Photoshop und InDesign für 1-3 Mitarbeiter - welches Paket bestellen? Kann dies auch auf Citrix installiert werden? Wenn ja, zu welchen Konditionen?

Ich sollte Photoshop und InDesign für 1-3 Mitarbeiter bestellen. Welches Paket muss ich dafür bestellen? Vor ca. einem Monat habe ich ein Formular ausgefüllt, sodass mich jemand hätte kontaktieren sollen - jedoch habe ich bis heute noch nichts gehört.
Zudem ist die Frage aufgetaucht, ob Photoshop und InDesign auch auf Citrix installiert werden kann und wenn ja, zu welchen Konditionen.
Vielen Dank für eine rasche Antwort.

Virtualisierung wird generell nicht unterstützt außer bei Acrobat/ Adobe Reader. Das liegt nun mal am Aktivierungssystem. Das heißt nicht, dass es unmöglich ist, aber ofizillen Support gibt's dafür nicht. Der Rest ist unklar - für 3 Mitarbeiter braucht's nun mal ganz offiziell 3 Lizenzn und da kommt nur CC für Teams in Frage oder eine passende Anzahl an Einzelabos bzw. sogar CS6 Lizenzen...

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    Gar nicht. Du kaufst einfach eien komplett neue Version. Die Upgradefristen haste verpaßt, da ist nix zu machen.

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    Vielen Dank für deine Antwort!
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    ist plötzlich tot und lässt sich nur noch durch Alt-Apfel-Escape beenden.
    Bislang habe ich auf dieses Problem nirgends eine Antwort gefunden, vielleicht weiß hier jemand im Forum Rat?
    Ansonsten habe ich an den Programmen nichts geändert seit dem Update (sind auch stets auf neuestem Stand).
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    Durch Schriften ausschalten (der übliche Verdächte) konnte ich auch nichts beheben.
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    alle CS-Programme (aller Versionen, ich benutze Kundenbedint CS 3 bis 5) mit Schriften sind betroffen, aber z.B. Bridge nicht.

    Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Ich denke auch, dass es sich um ein Problem mit OS X handelt. Aber da es nur PSD-Dateien getroffen hat und keine PNG-Daten (die ich ebenfalls bearbeitet hatte), liegt es womöglich am Zusammenspiel von Adobe und OS X.
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  • After Effects Premiere Photoshop UND UND UND

    suche ab mai/juni 2002 nach abschluss meiner diplomarbeit im raum hannover/hamburg einen job im beeich digitale bildbearbeitung/videodesign etc.
    hervorragende kenntnisse in photoshop, after effects, premiere, indesign, illustrator, dvd-authoring etc. langjährige hiwi-tätigkeit am regionalen rechenzentrum niedersachsen im bereich videodesign und dvd-authoring, arbeit als videokünstler und freier grafiker.
    thomas oppelt

    ich produziere ab-und-zumal Trickfilme und wir arbeiten hauptsächlich mit After-Effects,Photoshop und Premiere.
    Falls Interesse, kannst du mich unter
    [email protected] kontaktieren.

  • CS6: Illustrator und InDesign noch als CS6 Version erhältlich?

    Hallo, ich  hätte da mal eine Frage:
    Vor kurzem hab ich mir die CS6 Photoshop Version zugelegt, da ich es für schulische Zwecke benötige. Das Problem: Ich brauche nun aber auch Illustrator und InDesign für den Unterricht. Besten Falls auch in der Version CS6. Ist das überhaupt noch möglich? Oder muss ich dazu die Cloud Version kaufen?
    Und falls nein, also falls nur noch die Cloud Version erhältlich ist, ist diese dann kompatibel mit der CS6 Version auf unseren Rechnern in der Schule?

    You can buy CS6 in Educational version, at about a third of the price, see here:
    It is best to keep things in the same versions.
    When you need multiple applications, a suite will be cheaper. Unfortunately, there is no upsell option from one application to a suite.
    One possibly relevant suite could be the Design Standard ($449 or similar, instead of $1,299 or similar normal price).
    Obviously, you need to prove eligibility.

  • Different Colors when printing from Photoshop and InDesign CS3

    Different Colors when printing from Photoshop and InDesign CS3
    I have the following problem:
    When printing from Photoshop or InDesign to a PostScript printer, Adobe recommends to let Photoshop handle the colors (I use the German version, so I don't know the exact term used, it changes slightly in all CS3 apps anyway).
    The manufacturer however told me to let the PostScript printer handle the colors.
    When I chose this option in Ps's print dialog and then choose ISO Coated as the printer pfofile, the results are fine.
    But when I place the exact same image in an InDesign file and print from InDesign or export to PDF and print via Acrobat, again using "Printer handles colors", the results are the exact same as if I had used Ps and chosen to let Ps handle the colors (way too saturated and a bit too red).
    ·Photoshop CS3
    ·InDesign CS3
    ·Test image is a TIFF in CMYK Fogra 27 Coated (which is also the working color space in Ps and ID.
    ·Printer: Xerox Docucolor 3535
    ·Printer profile: ISO Coated
    How can I make sure the printer handles the colors in other CS3 apps than Ps? I tried it with ID's print dialog (translated from the German version: Color Management > Options > Color Handling: PostScript-printer decides colors).
    Thanks a lot!

    RE: "You don't indicate what Xerox printers you have"
    In my first post I named it, is that the information you need?
    Docucolor 3535 using Splash 3535
    That's interesting, so I have to find a way to turn off the printer's Color Management function? I mailed them, hope they can tell me how to do it easily. They usually just tell me to not use any profiles and so on, but that's the general rule in this area, I'm really tired of hearing it. Everybody seems to think profiles and LAB mode are nuclear science and I should stay away from it.
    Anyway, the test image I'm using is a simple photograph (size A3, 300dpi), so no transparencies at all. I'm placing this image into an equally large ID file and print it from ID, then export it to PDF-X/3 and print it from Acrobat. Hope that helps.

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    Try to install Adobe application Manager from below link and check
    Adobe - Adobe Application Manager : For Macintosh : Adobe Application Manager : Thank You

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    Which is better software for brochures and PDF forms ? Photoshop or InDesign ? and why ?

    If you are going to be making a lot of brochures, with photos, you probably want both. Photoshop to edit the photos, and InDesign to assemble and layout images with text.

  • If I don't know how to use mini bridge in Photoshop and InDesign.

    I tried to use mini bridge from photoshop and inDesign both but unsuccessfully. Displays message "Waiting for Bridge CS5..." and it seems for hours and hours but not working... .
    But Adobe Bridge is working perfectly. Does anyone has the same problem?

    So, I have the same problem with the mini bridge not loading. I noticed it also wouldn't load at my school on their Mac computers, too. I wondered if it had anything to do with me only having the free trial but the school's computer isn't free trial. I looked at the two solutions you've provided.
    1. When I went to the following...
    Win 64 bit machines: \Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard\SwitchBoard.exe
    There was no SwitchBoard folder, or SwitchBoard.exe on my computer anywhere... (Windows 8 64 bit)
    2. I then tried to see about your second solution and followed the link... it doesn't support my computer version ><
    So I'm not really sure what to do since I need to get this working in order to complete my class assignment.... I am using the free trial at the moment but plan to buy the monthly plan through Adobe Creative Cloud for Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.

  • How to preserve and keep 2 Pantones from Illustrator, via Photoshop, to InDesign?

    I have designed a 3D illustration in Illustrator (version 15.0.2), this illustration need to be printed for a magazine cover and I want to use 2 pantone colours for it.
    The 2 pantone colours are assigned form the Swatch Palette.
    The image is in CMYK (file > document colour mode > CMYK).
    The illustration is in 3D and the text has been convereted in outline. But I have not expanded the appareance of any element.
    I want to add more depht to the illustration and Photoshop seems the best solution for shadows and visually looks better.
    Plus InDesign can manage Photoshops files with Effects very nicely.
    [I find difficult and problematic to import Illustrators files with added Effects in InDesign, it leaves always a white background around the image and I don't know how to get rid of that.]
    How do I import the image in Photoshop (version 10.0.2) and keep the pantone?
    If I export/import the image as .psd format the files gest converted in CMYK automatically.
    In the Swatch Panel (next to the pantones I want to use) I see two square boxex the first has a round gray circle (I don’t know what this means), the second has 4 triangles (this I believe means CMYK).
    In the Separation Preview panel (if I click Overprint Preview) I have listed the 4 CMYK colours and the 2 pantones but if I turn off the 5 CMYK eyes I only see the white artboard, it’s like if the pantone are not assigned.
    After adding the shadows in Photoshop I need to import the file from Photoshop to InDesign and the final file need to be transparent because there's a backround at the bottom and a box of text in between the background and the illustration.
    I could place the bacground and the text in photoshop no problem for that...
    The questions are how do I import the 3D file from Illustrator, keep the pantone and add the Photoshop shadow?
    Hope anyone can help me as I'm going to press soon...
    Please feel free to ask me anything else if need to answer the questions.
    Many many thanks in advance if you can help me.

    This first image is the file in ID with High Quality Display on
    This is with Overprint Preview and that what I aming for, roughly, for the final. [I'm not sure what is the purpose of overprint preview in ID].
    This is the 3 plates of Black and two pantones
    This is the plate of Black plate
    This is the Pantone 812 c plate
    and finally this is the Pantone 8201 c plate
    Hope this can help to get the best solution

  • The images in Photoshop or InDesign improperly anti-aliased, looking fuzzy

    I've bought Late 2013 Retina Macbook Pro with Mac OS Mavericks, and am having trouble with anti-aliasing.
    In short, the images/documents open in Photoshop or InDesign are improperly anti-aliased and look fuzzy.
    I can understand why the menu bars and stuff should appear fuzzy and blurry as a result of auto anti-aliasing; otherwise they might appear too small for eyes to see since the resolution is super high.
    But why should the machine want to blow up the images or documents inside the application and apply anti-aliasing to make them look so fuzzy?
    It would be grateful if there's a way to stop my computer doing the anti-aliasing all the stuff on screen.

    No, not that I know of - you do need to make certain that you're using the very latest versions of both apps, though.

Maybe you are looking for

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