Passing values from applet using POST method to PHP page

Hello there ;)
I realy need a help here.. I`ve been working all day on sending mail from applet. I didn`t succeed bcs of the security restrictions.
So I decided just to pass arguments into PHP page, which process them and send e-mail to me.
So here is the problem.. I need to send String variables througth POST into my php page. Now I`m using GET method, but I need more than 4000 characters.
My actual solution is:
  URL url = new URL("" + name + "&message=" + message);
this.getAppletContext().showDocument(url,"_self");I really need to rewrite it into POST. Would you be so kind and write few lines example [applet + php code]? I`ve already searched, googled, etc.. Pls don`t copy links to other forums here, probably I`ve read it.
Thanx in advance to all :)

i`ve got some news about my applet.. so take this applet code:
public class Apletik extends JApplet {
    public void init() { }
    public void start()
      String aLine; // only if reading response
      String  parametersAsString = "msg=ahoj&to=world";
      byte[] parameterAsBytes = parametersAsString.getBytes();
      // send parameters to server
      URL url = this.getCodeBase();
      url = new URL(url + "spracuj.php");
      URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
      con.setDoInput(true); // only if reading response
      con.setRequestProperty("Content=length", String.valueOf(parameterAsBytes.length));
      OutputStream oStream = con.getOutputStream();
      String line="";
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
      while ((aLine = in.readLine()) != null)
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, aLine);      
       if(aLine.equals("")) break;
    catch (Exception ex)
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ex.toString());
}here is code of spracuj.php which is on server:
?>it has only 1 problem.. when i test it on my localhost, everything seems to be all right. but when i post it to my server, i got IOException HTTP 400 error code :( where is the problem? please help me, i`m so close :D thanx

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    String currentYear;
    private void showDaysInDDList()
    currentYear = request.getparameter("year");
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    An error occurred at line: 105 in the jsp file: /p1/left.jsp
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    Ok, this is a bit messy here. I don't know how much you've read up on JSP but you seem confused about some fundamentals to me. However, you mention that you've worked with ASP .net so I'm going to assume you do have some notion of how thing should work in general.
    1. JSP is on the server-side and events like onchange that you've used take place on the client-side after the JSP/ servlet code has run and produced the HTML page. So calling your showDaysInDDList() will not work.
    2. Are you sure you know how the declaration tags ( <%! %> ) work? When you normally write JSP code without these tags, all that code gets compiled into the service method of the corresponding servlet that the JSP gets turned into. But, you can declare your own methods and variables outside the service method by using these tags.
    So what you're effectively doing is declaring
    private String/ void showDaysInDDList()
    }and followed by your usual _jspService()
    public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request,
       HttpServletResponse  response)
         throws IOException, ServletException
    }Now it may be clear, that the request object is not available in the showDaysInDDList() method by default; you'll either have to declare it ( not sure if it's good programming practice or not ) or pass the required parameters in the call.
    3. Like you seem to have realized, that error about the printing of booleans was related to the return type of your method because <%= %> translates to out.println(); and since the argument was the method call, the return value was to be printed which here was a void ( not sure why it says boolean though :D ).
    Read up on this introduction to JSPs, seems to be pretty good and covers everything in quick, short chunks.
    Hope this helps.

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       out.println("Content-type: text/xml\r");
       out.println("Content-length: 1024\r");
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       // loop until the blank line is through.
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    1) if you want to develop a distributed application with XML messages, you can look in SOAP.
    it's a solution to communicate objects distributed java (or COM or other) and it constructs XML flux to communicate between them.
    2) if it can help you, I have developed a chat in TCP/IP and, to my mind, when you send datas it's only text, so the format isn't important, the important is your traitement behind.
    examples :
    a client method to send a message to the server :
    public void send(String message)
    connexionCourante = new Socket(lAdresServeur, noPort);
    fluxOut= new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(connexionCourante.getOutputStream()) );
    a server method in a thread to receive and print the message :
    if (laThread == null)
    texte = fluxIn.readLine();
    that's all ! :)
    If you want to use it for your XML communication, it could be a good idea to use a special message, for example "@end", to finish the server
    ex :
    if (laThread == null)
    texte = fluxIn.readLine();
    // to stop
    if (texte.equals("@end"))
    processMessage(texte );
    hope it will help you

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    Is JavaProgram a Applet or Servlet?
    Opening a new window directly from server,probably not possible? From your question
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    [email protected]

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    -------------- test form --------------
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    <!-- Comment out script for old browsers
    function get_list(frm, fld)
    var idx_form, idx_fld;
    idx_form = get_idx_form(frm);
    idx_fld = get_idx_field(idx_form, fld);
    var w = open ("http://vasekora/pls/portal309/ahs.RD_CISEL.SHOW_LIST" + "?startPg=1" + "&master_fld=" + "ID_AUTHOR" + "&slave_fld=" + "NAME" + "&ownr=" + "REDAKCE" + "&tbl_name=" + "AUTHORS" + "&cmd_qry=" +"" + "&idx_form=" + idx_form + "&idx_fld=" + idx_fld,"wn_Authors","width=500,height=600,resizable=yes,menubar=yes, location=yes");
    if (w.opener == null)
    w.opener = self;
    function get_idx_form(p_form_name)
    var v_index, v_full_name, v_return;
    for(v_index=0; v_index < document.forms.length; v_index++)
    v_return = -1;
         v_full_name = document.forms[v_index].name.split(".");
    if (v_full_name == p_form_name)
         v_return = v_index;
    return v_return;
    function get_idx_field(idx_form, field_name)
    var v_index, v_full_name, v_return;
    for(v_index=0; v_index < document.forms[idx_form].length; v_index++)
    v_return = -1;
         v_full_name = document.forms[idx_form].elements[v_index].name.split(".");
    if (v_full_name == field_name)
         v_return = v_index;
    return v_return;
    <FORM NAME="f_aut_new" ACTION="javascript:testclose()" METHOD=POST TARGET="_blank">
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="id_aut">
    <IMG SRC="images/list.gif" alt="Seznam" border="0" align=bottom><BR><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Save">
    <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Cancel">
    -------------------- end test form --------------
    procedure show_list
    startPg integer,
    master_fld varchar2,
    show_fld varchar2,
    ownr varchar2,
    tbl_name varchar2,
    cmd_qry varchar2,
    idx_form integer,
    idx_fld integer
    TYPE cur_typ IS REF CURSOR;
    c cur_typ;
    c_cnt cur_typ;
    i integer;
         pg rd_types.pages_t;
    odkaz varchar2(4000);
    bk_url varchar2(4000);
         s1 varchar2(4000);
         var_mfld integer;
         var_sfld varchar2(8000);
         bl boolean;
         var_cmd varchar2(2000);
    htp.p('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">');
    htp.p('<!-- Comment out script for old browsers');
    htp.p('function Close_List(val, idx_form, idx_fld)');
    htp.p('window.opener.document.forms[idx_form].elements[idx_fld].value = val;');
    if cmd_qry is null then
    s1 := 'SELECT a.'||master_fld||', a.'||show_fld||' FROM '||ownr||'.'||tbl_Name||
    ' a ORDER BY a.'||show_fld;
    var_cmd := UPPER(cmd_qry);
    s1 := 'SELECT a.'||master_fld||', a.'||show_fld||' FROM '||ownr||'.'||tbl_Name||
    ' a WHERE UPPER(a.'||show_fld||') LIKE ''%'||var_cmd||'%'' ORDER BY a.'||show_fld;
    end if;
    i := 1;
    OPEN c FOR s1;
    FETCH c INTO var_mfld, var_sfld;
    IF i >= pg.StartRec AND i <= pg.EndRec THEN
    odkaz :=''||var_sfld||'';
    htp.p(i||': '||odkaz||' ('||var_mfld||')<BR>');
         IF i > pg.EndRec THEN
         END IF;          
    END IF;
    END IF;
    i := i + 1;
    htp.p('<BR><B><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK="javascript:self.close();" VALUE="Close"></B><BR><BR>');
    CLOSE c;

    If this makes any difference: Instead of using "var w = open..." try "var w ="

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    Please help!!
    Thank you.

    Hello !
             Create a method just before the form step.This method should populate the values for the fields maintained in the form.
             Pass the values populated from this method to your customized table structure (data source).In other words, you have to pass all the values to the workflow container.
            To the step, pass this workflow container by binding.In the control tab of form step, you have to do the binding.

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    to create the employee details ( in form i used the submit button and i stored the details ). so, in tat form i used the employee id as read only mode and it has to display the value which i given as input. But in tat form im not getting the value from web dynpro..
    can anyone plz help me out for this..
    Thanks in advance..

    Try to set your values in Method->"wddomodify" of the View in which Adobe Form is present. If you want to pass values from one view to another then check this link [Passing Local Parameters between views in an ABAP Web Dynpro Application|] or use Context declared in Component Controller.
    Pradeep Goli

  • Passing value from JSP to JApplet

    I am stuck up with a problem, can anyone please tell me how do i pass a value from a JSP page
    to a JApplet,
    and the parameter passed through JSP should be displaed in the JTextArea.
    It would be kindful if any of you could help.

    thanks for reply.
    I know how to pass parameters from html,
    I want to pass values from jsp page,
    and i dono how to do it, may be we cann pass values through url connection but i dono how.
    if anone knows plz help me in solving this.
    i hvae posted my applet code.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JToolBar;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    <applet code = "DocApplet" width = 500 height =5000>
    public class DocApplet extends JApplet
         private JPanel jp;
         private Container cp;
         private JTextArea jt;
         private JToolBar tb;     
         private JScrollPane sp;
         private String annotation;
         private String url;
         private Connection con;
         private Statement stmt;
         public void init()
              jp = new JPanel();
              cp = getContentPane();
              jt = new JTextArea();
              tb = new JToolBar();
              sp = new JScrollPane(jt);
         public void start()
              jp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              jp.add(tb, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              jp.add(sp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         public void run()
         public void paint()
         private void addButtons(JToolBar tb)
              JButton button = null;
              button = new JButton("Save");
              button.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

  • HTTP Transformation using POST Method

    Hi, I will have to use POST method with header as application/json to get the results in http transformation. I downloaded the RESTFUL client utility from Chrome, to see how JSON would look like by passing parameters and the result is displayed as expected.  But I'm not sure how the URL to be constructed in HTTP transformation and appreciate if you have any suggestions. My URLL input parameters:  {"hierarchies":[10],"properties":[18],"licId":123} If I use the above URL and parameters in RESTFUL client, I'm getting the output, but having difficulty in setting up the URL using HTTP transformation.  RegardsSelva

    Thanks Marc.
    Let me rephrase the scenario.
    I have an external application which is capable of sending information only in XML through HTTP requests. It does not send SOAP messages. I guess in this case, we would need to use the HTTP binding using POST method. Much like the sample at which uses the GET method.
    In this sample reynolds is using the GET method. I have been trying to get the POST method to work.

  • Passing values from main report to sub-reports

    - How do we pass values from main report to sub-report?

    Look at this link which shows how to pass values from a subreport to a main report.
    You can use the same method to pass values from main report to a subreport.
    1) Create a formula @mainFormula in the main report, as given in item 1 of link.
    2) Place this formulla in a suppressed report footer section above the target subreport.
    3) In the subreport, create a formula @subFormula that declares the same variable name, as given in item 3 of link.
    4) Place @subFormula column in the subreport where you want to display it.

  • Passing value from one jsp to another?

    how to pass value from one jsp to another? i have a value assigned in the link, i want to pass that value to another jsp page?
    please help with code?

    Instead of the value being passed, i am getting a null value.
    Here is my calendar code:
    <%@page import="java.util.*,java.text.*" %>
    <title>Print a month page.</title>
    <body bgcolor="white">
                  boolean yyok = false;
                  int yy = 0, mm = 0;
                  String yyString = request.getParameter("year");
                  if (yyString != null && yyString.length() > 0)
                          yy = Integer.parseInt(yyString);
                                  yyok = true;
                       catch (NumberFormatException e)
                          out.println("Year " + yyString + " invalid" );
                  Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance( );
                  if (!yyok)yy = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);  
                         mm = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                  <table align="center">
                       <form method=post action="calendar.jsp">
                          Enter Year : <select name="year">
                 for(int i= yy;i<=2010;i++)
                  <OPTION VALUE= <%=i%> > <%=i%> </option>
                      <input type=submit value="Display">
    String[] months = {"January","February","March",
                    "October","November", "December"
    int dom[] =     {
                        31, 28, 31, 30,
                        31, 30, 31, 31,
                        30, 31, 30, 31
                int leadGap =0;
    <div id="t1" class="tip"><table border="4" cellpadding=3 cellspacing="3" width="250" align="center" bgcolor="lavender">
    <td halign="centre" colgroup span="7" style="color:#FF0000;">
              GregorianCalendar calendar =null;
              for(int j=0;j<12;j++)
                        calendar = new GregorianCalendar(yy, j, 1);
                  int row = 1 ;
                  row = row + j;
              <colgroup span="7" style="color:#FF0000;">
              <tr align="center">
              <th colspan=7>
                  <%= months[j] %>
                  <%= yy %>
        leadGap = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1;
        int daysInMonth = dom[j];
        if ( calendar.isLeapYear( calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) ) && j == 1)
        out.print(" ");
          for (int h = 0; h < leadGap; h++)
        for (int h = 1; h <= daysInMonth; h++)
          out.print("<a href=desc.jsp>" + h + "</a>" );
        if ((leadGap + h) % 7 == 0)
    if( row%3 != 0)
    </html>I need to pass the value in 'h' to the desc.jsp page.
    my code for desc.jsp is :
    <body bgcolor="lightblue">
    <form method=post action="Calenda.jsp">
    <%= request.getParameter("h") %>
    <h2> Description of the event <INPUT NAME="description" TYPE=TEXT SIZE=20> </h2>
    </html>But i am not able to pass the value. The 'h' value contains all the date. i want to pass only a single date, the user clicks to the other page. please help

  • Passing values from a FORM to another FORM

    I have to pass values from FORM "A" to FORM "B". What is the best way to do this?\
    Can I use a GLOBAL variable?

    I think he meant the global namespace.
    You set a :global_your_name_here to a value and that value is available in your entire application. See the help file section on the global namespace for more information.
    Forms parameters are parameters that you form picks up from the outside when it starts. The calling entity must supply them in the URL or they will be set to null. You set them up in the object navigator in the Parameters node.

  • Script fails when passing values from pl/sql to unix variable

    Script fails when passing values from pl/sql to unix variable
    Dear All,
    I am Automating STATSPACK reporting by modifying the sprepins.sql script.
    Using DBMS_JOB I take the snap of the database and at the end of the day the cron job creates the statspack report and emails it to me.
    I am storing the snapshot ids in the database and when running the report picking up the recent ids(begin snap and end snap).
    From the sprepins.sql script
    variable bid number;
    variable eid number;
    select begin_snap into :bid from db_snap;
    select end_snap into :eid from db_snap;
    This fails with the following error:
    DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release Cluster Host
    RDMDEVL 3576140228 RDMDEVL 1 NO ibm-rdm
    :ela := ;
    ERROR at line 4:
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 17:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null &lt;an identifier&gt;
    &lt;a double-quoted delimited-identifier&gt; &lt;a bind variable&gt; avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall merge time timestamp interval date
    &lt;a string literal with character set specification&gt;
    &lt;a number&gt; &lt;a single-quoted SQL string&gt; pipe
    The symbol "null" was substituted for ";" to continue.
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 16:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null &lt;an identifier&gt;
    &lt;a double-quoted delimited-identifier&gt; &lt;a bind variable&gt; avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev su
    But when I change the select statements below the report runs successfully.
    variable bid number;
    variable eid number;
    select '46' into :bid from db_snap;
    select '47' into :eid from db_snap;
    Even changing the select statements to:
    select TO_CHAR(begin_snap) into :bid from db_snap;
    select TO_CHAR(end_snap) into :eid from db_snap;
    Does not help.
    Please Help.

    could it be the begin_ and end_ Colums of your query?
    Seems SQL*PLUS hs parsing problems?
    try to fetch another column from that table
    and see if the error raises again.

  • Passing Value from Crystal Report (special function) to Business View parameter

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    Eg : CurrentCEUsername (func in crystal report)-- gives login user  which i should pass to parameter in a Business view (used in the same report).
    Will be able to explain more if required.
    Thanks in Advance,

    I guess you got the picture wrong.  User_id is not a report_level parameter .
    In Data Foundation, below query is used..
    select Acc_Number, Account_Group,User_id  from Accounts where user_id={?User_id}
    where in {?User_id}  is the BV parameter...
    The Filter was a solution. But it takes long time to Query all the data from DB and then filter at BV level.
    How do i pass the CurrentCEUsername to {?User_id}
    Value should ve CurrentCEusername always. so that query will be
    select Acc_Number, Account_Group,User_id  from Accounts where user_id=CurrentCEusername
    It will restrict the data pulled from DB to BV .. right?

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Amazon API to pull down pricing  Need Help!

    My searches for CF code to pull down amazon book pricing all come back with old information. I need some help setting up the Amazon API.  I just want to pull down pricing and other book info based on a query. Any help will be appreciated.