Parsing xml in stored procedure

I need to pass an XML file as an input parameter to a stored procedure. The procedure will read the XML file and insert the data into a table.

Plenty of ways of doing it... all described in the FAQ on the XML DB Forum...

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    I want to perform updation in multiple tables using XML files.Please suggest can I do updation using xml and stored procedure.
    If yes then which is more efficient and takes less time.
    1.Updation using xml files only
    2.Updation using xml files with stored procedure.
    3.Stored procedure alone.
    If direct xml and stored procedure communication is possible.then please write how.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Here's a sample. The next code drop of the XSQL Servlet will make the easy-to-do from within XSQL Pages:
    package package1;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import oracle.xml.sql.query.OracleXMLQuery;
    public class Class1 extends Object {
    public static void main( String[] arg ) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = getConnection();
    CallableStatement ocs = conn.prepareCall("begin ? := App.HotItems('PAUL'); end;");
    ResultSet rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)ocs).getCursor(1);
    OracleXMLQuery oxq = new OracleXMLQuery(conn,rs);
    public static Connection getConnection() throws Exception {
    String username = "scott";
    String password = "tiger";
    String dburl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xml";
    String driverClass = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    Driver d = (Driver)Class.forName(driverClass).newInstance();
    return DriverManager.getConnection(dburl,username,password);

  • XML in Stored Procedure

    I'm using a 10g
    I have this XML.
    <detail>Oracle book</detail>
    I want this result.(price, itemno & company)
    Would you please help me how to get this in stored procedure?
    Thank you.

    SQL>  SELECT XMLELEMENT("item", d.xml.EXTRACT ('item/price | item/itemno | item/company')) new_xml
    <detail>Oracle book</detail>
    </item>') xml  FROM DUAL) d

  • XML and Stored Procedures

    Is it possible to pass information to and from an Oracle stored procedure using a XML page? If so could you please point me to examples and/or white pages?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lillian Goodwin ([email protected]):
    Is it possible to pass information to and from an Oracle stored procedure using a XML page? If so could you please point me to examples and/or white pages?
    Look at DB Prism, it works like Oracle Web Server but is based on servlet technology.
    With DB Prism you could make an stored procedure in PLSQL or Java and receive the XML values directly using the HTTP protocols.
    DB Prism is at Plenix Web Site
    This week DB Prism 1.1.0-dev will be ready for downloading including full compatibilty with OWS/OAS/IAS/Web DB toolkits.
    Best regards, Marcelo

  • Parse options for stored procedures in OMWB

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    I'll do apreciate it if somebody could explain me where i can find a detailed description for each stored procedures "parse options" in OMWB, like "generate maxilma pl/sql", "debug info", etc
    Thanks in advance..

    There is online help on this. On the Parse Options page press 'Help' then choose
    Stored Procedure: Parse Option Page
    Thank you for your time,
    Oracle Migration Workbench Team

  • Parsing XML data stored as CLOB in DB and save attribute values in table

    I have a CLOB column in table that is holding XML data as follows,
    <banner-image id="0">
    <banner-image id="1">
    Now I need to parse thru the above XML data and pull the attribute values to store in another table as follows,
    0 | BANNER | http.gif | www | Acura
    1 | BANNER | http.gif | gfrty | BMW
    And XML data doesn't always end up with 2 rows in this table....some times it may be 3 or 4 as well. It is just that in this example it ended up with 2 rows.
    So, I would appreciate if someone can help me find a generic way of doing this,
    Thank you in advance,

    This is not a reply.. sorry.
    I took have a similar problem only..
    can you pls help me
    XML structure.
    <Size>L HS</Size>
    <CustPO>rush order</CustPO>
    <Size>M HS</Size>
    <CustPO>rush order</CustPO>
    <CustPO>rush order</CustPO>
    The DB is ORACLE 9i
    This is stored in a XML table of type XMLTYPE.
    THIS I USED THE .extract function to get the values of the nodes.
    POHeader details are working fine. But when i get the POItemDetails i am getting 'ARSH1332ARSH1332ARSH1556' when i issue the command
    select a.extract('/PODetails/POItemDetails/ItemID/text()').getStringVal() ItemID
    FROM xmltable a
    WHERE a.existsnode('//POItemDetails/ItemID')=1
    Pls Help..

  • Parsing XML and Storing values in instance variable

    i'm new to XML.
    here i'm trying to parse an XML and store their element data to the instance variable.
    in my main method i'm tried to print the instance variable. but it shows "" (ie it print nothing ).
    i know the reason, its becas of the the endElement() event generated and it invokes the characters() and assigns "" to the instance variable.
    my main perspective is to store the element data in instance variable.
    thanks in advance.
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    public class mysax extends DefaultHandler
         String ctelement;
         CharArrayWriter contents;
         String vname1,vrcbreg1,vaddress1,vcountry1,vtelephone1,vfax1;
         String vname,vrcbreg,vaddress,vcountry,vtelephone,vfax;
         public mysax()
              vname1 = null;
              vrcbreg1 = null;
              vaddress1 = null;
              vcountry1 = null;
              vtelephone1 = null;
              vfax1 = null;
              contents= new CharArrayWriter();
         public void doparse(String url) throws Exception
              SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
    ParserAdapter pa = new ParserAdapter(sp.getParser());
         public void startElement(String namespace,String localName,String qName,Attributes atts)
              ctelement = localName;     
         public void endElement(String uri,String localName,String qName) throws SAXException
         public void characters(char[] ch,int start, int length) throws SAXException
                        vname = new String (ch,start,length);
                        System.out.println("The method "+vname1);
              }catch (Exception e)
                   System.out.println("The exception "+e);
         public static void main(String args[])
              mysax ms = new mysax();
              System.out.println("the contents name "+ms.vname1);
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.out.println("this is exception at main" +e);
    my XML looks like

    I believe that the problem has to do with the value you assign to ctelement. You are assigning the value of localName to ctElement, however for the element: <name>...</name> the localname is empty string i.e. "", but qName equals "name". Because you are assigning empty string to ctElement, when you do the comparison in characters of ctElement to "name" it will always be false. So in startElement change it to ctElement = qName; Try it and see if it works. I have produced similar programs and it works for me.
    Hope this helps.

  • XML from stored procedure

    I am calling a oracle stored function which returns REF CURSOR.. I am using XDP to convert the result set into XML.. But the result coming from my java program is like below..
    I don't want to have those bind variables (:B1, :B2 etc) in there, how can I get the record variable names instead of bind variables.. Thanks for your help..
    stmt.execute(); // Execute the statement.
    ResultSet rset = (ResultSet)stmt.getObject(1); // Get the ResultSet
    OracleXMLQuery qry = new OracleXMLQuery(_conn,rset); // prepare Query class
    qry.keepCursorState(true); // set options (keep the cursor alive..
    while ((str = qry.getXMLString())!= null)
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <ROW num="1">

    Would you post the sample SQL Query or send test case to me at: [email protected]

  • Parse parameter of Stored Procedure

    <p>Hi,</p><p>I have a date(P_INDATE) parameter in the report which is included as a part of IN parameter from Stored Proc,  Now in the report can I parse that parameter with any other String parameter?<br />For eg:<br />(if isnull({?P_INDATE}) then Datetime({?RPT_DATE}) = {?P_INDATE})</p><p>The root cause of the above turnaround is: I am unable to pass date datatype from java code to schedule report...</p><p>Any suggestions?</p>

    Please re-post if this is still an issue to the Java Development - Crystal Reports Forum or purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with you directly

  • XML - Stored Procedure

    Hi ,
    How to parse the xml to Stored procedure?
    Thamilselvan J

    How to parse the xml using Stored procedure?Please find the sample code below.(invoke a webservice,get the soap response XML and subsequently parse the XML)
    http_req utl_http.req;
    http_resp utl_http.resp;
    ls_out_resp varchar2(32767);
    ls_out_xml xmltype;
    ls_out varchar2(200);
    -- Invoke the webservice\URL
    http_req := utl_http.begin_request("your webservice url", 'GET' ,'HTTP/1.1');
    -- Set the Content header
    -- Get the HTTP response
    http_resp := utl_http.get_response(http_req);utl_http.read_text(http_resp, ls_out_resp);
    - - Parse the XML response
    ls_out_xml := xmltype(ls_out_resp);
    The lines in bold are the ones to parse the XML.
    Good luck!!!

  • Stored Procedure call to Oracle - issue

    hi ,
    I am trying to call a receiver JDBC adapter to call an oracle stored procedure -
    I got this error ->
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call  - which I understand is related to mismatch btw the XML and Stored procedure
    I checked the XMl and it matches the stored procedure call.  I have two specific questions -
    1) I have used SAP Note 801367 to have  a look at the SQl command sent to the db.. However I do not see the stored procedure in the Audit logs...Does this feature work for Stored procedures too?
    2) Can you look at the XML sent to the JDBC adapter...I saw something wierd... even though I had declared the isOutput attribute first and then attribute type... when I  loaded the MT into the mapping the order changed...Does than matter?
      <customer_id isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">5000123</customer_id>
      <product_id isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">0041003</product_id>
      <serial_number isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">1</serial_number>
      <effective_date isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">2010-03-16</effective_date>
      <quantity isInput="true" type="NUMERIC">1.000</quantity>
      <currency_code isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">USD</currency_code>
      <dist_channel_id isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">11</dist_channel_id>
      <division_id isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">04</division_id>
      <org_unit_id isInput="true" type="VARCHAR">1005</org_unit_id>
      <config_name isInput="true" type="VARCHAR" />
      <resolved_price type="NUMERIC" isOutput="true" />
      <resolved_currency type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <contract_id type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <contract_desc type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <contract_owner_id type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <payment_terms type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <product_group_id type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <commitment_id type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <tier_index type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <shipping_flag type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <result_code type="VARCHAR" isOutput="true" />
      <exec_time type="NUMERIC" isOutput="true" />
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call

    Just to be sure: are all inputs to yourstored procedure of type varchar, or are there maybe inputs with different types?
    A mismatch between the type specified in the XML and the expected inputs of the SP can also cause this error.

  • XML parsing in Stored procedure

    Hi friends,
    PLease help to resove my issue mentioned below.
    I am tring to parse one large xml whic i am getting from calling a webservice.I am reading line by line from the request and storing into a clob variable.
    I convert it to xml type for some manipulation after that When i am trying to convert it back to Clob by using getClobVal() data is getting truncated.
    Please help how can i resolve this issue

    soap_request:= '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">
    <soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">
    <EmpId>'I am giving certain value here'</EmpId>
    http_req:= utl_http.begin_request
    ( 'Webservice URL'
    , 'POST'
    , 'HTTP/1.1'
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml'); -- since we are dealing with plain text in XML documents
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Length', length(soap_request));
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'SOAPAction', ''); -- required to specify this is a SOAP communication
    utl_http.write_text(http_req, soap_request);
    http_resp:= utl_http.get_response(http_req);
    utl_http.read_text(http_resp, soap_respond);// soap_request CLOB;
    // soap_respond CLOB;
    resp:= XMLType.createXML(soap_respond);// resp XMLType;
    My REsponse from webservice is in the following format
    <soapenv:Body><p663:getEmpInfoResponse xmlns:p663=""><getEmpInfoReturn><errorLevel>1</errorLevel>
    <returnSet>My result is in here</returnSet>
    After that i am
    EXTRACTING the resp for getting result set
    Then to get canonical XML format(I mean with out any < or> symbols i am using
    respStr := resp.getClobVall();
    respStr := DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(respStr,1);
    resp:= XMLType.createXML(respStr);
    parser := xmlparser.newParser;
    xmlparser.parseBuffer(parser, respStr);
    doc := xmlparser.getDocument(parser);
    The data is getting truncated when resp.getClobVall() is calling
    . So end tag missing error is coming while parsing.
    I am using 9i version oracle. XML that is returning from webservice is more that 80K
    Edited by: user9138090 on Feb 12, 2010 10:55 AM
    Edited by: user9138090 on Feb 12, 2010 11:16 AM
    Edited by: user9138090 on Feb 12, 2010 12:02 PM
    Edited by: user9138090 on Feb 12, 2010 12:03 PM

  • Parsing XML passed as CLOBs to stored procedures

    I am a newbie using XML with PL/SQL. I would like to pass XML as a CLOB to a stored procedure, parse the nodes in a loop and insert or update records. Something like this:
    The xml:
    In the stored procedure:
    CREATE update_emps( xmlCLob in CLOB )
    load xmlClob into parser p
    nodelist = p.someMethod( '/emps/emp' )
    for each node in nodelist
    insert into emp( empno, ename) values ( node.empno, node.ename
    end loop
    Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    If the file size is not large, it seems easier to use XSLT to transform the doc and using XSU to do the updates.

  • XML Parsing in Java Stored Proc--Oracle XML Support Installation?

    I am working with a third party product that is having difficulty running a java stored proc that is parsing a supplied XML file. The proc basically looks like:
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    InputStream is = getXMLAsInputStream(xml);
    try {
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document document = builder.parse( is );
    ... parse the document ....
    catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {
    // unable to get a document builder factory
    We are running on, HP-UX 64-bit. At first, when we would attempt to run the proc, a database hang would occur; now after attempting to install using loadjava jars for xerces2.6: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
    javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
    org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found)
    The vendor says that the errors we are getting when running are not due to any dependency on xerces or jre1.4, and that we need to "install Oracle XML support", but I'm not certain what this means (I cannot find any documentation on what to install). I believe that there are jars that need to be loaded into the database to support the XML parsing, as jre1.3 does not include built-in XML support, and Oracle uses jre1.3.
    So...does anyone have any thoughts as to how to resolve the missing references? Is there a way to "install Oracle XML support", or is it to install the necessary jars?

    The following resources should be of help:
    Oracle9i Database Release 2 (9.2) Documentation Library
    In particular, check out the following:
    Java Developer's Guide
    Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide
    XML API Reference - XDK and Oracle XML DB
    XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB
    XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK
    If that doesn't help, then try the following:
    OracleJVM and Java Stored Procedures
    XML Technology Center
    Good Luck,

  • Parse XML in a java stored proc

    I am trying to parse an xml document in a java stored procedure. Just following my nose, I have developed a stored proc that works fine in development (outside the database using JRE 1.4.1) using the Xerces 2.5 parser. But, after having transferred the xerces xercesImpl.jar, xmlapis.jar, and my implementation class into oracle using loadjava when I call my stored proc the code throws an exception trying to build the document with an error like:
    NoClassDef exception org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentFactoryBuilderImpl
    My Code looks like this:
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    InputStream is = getXMLAsInputStream(xml);
    try {
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document document = builder.parse( is );
    ... parse the document ....
    catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) {
    // unable to get a document builder factory
    The exception caught is a FactoryConfigurtionError.
    I'm not particularly attached to xerces, I'm really just looking for a way to parse XML inside my java stored proc, so any help to solve my problem, or an alternative suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

    I looked again and sure enough the xerces implementation classes were missing. I had run a .cmd file containing these two lines, but it looks like only the first one ran...
    loadjava -u ncc/xyz@usd -v -r M:\Database\JavaGeocode\Xerces2_5_0\xml-apis.jar
    loadjava -u ncc/xyz@usd -v -r M:\Database\JavaGeocode\Xerces2_5_0\xercesImpl.jar
    Now I've got everything working fine with Xerces!

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