Pass sendAndLoad var to _root

I have an app that has been getting the username of a user
into a simpleConnect for a chat application by passing it in via
the embed params, but this creates a security issue and would like
to pass it in using sendAndLoad.
Currently the username value is set simply by using: var
username=_root.username, because it's passed in via a php page with
that variable in the embed params. Like this:
<embed src="member.swf?username=<?php echo
$row_getMemberData['username']; ?>
The ID in this example is hardcoded but would be passed in
the same way that I'm currently passing in the username:
member_id = 10762;
mid = _root.member_id;
var send:LoadVars = new LoadVars;
var receive:LoadVars = new LoadVars;
send.mid = mid;
receive.onLoad = function(){
That trace comes up undefined. I can trace it from within the
function, but I need to make it available to the main timeline so
the simpleConnect can pick it up....
As always any help at all would be greatly appreciated!!!

I am sorry, but I fail to see what it is that you are trying to do
<div id="list" spry:region="dsContratto">
          <!--- region ---> 
          <tr spry:repeat="pv" spry:even="even" spry:odd="odd"> 
              <a href="javascript:open({contratto_id},'sost')">OpenModal</a> 
I can see that this opens a separate window, but how does the following relate to the above?
function open(id, action) { 
    open modal and linked-region
function funcObserverLinkedRegion(notificationState, notifier, data) { 
    how a can get value of "action" var?
Spry.Data.Region.addObserver("detail", funcObserverLinkedRegion); 

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    nextQuestion.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newQuestion);
    function newQuestion(evt:MouseEvent):void {
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    Hi Ned,
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    function newQuestion(evt:MouseEvent):void {
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    var sucessCount:int;
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    messageBox.textColor = 0xFF0000;
    messageBox.width = 200;
    messageBox.height =100;
    messageBox.x = 285.5;
    messageBox.y = -32.9;
    this.strikeOne.visible = false;
    this.strikeTwo.visible = false;
    this.strikeThree.visible = false;
    this.flipQ1One.visible = false;
    this.flipQ1Two.visible = false;
    this.flipQ1Three.visible = false;
    this.flipQ1Four.visible = false;
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    }else if (answersArray.indexOf(answ_input.text) < 0){
        if(answ_input.text == "5"){
        score = score + 61;
        messageBox.text = ""+ score;
        this.flipQ1One.visible = true,;
        sucessCount = sucessCount +1;
        answ_input.text = "";
        else if (answ_input.text == "3"){
        score = score + 25;
        messageBox.text = ""+ score;
        this.flipQ1Two.visible = true,;
        sucessCount = sucessCount +1;
        answ_input.text = "";
        else if (answ_input.text == "4"){
        score = score + 8;
        messageBox.text = ""+ score;
        this.flipQ1Three.visible = true,;
        sucessCount = sucessCount +1;
        answ_input.text = "";
        else if (answ_input.text == "2"){
        score = score + 3;
        messageBox.text = ""+ score;
        this.flipQ1Four.visible = true,;
        sucessCount = sucessCount +1;
        answ_input.text = "";
        else {answ_input.text = "";
              strikeCount = strikeCount + 1;}
    answ_input.addEventListener("enter", answListener);
    function strikesListener (evt_obj:Event) {
            if ((strikeCount == 1) && (answ_input.text != "5", "4" , "3" , "2")) {this.strikeOne.visible = true;
            else if ((strikeCount == 2) && (answ_input.text != "5", "4" , "3" , "2")) {this.strikeTwo.visible = true;
            else if ((strikeCount == 3) && (answ_input.text != "5", "4" , "3" , "2")) {this.strikeThree.visible = true;
            else {}
    answ_input.addEventListener("enter", strikesListener)

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    I know exactly where you are coming from...LOL..
    I was there too. Here is what you can do to make it easy on
    You wrap them in an object.... It is as simple as that.
    say that you have multiple form items.
    if you are using a data typed object ( I recommend it) you
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    // This creates a data typed object called object.
    var obj:AS01Phone = new AS01Phone;
    //Populate the data typed object with your form data
    obj.UserID = Number(userid);
    obj.PhoneType = String(_phoneType.selectedItem.KeyValue);
    obj.DialCode = Number(_dialCode.selectedItem.DialCode);
    // Now send it to the cfc for processing
    // [RemoteObject.method(object);];

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         var oRow;
         var oCell;
         var lIdx;
         var columnValue;
         try {
              lArrayLength = GridArrays.length;
              if (lArrayLength < 1) {
                   return false;
              for (lLoop=0; lLoop<lArrayLength; lLoop++) {
                   oRow = GridArrays[lLoop];
                   oCell = oRow[0];
                   columnValue = oRow[oColumn];
                   if (oCell.SortVal == 1) {
                        return true;     
              if(exception.description == null){
                   alert("GridSerVal: " + exception.message);
                   alert("GridSetVal: " + exception.description);
    Servlet1 class
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse res)
    throws IOException, ServletException
    String xParameterName = null;
    String xParameterValue = null;
    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
    PolicyInformation policyInformation = null;
    Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
    xParameterName = (String) e.nextElement();
    xParameterValue = request.getParameter(xParameterName);
    if ((xParameterValue.trim().length() !=0 )){
    else if(xParameterName.compareTo("lastnameTextfield")==0){
    else if(xParameterName.compareTo("policynumberTextfield")==0){
    StringBuffer outstring = new StringBuffer();
    Vector policyInformationVector1 = getPolicyInformation(res, xParameterValue);
    Iterator iter = policyInformationVector1.iterator();
    PolicyInformation aPolicyInformation = null;
    Object[] data = new String[policyInformationVector1.size()];
    for (int ii=0; ii < data.length; ii++){
    int rowNum = ii + 1;
    aPolicyInformation = (PolicyInformation);
    f = aPolicyInformation.getFirstName();
    l = aPolicyInformation.getLastName();
    d = aPolicyInformation.getDOB();
    s = aPolicyInformation.getSSN();
    p = aPolicyInformation.getPolicyNumber();
    m = aPolicyInformation.getMiddleName();
    pid = aPolicyInformation.getPid();
    else if(xParameterName.compareTo("ssnTextfield")==0){
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    if(xParameterName.compareTo("viewSubmitButton") == 0){
    } // end of while(e.hasMoreElements())

    I'm not quite sure what your problem is specifically, but at first glance I can tell you that you can't access the response object until you are done with your request object. Make sure you do everything you want to do with the request object and then when you are done make your call to res.getWriter() and send your output.

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    Hi Kglad thanks for the answer,
    Yes using AS3, I think I didnt give u enough info though.
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    Any ideas?
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    Put the structure into the session so it persists
    session.piuser = structNew();
    session.piuser.authenticated = 1;
    session.piuser.username = auth_user.displayname;
    For any variable to exist from one request to another it must
    be in one
    of the persistent scopes. Whether the variable is simple or
    you must place it into the session, application or server
    scope for it
    to be available on future requests.
    The one issue to this is that the cookie and client scopes do
    not allow
    complex variables without translation. But that is not often
    an issue.
    But when it arises, WDDX can be used to good effect.

  • Passing vars to a component in as3

    This doesnt seem particulary easy... or poetic for once of a better word.
    I was hoping I could write something like....
    BookingCreator = new CreateBooking(myvar);
    But what do I put In the mxml constructor for that component?
    Its a panel so where does myvar go?
    If I could hand it myvar like that I would then use creationComplete.
    But because I dont no how to pass a var direct to the constructor Im doing it this way instead...
    BookingCreator = new CreateBooking();
    private function onCreated(e:FlexEvent):void{
    BookingCreator.model = mod;
    Is that the only way to do it?

    You can't use parameters in the constructor.
    I don't have an issue with what you are doing but I do have an issue with the way that you are naming object instances as though they are classes.
    BookingCreator is an instance, not a class - it should be named 'bookingCreator'.
    NEVER name variables with a capital letter at the start.
    If you type 'MXML constructor' into Google you will get plenty of hits about this subject.

  • Passe var

    I'm just hacking on my keyboard but I cannnot find a solution
    for my problem.
    I wrote a dirty little function and trying to combine it with
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    effect finished so I thought it would be the easiest way to use the
    finish parameter to call my own function after I had called the
    blind effect with onclick="blindUp.start()". Now the problem: I
    have to pass a var throught both function, the effect as well as my
    function, this var should contain the id of the div which I want to
    blind up but if I try to do it in this way
    onclick="blindUp.start('divId')" I get an error.
    Error: contentId is not defined
    Source: file://...../custom.html#content1
    Line: 94
    Line 94: var blindUp = new Spry.Effect.Blind(contentId,
    {duration: 600, from: '0px', to: '755px', toggle:false,
    Thats a bit annoying because everythings works fine if I use
    no variable but I need it to use the functions for different
    elements on this page.
    Does anyone know how I can fix that?
    Source code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function createObject(contentId, filename)
    var ele = document.getElementById(contentId);
    var children = ele.childNodes;
    for ( var i=children.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
    ele.removeChild( children
    var pdfOb = document.createElement("object"); = filename+".pdf";
    pdfOb.height = 750;
    pdfOb.width = 700;
    pdfOb.type = "application/pdf"; = contentId+"-pdfOb";
    <a href="#content1"
    onclick="blindUp.start('content1')">Title 1</a>
    Click it<br />
    <a href="#content1"
    <p> Lorem Ipsum...
    <div id="content1" class="objectDiv">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var blindUp = new Spry.Effect.Blind(contentId, {duration:
    600, from: '0px', to: '755px', toggle:false, finish:createObject});

    What are you trying to do? If you're just trying to scale a loaded image to a new size, you don't need so much code. And you want to use a Matrix object to scale when doing a draw.
    See if this helps. I've gotten rid of some extra code and comments, so I could more easily read it:
    function lisenFullcouv(e : Event){
        Bitmap(d.content).smoothing = true;
        var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
        m.scale(.8, .8);
        var passe:BitmapData = new BitmapData(320,480,true);
        var voir :Bitmap = new Bitmap(passe);    

  • I can send vars to php but not load

    My AS2 script:
    var sen = new LoadVars();
    sen.nam = "mycont";
    sen.wor = "test";
    myvar = sen.wor;
    And I got a button with the script:
    on (release){
    _root.sen.sendAndLoad("this.php", _root.sen, "POST");
    And a textbox with the var "myvar".
    My PHP content is:
    $myf = "that.html";
    $cont = $_POST['nam'];
    $write = fopen($myf,"w+");
    $wor = fread($write, filesize($myf));
    $vars = "wor=" . $wor ;
    echo $vars;
    fwrite($write, $cont);
    When running it the send is succesfull because I can see that
    it edits my file.
    But nothing is get into my textbox.
    Whan is the problem? I try to fix it two hours already.
    Thank yo for your help...

    well, first myvar is going to have a value of "test", but
    that doesn't mean anything's been received from your php file
    because you're assigned rec to have a property of wor that has a
    value of "test".
    if you're not seeing that, you have a problem that has
    nothing to do with your php file: you don't have a visible
    textfield that has variable myvar.
    second, you don't want to assign any properties to rec. you
    want those properties to be assigned by your php file so you can
    retrieve feedback from your script, including assurance that it
    executed properly.
    further, you don't want to use the code i showed. i
    mistakenly thought you wanted to send wor and its value to your php
    script but there's no reason for that. so remove that
    sen.wor="test" line of code.
    finally, you probably don't have a way to check the trace()
    functions output so you can't see if everything is working. instead
    of using trace(src), use myvar=src and make sure myvar is an
    existing visiable textfield variable. (or, even better, use a
    textfield instance name and assign its text property.)

  • Passing a parameter between flash movies

    I have a flash movie for drop down menus that is called by all flash/movie banner sections of my site. The banner movies use FlashVars to set the heading and an image. The trouble is that the flash menus also were set to use a flashvar to dictate the context of the menus and leave one top level menu highlighted to show the content to the user.
    I have not been able to get both of them to use the Flashvars functionality. The html page calls the banner movie directly and it can therefore access the Flashvars. The menu swf however - which is not called from the html page but instead is called from within the banner movie - cannot access the flashvars variables. That leaves me with two choices:
    1. Either use a different method for passing the context variable to the menu movie.
    2. HTML code calls the banner movie. I can continue using flashvars and get the context variable by reading it from within the banner movie - and then somehow pass the value down to the menu movie if that is possible.
    Far greater AS coders than me frequent this site and I'm hoping one of you can suggest how to get this done...
    Thanks yet again,

    right, in the banner swf you've got something like:
    // use this to set a default value just in case
    var contextValue= 0;
    // now set it to the flashVar
    contextValue= root.loaderInfo.parameters.contextFlashvar;
    then pass the var you create into the menuswf -- see the red bit below:
    // create loader and ask it to load something
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("swfFolder/mySwf.swf"));
    //add listeners to the loader
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete);
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, handleProgress);
    myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleError);
    function handleComplete(event:Event){
         // give the loaded swf a reference -- name of the loaded file means nothing to flash file
         var westview_menus = myLoader.content as MovieClip;
       // now use that reference to set vars
         westview_menus.context = contextValue;
    function handleProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void{
        //progress handler stuff
    function handleError(event:IOErrorEvent):void{
        // error handler

  • Passing a variable into a Function?

    I simplified my original code as much as possible to show
    what I need.
    From the code below, I need to trace (x) so that it doesn't
    show the top value of 5.
    Actually, I need to be able to recognise which of the
    attachedMovieClip s have been pressed so's to do a getURL based on
    Can anyone help? Thanks.
    myButt.onRollOver = function() {
    var a = 0;
    for (var x = 0; x<5; x++) {
    var myClip = _root.attachMovie("Clip", "Clip"+a, a++);
    myClip._x = myClip._width*x;
    myClip.onPress = function() {

    Thank you!
    'been banging my head trying to figure an alternative but
    this is great!
    btw, I did a search on that 'onPressValue' in the SE as well
    as through the NGs and nothing turns up. Not even in Flash 8 Help.
    What was that? a hack?
    Anyhow, best regards and fantastic mind-bending

  • Accessing class var from main timeline

    Hi all! Well I've been working on this for a couple of days
    now and just can't seem to get it to work right...... I'm still
    getting my feet wet with as3 and like it more and more everytime I
    use it.... almost.
    Anyways, here's where I'm running into trouble.
    Here's a dumbed down version of my project with all the other
    usless drivel excluded. Basically what I'm trying to do is declare
    a var and give it a value in my class. Then I want to be able to
    display that value on the stage and use it in the main timeline.
    Seems simple enough....
    I need to be able to pass the var from the class to the main
    timeline for use.... Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.

    kglad, worked like a charm in my short test file... however
    in my real world flash file the class takes a short time to
    actually compute the value of the variable. If I fire the trace
    from the main timeline it will display NaN b/c at the moment it
    fires the value of the var doesn't exist b/c it has yet to be
    I don't really know the best way to delay this... would the
    best way be to somehow add an event listener to listen to the var
    to see when it is assigned a value?.... I'm open to suggestions.
    btw, good catch on the assignment of a string value!!

  • Passing arguments to a WorkFlow launched from a Link field in a form

    Hi. Anybody knows if it's possible to pass some argument to a WF launching it from a form?
    In the form from which I call the WF, I have a var that contains a list. This list has to be passed as an argument to the WF.
    The code:
      <Display class='Link'>
        <Property name='name' value='Launch WF'/>
        <Property name='URL' value='user/processLaunch.jsp?id=My WorkFlow'/>
    </Field>Can I add something to the URL propriety to pass the var?

    add variables, prefixing them with 'op_', like the following:
    <Property name='URL' value='user/processLaunch.jsp?id=My WorkFlow&op_myVar=myvalue'/>

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