Photo Stream workflow

I am having trouble getting Photo Stream workflow to work efficiently. Here's what I am doing so far.
Take photos using iPad or iPhone. Once the device connects to WiFi, photos will upload to iCloud automatically.
Run iPhoto or Aperture to download photos from Photo Stream.
Manually verify that all the photos are in iPhoto or Aperture.
Manually delete photos (but not video) on iPhone and iPad.
Steps 1 and 2 are incredibly easy. But steps 3 and 4 seem needlessly convoluted. Is there any way to configure iPhone and iPad to automatically delete photos that have been backed up to Photo Stream?

Is there any way to configure iPhone and iPad to automatically delete photos that have been backed up to Photo Stream?
Photostream is also not designed to be a "backup" solution. It is just what the name says : a stream of pictures across your network and its attached devices. You pick what you like or watch it as entertainment.
Photostream can not be managed, has no further settings and manual selection of what is included or deletion of individual pics is also not there.
Message was edited by: Sjazbec

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    I made a photo book in iPhoto and would like to transfer the book to my iPhoto on other macs and iPad.   How is this done and can it be synced between devices like photo stream?

    You can create a Quicktime movie slideshow of the book's pages and share that. Here's how to get your book into an iPhoto slideshow and then export as a Quicktime video:
    1 - While viewing the book type Command+P to start the print process.
    2  - click on the PDF button and select "Save PDF to iPhoto".
    Note:  If you don't have any of those options go to Toad's Cellar and download these two files:
    Save PDF to iPhoto 200
    Save PDF to iPhoto 200
    Unzip the files and place in the HD/Library/PDF Services folder and reboot.
    3 - select either of the files above (300 dip is used for photos to be included in a book that will be ordered).
    4 - in the window that comes up enter an album name or select an existing album and hit the Continue button.
    That will create a 200 or 300 dpi jpeg file of the item being printed and import it into iPhoto. Immediately select all of the photos in the new album and sequentially renumber them as "Page  " using the Batch Change ➙ Title to Text with the option to add a sequential number to each title.  This is to let you put the pages back in the correct order in the event they get sorted incorrectly.
    Now you can proceed as follows: create the slideshow in iPhoto and export it out of iPhoto as a QT movie file via the Export button in the lower toolbar.  Select Size = Medium or Large (480p with iPhoto 9),
    Happy New Year

  • IPhoto/Photo Stream clarification

    Forgive me if this has already been asked.
    What I need clarification on is
    Here is my scenario.
    I have Photo Stream enabled on all my devices(iphone, ipad & iMac)
    When i take a picture it goes in to photo stream album on all devices(which essentially means the photos are in the cloud)
    In iPhoto, there is a album called xxxx 2012 photo stream where xxxx is the month.
    So is it safe to say that the photos are stored in my iPhoto library in the monthly photo stream album only?
    Or do I have to turn on the automatic download setting in iPhoto to have the photos saved in iPhoto library?
    This where I am getting confused. Given the above scenario where the photos are only in the photo stream is it possible they could be lost if for some reason all the photos in the photo stream get deleted?
    I guess my main question is are the photos in photo stream just sitting in the cloud until I manually move them into my iPhoto library.  I just took a picture with iPhone and the picture is in Photo Stream and camera roll.  So if in camera roll does that mean the photo will be saved to permanent location in iPhoto.
    As you can see I am quite confused with workflow when using Photo Stream.  Apple has made the process very convaluded.
    Thanks and I look forward to your reply.

    you need to read up on PhotoStream
    PS is temporary - the lessor of the  last 1000 photos or the last 30 days - once either of these is passed the photos go away unless you import them to iPhoto - it is NOT a web archive
    In iPhoto, there is a album called xxxx 2012 photo stream where xxxx is the month.
    So is it safe to say that the photos are stored in my iPhoto library in the monthly photo stream album only?
    Or do I have to turn on the automatic download setting in iPhoto to have the photos saved in iPhoto library?
    There are two ways to import to iPhoto  - manually and automatically - manually you drag photos from PS to iPhoto - automatically you check the import autpmatically box in the iPhoto preferences and the photos are automatically imported into an event named MMM YYYY Photo Stream - no albums are automatically created or used
    As you can see I am quite confused with workflow when using Photo Stream.  Apple has made the process very convaluded.
    It actually is very simple if you read the instructions

  • Photo Stream Albums Reappear in Aperture

    So at the start of each month I move the contents of the previous month's Photo Stream project into a main project for the year and then I delete the empty Photo Stream project. Everything is working fine at that point. But the next time I open Aperture June and July empty Photo Stream project are created again. I just delete those projects and everything is fine, but it's really annoying to have to delete those projects each and every time I open Aperture. Any suggestions?

    Here's some suggestions that may or may not satisfy what you want.
    1. Turn off the automatic photo stream import setting in Aperture's preferences. Import the new photos manually from the photo stream to your yearly project. This should stop Aperture from automatically creating those projects.
    2. Instead of creating a single yearly project to copy to, create a yearly folder and place all the photo stream projects inside the folder. When you select the folder in the library pane you will see all images for the year that are in the enclosed projects. If you collapse the folder it will act just like your yearly project when selected.
    - Did you know? - You can rename the automatically created photo stream projects to anything you desire. Aperture will remember that they are the photo stream projects regardless of the name.
    3. Place all the empty photo stream projects in a single folder and collapse the folder structure. That way you'll only need to see a single entry for those unwanted projects that keep coming back after deleting them.
    4. Delete the photos from the photo stream for that month that have already been imported so Aperture doesn't find anything in the photo stream for that particular month. (I'm not sure about this one so if you try it please leave feedback on the results)
    Everyone's workflow can be slightly different so I'm sure there could be reasons why none of my suggestions will be acceptable for you. But I hope at least one of them is.

  • Photo Stream of last n months album auto update?

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    Barring that, are there any other options anyone has explored? I've been using iPhoto the last 12 years, but I'm at the point if switching to another workflow. Adobe is WINDOWS style bloat and Google I just don't trust, so their products are a no-go for me.
    I can fathom a homegrown solution using Image Capture and shared folders, but I can tell it's beyond my frustration capacity. Not that it would match the old iPhoto sharing. What a waste to throw away such a powerful, useful feature.

    i'm sorry but with all of the editorial you failed to actually tell us what the problem is and what you have
    my best guess is that you upgraded from iPhoto '09 or earlier to iPhoto '11 although it is impossible to tell from your rambleing
    if that is the case then local sharing requires an external disk formatted Mac OS extended (journaled) with ownership ignored
    iPhoto: Sharing libraries among multiple users
    if that is not what you want please post a simple straight forward statement of what you have, what you want to accomplish and why you can not do it

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    Generally I would not use Facebook for sharing any photos, it compresses the photos substantially, and when you have shadows and dark colours you get visible "bands" where there should be subtle gradients, ie at sunsets and sunrises.
    It sounds like you are using two methods to upload to Facebook:
    1. Sharing from within Aperture, which basically syncs Facebook with your Aperture album, so any changes made at either end gets synced, hence the deletions from Albums, although the original file should still be in your library, just removed rom the album. It is like a playlist in iTunes.
    2. Exporting pics and uploading to Facebook from the browser.
    I am not sure how method 1 gets compressed, but I know that uploading hi-res jpegs to Facebook using method 2 results in poor quality images.
    I wouldn't even bother comparing option 1 or 2, and they will both be poor images once you view them on Facebook, as opposed to viewing uploaded images on proper image sharing / hosting sites.
    Your problem is not with Aperture, it is using Facebook for showing your work.
    If you export pics form Aperture at high res jpegs or TIFFs your images will be fine.
    If you insist to use Facebook as your way to share your work, then your workflow should be this:
    1. Right click images you want to share.
    2. Select Export version.
    3. Export as 100% size and ensure the export settings are set at 100% quality.
    4. Upload this pic into Facebook.
    This will get you the best image size and resolution on Facebook.
    See how you go.

  • Anyone else seeing photo stream duplicate files?

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    Anyone else experiencing this anomaly?
    -rw-------@ 1 bernie  staff  2150761 Dec 23 11:22 /Users/bernie/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement/assets/sub/016a281bb19f7638e42fb220e9cc9b48a1738e3 5ee/IMG_1072.JPG
    -rw-------@ 1 bernie  staff  4060588 Dec 23 23:40 /Users/bernie/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement/assets/sub/01d4fc42c97ff5416045f7ad608d4ac0721944f bb9/img_1072.jpg

    You can see from the info screen shot below that one file is 2.2 MB and the other is 4.1 MB.   I did a web search for photo stream duplicate issues, and did not find one thread regarding this!  I don't know what is causing the duplicates yet, but I have my suspicions.  Here are three things that have changed recently which may be related to the problem:
    1. I installed Aperture, which shares the same library as iPhoto. 
    2. I recently began sharing my photo stream, but I'm not sure if the dups occurred before or after that.
    3. I created an Image Capture plugin which copies image files from my iPhone to a directory, changes file names to lower case, uses ImageMagick to add a small date stamp, etc.  But I haven't even run this workflow on the two files listed below yet.
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    I've got a few hundred photos to add for each shared photo stream so I don't want to go individually adding them, there must be an easier way.
    Have you tried to share only a few photos at a time? When I am sharing a small number of photos all it once, it works.
    You may be hitting one of the limits for sharing:
    My Photo Stream and iCloud Photo Sharing limits

  • How can I move photos from my album to a photo stream to make space on my iphone

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    2 way to get the icon...
    Finder>Preferences>General, check what you want to show on Desktop.
    Finder>Preferences>Sidebar, check what you want to show in the Sidebar of all windows.

  • How can I see My Photo Stream from two Macs associated with the same Apple ID?

    I have a MacBook Pro (my personal machine) and an iMac (our family computer).
    The iPhoto library housing all of our family photos lives on the iMac.
    The iPhoto library on my MacBook Pro is currently empty.
    I have an account on both machines.  I have associated the same Apple ID with both machines.
    When I launch iPhoto on my MacBook Pro and attempt to turn on photo sharing (so that I can see My Photo Stream, as well as other shared streams), iPhoto informs me that "iCloud Photos for xxx@xxx is being used with another library named 'iPhoto Library'."
    My iPhone, which is also affiliated with the same Apple ID, shows the streams just fine.
    What can I do to remedy this situation?  I'd like to be able to view my shared streams on my MacBook Pro, while leaving the actual massive photo library on the iMac.

    I found out about this issue when I created a new library with some photo's I wanted to sync to my iCloud account.  I found the following on the Fat Cat Software page and thought it might be helpful to others:
    Using Photo Stream with multiple libraries
    Starting in iPhoto 9.2, Apple introduced a new feature called Photo Stream, which lets you automatically transfer photos via their iCloud service between your iPhoto library and your other devices such as an iPhone, iPad, or another Mac. This feature works when you have multiple iPhoto libraries set up, but there are a couple things to be aware of.
    First, iPhoto will only allow Photo Stream to be active in one iPhoto library at any given time. If you've already enabled Photo Stream in one library, but then open a second library and enable Photo Stream there, this will cause Photo Stream to be turned off in the first library.
    Any photos downloaded by Photo Stream are actually stored in an entirely separate location from any of your iPhoto libraries. This means that, even if you do switch Photo Stream from one library to another, you will not need to go through redownloading all the photos you already have in Photo Stream back from the iCloud servers. So, switching Photo Stream from one library to another is a relatively inexpensive operation, so you can do it as often as needed without it being much of a hassle.

  • More than one photo stream?

    Hi Folks,
    OK - I have a MBP and IP3GS which work wonderfully with iCloud. Syncing has pretty much been seamless and is working well. iPhoto too...I snap a pic on my IP3GS and it shows up on my MBP.
    My wife has a MBA and iPod Touch. With her own iCloud account, all her syncing is working well. iPhoto too...she snaps a pic on her Touch, it shows up on the MBA.
    My Apple ID is the one we both use for the store.
    In iCal on my MBP and IP, I have added her iCloud account, so I can see all her appointments. I've added my iCloud account to iCal on her MBA and Touch, so she can see mine.
    All this works so very well - just as I had hoped.
    My one remaining mystery is photo stream. Here is what I would love:
    -I snap a pic on my IP3GS and it shows up on my MBP AND my wife's MBA
    -my wife snaps a pic on her Touch and it shows up on her MBA AND my MBP
    Is this possible?
    Currently I'm "syncing" our iPhoto libraries by emailing or iMessaging photos from one iOS device to the other...but I was hoping there was a better way.

    I think I might have it - need to try this...
    I have a Cloud account that does my contacts, photos, etc.
    My wife has same.
    What if I turn off the Photo Stream for both of these accounts...create a third Cloud accound that I turn everything BUT photostream off for - that is, this Cloud account only stores photos. Then I add this Cloud account to both iOS devices and both Macbooks.
    That might do it....

  • How Do I Use One PC (Windows) To Run iCloud Photo Stream for Two Users?

    How Do I Use One PC (Windows) To Run iCloud Photo Stream for Two Users? I and my wife have two Iphones (iOS 6.1.4) and we want to have use 2 iCloud accounts for one PC.

    Disregard the question. The solution has nothing to do with any "Firefox bug". Turns out that my session wasn't being managed properly. Or rather, I was accidentally deleting other users' information when new users logged in. So if I had user 1 and user 2, and user 2 logged in after user 1, some of user 1's information would be deleted, resulting in the errors.
    Oops; sorry about the false alarm. :)
    (Was hoping to retract the question, but it looks like others have a similar problem.)

  • TS4425 How can I remove Photo Stream pics from my Apple TV slideshow?

    I am a decorator and take photos of furniture, fabrics, etc on my phone daily, but I do not want these photos cycled in the slideshow on my Apple TV.  I have iTunes pulling photos from designated folders on my home computer, but I can't seem to figure out how to remove my iPhone photo stream pictures.  Suggestions?

    Hi lpetershagen,
    Here is an article of information on ways to delete photos from Photo Stream:
    iCloud: How to delete photos from Photo Stream
    Alternatively, you can choose different photos for the Apple TV screensaver by following this:
    Apple TV (2nd generation): How to use your photos with your Apple TV screensaver
    - Ari

  • I currently have an iPhone 5, 16gb. I Do Not want to Loose any photos or albums by deleting them from my phone and not backing them up correctly. My iCloud backup is only storing my "Photo Stream" and I can not locate them in iTunes after I sync/Back up.

    I currently have an iPhone 5, 16gb. My storage is almost full on my phone. There are only 80 mg available. I am new to icloud and also have always had trouble navigating around iTunes. (Even after endlessly reading through support and help topics as well as calling)   My concern is about Not Losing any of my photos if I delete them from my phone. I have to delete a large portion of my camera roll as well as the Album Folders I have created. Although it would be great if there was a way to just keep my albums still. I have already backed them up to an external hard-drive, my computer and a geek stick. I'm not trying to be too paranoid about these photos, but, they are all of my 3 children. There are over 4000 pictures stored on my phone. Some photos go back as far as 2009.   Can you offer any information about backing up my Camera Roll, not just "Photo Stream", and albums I've created On my phone? I read that it's good to back photos up on both iTunes as well as icloud. I even purchased extra icloud storage to back them all up.   I do regularly back up/sync, my phone to my computers.   However, I cannot even locate where they are stored on iTunes, let alone look at them. And as far as my iCloud backup, it only stores the new pictures from "Photo Stream".   Please offer any advice you may have. I do not use up a lot of storage on my phone other than Photos and Contacts (it's a work phone).   I would definitely be able to sleep better knowing my children can one day see these pictures of themselves. I appreciate your time. Thank you,

    First of all, you should always save you photos on computer like any other digital camera.
    Backup on iCloud or iTunes only backup your Camera Roll. The other photos should be already on the computer.
    Note: Photos are not saved in iTunes, it's only a conduit between your iPhone and your photo managing software on computer.
    What computer do you have?

  • How can I subscribe to a Shared Photo Stream from iPhoto 9.4 on OSX 10.7.5 ?

    I just updated to iPhoto 9.4 on both my (just updated) OSX 10.8.2 MacBook Pro and my OSX 10.7.5 Mac mini.
    For some mysterious reason Apple specifies that I can not subscribe to the new "Shared Photo Streams" from my OSX 10.7.5 Mac mini.
    How could that be ?
    How can I get around this ?
    How can it be that Apple claims that 'Shared Photo Streams' can be shared to all my other devices, but it turns out that my major photo-database can't, even though it has a brand new version of last year's OSX running... ???!!!
    This can't be a software issue...
    because if that were the case Apple would be deliberately cutting off users of last year's operating system... (...I even think there is a law prohibiting that...)
    so... can anyone tell me what the exact piece of hardware is that I am missing ?
    or has anyone found a solution for this yet ?
    Thanks !

    The only hardware that's preventing me from upgrading to 10.8 "Mountain Lion" would be the fact that a Mid-2007 Mac mini doesn't have a separate graphics card... all other hardware-components ar similar to the iMac Mid 2007... :
    - at least 2GB of PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 SO-DIMM RAM
    - a 64-bit Intel Core 2 Duo "Merom" processor
    - a WiFi-N compatible AirPort-card (I've upgraded the one in my Mac mini to an Atheros AR-9280...)
    - OSX 10.6.8 or later installed (I have OSX 10.7.5)
    - iPhoto 9.4 the only spec I not meeting hardware-wise is the fact that my Mac mini has a GMA950 shared graphics card...
    but surely... that can not be the reason I can't subscribe to a Photo Stream...
    why would that have anything to do with eachother ???!!!
    [ I've even seen claims of tricked OSX 10.8 installers for the Mid-2007 Mac mini, so if that's my only option... ]

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