Parse RSS feed -System.out

As below i have been reading RSS feeds.
When i execute the parser.parse(url) method i get a dump of the xml bones from the feed onto System.out, which in my case is a catalina log file.
Is there any way/method that im not aware of that can prevent this going to System.out?
public void readRSSDocument() throws Exception {
        //Create the parser
        RssParser parser = RssParserFactory.createDefault();
        //Parse our url
        Rss rss = parser.parse(
                new URL(""));

I am presuming that you picked up the code from [this tutorial|]
Looks like the library was compiled with System.out.println() statements in it.
There is always the handy little method "System.setOut()" to redirect it.
Alternatively, decompile the code, delete/comment the System.out.println statements and then recompile it.
Its not that hard. Here's the offending class:
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page:
// Decompiler options: packimports(3)
// Source File Name:
package com.sun.cnpi.rss.handlers;
import com.sun.cnpi.rss.elements.Element;
import com.sun.cnpi.rss.elements.Rss;
import java.util.*;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
// Referenced classes of package com.sun.cnpi.rss.handlers:
//            NullElementHandler, ElementHandler, HandlerException
public class DocumentHandler extends DefaultHandler
    public DocumentHandler()
        handlers = new HashMap();
        handlerStack = new Stack();
        parentStack = new Stack();
        rss = new Rss("rss");
        handlers.put(null, new NullElementHandler());
    public void registerHandler(String key, ElementHandler handler)
        handlers.put(key.toLowerCase(), handler);
    public void addToParentStack(Element parent)
    public Element popFromParentStack()
        return (Element)parentStack.pop();
    public Element peekParentStack()
        return (Element)parentStack.peek();
    public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
        throws SAXException
        //System.out.println("<" + qName + ">");
            ElementHandler currentHandler = (ElementHandler)handlers.get(qName.toLowerCase());
            if(currentHandler != null)
                Element parent = (Element)parentStack.peek();
                currentHandler.startElement(this, parent, uri, localName, qName, attributes);
        catch(HandlerException e)
        super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);
    public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length)
        throws SAXException
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        Element element = (Element)parentStack.peek();
        if(element.getText() != null)
        buffer.append(ch, start, length);
        super.characters(ch, start, length);
    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
        throws SAXException
        //System.out.println("</" + qName + ">");
                ElementHandler currentHandler = (ElementHandler)handlerStack.pop();
                if(currentHandler != null)
                    Element parent = (Element)parentStack.peek();
                    currentHandler.endElement(this, parent, uri, localName, qName);
            catch(HandlerException e)
        super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
    public Rss getRss()
        return rss;
    private Map handlers;
    private Stack handlerStack;
    private Stack parentStack;
    private Rss rss;

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    import fl.controls.List;
    cGOSSIP.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doClick);
    function doClick (e:MouseEvent):void
    cGOSSIP.gotoAndStop ("GOSSIP"); 
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              wNEWS.gotoAndStop ("WORLD NEWS");
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              fbNEWS.gotoAndStop ("FB NEWS");
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    newsListTf.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    newsListTf.size = 18;
    newsListTf.align = "left";
    newsList.setRendererStyle("textFormat", newsListTf);
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    rssStoryTf.color = 0x6699CC;
    rssStoryTf.size = 22;
    rssStoryTf.align = "left";
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    buttonTf.font = "Verdana";
    buttonTf.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    buttonTf.size = 22;
    btn_ReadMore.setStyle("textFormat", buttonTf);
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    var rssLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var rssURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest
    rssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rssLoaded);
    newsList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, selectRssStory);
    btn_ReadMore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goToURL);
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    var currentStoryURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
    newsXML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
    function rssLoaded(evt:Event):void
    newsXML = new XML(;
    for(var item:String in {
    //newsList.addItem({label:[item].pubDate.substr(0, 16)
    //+": " +[item].title } );
    newsList.addItem({label:[item].title.substr(0, 40)
    +" ..." } );
    newsList.selectedIndex = 0;
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    function selectRssStory(evt:Event):void
    rssStory.htmlText =[ ].description;
    currentStoryURL = new URLRequest([
    function goToURL(event:MouseEvent):void

    I copied the wrong code, it works and loads the feed but I have a number of buttons in the main menu and I want to be able to load a different rss feed for each button?
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    function clickHome(e:MouseEvent):void
              gotoAndStop ("START");
    var newsListTf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    newsListTf.font = "Verdana";
    newsListTf.color = 339999;
    newsListTf.size = 18;
    newsListTf.align = "left";
    newsList.setRendererStyle("textFormat", newsListTf);
    newsList.rowHeight = 100;
    newsList.allowMultipleSelection = false;
    //newsList.wordWrap = true;
    var rssStoryTf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    rssStoryTf.font = "Verdana";
    rssStoryTf.color = 0x6699CC;
    rssStoryTf.size = 22;
    rssStoryTf.align = "left";
    rssStory.setStyle("textFormat", rssStoryTf);
    var buttonTf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    buttonTf.font = "Verdana";
    buttonTf.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    buttonTf.size = 22
    btn_ReadMore.setStyle("textFormat", buttonTf);
    //RSS FEED
    var rssLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var rssURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest
    rssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rssLoaded);
    newsList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, selectRssStory);
    btn_ReadMore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goToURL);
    var newsXML:XML = new XML();
    var currentStoryURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
    newsXML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
    function rssLoaded(evt:Event):void
    newsXML = new XML(;
    for(var item:String in {
    //newsList.addItem({label:[item].pubDate.substr(0, 16)
    //+": " +[item].title } );
    newsList.addItem({label:[item].title.substr(0, 40)
    +" ..." } );
    newsList.selectedIndex = 0;
    currentStoryURL = new URLRequest([0].link);
    rssStory.htmlText =[0].description;
    function selectRssStory(evt:Event):void
    rssStory.htmlText =[ ].description;
    currentStoryURL = new URLRequest([
    function goToURL(event:MouseEvent):void

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    My advice is to send in feedback to the Apple iTunes team. That is a cop out answer but you have sent the e-mail to the wrong folks. If you send in a specific description of your problem to the feed back link you can be assured that it will get to the right people who will read it. Unfortunately, you will not get a response - but maybe we'll get a fix if enough people send in the form. Here's the link:

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    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to display the value in Title column of Pages library in title tag in RSS Feed in SharePoint.
    I tested the same scenario per your post, the title tag in RSS Feed displayed the value of Name column in libraries and displayed the value of Title column in lists.
    It is by design and there is no OOB way to change the default column mapping in RSS Feed.
    I recommend to customize your own RSS Feed style sheet to make the title displays the value of Title column in SharePoint libraries.
    Here is a link about customizing the RSS Feed for document library for you to take a look:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Lenovo System Update and Lenovo Support RSS Feed (X60)

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    On the other hand I also have the Lenovo Support RSS Feed. But they bring me to dead links. For my X60 the two drivers in my RSS Feed are
    ThinkVantage Access Connections patch for Access Connections Version 5.95 for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-...
    Patch module for Power Manager for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit) - ThinkPad -
    Both are totally dead links.
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    Hello both,
    SU has been discontinued because old SU version wouldn´t work with SP2.
    Refer to this thread in at the ThinkVantage board regarding this situation and possible solutions
    and ask your questions there, please.
    Thread locked.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter! Try the forum search, before first posting: Forum Search Option
    Please insert your type, model (not S/N) number and used OS in your posts.
    I´m a volunteer here using New X1 Carbon, ThinkPad Yoga, Yoga 11s, Yoga 13, T430s,T510, X220t, IdeaCentre B540.
    TIP: If your computer runs satisfactorily now, it may not be necessary to update the system.
     English Community       Deutsche Community       Comunidad en Español

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    Please help
    Hernando Murillo
    PD: the podcast page is

    Thanks Old Toad, but that didn't work in my case (RSS Feed not updating).
    My iWeb page
    still shows the feed on the day the widget was created, not the feed as it reads today -
    Any pointers would be appreciated.

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    The second lesson in the RSS Feed describes how to apply scroll bars to a container.

    Hi, I was having a simliar problem after updating to Windows 10 and it was really annoying me. I seemed to have fixed it by changing some settings in the compatibility section of the application properties. Here's how I did it:Right-click skype and go to properties. Click on the 'Compatibility' tab. Check the 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings'. Click 'Apply' and you're good to go! Hope this helps, Dan.

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    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct
    the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document.
    Error processing resource '
    I just want to show my boss that I have been working on this
    and would love to show him an example of this awesome technology is
    there something Im not uploading? What does this error mean?
    Thank you

    I am trying to display an RSS feed on my website as well. I
    haven't figured it out.
    Can you help?
    [email protected]

  • Blogger RSS feed parser tool

    Hello everyone,
    Is there any j2ee RSS parsing Utility for reading Blogger feeds? The one I could find in the site
    is not parsing all the blogger feed elements. The tld has just a few element tags such as title, url, buildDate. I want to parse all the elements available in blogger feeds. The list of available rss feed elements for blogger is here:

    you can use a double dot ( .. ) to jump anywhere in your xml.  for example,[4]
    should reference <link rel="next" type="application/atom+xml" href=" dex=26&max-results=25"/>

  • When I try to read my rss-feed through yandex service, the browser and the whole system freeze for a significant amount of time. This started with Firefor 5 and is very unpleasant. Thank you in advance.

    When I try to download (and especially renew) a page with my rss-feed that I read with Yandex service, the browser freezes, and then the whole system freezes. It typically takes about 5-7 minutes to load a very minimalistic page, and I can't use my browser or my system during that time.
    This started with the release of Firefox 5. I use it on Ubuntu. I haven't experienced similar problems with any other websites.
    I have already contacted the Yandex team about the matter.
    I guess it's just a little weird that one of the Yandex services won't work in Firefox, as Firefox comes with a built-in yandex-bar in many cases. And it sure is frustrating.
    Thank you very much and I am looking forward to your reply.

    Firefox Hangs
    Check and tell if its working.

  • How do you import RSS feeds into FF? (i have exported OPML file out of IE8 but can't find import option for feeds in FF)

    how do you import RSS feeds into FF? i have exported opml file out of IE8 but can't find how to import this into FF?

    See OPML Support:

Maybe you are looking for