Passing struts-tag value to java / javascript variable in JSP

Hello all,
Im trying to pass the value got from the struts-tag to the java variable in the Jsp. However Im not able to get the o/p. Can u guys help me on this pls...
<logic:notEmpty name="TreeBean" property="list">
    <logic:iterate id="Type" name="TreeBean" property="list" indexId="i">
     <br/><bean:write name="Type" />
</logic:notEmpty>Here the list can be populated in the jsp page. However i want the values into jsp list. Im not able to populate the same..
<% List jspList = null;
%> I want the values into the jspList variable for further processing. Can u guz pls help me on this....

Which do you want it in?
A java variable for use in <% scriptlet code %> or a javascript variable for use on the client end?
<jsp:useBean id="TreeBean" type="java.util.List" class="java.util.ArrayList" scope="?????" />
Having scriptlet code on the page is considered bad coding style.
What is it you are trying to accomplish by making the value accessible?
What are you trying to do in java / javascript that can't be done with JSP tags?

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    >I want to assign the value of a Javascript variable to JSP Variable
    cannot be done.Friend try to understand concepts properly Javascript is always excuted by the browser @clientside where as JSPCode is executed Websever(ServletContainer) @serverside.Through you are combining JSP Code blocks(Tags,Expressions,scriptlets...) & javascript under a single page webserver can only identify what is their under JSP Code blocks.
    Hope this could be an appropriate answer for your question.
    However,you can as well submit a request by encoding your URL with request parameters and the submit to the page and then collect it using request.getParameter(name).
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    Hi thanks for ur reply,
    You r telling while forwarding a request from one
    servlet to another servlet, we can't add query
    string(requestparameters). But then how come this
    code is working?
    rdis.forward(req,res);Well I owe an apology here - I was not completely correct. I have tested and found that you can indeed add parameters that way. The catch is that these parameters are nested to that forwarded /included resource. It is not available in the original jsp or to some other resource included from the original jsp unless ofcourse you add the parameter again.
    please give me a solution.
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    thanks in advance.My original reply stands.
    You cannot do that in a html page. You have to have a jsp that generates the html.

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    For this create a variable- Types of variable= Characteristics Value> Processing type as Customer Exit-->Reference Char as Fiscal year..
    Try this code..
        when 'xxxx'.
          DATA: lv_zp0003_month(2) TYPE n,
                  lv_zp0003_year(4) TYPE n.
          CLEAR: lv_zp0003_month, lv_zp0003_year.
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          lv_zp0003_year = sy-datum(4).
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            lv_zp0003_year = lv_zp0003_year - 1.
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            l_s_range-low = lv_zp0003_year.
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            l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.
          ELSEIF l_s_range-high IS INITIAL.
            l_s_range-opt = 'EQ'.
          ELSEIF l_s_range-low LT l_s_range-high.
            l_s_range-opt = 'BT'.
          l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
          APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
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    Hi all,
    Thanks for your quick response.
    So u are right that we can not call javascript variable
    in the same JSP. and pass them to the bean class.
    So what I did --- I get java script variable in another JSP using
    request.getParameter(); and then redirected to previous JSP.
    and I have solve my problem.
    Actually I had to call bean class and pass varible to the bean
    method but I was getting the same problem that I disscussed but now it
    has been solved.
    Thanks again for participation

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          var s1 = s
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    You don't have the session.
    All you have is HTTP.
    The only way to communicate from the client to the server is via an HTTP request. The only way to send a value like that is with a parameter.
    Using a form with method="submit" as mentioned will pass the parameters without displaying them in the url bar (is that what you wanted?)

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    Would appreciate quick replies.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nisha Vengal.

    just check this

  • Need a fast answer... passing javascript variable to jsp page (how to use)

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    Then, I click on the "test submit" hypertext link to pass the value of "testfield1" to the JSP frame (testpage2.jsp) by invoking a function ("getData") in "testpage2".
    In function ("getData"), I am passing the variable "testfield1" as a parameter to the "getData" function in "testpage2".
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    Then, I try to extract the value of "testfld1" into a variable called "tstfld1" in a JSP scriptlet
    ....I.E. [ String tstfld1  = request.getParameter("testfld1");  ]
    But, the value is apparently not passed successfully, as tstfield1 appears to be "null".
    Can anyone explain what I'm doing incorrectly?
    The code for this test app is below...
    ********testpage0 - the parent frame*********
    <TITLE>GlobalView Reports and Trending Menubar</TITLE>
    <FRAME SRC="testpage0.html" NAME="testhtmlparent">
    <FRAME SRC="testpage1.html" NAME="testhtml">
    <FRAME SRC="testpage2.jsp" NAME="testjsp">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./standard.css">
              <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
              parent.frames[2].location = "blank.html";
              function getTest(reportType)
                   testfield1 = "stuff";
                   alert("testpage1.html...testfield1=" + testfield1 + ", reportType=" + reportType);
                   parent.frames[2].location = "testpage2.jsp";
         <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
              <form name="reportRange">
                        <fieldset style="padding: 0.5em" name="customer_box">
                        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                             <tr class="drophead">
                                  <td valign="top" height="0" ><span class="drophead">
                                       test submit
    <%@ page language="java" import="*, java.util.*" errorPage="error.jsp" %>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
         <script language="JavaScript">
              function getData(testfield1)
                   alert("testpage2.jsp...testfield1=" + testfield1);
                   document.pageData.testfld1.value = testfield1;
                   String error;
              <div id="HiddenForm">
                   <form name="pageData" method="post" action="testpage2.jsp" target="_self">
                   <input type="hidden" name="testfld1" value="0">
                   String tstfld1 = request.getParameter("testfld1");
              <P> testfld1 = <%= tstfld1 %> </P>

    parent.frames[2].getData(testfield1); is in testpage1.html
    so in the document.pageData.testfld1.value = testfield1; document = testpage1.html( not testpage2.html)
    modifying the getData to accept the document object, and refering this object to parent.frames[2].document may help you.
    good Luck ....

  • How to assign bean value to a local variable in JSP using struts.

    Hi everybody!
    I've a problem that puzzled me on how to assign a bean value to a local variable like String in JSP using struts.
    we can have someting like this to display the value
    <bean:write name="detailService" property="status" />or
    <bean:define id="theStatus" name="detailService" property="status"/>
         This is country: <%=theStatus%>but an error occured when I tried like this:
    String currentStatus = "<bean:define id="theStatus" name="detailService" property="status"/>";
    String currentStatus = "<bean:write name="detailService" property="status" />";Is there a way to do this?.....
    Any help pretty much appreciated

    Java != JSP.
    The <bean:define> and <bean:write> tags are custom tags meant to appear in the HTML section of a JSP file, as opposed to the scriptlet section. They actually get turned into java code as part of the translation process.
    The <bean:write> tag naturally just writes out what you tell it to.
    The <bean:define> tag defines a local variable, and gives it a value.
    this should do it.
    <bean:define id="theStatus" name="detailService" property="status" type="java.lang.String"/>
      String currentStatus = theStatus;
    %>With the advent of JSTL, you shouldn't really need to use scriptlet code anymore. Personally I am for 0% scriptlet code in any jsp I write.

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         $record.prospectApplication.typeName = "namedInsured";
         Java Script:
         xfa.record.prospectApplication.typeName = "namedInsured";
         The above JavaScript does not work. Can any one help on this?

    Hi Srini,
    In JavaScript you don't get any default properties so you need to say;
    xfa.record.prospectApplication.typeName.value = "namedInsured";
    That is assign the value to the "value" property not the dataValue object.

  • How to assign a JSP variabl's value to a JavaScript variable?

    I want to assign a JSP variable's value to JAVASCRIPT variable.
    or how to assign JavaScript variable's value to JSP varialbe
    HOw do i do it ?
    can anyone please help?
    Regards and thanks for your time.

    I want to assign a JSP variable's value to
    JAVASCRIPT variable.
    var jsVariable = <%=someVariable%>;
    or how to assign JavaScript variable's value to JSP
    varialbeYou can't. JSP is server-side and JavaScript is client-side. The JSP variables are never available on the client side for any sort of assignment.

  • Passing drop down value to java code

    I am using a htmlb dropdownlist element in a jsp file. And I have included the java code in the same jsp. I need to know how to pass the selected value from the drop down to the java code.
    Can anyone please help?
    Thanks & regards,
    Malita Fernandes

    Not a problem, please create a java bean class which is having setter and getter methods
    for example if you drop down name is Day and create bean class like
    public class week
               private Day;
               public void setDay(String day){
               public String getDay() {
          return this.Day;
    JSP File
    <SELECT name=Day>
    <OPTION value="" selected>- Select -</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=Sunday>Sunday</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=Monday>Monday</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=Tuesday>Tuesday</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=Wednesday>Wednesday</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=Thursday>Thursday</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=Friday>Friday</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=Saturday>Saturday</OPTION>
    <% week w=new week();
    w.setDay(Day);  %>

Maybe you are looking for