Pass a method as an object to DocumentListener

So far, I have been assigning document listeners to JTextfields within the same class as the JTextField, as in...
               private createJTextField(){
                   JTextField t = new JTextField();
               private DocumentListener documentListener() {
              DocumentListener listener = new DocumentListener(){
                  public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e){textFieldActions();}
              public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e){textFieldActions();}
                     public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e){textFieldActions();};};
             return listener;
            private void textFieldActions() {
              //Do something, like search the text in the JTextField for a string;
              }This does work, but it means I have to include similar blocks of code for every JTextField I create., I thought it would be better to set up a utility that I could pass the JTextField and method to, which would assign the method to the DocumentListener. Something like...
     private JTextField t;
     private Boolean b;
     private JTextFieldDocumentListenerUtility l;
     protected void setUp(){
          t = new JTextField();
          b = false;
          l = new JTextFieldDocumentListenerUtility();
     public void testDocumentListener(){
          l.assignAction(t, someAction());
     private void someAction() {
          b = true;
               }The JTextFieldDocumentListenerUtility class includes the "private DocumentListener documentListener()" method in the first block of code.
However, I can't pass the method "as is". I think (and I need some guidance here) its because the method "someAction()" returns a void, whereas I need to pass an object to the JTextFieldDocumentListenerUtility.
What is the tidiest way to do this, given that I'm trying to cut down duplicate code every time I create a JTextField?
Can someone please walk me through this?

You could use the Strategy pattern.
Basically creating a DocumentListener implementation that accepts as parameters the JTextField and a separate "Operation" instance. Where operation would be an
interface that would define a single operation() method (or 3 different operation methods if you want different operations performed for the changed/remove/insert events).
Some non-tested sample code.
public class MyListener implements DocumentListener {
    private JTextField field;
    private Operation operation;
    public MyListener(JTextField field, Operation operation) {
        this.field = field;
        this.operation = operation;
    public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { operation.changed(field); }
    public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { operation.remove(field); }
    public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { operation.insert(field); }
}This way if you have 10 textfields that need to behave in a similar way, you'd need only create 1 Operation implementation that handles the functionality and just use
t.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new MyListener(t, new MyStandardOperation()));Since you can't pass around only methods, you need to have a class to contain them in.
But if you need to have several textfields that have similar functionality, you'll have the functionality contained in a single place and cut down on the boilerplate code.

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    BarkleyActually there is no reason for this. You dont have
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    I think the original poster wants to be able to either: a) specify a method to call at run-time, not at compile-time OR b) specify a function that some other piece of code (that the coder has no control over) will execute upon a given event. These are the typical uses for function pointers are used for in my experience. This allows things like API call-back functions, etc in Windows programming.
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    public interface CallBack
      public Object func(Object o);
    The Object argument and return-type above are similar to how void pointers are used in C++ allowing user data to be passed in to and out of the function thereby letting the function implementation interpret the incoming user data and letting the caller interpret the data coming out.
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            int i = 0;
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                types[i] = arg.getClass();
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                m.invoke(o, args);
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                throw new RuntimeException("Error dynamically calling method " + methodName + " on " + o.toString());
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         public static void doCall(Object o, String methodName, Object ... args){
            Class[] types = new Class[args.length];
            int i = 0;
            for(Object arg : args){
                types[i++] = arg.getClass();
            try {
                Method m = o.getClass().getMethod(methodName, types);
                m.invoke(o, args);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error dynamically calling method " + methodName + " on " + o.toString());
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Callable callee = new Callable();
              GenericMethodCaller.doCall( callee, "callabelMethod", 10d ); // 10d gets autoboxed to a Double object.
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         public void callabelMethod(Double o) {
              System.out.println("callabelMethod(Double o) called");
         public void callabelMethod(double o) {
              System.out.println("callabelMethod(double o) called");
    }The output will be:
    callabelMethod(double o) called
    callabelMethod(Double o) called
    - Roy

  • Arraylist issue: pass all the arrayList `s object to other arrayList ...

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    and save the new arraylist `s object to a file...i try to solve for a long ..pls help...
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Demo{
         readOperation theRo = new readOperation();
         errorCheckingOperation theEco = new errorCheckingOperation();
         ArrayList<MusicCd>  MusicCdList;
         private void heading()
              System.out.println("\tTesting read data from console, save to file, reopen that file\t");
         private void readDataFromConsole()
         //private void insertCd()
            MusicCdList = new ArrayList<MusicCd>( ); 
            MusicCd theCd;
            int muiseCdsYearOfRelease;
            int validMuiseCdsYearOfRelease;
            String muiseCdsTitle;
                    String continueInsertCd = "Y";
                        muiseCdsTitle = theRo.readString("Please enter your CD`s title : ");
                        muiseCdsYearOfRelease = theRo.readInt("Please enter your CD`s year of release : ");
                        validMuiseCdsYearOfRelease = theEco.errorCheckingInteger(muiseCdsYearOfRelease, 1000, 9999);
                        MusicCdList.add(new MusicCd(muiseCdsTitle, validMuiseCdsYearOfRelease));//i try add the cd`s information to the arrayList
                        continueInsertCd = theRo.readString("Do you have another Cd ? (Y/N) : ");
                   }while(continueInsertCd.equals("Y") || continueInsertCd.equals("y") );
                   if(continueInsertCd.equals("N") || continueInsertCd.equals("n"));
                                                    //MusicCdList.add(new MusicCd(muiseCdsTitle, muiseCdsYearOfRelease));                              
                      //System.out.println("You `ve an invalid input " + continueInsertCd + " Please enter (Y/N) only!!");
         //i want to pass those information that i just add to the arrayList to file
         //I am going to pass the arraylist that contains my cd`s information to new arraylist "saveitems and save it to a file...
         //i stuck on this problem
         //how do i pass all the arrayList `s object to another arraylist ..pls help
         //it is better show me some example how to solve thx a lot
         private void saveToFile(ArrayList<MusicCd> tempItems)
              ArrayList<MusicCd> saveItems;
              saveItems = new ArrayList<MusicCd>();
                   File f = new File("cdData.txt");
                   FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
                   ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
                   saveItems.add(ArrayList<MusicCd> tempItems);
                   //items.add("Second item.");
                   //items.add("Third item.");
                   //items.add("Blah Blah.");
              catch (IOException ioe)
                   File g = new File("test.fil");
                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(g);
                   ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                   ArrayList<String> stuff = (ArrayList<String>)ois.readObject();
                   for( String s : stuff ) System.out.println(s);
              catch (Exception ioe)
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Demo one = new Demo();
              //the followring code for better understang
    public class MusicCd implements Serializable
         private String musicCdsTitle;
            private int yearOfRelease;
         public MusicCd()
              musicCdsTitle = "";
              yearOfRelease = 1000;
         public MusicCd(String newMusicCdsTitle, int newYearOfRelease)
              musicCdsTitle = newMusicCdsTitle;
              yearOfRelease = newYearOfRelease;
         public String getTitle()
              return musicCdsTitle;
         public int getYearOfRelease()
              return yearOfRelease;
         public void setTitle(String newMusicCdsTitle)
              musicCdsTitle = newMusicCdsTitle;
         public void setYearOfRelease(int newYearOfRelease)
              yearOfRelease = newYearOfRelease;
         public boolean equalsName(MusicCd otherCd)
              if(otherCd == null)
                   return false;
                   return (musicCdsTitle.equals(otherCd.musicCdsTitle));
         public String toString()
              return("Music Cd`s Title: " + musicCdsTitle + "\t"
                     + "Year of release: " + yearOfRelease + "\t");
         public ArrayList<MusicCd> getMusicCd(ArrayList<MusicCd> tempList)
              return new ArrayList<MusicCd>(ArrayList<MusicCd> tempList);
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.InputMismatchException;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    public class errorCheckingOperation
         public int errorCheckingInteger(int checkThing, int lowerBound, int upperBound)
               int aInt = checkThing;
                    while((checkThing < lowerBound ) || (checkThing > upperBound) )
                         throw new Exception("Invaild value....Please enter the value between  " +  lowerBound + " & " +  upperBound );
               catch (Exception e)
                 String message = e.getMessage();
               return aInt;
           public int errorCheckingSelectionValue(String userInstruction)
                int validSelectionValue = 0;
                     int selectionValue;
                     Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                     selectionValue = scan.nextInt();
                     validSelectionValue = errorCheckingInteger(selectionValue , 1, 5);
               catch (NoSuchElementException e)
                   //if no line was found
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (no line was found) " + e);
              catch (IllegalStateException e)
                   // if this scanner is closed
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return validSelectionValue;
    import java.util.*;
    public class readOperation{
         public String readString(String userInstruction)
              String aString = null;
                         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   aString = scan.nextLine();
              catch (NoSuchElementException e)
                   //if no line was found
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (no line was found) " + e);
              catch (IllegalStateException e)
                   // if this scanner is closed
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aString;
         public char readTheFirstChar(String userInstruction)
              char aChar = ' ';
              String strSelection = null;
                   //char charSelection;
                         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   strSelection =;
                   aChar =  strSelection.charAt(0);
              catch (NoSuchElementException e)
                   //if no line was found
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (no line was found) " + e);
              catch (IllegalStateException e)
                   // if this scanner is closed
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aChar;
         public int readInt(String userInstruction) {
              int aInt = 0;
              try {
                   Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   aInt = scan.nextInt();
              } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nInputMismatchException error occurred (the next token does not match the Integer regular expression, or is out of range) " + e);
              } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (input is exhausted)" + e);
              } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aInt;

    sorry for my not-clear descprtion...thc for your help....i got a problem on store some data to a file ....u can see my from demo..
    Step1: i try to prompt the user to enter his/her cd `s information
    and i pass those cd `s information to an object "MuiscCd" ..and i am going to add this "MuiscCd" to the arrayList " MusicCdList ". i am fine here..
    Step2: and i want to save the object that `s in my arrayList " MusicCdList " to a file....i got stuck here..<_> ..(confused).
    i will reopen the file and print it out..(here i am alright )

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    Hello all,
    What is the work-around on using methods of an object marked as private instantiation? I tried to use concepts of <b>INHERITANCE</b> or <b>FRIENDS</b> of an object (<u>BCONTACT </u> in my case - a SAP standard object) but it did not work, or at least, I do not know how to properly code the statements in my ABAP program.
    Any code samples, other ideas?
    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    I am closing this question as there has been no answer.
    Message was edited by:
            Goharjou ardavan

  • How to use the index method for pathpoints object in illustrator through javascripts

    am using Illustrator CS2 using javascripts...
    how to use the index method for pathpoints object in illustrator through javascripts..

    Hi, what are you trying to do with path points?

  • Run-time error '1004' -- Method 'Container' of object '_Workbook' failed

    Dear All,
    One of our users is getting the following Microsoft Visual Basic error while running the report S_ALR_87013614.
    Run-time error '1004'
    Method 'Container' of object '_Workbook' failed.
    I have searched the forum posts for help. But I only found some details related to Run-time error 1004 related to some excel file security but not related to "Method 'Container' of object '_Workbook' failed".
    Could anyone please tell me how this error can be eliminated for the user?

    Dear Arpan,
    We too observed a few PIDs along with the one that you have mentioned but they make no difference. Some users who has the PID G_RW_DOCUMENT_TYPE set with some value are getting the report.
    Upon further searching we are assuming that it could be an issue with the Microsoft applications or macro settings of the user. But not sure about it.
    Lakshmi Venigala.

  • When a Method Returns an Object, does it return a copy or a pointer?

    When you have a method that returns an Object, is the Object returning a copy of the Object returned inside
    of the Method or is it an Actual pointer to the Object inside of the method's coresponding Object?
    so say you have an object ...
    Class Something {
    JLabel myLabel = new JLable("myLabel");
    public JLabel getLabel() {
    return myLabel;;
    Something something = new Something();
    JLable theLabel = something.getLabel()
    so when I setString on the Object theLabel , am I going to change the value of myLabel inside of the Object something?

    Yes, it returns a pointer.

  • Override method on an object construted by somebody

         customMenuComponent.addCustomLink(new CustomLinkComponenet("strlink","Storage Inbox",Index.class) {
                   protected BookmarkablePageLink getBookmarkablePageLink() {
                        BookmarkablePageLink bookmarkablePageLink=   new BookmarkablePageLink("link",clazz){
                             protected void onBeforeRender() {
                        return bookmarkablePageLink;
              customMenuComponent.addCustomLink(new CustomLinkComponenet("strlink","Storage Inbox",Index.class) {
                   protected BookmarkablePageLink getBookmarkablePageLink() {
                        BookmarkablePageLink bookmarkablePageLink=   super.getBookmarkablePageLink(){
                             protected void onBeforeRender() {
                        return bookmarkablePageLink;
              });the second block of code does not compile please explain me why and what is the workaround ? i can override a method on a object when I initialize with new but cannot override if I get the object from super or somebody constructs why ?

    miro_connect wrote:
    in my case is there way to copy object returned from super to object created in sub and override methods ?Perhaps. You need to know about the implementation of the original object.

  • Calling a method in BPM Object from jsp page

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    I try to call a method from BPM Object using <f:invokeUrl >
    I change server side method properties to yes.
    and then how can i get request and response object inside the BPM method.

    Thanks for ur response,
    But i mention about BPM method inside BPM Object.
    i found this inside the documentation.
    methodName(Fuego.Net.HttpRequest request, Fuego.Net.HttpResponse response)
    i need to match above BPM method and <f:invokeUrl > tag. am i right?
    But i don't know how to create method with argument "Fuego.Net.HttpRequest request, Fuego.Net.HttpResponse response" inside BPM Object.
    I can't find any place to define method argument inside Oracle BPM studio.
    I don't know how to parse argument like "Fuego.Net.HttpRequest request, Fuego.Net.HttpResponse response"
    With Regards,
    Wai Phyo
    Edited by: user8729650 on Sep 9, 2009 7:03 PM
    Edited by: user8729650 on Sep 9, 2009 9:20 PM

  • Calling a method in BPM Object from jsf page

    Hi All,
    How do I call a method in BPM object from JSF page? Is it possible to invoke it in a manner similar to invoking a method from managed bean in JSF application?
    Please help.
    Thanks and Regards,

    You can use f:invoke (or f:invokea to with parameters)
    For ajax calls, you can use f:invokeUrl to get the URL to a particular method within your BPM object, although make sure the Server-Side Method property is set to Yes.

  • Meaning of factory method in abap objects

    Can anybody help me in understanding the meaning of factory method in abap object? what is the importance of this?

    Hi Krish and Sudhansu,
    Design patterns are solutions which are already verified and known by many developers. That is why it is worth to use them. There is no need to reinvent the wheel in many cases.
    I would recommend book which is placed in the ABAP world:
    Although Java language has intuitive syntax, there are some special things in ABAP development so it is better to check solutions adjusted for ABAP editor.
    The most common usage of factory pattern is to simplify object creation.
    - By one method call you provide required parameters and do all initializations, including dependent objects.
    - Class can have many factory methods, if you want to provide more ways of initialization.
    - Factory method is usually static in the class and they return initialized instance of object for this class.
    - There is naming convention to start factory method name with "create" - easy to recognize pattern.
    - If you set property of class to "private instantiation" then you force to use factory method for object creation. In this way it is really simple to find all places where object are created with given set of input parameters - find references of factory method.
    Factory pattern becomes even more powerful if we add inheritance. Factory method returns basic object (like ZCL_VEHICLE) but its implementation can return different subclass instance, depending on input parameter (ZCL_CAR, ZCL_TRAIN etc). Each instance can implement differently behavior (methods implementation), but these are object oriented techniques.

  • Method 'DBEngine' of object '_Application' failed

    I am trying to run the latest version of OMWB against an Access 2000 database and am not able to export the information to XML. The subject error message is then followed with another message, 'object variable or With block variable not set'. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I believe you are getting the "Method 'DBEngine' of object '_Application' failed" error because there is a problem with your DAO installation. If you manually register the dao360.dll, you should no longer experience this issue when you attempt to use the Exporter tool.
    Execute :
    Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO\dao360.dll"
    Please refer to the following article for detailed steps:;en-us;887033&spid=2509&sid=global
    If this does not resolve your issue, please let me know.
    I hope this helps.

  • How can i pass rowiterator method

    hi how can i pass rowiterator method
    i got below method how can i pass it to my postchanges mothod e.g
    SmsPropertiesImpl property = getSmsProperties();
    am in jdeveloper
    public class SmsPartyAddressImpl extends EntityImpl {
        public RowIterator getSmsProperties() {
            return (RowIterator)getAttributeInternal(SMSPROPERTIES);
        public void postChanges(TransactionEvent e) {
            /* If current entity is new or modified */
            if (getPostState() == STATUS_NEW ||
            getPostState() == STATUS_MODIFIED) {
            /* Get the associated property for the postaladdress */
           // SmsPropertiesImpl property = getSmsProperties();
            //SmsPropertiesImpl property  = getSmsProperties();
                SmsPropertiesImpl property = new SmsPropertiesImpl();
               // SmsPartyAddressImpl property = new SmsPartyAddressImpl();
            /* If there is an associated property */
            if (property != null) {
            /* And if its post-status is NEW */
            if (property.getPostState() == STATUS_NEW) {
            * Post the property first, before posting this
            * entity by calling super below

    hi how can i pass rowiterator method
    i got below method how can i pass it to my postchanges mothod e.g
    SmsPropertiesImpl property = getSmsProperties();
    am in jdeveloper
    public class SmsPartyAddressImpl extends EntityImpl {
        public RowIterator getSmsProperties() {
            return (RowIterator)getAttributeInternal(SMSPROPERTIES);
        public void postChanges(TransactionEvent e) {
            /* If current entity is new or modified */
            if (getPostState() == STATUS_NEW ||
            getPostState() == STATUS_MODIFIED) {
            /* Get the associated property for the postaladdress */
           // SmsPropertiesImpl property = getSmsProperties();
            //SmsPropertiesImpl property  = getSmsProperties();
                SmsPropertiesImpl property = new SmsPropertiesImpl();
               // SmsPartyAddressImpl property = new SmsPartyAddressImpl();
            /* If there is an associated property */
            if (property != null) {
            /* And if its post-status is NEW */
            if (property.getPostState() == STATUS_NEW) {
            * Post the property first, before posting this
            * entity by calling super below

Maybe you are looking for