Paste text to notes

Is it possible to paste text to Notes?

Yes. Copy your text from Pages, a web page - whatever - open Notes, create a new note, tap and hold down on the screen until the "paste" option comes up, and then paste.

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  • I can't cut and paste text in any app, between apps, drag drop...

    OSX 10.7.2:   iMAC 24" FLAT-PANEL/ 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/ 4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
    I have owned and used my iMac since late in 2008 (although mine is an early 2008 model).
    Starting this evening (10 December 2011) I can't copy/paste text from the clipboard any longer. For example, I can't select and copy a URL then paste it in another tab of the same browser. Nothing is pasted.
    Dragging and dropping text from one browser window to another also doesn't work, nor from one browser URL bar to another browser bar.
    In sum, the most BASIC COPY/PASTING TEXT DOES NOT WORK AT ALL ANY LONGER!!!  Drag and drop ditto. Most frustrating!
    Anybody else had this problem suddenly come upon them???  Suggestions, advice.
    Thanks.  Tomeg
    p.s. btw restarting the mac or shutting down booting up doesn't get rid of the problem. Next I will try unplugging everything then reconnecting.
    Haven't tried resetting PRAM yet. That will be my next and last resort.

    Oops! I discovered yesterday that *the real problem with my keyboard was (is) a diagonal "row" of keys isn't functioning*!  Unfortunately, the four keys are 'c, d, e, and 3/#'; hence, losing the '⌘-c' or "copy" function.
    Still, it helped some that I could employ the right-click with my wireless "magic mouse."
    Fortunately I remembered this morning that I had a perfectly good UBS keyboard with keypad from my previous Mac.
    A good learning experience! Thank you all for your help!!!   (:
    Message was edited by: tomeg

  • How to NOT retain formatting when copying and pasting text

    Captivate 7 keeps the formatting from my text sources when I paste into a Text Caption which is not what I need. Anything I could find in the forums where questions relating to "keeping" the source formatting. I don't want this, I want Captivate to keep its text formatting when I paste text into a text caption. I even did a test creating a new project and using one of the Cap 7 themes. If I paste text in the default capture caption style object, it retains the formatting of the copied text source.  I have been working with Captivate 7 since a few months now and, until this morning, when I copied and pasted text from another source into my Captivate Text Caption, it retained the format of my Captivate Text Caption object. This is exactly what I need. How can I get this behavior back?
    I appreciate any help. Thank you.

    Hi there
    Well, first I would report it as undesired behavior and possibly ask for an enhancement that allows us to right-click and paste without formatting. Do this using the link below:
    For now, you have a couple of options.
    1. Perform a side trip. Open a text editor such as Windows Notepad or Apple Textpad and paste, then copy back to the clipboard. Then paste the text into the caption. (When pasting into the text editor, formatting is stripped)
    2. On Windows machines, you can usually find a clipboard utility that allows you to paste as pure text. In fact, one such application is called PureText.
    PureText Home Page (Note that I have no affiliation with them and nothing to gain if you choose to use the product. Just wanted to make you aware of it.)
    Cheers... Rick

  • I tried to paste text from another site into my Firebox document, but it says "Firefox does not support Copy & Paste". How do I enable clipboard? I never had problems like this on Firefox before...why?

    I tried to paste text I copied from another site into my Notepad++ (as I've always done in the past with no problem).
    But today for the 1st time, I got a message when I tried to paste the text "Firefox does not support Copy & Paste". What?
    What happened to the clipboard?

    That's a security feature in Firefox.
    Use this extension to add the necessary permissions to Firefox - Allow Clipboard Helper: <br />

  • Pasting text from other apps not always work

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    Just a quick update.
    This problem has resurfaced AE CS6 (mac OS 10.8.x) this time.
    The copy/paste into the search bar doesn't seem to work anymore.
    I sent Aobde a note via their Bug/reports page - - (I'd suggest everyone do that.)
    So far, my only working solution is to quit/restart AE. --
    A shame for any 21st century software not to copy/paste formatted, or unformatted text.
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    When I copy and paste text in facebook, the text looks fine until I hit 'share' or 'comment' to submit it. Firefox then adds indiscriminate line-feeds within the text and it looks nothing like the original text. It makes it very difficult to read and awful to look at.
    This does not happen in Safari.
    (Mac OSX 10.6.4 with Firefox 3.6.6).
    == URL of affected sites ==

    Same problem, 3.6.8 and previous recent versions. I never thought to try another browser but I just pasted into IE and it worked fine. I copied from Firefox to IE and it worked as well. It's just when you paste into Firefox that you get the weird line breaks.

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    How do you copy and paste text from a website to a Pages document please. I could do this from my old ipad but not from ipad air. Thank you

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Why what happens when you try.

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    If the crashing only happens with other peoples projects it could be for a variety of reasons. There are tons of asset references saved in the library (the location every item was imported from) and much more. None of those locations will exist on your system and internal complications may simply happen, especially with any runtime shared assets.
    If possible you should consider adding more system RAM so you can multi-task. RAM is extremely cheap. I'm assuming from a smaller 500GB HD and 4GB RAM that you're probably on a laptop however. Installing RAM is still usually pretty easy if you have the notebook manual (or grab it online). It typically involves just lifting the keyboard or opening a single panel on the bottom of the notebook but it varies greatly. At any rate, 8GB RAM would help you quite a bit. If you do, just make sure you get the correct type of RAM (again, in the specs in your manual).
    Even when you run out of physical RAM, Flash (like any other application) will still see more RAM based on the OS's swap memory setting (using available space on your HD as RAM). It will get much slower but Flash should see the total amount the 32bit OS can handle for RAM (it doesn't know if it's physical fast RAM or SWAP (fake) HD RAM though). If you open other apps with Flash they should also operate, but will also use swap RAM and you've probably noticed your HD crunching a lot while more apps are open.
    That said, I have a 4GB RAM in my older i7 lappie and have used Flash CS5.5 and CS6 on it extensively, with other applications open. Although my projects contain mild assets and mostly tons of code. No issues at all. I just think your heavy assets are crashing you.
    Either way, glad you got your work done. You're welcome and good luck!

  • Can't copy text into photoshop: Could not complete the Paste Text command because the clipboard data is empty or invalid.

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    What's up?

    I have the same problem!
    Can't find the solution...

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    Perhaps you could build a copy to clipboard link that strings
    together all of the pieces and pastes the text to the clipboard?
    There is an example on the Flex Style Explorer
    Export All CSS (lower left of the screen)

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    Resetting SMC may help.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

  • Website utility not accepting pasted text

    I don't know whether this is a website problem, Safari, Text Edit, or a combition.
    I am trying to send an SMS from my computer via a phone company website. This is what I have done:
    I have set up a Desktop utility as per:
    The utility brings up a webpage exactly like this one: password=Test. I have removed my username and password, but if they were there the website would accept messages and send them.
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    I think I know what it is happening in this case.... I have time and was trying to reproduce the issue..
    1. Here I have a text  and a text inside a container (Block text)
    2. Here I use the rotate tool, every thing goes as expected
    3. Here I used the free Transform tool. and as you can see, that tool rotates the container but not the text itself,  so that's the "problem"...
    use the rotate tool instead the transfor tool...

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    Now when I use CC and copy paste text from PS to AI, all text formatting is lost and everything is placed as whatever the current AI text setting is.
    HOWEVER, pasting from AI to PS WORKS as it should. All font/text formatting is maintained.
    Is this a bug or is there a setting for this that I just never knew about?

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    I found the solution on another site,, so I can't claim the solution as my own, but it worked for me. Kent Ng says: 
    I face the similar issue with Excel 2003. If you have installed Skype-Click-to-Call, just removed it to resolve this issue.

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