Parameter aus eine *.bat Datei in MAXL Script

wie kann ich Paramert die ich in einer BAT Datei abfrage an ein MaxL Script übergeben? Wie z.b. Servername, Userid Password ....

In dem du Variablen in dem MAXL Script benutzt.
export database $1.$2 all data to data_file $3;
Exportiert die Datenbank $2 der Applikation $1 in die Datei $3.
Dieses MAXL Script wird via essmsh aufgerufen und dort werden dann die Parameter in dieser Reihenfolge übergeben. Sie stehen hinter dem MAXL-Script.
start essmsh.exe -s Server -l User Password MAXL-Script Applikation Datenbank 'Dateiname'
Es kann auch ain vollständiger Pfad angegeben werden, essbase braucht dann natürlich Schreibrechte dort, wird eine Netzwerkfreigabe verwendent so sind 3 Blackslash am Anfang notwendig, warum weiss ich auch nicht aber es funktioniert.
Hoffe mal das das weiterhilft

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    #1 External scheduler.
    I've worked on Appworx and it has build a chain dependent task. There are many other external schedulers like Tivoli,....
    #2 As Daniel pointed out you can use Windows scheduler.
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    Echo "Full Build started"
    ) else (
         IF EXIST %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Custom_Build_Started.txt (
         Echo "Custom Build started"
         ) else (
              IF EXIST %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Post_Build_Batch_Started.txt (
              Echo "Post Build started"
              ) else (
              IF EXIST %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Start_Full_Build.txt (
              Echo "Trigger found starting batch"
              MOVE %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Start_Batch.txt %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Full_Build_Started.txt
              call %BASE_DIR%\Scripts\Batch_Files\Monthly_Build_All_Cubes.bat
              ) else (
                   IF EXIST %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Start_Custom_Build.txt (
                   Echo "Trigger found starting Custom batch"
                   MOVE %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Start_Custom_Batch.txt %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Custom_Build_Started.txt
                   call %BASE_DIR%\Scripts\Batch_Files\Monthly_Build_All_Cubes_Custom.bat
                   ) else (
                        IF EXIST %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Start_Post_Build_Batch.txt (
                        Echo "Trigger found starting Post Build batch"
                        MOVE %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Start_Post_Build_Batch.txt %BASE_DIR%\Trigger\Post_Build_Batch_Started.txt
                        call %BASE_DIR%\Scripts\Batch_Files\Monthly_Post_Build_All_Cubes.bat
    )So this bat file if it finds Start_Full_Build.txt in the trigger location, it'll rename that to Full_Build_Started.txt and will call the Full Build (likewise for custom and post build)

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    I think he wants to avoid updating anything manually though?
    you should be able to:
    a. Build the date/string in a batch file.
    b. pass that date/string to the maxl script as a paramter
    c. use the parameter in your alter database script
    I have also seen people rebuild the entire maxl script each month from a skeleton in another text file or a database but thats probably over complicating.
    You could also use that variable to update a substitution variable

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    REM $3 = servername
    REM $4 = BSOAppName = RPSBSO
    REM $5 = BSODB_Name = RPSBSOD
    REM $6 = ASOAppName = RPSASO
    REM $7 = ASODB_Name = RPSASOD
    essmsh C:\Hyperion\Automation\MAXL\Backup_BSO.msh Username  password  RPSBSO RPSBSOD RPSASO RPSASOD
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    972698 wrote:
    Hi John Thanks for your post.
    I would like to give some more information like this is the script named BU_BSO_2.bat which is used for taking backup of individual application  RPSBSO,  and  it calls  Backup_BSO.msh script which is internally called in BU_SO_2.bat file as given below the command. What we do is we just run this BU_BSO_2.bat batch file where it executes  everything and places the backup in given path in the script. But actually  its giving error in executing only the given below line
    essmsh C:\Hyperion\Automation\MAXL\Backup_BSO.msh Username  password  RPSBSO RPSBSOD RPSASO RPSASOD
    Error shown :   MSH Fatal Error: Error Initializing localization module
    And i went through your doc but they are the server  specific paths which we are not using in this script and this script runs fine in 11.1.1.
    Let me know if i can provide any more information.
    Try updating
    essmsh C:\Hyperion\Automation\MAXL\Backup_BSO.msh Username  password  RPSBSO RPSBSOD RPSASO RPSASOD
    startMaxl.bat C:\Hyperion\Automation\MAXL\Backup_BSO.msh Username  password  RPSBSO RPSBSOD RPSASO RPSASOD
    If the location of startMaxl is not in the windows path variable you will need to either update the path variable or put the path in the script e.g.
    or C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\Essbase\EssbaseClient\bin\startMaxl.cmd
    Alternatively edit startMaxl and take the variable information out of it and put it in your script then you will be able to use essmsh.

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    Here's the Tech Ref entry:
    Positional parameters are command line params, they are referenced by $1, $2, $3, etc., with $1 = the first command line parameter, $2 = the second, etc.
    I use them all the time; they are quite handy.
    In your example, you might have four lines (or in a scripting language, an array/collection of values that get looped) with the data files you want to pass into MaxL, e.g.:
    essmsh maxlscriptname.msh CSVLOAD_2005
    essmsh maxlscriptname.msh CSVLOAD_2006
    In your MaxL script, you can simply use:
    import database app.db data from local data_file $1 using rulename on error write to errorfilename ;
    If you wanted to get fancy and pipe any data errors to different files you could create a second positional parameter and use that in place of the error file name.
    Cameron Lackpour

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    Ich habe jetzt mit WordPad die FDF-Datei editiert, damit
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    Aber trotzdem nochmal meine Frage nach einer Doku.
    Hat irgendwer schon mal eine Doku im WEB gefunden, wo
    beschrieben ist, wie eine FDF-Datei auszusehen hat ?
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