Personal folder in CMC

Is it possible to set up size limit for each user's personal folder? i know u can limit number of objects in each personal folder, can i set up limit like 2MG for each personal folder?

no...not by size, only by number of objects as you already wrote.

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    This is most likely a bug in Web Services. As a work around you can use Enterprise SDK to  chage the rights or do it in CMC.

  • Difference between personal folder and personal category

    Hi All,
    I am new to this site, I want to post my query. Is this a right place to post my queries? If it is wrong please guide me, where to post my query related to CMC. 
    My question is, What is the difference between personal folder and personal category in central management console (CMC)?
    Thanks and regards,

    Item Category determines the processing of any Item/material that we enter in a sales order and in this way it also effects the procesing of any sales doc in which it is used.
    Item Category Group is one of the component which along with the Sales Doc Type, The Item Usage and Higher Level Item Category decide about the Item Category in a sales doc.
    Item category determination enables, the system proposes the corresponding item category for sales document type through item category group. t-code: VOV4
    Fields in the item category determination:
    Sales document type, item category group, item usage, and higher-level item category
    Default item category, manual item category
    refer below for further details
    Item category is for a particu;lar sales order item and it has integration with sales document type and material master.
    In material master ,you must have seen the item category grp in basic data and sales area data.
    That means your item category is assigned to the combination of sales document type and item category grp in the configuration.
    Whenever you will create an order for a particular type and you will put your material then your item category will be determined automatically.
    Configuration is done by spro---sd -sales-sales document item----assign item category
    Message was edited by:

  • How can I copy iCloud calendar and contact back to Outlook personal folder?

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    If you go to the web site of iCloud and then to contacts there is a button left bottom where you can export your contacts as cvs files and reimport them in outlook

  • I need to find a way to put emails on a personal folder that won't take up all my email space.

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    Can you tell us exactly what the "almost full" message says? Is it referring to your mailbox (ie, email server space), or your hard drive?
    If your email server is almost full, you can store folders and messages on your Mac. In Mail, go to the Mailbox menu, click New Mailbox, and choose the location "On My Mac". Then drag folders into that new mailbox to move them to your local computer, and off the email server.
    If your hard drive is full, this won't help, and you need a different approach.
    What version of OS X are you running? It helps us for you to put that information into your profile, since there are big differences between versions of OS X.

  • Delete messages older than a date except personal folder

    Hello everyone,
    I have been spending a lot of time searching and testing how to delete all items older than 6 months in a user mailbox, but this rule it cannot be applied just one personal folder named "personal". I have been reading about retention policy and
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    could anyone tell me if I am right with retention policy or it's better other way?
    thank you in advice

    In Outlook client, we can set AutoArchive for all folders to delete all items older than 6 months except for “Personal” folder one by one.
    If you want to use retention policy in Exchange side, we can use retention tags and retention policies to have a try. there are three types of retention tags:
    Default policy tag (DPT), Retention policy tag (RPT), Personal tag.
    For your scenario, we can create a personal tag applied for this Personal folder. For example,
    delete messages older than 3 years for this personal folder. Then apply this personal tag for Personal folder in Outlook. And the Personal folder items are all tagged. After that, we can
    applying default policy tags (DPTs) to mailboxes to manage the retention of all untagged items.
    Personal suggestion, since the delete action is only used for one specific mailbox, I suggest we can use AutoArchive in Outlook side to achieve it.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support
    Hi Winnie Liang,
    Thank you for answer. I would like to do all tasks from exchange side, so I know how to apply a retention policy to a mailbox for deleting all older than 6 months. But how can I apply the personal policy tag to a personal folder's users?
    All involved users in this requirement are warned that they must let all personal messages in "personal" folder named "personal".

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    Socacofl wrote:
    I hope that its gonna be possible in a near future...
    Don't hold your breath.

  • Personal folder in mail account

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    You want to create a folder in your email? To do that, open Mail and press the Back button until you're as far back as you can go. Select the account (not the inbox) in which you want to make a folder. Then tap "edit" and go from there.

  • Change Custom Access Level on a personal folder

    Hi All,
    This is about Business Objects XI 3.x
    I'm looking for a solution to change the security settings on a personal folder.
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    Is there a Java script allready be developed by some one that I can use?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Jan,
    You can use the following code snippet:
    // folders is IInfoObjexts collection that contains the personal folders.
    folders = oInfoStore.query(query);
              if (folders.size() > 0)
    // query for the user for whom you want to set custom access role over the personal folder.
    query = "select * from ci_systemobjects where si_name ='" + testUser + "' and si_kind ='user'";
    users = oInfoStore.query(query);
    // set the custom role.
    folder = (IInfoObject) folders.get(0);
    user = (IInfoObject) users.get(0);
    IExplicitPrincipals explicitPrincipals = folder.getSecurityInfo2().newExplicitPrincipals();
    IExplicitPrincipal explicitPrincipal = explicitPrincipals.add(user.getID());
    // customRoleID is SI_ID of te custom role. You can retrieve custom role just as you retrieve any other
    //info objet. You can use the query like : select * from ci_systemobjects where si_name='custom role
    //name' and si_kind='customrole'
    IExplicitRole explicitRole = explicitPrincipal.getRoles().add(customRoleID);
    I hope this helps.
    Aasavari               }

  • Detete messages in personal folder

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    But lately I cant send or recive messages. I get error massages that memory is full and I should shut down applications. Im not able to open the personal folder any more to delete the messages.
    When I connect the device with Ovi it cannot read any messages from the phone. 
    Anyone that can help me? 

    If you have your messages stored on you memory card and its ok to loose all your texts to get the phone working you could try deleting the Mail2 folder.
    If its corrupted deleting it should sort the issue
    ** Keep in mind that you will loose all your texts and mailboxes.

  • Originals in a personal folder, will they be deleted?

    When I first got my mac a year and a half ago I played with iPhoto end up making it a mess. Basically I want to delete all my folders, pictures, etc. and start over. I have my original pictures on my hard driver under the following folders, "Leigh (HD name)/Jennifer/Photographs" and under here I have everything organized by other folders.
    My concern is if I delete everything from iPhoto, it will delete my originals under my "Photographs" folder. If I start from scratch and delete everything, will my originals from the "Photographs" folder be deleted as well?
    Thank You

    The iPhoto Library folder contains 3 primary subfolders which hold the image files, and the database keeps the 3 versions linked together:
    Data - contains the tiny thumbnails used by iPhoto for efficient display. These files are of no use to you outside of the iPhoto Library.
    Originals - contains the original, full-sized files (images and movie files), exactly as you imported them to your library. They are always preserved. These are the files you need to save if you don't have a copy elsewhere.
    NOTE: If there are alias files in this folder, then you have a referenced library, and iPhoto has been reading the files from your personal folders outside of the iPhoto Library folder.
    Modified - contains the changed or edited version of a photo, including the rotated versions of photos rotated by a camera's auto-rotate feature. Also contains a jpeg version of the first frame of each movie file, for displaying in your library. In most cases these do not have to be saved. The exception is if you have invested a lot of time in editing the photos.
    What do you have in iPhoto Preferences > Advanced for +"Copy files to iPhoto Library folder when importing to library"+ ? That option is selected by default, when the original image files are stored inside the iPhoto Library folder. If it has been turned off, then importing photos causes iPhoto to create an alias file inside the Originals folder.
    How can I tell if the "original" file is the one in my personal folder or in the iPhoto Library folder?
    If you saved photos to your personal folder system, then imported into iPhoto with the above preference turned ON, then iPhoto copied the files. That gives you one set in your library, and one outside. Unless you Trashed the files in your personal folders, then they remained there. iPhoto has no ability to delete files that aren't stored inside the iPhoto Library folder (even with a referenced library).
    If the Originals folder contains alias files, then iPhoto has been reading the images directly from your personal folders.
    If there's a chance that you don't have a copy of some of your iPhoto files saved outside of the Library folder, then don't trash your Library just yet. Instead, Quit iPhoto and move the iPhoto Library folder to your Desktop and rename it "iPhoto Library broken." Hold down the Option key as you launch iPhoto, select +Create Library+ and open the new empty library. Be sure to set iPhoto's Preference to +"copy files..."+ and begin importing your photos from your personal folders. Then import the Film Roll folders in the Originals folder from the broken iPhoto Library. iPhoto will probably not recognize duplicate images as duplicates, because the location and file names will probably differ. You may have to go through and trash the photos that you don't need. (Empty the iPhoto Trash in batches of 500 or less to prevent iPhoto from crashing.) Or you can check out the application [Duplicate Annihilator|] and see if it can effectively cull out the copies from your library. If you do, be sure back up the library first, in case the results are unsatisfactory.

  • Get mails from outlooks personal folder (.pst)

    I am using JavaMail to parse mails from the imap server.The application gets new mails from inbox and parses it as required.however i need to modify this to get new mails from a personal folder(.pst)file instead of the inbox on the server.
    Any help in this direction will be appreciated.

    as i understand, you want to pipe that output from
    qmail to your java application, that would then do
    something to those mails.
    but have you figured out what you want to do to those
    javax.mail mostly helps your pogs to speak pop3 smtp
    and other protocols, but in your case there's no need
    for that, if you just need to parse those messages,
    then just parse them.
    what seems to be the problem? what to you want to
    achieve.Again....I've all ready. I've the script, I've the pipe from qmail, I know how to receive it from standad input...
    Could you please send me a little example about how to parse the received mail I'll have in a BufferedReader or InputStream to get subject, from and body (decoding MIME partes if the mail is MIME type ??
    This is the problem.
    I couldn't found samples or help...
    Thanks in advance

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    Set the NAS drive to mount at startup/login so it is mounted before anything happens.

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    I have approx. 90 Work centers to convert and would likd to automate the process.  Does anyone know of a Bapi I could use to achieve the upload.
      Of course, after the initial upload we would not want the user to update the same info in both work centers so we would use the Bapi to update the contents of the new Persons follder in the HR work center(B-HR) with the changes occurring the original work centers Persons folder(A-HR) .
      Of course, if anyone has a simpler way of maintaining the synchronization I would love to hear it.

    Hi Fernando,
    For HR work center assignment, the icon in the assignment area is a yellow-colored folder.
    For org unit, on the other hand, it is the gray-colored rectangle.
    Moreover, if you select "change layout" button at the top of "assignment" area and add key to displayed columns, that key is A for work center and O for org unit.
    Is this what you're asking or are you looking for some other answer?

  • Can't open my personal folder in Bridge

    In the "favorite"-window, I can choose pictures of my personal-folder. But I have no chances to choose subfolders of it; neither in the "Favorite"-window nor in the "folder"-window.
    When I choose the "desktop", I get a lock-sign at my personal-folder.
    Does anybody know, how to open it?
    Many thanks!

    biofromla wrote:
    If I click on "pictures" in the favorite folder, I see all subfolders on the right side. But I don't get the directory tree. That means, that when I want to search for a picture and don't know in which subfolder it is, I can open a sub folderin the rightside, can click the back button and try the next subfolder.
    The Favorites panel doesn't work that way – it doesn't offer the folder tree. The icons there are just links.
    When you click on one of your links in Favorites, it highlights the appropriate folder in the Folders panel. This does display the folder structure with sub-folders.
    You need to have the Folders panel open to see it.

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