Parent Tab and Standard Tab set

What is the difference between above three - i.e. Parent Tab, Standard Tab set?
I understand Parent Tab is the master level Tab, but not sure what is different between Standard Tab Set and Parent Tab? It seems like interchanging of terminology to me.

Thanks Jari, In the link given, there is a point which I have pasted below.
6. Go to page “Display Attributes“, Select page template to “Two Level Tabs” and Standard Tab Set, in our example it is “TS1(page 1)”How do i go to this "Display Attributes" page?

Similar Messages

  • Can't grasp the relation between tab set, parent tab, standard tab set and standard tab

    Very novice to apex application building, but after trying to figure the concepts behind the tab sets I'm getting more and more confused about it as I always get different behaviour when changing things.
    The documentation is not very clear on this.
    Is there someone who can explain this in a comprehensive way?
    It would be nice to have a view on the consequences of using these different levels of groupings.
    Any help will be dearly appreciated ;-)

    One level tab application
    Tabsets are used to group standard tabs.
    Use full when splitting up the application in different sections. Much like how the apex is split up in the application builder, sql workshop, team developend and administration.
    Parent tabs aren't used. And a one level tab application can't be turned into a two level tab application.
    Two level tab application
    Parent tabs belong to only one tabset "main".
    The standard tabset is the connection between the parent tab and standerd tab.
    There is one standard tabset for every parent tab.
    The standard tabset in the two level application has the same function as the tabset in the one level application.
    The standard tabset also determines when a parent tab is current.
    When on the page the setting Standard Tab Set is set then the parent tab belonging to that standard tabset is current.
    This means that if you change a page form one parent tab to an other you not only need to change the tab settings. But also the settings on the page.
    If you still in the position to choose between list or tabs as your main form of navigation I would recommend using lists.
    The possibilities with the list templates are greater that with tabs.
    Tabs have a maximum of two levels. List don't have such a limit.
    If you created your application as a one level tab application you can't turn it in a second level application without some serious hacking.
    Clicking on a standard tab submits the page and branch after the computations. This could also be viewed as a pro for tabs because with list navigation your page needs to be accessible by url. Did isn't necessary with standard tabs making them more secure. Parent tabs also use an url to navigate.
    Only the standard tabs belonging to the current standard tabset are rendered making a drop down menu impossible.
    Hope this clears up some of your questions.

  • Why do units of measurement in paragraph tab and character tab differ?

    Why do units of measurement in paragraph tab and character tab differ?
    In Indesign CC 2014.1 when I set the units for type to be in points and all other measurements apart from strokes to be in mm, why are the units for the paragraph tab also in mm?
    In both Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC, whatever units you assign for type also are used for the paragraph settings, which makes sense.
    I want everything to do with type to be in points and pretty much everything else in mm, yet the only way I can have the paragraph tab units as points is for all measurements to be in points!
    Does this sound right or is something wrong with my Indesign?

    Glu Design wrote:
    Ok guys I see. I just wondered why InDesign differed to both Photoshop and Illustrator in this respect.
    They are made by Adobe, and Adobe has different teams for different applications.
    Sometimes the same feature in multiple applications is designed slightly differently than the way other teams would handle it.
    This may be down to:
    Time constraints to get the feature in - compared to other top priority items
    Having to make a decision on whether to do it one way or another way - 50/50 type thing
    Due to the limitations of how the program was designed and how the feature ties in with other features etc.
    And many many more programming reasons. It may be the guy doing the photoshop changes wasn't as well versed in typography needs as the indesign guy.
    Who knows - but there are differences in lots of areas between all apps.

  • Workflow tab, Personalization tab and Miniapp tab..???

    In PFCG there is a tab called workflow, why is it used for and also let me know the use of personalization tab and miniapps tab...?

    Hi Rakesh,
                  Personalization tab was mostly used to give standard access for end users. Like ouptup devices, Printer type ....   if you need more please look in to the following link.
    This tab is common to both Role and user management.
                MiniApps is nothing but to use a frequently user sap standared URLs, Commonly used applications stored in the table SW3M_ADMIN. 
    vasantha kumar

  • Tab and back-tab out of a JTable

    Hi There,
    I have been working for some time on improving the default behaviour of the tab key within editable JTables. It largely works as required now, but I'm stuck on getting back-tab to leave the table if on row 0, col 0. I register tab and back-tab action in the table's ActionMap that looks like this:     
         class TabAction extends AbstractAction {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   if (getRowCount() > 0) {
                        int row = getSelectedRow();
                        int column = getSelectedColumn();
                        if (row < 0 || column < 0) {
                             row = 0;
                             column = 0;
                        do {
                             if (++column >= getColumnCount()) {
                                  column = 0;
                        } while (row < getRowCount() && ! isCellTabbable(row, column));
                        if (row < getRowCount()) {
                             changeSelection(row, column, false, false);
                        } else {
                   } else {
         class BackTabAction extends AbstractAction {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   if (getRowCount() > 0) {
                        int row = getSelectedRow();
                        int column = getSelectedColumn();
                        if (row < 0 || column < 0) {
                             row = getRowCount() - 1;
                             column = getColumnCount() - 1;
                        do {
                             if (--column < 0) {
                                  column = getColumnCount() - 1;
                        } while (row >= 0 && ! isCellTabbable(row, column));
                        if (row >= 0) {
                             changeSelection(row, column, false, false);
                        } else {
                             KeyboardFocusManager fm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
                                // fm.upFocusCycle(BTTTable_Editable.this);                         
                             // fm.focusPreviousComponent(BTTTable_Editable.this);
                   } else {     
                        // transferFocusBackward();
                        // KeyboardFocusManager fm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
                           // fm.upFocusCycle(BTTTable_Editable.this);                         
                        // fm.focusPreviousComponent(BTTTable_Editable.this);
         }transferFocus() to go to the next screen component works fine - as long as I callsetFocusTraversalPolicyProvider(true); when I create the JTable.
    But the backward traversal just doesn't work - instead it does nothing the first time you press back-tab on row 0 col 0, then if you press it again, focus goes onto the last row/col of the table.
    As an alternative, I thought maybe I could call the Ctrl-back-tab action, but I can't find that registered in the action map - can anyone tell me how ctrl-back-tab is called and whether I can call that code directly?
    Any ideas?

    Where's the rest of your code? What good does posting
    the Actions do if we can't execute your code and see
    how you've installed the Actions on the table? Who
    knows where the mistake is. It may be in the posted
    code or it may be in some other code.Well I assume the Action is registered okay because back-tab within the table works fine, and in fact using a debugger I can see that the focus request code (transferFocusBackward) is being called at the right time. I followed it into that code and it appears that it is picking up the tableCellEditor as the "previous" component which is "why" it isn't working right - not that that helps me to fix it.
    Anyway, just to confirm, here is a complete standalone testcase:import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
    import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
    import java.awt.Insets;
    import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
    import java.awt.event.FocusListener;
    import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
    import javax.swing.ActionMap;
    import javax.swing.InputMap;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
    * <br>
    * <br>
    * Created on 14/11/2005 by Tim Ryan
    public class TabTable extends JTable implements FocusListener {
         protected KeyStroke TAB = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_TAB, 0);
         protected KeyStroke BACK_TAB = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_TAB,
         protected KeyStroke LEFT_ARROW = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, 0);
         protected KeyStroke RIGHT_ARROW = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0);
         public TabTable(Object[][] rowData, Object[] columnNames) {
              super(rowData, columnNames);
         public TabTable() {
         private void initialise() {
              InputMap inMap = getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT);
              ActionMap actionMap = getActionMap();
              inMap.put(LEFT_ARROW, "None");
              inMap.put(RIGHT_ARROW, "None");
              actionMap.put(inMap.get(TAB), new TabAction());
              actionMap.put(inMap.get(BACK_TAB), new BackTabAction());
              putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
         public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
              if (getRowCount() > 0 && getSelectedRow() < 0) {
                   editCellAt(0, 0);
         public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
         public void changeSelection(int row, int column, boolean toggle, boolean extend) {
              super.changeSelection(row, column, toggle, false);
              if (editCellAt(row, column)) {
          * This class handles the back-tab operation on the table.
          * It repeatedly steps the selection backwards until the focus
          * ends up on a cell that is allowable (see <code>isCellTabbable()</code>).
          * If already at the end of the table then focus is transferred out
          * to the previous component on the screen.
         class BackTabAction extends AbstractAction {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   if (getRowCount() > 0) {
                        int row = getSelectedRow();
                        int column = getSelectedColumn();
                        if (row < 0 || column < 0) {
                             row = getRowCount() - 1;
                             column = getColumnCount() - 1;
                        do {
                             if (--column < 0) {
                                  column = getColumnCount() - 1;
                        } while (row >= 0 && ! isCellTabbable(row, column));
                        if (row >= 0) {
                             changeSelection(row, column, false, false);
                        } else {
                             // transferFocusBackward();
                   } else {
                        // transferFocusBackward();
          * This class handles the tab operation on the table.
          * It repeatedly steps the selection forwards until the focus ends
          * up on a cell that is allowable (see <code>isCellTabbable()</code>).
          * If already at the end of the table then focus is transferred out
          * to the next component on the screen.
         class TabAction extends AbstractAction {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   if (getRowCount() > 0) {
                        int row = getSelectedRow();
                        int column = getSelectedColumn();
                        if (row < 0 || column < 0) {
                             row = 0;
                             column = 0;
                        do {
                             if (++column >= getColumnCount()) {
                                  column = 0;
                        } while (row < getRowCount() && ! isCellTabbable(row, column));
                        if (row < getRowCount()) {
                             changeSelection(row, column, false, false);
                        } else {
                   } else {
          * Some cells can be tabbed to, but are not actually editable.
          * @param row
          * @param column
          * @return
         private boolean isCellTabbable(int row, int column) {
              return (column % 2 == 0);
         public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
              return (column == 1 || column == 3);
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Tables test");
              frame.setSize(600, 400);
              JPanel panelMain = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
              Object[][] tableData = new Object[2][6];
              Object[] columnHeadings = new Object[] {"H0", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5"};
              GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
              gbc.insets = new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10);
              JTextField field1 = new JTextField("left", 8);
              panelMain.add(field1, gbc);
              Dimension tableSize = new Dimension(300, 300);
              BTTTable table3 = new BTTTable_Editable(tableData, columnHeadings);
              JScrollPane scroll3 = new JScrollPane(table3);
              panelMain.add(scroll3, gbc);
              JTextField field2 = new JTextField("right", 8);
              gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
              panelMain.add(field2, gbc);
    }I thought it might be the focusGained() code, but commenting that out makes no difference.
    And here is the code I would use to go to the
    previous component:
    focusPreviousComponent();I tried that too, as you can see from my original post. It gives the same answer.
    So the big question is why does the FocusManager think that the "previous" field to the table is an editor component within the table?

  • Move fields from Custom Tab to Standard Tab.

    Hi all,
       I have created one field through EEWB.The NewField is Displaying In the new tab 'CUSTOM TAB' Now i want to move this field to standard tab. I am using CIC0 tcode ( Service Contract ) pls. help me ....for moveing fields from one custom tab to standard tab.
    Thanks Inadvance,
    Siva Kumar.B

    Hi Siva,
      I think you need standard modification to do it.

  • New tab and close tab buttons are not enabled

    On firefox page, new tab and close tab buttons are not neabled and right click shows the same functions as not available.

    Try the Firefox SafeMode to see how it works there. <br />
    ''A troubleshooting mode, which disables most Add-ons.'' <br />
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default Theme.)''
    * You can open the Firefox 4.0+ SafeMode by holding the '''Shft''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or use the Help menu item, click on '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' while Firefox is running. <br />
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shft key) to open it again.''
    '''''If it is good in the Firefox SafeMode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. <br />
    ''When you figure out what is causing that, please let us know. It might help other user's who have that problem.''

  • What do the 'LOCK TAB and PROTECT TAB' choices on the tab Context menu do?

    Right-click context menu on tabs shows Lock Tab and Protect Tab, but I cannot find any information on what each choice actually does. Can someone explain them to me?

    Those contextual menu items are added by the Tab Mix Plus extension.

  • Google Key Length and Standard Tabs

    OK, here's a 'fun' one for a Monday morning. I am using APEX 3.2.
    I have an application where we have an OpenLayers Google map in a region on a page of the application. The map works fine within the application. The problem I am having is, the standard tabs won't work for that page with the Google Map on the page. When we try to click on a standard tab (in Firefox) we get this message:
    Bad Request
    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
    mod_plsql: /mrrp/wwv_flow.accept HTTP-400 Bad parameter name: 46 exceeds limit of 30 bytes
    The standard tabs also don't work using IE but the error message is only 'The webpage cannot be found" (real helpful...).
    After working on this issue, it appears that it has to do with the length of the Google Key for the map. Here is the link for the Google key:
    When I take the key portion out of the code, the Standard Tabs work correctly. FYI, in either case, the parent tabs work correctly.
    I have tried creating an application item for the Google key, so the actual code just shows:
    <script src="'||:GOOGLEKEY||'" type="text/javascript"></script>
    That doesn't appear to help.
    I hope I have explained the issue clearly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Check parameter sec/rsakeylengthdefault. More info in note 509495.

  • How can you set up a custom keyboard shortcut for Next Tab and Previous Tab?

    You can do this in Chrome because there is a top menu item for it, and OS X supports easily rebinding of keyboard shortcuts that are in the main menus.
    Is this possible in Firefox? Using a two handed shortcut to switch tabs is annoying when you want to keep one hand on the mouse!

    Keyboard shortcuts
    -> Next Tab
    * Ctrl + Tab
    * Ctrl + Page Down
    -> Previous Tab
    * Ctrl + Shift + Tab
    * Ctrl + Page Up
    Check and tell if its working.

  • Use different "fx-border-image-source" for first tab and remaining tabs

    I'm using something like this
    .tab {
    -fx-padding: 0px 5px -2px 5px;
    -fx-background-insets: 0 -20 0 0;
    -fx-background-color: transparent;
    -fx-text-fill: #c4d8de;
    -fx-border-image-source: url("images/tab5.png");
    -fx-border-image-slice: 20 20 20 20 fill;
    -fx-border-image-width: 20 20 20 20;
    -fx-border-image-repeat: stretch;
    -fx-font-size: 22px;
    .tab:selected {
    -fx-border-image-source: url("images/tab-selected5.png");
    -fx-text-fill: #333333;
         -fx-background-color: red;*/
    to customize the tab appearance of a TabPane.
    That worked well. But I need to use a different set of images for just the first tab. Does anyone know a way to accomplish that?

    How can I "fix up" the first tab of tab panes that are created after I "fixed up" the first tab of the initial tab pane?
    My app allows user to create new tab panes at any moment during program execution.Not easy to answer this one.
    The best answer would be to use structural pseudoclasses, but (as David points out), they are not yet implemented.
    The trick here is how to identify the first tab of each tab pane so that it can be styled separately from the other panes.
    Doing the styling without a dynamic lookup is preferrable to using a dynamic lookup (i.e. when the first tab is created give it a specific style, e.g. tab0).
    This is how the charts work, where they set style classes based on series of data, e.g. series0, series1 - this allows you to independently style each series of data.
    However the chart stuff has all of that built into the implementation, whereas the tabs don't. To achieve that you would likely need to go into the TabSkin code ( find out where and how it generates the Tab nodes and write a custom tab skin or extension of the existing one which assigns a numeric style class to each new tab in a pane (e.g tab0, tab1, etc). In other words, not particularly easy if you are unfamilar with the tab skin implementation. You could log a javafx jira feature request to have those style classes set on tabs - file it here =>
    In the meantime a simple alternative is to use the dynamic lookup method in my previous post and a hack such that whenever you add a new tab pane to the scene you do something like the following:
    new Timeline(
      new KeyFrame(
        new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
          @Override public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {
            Node tab = newTabPane.lookup(".tab");
            if (tab != null) tab.getStyleClass().add("first-tab");
    ).play();The reason for the Timeline is that I don't really know at what stage the css layout pass is executed. I know that when you initially show the stage and then do a lookup, the css pass seems to have already been done and the lookup will work. But for something that is dynamically added or modified after the scene is displayed - I have no idea when the css layout pass occurs, other than it's some time in the future and not at the time that you add the tabPane to the scene. So, the Timeline introduces a short delay to (hopefully) give the css layout pass time to execute and allow the lookup to work (not return null). Not the best or most efficient solution, but should work for you.

  • Tabs and group tabs suddenly and consistently being deleted on start-up

    All of my grouped tabs, so carefully saved and really necessary, suddenly disappeared earlier this week, as did all the history and regular tabs. And this morning, once again, all tabs had been deleted.
    Checked ALL settings, in Firefox, Avast, and Advanced System Care and all are set NOT to do this. Everything was fine until this past Monday or Tuesday, Nov 26 & 27, 2012
    If I do a system restore, can I get my grouped tabs back?
    And how do I keep this from happening again?
    Windows 7
    Toshiba Satellite C655 64 bits

    Sorry about the issue. From the time frame it sounds like this happened probably after Firefox updates. A likely possibility could be security software interference. If so, to prevent this in the future you could try deleting all existing instances of Firefox and its related processes/files in all the different configuration modules/areas of the security software like process monitoring, sub/spawned process control, virtualization, HIPS etc., in addition to the security software's main configuration panel. Instead create new fully allowed/trusted rules for Firefox + its related processes in all the different modules/panels - a genuine/original Firefox installer as well as all the installed EXEs (Application) and DLLs (Application extension) are digitally signed by Mozilla Corporation (right-click > Properties > Digital Signatures). Even otherwise, some security software may also ask again when Firefox and/or its sub processes are started, and you may be able to allow/trust at that time. Please see [ this].
    [ AV/Firewalls Configuration]
    The [ Avast forum] and the respective forums for other security software would also be helpful.
    If you still have the Firefox session open, you can try to '''Restore Previous Session''' via '''History''' ('''Alt''' + '''S''').
    If the Windows version includes the [ Previous Versions] please try this: open the profile folder via '''Help''' ('''Alt''' + '''H''') > '''Troubleshooting Information''' > '''Show Folder''' and exit Firefox. You can then right-click [ sessionstore.js] which holds the tabs, or on an empty area of the folder > '''Restore previous versions''' and try to restore different versions, start Firefox each time and check.
    [ Firefox Profile Folder & Files]
    Unfortunately Windows [ System Restore] would not be able to restore the sessionstore.js file which stores the tabs.

  • My Tabs and Grouped Tabs were lost following reboot and not restored via History.

    I closed Firefox properly and rebooted my computer. When I restarted Firefox, instead of seeing the tabs from the previous session, a window with the message that Video DownloadHelper (add on) Update 4.9.6 had been applied, and the other tabs in the open window were what appear to be my default set stored as my Home Page. All of the previous tabs and the grouped tabs that I was using (and would very much like to have back) were gone. I tried to use History>Restore Previous Session, but it was grayed out so I thought to look again and try History>Recently Closed Windows, but there was nothing available to restore either.

    Step 1 would be to salvage your sessionstore files and make backup copies before exiting Firefox or making any other changes.
    Open your active Firefox profile folder (personal settings folder) using
    Help > Troubleshooting Information > "Show Folder" button
    Copy all files that start with sessionstore to a safe location such as your documents folder.
    If you have not exited Firefox since this happened, try the History menu to re-open closed windows ("Previously closed windows") and within each window, to re-open closed tabs ("Previously closed tabs"). Can you get them back??
    Unfortunately, by default, Firefox only stores 10 "Previously closed tabs" per window and 3 "Previously closed windows." You can find these lists on the History menu. This might be enough for most occasions, but you can increase the number stored.
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the search box above the list, type or paste '''sess''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the '''browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo''' preference and enter your preferred number of windows (I have 10).
    (4) Double-click the '''browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo''' preference and enter your preferred number of tabs (I have 20).
    If you exited Firefox after the tabs were closed, does the sessionstore.bak file have a promising date/time stamp around that time? If you have exited and restarted Firefox multiple times, it's probably no longer possible to recover the old session data. To keep numerous sessions, you need an extension like Session Manager or Tab Mix Plus.

  • How do I get FF to focus on a new tab? I right-click and choose "Open in New Tab" and the Tab appears in the Tab bar but I cannot access or see the new page.

    I open FF ver.10. My Home page is Google Search. I use a Bookmark and open, say, I select a link by right-clicking and choose "Open in New Tab" The little tab in the tab bar opens but I am still viewing the main page and cannot view the new tab.
    This happens even if I use middle-click to open a new tab. It happens with all links on any website I visit.

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • Display Both Excise Tab And Customized Tab in MIGO header screen

    I want to display both  Excise tab and My customized tab in header screen in MIGO..But I have seen at a time one tab is displaying.Can anybody tell me
    how I want to diplay both tab at a time??

    In MIGO - Excise tab is showing as a part of  customization. In PO if tax values are available that values will show in migo(drop down will show  capture/refer /capture+post few more  ) under excise tab.
    pre req. is mat + Vendor +plant need to be excisable .
    Now on your Customized tab is purely a Z development.only you can tell .
    Also , if you are not seeing excise tab in migo , it means either config or master data missing for material code ,  Vendor, Plant

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