Permanently set spelling language

I can't find a way to permanently set the language for spell check to "Australian English". I can do it temporarily, on a single page, but I want to make that my default. Any ideas?

There are some general feedback pages at but nothing specifically for Safari ....

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    The only choices you have in the iPad itself are to change the keyboard or change the user interface language. If that doesn't do what you want, probably best ask the people who make Papers.

  • Spelling Language

    Pages uses English (US) as the default spelling language in new documents and in new text objects.
    I know how to change this on an item by item basis to British English.
    Is there a way of changing this permanently so the default is always British English?
    Thanks in advance,

    I have to add my voice to this. My System Preferences, International, Language is set to "English", with the region to British English (which of course always seems an odd statement to an Englishman..!).
    All my Macs are similarly configured, and all have the same problems with Pages '08 reverting to American English. All the Macs' copies of Tiger and iWork '08 have been fully patched according to System Update.
    Apple - please can you look at this; the workarounds offered are just that: the correct regional location data doesn't appear to be observed consistently.

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    Any suggestions?
    Juba Mac

    MS Word and Pages use totally different spellcheck systems.
    For Pages, you set the language Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Show Spelling and Grammar
    For Word, you set it in Tools > Language

  • Set a language on the portal application

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    How I can write code to set a language on the portal application?  
    thanks in advance,
    Marcelo Osako

    Hi Marcelo,
    I assume you mean how to change language for a single iView only. For changing overall language, the user can just go to the portal personalize page.
    For an iView, you can do a lookup of the iView and change the language, like so:
    InitialContext iCtx = null;
    String personalHello = "portal_content/DanielContent/DanRole/danWS/hello";
    try {
       iCtx = new InitialContext(env);
       IiView myIView = (IiView)iCtx.lookup(personalHello);
    You would have to do a personalized JNDI lookup, so the language is only changed for the user. However, this would permanently change the page for this user.
    Hope this helps.

  • Form Line Space Work Around (permanently set leading)

    Hi All,
    new to the forums – I find the format confusing, but I'll try to do my best!
    I have discovered a way to permanently set the line space (leading) of a form field. If you all discover a better way, then let me know!
         Create a small, multiline text field anywhere. Name it "Reference". This field will become hidden and read only later, so don't worry too much about it.
         Enable it to have rich text formatting. This is done in the form field properties under "Appearance".
         Exit form field editing. Place a single space in that field (no other characters).
         Select that space, then hit command + e (ctrl +e on PC) to bring up the rich text formatting options.
         Select a font and size, then press "More."
         Click the paragraph tab, then select a line height. I prefer to use the "exactly" option from the drop down menu, makes it the most similar to setting type in Illustrator or Indesign.
         We're halfway done! Exit out of this field and save.
    This next part gets a little trickier because it requires some event javascript.
         Create a new miltiline text field. Worry about this one more, because this is the one the user will use. For this example, name it "Text"
         Like before, enable it to be multiline and rich text in the appearance settings.
         Go to the "Actions" tab of the form field properties.
         Choose event "on blur" and action "run javascript".
         Insert the following code:
    if (this.getField("Text").value == "") {this.getField("Text").richValue = getField("Reference").richValue;}
    This code tells the form field that when exited, if it is left empty, it should copy the exact rich text found in the form field "reference."
    Now set the field "Reference" to read only and hidden under "general" in form field properties. Exit form field editing. Select "Text" and type anything you want, then delete it. Click the field again. There is now a single space there! (invisible to user at first) that has saved all your formatting! If the user starts typing, it will be properly formatted. Make sure to save your document with the field "Text" having only the properly formatted space.
    Other Notes:
    There 100% is a value in the javascript to set line height. Otherwise, copying the ".richValue" of a field wouldn't allow this to work. Problem is, no one seems to know the syntax and can't find it in the API. My challenge to you guys is to find it! We've proven it exists. If we can find the syntax then we can avoid these complicated workarounds.

    Sorry, when I instruct you to adjust settings in the "appearance settings," I actually meant the options settings. Sorry for the confusion!

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    Right click one of the tabs, the "Bookmark all tabs..." option.
    Does it do what you want?

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    you can reset the input source to Spanish by selecting the Keyboard pane of System Preferences, selecting the Input Sources tab, and pressing the “+” button in the lower-left corner to select one of the Spanish input sources. The “Spanish – ISO” input source is most similar to the physical Spanish keyboard layout.

  • How can i change the spelling language, (Separately from the computers language)

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    Spelling language may be changed per application, not globally. First of all, deactivate automatic spelling, if you use more languages (I am not satisfied with this, perhaps because I also use custom keyboard layouts beside the default ones) in Sys Prefs/Language and Text.
    Then, choose spelling language per app, this is usually placed in Edit/spelling and grammar; Pages has it somewhere else, under TExt/More (right option), then spelling language down right. For examnple, my spelling options in Safari, when writing this text, are as attached:

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    I have a fairly large number of email accounts, and often have to tweak settings, so it's a bit of a pain to have to reset the order every time I make a change.
    This is occurring on both my MBP and my iMac.

    Same question.
    I recently left Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion.
    Previously, in the side bar of Mail, (the one you make visible using "Show" in a previous post here), I was able to drag and drop any of the Reception mailboxes to the place I wanted to select, to put them in the order I wished, and this order remained until I decide to change it.
    This seems not possible any more, or... just for the current session. If I close Mail and reopen, Reception boxes are re-ordered in alphabetic way.
    Any way to make my choice permanent as before ???
    To make it more clear, ordering my way is possible by drag and dropping for private mailboxes, but not for reception mailboxes associated to different mail accounts, the order is lost once Mail is closed.

  • How can I set the language when sending an e-mail with attachment - 'Html'?

    "Character Broken"
    I made an ALV program, and this convert to "HTML',  and send an e-mail with this.
    Used Process is:
    DATA: gt_abaplist LIKE TABLE OF abaplist,
          gt_html LIKE TABLE OF w3html,
          doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
          objpack LIKE TABLE OF sopcklsti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          objhead LIKE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          mail LIKE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          reclist LIKE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE,
          lv_line TYPE i.
    SUBMIT z_template
        listobject = gt_abaplist
        not_found  = 1
        OTHERS     = 2.
        html       = gt_html
        listobject = gt_abaplist.
    doc_chng-obj_name   = 'URGENT'.
    doc_chng-sensitivty = 'O'.
    doc_chng-obj_descr  = ' '.
    doc_chng-obj_langu  = '3'.
    objhead-line        = ' '.
    APPEND objhead.
    mail[] = gt_html[].
    DESCRIBE TABLE mail LINES lv_line.
    CLEAR: objpack.
    objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
    objpack-head_start = 1.
    objpack-head_num   = 0.
    objpack-body_start = 1.
    objpack-body_num   = lv_line.
    objpack-doc_type   = 'htm'.
    objpack-obj_descr  = ' '. 
    objpack-doc_size   = lv_line * 255.
    objpack-obj_langu = '3'.
    APPEND objpack.
    CLEAR: reclist.
    reclist-receiver = 'e-mail address'.
    reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    APPEND reclist.
        document_data              = doc_chng 
        put_in_outbox              = 'X'
        commit_work                = 'X'
        packing_list               = objpack
        object_header              = objhead
        contents_bin               = mail
        receivers                  = reclist
        too_many_receivers         = 1
        document_not_sent          = 2
        document_type_not_exist    = 3
        operation_no_authorization = 4
        parameter_error            = 5
        x_error                    = 6
        enqueue_error              = 7
        OTHERS                     = 8.
    SUBMIT rsconn01 AND RETURN.
    I want to show  this by "Japanese".
    But the character is broken.
    LIke This:
    u01D1u072C          u0205|            u0205u072C          u0508           QC u04B90m
    How can I set the language?  How can I solve "Charancter Broken" ?
    Plesse, let me know.
    Thank you so much.
    Edited by: Jaime White 999 on Nov 21, 2011 8:45 AM
    Edited by: Jaime White 999 on Nov 21, 2011 8:46 AM

    Hi Jaime,
    Are you saying, you are getting junk characters in the email attachment? Then pls check the following. Since you want to send Japanese fonts, please pass language 'J' in both  objpack-obj_langu = '3' & doc_chng-obj_langu  = '3' instead of '3' please replace it with 'J'.
    Another thing which you may have to check is the SCOT device type. As I understand from my basis colleague, this may also affect your attachment fonts since the emails are sent through SCOT. Go to transaction SCOT-> Settings-> Device types for format conversion. Check whether wrong device type is defined for Japanese there. Hope this helps

  • Hi, can someone please tell me why the spell check in pages doesn't work. I went to preferences and enabled this auto spell checker and have set the language to british english. But still it doesn't work while it works perfectly in TextEdit.

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    Inspector > Text > More > Language
    Only applies to selected text, like making it a particular font.
    It is not a setting that sticks. If you continue to paste in text from elsewhere particularly the Internet it will have a different or None language set to it. You need to select it and make it B.E.

  • I recentley bought a ipod touch set all language to English, billing to English etc. The problem i have is when i open itunes or Apps store on my ipod it is in German, I'm English so don't understand German.. Can anyone help to change language in store

    I recentley bought a ipod touch 5.01,set all language to English.....every thing i view is in English except when i view (open) itunes or apps store it is in German, I live in England, I was born in England, and i speak only English. I want my itunes and apps store to open and display in English. I have messaged the apple help and telephoned the help, both was helpful but no matter what i do in setting (even in reset, which i've done) my ipod will keep reverting back to German in Itunes and Apps store. All other data in my ipod is in English........just the itunes and apps store grrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Please help :-)

    You can only use the German iTunes/App store if you are located in Germany.  The German store is in the German language.

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    It seems a problem in this update!
    Or can somebody say me how to set the language to german?

    Problem solved - did a repair run of iTunes installation.

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    Thank you

    First of all .. Thanks a lot for ur valuable time and suggestions. Coming to the topic... i have used all these unicodes. Could you please tell me that would it be possible to set multiple languages to a tabbedpane at a time? (in the context of missing of keys setting other language key to that missed one).
    Edited by: sindhumourya on Oct 7, 2008 1:58 AM

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