Passing complex object from JavaScript to Flex

Is it possible to call a Flex function (defined with ExternalInterface.addCallback) and pass a complex object from Javascript?  The properties of the object are all simple types, but the object itself is an array of objects.  For example:
<script type="text/javascript">
var arrayOfObj = [ { one: "one", two: 2, three: "blah" }, { one: "xyz", two: "abc", three: 3.141 } ];
What would I do on the Flex side to make this happen?

Complex object passing works as expected in Blazeds. 
There are certain cases where you need to write custom bean proxy classes to marshall an object, but your case is very simple and will not require it.
Make sure that you set the full java package and class name in your remote alias statement on your client value object.  The class has to be fully qualified.  The AS value object also needs the correct import of the nested value object or you will get a compile error.
Make sure that the blazeds server has the full class path set to your java objects.
To debug, you can turn on Blazeds logging in the services-config.xml file like this:
        <!-- You may also use flex.messaging.log.ServletLogTarget -->
        <target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" level="DEBUG">

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  • Passing complex object from bpel process to web service

    I have deployed my web service on apache axis.The wsdl file looks like as follows,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:impl="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="">
    - <wsdl:types>
    - <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
    <import namespace="" />
    - <complexType name="ADLevelBpelWS">
    - <sequence>
    <element name="adLevelStr" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="id" type="xsd:int" />
    - <complexType name="TransResultWS">
    - <sequence>
    <element name="description" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="id" type="xsd:long" />
    <element name="responseType" type="xsd:int" />
    <element name="status" type="xsd:boolean" />
    - <complexType name="NamespaceDataImplBpelWS">
    - <sequence>
    <element name="ADLevel" nillable="true" type="impl:ADLevelBpelWS" />
    <element name="appdataDef" nillable="true" type="apachesoap:Map" />
    <element name="description" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="name" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    - <complexType name="CreateSharedNamespaceBpelWS">
    - <sequence>
    <element name="actor" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="comment" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="from" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="namespaceData" nillable="true" type="impl:NamespaceDataImplBpelWS" />
    <element name="priority" type="xsd:int" />
    <element name="processAtTime" nillable="true" type="xsd:dateTime" />
    <element name="replyTo" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="responseRequired" type="xsd:boolean" />
    - <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
    <import namespace="" />
    - <complexType name="mapItem">
    - <sequence>
    <element name="key" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    <element name="value" nillable="true" type="xsd:string" />
    - <complexType name="Map">
    - <sequence>
    <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="item" type="apachesoap:mapItem" />
    + <wsdl:message name="createNamespaceRequest">
    <wsdl:part name="createNs" type="impl:CreateSharedNamespaceBpelWS" />
    - <wsdl:message name="createNamespaceResponse">
    <wsdl:part name="createNamespaceReturn" type="impl:TransResultWS" />
    - <wsdl:portType name="JMetroWebService">
    - <wsdl:operation name="createNamespace" parameterOrder="createNs">
    <wsdl:input message="impl:createNamespaceRequest" name="createNamespaceRequest" />
    <wsdl:output message="impl:createNamespaceResponse" name="createNamespaceResponse" />
    - <wsdl:binding name="NAMESPACEWITHMAPSoapBinding" type="impl:JMetroWebService">
    <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport="" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="createNamespace">
    <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="" />
    - <wsdl:input name="createNamespaceRequest">
    <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="" use="encoded" />
    - <wsdl:output name="createNamespaceResponse">
    <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="" use="encoded" />
    - <wsdl:service name="JMetroWebServiceService">
    - <wsdl:port binding="impl:NAMESPACEWITHMAPSoapBinding" name="NAMESPACEWITHMAP">
    <wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:7001/axis/services/NAMESPACEWITHMAP" />
    My NamespaceDataObjectImplBpelWS object contains element appDataDef which is of type java.util.Map.My bpel wsdl file is as below,
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <definitions name="NsWithMap"
    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    TYPE DEFINITION - List of services participating in this BPEL process
    The default output of the BPEL designer uses strings as input and
    output to the BPEL Process. But you can define or import any XML
    Schema type and us them as part of the message types.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
         <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
         <import namespace="" />
              <element name="createNamespace" type="tns:CreateSharedNamespaceBpelWS"/>
              <element name="transResult" type="tns:TransResultWS"/>
              <complexType name="TransResultWS">
                        <element name="description" type="string" />
                        <element name="id" type="long" />
                        <element name="responseType" type="int" />
                        <element name="status" type="boolean" />
              <complexType name="ADLevelBpelWS">
                        <element name="adLevelStr" type="string" />
                        <element name="id" type="int" />
              <complexType name="NamespaceDataImplBpelWS">
                        <element name="ADLevel" type="tns:ADLevelBpelWS" />
                        <element name="description" type="string" />
                        <element name="name" type="string" />
                        <element name="appdataDef" type="apachesoap:Map" />
              <complexType name="CreateSharedNamespaceBpelWS">
                        <element name="namespaceData" type="tns:NamespaceDataImplBpelWS" />
         <element name="desc" type="string"/>
         <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
                   <import namespace="" />
                        <complexType name="mapItem">
                                  <element name="key" type="string" />
                                  <element name="value" type="string" />
                        <complexType name="Map">
                             <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="item" type="apachesoap:mapItem" />
    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    MESSAGE TYPE DEFINITION - Definition of the message types used as
    part of the port type defintions
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
    <message name="NsWithMapRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:createNamespace"/>
    <message name="NsWithMapResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="tns:transResult"/>
    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    PORT TYPE DEFINITION - A port type groups a set of operations into
    a logical service unit.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
    <!-- portType implemented by the NsWithMap BPEL process -->
    <portType name="NsWithMap">
    <operation name="initiate">
    <input message="tns:NsWithMapRequestMessage"/>
    <!-- portType implemented by the requester of NsWithMap BPEL process
    for asynchronous callback purposes
    <portType name="NsWithMapCallback">
    <operation name="onResult">
    <input message="tns:NsWithMapResponseMessage"/>
    <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    the NsWithMap partnerLinkType binds the provider and
    requester portType into an asynchronous conversation.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
    <plnk:partnerLinkType name="NsWithMap">
    <plnk:role name="NsWithMapProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:NsWithMap"/>
    <plnk:role name="NsWithMapRequester">
    <plnk:portType name="tns:NsWithMapCallback"/>
    I am trying to set this map data using java code ,
         HashMap procADMap1 = new HashMap(5);
                   PropertyTypeWS pType = new PropertyTypeWS();
              AppdataDefImplWS appData1 = new AppdataDefImplWS();
         appData1.setDefaultValue("Project Default value");
              procADMap1.put(appData1.getName(), appData1);
    Then I am passing request object to the method which I want to invoke from bpel process.
    I am able to deploy the application but when I do post message I am getting following exception,
    NamespaceWithMap (createNamespace) (faulted)
    [2004/09/09 18:35:54] "{}bindingFault" has been thrown. Less
    faultName: {{}bindingFault}
    messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage}
    code: {Server.userException}
    summary: {org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.}
    detail: {null}
    Is there any other way to handle Map type in bpel process?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for the quick reply.Actually the web service is already deployed on the server.What I want to do is use existing wsdl file of the deployed web service and invoke the method of the same using oracle PM.
    If I remove element which uses apachesoap:Map type it just works fine also I am getting the complex object returned by the web service method.But when I try to set appDataDef which is of type apachesoap:Map(Axis conversion for java.util.Map and it uses namespace xmlns:apachesoap="") I am getting the error.
    Can you give me some direction to use this exising wsdl file to set map object or it is not possible.

  • Access Java object from Javascript

    I'm trying to invoke a Java object from Javascript (scriptengine and all that).
    I want to add scripting features to a GeneXus Java generated app... and I have very basic skills on java too. Sorry for that ;o).
    This is the java code to pass "params" to the scriptengine:
    engine.put("context", context); The remoteHandle (int) and context (com.genexus.ModelContext) pass trough all the gx-java generated programs.
    This javascript works fine:
    new uftestjs(remoteHandle).execute( ) ;The remoteHandle conversion is ok (javascript-number to int). The context is optional.
    But if I want to pass context:
    new uftestjs(remoteHandle, context).execute( ) ;Fails with this:
    "javax.script.ScriptException: Java constructor for 'uftestjs' with arguments 'number,javax.script.SimpleScriptContext' not found."
    Obviously, no conversion is possible with context (javax.script.SimpleScriptContext to com.genexus.ModelContext).
    There is some way to reference de original context, by the object Id??? or something like that???
    Thanks in advance for any replies!!!
    Greetings from Chile. (I hope you can understand my english!)

    Well, since this topic is about java programming I think the place is right here.
    (I use some tricks to embed java statements in genexus objects...)
    I will try to get some help at Artech (GX) on how to build something... to get the conversion needed.
    But they are not focussed on support this kind of questions.
    Anyway, I want to know: do I can to reference an object by the objId?
    I want to code something like this:
    com.genexus.ModelContext context =
                     (com.genexus.ModelContex)getTheObjectFromTheJVM(theObjectId);(powered by google translator, ha!)

  • Access PL/SQL Objects from JavaScript

    I have following Problem:
    I want to have access to a pl/sql object from javascript.
    for example:
    i have a procedure with a parameter called test from Type Test.
    PROCEDURE toTest (
    test Test)
    htp.script('here i want the value of test', 'javascript');
    would be really great if somebody can help me fast.
    thanks a lot

    I think it might have something to do with htmldb_Get
    Hope that clue gets you somewhere. I would love to see a working example of this for 4.02 if anyone actually has one.
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    just do things in javascript. Personally I think javascript is actually easier to understand because one does not have to
    divide an actiivity up into several pieces. But that might just be specific to my brain, I don't know.

  • Pass a object from one jar to another jar file

    I have a common jar file which will communicate to the server for data validation purpose.But after validation it has to invoke different different jar file based on its response from the server.So, I might have a object which has to pass from the common jar file to a specific jar file.So, I like to know what will be the best procedure to achieve it.
    Please help me out.

    arpitak wrote:
    Yes,jar file holds class of class files wants to trigger a method of a class file which resides in different jar file.this is the situation I tried to describe.Let consider there are three jar files like JAR A,JAR B ,JAR C.Here JAR A is a common jar where other two jar could be used as a plug in. So based on the condition any one of them (JARS) will be triggered by the common jar(JAR A).this is the situation.The class file of JAR A will trigger some method or main method of the JAR B/JAR C.So,here how could I pass a object from one jar to another is my main question.
    Is it clear now?
    I need a solution for this very urgently.Are you looking for a plug-in framework? That is, dynamically discovering and loading plugins. I am not experienced in developing or using plugins. However Googling "java plugin" brings up JPF.
    If you just have multiple jars that have different classes, the JVM will load the appropriate classes if it can find the jars through the standard classloader on the classpath or through a customer classloader.

  • How to pass an object from jsp to other jsp using SendRedirect

    How to pass an object from one jsp to the other jsp using ssendRedirect with out using the session
    I am having 2 jsps
    x.jsp and y.jsp
    From x.jsp using sendRedirect iam going to y.jsp
    From x.jsp i have pass an object to the y.jsp
    Is it possible without putting the object in session
    Is it possible using EncodeUrl
    Please help me Its Urgent

    Is it possible without putting the object in sessionAnything is possible. Would you accept that it is very difficult?
    When you send a redirect, it tells the browser to send a new request for the target page. That means any request parameters/attributes are lost.
    Is it possible using EncodeUrl response.encodeURL() puts the session id into a url if the browser does not support cookies. It is purely for retaining the session.
    There are two ways that you can communicate across a sendRedirect.
    1 - use the session
    2 - pass a parameter in the url.
    parameters are string based, so passing objects is almost out of the question.
    Potentially you could serialize your object, encode it in base64 (so it is composed completely as characters) and pass it as a parameter to the other page, where you retrieve it, unencode it, and then load the serialized object.
    Or you can just use the session.

  • Passing a object from browser to server

    How can i pass a java object from browser to server, can anybody help me in knowing this?

    You might need to clarify this. What exactly do you need to do? You can't pass anything from a browser except HTML, other than by attachment. If you have a Java object, then I assume that you are using JSP or something that supports Java, in which case you are already using server-side semantics.
    If however, you mean Javascript, that's a whole other problem, as it is client side only.
    Perhaps if you clarify what you are trying to do someone can give you a good answer.

  • Pass complex types from Java to C++

    I am new to JNI and I read some online documentation. I was wondering how difficult it is to pass complex Java types to C++ functions. I guess I need to map the Java class to a C++ class somehow. I could not find any useful examples that do this. For example, I have the Java classes:
    class SomeClassA
       double someFieldA;
    class SomeClassB
       ArrayList<SomeClassA> collA;
       double someFieldB;
    }Now I would like to map this to the following C++ class:
    class some_class_a
      double _some_field_a;
    class some_class_b
      vector<some_class_a> _coll_a;
      double _some_field_b;
    };I do not need to access Java objects from my C++, I just want the objects to be "serialized" into C++ objects.
    Is there an example that does something like this? Or should I use something different than JNI?
    Thank you,

    I do not need to access Java objects from my C++, I just want the objects to be "serialized" into C++ objects.Then you need to access java objects.
    Is there an example that does something like this? Write java code to access the data of the object (and via that the sub collection).
    That code represents exactly the same thing that you must do in JNI calls in your C code. Naturally excluding populating the C structures themselves of course. Most a matter of calling methods and accessing attributes. That is all in the JNI docs and there are plenty of examples of both of those.

  • Problem when passing an object from Illustrator to Photoshop inCS5 pack

    Hello, since I have a new system I have this problem in Illustrator. When I try to pass and Icon for example, from illustrator to photoshop my Illustrator crashes. Even whe I try to save my work somethimes Illustrator crashes. I didn't had this problem with my old computer usineg the same pack CS5 the passing of a file from illutrator to photoshop took about 3 seconds. Please help me, my work is becoming frustrating beacause of this.
    Here are the System details:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch]) x32
    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
    Physical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 3392 MHz
    Built-in memory: 16332 MB
    Free memory: 8674 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 3255 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 78 %
    Image tile size: 1028K
    Image cache levels: 5
    OpenGL Drawing: Disabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Basic
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: False.
    OpenGL Crash File: Not Detected.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Video Card Renderer: GeForce GTX 650/PCIe/SSE2
    Display: 2
    Display Bounds:=  top: 0, left: 1920, bottom: 1200, right: 3840
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds:=  top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1200, right: 1920
    Video Card Number: 1
    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20130118000000.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Video Mode: 1920 x 1200 x 4294967296 colors
    Video Card Caption: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
    Video Card Memory: 1024 MB
    Serial number: 92278816315259434402
    Application folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\
    Temporary file path: C:\Users\Mircea\AppData\Local\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      D:\, 150.0G, 149.7G free
      C:\, 238.5G, 89.0G free
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Plug-ins\
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed components:
       A3DLIBS.dll   A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library  
       ACE.dll   ACE 2010/10/04-23:36:11   64.441628   64.441628
       adbeape.dll   Adobe APE 2010/02/23-12:40:58   61.421986   61.421986
       AdobeLinguistic.dll   Adobe Linguisitc Library   5.0.0  
       AdobeOwl.dll   Adobe Owl 2010/06/03-13:43:23   3.0.93   61.433187
       AdobeOwlCanvas.dll   Adobe Owl Canvas   3.0.68   61.2954
       AdobePDFL.dll   PDFL 2010/12/13-23:37:10   64.341419   64.341419
       AdobePIP.dll   Adobe Product Improvement Program  
       AdobeXMP.dll   Adobe XMP Core   5.0   61.134777
       AdobeXMPFiles.dll   Adobe XMP Files   5.0   61.134777
       AdobeXMPScript.dll   Adobe XMP Script   5.0   61.134777
       adobe_caps.dll   Adobe CAPS   3,0,116,0  
       adobe_OOBE_Launcher.dll   Adobe OOBE Launcher (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00)   1.000000
       AFlame.dll   AFlame 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421976   61.421976
       AFlamingo.dll   AFlamingo 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421978   61.421978
       AGM.dll   AGM 2010/10/04-23:36:11   64.441628   64.441628
       ahclient.dll    AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library   1,5,0,30  
       aif_core.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       aif_ogl.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       amtlib.dll   AMTLib (BuildVersion: 3.0; BuildDate:  Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00)   1.000000
       amtservices.dll   AMTServices (BuildVersion: 3.0; BuildDate:  Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00)   1.000000
       ARE.dll   ARE 2010/10/04-23:36:11   64.441628   64.441628
       asneu.dll    AsnEndUser Dynamic Link Library   1, 7, 0, 1  
       AXE8SharedExpat.dll   AXE8SharedExpat 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421978   61.421978
       AXEDOMCore.dll   AXEDOMCore 2010/02/23-17:27:33   61.421978   61.421978
       Bib.dll   BIB 2010/10/04-23:36:11   64.441628   64.441628
       BIBUtils.dll   BIBUtils 2010/10/04-23:36:11   64.441628   64.441628
       boost_threads.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       cg.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   2.0.0015  
       cgGL.dll   NVIDIA Cg Runtime   2.0.0015  
       CoolType.dll   CoolType 2010/10/04-23:36:11   64.441628   64.441628
       data_flow.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       dvaadameve.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       dvacore.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       dvaui.dll   DVA Product   5.0.0  
       ExtendScript.dll   ExtendScript 2010/10/19-10:22:12   61.445301   61.445301
       FileInfo.dll   Adobe XMP FileInfo   5.0   61.134777
       icucnv36.dll   International Components for Unicode 2009/06/17-13:21:03    Build gtlib_main.9896  
       icudt36.dll   International Components for Unicode 2009/06/17-13:21:03    Build gtlib_main.9896  
       image_flow.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       image_runtime.dll   AIF   2.0   53.422628
       JP2KLib.dll   JP2KLib 2010/12/13-23:37:10   64.181312   64.181312
       libeay32.dll   The OpenSSL Toolkit   0.9.8g  
       libifcoremd.dll   Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler   10.0 (Update A)  
       libmmd.dll   Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler   10.0  
       LogSession.dll   LogSession   2, 0, 1, 11  
       MPS.dll   MPS 2010/12/13-23:37:10   64.450375   64.450375
       msvcm80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.4940  
       msvcm90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.6161  
       msvcp71.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET   7.10.3077.0  
       msvcp80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.4940  
       msvcp90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.6161  
       msvcr71.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET   7.10.3052.4  
       msvcr80.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005   8.00.50727.4940  
       msvcr90.dll   Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008   9.00.30729.6161  
       pdfsettings.dll   Adobe PDFSettings   1.04  
       Photoshop.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       Plugin.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       PlugPlug.dll   Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlug Standard Dll (32 bit)  
       PSArt.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       PSViews.dll   Adobe Photoshop CS5   CS5  
       SCCore.dll   ScCore 2010/10/19-10:22:12   61.445301   61.445301
       shfolder.dll   Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System   5.50.4027.300  
       ssleay32.dll   The OpenSSL Toolkit   0.9.8g  
       tbb.dll   Threading Building Blocks   2, 1, 2009, 0201  
       TfFontMgr.dll   FontMgr  
       TfKernel.dll   Kernel  
       TFKGEOM.dll   Kernel Geom  
       TFUGEOM.dll   Adobe, UGeom©  
       updaternotifications.dll   Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
       WRServices.dll   WRServices Thursday January 21 2010 12:13:3   Build 0.11423   0.11423
       wu3d.dll   U3D Writer  
    Installed plug-ins:
       3D Studio 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Accented Edges 12.0
       ADM 3.11x01
       Angled Strokes 12.0
       Average 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Bas Relief 12.0
       BMP 12.0.2
       Camera Raw 6.7
       Chalk & Charcoal 12.0
       Charcoal 12.0
       Chrome 12.0
       Cineon 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Clouds 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Collada 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Color Halftone 12.0.2
       Colored Pencil 12.0
       CompuServe GIF 12.0.2
       Conté Crayon 12.0
       Craquelure 12.0
       Crop and Straighten Photos 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 12.0.2
       Crosshatch 12.0
       Crystallize 12.0.2
       Cutout 12.0
       Dark Strokes 12.0
       De-Interlace 12.0.2
       Dicom 12.0
       Difference Clouds 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Diffuse Glow 12.0
       Displace 12.0.2
       Dry Brush 12.0
       Eazel Acquire 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Embed Watermark 4.0
       Entropy 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Extrude 12.0.2
       FastCore Routines 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Fibers 12.0.2
       Film Grain 12.0
       Filter Gallery 12.0
       Fresco 12.0
       Glass 12.0
       Glowing Edges 12.0
       Google Earth 4 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Grain 12.0
       Graphic Pen 12.0
       Halftone Pattern 12.0
       HDRMergeUI 12.0
       IFF Format 12.0.2
       Ink Outlines 12.0
       JPEG 2000 2.0
       Kurtosis 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Lens Blur 12.0
       Lens Correction 12.0.2
       Lens Flare 12.0.2
       Lighting Effects 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Liquify 12.0.1
       Matlab Operation 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Maximum 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Mean 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Measurement Core 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Median 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Mezzotint 12.0.2
       Minimum 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       MMXCore Routines 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Mosaic Tiles 12.0
       Multiprocessor Support 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Neon Glow 12.0
       Note Paper 12.0
       NTSC Colors 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Ocean Ripple 12.0
       OpenEXR 12.0.2
       Paint Daubs 12.0
       Palette Knife 12.0
       Patchwork 12.0
       Paths to Illustrator 12.0.2
       PCX 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Photocopy 12.0
       Photoshop 3D Engine 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Picture Package Filter 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Pinch 12.0.2
       Pixar 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Plaster 12.0
       Plastic Wrap 12.0
       PNG 12.0.2
       Pointillize 12.0.2
       Polar Coordinates 12.0.2
       Portable Bit Map 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Poster Edges 12.0
       Radial Blur 12.0.2
       Radiance 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Range 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Read Watermark 4.0
       Reticulation 12.0
       Ripple 12.0.2
       Rough Pastels 12.0
       Save for Web & Devices 12.0
       ScriptingSupport 12.0.4
       Send Video Preview to Device 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Shear 12.0.2
       Skewness 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Smart Blur 12.0.2
       Smudge Stick 12.0
       Solarize 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Spatter 12.0
       Spherize 12.0.2
       Sponge 12.0
       Sprayed Strokes 12.0
       Stained Glass 12.0
       Stamp 12.0
       Standard Deviation 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Sumi-e 12.0
       Summation 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Targa 12.0.2
       Texturizer 12.0
       Tiles 12.0.2
       Torn Edges 12.0
       Twirl 12.0.2
       U3D 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Underpainting 12.0
       Vanishing Point 12.0
       Variance 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Variations 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Video Preview 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Water Paper 12.0
       Watercolor 12.0
       Wave 12.0.2
       Wavefront|OBJ 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       WIA Support 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       Wind 12.0.2
       Wireless Bitmap 12.0.4 (12.0.4x20110407 [20110407.r.1265 2011/04/07:02:00:00 cutoff; r branch])
       ZigZag 12.0.2
      Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
       Mini Bridge
       Access CS Live
       CS News and Resources
       CS Review
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE
    ACE 2010/06/28-18:09:25 61.435133 61.435133
    Adobe APE 2010/02/23-12:40:58 61.421986 61.421986
    Adobe Linguisitc Library 5.0.0
    Adobe Owl 2010/03/08-15:17:17 3.0.89 61.423383
    Adobe Owl Canvas 3.0.68 61.2954
    PDFL 2010/10/18-23:35:06 64.341419 64.341419
    Adobe Product Improvement Program
    AdobePSL 64.699054_12.664233 64.699054_12.664233
    Adobe XMP Core 5.0 61.134777
    Adobe XMP Files 5.0 61.134777
    Adobe XMP Script 5.0 61.134777
    Adobe CAPS 3,0,116,0
    Adobe OOBE Launcher (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00) 1.000000
    AFL 1.0
    AFlame 2010/10/04-23:36:11 64.443603 64.443603
    AFlamingo 2010/10/04-23:36:11 64.436825 64.436825
    AGM 2010/06/28-18:09:25 61.435133 61.435133
    AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library 1,5,0,30
    AIPort 1.0 23.68434
    Adobe EPIC (BuildVersion: 53.352460; BuildDate: Tue Jul 29 2008 16:47:08) 53.352460
    AMTLib (BuildVersion: 3.0; BuildDate:  Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00) 1.000000
    AMTServices (BuildVersion: 3.0; BuildDate:  Mon Jan 26 2010 21:49:00) 1.000000
    ARE 2010/06/28-18:09:25 61.435133 61.435133
    Adobe Illustrator 1.0
    AsnEndUser Dynamic Link Library 1, 7, 0, 1
    Unknown Name
    AXE8SharedExpat 2010/02/23-17:27:33 61.421978 61.421978
    AXEDOMCore 2010/02/23-17:27:33 61.421978 61.421978
    AXSLE 2010/02/23-17:27:33 61.421978 61.421978
    BIB 2010/06/28-18:09:25 61.435133 61.435133
    BIBUtils 2010/06/28-18:09:25 61.435133 61.435133
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    CoolType 2010/06/28-18:09:25 61.435133 61.435133
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    DVA Product 5.0.0
    ExtendScript 2010/03/05-08:21:15 61.423205 61.423205
    Adobe XMP FileInfo 5.0 61.134777
    FilterPort 1.1 61.435133
    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 6.1.7601.18120
    International Components for Unicode 2009/12/05-11:25:03  Build gtlib_main.11277
    International Components for Unicode 3, 4, 0, 0
    International Components for Unicode 2009/12/05-11:25:03  Build gtlib_main.11277
    International Components for Unicode 2009/12/05-11:25:03  Build gtlib_main.11277
    International Components for Unicode 3, 4, 0, 0
    International Components for Unicode 2009/12/05-11:25:03  Build gtlib_main.11277
    JP2KLib 2010/02/24-17:43:58 61.131544 61.131544
    Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler 10.0
    LogSession 2, 0, 1, 11
    MPS 2010/02/24-17:43:58 61.421978 61.421978
    Microsoft (R) Visual C++ 6.00.8168.0
    Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET 7.10.3077.0
    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 8.00.50727.42
    Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET 7.10.3052.4
    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 8.00.50727.42
    Microsoft® Visual C++ 2.10.000
    Microsoft® Visual C++ 4.00.5270
    PDFPort 2010/06/28-18:09:25 61.435133 61.435133
    Adobe PDFSettings 1.04
    Adobe Photoshop CS5 CS5
    Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlug Standard Dll (32 bit)
    Adobe India Sangam Core Code 2010/02/03-18:48:35 61.129109 61.129109
    Adobe India SangamML Import from Sangam 2010/02/03-18:48:35 61.129109 61.129109
    ScCore 2010/03/05-08:21:15 61.423205 61.423205
    Microsoft® Windows® Operating System 6.00.2600.0000
    SVGExport 6, 0, 0, 0 1.0
    SVGRE 6, 0, 0, 0 1.0
    Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
    WRServices Thursday January 21 2010 12:13:3 Build 0.11423 0.11423
    OS: Windows
    Version: 6.1
    System Architecture: x86
    Built-In Memory: 4043 MB
    Application Folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS5\Support Files\
    Primary Scratch Folder:
    Secondary Scratch Folder:
    Live Menu Item
    Adobe AI Application Plugin
    Control Groups
    Color Conversion
    Composite Fonts
    New Cache Plugin
    Window Menu
    Main Filters
    Main File Formats
    File Format Place EPS
    AI File Format
    Debug Menu
    SLO Text Tool
    Mesh Object
    Document Window Plugin
    Sweet Pea 2 Adapter Plugin
    ADM Plugin
    AILocalized Resources Plugin
    Art Converters v2
    FO Conversion Suite
    Pathfinder Suite
    PDF Suite
    BRS Pencil Tool
    Rasterize 8
    BeautifulStrokes Suite
    Adobe Color Harmony Plugin
    Control Palette Plugin
    Adobe Deform Plugin
    Adobe Planar Edit Plugin
    PathConstruction Suite
    Adobe Tracing Object
    Adobe Custom Workspace
    Adobe Geometry Suite
    Flatten Suite
    ShapeConstruction Suite
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Targa
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter PNG
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Pixar
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter PCX
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter BMP
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Unsharp Mask...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Smart Blur...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Radial Blur...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Pointillize...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter NTSC Colors
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Mezzotint...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Gaussian Blur...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter De-Interlace...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Crystallize...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Color Halftone...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Texturizer...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Stained Glass...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Patchwork...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Mosaic Tiles...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Grain...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Craquelure...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Glowing Edges...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Water Paper...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Torn Edges...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Stamp...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Reticulation...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Plaster...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Photocopy...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Note Paper...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Halftone Pattern...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Graphic Pen...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Cont^e Crayon...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Chrome...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Charcoal...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Chalk && Charcoal...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Bas Relief...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Ocean Ripple...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Glass...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Diffuse Glow...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Sumi-e...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Sprayed Strokes...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Spatter...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Ink Outlines...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Dark Strokes...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Crosshatch...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Angled Strokes...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Accented Edges...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Watercolor...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Underpainting...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Sponge...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Smudge Stick...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Rough Pastels...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Poster Edges...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Plastic Wrap...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Palette Knife...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Paint Daubs...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Neon Glow...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Fresco...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Film Grain...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Dry Brush...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Cutout...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Colored Pencil...
    Photoshop Plugin Adapter Filter Gallery...
    Twirl v2
    Adobe Symbolism
    Segment Tools
    Adobe Scatter Brush Tool
    Reshape Tool
    Magic Wand
    Knife Tool
    Adobe Flare Plugin
    Adobe Eraser Tool
    Adobe dBrush Brush Tool
    Adobe Crop Tool
    Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool
    Smart Punctuation
    Spell Check Dictionary
    Spell Check UI
    Find Replace UI
    Adobe PSD File Import
    Adobe PSD File Export
    Photoshop Adapter
    TIFF File Format
    PNG File Format
    Mojikumi UI
    FXG UI
    Adobe DXFDWG Format
    ZigZag v2
    Scribble v2
    TextWrap Dlg
    ShapeEffects v2
    Adobe Scribble Fill
    Round v2
    Roughen v2
    Punk v2
    OffsetPath v2
    AI Object Mosaic Plug-in
    MaskHelper v2
    FuzzyEffect v2
    Distort v2
    TrimMark v2
    AddArrowHeads v3
    Add Anchor Points
    Adobe Welcome Screen
    Transform v2
    Adobe Tracing UI
    Adobe Symbol Palette Plugin
    SVG Filter Effect v2
    Stroke Offset v2
    Scripts Menu
    Print Plugin
    Adobe Perspective Guides
    Adobe Nudge
    Adobe Path Blends
    Kinsoku Dlg
    KBSC Plugin
    Flattening Preview
    Character and Paragraph Styles
    AI Bottlenecks Plugin
    Asset Management
    Adobe Art Style Plugin
    Adobe App Bar Controls Host
    Alternate Glyph Palette
    3D v2
    PDF File Format
    ADMEveParser Plug

    Hi Mylenium,
    The program just loads useless to use your words when I try to pass a file from Illustrator to Photoshop and when I click anywhere in Illustrator I get Program "Not responding" it doesn't crashes (stops) it stais opened but it doesn't do anything so I need to close it by force from task manager because I can't do anything with it.... Once I left it over night to save an important file and just in the morning I managed to do that so after a while it comes round but all the time there are different periouds of pending. Anyway this is not normal and I should be able to use the program in normal parameters with a powerful system. 
    I don't have any processor over load in the task manager I don't have anything unusual that indicates an over load of information, that's my problem. My guess is that I have a system incompatibility but I don't know where so that's why I asked for Adobe's help. Again I didn't had this problem using the same pack (CS5) with a less powerful system...
    If there are any creash logs pelase tell me where can I find them ?

  • Issues in mapping objects from java to flex - using flex4

    I have a class in java which i want to send to flex4 using BlazeDS as middleware. There are a few issues that i am facing and they are:
    When sending the object across (java to flex), the properties with boolean data type having value as true gets converted to properties with value as  false. Even after setting the value to true it still comes as false on flex side. Can't understand why this is happening.
    When sending the list of object containing property with boolean data type, the object on flex side does not show those properties at all. As of there were no boolean properties in that object.
    Last but not the least, When sending List<ContractFilterVO> contractFilterVOs to flex using remote call, the result typecasted to ArrayCollection does not show the holding objects as ContractFilterVOs but as plain default Object though having all the properties send, except the boolean one mentioned in above points. Basically it is not able to typecast the objects in arraycoolection but the same objects gets typecasted when sent individually.
    In all the above points i am using Remote Service through BlazeDS for connectivity with Java. I have done a lot of this stuff in Flex 3 but doing it for the first time in flex 4, is there anything that Flex 4 needs specific. Below is the pasted code for reference purpose.
    Flex Object
    package com.vo
    public class ContractFilterVO{
         public function ContractFilterVO(){
         public var contractCode:String;
         public var contractDescription:String;
         public var isIndexation:Boolean;
         public var isAdditional:Boolean;
    * Rmote Part of code
    var remoteObject:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
    public function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void{
         var contarctFilterVOs:ArrayCollection = event.result as ArrayCollection; //Point 2&3 probelem, if list sent form java
         var contarctFilterVO:ContractFilterVO= event.result as ContractFilterVO; //Point 1 probelem, if only single Object of type ContractFilterVO sent form java
    Java Object
    package com.vo
    public class ContractFilterVO implements Serializable 
         public function ContractFilterVO(){
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 8067201720546217193L;
         private String contractCode;
         private String contractDescription;
         private Boolean isIndexation;
         private Boolean isAdditional;
    I don't understand what is wron in my code on either side, it looks syntactically right. It would be great anyone could help me point out my mistake here. Waiting for right solutions...
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Jeffery,
    Thanks for your reply, it did solve my query @ point 3 as well as point 2 where the objects in arraycollection were not geting converted and boolean properties did not appear when list of an objects were received. And hey, i did have public functions for properties defined java class, just forgot to mention here in post, sorry for that.
    The solution you gave was right, but than what if i have a VO which has multiple List of objects coming from Java, than i would have to create an instance of each type of object on flex side this is too tedious, is'nt it? Is there any better solution... out there.
    And jeffery do you some tricks up your sleeve for this Boolean issues to that i am facing in point 1... Still struggling with this one...
    Anyone out there would be more than welcome to point my mistake, if any and provide tips/tricks or solutions...
    Thanks again to Jeffery...
    Waiting for more solutions sooner...
    thanks and Regards,

  • Passing Opaque Objects from Oracle to Java

    Hi all
    I am trying to write a stored procedure that needs to be called from different triggers. Each triggers needs to pass a different set of data to the stored procedure. Now the problem is that i need to pack the different set of data into one opaque object type that i can pass onto java. Is there any way of doing this. I am using Oracle 9i running on Linux 2.4.9. I tried using the Object datatype in Oracle 9i. But am not able to pass a object datatype to java directly.

    Didn't know that. Guess the way this API handles the struct is it puts it on the heap, since this idea (with passing a 32-bit var back and forth with a memory location) worked.
    My next problem - I can't figure out a way to destroy a jstring: whenever I do an env->GetStringUTF((char*)charBuff), it seems to simply copy the bytes from the buffer
    into the same String object up the length of the buff (so I get the extra bytes from the previous String if it was longer at the end).
    Here's how it works: I have a loop in C code that parses tags inside a file, then depending on what tag it is, I create a new jobject and call a Java method to do stuff
    to that object. As one of the parameters in the constructor I pass in a String that I create (as you can see above) from a character array, however I am getting
    massive artifacts when I print out that String inside the Java method.
    Thoughts? :(

  • Passing an object from a client to theserver

    I have gone through much of the RMI material and still not fully clear on passing an object of class Object from the client to the server. The Object is constructed on the client and needs to be passed to the server for further manipulation. As it is of Class Object it is not automaiclly Serializable. So I gather it has to some how implement this interface.
    Also at some point I need to get the Object back from the server to the client. At the moment it almost appears to be a simpler problem if I use something like SOAP. Suggestions and comment would help

    On the Client it is an object of a class, not Object. I declared it to be of class Object in the Interface code on the server, hence it is being treated as an Object class instance. It may be just as simple, but messy in just passing simple data types back and forth. It still leaves me with the matter of getting several bits of data from the server to client.
    Taking a simple example. If the data was to deal with a person, ie name age etc, then I can pass that to the server, process it store it etc as an object of Class X. But how do I now move that information back to the client simply?

  • Pass an object from a static method

    I'm trying to pass a reference to an object from a static method, but I get an error when compiling.
    Say for example I have this:
    public class obj1 {
    public void myMethod (int i, Object ob, etc...) {
    ...and I want to call this method from a method that looks like this:
    public class obj2 {
    public static int anotherMethod(...) {
    ...Can I pass a reference from obj2 to obj1 any other way?
    Thanks alot.

    how can I get a reference to obj2 then?Pay no attention to zdude's answer - it's nonsense.
    You're confused about basic Java concepts. obj2 is a class, not an object. References point to objects, not classes. There is no obj2 object in the code you show, so you cannot have a reference to an obj2 object.
    Maybe if you post some more code, we can get an idea of what you're trying to do. You might want to try the New to Java forum.

  • Passing Complex Object into Grid Component

    OK here is what i am trying to do.
    I have a grid component, and I wanted to display on the grid,
    a list of ship objects. Think of this like a cruise liner.
    I am retrieving these objects from a java/hybernate/spring
    adapter using remote object, and it works ok. I get back an
    arrayCollection, then I build a new array, populatate it with
    Actionscript ship objects, which has an embedded port object.
    Ship has attributes like Name, id, comments etc. And it has
    an embedded homeport object also.
    The port, has name, country and comments too.
    I can get the object to come back, and its being built
    correctly. I have ship objects and each one has its own port
    object, I see in the debugger the objects and thier embedded
    objects and the embedded object values. So I know the constructor
    is working fine. Here is the problem.
    I set the dataprovider attribute to match the array of
    completed ships, and I can get the grid, to display all the ship
    data, but not the port data.
    So Here is my code:
    <mx:DataGrid id="ShipListDataGrid" width="978"
    height="190" dataProvider="{initDG}"
    creationComplete="loadAllShips()" selectedIndex="0" >
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Class"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Comments"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Port Country"
    dataField="" />
    Now the colums name, clazz, comments all work perfectly, as
    they are attributes of ship. However, does not work,
    it just shows a blank column, even though that is the correct
    notation to get to that data field, for the attribute of that ships
    port home country. Its just a string, so for the port called miami,
    the country is "USA". This does not display.
    However if I remove, and only put in port, then
    it shows that whats in that column displays as Object : Port.
    So it seems that the grid knows theres an object in there.
    But not what to do with it?
    I have created a masterViewList and a masterDetails
    component, and the viewList is the grid, and the details is the
    details section of the ship. So there it shows a form, and the form
    shows all the details of the ship selected in the list above. Heres
    the interesting thing. using a label field, I can change the
    selected list item on the grid, and show the in a
    label on the bottom, so it can transverse the ship object, but just
    not seemingly in the grid.
    What can I do? Why does it work with a label field, and not
    in the grid? Why will the grid not show an embedded string
    attribute for an embedded object, but a label or text box will?
    What am I doing wrong?

    You will need to use a label function for this.
    For example:
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Port Country"
    dataField="{calcPortCountry}" />
    private function calcPortCountry(item:Object,

  • Problems returning complex objects from a php data service

    either the data services tool is buggy or i am doing something wrong. here is the code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
         minWidth="1024" minHeight="768"
                   import mx.controls.Alert;
                   import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                   public var people:ArrayCollection;
                   private function init():void {
                        getPeopleInMyWorldResult.token = personService.getPeopleInMyWorld();
                   protected function getPeopleInMyWorldResult_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
                        people = new ArrayCollection(event.result as Array);
              <s:CallResponder id="getPeopleInMyWorldResult" result="getPeopleInMyWorldResult_resultHandler(event)"/>
              <personservice:PersonService id="personService"
    class Person {
         public $name;
         public $cars;
    class Car {
         public $year;
         public $make;
         public $model;
    class PersonService {
         public function getPeopleInMyWorld() {
              $person1 = new Person();
              $person1->name = "John Doe";
              $car1 = new Car();
              $car1->year = 2005;
              $car1->make = 'audi';
              $car1->model = 'A6 Quattro';
              $car2 = new Car();
              $car2->year = 1970;
              $car2->make = 'datsun';
              $car2->model = '510';
              $person1->cars = array($car1, $car2);
              $person2 = new Person();
              $person2->name = "Jane Doe";
              return array($person1, $person2);
    create a new "flex" project in FB Beta1 with a php server. Setup the application and php script as normal, then configure the return type for the getPeopleInMyWorld function. I created a new return type called "Person" and was quite please to see that FB automagically created a "Cars" class with the all the right properties.
    Unfortunately, if you run the code (try debug mode and put a breakpoint on the result handler) you'll notice that "john doe" has lost his cars and that you also get the silent (check console) error:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@1226bc49 to mx.collections.ArrayCollection.
    any ideas??
    i can get this to work by using json, but it's extra work, the com.adobe.serializers.json.JSONDecoder has little documentation, and the method outlined above is just begging to work.
    so, how are the rest of you getting complex data back from your servers? json?? amfphp?? xml (but surely not)??
    also, since i'm here discussing data services, if any adobe ppl are about, please throw one extra voice behind the following feature requests:
    1) support for optional service call arguments (
    2) a button for automatically 'generating service calls' from within the data services panel.
    - e

    Thank you Gaurav for pointing me in the right direction. There was some debate in the blogs as to which data transferring method (amfphp, json, or xml) was best. See
    and -and-xml/
    I used json yesterday
    php:  json_encode(array($p1, $p2));   // observation: you only have to encode once as opposed
                                          // to using amf on each array...
    FB:   private var jsonD:JSONDecoder = new JSONDecoder();
          var jsonString:String = {{{return result from service call}}}
          myPeople:ArrayCollection = jsonD.decode(jsonString, services.personservice.Person);
    Note that in FB you can use the services.personservice.Person class as an optional argument in the jsonD.decode function. This class can be automatically generated using FB's built-in data service's panel when you try to configure the return type (as I described above). The json data should unserialize correctly with Cars objects automagically created and everything (a huge time saver!!).
    It worked for me, though I'm not sure how deep the unserialization process is capable of going (objects within objects w/in objects, for example). Also I had some trouble with adobe's jsonDecoder; it had trouble eating (uhm parsing) hollow objects (i.e. objects with null properties), whereas the php_encode / php_decode handled these objects w/o fail.
    Anyway, will be reading up on amf. Tanx again Gaurav,
    - e

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