Parse for Ints???

I am creating a basic GUI and am having trouble with the following: see code below
String description = this.txtDescription.getText();
double qty = Double.parseDouble(this.txtQty.getText());
double lineCost = Double.parseDouble(this.txtLineCost.getText());I want to change my qty to an int but am unsure how to convert an int like I am converting the double via the Double.parseDouble method.
All help appreciated.

     * Convert a String to an int. The string must only contain digits and a leading minus sign.
     * @param value String value to convert.
     * @return Integer value of <I>value</I> or Integer.MIN_VALUE if conversion failed.
    static public int toInt(String value) {
        int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        if (value != null) {
            try {
                result = Integer.parseInt(value.trim());
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { /* ignore */ }
        return result;

Similar Messages

  • XML Parser for Java v2. Applying XSLT to DOM tree

    I encountered pretty weird behavior of XML Parser for Java v2.
    While applying XSLT to XML document created in memory using DOM
    interface I couldn't access element attributes. For example,
    given the XML document:
    <Item ID="00001">Value of Item 00001</Item>
    <Item ID="00002">Value of Item 00002</Item>
    and XSLT:
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="/Error">
    <H1>Error</H1><xsl:value-of select="."/>
    <TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
    <xsl:for-each select="/root">
    <TH style="background-color:khaki">
    <TH style="background-color:khaki">
    <xsl:for-each select="Item">
    <TD><xsl:value-of select="@ID"/></TD>
    <TD><xsl:value-of select="."/></TD>
    If I build DOM tree by parsing XML file the resulting HTML
    document after applying XSLT will display
    Attribute Value
    00001 Value of Item 00001
    00002 Value of Item 00002
    But if I build DOM tree using following code:
    XMLDocument xDoc = new XMLDocument();
    Element root = xDoc.createElement( "root" );
    xDoc.appendChild( root );
    Element elem = xDoc.createElement( "Item" );
    elem.setAttribute( "ID", "00001" );
    root.appendChild( elem ).
    appendChild( xDoc.createTextNode( "Value of Item 00001" ) );
    elem = xDoc.createElement( "Item" );
    elem.setAttribute( "ID", "00002" );
    root.appendChild( elem )
    .appendChild( xDoc.createTextNode( "Value of Item 00002" ) );
    the same XSLT will produce the following HTML output:
    Attribute Value
    Value of Item 00001
    Value of Item 00002
    So the value for the ID attribute is not displayed. At the same
    time I can access this attribute using DOM interface. For
    example, following code
    NodeList nList = xDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Item" );
    Element e;
    for( int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++ )
    e = (Element)nList.item( i );
    System.out.println( "ID: " + e.getAttribute( "ID" ) );
    produces an output
    ID: 00001
    ID: 00002
    Here is the code for applying XSLT to DOM tree:
    DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
    parser.parse( new FileInputStream( "test.xsl" ) );
    XMLDocument xsldoc = parser.getDocument();
    XSLStylesheet xsl = new XSLStylesheet( xsldoc, createURL( "" ) );
    XMLDocument out = new XMLDocument();
    out.appendChild( new XSLProcessor().processXSL(xsl, xDoc) );
    out.print( new FileOutputStream( "test.html" ) );
    Andrei Filimonov

    We are not getting what you're getting on Solaris. See the
    Script started on Tue Jun 22 18:53:56 1999
    Processing /view/test/vobs/oracore3/.ndeprodrc.csh
    Processing /private/.nderc.csh
    [test] > cat bruno.xml
    <my_grandpa age="88">
    <my_dad age="66">
    <me age="44">
    <my_son age="22">
    [test] > cat bruno.xsl
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Identity transformation -->
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="">
    <xsl:template match="me">
    <xsl:value-of select="my_son/@age"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="@age"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="../@age"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="../../@age"/>
    [test] > java XSLSample bruno.xsl bruno.xml
    [test] > exit
    script done on Tue Jun 22 18:54:22 1999
    What platform are you on and does your stylesheet and xml doc
    match ours?
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network
    Bruno Bontempi (guest) wrote:
    : I had a similar problem in accessing element attributes from
    : XSLT sheet.
    : It seems like the processor correctly accesses element
    : in the context node, but does not retrieve values of
    : outside the context node.
    : For example, for an XML document like:
    : <my_grandpa age="88">
    : <my_dad age="66">
    : <me age="44">
    : <my_son age="22">
    : </my_son>
    : </me>
    : </my_dad>
    : </my_grandpa>
    : and an XSL stylesheet like:
    : <xsl:template match="me">
    : <xsl:value-of select="my_son/@age"/>
    : <xsl:value-of select="@age"/>
    : <xsl:value-of select="../@age"/>
    : <xsl:value-of select="../../@age"/>
    : </xsl:template>
    : I expect an output like:
    : 22446688
    : but all I get is
    : 44
    : I am also using Jim Clark's XT, which is returning the
    : result.
    : Thanks in advance for your help,
    : Bruno.
    : Andrei Filimonov (guest) wrote:
    : : I encountered pretty weird behavior of XML Parser for Java
    : : While applying XSLT to XML document created in memory using
    : : interface I couldn't access element attributes. For example,
    : : given the XML document:
    : : <root>
    : : <Item ID="00001">Value of Item 00001</Item>
    : : <Item ID="00002">Value of Item 00002</Item>
    : : </root>
    : : and XSLT:
    : : <xsl:template match="/">
    : : <HTML>
    : : <HEAD>
    : : <TITLE>XSLT Test</TITLE>
    : : </HEAD>
    : : <BODY>
    : : <xsl:for-each select="/Error">
    : : <H1>Error</H1><xsl:value-of select="."/>
    : : </xsl:for-each>
    : : <TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
    : : <TBODY>
    : : <xsl:for-each select="/root">
    : : <TR>
    : : <TH style="background-color:khaki">
    : : <xsl:text>Attribute</xsl:text>
    : : </TH>
    : : <TH style="background-color:khaki">
    : : <xsl:text>Value</xsl:text>
    : : </TH>
    : : </TR>
    : : <xsl:for-each select="Item">
    : : <TR>
    : : <TD><xsl:value-of select="@ID"/></TD>
    : : <TD><xsl:value-of select="."/></TD>
    : : </TR>
    : : </xsl:for-each>
    : : </xsl:for-each>
    : : </TBODY>
    : : </TABLE>
    : : </BODY>
    : : </HTML>
    : : </xsl:template>
    : : If I build DOM tree by parsing XML file the resulting HTML
    : : document after applying XSLT will display
    : : Attribute Value
    : : 00001 Value of Item 00001
    : : 00002 Value of Item 00002
    : : But if I build DOM tree using following code:
    : : XMLDocument xDoc = new XMLDocument();
    : : Element root = xDoc.createElement( "root" );
    : : xDoc.appendChild( root );
    : : Element elem = xDoc.createElement( "Item" );
    : : elem.setAttribute( "ID", "00001" );
    : : root.appendChild( elem ).
    : : appendChild( xDoc.createTextNode( "Value of Item
    00001" )
    : : elem = xDoc.createElement( "Item" );
    : : elem.setAttribute( "ID", "00002" );
    : : root.appendChild( elem )
    : : .appendChild( xDoc.createTextNode( "Value of Item
    00002" )
    : : the same XSLT will produce the following HTML output:
    : : Attribute Value
    : : Value of Item 00001
    : : Value of Item 00002
    : : So the value for the ID attribute is not displayed. At the
    : : time I can access this attribute using DOM interface. For
    : : example, following code
    : : NodeList nList = xDoc.getElementsByTagName( "Item" );
    : : Element e;
    : : for( int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++ )
    : : e = (Element)nList.item( i );
    : : System.out.println( "ID: " + e.getAttribute( "ID" ) );
    : : produces an output
    : : ID: 00001
    : : ID: 00002
    : : Here is the code for applying XSLT to DOM tree:
    : : DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
    : : parser.parse( new FileInputStream( "test.xsl" ) );
    : : XMLDocument xsldoc = parser.getDocument();
    : : XSLStylesheet xsl = new XSLStylesheet( xsldoc, createURL
    : : XMLDocument out = new XMLDocument();
    : : out.appendChild( new XSLProcessor().processXSL(xsl, xDoc) );
    : : out.print( new FileOutputStream( "test.html" ) );
    : : Andrei Filimonov

  • Sax Parser for loading XML file

    We have a requirment by which we need to load huge XMl file in our DB everyday.
    THe XML file format is like --
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    I have written XMl SAX parser to load this file into DB -
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import oracle.xml.sql.*;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
    import java.util.*;
    public class test extends DefaultHandler
    String thisElement="";
    String table_name="";
    String table_name_2="";
    String sql="";
    String value_clause="";
    StringBuffer value_clauseBuffer;
    String Insert_sql="";
    int flag;
    String columnNames="";
    String questionmarks="";
    static String conStr = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@abcd1234:1521:dss501";
    static Connection conn;
    String arrayValues[] = new String[30];
    int j = 0;
    int emptyElementFlag = 0;
    public SurveyReader() throws SQLException, FileNotFoundException, IOException{
    DBConnect("username", "password");
    public static void DBConnect(String username, String password)
    throws SQLException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(conStr, username, password);
    public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
    String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
    thisElement = qName;
    if (thisElement!=table_name){
    columnNames = columnNames + ", " + qName;
    questionmarks = questionmarks +", " + "?";
    emptyElementFlag =0;
    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
    throws SAXException {
    if (thisElement !="root"){     
    if ((length == 0) && (thisElement !="") ){
    table_name = thisElement;
    sql = " Insert into "+ table_name +"(";
    value_clauseBuffer =null;
    columnNames = "";
    questionmarks ="";
    j =0;
    if ((length != 0) && (thisElement!="") && (thisElement!=table_name)){
    emptyElementFlag = 1;
    String s = new String(ch, start, length);
    String newString = s.replaceAll("'", "''");
    // String newString = s;
    if (value_clauseBuffer== null){
    value_clauseBuffer = new StringBuffer(newString);
    public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName)
    throws SAXException {
    if (thisElement !="root"){
    if ((!(value_clauseBuffer == null))||((emptyElementFlag ==0) && (qName !=table_name))) {
    //value_clauseBuffer.append("', '");
    if (value_clauseBuffer == null){
    j = j+1;
    value_clauseBuffer = null;
    emptyElementFlag =0;
    }catch(Exception e){
    if (qName == table_name){
    if (!(value_clauseBuffer == null)){
    value_clause = "'"+value_clauseBuffer;
    columnNames =columnNames.substring(1, columnNames.length());
    int paramNumber = j;
    questionmarks =questionmarks.substring(1, questionmarks.length());
    sql = sql + columnNames + " ) values (" + questionmarks +"); ";
    Insert_sql=Insert_sql + sql;
    sql = "Begin "+sql + " End; ";
         PreparedStatement pstat = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    for (int i=0; i<=j-1; i++ ){
    int k = i+1;
    pstat.setObject(k, arrayValues);
         ResultSet rset = pstat.executeQuery();
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.print("sql " + sql);
    table_name_2 = table_name;
    thisElement = "";
    public static void main (String args[]) {
    XMLReader xmlReader = null;
    System.out.println("Time " + new java.util.Date());
    try {
    SAXParserFactory spfactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    SAXParser saxParser = spfactory.newSAXParser();
    xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader();
    xmlReader.setContentHandler(new SurveyReader());
    xmlReader.setErrorHandler(new SurveyReader());
    InputSource source = new InputSource("short.xml");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    This parser takes 2 hours to laod file of size around 8MB.
    ANy suggestions on improving performance of the parser.
    ANy other approach I should be taking to load this file into DB.
    We are using ORacle 9i DB with Character set UTF 8.

    String buf = (new String(ch, start, length)).trim();
    if (thisElement != "root"){   
    if ((buf.length() == 0) && (thisElement !="") ){
    It run ok!
    Thanks 58871!
    Now, i want to export oracle table to xml file like :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Can SAX export to xml format?
    Pham Thanh Tung

  • XMLReader throws "Invalid UTF8 encoding." - Need parser for ISO-8859-1 chrs

    We are facing an issue when we try to send data which is encoded in "ISO-8859-1" charset (german chars) via the EMDClient (agent), which tries to parse it using the oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser . The parser, while trying to read it, is unable to determine the charset encoding of our data and assumes that the encoding is "UTF-8", and when it tries to read it, throws the :
    " Invalid UTF8 encoding." exception.
    I looked at the XMLReader's code and found that it tries to read the first 4 bytes (Byte Order Mark - BOM) to determine the encoding. It is probably expecting us to send the data where the first line is probably:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso88591" ?>
    But, the data that our application sends is typically as below:
    # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /ade/vivsharm_emsa2/oracle/work/listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = semsa2)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /ade/vivsharm_emsa2/oracle)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = = 15100))
    the first 4 bytes in our case will be, int[] {35, 32, 108, 105} == chars {#, SPACE, l, i},
    which does not match any of the encodings predefined in oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader.pushXMLReader() method.
    How do we ensure that the parser identifies the encoding properly and instantiates the correct parser for "ISO-8859-1"...
    Should we just add the line <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso88591" ?> at the beginning of our data?
    We have tried constructing the inputstream (ByteArrayInputStream) by using String.getBytes("ISO-8859-1") and passing that to the parser, but that does not seem to work.
    Please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards,
    PS: The exception we get is as below: Invalid UTF8 encoding.
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLUTF8Reader.checkUTF8Byte(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLUTF8Reader.readUTF8Char(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLUTF8Reader.fillBuffer(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLByteReader.saveBuffer(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader.fillBuffer(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader.tryRead(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader.scanXMLDecl(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader.pushXMLReader(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader.pushXMLReader(
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
    at org.xml.sax.helpers.ParserAdapter.parse(
    at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.RemoteOperationInputStream.readXML(
    at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.RemoteOperationInputStream.readHeader(
    at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.remotePut(

    Your message is not XML. I believe that the XMLParser is going to have problems with that as well. Perhaps you could wrap the message in an XML tag set and begin the document as you suggested with <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso88591"?>.
    You are correct in that the parser uses only the first 4 bytes to detect the encoding of the document. It can only determine if the document in ASCII or EPCDIC based. If it is ASCII it can detect only between UTF-8 and UTF-16. It will need the encoding attribute to recognize the ISO-8859-1 encoding.
    hope this helps

  • XML Parser for C++ v2 on HP-UX 11.00

    We are using XML parser for C++ v2(2.0.1) on HP-UX 11.00.Oracle version is 8.0.5. Our application is dumping core .analyzing the core gives pointers to Oracle function calls. We found that some datatypes in parser's oratypes.h (e.g ub4,sb4)were not in consistence with datatypes in native Oracle's to solve this problem? is there any linkage or Includepath order recommended to solve this? let me know if u know any solution/workaround
    thanx in advance

    We're working on getting this fixed. Thanks for reporting it.

  • Loading XML parser for PL/SQL

    I am working my way thru 'Building Oracle XML Applications' by Steve Muench.
    I am getting a problem when I try to install the XML parser for PL/SQL
    The following errors occur when I try to do
    loadjava -v -r -u xmlbook/xmlbook xmlparserv2.jar
    initialization complete
    loading : oracle/xml/parser/v2/XMLByteReader
    creating : oracle/xml/parser/v2/XMLByteReader
    Error while creating class oracle/xml/parser/v2/XMLByteReader
    ORA-29545: badly formed class: User has attempted to load a class (oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLByteReader) into a restricted package. Permission can be granted using dbms_java.grant_permission(<user>, LoadClassInPackage...
    loading : oracle/xml/parser/v2/PrintDriver
    creating : oracle/xml/parser/v2/PrintDriver
    Error while creating class oracle/xml/parser/v2/PrintDriver
    ORA-29545: badly formed class: User has attempted to load a class (oracle.xml.parser.v2.PrintDriver) into a restricted package. Permission can be granted using dbms_java.grant_permission(<user>, LoadClassInPackage...
    resolving: oracle/xml/parser/v2/PrintDriver
    Error while resolving class oracle/xml/parser/v2/PrintDriver
    ORA-04043: object /a065289c_PrintDriver does not exist
    resolving: org/w3c/dom/html/HTMLAnchorElement
    Error while resolving class org/w3c/dom/html/HTMLAnchorElement
    ORA-04043: object /564607d_HTMLAnchorElement does not exist
    About 20 classes get loaded correctly. All the rest get ORA-29545 or ORA-04043 errors.
    I expect the ORA-04043 errors are a result of the earlier errors.
    The documentation seems to indicate that there is no need to do
    dbms_java.grant_permission to load into your own schema.
    I have NT4 (sp6)
    Oracle 8.1.7
    xmlparserv2.jar dated 24/8/2001 17:01 size 1,177,259
    xmlparserv2_2027.jar gives the same errors.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Was it definitely xmlparsev2.jar that you had to load?
    I recently started going through some of these examples as well and found that the standard xml parser was there but that I needed to load the xml parser for PL/SQL. I did this using loadjava from a subdirectory within the xdk directory and everything worked fine.

  • Java +XML (SAX) Parser for Oracle 8.1.5 EE

    Hi there :)
    I am looking java classes for SAX to parse XML. I cannot find a valid parser, cause after downloaded from Oracle XDK for java, when i try to load this calasses i get a messages that i alot of classes connot be resolved.
    If somebody have valid classes on Ora 8.1.5 please send me mail.

    Have i possibilities to using some javatypes in oracle java stored procedure if this class is not loaded into db?
    Cause i would like to create a java stored procedure to parse and insert some data from xml. I was thinking to pass xml file name as a parameter to my java procedure.
    I must use Oracle 8.1.5 with jdk 1.1.7, and the best parser for me is SAX.
    Please help.
    Have i possobilities to use class inside oracle, which are placed outside oracle?
    Something like classpath, where can i modify value (but classpath inside oracle)?

  • ANN: Oracle XML Parser for Java v2.0.0.1

    A new maintenance release of the Oracle Parser for Java is
    available for download. It has the following fixes and changes:
    Bug fixes for #920536, i.e. Cannot access element attributes via
    XSLT; #898423. i.e. ElementDecl's in DTDs; #774774, i.e. DOM
    extensions using XSL pattern matching; #863890 i.e. SAX
    IOException not thrown.
    New APIs in the following new interface:
    1. oracle.xml.parser.v2.NSResolver
    - resolveNamespacePrefix( find the namespace definition in scope
    for a given namespace prefix )
    New APIs in the following classes:
    1. oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode
    - selectNodes( Selects nodes from the tree which match the given
    pattern; client can provide an NSResolver implementation to
    resolve namespace prefixes in the pattern ).
    2. oracle.xml.parser.v2.ElementDecl
    - getParseTree( Returns the root Node of Content Model parse
    tree, which could then be traversed node by node using
    getFirstChild() and getLastChild(). The Node types are: PLUS,
    This is the first beta patch release for v2.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

    unzip -l | grep 9.0.4
    0 04-18-03 20:10 .xdkjava_version_9.
    do i still need to do that step?No, you do not have to since "XML Parser for Java v9.0.4" is already installed as part of

  • ANN: XML Parser for Java v2.0.2.6

    The v2.0.2.6 of the XML Parser for Java is now available for download. The following features and bug fixes are included:
    Conformance to the XSLT/XPATH October REC.
    New API in XSLStylesheet class:
    removeParam(String param)
    Bug fixes:
    Bug #1111423: OutOfMemory exception, if multiple calls made to document()
    Bug #1101028: Unexpected character error in DTD parsing document using Docbook DTD
    Bug #1101021: #default not supported in exclude-result-prefixes
    Bug #1099830: Extra characters inserted into output using the XML Parser
    Bug #1099663: HTML output does not allow only doctype-public to be specified
    Bug #1099536: HTML output does not disable escaping for script, style unless lowercase
    Bug #1098738: ArrayOutOfBoundsException xsl:if test="not(@a)'"
    Bug #1095047: XSLProcessor NPE'S on named templates with non-empty namespaces
    Bug #1094971: XSLStylesheet needs methods for removing parameters
    Bug #1092351: Using valueof() shuffles order of elements in my source document
    Bug #1086663: xsl:sort data-type attribute can now be a namespace-prefixed name
    Bug #1086661: xsl:version attribute now required on literal result element
    Bug #1064692: Default xml-serialization should use empty-element syntax
    Bug #1064689: Current() function doesn't work correctly
    This is the sixth production patch release for v2.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

    The link has been fixed. You will go to the v2 download page
    now. Sorry for the inconvience.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network
    Renilton Oliveira (guest) wrote:
    : I didn't find the file for version as well.
    : Renilton
    : Andrei Filimonov (guest) wrote:
    : : I tried to download XML Parser for Java v2 it seems that
    : v
    : : is available. Could you please give an exact URL for
    : v2
    : : download?
    : : Andrei Filimonov
    : : Oracle XML Team wrote:
    : : : The Oracle XML v2 parser is now available for download
    : as
    : : : an early beta release and is written in Java. It features
    : an
    : : : improved architecture over the Oracle XML v1 parser and
    : : : shown better performance on small to large XML documents.
    : It
    : : : will also be able to format the XML document according to
    : : : stylesheet, having integrated an XSLT processor.
    : : : Version 2 of the XML Parser for Java, besides
    : an
    : : : XSLT processor, has been re-architected from version 1.
    : : has
    : : : resulted in a number of changes to the class names
    : especially
    : : : those that support Namespaces. See v2changes.txt and
    : the .diff
    : : : difference files in the sample directory.
    : : : Oracle XML Team
    : : :
    : : : Oracle Technology Network


    Hi people!
    I'm looking for the Oracle XML Parser for Java, my 9iAS is BI Installation, where can I get it? In the Downloads Section there is only the version for 10g, and the existing versions for 9i are not for AIX (my OS is AIX 5.2L).

    Thanks for your help, I navigate through this link and, even it shows a table where appears the release for AIX (, when I get to
    it shows me only downloads for Sun, Linux and HP-UX, but not for AIX.
    Has the version for AIX being deprecated or something like that?

  • XML parsing problems with Oracle XML parser for PL/SQL

    I am using the Oracle XML parser for PL/SQL to transform XML into HTML usign XSL. The parser gives me sporadic errors trying to parse various XML documents. For the same XML source, the XMLPARSER will parse without errors one day and the next day will give me errors such as "invalid char in text", "Expected ';'.", or even Java null pointer exceptions.
    I have verified that the XML sources are well formed, so I am pretty certain that the problems I am having are bugs in the XMLPARSER.
    Is there going to be a XML parser for PL/SQL version 2 that will fix these bugs? If so, when??? If not, is there anything else I could do to fix these problems?

    You can use the latest version.

  • How to implement this C code line: for ( int i = 0; i G_ReadLen; i = i + 2 )

    I want to implement the following C++ code in labview but i cannot make or loop to increase by two
    int j = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < G_ReadLen; i = i + 2 ) {
    BYTE AD_H = ByteArray.GetAt(i);
    BYTE AD_L = ByteArray.GetAt(i + 1);
    ValueArray[j] = AD_H << 8;
    ValueArray[j] = ValueArray[j] + AD_L;unsigned long Temp = ValueArray[j] >> 12; Volts[j] = ((float)ValueArray[j]) * 0.0048875;Message.Format("%X , %X - %X, -- %d, +%.3f Volts", AD_H, AD_L, ValueArray[j], ValueArray[j], Volts[j]); m_output_ep1i.InsertString(0,Message);
    j = j + 1;
    Go to Solution.

    Your code will not work.
    You are replacing elements of an empty array. A no-op in LabVIEW.
    Besides there is a lot easier way to do this:
    I just hope this is not a homework assignment.
    And for completeness sake here is Mikes solution (seen below):
    Message Edited by TonP on 11-14-2008 12:55 PM
    Message Edited by TonP on 11-14-2008 01:03 PM
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
    Read as U16.png ‏2 KB

  • Oracle8.1.5 and XML parser for PL/SQL

    Does XML parser for PL/SQL work with Oracle 8.1.5? Did any one install the
    same and if so what are steps to follow? I ran initjvm.sql to install
    JServer and then tried to load jar files using loadjava, but it's giving
    error. It's working fine with Oracle8.1.6.
    Any idea?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jayanta Ghosh ([email protected]):
    Does XML parser for PL/SQL work with Oracle 8.1.5? Did any one install the
    same and if so what are steps to follow? I ran initjvm.sql to install
    JServer and then tried to load jar files using loadjava, but it's giving
    error. It's working fine with Oracle8.1.6.
    Any idea?
    Oracle XML Parser has differents distributions for 8.1.5 and 8.1.6 databases, try the correct version, then runs the oraclexmlsqlload.csh from the lib directory of XSU distribution.
    Best regards, Marcelo.

  • 2-byte error in XML Parser for PL/SQL

    oracle 8.1.5
    XML parser for Java
    XML parser for PL/SQL
    we use CLOB as xml data container, but it does not work properly with 2 byte chracter set.
    I tested same situation except using VARCHAR2 instead of CLOB, it works without problem.
    I think there is some bug in method parseClob of oracle.xml.parser.plsql.XMLParserCover about converting CLOB into String.
    I appreciate any help to work around this problem.

    We couldn't reproduce this error with our test case. Can you please post a test case that gives you this problem so we can assist you further?
    Thank you,
    Oracle XML Team

  • XML-Parser for PL/SQL: OutOfMemoryError

    When using the XML-Parser for transforming an
    XML document into HTML, I sometimes get the
    following error:
    ORA-29516: Aurora assertion failure: Assertion failure at eox.c:187
    Uncaught exception System error: java/lang/OutOfMemoryError
    ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 25509408 bytes (joxcx
    callheap,ioc_allocate ufree)
    The operation nevertheless seems to finish correctly. I run Oracle 8.1.6 under WinNT4
    (384MB RAM) with a shared_pool_size of about
    30MB and a java_pool_size of 40MB.
    The original document is stored in a CLOB,
    so I use xmlparser.parseClob to get it.
    After the parsing is finished, the result is written to a file using xmldom.writeToFile.
    Can anybody point me in the right direction?
    Many thanks in advance!
    Roman ([email protected])

    May I should have said that the memory error
    occurs only when transforming a lot of xml documents at once using a cursor loop.
    This is the procedure I use:
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure transformer is
    p xmlparser.Parser;
    q xmlparser.Parser;
    xmldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    xmldocnode xmldom.DOMNode;
    proc xslprocessor.Processor;
    ss xslprocessor.Stylesheet;
    xsldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    docfrag xmldom.DOMDocumentFragment;
    docfragnode xmldom.DOMNode;
    doc0 clob;
    doc1 clob;
    doc2 clob;
    v_buffer long;
    dir varchar2(100) := 'e:\grammis\html\parser';
    xslfile varchar2(100) := 'detail.xsl';
    errfile varchar2(100) := 'fehler.txt';
    cursor c1 is select id from tb_infoknoten order by id desc;
    q := xmlparser.newParser;
    -- parse xsl file
    xmlparser.parse(q, dir &#0124; &#0124; '/' &#0124; &#0124; xslfile);
    -- get document
    xsldoc := xmlparser.getDocument(q);
    -- make stylesheet
    ss := xslprocessor.newStylesheet(xsldoc, dir &#0124; &#0124; '/' &#0124; &#0124; xslfile);
    -- process xsl
    proc := xslprocessor.newProcessor;
    xslprocessor.showWarnings(proc, true);
    xslprocessor.setErrorLog(proc, dir &#0124; &#0124; '/' &#0124; &#0124; errfile);
    -- new parser
    p := xmlparser.newParser;
    -- set some characteristics
    xmlparser.setValidationMode(p, FALSE);
    xmlparser.setErrorLog(p, dir &#0124; &#0124; '/' &#0124; &#0124; errfile);
    xmlparser.setPreserveWhiteSpace(p, TRUE);
    xmlparser.setBaseDir(p, dir);
    for h1 in c1 loop
    select inhalt into doc2 from tb_infoknoten where;
    v_buffer:='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
    DBMS_LOB.COPY(doc0, doc2, DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(doc2), 44, 1);
    xmlparser.parseClob(p, doc0);
    -- get document
    xmldoc := xmlparser.getDocument(p);
    docfrag := xslprocessor.processXSL(proc, ss, xmldoc);
    docfragnode := xmldom.makeNode(docfrag);
    -- writing transformed document
    xmldom.writeToFile(docfragnode, dir &#0124; &#0124; '/' &#0124; &#0124; &#0124; &#0124;'.html');
    end loop;
    end transformer;

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