Personalization to replicate a field into another.

Hi Gurus
I'm new to R12 and its OAF interface....
I need personalize Suppliers screen to replicate Supplier Number field value into TaxPayer ID field when submitting page.
This must be done under certain conditions, like org_id and so on.
How can I do that?
I'm able to do simple personalizations, like changing a field prompt, but I can't find a tutorial or example for that I want to do.
Can someone give me an idea o any guidance?
Thanks in advance

Hi Pradeep
I don't see yet the demo at link you point out, but I think that this case is not about hide/show a field, it's just copying a value from a field and putting into another under certain conditions when submitting page.
I'll see your link anyway

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    Hi Cha,
    In the view ICCMP_BT_SLO/Slo1cart in the context node they have added a manual attribute called "Config"
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    i have problem try help me plz,
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    Hi  ,
    U Can try the   UserEXIT  PBAS0001 component  EXIT_SAPFP50M_001 . The code in the Include Program  ZXPADU01  looks  something  like  this .
    DATA: I0002 TYPE P0002.
        WHEN '0002'.
              PRELP = INNNN
              PNNNN = I0002.
          MOVE I0002-VORNA  TO I0002-RUFNM.
              PNNNN = I0002
              PRELP = INNNN.
    U can also  implement  the  same in the BADI  HRPAD00INFTY   method  BEFORE_OUTPUT . The  same   code  should  work

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    For this requirement, you will need to retrieve all the lists objects you want firstly, then execute the requests one by one to get the value of the Title column using CAML or
    How to: Retrieve Lists Using JavaScript
    retrieve list items:
    You can use
    Promise in your script to make your requests sequentially:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    you're funny
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    here's my code, maybe you can tell me exactly were i have to change it:
    tc1 = upper table control
    tc2 = lower table control
    SCREEN 0100:
      MODULE status_0100.
      MODULE get_nfo. --> gets data from the dictionary table
      MODULE tc1_change_tc_attr.
      LOOP AT   it_roles_tc1
           INTO wa_roles_tc1
           WITH CONTROL tc1
           CURSOR tc1-current_line.
      MODULE tc2_change_tc_attr.
      LOOP AT   it_roles_tc2
           INTO wa_roles_tc2l
           WITH CONTROL tc2
           CURSOR tc2-current_line.
      LOOP AT it_roles_tc1.
          FIELD wa_roles_tc1-agr_name.
          FIELD wa_roles_tc1-text.
        FIELD wa_roles_tc1-mark
          MODULE tc1_mark ON REQUEST.
      LOOP AT it_roles_tc2.
          FIELD wa_roles_tc2-agr_name.
          FIELD wa_roles_tc2-text.
        FIELD wa_roles_tc2-mark
          MODULE tc2_mark ON REQUEST.
      MODULE ok_code.
      MODULE user_command_0100.
    MODULE tc1_mark INPUT.
      IF tc1-line_sel_mode = 2
      AND wa_roles_tc1-mark = 'X'.
        LOOP AT it_roles_tc1 INTO g_tc1_wa2
          WHERE mark = 'X'.    -
    > big problem here is, that no entry has an 'X' there
          g_tc1_wa2-mark = ''.
          MODIFY it_roles_tc1
            FROM g_tc1_wa2
            TRANSPORTING mark.
      MODIFY it_roles_tc1
        FROM wa_roles_tc1
        INDEX tc1-current_line
        TRANSPORTING mark.
    ENDMODULE.                    "TC1_MARK INPUT
    MODULE tc2_mark INPUT.
      IF tc2-line_sel_mode = 2
      AND wa_roles_tc2-mark = 'X'.
        LOOP AT it_roles_tc2 INTO g_tc2_wa2
          WHERE mark = 'X'.             -
    > same here, it doesn't gets any data
          g_tc2_wa2-mark = ''.
          MODIFY it_roles_tc2
            FROM g_tc2_wa2
            TRANSPORTING mark.
      MODIFY it_roles_tc2
        FROM wa_roles_tc2
        INDEX tc2-current_line
        TRANSPORTING mark.
    thx for anybody who can help with this!

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         I have created one DC ,now I want to use this DC into another.
         My application is like:
         I have one i/p field and beside it one button which calls another DC.So how     to   do this?

    This link will solve your problem.
    WebDynpro DC -create and use
    Correct steps to use Java class in WD Java DC from another WD Java DC
    For any queries feel free to ask.

  • How can I have text from multiple fields on one layer, copy to one field on another layer?

    A little help please as it's been years since I've done any coding of any sort.
    So I have a 4 page document with various field types.  I have a document script that gets "TodaysDate" that works perfectly and a few other scripts as well.
    So what I'm trying to do is find a work around for the following:
    I have 3 fields - SURNAME, FIRSTNAME & dob.
    And I want what is typed into these fields to populate into 1 field.  And according to this tutorial ( it's not exactly possible.  At least I think that's what it says.
    However I'm hoping that maybe I could have a Submit button at the end of that document that when clicked would copy the text from those 3 fields (that I would have on 1 layer) into 1 field on a 2nd layer.  Is that even possible??
    I'd also like to have the document Print, Save (using the text in the field on the 2nd layer as the file name), Email (using the text in the field on the 2nd layer as the subject line) and Export to a specific Excel spreadsheet. 
    I don't want much do I?
    I'm using Acrobat 9 Pro on a Windows PC but also have access to Acrobat 8 Professional.  And I'm going to want the form to run in Acrobat Reader X.
    So far I have for the 3 fields into 1 on another layer:
    function buttonClick(){
    But I have no idea how to call the event.value from 1 layer to another or if any of that code above would even work at all.
    I have a script that I believe will work perfectly for the Save and Email function:
    Using the “doc.submitForm()” function
    // This is the form return e-mail. Its hardcoded
    // so that the form is always returned to the same address
    // Change address on your form
    var cToAddr = "[email protected]";
    // First, get the client CC e-mail address
    var cCCAddr = this.getField("ClientEmail").value;
    // Now get the beneficiary e-mail only if it is filled out
    var cBenAddr = this.getField("BennyEmail").value;
    if(cBenAddr != "") cCCAddr += ";" + cBenAddr;
    // Set the subject and body text for the e-mail message
    var cSubLine = "Form X-1 returned from client"; var cBody = "Thank you for submitting your form.\n" + "Save the mail attachment for your own records";
    //** Send the form data as an XML attachment on an e-mail
    // Build the e-mail URL
    var cEmailURL = "mailto:[email protected]?cc=" + cCCAddr + "&subject=" + cSubLine + "&body=" + cBody;
                cURL: cEmailURL,
    I'll work out the Export to Excel thing later as I've seen many tutorials on that.  But can I do the 3 fields to 1 thing at all?
    Please Help!!!

    Sorry Gilad.  I hope I'm not getting on your nerves (too much) but as I said it's been a while since I did any formal code. And I'm trying to do this code for a work document but I'm doing it in amongst so many other things I do for my job that it's difficult to get the time to concentrate for longer than 5 mins.
    I didn't get a chance to try that code until just now.  I guess I asked again as I thought (from what I'd read) that it wouldn't be that simple.
    So I've added that code and I get no errors.  But it doesn't appear to be doing anything either.  I've added the code like this in the Custom calculation script of a separate field I've called FileName.  And on the Button i'm using I've added:  buttonClick()
    function buttonClick(){
              event.value=this.getField("SURNAME").valueAsString + "-" + this.getField("FIRSTNAME").valueAsString + "-" + this.getField("dob").valueAsString;
    So now I'm guessing that becasue i'm not getting an error or a result that I've screwed it up still.  Have I put the code in the correct area?  Have I assigned a the buttonClick() function correctly?

  • How to copy exitsitng extracter into another new extracter?

    Please some one can tel me how to copy the existing  extracter into another new extracter.
    I have requirment as below
    Currect me if i am wrong ,need to enhance the existing extracter and add some new fields,and need to include some masterdata filds also to it.
    For master data i am going to do write routines at Transfermation so that no need to include in my exter for those filds to extracter.
    Please some one guide me in this scenario.

    you do not have to copy the extractor, you can enhance it with fields and fill them via enhancement coding --> rsa6.
    If you want to copy it, you need to check what kind of extractor you have. Is it a function module or just a table extractor.
    for fm: copy the function module via se37 and copy the extract structure via se11. Add your enhancements in the copied structures and coding. Create a new datasource with rso2.
    for table extractor: create a view adding the additionally needed fields. create a new ds with rso2. Surely you need to add some coding in the relevant enhancement.

  • How to convert the text field into currency field

    I have an requirement to converting the text field into currency.
    If I convert directly it gives dump.
    If I convert this to Numeric means it takes the decimals also as whole value.
    Is there any FM to convert the text field into Currency field.
    Please advice me.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am on an SRM sytem, which unfortunately does not have th FM: PSSV_TEXT_INTO_FIELD_CURRENCY.
    But I also need to transfer a string value like '12,99' to a field with type curr.
    Can i Do that manually, or is there another FM?
    I have already checked code with write to or pack/unpack.
    But without success yet.
    Something like this:
    DATA: g_str(11) type c.
    DATA: g_p type p.
    WRITE '12,99' TO g_str CURRENCY 'EUR'.
    is no use for me. Finally I need to move g_str to my curr-field, which causes st22.
    also: PACK g_str to <curr-field or g_p> dumps.
    Help appreciated.
    regards, matthias

  • Get the mapping values from one message mapping into another message mappin

    Hi All,
    I created two graphical message mappings. In first message mapping i created one user defined function and set one global container parameter and I need to use this parameter in my second message mapping user defined function. But the global container parameters can be used in different user defined functions in same message mapping. So is there any way to use the values which are set in one message mapping into another message mapping. If yes, please help me how to get?

    Hi Koteswara rao,
      As you said global container parameters from first message mapping are not accessible from second message mapping program.
    i haven't faced situation like this.but, if you have some unmapped field in target message in first message mapping,you can put global variables data in that unmapped field.
    anyway the output of first message mapping would be input for 2nd messages mapping,so you can access global data(unmapped field filled with global data in 1st MM) from 2nd mapping program..

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    Hi Sunny C,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  The "From" field should be showing by default, but you can check or change your settings for Mail with the instructions below:
    Mail (Yosemite): Set Mail preferences
    In the Composing pane, you can set the email account that you want to send new messages from.
    Also, check the View command on the Menu bar.  View > Message Attributes should have a checkmark beside the "From" field.

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