Performance of System.arraycopy and Arrays.fill

I have some code where I call a function about 1,000,000 times. That function has to allocate a small array (around 15 elements). It would be much cheaper if the client could just allocate the array one single time outside of the function.
Unfortunately, the function requires the array to have all of its elements set to null. With C++, I would be able to memset the contents of the array to null. In Java, the only methods I have available to me are System.arraycopy() and Arrays.fill().
Apparently, Arrays.fill() is just a brain-dead loop. It costs more for Arrays.fill() to set the elements to null than it does to allocate a new array. (I'm ignoring possible garbage collection overhead).
System.arraycopy is a native call (that apparently uses memcpy). Even with the JNI overhead, System.arraycopy runs faster than Arrays.fill(). Unfortunately, it's still slower to call System.arraycopy() than it is to just allocate a new array.
So, the crux of the problem is that the heap allocations are too slow, and the existing means for bulk setting the elements of an array are even slower. Why doesn't the virtual machine have explicit support for both System.arraycopy() and Arrays.fill() so that they are performed with ultra-efficient memsets and memcpys and sans the method call and JNI overhead? I.E. something along the lines of two new JVM instructions - aarraycpy/aarrayset (and all of their primitive brethern).
God bless,
-Toby Reyelts

A newly allocated array begins its life with null in its elements. There is no need to fill it with null.
As Michael already stated, I'm not redundantly resetting all of the elements to null. Here's some code that demonstrates my point. You'll have to replace my PerfTimer with your own high performance timer. (i.e. sun.misc.Perf or whatever) Also note that the reason I'm only allocating half the array size in allocTest is to more accurately model my problem. The size of the array I need to allocate is variable. If I allocate the array outside of the function, I'll have to allocate it at a maximum. If I allocate inside the function, I can allocate it at exactly the right size.import java.util.*;
public class AllocTest {
  private static final int count = 100000;
  public static void main( String[] args ) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
    double allocStartTime = PerfTimer.time();
    double allocTime = PerfTimer.time() - allocStartTime;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
    double copyStartTime = PerfTimer.time();
    double copyTime = PerfTimer.time() - copyStartTime;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
    double fillStartTime = PerfTimer.time();
    double fillTime = PerfTimer.time() - fillStartTime;
    System.out.println( "AllocTime (ms): " + allocTime / PerfTimer.freq() * 1000 );
    System.out.println( "CopyTime (ms): " + copyTime / PerfTimer.freq() * 1000 );
    System.out.println( "FillTime (ms): " + fillTime / PerfTimer.freq() * 1000 );
  private static void allocTest() {
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
      Object[] objects = new Object[ 8 ];
  private static void copyTest() {
    Object[] objects = new Object[ 15 ];
    Object[] emptyArray = new Object[ 15 ];
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
      System.arraycopy( emptyArray, 0, objects, 0, emptyArray.length );
  private static void fillTest() {
    Object[] objects = new Object[ 15 ];
    for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
      Arrays.fill( objects, null );
}I getH:\>java -cp . AllocTest
AllocTime (ms): 9.749283777686829
CopyTime (ms): 13.276827082771694
FillTime (ms): 16.581995756443906So, to restate my point, all of these times are too slow just to perform a reset of all of the elements of an array. Since AllocTime actually represents dynamic heap allocation its number is good for what it does, but it's far too slow for simply resetting the elements of the array.
CopyTime is far too slow for what it does. It should be much faster, because it should essentially resolve to an inline memmove. The reason it is so slow is because there is a lot of call overhead to get to the function that does the actual copy, and that function ends up not being an optimized memmove. Even so, one on one, System.arraycopy() still beats heap allocation. (Not reflected directly in the times above, but if you rerun the test with equal array sizes, CopyTime will be lower than AllocTime).
FillTime is unbelievably slow, because it is a simple Java loop. FillTime should be the fastest, because it is the simplest operation and should resolve to an inline memset. Fills should run in single-digit nanosecond times.
God bless,
-Toby Reyelts

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                                     for (q=0;q<=2;q++)             
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          return null;
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    Thank you

    1. How can I use system.arraycopy to copy my two
    dimensional array? I have searched but examples seem
    to be about one dim arrays.That's because you can't do it in one call. You need to create a loop which copies each 'row".
    2. How can I change the "static Object
    arrayGrow(Object a)" , to grow my two dimensional
    array ?Why do you make it so complicated (generic). Make it take an int[][] array instead, and see the answer from above.
    3. If you know any codes or articles or java code
    regarding cartesian products , please tell me.There are probably lots of them if you google.

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    Youre right, the equals sign just assigns the new array same reference in memory as the old array so they are pointing to the same data.
    Im 90% sure of that.
    If you want to work with an array without changing the original array id suggest using the System.arraycopy method. If you dont mind the contents changing then use the = sign..(but then why use a new array at all?)
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    Java doesn't have multidimensional arrays. When you see an int[][] it's an array of arrays of ints. The arrays of ints might have different lengths like this one:int[][] arr =
    };Do I need to say that arraycopy as you see it would fail in this case?
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    Robert (1BillionHex).

    user13702320 wrote:
    "If the src and dest arguments refer to the same array object, then the copying is performed as if the components at positions srcPos through srcPos+length-1 were first copied to a temporary array with length components and then the contents of the temporary array were copied into positions destPos through destPos+length-1 of the destination array. "
    Yeah I understand that. I was just wondering if there was anything that I was missing.
    It says "as if" it is copied to a temporary array. Does it actually do this? If so and if I use a large array, would this have an impact on memory usage?It doesn't matter if it actually does it using a temporary array. The point is, it is safe to use the same array for src and dest. Note that java.util.ArrayList's 'remove' method uses exactly the code that you are using. I don't know about memory usage effects. If you do this manually, you do need to set Global.queueUrgent[Global.queueUrgent.length-1] to null to ensure that the objects will be able to be garbage-collected properly when it is time (see what ArrayList.remove does). If you don't, then if you had a 5-element array and remove all 5 elements, you will end up with 5 references to what was originally only in queueUrgent[4], and the object won't be eligible for garbage-collection.
    I did have the same question as Kayaman--why not use a real queue? There are several built-in classes that you can use, instead of using an array directly. You claimed that "It's important that I use an array such as this for my project.", but you didn't explain why you think you must use an array.

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    And one more thing: I stupidly deleted my 2 iTunes podcast file titles after I discovered that these, too, would not play; is there any way I can recover these--and my iTunes library--without performing yet ANOTHER system recovery and starting over 'from scratch'? (But if that's what I'll have to do, I'll do it--or else I'll just give up and start all over again with the new computer I plan to buy over the Labor Day weekend [it'll be a 64-bit Windows 7 computer, I know that much at least], as most of my music was ripped from CDs or else downloaded from places like Bandcamp or Amazon MP3, and these downloads were saved to a series of USB flash drives; I was informed that if worst came to worst, I could redownload my iTunes purchases, but my 2 podcasts will be lost forever, as iTunes doesn't 'keep' those--or words to that effect...)
    P.S. The computer I'm using has only a 250 GB hard drive, of which 223 GB were available, I couldn't perform the 'Consolidate' function so I could properly back up my iTunes library, as, what with the accumulated Windows downloads (I got this computer in February 2008) and other programs, I had only a few (< 10) GB free--not enough to consolidate the iTunes library, and second, the computer malfunctioned just prior to my performing the system recovery, so that I could no longer log on in 'normal' mode, only in the various safe modes. A lady at Microsoft told me I could back up my iTunes library by logging on in safe mode with networking (since I could do that, albeit with the error message 'Your account has been loaded with a temporary profile') and pasting my iTunes library to my external hard drive, but when I tried this, I got a message listing my iTunes library as '(empty)' when I clicked on iTunes in 'All Programs', and needless to say, my iTunes library wouldn't even open in any of the safe modes (I don't know whether it was 'just' my computer, or whether the lady didn't know what she was talking about--she does work for Microsoft, after all).

    OK, before you moved the iTunes folder did the library contain entries for your original files?
    This is the normal layout of the iTunes folders. From what you said at the outset it would seem that, as far as that copy of your library is concerned, it thinks the media folder is C:\System Recovery Files\C\Users\<User>\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media
    Not quite sure where you have moved the original set of library files to (that is the five files listed above and the Album Artwork folder) but you should move these to C:\System Recovery Files\C\Users\<User>\Music\iTunes, (leaving everything else in place) then click the icon to launch iTunes and immediately press and hold down the left shift key until asked to choose or create a library. Click choose and browse to the library file at C:\System Recovery Files\C\Users\<User>\Music\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl - fingers crossed this will open your old database, which will be able to find your old files. If that goes well we can look to moving them somewhere more sensible.

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    Hi guys, can you please explain how to perform automatic system scan with CleanApp - it looks like it wants me to manually chose files to delete and I just want an automatic scan (like cleanmymac does)

    Slowness...First Try using Disk Utility to do a Disk Repair, as shown in this link, while booted up on your install disk.
      You could have some directory corruption. Let us know what errors Disk Utility reports and if DU was able to repair them. Disk Utility's Disk Repair is not perfect and may not find or repair all directory issues. A stronger utility may be required to finish the job.
      After that Repair Permissions. No need to report Permissions errors....we all get them.
    Here's Freeing up Disk Space.

  • System Crash and Slow Performance

    Hello -
    I am hoping that someone might help me -- before upgrading (or downgrading dependent of your view) I was happy and go lucky with my Power Mac G5 -- I have connected via firewire two external hard drives (1 TB) and (500 GB) along with my (2X 500GB) internal drives. Since loading leopard, I have noticed that the system "stalls" and seeks data on the external drives first then goes to the internal drives. Is there a way to prevent that from happening and the system check internally first.
    Second, is I am noticing that my applications are starting to crash at random, Pages, Excel, MS Word, Safari etc. Is there something out here? Or did I do something wrong.
    Frustrated in Boston!

    I installed as an Upgrade --I did do a disk utility and repaired all permissions and verified the disk. It seems that with the Biggy drive (1TB) not connected the system is a little faster. How do I keep it that while keeping biggy attached?
    Thank you so much for your help.

  • Subroutine that takes in an array, fills it in and then spits it back out.

    I'm looking for an example where I can create a generic subroutine that takes in an array and then operates on it and then spits the entire array back out. I'm pretty sure this is simple, but I just can't figure it out... In essence I want this:
    main {
    array bob = something
    process_array(bob) /* this part takes in bob...does some stuff and then spits the modified bob back out */ go on with the rest of my program...
    process_array {
    /* this does something to the array bob */
    I'd appreciate any help. The syntax is just killing me. I can already write the code to do the manipulations for each specific array. Basically I'm reading a csv file and putting it into an array. I would like to write a subroutine that will do this for whatever file and array I give it.
    Edited by: nukular on May 20, 2008 3:19 PM

    nukular wrote:
    process_array(bob) /* this part takes in bob...does some stuff and then spits the modified bob back out */You either want the method to return nothing or you would want this:
    array ted = process_array(bob);Not much point in returning the array reference if you do not keep it.

  • ArrayStoreException by System.arraycopy

    I've made a simple code, which uses System.arraycopy, but it constantly throws ArrayStoreException, even though I can't see any reason for this.
    (I've even run through it and watched the variables at breakpoints.) It seems as if it cannot convert Integer to Integer, but why?
              My code is here:
              import java.lang.reflect.Array;
    public class ArrayHandler {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              try {
                   Integer[] startArray=new Integer[]{new Integer(1)};
                   Integer[] endArray=new Integer[]{new Integer(2)};
                   Object[] result=new ArrayHandler().appendArray(startArray, endArray);
              }catch(Throwable exception){
    Otherwise, if any of the following is true, an ArrayStoreException is thrown and the destination is not modified:
          * The src argument refers to an object that is not an array.
          * The dst argument refers to an object that is not an array.
          * The src argument and dst argument refer to arrays whose component types are different primitive types.
          * The src argument refers to an array with a primitive component type and the dst argument refers to an array with a reference component type.
          * The src argument refers to an array with a reference component type and the dst argument refers to an array with a primitive component type.
        Otherwise, if any actual component of the source array
        from position srcOffset through srcOffset+length-1
        cannot be converted to the component type of the destination array by assignment conversion,
        an ArrayStoreException is thrown.
        In this case, let k be the smallest nonnegative integer less than length
        such that src[srcOffset+k] cannot be converted to the component type of the destination array;
        when the exception is thrown,
        source array components from positions srcOffset through srcOffset+k-1
        will already have been copied to destination array positions dstOffset through dstOffset+k-1
        and no other positions of the destination array will have been modified.
        (Because of the restrictions already itemized,
        this paragraph effectively applies only to the situation
        where both arrays have component types that are reference types.)
         public Object[] appendArray(Object[] startArray,Object[] endArray) {
              Object[] outputArray=startArray;   
              Class startArrayClass=startArray.getClass();
              Class endArrayClass=startArray.getClass();
              if(startArrayClass !=endArrayClass){
                   //throw new Exception("startArrayClass !=endArrayClass");
                        outputArray=(Object[])Array.newInstance(startArrayClass, startArray.length+endArray.length);   
                        return outputArray;
                   }catch(Throwable exception){
              return outputArray;
    }Could anybody share his experience, please.
    My best regards.

    astlanda wrote:(I've even run through it and watched the variables at breakpoints.)Thank's for your time.
    I'm using Eclipse and I know a bit how to debug with it.
    Everything was as expected, but I can't see into a native method like
         * Copies an array from the specified source array, beginning at the
         * specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
         * A subsequence of array components are copied from the source
         * array referenced by <code>src</code> to the destination array
         * referenced by <code>dest</code>. The number of components copied is
         * equal to the <code>length</code> argument. The components at
         * positions <code>srcPos</code> through
         * <code>srcPos+length-1</code> in the source array are copied into
         * positions <code>destPos</code> through
         * <code>destPos+length-1</code>, respectively, of the destination
         * array.
         * <p>
         * If the <code>src</code> and <code>dest</code> arguments refer to the
         * same array object, then the copying is performed as if the
         * components at positions <code>srcPos</code> through
         * <code>srcPos+length-1</code> were first copied to a temporary
         * array with <code>length</code> components and then the contents of
         * the temporary array were copied into positions
         * <code>destPos</code> through <code>destPos+length-1</code> of the
         * destination array.
         * <p>
         * If <code>dest</code> is <code>null</code>, then a
         * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown.
         * <p>
         * If <code>src</code> is <code>null</code>, then a
         * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown and the destination
         * array is not modified.
         * <p>
         * Otherwise, if any of the following is true, an
         * <code>ArrayStoreException</code> is thrown and the destination is
         * not modified:
         * <ul>
         * <li>The <code>src</code> argument refers to an object that is not an
         *     array.
         * <li>The <code>dest</code> argument refers to an object that is not an
         *     array.
         * <li>The <code>src</code> argument and <code>dest</code> argument refer
         *     to arrays whose component types are different primitive types.
         * <li>The <code>src</code> argument refers to an array with a primitive
         *    component type and the <code>dest</code> argument refers to an array
         *     with a reference component type.
         * <li>The <code>src</code> argument refers to an array with a reference
         *    component type and the <code>dest</code> argument refers to an array
         *     with a primitive component type.
         * </ul>
         * <p>
         * Otherwise, if any of the following is true, an
         * <code>IndexOutOfBoundsException</code> is
         * thrown and the destination is not modified:
         * <ul>
         * <li>The <code>srcPos</code> argument is negative.
         * <li>The <code>destPos</code> argument is negative.
         * <li>The <code>length</code> argument is negative.
         * <li><code>srcPos+length</code> is greater than
         *     <code>src.length</code>, the length of the source array.
         * <li><code>destPos+length</code> is greater than
         *     <code>dest.length</code>, the length of the destination array.
         * </ul>
         * <p>
         * Otherwise, if any actual component of the source array from
         * position <code>srcPos</code> through
         * <code>srcPos+length-1</code> cannot be converted to the component
         * type of the destination array by assignment conversion, an
         * <code>ArrayStoreException</code> is thrown. In this case, let
         * <b><i>k</i></b> be the smallest nonnegative integer less than
         * length such that <code>src[srcPos+</code><i>k</i><code>]</code>
         * cannot be converted to the component type of the destination
         * array; when the exception is thrown, source array components from
         * positions <code>srcPos</code> through
         * <code>srcPos+</code><i>k</i><code>-1</code>
         * will already have been copied to destination array positions
         * <code>destPos</code> through
         * <code>destPos+</code><i>k</I><code>-1</code> and no other
         * positions of the destination array will have been modified.
         * (Because of the restrictions already itemized, this
         * paragraph effectively applies only to the situation where both
         * arrays have component types that are reference types.)
         * @param      src      the source array.
         * @param      srcPos   starting position in the source array.
         * @param      dest     the destination array.
         * @param      destPos  starting position in the destination data.
         * @param      length   the number of array elements to be copied.
         * @exception  IndexOutOfBoundsException  if copying would cause
         *               access of data outside array bounds.
         * @exception  ArrayStoreException  if an element in the <code>src</code>
         *               array could not be stored into the <code>dest</code> array
         *               because of a type mismatch.
         * @exception  NullPointerException if either <code>src</code> or
         *               <code>dest</code> is <code>null</code>.
        public static native void arraycopy(Object src,  int  srcPos,
                                            Object dest, int destPos,
                                            int length);

  • System.arraycopy()

    I have an array of 1000 ints:
    int[] a = new int[1000];After I fill it with random integer values, I want to sort it with one method iteratively and one method recursively.
    It was suggested to me to use System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length) to make a copy of the array and then pass it to the two different methods.
    How can I go about doin this....

    Here's a demo:
            int[] array = {5,3,1,2,4};
            int[] copy = new int[array.length];
            System.arraycopy(array, 0, copy, 0, copy.length);
            System.out.println("array -> "+java.util.Arrays.toString(array));
            System.out.println("copy  -> "+java.util.Arrays.toString(copy));

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