Pass more than one argument for action in the URL

i've created a DesktopURL object with which i refere back to the Front Page. With the same URL i want to minimize two channels at the same time. I know that i can minimize one channel with the "action=minimize&provider=myProvider" attribute.
Is there a way to pass more than one provider for an action ?
Or exists another way to do that ?

In fact, my code was completely right. I tried with commas and it hasn't work. When I tried again without commas it worked perfectly...
Nevertheless, thanks for the advice!

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    select id, name from col_tab where dept_name in ('ECE','CIVIL');
    when i was running this it is working well.
    TYPE type_refcur IS REF CURSOR;
    PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur);
    END pack_str;
    PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur)
    OPEN ans FOR
    select id,name from col_tab where dept_name in char_in ;
    END str;
    END pack_str;
    the package was created.
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    plz help me

    Hi Rebekh ,
    I am recreating your packages for the desired output.
         TYPE type_refcur IS REF CURSOR;
         PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur);
    END pack_str;
         PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur)
              lv_t varchar2(200);
              lv_t := REPLACE(char_in,',',''',''');
              lv_t := 'select id,name from col_tab where dept_name in (''' || lv_t || ''')' ;
              OPEN ans FOR lv_t;
         END str;
    END pack_str;
    Input Parameter char_in is a comma seperated value for dept_name

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    One more note about constructors...
    if you define a constructor to take argument(s)
    and don't define the default constructor it is not available.
    public class myClass
       public static void main(String args[])
          // Ok
          myClass c = new myClass("Hello World");
         // Not Ok
         myClass c2 = new myClass();
       } // main
       public myClass(String name)
          named = name;
       } // myClass
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    } // myClassIf you want to be able to construct the object with the default and parameter constructors, you must declare them all...
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       public static void main(String args[])
          // Ok
          myClass c = new myClass("Hello World");
         // Ok
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       } // main
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          named = "No Name";
       } // myClass
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          named = name;
       } // myClass
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    } // myClass

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    First, I don't subscribe to the "one should not use an admin account" philosophy. For someone who is the owner and main user of any given machine, I see the use of anything but an admin account a bit anal, totally unecessary, and needlessly complicating.
    On the other hand, I don't see the need for more than one admin account on any given machine. Yes, I see exceptions to this, and many people favor having a second admin account as a "backup," but I have never had more than one admin account on any of my machines, and have never encountered a situation where one would have helped.
    In short, I like the idea of having a "main" admin account that is used most of the time, and then having "secondary" accounts (all non-admin) for any additional users that might log in.
    Now, any limitations that apply to you as a GUI user of an account, admin or not, will apply to you at the command line as well. In other words, you can't get yourself into any more trouble at the command line than you can within the GUI. In fact, you might even be better protected at the command line than you are in the GUI. I say this because any action that would ordinarily "elevate" you above the standard capabilities of a non-admin user require the use of "sudo." Avoid the use of sudo, and you can avoid any problems.
    That doesn't mean that you wouldn't be able to do something stupid that might wreck an account that contains "all of your stuff," and on which you depend. It is not likely that you would damage your System, but it is entirely conceivable that you might, for example, accidently delete or overwrite your entire HOME folder. Oops!
    If you simply don't trust yourself with the command line, a second account might be a good place to experiment. Maybe create it as a non-admin account at first, with the option to change it to an admin account at a later time, when you want to learn how to use "sudo" to do more powerful things. By then, you will understand what not to do. Eventually, you will have the confidence to use the command line in your own account, which will have been an admin account all this while.

  • How to pass more than one value to the procedure

    How can I pass more than one letting date to this procedure. If it is only one letting date, I do not have a problem but when it is more than one letting date at the same time then I am stuck. please help
    example I would like to pass this three letting dates : '01/17/2010', '01/27/2010','05/22/2010'
    P_LettingDate IN  VARCHAR2,
    p_results OUT sys_refcursor
        OPEN p_results FOR
    SELECT DISTINCT DECODE (TRIM (MIN (j.route)), NULL, 'N/A',TRIM (MIN (j.route))) rt,l.lcontid conid,
                     SUBSTR (q.cprojnum, 1, 10) pr, SUBSTR (l.letting, 3, 2)|| '-'|| SUBSTR (l.letting, 5, 2)|| '-'|| SUBSTR (l.letting, 1, 2) lt,
                    (q.cdescr) jbtyp, INITCAP (q.clocat1 || q.clocat2) loc
               FROM vendor v,
                    vendaddr r,
                    letprop l,
                    planhold p,
                    proposal q,
                    project j,
                    propproj k,
                    bidlet bd
              WHERE v.vendor = r.vendor
                AND k.contid = q.contid
                AND k.pcn = j.pcn
                AND l.lcontid = k.contid
                AND p.vendor = v.vendor
                AND l.letting = p.letting
                AND TO_CHAR (bd.datelet, 'MM/DD/YYYY') IN P_LettingDate
                AND l.CALL = p.CALL
                AND r.addrnum = p.billto
                AND bd.letting = l.letting
           GROUP BY v.vendor,

    you can create your on array type and then pass that as the parameter. I use the suffix of ttyp to represent a table type.  The name of the column when using the table() syntax is columnvalue.
    I altered my session to set the default date format to match your format. you could have used the to_date function to set the values for the arr type.
    Hope this helps.
    create type msw_ttyp as table of date
    create or replace
    procedure msw_test(p_arr     in msw_ttyp) as
    v     integer;
    select count(*)
       into v
       from table(p_arr);
    dbms_output.put_line('count: '||v);
    for rec in (select column_value
                   from table(p_arr))
    end loop;
    end msw_test;
    alter session set nls_date_format = 'MM/DD/YYYY';
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    exec msw_test(msw_ttyp('01/17/2010', '01/27/2010','05/22/2010'));
    msw_test(msw_ttyp(to_date('01/17/2010', 'MM/DD/YYYY'),
                       to_date('01/27/2010', 'MM/DD/YYYY'),
                       to_date('05/22/2010', 'MM/DD/YYYY')));

  • How to pass more than one parameter using common...

    I am using ODP.NET with my 2005 VB
    I want to create function from where I can pass more than one parameter to execute SP, or query just like i created for SQL SERVER as below
    Public shared Function CreateParameter(ByVal paramname As String, ByVal paramvalue As Object) As DbParameter
    Dim param As DbParameter
    param = New SqlParameter
    param.ParameterName = paramname
    param.Value = paramvalue
    Return param
    End Function
    Public Shared Function ExecuteQuery(ByVal sql As String, ByVal commtype As CommandType, ByVal ParamArray parameter As DbParameter())
    Dim cmd As DbCommand = New SqlCommand()
    cmd.Connection = OpenConnection()
    cmd.CommandType = commtype
    cmd.CommandText = sql
    Dim RetVal As Integer = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
    Return RetVal
    End Function
    specially part is in bold to be converted
    I tried like but oracleCommand.parameters doesnt support AddRange
    please help me out

    I used the following way:
    pCommand.CommandText = "Update " + sDataTable + " set "
    + sColumnName + " = :1 ";
    Of course, you can add :2,... to your command text, too.
    The way back is:
    sEndOfTheClause += " RETURNING " + sDataTable + "." + sColName + " INTO :iNewValue";
    pCommand.CommandText = ... + sEndOfTheClause;
    pCommand.Parameters.Add("iNewValue", this.DefaultDbType,
    bool bReturn = (pCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() != 0);
    if ((bReturn == true) && (pCommand.Parameters.Count > 0))
    this.Value = DataService.Convert<DATA_TYPE>(pCommand.Parameters[0].Value);

  • How to pass more than one parameter

    This is my code.
    How to pass more than one parameter:
    SELECT:responsibility_name responsibility_name,
    LPAD(' ', 6*(LEVEL-1))
      || menu_entry.entry_sequence sequence ,
      LPAD(' ', 6*(LEVEL-1))
      || menu.user_menu_name SubMenu_Description ,
      LPAD(' ', 6*(LEVEL-1))
      || func.user_function_name Function_Description ,
      LPAD(' ', 6*(LEVEL-1))
      || menu_entry.prompt prompt
      ,menu.menu_id ,
      --menu_entry.grant_flag Grant_Flag ,
      --DECODE( menu_entry.sub_menu_id , NULL, 'FUNCTION' , DECODE( menu_entry.function_id , NULL, 'SUBMENU' , 'BOTH') ) Type
    FROM fnd_menu_entries_vl menu_entry ,
      fnd_menus_tl menu ,
      fnd_form_functions_tl func
    WHERE menu_entry.sub_menu_id    = menu.menu_id(+)
    AND menu_entry.function_id      = func.function_id(+)
    --AND func.user_function_name LIKE '%Primary Care Providers%'
    AND grant_flag                  = 'Y'
      START WITH menu_entry.menu_id =
      (SELECT menu2.menu_id
      FROM fnd_menus_tl menu2,apps.fnd_responsibility_vl resp
      WHERE menu2.menu_id=resp.menu_id
      and resp.responsibility_name= :responsibility_name
      --and menu2.user_menu_name = ('ATCO HR INQ USER'
       and menu_entry.function_id not in (select func.function_id
                                       from --fnd_form_functions_vl fnc,
                                       apps.fnd_resp_functions exc,
                                       apps.fnd_responsibility_vl res
                                      where func.function_id = exc.action_id
                                      and res.responsibility_name =:responsibility_name
                                      and res.responsibility_id=exc.responsibility_id)
      and menu_entry.sub_menu_id  not in (select menu.menu_id
                                       from --fnd_menus_vl imn,
                                       apps.fnd_resp_functions exc,
                                       apps.fnd_responsibility_vl res
                                       where menu.menu_id = exc.action_id
                                       and res.responsibility_name =:responsibility_name
                                      and res.responsibility_id=exc.responsibility_id)
    ORDER SIBLINGS BY menu_entry.entry_sequence;
    Thank you for your help

    Hi, Ming,
    One way is to put the "parameters" in a table, and join to that table in your query.  If you make it a Global Temporary Table, then multiple sessions can run the query at the same time, and each can be seeing different responsibilities.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.  Since this problem involves parameters, you should give a couple of different sets of parameters, and the results you want from the same sample data for each set.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
    See the forum FAQ:

  • Can a url referencing an Application Process pass more than one parameter?

    I have a page in an application that uses pl/sql to generate a list of links.
    The purpose of each link is to call another pl/sql procedure which in turn opens/runs a report external to the APEX application (either a call to Oralce Application Server generate live or pull clob stored in database). If the URL calls the pl/sql procedure directly I lose session state and no longer know who the user is. To maintain session state the URL references an APPLICATION_PROCESS. I would like to pass a number of parameters, but can only seem to pass one, using javascript to pass the value to a hidden item which is then accessed in the procedure called by the APPLICATION_PROCESS.
    Can I pass more than one parameter?
    My URL:
    I could pass all the parameters in P1VALUE and using a special character delimiter break it up again in the javascript, but would prefer not to.
    Thanks for any help,

    Did you mean something like this?
    Best Regards, Kostya Proskudin

  • Html check box pass more than one value into bean

    Hi all'
    I have group of check box in html , I need to pass more than one value
    into bean an ddisplay in jsp
    what do i do wrong
    private Vector select =new Vector();
      private String mybox =null;
      public download() {
      /* Accessor Methods */
    private void addmybox(String name){
    public void setMybox(String name) {
         mybox = name;
    public String[] getMybox() {
         String[] s = new String[select.size()];
         return s;
            in my htmli have <%
         String[] mybox= format.getMybox();
         for (int i=0; i<Mybox.length; i++) {
             <%= format.getMybox%>
    i got error at <%= format.getMybox[i]%>

    Hi ram,
    thank you, I don't have ideal in my mide .
    in my jsp I have
    <td>  <input type=checkbox name=mybox value=<%= link.getNewNum()%>></td>in my servlet I have something like
    String[] checked = request.getParameterValues("mybox");
            try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433","A#$","RE@89");
          stmt = conn.createStatement();  
           for(int i=0; i<checked.length; i++){
                   String select=checked;
    String Sql=" select NewNum, Name, Length, Segment, Sequence";
    Sql+=" from Sec04";
    Sql+=" where NewNum='"+select+"'";
    Sql+=" union";
    Sql+=" select NewNum, Name, Length, Segment, Sequence";
    Sql+=" from MySec";
    Sql+=" where NewNum='"+select+"'";
    Sql+=" union";
    Sql+=" select NewNum, Name, Length, Segment, Sequence";
    Sql+=" from Sec03";
    Sql+=" where NewNum='"+select+"'";
    Sql+=" union";
    Sql+=" select NewNum, Name, Length, Segment, Sequence";
    Sql+=" from Sec02";
    Sql+=" where NewNum='"+select+"'";
    Sql+=" union";
    Sql+=" select NewNum, Name, Length, Segment, Sequence";
    Sql+=" from Sec01";
    Sql+=" where NewNum='"+select+"'";
    rs = stmt.executeQuery (Sql);
    while( {              
    String Name = rs.getString("Name");
    String Segment =rs.getString("Segment");
    String Length = rs.getString("Length");
    String Sequence = storeSequenceData(rs.getString("Sequence"));
    String SContent = Name + " ," Segment ", "+ Length + "\n" +Sequence  ;
    now I want
    String SContent = Name + " ," +Segment + ", "+ Length +  "\n" +Sequence  +"\n" + Name+"Segment+","+length+"+"\n" +Name......untill the end
    it sees like I need to look st on shipp car. is that right??
    Thank you !!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Can I have more than one ID for my iPad

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    My wife have one iPod and can I share my apps with her.? And if...How?
    We are using the same computor for all devices.
    Thanks in advance....
    Best regards.....Reidar45

    The spell check goes with the keyboard layout being used.  Just activate both English and French in Settings > General > Keyboard and then use the Globe key to switch between them.
    (I think there is bug in Pages, however, so that this doesn't work for that -- you have to change the OS language).

  • Can i create more than one instance for single database?

    anybody can tell me how to create more than one instance for single database(without using RAC)?

    I sometimes think differently. I also think like what this person is asking..(although I have installed and administering 5 different RAC databases)
    The main doubt of mine is that we create multiple instances accessing the same storage area.
    Anyway the controlfiles of all instances will have the same information except the instance_names and instance id's.
    Hence I always think , why can't it be possible to to create another instance in the same system and point it to a controlfile which is copied from the other instance.
    Why can't the same files be shared between the two instances in a same system ?
    I know I am thinking a little bit confusing...
    Anyway I need to test that also...

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    Can I use more than one blue-tooth device at the same time on IPhone 4S? Like a wireless headsets and speed and cadence sensor for cycling computer, receive the data and listen music simultaneously

    As long as the profiles are different (ex. HID vs AD2P) you will not have any issues. But say if you try to use 2 keyboards at once, it won't work. Or 2 headsets at once. Your scenario seems fine.

  • More than one role for a clip.Is it possible?

    Is it possible assign more than one role for a clip?

    Only one video role, only one audio roll, per clip.  Only one as these are "Media Stems", and when you work with Stems, only one roll per asset video, one per asset audio.

  • More than one index for a column.

    I am trying to create more than one index for a particular column of the table.But oracle does not allow more than one index for a column.
    I just want to make sure whether we can add more than one index for a column
    and if yes what are the scenarios.
    Because as far as i know some database allows more than one index for a single column.

    You cannot create more than one index for the same column(s).This is not so true Nicolas. Look at following example:
    SQL> create index idx_mytest_id on mytest(id);
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_mytest_id_desc on mytest(id desc);
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_upper on mytest(upper(id));
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_upper_desc on mytest(upper(id) desc);
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_lower_id on mytest(lower(id));
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_lower_id_dsc on mytest(lower(id) desc);
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_tr_up on mytest(trunc(upper(id)));
    Index created.
    -- I can still continue but for this example this will be enough
    SQL> select index_name from dba_indexes where table_name = 'MYTEST';
    7 rows selected.You can see 7 indexes for one column (ID) and I could still continue...
    So according this test we can say you can't create more than one index for one column (or the same group of columns in case of composite index) with same condition(s).
    Message was edited by:
    Ivan Kartik
    Or simplified: you can't create the same index for same column(s) twice :-)

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