I noticed that the resulting PDF file is produced in Legal page size.
    Is there a way to change the PDF page size to A4?
    Thanks all for your help, Simon

    H Michelle
    Had a phone call from a friend only today on that issue. He created a PageMaker document in A5 and it prints via Acrobat 7 (Distiller) to the default A4. Having used Acrobat since vers 2 I am familiar with Distiller Joboptions and sent him one for A5. Using InDesign this is not an issue since ID can pass the document size to Distiller.
    It is an issue with Word 2007 where the Acrobat plugin prints to the default A4 regardless of the document size, unless the default Distiller joboption is changed. Ironically, given the attitude ot MS to PDF over the years, I was surprised to find that the MS Save-to-pdf extensions does in fact honour the Word document page size.
    I presume the conversion to PDF doesn't use the normal Distiller (a server-based converter?) but for non-US folk this behaviour reminds us oldies of the frustrating time when much software was limited to US Letter output. I was surprised that the output Simon reported  was Legal rather than US Letter. Re-frying the PDF could fix the page size but in the process I doubt the original margins would be preserved. Printing US Letter PDFs to A4 and the converse usually requires the printer dialog setting Fit to printable margins and this will affect scaling and aspect ratios a little.
    Hence I'm glad you will look at the problem  though I don't personally need the PDF conversion facility.
    Regards, Merv

  • How to change/crop to larger page size?

    I have the following script to loop through each page in a document, check if each page is A4 Portrait size, and if it is, change it to US Letter paper size:
    //Change Portrait A4 Page Size to US Letter Size
    //Values are in points and there are 72 points per inch
    //Check if page is Portrait A4 size (if Yes, then crop to US Letter otherwise ignore)
    for (var i=0; i<this.numPages;i++){
    var rCrop = this.getPageBox("Crop",i);
    if (this.getPageBox("Crop",i)[1]<842 && getPageBox("Crop",i)[1]>841 && getPageBox("Crop",i)[2]<596 &&
    rCrop[0] -= 8.28; // Adjust Left Side
    rCrop[1] -= 24.84; // Adjust Top Side
    rCrop[2] += 8.28; // Adjust Right Side
    rCrop[3] += 24.84; // Adjust Bottom Side
    The script crops the top and bottom of each page correctly, but only expands the width of the left and right sides on the first page. After doing some experiments it seems the script will crop pages to a smaller size but struggles to expand pages to a larger size (in converting from A4 to US Letter I need to crop top and bottom to smaller size, but expand left and right sides to larger size). I tried changing "Crop" to "Media" but this didn't help.
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks. HJ

    The page size options are limited, but are in the crop tool. If there are no tags or other markup, you can also print to a new PDF and adjust the size in the printer interface -- sometimes the simplest method, but not normally recommended. The rotation can be done in the document menu and then saved. The rotation that is typically on the toolbar are only for the current view and does not save with the PDF. Many of these you can use a batch process to resolve (in AA8 that is under the Advanced>Document Processing). The better method is to setup your Adobe PDF printer to create the correct page size and orientation in the future. You can setup to typically expand to fit, select a paper size, and have the settings set to auto-rotate. The later is based on the text that is found on the page. The margin elimination is also part of the crop tool. Hopefully this at least gives you some things to look at. Unfortunately, the tools get moved around with every version, so you may have to search for the tools.

  • Saving Adobe PDF Page Size without Admin Rights?

    Ok to get started, to define the limits of my environment for replication:
    I'm using Windows XP SP3 and have tried Adobe Acrobat 8, 9, and X, my computer is on a network at work, and my user rights are limited.
    Open Printing Preferences, Click Add...
    The "Add Custom Paper Size" window appears, give a new name and define sizes of the paper.
    Lets say I'm printing to a large format say 36" Tall by 108" Long (3ft x 9ft)
    Click Add/Modify, the window goes away, focus again on Adobe PDF Printing Preferences. Click the drop down box for Adobe PDF Page Size:
    The page size I just added to the list is not there!
    The solution to the this problem is to have Administrative Rights to your machine in order to add custom paper sizes.
    Note to Adobe Acrobat Programmers/Designers: please redevelop this feature to allow users to add paper sizes without Power User or Admin Rights. In a secure network these rights are not easily given out to every Dick and Jane that uses your software.

    Interesting post, and for once, something one should be able
    to work with.
    I have a similar problem:
    We're using a software distribution tool to install
    msi-packages via rpc. Trying to distribute the latest flashplayer
    works fine, but the users can't open flash-files, whether with
    firefox nor internetexplorer tried 6 and 7 with latest patches.
    I've found two possible ways to install a flashplayer plugin,
    but both require manual input, which is just not possible for
    >100 Clients. just to mention: clean registry and then install
    with admin rights or just run the installer with admin rights from
    the local machine.
    Another problem is, that our company security policy
    prohibits from using admin-rights for most installations.
    is there any workaround?
    Matthias Hilpert
    ps: /sticky or at least a FAQ :-)

  • Custom page size results in blank page

    I have a networked HP Color Laserjet 2605dn printer and have some 7.25"x5.25" envelopes that I need to print addresses on. So, I created a FileMaker database and went to print them with a custom page size I created and only get blank pages. If I change the page size to US Letter, it's OK, but obviously, the text appears in the wrong place. I used a different application Intaglio to see if it's a FileMaker issue or Mac OS issue and the problem occurs with Intaglio, also.
    Just to be sure, I have re-installed the most recent HP driver ( and there's still no difference. I do have the proper driver selected. The Generic Postscript driver does not appear to allow custom page sizes. I'm led to believe the HP driver may simply not support custom page sizes. Looks like I might have to use a Windows system to print these???? What a shame.

    You may find that this a printer limitation rather than a driver issue. Is the envelope size you are using a supported size by the printer? If not, the envelope could be printing blank because the X-Y coordinates for the start of the text are based on a different size to the one you are loading into the printer. This would cause the text to print to a section that the envelope doesn't cover.
    Some printers make you select a free-size setting for non-supported sizes and then rely on the driver to write the text onto the correct spot. Do you have such an option.

  • Paper source by page size not doing the trick

    We are using Acrobat X on Windows 7.
    Are there printing presets that allow for 8.5x11 to print as is, but limits larger pages to 11x17?
    We have to deliver large PDFs to a commercial printer (so we'd like to save presets to file) for them to print a "book" for us.  The pages we have compiled are of various sizes:  8.5 x 11, 11 x 17, 23 x 24, etc.
    Our printer has 8.5 x 11 and 11 x 17 paper only, and so we'd like to limit the largest pages in our PDF to 11 x 17.  When we use Paper source by page size preset, the 23 x 24's throw an error -- they want A4 paper.
    We don't want to scale the 8.x5 x 11's up to 11 x 17.
    Is there a solution?

    Hi Andrew,
    Apple made some pretty significant changes to the way that printers function when they released 10.6.
    The setting you're looking for is completely controlled by the OS.
    Choose Apple > System Preferences > Print & Fax.
    Click on your printer and use the drop-down menu to change the default page size for your printer.

  • How to change a pdf's page size, margins and page orientation? Are there available tools to do this?

    We are converting Lotus Notes documents to PDF by exporting (printing) them to PDF via a PDF writer but found some content are truncated or cropped. We have to manually re-print to pdf using a different page/paper settings in order to capture the content correctly. Are there any other methods or tools which can automate this step? Would it be possible to change the PDF properties to adjust the page size, etc?
    Hope there are some useful tools available as there are thousands of documents that are having this issue. Thank you.

    The page size options are limited, but are in the crop tool. If there are no tags or other markup, you can also print to a new PDF and adjust the size in the printer interface -- sometimes the simplest method, but not normally recommended. The rotation can be done in the document menu and then saved. The rotation that is typically on the toolbar are only for the current view and does not save with the PDF. Many of these you can use a batch process to resolve (in AA8 that is under the Advanced>Document Processing). The better method is to setup your Adobe PDF printer to create the correct page size and orientation in the future. You can setup to typically expand to fit, select a paper size, and have the settings set to auto-rotate. The later is based on the text that is found on the page. The margin elimination is also part of the crop tool. Hopefully this at least gives you some things to look at. Unfortunately, the tools get moved around with every version, so you may have to search for the tools.

  • What's the maximum print (page) size supported by CS5 64-bit?

    I'm using 64-bit Windows 7, Photoshop CS5 64-bit, and have 24GB of RAM. I've put together some panoramas - big ones, up to 20'-30' long. I know the 32-bit version of Photoshop on a 32-bit processor and OS had a page size limit of around 108" long or so. To print anything longer than that required the use of an expensive RIP.
    Does anyone know if my 64-bit goodness will allow me to print panos that are 20 to 30 feet long, without having to purchase a RIP? I'd simply give it a try, but I hate to waste a ton of paper just to find out that it wouldn't print completely. Any ideas?
    Thanks much!

    I think that some print drivers have a limit too, you might want to state what driver you are using.
    Some printers do not use a driver, but an export module, that should alleviate all limits.
    I remember a very old 30.000 pixel limit, that, I think has been lifted. you want to check the reference documents.

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    Hey guys, I am having a bit of bother with my iphone. Basically i was given an iphone 3g and I'm not really sure where it came from but it had a vodafone sim, I am on an orange contract so i took out the vodafone sim and put the orange one in and to

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    HI, My server crashed. Restored the backup. In STMS, I am not able to import old Transport Request. While importing  throw the below error. Command: ADDTOBUFFER DEVK900103 DEV U1 pf= DEVELOPMENT\sap   Return code: 0247   Error text: addtobuffer has p

  • Chart setup issue

    I have to make a chart that will show sales for item types for months as follows. The vertical will be some financial levels, that are hard coded. $100,000 $20,000 $10,000 $1000                  Total Apples      Total Oranges     Total Bannanas Marc

  • How to cancel the Adobe ExportPDF Annual

    Just bought the membership, then found out it's not what I want. So, how I can cancel it?