Performance Consideration when updating NX-OS?

Is there any performance consideration on the SAN switches we need to monitor prior to updating NX-OS?

if it's a non-disruptive upgrade then you never lose FC connectivity. Always read the release notes for the version you are upgrading to make sure there are no surprises (hardware support ..etc)

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  • Large DB Performance problems when updating schemas

    I'm facing performance problems updating the schema of large databases in SQLServer 2008 R2 and I can't find a proper solution. I would have thought that this is a fairly common problem so here it goes.
    I have a database which is about 700Gb in size. I am going to detail 2 different issues:
    In that Database I have a table with the schema detailed below as Table_TB. This table contains several million records. As you can see there is a column of type TEXT (Comment_FD). What I am trying to do is changing  the column type to NVARCHAR(MAX) to
    remove the deprecated TEXT type and support UNICODE characters in that field.
    The command I am running is the following one:
    This operation takes several hours to complete.
    I tried the following:
    -Adding the new column to the same table and copying the data over
    -Creating a new entire table with the new field type modified and copy the data over
    -Exporting to disk the contents of the table, truncate the table and reimporting the data both with Management Studio and the bcp tool. 
    -When copying to a new table I made also tried removing the PK of the table to skip the overhead of creating an index. 
    -I also tried using a simple spd to copy the data over (to the column in the same table and the other table) in batches. 
    In ALL my tests I set the SQLServer Recovery model to Simple to skip as much as I can the overhead of generating logs.
    No matter what I do, the times to complete this operation seem to be unusable. 
    Please note that I am reducing this problem to its minimum expression. Can't say precisely how long the operation takes, but a script that contain 5 field type changes identical to that one in that and other two tables takes 7 days to complete!!! The REAL problem
    is that I have several other fields to which I need to change the type, and they currently amount to a total running time of 14 days!. And this is just changing a handful of fields in a handful of tables. At some point every string in the system will need
    to be migrated to get unicode support, making this completely impracticable.
    **Based on smaller DBs in the same system I guesstimate this table will contain about 14M records and will be about 44Gb in size. 
    I have another table int the same DB, with a schema detailed below as Table_2_TB, and again several million records in it. I am trying to add a colum using the following SQL:
    This operation takes a bit more than 7 hours to complete.
    **Based on smaller DBs in the same system I guesstimate this table will contain about 54M records, and a size of 98Gb.
    ---->Am I doing something wrong, or is there any way to optimize either the SQL or the SQLServer configuration to speed this up?
    ---->Are these performance levels normal at all when dealing with databases of this size? 
    ---->Anyone out there with experience on DBs of this size?
    ---->Does Microsoft offer some kind of service (cloud?) to make structural changes in large Dbs?
    Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
    This is the schema for the first table:
    CREATE TABLE [DBA].[Table_TB](
    [BranchCode_FD] [char](2) NOT NULL,
    [FolderNo_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [DateTime_FD] [datetime] NULL,
    [Staff_FD] [char](3) NULL,
    [Action_FD] [varchar](25) NULL,
    [Comment_FD] [text] NULL,
    [Team_FD] [varchar](8) NULL,
    [Group_FD] [varchar](8) NULL,
    [PopUpDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NULL,
    [nRecordID_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiFoldItemID_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [BranchCode_FD] ASC,
    [FolderNo_FD] ASC,
    [nRecordID_FD] ASC
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table_TB__DateTime] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [DateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table_TB__PopUp__096A45D7] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [PopUpDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiFoldItemID_FD]
    This is the schema for the second table:
    CREATE TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB](
    [strBBranchCode_FD] [char](2) NOT NULL,
    [lFFoldNo_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [nFiFoldItemID_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiType_FD] [char](3) NOT NULL,
    [dtFiCreateDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiBookingRef_FD] [varchar](32) NOT NULL,
    [strFiBookingRefDayMonth_FD] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [strFiBookedVia_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [bFiInterfaced_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiSortOrder_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiCreateStaffCode_FD] [char](3) NOT NULL,
    [strPcProductCode_FD] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [dtFiStartDateTime_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [lFiFinanVendID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [lFiItinVendID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiVendBalDueDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiVendDepositDueDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiStatus_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [bFiTransFeeHasBeenApplied_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [bFiATOLTypeMan_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiATOLType_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strCcClassCode_FD] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
    [strFiStartPointCode_FD] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [strFiEndPointCode_FD] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [strFiAirlineCode_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiVendDocNo_FD] [varchar](16) NOT NULL,
    [dtFiIssueDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiDiscReasonCode_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [nFiLastFoldPricingID_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiPrintingNote_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [strFiNonPrintingNote_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiStatusExpiryDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiClientFreqTravellerNo_FD] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [strFiRouteNo_FD] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [nFiNumBum_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiEndDateTime_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiFareBase_FD] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
    [strFiInterfaceItemID_FD] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
    [strFiEndPointLoc_FD] [varchar](255) NULL,
    [strFiStartPointLoc_FD] [varchar](255) NULL,
    [strMcMealCode_FD] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [strFiSeatNote_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [strFiMealNote_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [strFiAirCraftType_FD] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [strFiJourneyTime_FD] [varchar](8) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCheckInMins_FD] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
    [lFiJourneyDist_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [nFiNumStop_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiBaggageAllow_FD] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
    [strFiIssueStaffCode_FD] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [dtFiDispatchDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiDispatchStaffCode_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strDmDispatchCode_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiVendDepositDueAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiRateCode_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiRatePlan_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCabinNo_FD] [varchar](8) NOT NULL,
    [strFiMileage_FD] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
    [strFiStartPointLocTelNo_FD] [varchar](40) NULL,
    [strFiBookingGuarantee_FD] [varchar](60) NOT NULL,
    [strFiSpecialRemarks_FD] [varchar](250) NULL,
    [strFiCxnCondition_FD] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
    [bFiFlyDrive_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiConfNo_FD] [varchar](32) NOT NULL,
    [lFiLinkID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [strFiCategory_FD] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
    [nFiNumRoom_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiNumDay_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiSaleFoldItemID_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [bFiRefundItem_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiFareSavingCode_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiFareSavingAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiRateNote_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [strFiDiscCode_FD] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [strFiReqDispatchMethodCode_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [dtFiReqDispatchDateTime_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [nFiReqDispatchVoucherType_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiLastFoldItemDetailID_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiNumConjunction_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPFrgnBaseFareAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPBaseFareAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPTaxDiscrepancy_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPPenaltyFeeAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [nFiRegion_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiOpenTktNo_FD] [varchar](16) NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktSource_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiJourneyType_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktType_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiInterfaceNameRemark_FD] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [nFiATOLIssuedStatus_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiFareSavingFareBase_FD] [varchar](13) NOT NULL,
    [strFiPaxType_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiActualCarrier_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiNetRemitType_FD] [varchar](1) NOT NULL,
    [strFiFareConstruction_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPTotVATAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [bFiNetFare_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiTourCode_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiSuppFOPInfo_FD] [varchar](255) NOT NULL,
    [lfFitBSPPublishedCommPerc_FD] [decimal](12, 6) NOT NULL,
    [strFiBSPFareCurrCode_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktIssueIataNo_FD] [varchar](8) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiFareOfferedSavingAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiFareOfferedSavingCode_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiDesc_FD] [varchar](8000) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPFareBuyDiscrepancyAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [bFiNoPrintOnItin_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiStatusCodeChangeDateTime_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [bFiNoPrintIfAllPricingsZeroCustAmt_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiFareSavingFareBaseLow_FD] [varchar](13) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiFareSavingLowAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiBrochureCode_FD] [varchar](8) NOT NULL,
    [bFiVendPayDepositNow_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [bFiVendPayBalanceNow_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiBankBranchCode_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiOperatingAirlineCode_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiFarePassengerTypeCode_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiAssociatedFarePricingInfoID_FD] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
    [bFiVerificationReq_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiLastVerifiedDateTime_FD] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [lFiLastVerifiedLevel_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [lFiLastVerifiedWithCount_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiTktingStatusChangeDateTime_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingInformation_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingStatus_FD] [varchar](2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPFareSellDiscrepancyAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiBSPTaxBuyDiscrepancyAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingBatchID_FD] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
    [dtFiTktingBatchDateTime_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [lIplPolicyLevelID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingDescription_FD] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingDataVersion_FD] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,
    [strFiSourceTktingSystem_FD] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
    [strFiOthPtsPmtCode_FD] [varchar](3) NOT NULL,
    [bFiManualPtsEntry_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiEndorsement_FD] [varchar](500) NOT NULL,
    [strFiOwnedByStaffCode_FD] [char](3) NOT NULL,
    [strFiThirdPartyTrackingID_FD] [varchar](25) NOT NULL,
    [strFiAdditionalPrintingNote_FD] [text] NULL,
    [bFiOverridePrintingNote_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [lfFiCarbonOffsetWeightAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCancellationPolicyNote_FD] [text] NULL,
    [bFiPEProcessed_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [bFiActingAsAgentFor_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiOriginalBuyingBasis_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [bFiIsOpenSegment_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiCreateSource_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiBookingSourceInvoiceNo_FD] [varchar](7) NOT NULL,
    [strFiGDSPaxTypeCode_FD] [varchar](8) NOT NULL,
    [strFiNetFareGDSAccountCode_FD] [varchar](8) NOT NULL,
    [strFiPOSID_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [bFiIsPOSEditable_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [lfFiCustExchRate_FD] [decimal](16, 8) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiCustFareSavingLowAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiCustFareSavingAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [lfFiCustFareOfferedSavingAmt_FD] [decimal](17, 2) NOT NULL,
    [bFiCCItemPayableToBranch_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiExternalAccountingDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiSourceSystemBookResponseText_FD] [text] NOT NULL,
    [bFiIsConnection_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [bFiIsPEFoldLevelItem_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [nFiReqdEndorsedConjTktType_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [bFiEndorsedConjTktDetailIsManual_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [strFiReqdEndorsedConjTktDetailText_FD] [varchar](30) NOT NULL,
    [lFiLastTktingTemplateID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [dtFiBookedDate_FD] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingVerificationWarning_FD] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingVerificationError_FD] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL,
    [strFiTktingError_FD] [varchar](1000) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData00_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData01_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData02_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData03_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData04_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData05_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData06_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData07_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData08_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData09_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingDataNote_FD] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData10_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData11_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData12_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData13_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData14_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData15_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData16_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData17_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData18_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strFiCustomerAccountingData19_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [nFiFlightBasis_FD] [smallint] NOT NULL,
    [lFiStartPointVendID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [lFiEndPointVendID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [lCtID_FD] [int] NOT NULL,
    [strFiContractCode_FD] [varchar](25) NOT NULL,
    [strFiContractPeriodCode_FD] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [strBBranchCode_FD] ASC,
    [lFFoldNo_FD] ASC,
    [nFiFoldItemID_FD] ASC
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] WITH NOCHECK ADD FOREIGN KEY([nFiReqDispatchVoucherType_FD])
    REFERENCES [DBA].[VoucherTypes_TB] ([nVtCode_FD])
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] WITH NOCHECK ADD FOREIGN KEY([strPcProductCode_FD], [strFiType_FD])
    REFERENCES [DBA].[ProductCodes_TB] ([ProductCode_FD], [Type_FD])
    REFERENCES [DBA].[Folder_TB] ([BranchCode_FD], [FolderNo_FD])
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strBB__44AB0736] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strBBranchCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lFFol__459F2B6F] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lFFoldNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiFo__46934FA8] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiFoldItemID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__478773E1] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiC__487B981A] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiCreateDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_TB__strFiBookingRef] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBookingRef_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__4A63E08C] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBookingRefDayMonth_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_TB__strFiBookedVia_FD] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBookedVia_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__bFiIn__4C4C28FE] DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiInterfaced_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiSo__4D404D37] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiSortOrder_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__4E347170] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCreateStaffCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_TB__strPcProductCode] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strPcProductCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiS__501CB9E2] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiStartDateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lFiFi__5110DE1B] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [lFiFinanVendID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lFiIt__52050254] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [lFiItinVendID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiV__52F9268D] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiVendBalDueDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiV__53ED4AC6] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiVendDepositDueDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__54E16EFF] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiStatus_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__bFiTr__55D59338] DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiTransFeeHasBeenApplied_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__bFiAT__56C9B771] DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiATOLTypeMan_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strCc__58B1FFE3] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strCcClassCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_TB__strFiStartPointCode] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiStartPointCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_TB__strFiEndPointCode] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiEndPointCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__5B8E6C8E] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiAirlineCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__5C8290C7] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiVendDocNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiI__5D76B500] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiIssueDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__5E6AD939] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiDiscReasonCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiLa__5F5EFD72] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiLastFoldPricingID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__605321AB] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiPrintingNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__614745E4] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiNonPrintingNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiS__623B6A1D] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiStatusExpiryDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__632F8E56] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiClientFreqTravellerNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__6423B28F] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiRouteNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_TB__nFiNumBum] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiNumBum_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiE__660BFB01] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiEndDateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__67001F3A] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiFareBase_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__67F44373] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiInterfaceItemID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__68E867AC] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiEndPointLoc_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__69DC8BE5] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiStartPointLoc_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strMc__6AD0B01E] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strMcMealCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__6BC4D457] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiSeatNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__6CB8F890] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiMealNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__6DAD1CC9] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiAirCraftType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__6EA14102] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiJourneyTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__6F95653B] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCheckInMins_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lFiJo__70898974] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lFiJourneyDist_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiNu__717DADAD] DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiNumStop_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7271D1E6] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBaggageAllow_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7365F61F] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiIssueStaffCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiD__745A1A58] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiDispatchDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__754E3E91] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiDispatchStaffCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strDm__764262CA] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strDmDispatchCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiV__77368703] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiVendDepositDueAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__782AAB3C] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiRateCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__791ECF75] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiRatePlan_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7A12F3AE] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCabinNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7B0717E7] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiMileage_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7BFB3C20] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiStartPointLocTelNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7CEF6059] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBookingGuarantee_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7DE38492] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiSpecialRemarks_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__7ED7A8CB] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCxnCondition_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__bFiFl__7FCBCD04] DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiFlyDrive_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__00BFF13D] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiConfNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lFiLi__01B41576] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [lFiLinkID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__02A839AF] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCategory_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiNu__039C5DE8] DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiNumRoom_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiNu__04908221] DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiNumDay_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiSa__0584A65A] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiSaleFoldItemID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__bFiRe__0678CA93] DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiRefundItem_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__076CEECC] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiFareSavingCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiF__08611305] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiFareSavingAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__0955373E] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiRateNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__0A495B77] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiDiscCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__0B3D7FB0] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiReqDispatchMethodCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__dtFiR__0C31A3E9] DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiReqDispatchDateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiRe__0D25C822] DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiReqDispatchVoucherType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiLa__0F0E1094] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiLastFoldItemDetailID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiNu__100234CD] DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiNumConjunction_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiB__10F65906] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPFrgnBaseFareAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiB__11EA7D3F] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPBaseFareAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiB__12DEA178] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPTaxDiscrepancy_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiB__13D2C5B1] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPPenaltyFeeAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__bFiDo__14C6E9EA] DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiRegion_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__15BB0E23] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiOpenTktNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__16AF325C] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktSource_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__17A35695] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiJourneyType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__18977ACE] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__198B9F07] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiInterfaceNameRemark_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__nFiAT__1A7FC340] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [nFiATOLIssuedStatus_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__1B73E779] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiFareSavingFareBase_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__1C680BB2] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiPaxType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__1D5C2FEB] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiActualCarrier_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__1E505424] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiNetRemitType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__1F44785D] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiFareConstruction_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiB__20389C96] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPTotVATAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__bFiNe__212CC0CF] DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiNetFare_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__2220E508] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTourCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__23150941] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiSuppFOPInfo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFit__24092D7A] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFitBSPPublishedCommPerc_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__24FD51B3] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBSPFareCurrCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__25F175EC] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktIssueIataNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__lfFiF__27D9BE5E] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiFareOfferedSavingAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__Table2_T__strFi__251D4D44] DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiFareOfferedSavingCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiDesc_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPFareBuyDiscrepancyAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiNoPrintOnItin_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('1980-1-1') FOR [dtFiStatusCodeChangeDateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiNoPrintIfAllPricingsZeroCustAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiFareSavingFareBaseLow_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiFareSavingLowAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBrochureCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiVendPayDepositNow_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiVendPayBalanceNow_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiBankBranchCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiOperatingAirlineCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiFarePassengerTypeCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiAssociatedFarePricingInfoID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiVerificationReq_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiLastVerifiedDateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [lFiLastVerifiedLevel_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [lFiLastVerifiedWithCount_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiTktingStatusChangeDateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingInformation_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingStatus_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPFareSellDiscrepancyAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiBSPTaxBuyDiscrepancyAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingBatchID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiTktingBatchDateTime_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [lIplPolicyLevelID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingDescription_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingDataVersion_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiSourceTktingSystem_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiOthPtsPmtCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiManualPtsEntry_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiEndorsement_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiOwnedByStaffCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiThirdPartyTrackingID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiAdditionalPrintingNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiOverridePrintingNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [lfFiCarbonOffsetWeightAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCancellationPolicyNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiPEProcessed_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiActingAsAgentFor_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiOriginalBuyingBasis_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiIsOpenSegment_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [nFiCreateSource_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (' ') FOR [strFiBookingSourceInvoiceNo_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiGDSPaxTypeCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiNetFareGDSAccountCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT (0) FOR [bFiIsPOSEditable_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [lfFiCustExchRate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [lfFiCustFareSavingLowAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [lfFiCustFareSavingAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [lfFiCustFareOfferedSavingAmt_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [bFiCCItemPayableToBranch_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiExternalAccountingDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiSourceSystemBookResponseText_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [bFiIsConnection_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [bFiIsPEFoldLevelItem_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [nFiReqdEndorsedConjTktType_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [bFiEndorsedConjTktDetailIsManual_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiReqdEndorsedConjTktDetailText_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [lFiLastTktingTemplateID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('1980-01-01') FOR [dtFiBookedDate_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingVerificationWarning_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingVerificationError_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiTktingError_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData00_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData01_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData02_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData03_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData04_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData05_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData06_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData07_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData08_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData09_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingDataNote_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData10_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData11_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData12_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData13_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData14_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData15_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData16_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData17_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData18_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiCustomerAccountingData19_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [nFiFlightBasis_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [lFiStartPointVendID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [lFiEndPointVendID_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiContractCode_FD]
    ALTER TABLE [DBA].[Table2_TB] ADD DEFAULT ('') FOR [strFiContractPeriodCode_FD]

    I just wanted to summarize the conclusions we got here, in case it helps someone else.
    For the case of the ALTER statement:
    First we analyzed the query performance and found out that the query was I/O bound. A handful of useful scripts can be found on the links below. Some high values on PAGEIOLATCH wait times suggested some memory pressure, so we incremented the amount of memory
    dedicated to the server up to 32GB. This single change was one of the most effective ones and reduced the query execution time by about 40%-50%. I guess SQLServer needs less paging to perform the operation when it can load more pages in memory at the same
    We run more tests tweaking some other mentioned variables like the server maxDOP, which made in fact the query slower the higher the value we set. The initial server config was set with auto CPU affinity, but I/O mask affinity set to the first 4 CPUs, and
    we found out that setting it to ALL AUTO perform faster for some reason.
    After some analysis made by Microsoft on the diagnostics/metrics data, the only interesting finding was that a couple of the storage volumes were performing slightly slower than the rest causing a bit of a bottleneck. We recommended the customer to look
    into it with their storage team, but even with those fixed, we won't expect the query to run much faster.
    No other tweaks have been found useful to speed up the ALTER statement. Basically it comes up to how fast you I/O subsystem is, and how much can SQLServer can cache in memory. No other suggestion has been made by Microsoft, and they've advised that any
    other tweaked query (split the column addition and the constraints for example) is going to perform worse than the plain and simple alter statement.
    On the NVARCHAR type problem:
    As it was suggested by Erland Sommarskog, SQLServer 2014 Enterprise edition performed this operation about 40% faster than SQLServer 2008 R2 with the same hardware specs.
    At the moment upgrading the customer infrastructure is not an option for us, so we don't have a proper solution to accomplish this in a workable time frame on SQLServer 2008. 
    The strategy that we found might be the best option was the one suggessted by E. Sommarskog, bind our code for reading access to a COALESCED calculated column, and writing on the new converted NVARCHAR column. Schedule a batch job in the backgroud
    to migrate all the data over time to the new column, and finally remove the old column.
    Thanks a lot everyone for your help.
    Useful links:

  • Performance Issue when updating parameters in a Crystal Report on Edge 2008

    I have several Crystal reports posted into Edge 2008.  When you select Edit on a parameter to set the parameters to run the report, it takes a noticably long time for the parameter selection window to appear.  Then once you have made your choice, it takes quite a long time to close the parameter selection screen to go back to the scheduling window.
    I thought it might have something to do with reports where I have linked the parameter with a table field and appended the values in the report parameter.  But, it happens even when there is no link to the data for the parameter.
    I've had several users saying it is very frustrating having to wait for the parameter selection.

    I am using two infosets that are not linked together by any primary key. The main infoset has transaction records and the second infoset has only one record (which is a foreign exchange rate). The performance is slow and I am presuming its because there are no linked fileds between the infosets, everytime a record is read from the main infoset it goes to the second infoset and also reads the record there. Is there a way to improve performance? How can I have the report read the second infoset only once and store that value to be used when reading records from the first infoset.

  • HT1338 when I perform a software update search, the system give me an error

    When I perform a software update search, after start to looking the system gave me an error... Do you know why?

    Apple servers are temporarily unavailable.
    Try again later.
    You're not alone. There have been numerous reports.
    Click here.

  • Why do we get a load of rubbish software when we perform a Flash Update?

    Why do we get a load of rubbish software when we perform a Flash Update?

    HKHash wrote:
    All I know is that after I inocently updated my Adobe Flash I gained three programs (I did not ask for or want) - one was backup, another offered to make my PC run faster and the last was mysearchdial Search which managed to update my default web page. (What right have you got to allow this?). To remove these programs took me 20+ minutes as each required me to reboot. I've lost my trust in Adobe
    Those DID NOT come from an Adobe update.
    Note: the ONLY software that is bundled with Adobe "freeware" is:
    McAfee Security Scan
    Norton Security Scan
    Google Chrome and Toolbar
    Lightroom (trial - Mac ONLY)
    Whatever you downloaded and installed was from a third party site and more than likely WAS NOT a legitimate download of Flash Player, if it was Flash Player at all.

  • Performance problem when printing - table TSPEVJOB big size

    in a SAP ERP system there is performance problem when printing because table TSPEVJOB has many millions of entries.
    This table has reached a considerable size (about 90 Gb); db size is 200 Gb.
    Standard reports have been scheduled correctly and kernel of SAP ERP system is updated.
    I've tried to scheduled report RSPO1041 (instead of RSPO0041) to reduce entries but it is not possible run it during normal operations because it locks the printing system.
    Do you know why this table has increased ?
    Are there any reports to clean this table or other methods ?
    Maurizio Manera

    Please see the Note 706478 - Preventing Basis tables from increasing considerably and
    Note 195157 - Application log: Deletion of logs.
    Note 1566659 - Table TSPEVJOB is filled excessively
    Note 1293472 - Spool work process hangs on semaphore 43
    Note 1362343 - Deadlocks in table TSP02 and TSPEVJOB
    Note 996455 - Deadlocks on TSP02 or TSPEVJOB when you delete
    For more information see the below link as,
    If any doubts Let me know.
    Edited by: thomas_raja on Aug 7, 2011 12:29 PM

  • Document size performance considerations

    We are trying to determine the performance implications of different approaches to document storage with BDB. Most of the XML we need to store will contain anywhere between 5000 to 20000 nodes at about 6MB per XML block. Best practices or document size analysis/data breakdown isn't a topic that is well explained on the docs websites. We are working primarily in a single-threaded environment.
    1. Does performance degrade considerably when BDB containers hold documents upwards of 500MB? 2GB? or should documents generally be small? (Assuming Node type storage)
    2. Does anyone know of or have any best practices for data breakdown and storage within BDB?
    And completely unrelated:
    3. Are Environments completely portable when fully moved to different systems?
    Many thanks.

    Hi Taka,
    1. Does performance degrade considerably when BDB
    containers hold documents upwards of 500MB? 2GB? or
    should documents generally be small? (Assuming Node
    type storage)Documents being written need to be parsed (larger docs take longer), inserted into the database and the appropriate indices updated (the more indices, the longer it takes). I think that the best thing to do is to build a prototype of your application, populate a database and benchmark the performance.
    3. Are Environments completely portable when fully moved to different systems?There are two issues with copying or moving databases: database page log sequence numbers (LSNs), and database file identification strings.
    Because database pages contain references to the database environment log records (LSNs), databases cannot be copied or moved from one transactional database environment to another without first clearing the LSNs. Note that this is not a concern for non-transactional database environments and applications, and can be ignored if the database is not being used transactionally. Specifically, databases created and written non-transactionally (for example, as part of a bulk load procedure), can be copied or moved into a transactional database environment without resetting the LSNs. The database's LSNs may be reset in one of three ways: the application can call the DB_ENV->lsn_reset method to reset the LSNs in place, or a system administrator can reset the LSNs in place using the -r option to the db_load utility, or by dumping and reloading the database (using the db_dump and db_load utilities).
    Because system file identification information (for example, filenames, device and inode numbers, volume and file IDs, and so on) are not necessarily unique or maintained across system reboots, each Berkeley DB database file contains a unique 20-byte file identification bytestring. When multiple processes or threads open the same database file in Berkeley DB, it is this bytestring that is used to ensure the same underlying pages are updated in the database environment cache, no matter which Berkeley DB handle is used for the operation.
    The database file identification string is not a concern when moving databases, and databases may be moved or renamed without resetting the identification string. However, when copying a database, you must ensure there are never two databases with the same file identification bytestring in the same cache at the same time. Copying databases is further complicated because Berkeley DB caches do not discard cached database pages when database handles are closed. Cached pages are only discarded when the database is removed by calling the DB_ENV->remove or DB->remove methods.
    Bogdan Coman

  • Performance degradation when using foreign keys

    I face drastic performance degradation when I add foreign keys to a table and perform insert / update on that table.
    I have a row store table to  which I need to insert around 1,50,000 records.
    If the table has no foreign key reference it takes maximum of 5 seconds but if the same table has references to other tables (in my case there are 3 references), the processing speed reduces drastically to 2 minutes.
    Is there any solution / best practice that can help me in gaining performance (processing speed) in this situation?

    Hi Sri,
    When you perform one insert in any database table which is having foreign key relationships, it will check the corresponding parent tables to check whether the master data is available or not. If your table is having 2 foreign key relationship, it happen twice per insert. Hence the performance will degrade. This is one of the reasons why ECC  doesn't establish foreign key relationship in the back end database. The case is not just for INSERT, for UPDATE & DELETE the same is applicable.

  • Error in replicat when updating a row

    Oracle 11gR2
    I am getting the following error when updating a row that exists in both the target and source db:
    OCI Error ORA-01403: no data found, SQL <UPDATE....The following is in the discard file:
    Record not found
    Mapping problem with compressed key update record (target format)...
    ...The row DOES exist in the target db for sure. But for some reason it thinks that it is not there...why?
    Here are the exact steps I did:
    1. Created a table in source
    2. Create the same table in target (explicitly not through replication as we have an exclude filter on 'CREATE')
    3. Inserted rows into source table (which were replicated to target table).
    4. Delete a row in the source table (which were not applied to target as I am using the IGNOREDELETE parameter)
    5. Update a row in the source table (this is where I got the above mentioned error 'ORA-1403' even though the row does exist.)

    mb_ogg is very likely right - you forgot to "add trandata" as that's the number one most common reason for an ORA-1403 (ANSI 100) no data found error.
    The problem is that Oracle does not automatically log the PK, it only logs that which changed. Down at the replicat on the target it tries to update but the WHERE clause has PK = NULL because it was not logged in the redo. To have it logged in the redo so that the target UPDATE statement has a correct value for PK, you need to use GGSCI to issue "add trandata," which performs an "ALTER TABLE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP ... ALWAYS".
    "INFO TRANDATA", if using OGG version 11.2+ on Oracle it will tell you if logging is enabled on a table and for which columns.
    Good luck,

  • Error when updating Playbook OS version via Blackberry Desktop Manager

    I have a batch of old playbooks which having the stack charging issue, but I found that I can update the OS to the newest version ( via Blackberry Desktop Manager, then the charging algorithm will be changed to the updated one and go over this dead battery issue. I was able to do so successfully in the past week smoothly on several devices.
    But since this Monday, the Desktop Manager is saying "An updated Blackberry Desktop Software component must be installed before you can continue" when downloading the Desktop software and will appear "There was an error updating your software, an error has occurred while downloading the Blackberry Desktop Software.Please try again." and preventing the process. Seems there are some change on the server side starting this week which has caused this problem, but there's no error code to locate the exact issue.
    I tried on 2 different computers as well as completed uninstalling and re-installing the Desktop manager, also tried to disable the automatic update as been advised in some threads. So no clue how to deal with it for now. It will be highly appreciate if some one can share some idea.
    I've attached the step by step screenshots for reference, where you can find here:

    BLock wrote:
    Sorry I can not help you with your problem but perhaps you can help me.  
    Can you advise where I can find info on "disable the automatic update"?
    just ignore the update if you dont want it on the playbook
    for reloading the OS
    First I would like you to do a Back Up of your PlayBook using your computer and BlackBerry Desktop Software.
    This can be downloaded for free from
    After the Back Up is complete I need you to unplug your PlayBook and then push and hold down the Power Button until the unit Force Powers Off.
    Now, while Desktop Software is still open on your computer and the PlayBook Powered Off, Connect the PlayBook to your computer.
    You should see and error screen from Desktop Software pop up that has the options to Retry, Update, or Cancel.
    QUICKLY choose the Update option.
    This will erase all the information off of your PlayBook and Re-Write the Software back onto it. Once it's complete your PlayBook will need to go back through the setup wizard, and you can then perform a restore using Desktop Software to return your information. The only thing that won't come back after the restore are the apps that you downloaded from App World but they can be easily Re-Installed using the My World feature in App World.
    Click here to Backup the data on your BlackBerry Device! It's important, and FREE!
    Click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved. To give thanks, click thumbs up
    Click to search the Knowledge Base at BTSC and click to Read The Fabulous Manuals
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    Want to thank me? Buy my KnottyRope App here
    BES 12 and BES 5.0.4 with Exchange 2010 and SQL 2012 Hyper V

  • I performed a software update and the system is installing an update but it has been running for over 24hrs and keeps saying "This may take a few minutes, don't shut down your computer" Can anyone help?

    I performed a software update and the system is installing an update but it has been running for over 24hrs and keeps saying "This may take a few minutes, don't shut down your computer" Can anyone help?

    Hello cor-el, thanks for your reply. I changed my settings for downloads to desktop and it has appeared on there. When I double click I am asked which program I want to open file. I click firefox and another box "opening install" says I have chosen to open the file which is an application and do I want to save it. This is the only real option so I press save file. I get a box saying this is an executable file which may contain viruses - do you want to run. I press ok and the final box showing C drive file name and desktop appears stating application not found.
    This happens the same whenever I try to install.
    To my untrained eye the application is not being recognised as an application and I cannot work out how to get it to do that.
    My plugin is still showing as out of date.
    Is there anything you could suggest. Thanks for your time.

  • I Keep getting error messages when updating itunes

    The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with package. The error code is 2349.
    That the error i get when updateing the itunes iv downloaded it like 5 diff times and still the same message what else can i do about it?
    can anyone help me please and thank you for your time

    Although it's a better bet with a 2330 error, I'd try running a chkdsk over your C:\ drive (or whichever drive you've got your program files installed on).
    XP instructions in the following document: How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP
    Vista instructions in the following document: Check your hard disk for errors
    Windows 7 instructions in the following document: How to use CHKDSK (Check Disk)
    Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, or use chkdsk /r (depending on which way you decide to go about doing this). You'll almost certainly have to schedule the chkdsk to run on startup. The scan should take quite a while ... if it quits after a few minutes or seconds, something's interfering with the scan.
    Does the chkdsk find/repair any damage? If so, can you get an install to go through properly afterwards?

  • Mail freezes when updating large RSS feed boxes

    This is something I encountered and how I have formulated a work around. I have discovered that Mail will freeze when updating large RSS feed boxes.
    A little history. After discovery RSS and how they work, I began building a collection of feeds. They included feeds from many major news providers. Over the years, the number articles form some of these sources went into the thousands.
    As my database of articles grew, I encountered more severe and more frequent freezes of the application Mail. I began to take the computer off-line in order to work in these files. But inevitably, a situation would arise that would lead to the Mail application freezing.
    Isolation of the issue with Mail and to the RSS boxes within Mail. The freeze would not occur when RSS feeds boxes where collapsed. Also, the freeze only affected the Mail application. Mac OS was not affected and I was able to alway close Mail from with in the Force Quit menu. Also, the Force Quit menu affirmed that Mail was indeed frozen by listing it as also "not responding."
    Work around. To resolve this issue, I first choose to remove the number of RSS feed that I had subscribed to but used very infrequently. Second, I choose to delete old feeds from "never" to "every two weeks" from within the Mail preference menu (RSS sub-menu).
    I think it took a while for Mail to fully delete messages older than two weeks. In fact, when I began deleting whole feeds, it took some time for those feeds to be removed from my mail box tree. Within the Activity Monitor application, I could see that a lot of disk use was occurring, even though the OS was allowing me to continue to use Mail and other applications.
    To assist this process, I took my computer off-line and stepped away from it. Upon my return, the disk use was down to normal, the number of article in many RSS boxes where greatly reduced, and my disk had recovered over a GB of space. Also, Mail seems to be behaving properly, with smooth and quick performance.
    If you found this article, I hope the information provided has been helpful! After a quick search in to previous posts, an entirely similar post was not found. However, others are finding the Mail application will freeze, but not necessary for the same reason.

    Since I don't want to download any attachments from RSS feeds in, is there any way to turn off the attachment download once and for all? I also get the beach ball for minutes when an item has a big attachment, and I fear my HD is cluttered with files I don't use.

  • Frame Crashes on Save Book After Performing Document Numbering Update

    Frame 10 crashes every time when saving book after performing a Format\Document\Numbering update. All of sudden when performing a document "Update" Frame starting generating errors for specific documents in the book. Numbering in docuement does not match numbering for book. So I select those documents generating the error and then do a Format\Document\Numbering and just hit the set button. Then try to save the book and it crashes every time. It crashes for Format\Document\Numbering one document or all of them.

    In Frame 7.1/Unix, it is commonly the case that an unrelated crash corrupts the Book's settings for Numbering, although it appears that nothing has changed. It is, of course, a nuisance to reset all the dialogs.
    So what I do instead, and which you might try, is to set all of the book number dialogs (all six panes, for each component file) to "Read from File". That seems to be stable and survives crashes. It may or may not fix your problem.

  • CWGraph Flashing/Flickering when updating

    We are utilizing CWGraph (3.0) in VB6-SP4 as a single trace chart. Quite often the chart flickers/flashes when updating, but there is no particular pattern to it. If a chart is currently flickering & a command button on the same form is selected to change the data being displayed, (through the chartxy method), the flickering quite often stops.
    Changing the data being displayed only involves changing the Y-axis min/max values & label as well as clearing the previous data. The chart is neither re-drawn, nor are any controls added/destroyed on the form.
    We have gone through all the possible combinations of properties of the cwgraph object to try and alleviate the problem, but so far with little success.
    Since the flickering occurs somewhat randomly, it's proving difficult to nail down what may be causing it.
    Has anyone had to deal with this problem before ???
    I should also mention that we have other, (i.e. demo versions) of essentially the same system running on the same PC & have absolutely no problems with "flickering graphs", so blaming hardware is pretty much eliminated.

    Have you noticed a correlation to the flickering and processor utilization? I am wondering if processes in the background are bleeding away performance.
    Also, what happens when you change the display settings (pixels X pixels, 16-bit 32-bit true color, etc.) or even the video card?
    keep us update, strange issue
    ben schulte
    national instruments

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