Painting JLIst cell part 1

I previously post a question on the forum but I believe my question may be confused, so I would like to rephrase my problem again.
I need to come up with a program to monitor products/goods for my operation.
The program should let me enter more products or delete them, one at a time.
Once entered, a product should be highlighted or painted in “Red” or default color, indicating it needs attention.
I want to enter several products before coming to take a look at individual product though I need to enter more products during manufacture operation.
Once I finish considering a product in the list, I would like to toggle it to change the color to normal, indicating this product does not need attention.
During manufacture operation, should the problem arise with any product(s), I would like to toggle the product(s) background to Red again, indicating they needs attention again.
I found that in the Sun (SDN) website is very close to my need but I need help to paint/highlight the background once I select the product.
Right now, if I leave the previous selection for the new selection, the previous one will lose the hightlight. I need them to stay permanent no matter where I click until I re-elect it.
I post part 2 of this topic, containing only java code I borrowed from Sun, just want to make myself clear. Please see part 2 next to this one.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I got error message for posting message that is more than 7,500. Here is the code I borrowed from Sun website:
Part 1:
package components;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
/* requires no other files. */
public class ListDemo extends JPanel
implements ListSelectionListener {
private JList list;
private DefaultListModel listModel;
private static final String hireString = "Hire";
private static final String fireString = "Fire";
private JButton fireButton;
private JTextField employeeName;
public ListDemo() {
super(new BorderLayout());
listModel = new DefaultListModel();
listModel.addElement("Debbie Scott");
listModel.addElement("Scott Hommel");
listModel.addElement("Sharon Zakhour");
//Create the list and put it in a scroll pane.
list = new JList(listModel);
JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(list);
JButton hireButton = new JButton(hireString);
HireListener hireListener = new HireListener(hireButton);
fireButton = new JButton(fireString);
fireButton.addActionListener(new FireListener());
employeeName = new JTextField(10);
String name = listModel.getElementAt(
//Create a panel that uses BoxLayout.
JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
buttonPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonPane,
buttonPane.add(new JSeparator(SwingConstants.VERTICAL));
add(listScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
class FireListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//This method can be called only if
//there's a valid selection
//so go ahead and remove whatever's selected.
int index = list.getSelectedIndex();
int size = listModel.getSize();
if (size == 0) { //Nobody's left, disable firing.
} else { //Select an index.
if (index == listModel.getSize()) {
//removed item in last position
//This listener is shared by the text field and the hire button.
class HireListener implements ActionListener, DocumentListener {
private boolean alreadyEnabled = false;
private JButton button;
public HireListener(JButton button) {
this.button = button;
//Required by ActionListener.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String name = employeeName.getText();
//User didn't type in a unique name...
if (name.equals("") || alreadyInList(name)) {
int index = list.getSelectedIndex(); //get selected index
if (index == -1) { //no selection, so insert at beginning
index = 0;
} else {           //add after the selected item
listModel.insertElementAt(employeeName.getText(), index);
//If we just wanted to add to the end, we'd do this:
//Reset the text field.
//Select the new item and make it visible.

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    can anyone help ????
    if anyone have a sample example then plz send it ...

    You could subclass JTable and override getCellRenderer

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    You create your own cell renderer.
         // Classe de rendu des cellules
         private class MyTableCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
              public MyTableCellRenderer() {
              public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,int row, int column) {
                   Component cell = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
                   String module = (String)model.getValueAt(row, 1);
                   String val1 = (String)model.getValueAt(row, 2);
                   String val2 = (String)model.getValueAt(row, 3);
                   if (val1 != null && val2 != null && val1.compareTo(val2) != 0) {
                        cell.setBackground(new Color(255,200,200));
                   } else {
                   return cell;
         }This code change the cell background to red if column 2 and 3 have different values

  • Customizing JList Cell Renderer

    Hi all,
    I got a problem with JList not rendering properly in my program. basically I create a customized renderer by extending JPanel and implementing ListCellRenderer.
    but somehow i cannot get the tooltiptext from the JLabel inside my JPanel (the renderer) to display the tooltiptext and responding to my mouse gesture. here's a snippet of my code.
    did i do something wrong?
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class TestR {
         private static class ListItem {
              private Color color;
              private String value;
              public ListItem(Color c, String s) {
                   color = c;
                   value = s;
              public Color getColor() {
                   return color;
              public String getValue() {
                   return value;
         private static class MyCellRenderer extends JPanel implements
                   ListCellRenderer {
              private JLabel lbl;
              public MyCellRenderer() {
                   // Don't paint behind the component
                   setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   lbl = new JLabel();
              // Set the attributes of the
              //class and return a reference
              public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, // value to display
                        int index, // cell index
                        boolean iss, // is selected
                        boolean chf) // cell has focus?
                   // Set the text and
                   //background color for rendering
                   lbl.setText(((ListItem) value).getValue());
                   lbl.setToolTipText("tooltip: "+((ListItem) value).getValue());
                   setBackground(((ListItem) value).getColor());
                   // Set a border if the
                   //list item is selected
                   if (iss) {
                        setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 2));
                   } else {
                   return this;
         // Create a window
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Custom List Demo");
              frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
              // Use a list model that
              //allows for updates
              DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel();
              JList statusList = new JList(model);
              statusList.setCellRenderer(new MyCellRenderer());
              // Create some dummy list items.
              ListItem li = new ListItem(Color.cyan, "test line one");
              li = new ListItem(Color.yellow, "foo foo foo");
              li = new ListItem(, "quick brown fox");
              // Display the list   
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              frame.getContentPane().add("Center", panel);

    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class TestR {
         private static class ListItem {
              private Color color;
              private String value;
              public ListItem(Color c, String s) {
                   color = c;
                   value = s;
              public Color getColor() {
                   return color;
              public String getValue() {
                   return value;
         private static class MyCellRenderer extends JPanel implements
                   ListCellRenderer {
              private JLabel lbl;
              public MyCellRenderer() {
                   // Don't paint behind the component
                   setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   lbl = new JLabel();
              // Set the attributes of the
              //class and return a reference
              public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, // value to display
                        int index, // cell index
                        boolean iss, // is selected
                        boolean chf) // cell has focus?
                   // Set the text and
                   //background color for rendering
                   lbl.setText(((ListItem) value).getValue());
                   /*lbl.*/setToolTipText("tooltip: "+((ListItem) value).getValue());
                   setBackground(((ListItem) value).getColor());
                   // Set a border if the
                   //list item is selected
                   if (iss) {
                        setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 2));
                   } else {
                   return this;
         // Create a window
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Custom List Demo");
              frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
              // Use a list model that
              //allows for updates
              DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel();
              JList statusList = new JList(model);
              statusList.setCellRenderer(new MyCellRenderer());
              // Create some dummy list items.
              ListItem li = new ListItem(Color.cyan, "test line one");
              li = new ListItem(Color.yellow, "foo foo foo");
              li = new ListItem(, "quick brown fox");
              // Display the list   
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              frame.getContentPane().add("Center", panel);
    }try this out. this may help you. note at line no 50. /*lbl.*/setToolTipText("tooltip: "+((ListItem) value).getValue());:)

  • JList Cell Height Problem

    I am trying to use a customer cell renderer for a JList. It sort of works, but my cell heights are incorrect because when a cell is selected the JPanel returned from my cell renderer need more space to paint on than an unselected list item.
    Sample code below demontrates the problem - use it as the cell renderer for something and make some selections - you can see that when the text is enlarged when the cell is selected, it is not resized to accommodate the larger text.
    I've tried various combinations of setSize, revalidate etc at various points but nothing helps...
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class TestListCellRenderer extends JPanel implements ListCellRenderer {
         JLabel l;
         public TestListCellRenderer() {
              setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
              l = new JLabel( );
              setBorder( BorderFactory.createLineBorder( Color.BLACK ) );
              add( l, BorderLayout.NORTH );
         public Component getListCellRendererComponent(
                   JList list,
                   Object value,
                   int index,
                   boolean isSelected,
                   boolean hasFocus ) {
              if( isSelected == false ) {
                   l.setText( value.toString() );
                   l.setFont( new Font( "Serif", Font.BOLD, 12 ) );
              else {
                   l.setText( value.toString() );
                   l.setFont( new Font( "Serif", Font.BOLD, 18 ) );
              return this;

    I came across this thread when I was having a similar problem. I have found a way to get it to work.
    My problem was this: I have a list of news headlines. When I increased the font size of the items in my list I needed to increase the height of each cell in the list so that the headline wouldn't get cut off top and bottom by the restrictive height of the list cell.
    Solution is to use setFixedCellHeight(int height) from the JList class.
    In my case I find set the fixed cell height in 3 places.
    the constructor - when the list is being created
    the cell renderer method - when the list is being rendered
    in an action listener method - to act when a user changes the size of the font.
    The code excerpt below is a chopped down version of the working code but gives you an idea.
    public class NewsWindow implements ListSelectionListener {
         /** Component which holds the headlines */
         public JList list;
         public NewsWindow(Container parent, WindowProperties properties) {
              DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel();
              list = new JList(listModel);
              list.setCellRenderer(new HeadlineCellRenderer());
              bounceListCellHeight(); // set the correct list cell height up front
         /** when the font size has changed this method is eventually called via a super class */
         public void fontSizeHasChangedListener() {         
         public void bounceListCellHeight() {
              int height = getFontMetrics(getNewsFont()).getHeight(); // get the height of the font
              list.setFixedCellHeight(height + 10); // set the cell height
         * Inner class to render the list.
         private class HeadlineCellRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer {
              public HeadlineCellRenderer() {
              public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList myList, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
              bounceListCellHeight(); // call the method to set the list cell height
              return this;
    Hope this is of some help.

  • Changing JList cell renderer on selection

    In our application we need to change the renderer of the selected cell of JList to JTextArea while maintaining default cell renderer for unselected cells. I tried by providing custom cell renderer (code is given below) but it does not work..:-(. Though the component used by JList for rendering the cell is JTextArea, the height of the cell remains same as that of unselected cells. Our requirement is to change the cell height of the selected row so as to give a feel that selected row expands and shows some more information about the selected item to the user.
    Here is the code snippet of the cell renderer that I wrote:
    class CellRenderer1 extends DefaultListCellRenderer{
    private JTextArea selTxtArea;
    CellRenderer1() {
    selTxtArea = new JTextArea(3,20);
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list,
    Object value, int index,
    boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
    String name = (String) value;
    if ( isSelected ) {
    selTxtArea.setText(name + "\n" + name);
    return selTxtArea;
    else {
    return this;
    //return this;
    Any pointers or help will be highly appreciated.

    JList calculates fixedCellHeight and then uses the same for every cell. This was causing the problem. By overriding the getRowHeight method of BasicListUI class I was able to achieve different cell heights for selected and unselected rows. Following is the code snippet which shows how this was achieved:
    protected int getRowHeight(int row) {
    if ( (cellHeights == null) || (cellHeights.length < row )) {
    cellHeights = new int[row];
    ListModel model = list.getModel();
    Object value = model.getElementAt(row);
    ListSelectionModel selModel = list.getSelectionModel();
    boolean isSelected = selModel.isSelectedIndex(row);
    Component comp = list.getCellRenderer().
    getListCellRendererComponent( list, value, row,
    isSelected, false);
    Dimension dim = comp.getPreferredSize();
    int height = dim.height;
    cellHeights[row] = height;
    return cellHeights[row];

  • Only scroll to JList cell if required

    Hi all.
    I have a JList in a JScrollPane. I would like the the selected cell to be visible but the method list.ensureIndexIsVisible(index); doesn't do quite what I want.
    The behaviour I would like is that if the cell is already visible don't scroll at all. If the cell isn't visible, scroll so that it is the last cell selected.
    The code below demonstrates the problem. With index set to 3, I get the behaviour I want, however, if I set the index to 10, I can't see the selected index.
    If I enable the ensureIndexIsVisible method, the selected cell is always shown at the top of the list, or as far towards the top as possible.
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class JListTest extends JFrame {
        public JListTest() {
            JList list = new JList(new String[] {"BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla", "BlaBlaBla"});
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(list);
            int index = 3;
    //        list.ensureIndexIsVisible(index);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new JListTest();

    I actually thought this was the default behaviour.
    If you change your code to:
            int index = 3;
    //        list.ensureIndexIsVisible(index);
            list.ensureIndexIsVisible(index);then I believe it works the way you want. So I guess the problem is that the components haven't yet been realized when you invoke the method call which is causing the scrolling for some (unknown) reason.
    It also works if you wrap the method call in a SwingUtilities.invokeLater().

  • Editable components in JList cell?

    I want to create a JList of objects, where the list entries contain a JCheckBox that corresponds to a boolean property.
    It's easy to add the checkbox by writing a new ListCellRenderer. BUT, the checkbox can't be edited-- mouse-clicks only select/deselect the item.
    Can someone tell me if and how the checkbox can be made editable? Or should I give up and use a JTable instead?

    You can also use a JTable rather than a JList, just configure it so the line-cell-separators will not be displayed, and also do not use the table header. JTable already take care of editors. Here is a ref where you can found some source code.

  • Custom JList Cell renderer

    Hey guys, i've made a JList put it inside a JScrollPane.
    All working nicely.
    I'm making my own cell renderer, which extends JLabel and implements ListCellRenderer, just the usual
    inside the getList...Component() method, im just adding in a new Icon and adding a border
    And setting the text via the setText method, also using a bit of html to format the text so it sits there nicely.
    It's exactly how i want it, however there's this issue, when i populate alot of items for some reason the JScrollPane isnt like aware of more items and scroll bar isnt made, but u can tell theres more because its cut off at the end.
    Also, when i resize it so the JScrollPanes width is really small, each JList items text is wrapped and causing some of the text to be hidden.
    I want to know how to fix these issues with no horizontal scroll bar etc
    what exactly is the issue?
    Is it because of the custom renderer?
    Thanks for your help guys.

    Is it because of the custom renderer?You tell us!
    Somewhere in your code you have the line:
    If you comment out that line does it work correctly? If so then the problem is the renderer and we can't help you solve the problem since we don't know what your code looks like.
    If you need furthre help then you need to post a [url]Simple Executable Demo Program that shows the problem

  • How to get JList cells to use available space

    Hello all!
    I have a Swing problem for which I could not find any hints in Swing books or the web.
    There is a JList with a custom cell renderer. I'd like to make the cells take all the available space so the JList's area is completely filled with the cells.
    This doesn't work, unfortunately. When I resize the frame containing the JList, the cells only get resized horizontally. Their height remains the same so below all cells there is just the JList background.
    I did not call JList.setFixedCellHeight or so. Btw, when I put a single custom cell component in a JPanel, it resizes perfectly.
    Thanks in advance for any hints!

    I did not call JList.setFixedCellHeightWhy not?import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ListCellSpace {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new ListCellSpace().makeUI();
        public void makeUI() {
            Object[] data = {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six"};
            final JList list = new JList(data);
            list.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
                public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
            JFrame frame = new JFrame();
            frame.setSize(200, 200);
    }You do realize that if the JList is sized too small, the item text will be vertically truncated, don't you?

  • Jbutton in a Jlist cell

    I want each cell of Jlist to have some text and image and a button, and this button to have some associated action. How do i do that??
    if i implement ListCellRenderer and extend JButton, then i think the whole thing will become a button.
    Please help,

    Your'e thimking right but however if you extend JPanel and put all of this components you want things might yust work out fine...

  • Using jtextpane as jlist cell renderer component

    I want to use Jlist (in a Jscrollpane) to list a series of boxes of text. The boxes have to be kept the same width, but the height can vary depending on the amount of text.
    I want to use jtextpane because it wraps automatically on word boundaries... although I am confused by the jtextpane functionality...
    but I just can't seem to crack it: presumably its going to involve
    class MyCellRenderer extends JTextPane implements CellRenderer {
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent( ...
    then what ??? help!
    mike rodent
    PS also, how to make Jlist put a line (a single line) between each of the components in its list... it's no good doing setBorder inside the above method, as you then get 2 lines coalescing between adjacent Jlist elements...

    PS also, how to make Jlist put a line (a single line) between each of
    the components in its list... it's no good doing setBorder inside the
    above method, as you then get 2 lines coalescing between adjacent
    Jlist elements...Who says you need to have a Border with top and bottom lines?

  • Painting on a part of an Button(AWT): Is it possible?

    Hi all!
    I am displaying several Buttons on an Panel. When mousepressed on some of the buttons, more buttons will display on the panel. FOr this reason, I want to make sure the user can see which Buttons can display more buttons, and for this reason I want to draw a small rectangle on the top-left corner on these Buttons. The rectangle will contain a pluss-sign or a minus-sign, depending if the Button is pressed or not.
    (like the expanding or collapsing thing in i JThree).
    I know I can implement this with Image or ImageIcons, but I don't want to use them.
    Is it possible to do this, and if it is, can you give me some hint on how to implement this? Remember, I am using AWT not Swing.
    Regards trondal

    Create your own class extends Button, in the paint method call super.paint(graphics) and then draw what you like.

  • Help with Live Paint - filling in part of an image

    I have imported a dfw image into illustrator. It's a black and white image of an object similar to the one below:
    I want to paint the areas around the perimeter of the image black so that it looks like it has a large black outline (the areas that contain the X's). I've been able to do it on a few but some of the images, when I open them, the live paint selects only inner areas that I don't want painted. I can't figure out how to change the paths to the ones I want.
    I import the image, select all, Object>Live Paiint>Make. Then I set the fill to black. In this example, there are 3 stripes on each pants leg and the only thing Live Paint will select is the outermost stripe. I've tried Object>LivePaint>Expand then reselect the Live Paint Buckeet and click the image when it says, "Click to make Live Paint Group" but nothing changesso that I can paint the desired areas.
    I've checked the image closely to ensure there are no breaks in the paths and I've just spent the last 4 hours reading instructions and watching videos but no help. I'm braind new ti Illustrator and must be missing something bassic but don't know what. Any help would be appreciated. I'm stumped.

    I should have posted this hours ago. As soon as I did I found the answer. For anyone else with this problem, Select the image then, before using the Live Paint Bucket, select Object>Flatten Transparacy. Then, when you select the live paint bucket, it will ask for you to set the paths and after you do, it'll work just fine.

  • Report Painter- Formula cells "total" different fron the rest of the column

    I made a report with one of the column C3 define like a formula MAX between the two columns before C1 & C2.
    For the items of the column, it's OK, SAP takes the MAX between C1 and C2.
    I define then a line "TOTAL" on several exercice, the pb is that this column TOTAL take the MAX between the C1 and C2 Total instead of add all the items of the column C3 ??
    How can I proceed, to make the addition of items of a column obtained by formula MAX ??
    Edited by: Kowalski oliver on Oct 23, 2008 9:46 AM

    Any suggestions guys????

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