Passing value from Report Column to Javascript

Dear Apex wizards,
I am a bit stuck right now with implementing a modal pop-up/iframe/javascript and this forum is my last hope to fix this issue.
Anyway, will try to explain what I am trying to accomplish.
What I need is: I want to have an SQL report, as a very first column I want to have an "ID" numbers from my table and I want this column to have a "Column Link" set in "Column Attributes" proper ties. The trick is, that when I click on the column link (when I run my report on Apex page) I need a JQuery modal window to pop-up where in IFrame will be another page and this page will use an "ID" from my column link URL to display data. So, basically I want to pass an "ID" value from my parent page to my child page which is displayed in iFrame of modal window.
And here is what I have:
1. I do have an SQL report:
select SUBNET_ID,
from   YC_CM_IP_SUBNETS 2. Then, in "Column Attributes" for "SUBNET_ID" a have set a "Column Link" to URL as : javascript:ViewNetworkDetails(#SUBNET_ID#); 3. Now, when I run my page and point my mice on any item in my "SUBNET_ID" column I can see that it is getting a "SUBNET_ID" number from my table and it shows it in the buttom of the browser as :javascript:ViewNetworkDetails(1);, or (2) or whatever "SUBNET_ID" is. So, that is good.
4. And here I am getting confused, basically I have to pass a value of javascript:ViewNetworkDetails(#SUBNET_ID#);, which seems to work as it gives me correct numbers from my table, to my "ViewNetworkDetails" JavaScript function, so it can paste this value into "f?p=........." iFrame URL. Below is my Jquery Modal form script and Javascript to redirect me to my popup page (the script is in HTML Header):
<script type="text/javascript">
function ViewNetworkDetails(){
var apexSession = $v('pInstance');
var apexAppId = $v('pFlowId');
var subnetIDNumber = document.getElementById(#SUBNET_ID#);
vRuleBox = '<div id="ViewNetworkDetailsBox" title="View Subnet Details">
<iframe src="f?p='+apexAppId+':103:'+apexSession+'::NO:103:P103_SUBNET_ID:'+subnetIDNumber+'
"width="875" height="500" title="View Subnet Details" frameborder="no"></iframe></div>'
                        stack: true,
modal: true,                            
                        width: 950,                    
resizable: true,
autoResize: true,
draggable: true,
close : function(){$("#ViewNetworkDetailsBox").remove();
                        location.reload(true); }
</script> P.S. My assumption is, that there is a problem with this part of my scriptvar subnetIDNumber = document.getElementById(#SUBNET_ID#); where I cannot get my "SUBNET_ID" value from javascript:ViewNetworkDetails(#SUBNET_ID#); into "subnetIDNumber" variable and that is why I cannot pass it to my iFrame URL.
P.S. P.S. the child page 103 has a "Automated Row Fetch", so it is not a problem. In addition, I did a simple test, where I had a page item "P102_Value" with some value and in my script I had instead var subnetIDNumber = document.getElementById(#SUBNET_ID#); this var subnetIDNumber = $v('P102_Value'); and it worked perfectly fine....but cannot make it working against SQL Select statement :-(

Change your column link to send the subnet_id column's value to the function call (you mentioned it, but I m not sure if you actually did)
javascript:ViewNetworkDetails(#SUBNET_ID#);<u>You are passing the parameter value to the function, but not defined any parameters in the function definition</u>(this is possible in JS, any extra parameters is ignored)
So, modify the function to accept the subnet ID parameter(I am actually surprised how you missed this) and assign that parameter to variable.
<script type="text/javascript">
function ViewNetworkDetails(pSubnetId){
var apexSession = $v('pInstance');
var apexAppId = $v('pFlowId');
var subnetIDNumber = pSubnetId;
//rest of the code would be the same

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                        Thank you very much
                   Sirin Kittichotpanich

    Hi Marc,
    Yes, you have it correct in what I am trying to do and if I put a default value in the hidden item on page 2 and run it then that works fine. I just can't get the value from the form passed to page 2 for some reason. There are actually 22 items on the form that can be filtered but just using COREID for simplicity. When I run the form I am just entering a value in the COREID field to try and return those records. Most of the other items on the form are displayed as Popup LOV(fetches first row). Would the values of all these be done the same in a comma delimited list for the items and values? I was trying to get at least one of them working first. Here is the search result that comes up in the debug window:
    Search Results
    0.01: Item: P2_COREID HIDDEN
    0.01: show report
    0.02: determine column headings
    0.02: parse query as: MOTEAMSAPEX
    0.02: binding: ":P2_COREID"="P2_COREID" value=""
    0.02: print column headings
    0.02: rows loop: 15 row(s)
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    from MOTEAMS.V_ASSETS where
    instr(UPPER("COREID"), UPPER(:P2_COREID)) > 0
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    Not sure if you have completely read the instructions.pdf that comes with the plugin. The "Events" section (Auto Close event) under "Advanced Usage" in the pdf may help you.
    Anyways, I have not tried this solution.

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    Hi Mike,
    Yes what you said is exactly correct ,
    i have a query , but for that i need some PK { three columns } from the the page where this popup will be called,
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    Look at this link which shows how to pass values from a subreport to a main report.
    You can use the same method to pass values from main report to a subreport.
    1) Create a formula @mainFormula in the main report, as given in item 1 of link.
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    4) Place @subFormula column in the subreport where you want to display it.

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    <form name='summary'>
    <input type=hidden name=customerid value="">
    <input type="button" class="textButton" name="action" value="customerlist" onClick="javascript:openWin('b.jsp','800','350')">
    function openWin(loc, w, h) {
    var newWin = window.openloc,"HTML",'dependent=1,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=' + w + ',height=' + h);
    String optionVal = request.getParameter("customerid");%>
    var user = "<%= optionVal%>";
    child jsp- b.jsp (pop up window)
    function closer(){
    var val =;
    window.opener.document.summary.customerid.value = val;
    <form name = formname>
    <input type="text" name="id" value = ''>
    <input type="button" class="textButton" value="select"
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    use window.opener.document.forms[0].filedname.value = 'value u need to set'

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    Thanks in Advance,

    I guess you got the picture wrong.  User_id is not a report_level parameter .
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    select Acc_Number, Account_Group,User_id  from Accounts where user_id={?User_id}
    where in {?User_id}  is the BV parameter...
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    don't pass value to test form. Where is mistake?
    Thanks Vaclav
    -------------- test form --------------
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    <!-- Comment out script for old browsers
    function get_list(frm, fld)
    var idx_form, idx_fld;
    idx_form = get_idx_form(frm);
    idx_fld = get_idx_field(idx_form, fld);
    var w = open ("http://vasekora/pls/portal309/ahs.RD_CISEL.SHOW_LIST" + "?startPg=1" + "&master_fld=" + "ID_AUTHOR" + "&slave_fld=" + "NAME" + "&ownr=" + "REDAKCE" + "&tbl_name=" + "AUTHORS" + "&cmd_qry=" +"" + "&idx_form=" + idx_form + "&idx_fld=" + idx_fld,"wn_Authors","width=500,height=600,resizable=yes,menubar=yes, location=yes");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
    function get_idx_form(p_form_name)
    var v_index, v_full_name, v_return;
    for(v_index=0; v_index < document.forms.length; v_index++)
    v_return = -1;
         v_full_name = document.forms[v_index].name.split(".");
    if (v_full_name == p_form_name)
         v_return = v_index;
    return v_return;
    function get_idx_field(idx_form, field_name)
    var v_index, v_full_name, v_return;
    for(v_index=0; v_index < document.forms[idx_form].length; v_index++)
    v_return = -1;
         v_full_name = document.forms[idx_form].elements[v_index].name.split(".");
    if (v_full_name == field_name)
         v_return = v_index;
    return v_return;
    <FORM NAME="f_aut_new" ACTION="javascript:testclose()" METHOD=POST TARGET="_blank">
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="id_aut">
    <IMG SRC="images/list.gif" alt="Seznam" border="0" align=bottom><BR><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save">
    <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Cancel">
    -------------------- end test form --------------
    procedure show_list
    startPg integer,
    master_fld varchar2,
    show_fld varchar2,
    ownr varchar2,
    tbl_name varchar2,
    cmd_qry varchar2,
    idx_form integer,
    idx_fld integer
    TYPE cur_typ IS REF CURSOR;
    c cur_typ;
    c_cnt cur_typ;
    i integer;
         pg rd_types.pages_t;
    odkaz varchar2(4000);
    bk_url varchar2(4000);
         s1 varchar2(4000);
         var_mfld integer;
         var_sfld varchar2(8000);
         bl boolean;
         var_cmd varchar2(2000);
    htp.p('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">');
    htp.p('<!-- Comment out script for old browsers');
    htp.p('function Close_List(val, idx_form, idx_fld)');
    htp.p('window.opener.document.forms[idx_form].elements[idx_fld].value = val;');
    if cmd_qry is null then
    s1 := 'SELECT a.'||master_fld||', a.'||show_fld||' FROM '||ownr||'.'||tbl_Name||
    ' a ORDER BY a.'||show_fld;
    var_cmd := UPPER(cmd_qry);
    s1 := 'SELECT a.'||master_fld||', a.'||show_fld||' FROM '||ownr||'.'||tbl_Name||
    ' a WHERE UPPER(a.'||show_fld||') LIKE ''%'||var_cmd||'%'' ORDER BY a.'||show_fld;
    end if;
    i := 1;
    OPEN c FOR s1;
    FETCH c INTO var_mfld, var_sfld;
    IF i >= pg.StartRec AND i <= pg.EndRec THEN
    odkaz :=''||var_sfld||'';
    htp.p(i||': '||odkaz||' ('||var_mfld||')<BR>');
         IF i > pg.EndRec THEN
         END IF;          
    END IF;
    END IF;
    i := i + 1;
    htp.p('<BR><B><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK="javascript:self.close();" VALUE="Close"></B><BR><BR>');
    CLOSE c;

    If this makes any difference: Instead of using "var w = open..." try "var w ="

  • Script fails when passing values from pl/sql to unix variable

    Script fails when passing values from pl/sql to unix variable
    Dear All,
    I am Automating STATSPACK reporting by modifying the sprepins.sql script.
    Using DBMS_JOB I take the snap of the database and at the end of the day the cron job creates the statspack report and emails it to me.
    I am storing the snapshot ids in the database and when running the report picking up the recent ids(begin snap and end snap).
    From the sprepins.sql script
    variable bid number;
    variable eid number;
    select begin_snap into :bid from db_snap;
    select end_snap into :eid from db_snap;
    This fails with the following error:
    DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release Cluster Host
    RDMDEVL 3576140228 RDMDEVL 1 NO ibm-rdm
    :ela := ;
    ERROR at line 4:
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 17:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null &lt;an identifier&gt;
    &lt;a double-quoted delimited-identifier&gt; &lt;a bind variable&gt; avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall merge time timestamp interval date
    &lt;a string literal with character set specification&gt;
    &lt;a number&gt; &lt;a single-quoted SQL string&gt; pipe
    The symbol "null" was substituted for ";" to continue.
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 16:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null &lt;an identifier&gt;
    &lt;a double-quoted delimited-identifier&gt; &lt;a bind variable&gt; avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev su
    But when I change the select statements below the report runs successfully.
    variable bid number;
    variable eid number;
    select '46' into :bid from db_snap;
    select '47' into :eid from db_snap;
    Even changing the select statements to:
    select TO_CHAR(begin_snap) into :bid from db_snap;
    select TO_CHAR(end_snap) into :eid from db_snap;
    Does not help.
    Please Help.

    could it be the begin_ and end_ Colums of your query?
    Seems SQL*PLUS hs parsing problems?
    try to fetch another column from that table
    and see if the error raises again.

  • Retruning parameter/value from report to form - (Urgent)

    Hi ,
    I am calling a report (2.5) from a form using RUN_PRODUCT. I would like to know if there is any way to do the following.
    (a) Return a value from reports to calling form. For ex. I would like to know the last Item name (assuming the reports prints all items in inventory) printed. I am sending a from and to numbers of item id's (range) and I need to know the last item printed.
    (b). Check the success of report. For example, while printing the 5 items (the range that I passed) if there is any error in printing , this should be tracked either in the form or report. If this is not possible using run_product , If I need to use srw package, how to use it. Can I call the report as usual with run_product and in the after parameter trigger can, I call the report again and track error.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Please repost your question in the reports forum

  • Hw to pass parameter from report to forms

    Dear Friends,
    I m working on Forms n Reports 6i,
    I m running report n passing parameter from the forms now the requirement is that if report run successfully it shuld give the msg otherwise give an user define error msg.
    Hw do i pass any parameter from report to form for acknowledgment.
    Thanking yours

    Hi Rajat,
    using run_product built in i can pass parameter from forms to reports but hw can i get some parameter value from reports to forms as mentioned earlier my post
    Thanking Yours,

  • How can I pass parameters from report to HTML page

    Does any one know how to pass value from Portal Report to other HTML page (asp for excample).
    I build a Protal report, and I want jamp to "http://...viewDoc.asp?DocID=DocumentID" URL, by clicking on link, where "DocumentID" is parameter that to be pass from report.

    One way is to create a link based on that form and attach that
    link with the report. Through links you can pass parameters

  • Passing parameter from reports to form - Urgent

    Hi ,
    I am calling a report (2.5) from a form using RUN_PRODUCT. I would like to know if there is any way to do the following.
    (a) Return a value from reports to calling form. For ex. I would like to know the last Item name (assuming the reports prints all items in inventory) printed. I am sending a from and to numbers of item id's (range) and I need to know the last item printed.
    (b). Check the success of report. For example, while printing the 5 items (the range that I passed) if there is any error in printing , this should be tracked either in the form or report. If this is not possible using run_product , If I need to use srw package, how to use it. Can I call the report as usual with run_product and in the after parameter trigger can, I call the report again and track error.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    You have to explain what you want.
    Why would you want to start the Forms Builder (Design time tool) from a JSP page? It's about the same as starting JDeveloper or Eclipse from a JSP page.

  • Passing flexfield from report wrapper to seeded report using shell script

    I am unable to pass flexfield values from report wrapper to seeded report using shell script
    below is the shell script that i am using to transfer GL Account High and GL Account Low to the seeded program Receipt Journal Report (ARXRJR). the flex fields get passed through the parameter v_param_12 and v_param_13. but all i am getting in the seeded report log file is the reporting level,reporting context,set_of_books,period, gl_date_low/high .
    #TEST Program for Passing GL Account High and GL Account Low
    v_user_name=`echo $3`
    v_login_pwd=`echo $FCP_LOGIN`
    v_prog_name=`echo TESTARXRJR`
    echo 'v_prog_name: '$v_prog_name
    # testing for passing the arguments from CM ...
    if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "Please pass the first argument...."
    exit 1
    v_request_id=`echo $4`
    echo 'v_request_id: '$v_request_id
    v_param_1=`echo $5`
    echo 'v_param_1: '$v_param_1
    v_param_2=`echo $6`
    echo 'v_param_2: '$v_param_2
    v_param_3=`echo $7`
    echo 'v_param_3: '$v_param_3
    v_param_4=`echo $8`
    echo 'v_param_4: '$v_param_4
    echo 'v_param_5: '$v_param_5
    v_param_6=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_6: '$v_param_6
    v_param_7=`echo $9'`
    echo 'v_param_7: '$v_param_7
    v_param_8=`echo "$9"`
    echo 'v_param_8: '$v_param_8
    v_param_9=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_9: '$v_param_9
    v_param_10=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_10: '$v_param_10
    v_param_11=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_11: '$v_param_11
    v_param_12=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_12: '$v_param_12
    v_param_13=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_13: '$v_param_13
    v_param_14=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_14: '$v_param_14
    v_param_15=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_15: '$v_param_15
    v_param_16=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_16: '$v_param_16
    v_param_17=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_17: '$v_param_17
    v_param_18=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_18: '$v_param_18
    v_param_19=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_19: '$v_param_19
    v_param_20=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_20: '$v_param_20
    v_param_21=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_21: '$v_param_21
    v_param_22=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_22: '$v_param_22
    v_param_23=`echo $9`
    echo 'v_param_23: '$v_param_23
    echo "Executiong SQL to obtain org id and responsibility name"
    (sqlplus -s /nolog <<end_of_sql
    conn $v_login_pwd
    set heading off
    set echo off
    set feedback off
    SELECT 'ORGID:'||b.profile_option_value || ':' ||e.responsibility_name
    FROM fnd_profile_options a,
    fnd_profile_option_values b,
    fnd_concurrent_requests c,
    fnd_responsibility d,
    fnd_responsibility_tl e
    WHERE c.request_id = $v_request_id
    AND c.responsibility_id = b.level_value
    AND b.profile_option_id = a.profile_option_id
    AND a.application_id = b.application_id
    AND c.responsibility_application_id = d.application_id
    AND d.application_id = e.application_id
    AND a.profile_option_name = 'ORG_ID'
    AND c.responsibility_id = d.responsibility_id
    AND d.responsibility_id = e.responsibility_id;
    ) > a.log
    v_var=`grep -iv "ORG_ID" a.log|sed 's/Connected.//'`
    echo 'v_var: ' $v_var
    v_org=`echo $v_var| awk 'FS=":" {print $2 }'`
    v_resp_name=`echo $v_var | awk 'FS=":" {print $3}'`
    echo 'v_org :'$v_org
    echo 'v_resp_name :'$v_resp_name
    echo 'Sumitting Receipt Journal Report...'
    user_request=`CONCSUB $v_login_pwd GL "$v_resp_name" $v_user_name WAIT=Y CONCURRENT AR ARXRJR \
    user_request=`echo $user_request|awk '{print $3}'`
    echo Request is $user_request
    echo 'trx_rep_file: '$trx_rep_file
    sleep 10
    for i in 1 2 3 4 5
    if test -f $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/l$user_request.req
    if test [`grep -i '"Concurrent process completed successfully"' $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/l$user_request.req`]
    if test -f $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT/o$trx_rep_file.out
    echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                   echo 'output file found'
                   echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
              echo failure in Report listing production
              echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    echo Job not Over Yet
         echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    echo File not found yet
    echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    sleep 10
    echo ----------------------------------------------------------
    echo Transaction Listing process over
    echo ---------------------------------------------------------
    echo ----------------------------------------------------------
    echo Executing SQL to derive Search Pattern
    echo ----------------------------------------------------------
    v_pattern=`sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF1
    conn $v_login_pwd
         set heading off
         set echo off
         set feedback off
         SELECT 'SEARCH^'||meaning||'^'||attribute1||'^'||attribute2||'^'||attribute3
         FROM fnd_lookup_values
         WHERE lookup_type = '$v_param_2'
         AND lookup_code = '$v_prog_name';
    echo 'v_pattern: '$v_pattern
    v_pattern_n1=`echo $v_pattern|sed 's/Connected.//'|awk 'FS="^" {print $2}'`
    echo 'v_pattern_n1: '$v_pattern_n1
    v_pattern_n2=`echo $v_pattern|sed 's/Connected.//'|awk 'FS="^" {print $3}'`
    echo 'v_pattern_n2: '$v_pattern_n2
    v_pattern_n3=`echo $v_pattern|sed 's/Connected.//'|awk 'FS="^" {print $4}'`
    echo 'v_pattern_n3: '$v_pattern_n3
    v_pattern_n4=`echo $v_pattern|sed 's/Connected.//'|awk 'FS="^" {print $4}'|sed 's/ //'`
    echo 'v_pattern_n4: '$v_pattern_n4
    echo 'v_param_12: '$v_param_12
    echo 'v_param_13: '$v_param_13
    echo -----------------------------------
    echo Deriving final output
    echo ----------------------------------
    v_var=`cat $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT/o$trx_rep_file.out | grep -i "$v_pattern_n1"|\
                   sed "s/(/-/g"|sed "s/)/ /g"|\
                   sed "s/$v_pattern_n1/$v_pattern_n2/g"|\
              sed 's/ /~/g'|\
    sed 's/~~*/~/g'|\
                   sed 's/ *//g'|\
                   sed 's/,//g'`
    echo 'v_var: '$v_var
    v_var_2=`cat $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT/o$trx_rep_file.out|grep -i "$v_pattern_n3"|\
    v_out_1=`echo "$v_var"|grep -i "$v_pattern_n2"|awk 'FS="~" {print $3}'`
    echo 'v_out_1: '$v_out_1
    echo 'v_var_2: '$v_var_2
    echo ------------------------------------------------------------
    v_out_2=`echo "$v_var_2"|grep -i "$v_pattern_n3"|awk 'FS=":" {print $2}'`
    echo 'v_out_2: '$v_out_2
    echo ----------------------------------------------
    echo Process comleted
    echo ----------------------------------------------------
    echo ================================================================================

    The name of this OTN group is "Database - General"
    Your question relates to an unnamed application that might be E-Business Suite, or PeopleSoft, or Siebel, who can say.
    Please re-ask your question in the appropriate applications forum and be sure to clearly name the full product name and version. We are not mind readers and we can not look over your shoulder.

  • Passing parameters from report to form

    I have a report based on a View with all the details of only one record. I whant to link this report with a form in insert mode, passing some of the fields as parameters.
    Anyone konws how to do it?

    Thanks for the succinct reply! I've been trying to 2 days to solve this problem. Whew!
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jan Willem Vermeer ([email protected]):
    Unfortunately linking reports and forms in insert mode is not completely tackled in the faq.
    For a long time Oracle Customer Support and I were not able to get the form in insert-mode. My forms kept on appearing in query-mode, so when I passed values from the report to the form, the form queried records based on the parameters passed through from the report. While I wanted these parameters filled in as default values.
    The solution is almost too easy to imagine. When you define the link-parameters in the report definition, you should leave the EQUAL-sign blank. On metalink you can read TAR 1258704.996 and bug 1696340 for more info.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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