
1) I display the selection fields of an ABAP Program in a BSP page
2) I call the ABAP Report from the BSP-page (OnInputProcessing)
3) the program reads data an prints a list out
4) this list is in the browser displayed
everything is Ok, but now I´d like to insert a progress bar or something, so that the user knows that the report is searching for data. I thing that the BSP extension phtmlb:progressIndicator should do it but my problems is:
how do I tell it from OnInputProcessing that it should display the progress in the layout, especially in succesive steps (10%, 20% 40%, etc.) ??
Has any one an idea ??   Thanks a lot

if you only want to tell the user that the application is currently busy with reading the data then just use the   <xhtmlb:protectDoubleSubmit/> extension. It displays a message to the user that the request is being processed. My user like it and never requested a progress bar.
Try this:
...your view code...
Message was edited by: Thomas Ritter

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  • Use of ProgressIndicator in Status-BSP

    Hi All,
    I am writing a BSP-Application using different frames.
    One of these frames, the status frame, contains the BSP element <phtmlb:progressIndicator>.
    My intention is, that whenever I press a button on the main frame BSP in order to start a time-consuming task on the server, this ProgressIndicator should show the current status of the task at the server.
    My first idea was to reload the status frame every X seconds (depending on a first estimate how long the task may need) using the window.setTimeout JavaScript command.
    But this results in a bothering jitter of the status page.
    My next idea was to create a http handler returning the actual status, but I dont now how to include the result into the page in such a way that no part is reloaded. Instead I would like to use the answer of the http-request (e.g. 50%) to update the progressIndicator using JavaScript (similar as in SBSPEXT_PHTMLB).
    Does anyone have an idea how this problem could be solved?
    Thanks & Best regards,

    Hello Jürgen,
    that's not so difficult, but you need a set of pages.
    Assume a page with 2 frames: left a menu short cut an right the target page. After pressing the link on the left hand side, you want to have the page loaded on the right hand side with a progress indicator.
    Coding left:
    What happens in detail?
    The link on the left side loads the page right.htm with a parameter called tag. The tag contains the information on the page, which have to be loaded. By first the page itself loads the pages loading.htm and loader.htm in a frameset.
    The page loader.htm is displayed in a hidden frame (size 0). After the page loader.htm has loaded the complete original page, the right.htm will be called twice, but now with the page loading.htm in a hidden frameset.
    The key point is onLoad="document.forms[0].submit();" in the page load.htm, which performs this.
    A little bit much stuff, but i have used this in a generic way for every page, and .... it works fine.
    Best regards and don't hesitate to contact me for further questions,

  • Progress indicator as clock in BSP.

    Hi All,
    How can we show the progress indicator as a clock or as the circle with loading effect as we have in EP , in a BSP page?
    I have seen the phtmlb:progressIndicator and xhtmlb:protectdoublesubmit but thats not what i am looking for.

    Hi Anub,
    the spinning dial in EP is just an animated .GIF file. Find the URL for it and then just use it where ever you want.
    Graham Robbo

  • "progressIndicator" Implementation with Server Feedback

    I've been browsing examples of implementation for progressIndicator in PHTMLB extension, but unfortunately, all of them simply show estimates of the progress using client-side javascript.
    I have a requirement to show exact percentage progress of a generating report.  I calculate the percentage, but the issue I have is how to display that percentage to the user while the OnInitialize loop is still in progress.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Hi Raja,
    Thanks for your response. I was able to implement this by storing the calculated percentage during runtime in a shared memory location, and reading it from a custom status page while the loop is processing.
    A clunky solution, but due to the priority of this requirement, this shall do.

  • Dynamic PHTMLB PopupMenu

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    Anyone see something I don't? 
    method ZFILL_OTEIL_POPUP .
    data: wa_popup like line of oteilgroup,
          lv_group type zqpgt_tab,
          lv_item  type zqpct_tab,
          lv_text type string,
          separator(3) value ' - '.
    field-symbols: <group> type zqpgt,
                   <item>  type zqpct.
    lv_group = me->zget_group_codes( p_katalogart = 'B' ).
    lv_item = me->zget_item_codes( p_katalogart = 'B' ).
    data: id type string,
          index type string.
    loop at lv_group assigning <group>.
      clear wa_popup.
      clear id.
        refresh oteilitem.
      move sy-tabix to index.
      concatenate 'oteilSubPopup' index into id.
      concatenate <group>-codegruppe <group>-kurztext into lv_text
                  separated by separator.
      wa_popup-menuitemid = 'oteilPopup'.
      wa_popup-submenuid  = id.
      wa_popup-text = lv_text.
    wa_popup-cancheck = 'X'.
      wa_popup-enabled  = 'X'.
      append wa_popup to oteilgroup.
      loop at lv_item assigning <item>
           where codegruppe = <group>-codegruppe.
        clear wa_popup.
        concatenate <item>-code <item>-kurztext into lv_text
                    separated by separator.
        wa_popup-menuitemid = id.
        wa_popup-text = lv_text.
       wa_popup-cancheck = 'X'.
        wa_popup-enabled  = 'X'.
        append wa_popup to oteilitem.
        append oteilitem to oteilitems. "deeply structured itab
                    <td><htmlb:label for="object" text="Object Code"/></td>
                    <td><htmlb:inputField id="damage" value="//model/notif_fields.fecod" disabled="true"/>
                        <phtmlb:popupTrigger id="oteilTrigger"
                                             isInteractive="true" >
                        <htmlb:image src="s_b_hint.gif" />
                        <phtmlb:popupMenu id="oteilPopup"
    <% data: wa_item type PHTMLB_POPUPMENUITEMS,
             id type string,
             index type string. %>
    <% loop at oteilitems into wa_item.
           move sy-tabix to index.
           concatenate 'oteilSubPopup' index into id. %>
           <phtmlb:popupMenu id="<%= id %>"
                             items="<%= wa_item %>">
           <% refresh wa_item. %>
    <% endloop. %>

    Hi Thomas,
             Thanks for the reply.
             As you have said there are no background or MouseOver color for popupMenu. I am using a workaround for this by putting the popMenuItems in an html table and then changing the above said attributes for the individual cells. This works fine in normal menu but no effect when used with popupMenu. If you want I can send you the code but that will be possible tomorrow.

  • Hiding fields in phtmlb:formLayout (new thread)

    Original Thread:
    hiding fields in a bsp...
    What Kevin is talking about, is some special development we did for HR eRecruitement. Well, let us turn it around. They helped us, and we returned the favour. And yes, this is actually some of the more interesting bits and pieces of BSP. (Fresh meat to discuss:).
    Effectively, the <phtmlb:formLayout> has two functionalities. The first is a very easy way to layout a form. The second is a way via customization to dynamically have customers overwrite the visibility/required property of each field. So the SAP puts the maximum number of fields into the formlayout, and the customer can then via customization remove some, flag some as required, etc.
    (If anybody should feel like writing a long weblog on this, I will provide technical detail, plus examples offline.)
    The interesting database tables are these PHTMLB_FLI* ones. Part of the agreement was that the application itself provides for a UI to update the table. Also, the application itself controls which fields are changable.
    If you really want to play, look at SBSPEXT_PHTMLB, the formLayout example. In the top part, there are also a serious of dropdown listboxes. What these do, is that they update the customization tables first, before the formlayout is rendered. So what you are seeing is actually the formlayout as it has been programmed, plus then the effects of a (customer) customization on it.
    Also the example shows the effect of using an XML bee to dynamically add entries into the fieldLayout (if the application added these hooks).

    Hallo Thomas,
    No, unfortunately we never build something to also customize the labels. They HR colleagues did not ask for this :).
    I first started to write you here a loong text with answers. But then I got lazy, and searched my archive mailbox. Here below is the <b>draft</b> input that I wrote initially for the documentation. It describes everything pretty good. (But it is draft document, never proofread again, so read it lightly!)
    bye, brian
    Typically when an application is developed at SAP, the developer must make provision for all possible fields of information that must be displayed and/or queried from the user. However, in specific business cases, or depending on specific country laws, all fields might not be required. Also in some cases, fields in one scenario can be flagged required, versus in another they are only optional.
    The typical starting point will be a complete formlayout done during the development. On top of this a customization layer is placed. The automatic reading and applying of the customization layer is automatically done by the phtmlb fL.
    For each field, a default behaviour is assumed. This is the behaviour that is defined by the developer during development time. For example, it could be specified that email address must be required. During the runtime it is now possible to overwrite the default behaviour with a customization entry for the field.
    The following options are supported:
    <b>As Defined:</b> The formLayoutItem in displayed as it has been defined during development.
    <b>Invisible:</b> The formLayoutItem is not placed on the formLayout. It is immediately removed. All following items below it, will be moved up to fill its position.
    <b>Hidden:</b> In this case, the formLayoutItem is placed on the formLayout, but not displayed. The item reserves its slot, and an empty slot will be displayed. However, after all items have been placed on the formLayout, a row "compression" is done, whereby all rows that contain only hidden elements are removed. Hidden is important for cases where columns next to one another must align. A typical example would be name & surname horizontally aligned. If now one item is invisible before this row, the two items will not be aligned anymore. With hidden, this alignment will be kept, and we still have the benefit of empty rows been removed.
    <b>Required:</b> Sets the required flag for the item. Label of item will be rendered an indication that it is required (usually little red asterix after the label).
    <b>Optional:</b> Can be used to customize a required field to be not required.
    <b>Read Only:</b> Field value is only displayed.
    <u><b>What is index?</b></u>
    Customization is stored for a formLayout under the key that is build from the BSP application namespace, BSP application name, plus the page/view on which the formLayout is placed. It is assumed that there will only be one formLayout per view. A typical example would be:
    In addition, a customization key must be specified. Typical examples would be to say this is the default customization for USA, or for the specific branchen Losuegn. The customization key must be supplied with the <phtmlb:fL> tag, and only then will the customization data be read from the database.
    For customization there are three interesting tables.
    The first table PHTMLB_FLI is completed by the developer, and defines a list of all the formLayout items that can be customized. Only for those flItems which customization is possible, will entries be made in this table. The table contains three components:
    <b>NS_APPL_PAGE</b> This is the unique key that identies the formLayout, consisting of namespace, application and page/view.
    <b>FLI_ID</b> Id string of the specific formLayoutItem.
    <b>COMPONENT</b> This is software component to which development applies, for example SAP_BASIS for all BSP development work done by us.
    The second table PHTMLB_FLI_TEXT is just a language dependant text table that describes each item in the formLayout.
    The tables PHTMLB_FLI and PHTMLB_FLI_TEXT are not using during the runtime. They are only of interest for design time. Note that NO tools are provided to make any entries in these tables. This is considered to be in the application domain, and will usually be part of the customization process of the application.
    The third table PHTMLB_FLI_CUST is the only table that is read during the runtime. It is assumed that a customization tool has made the relevant entries for this table.
    <b>NS_APPL_PAGE</b> see above
    <b>VARIANT_KEY</b> This is the specific customization layer that is currently active. This string is equavalent to <pthmlb:fL  customizationKey>. It is used to pull a specific customization.
    <b>FLI_ID</b> see above
    <b>MODIFIER</b> This is the new value to apply. For the possible values, see DDIC domain PHTMLB_FLI_MODIFIER.
    For an example of customization, see BSP application SBSPEXT_PHTMLB, pages formLayout.htm. In this example, the customization can quickly be set via dropdown listboxes. On each request the PHTMLB_FLI_CUST is quickly updated and then the formLayout will find the set of new customization data to use.

  • Phtmlb: space between Label and Field

    I am using <phtmlb:matrix> to arrange the fields next to one another on the view. For fields, <phtmlb:formLayoutInputField> is used in which case the label is taken automatically through binding to DDIC fields. At one particular row of matrix, it is required to break-up the cell in 3 more cells, so that I can display 3 fields adjacent to one another in the space of one cell. For this I am nesting one more matrix inside the outer matrix.
    Something like this...
    <phtmlb:matrixCell row = "1"
    col = "1" />
    <phtmlb:matrixCell row = "2"
    col = "1" />
    ...3 fields next to one another / 3 cells
    I am able to acheive the desired output of 3 fields next to one another, but facing the following problem.
    To get the inner matrix(3 fields) into effect, i need to close the <phtmlb:formLayout>.
    Now, the first row properly shows all the filds one below the other with proper spacing between the label and input output field.
    (Actually all the input_output fileds are placed at a distance of largest text/label in one formlayout).
    But when the second row starts, the spacing between label and field is no longer taken as per the first row in above case.
    Is it because since a new <phtmlb:fomlayout> is started , the spacing will be as per the elements in this new formlyout. If yes, How can I assure the same spacing between elements of two different formlayouts. I tried "fieldToLabelFactor" but since no. of fields in my page is too large, I can't afford to decide this factor for every <phtmlb:formLayout>.
    Or is there any better way to acheive the required output.
    Thanks ,

    did u get the solution?

  • How to work with progressIndicator in ADF

    I'm using Jdeveloper11g,plz explain how to use progressIndicator in ADFFaces

    Hi Binu,
    Actually, I'm shocked - I reviewed the docs myself (now that I'm not on my Blackberry), and found nothing related to af:progressIndicator either. may be a good start for you (even though it's for 10g, the concepts are the same).

  • ADF Faces - Using ProgressIndicator Component as a Process Indicator

    Hi, I'm working on JDeveloper and I'd like to know if there is an example anywhere for the next case:
    I have 2 jspx pages: one is a form with search fields. The other one is a table with the results of the search.
    I made some tests with both Poll and ProgressIndicator so that, when the user clicks the "Search Button", the clock of the ProgressIndicator component appears (just the clock) and, when the search is over, the application redirects you to the results page.
    I had to use javascript and I almost got it, but there's a problem. Once you're in the results page, if you click the "Back" button of the browser, the clock appears as if you're requesting the search again (but you're not, of course)
    Do you know if there is a simpler way to achieve this solving this last problem and without javascript code?
    Thanks in advance

    you can use the JavaScript on the target page in an onLoad statement to delete the browser history. This way the back button doesn't work at all. I received a mail from another customer who did it that way

  • ADF progressIndicator without oracle.adf.view.faces.model.BoundedRangeMode

    I am using progressIndicator for updating large number of database values. But it seems that oracle.adf.view.faces.model is not an opensource. But the progressIndicator using oracle.adf.view.faces.model.BoundedRangeModel. So any one please tell me is it possible to use progressIndicator without using oracle.adf.view.faces.model.BoundedRangeModel. I am updating nearly 10000 records. So it should use the progressIndicator.

    seems that your LOV implementation updates "MdlPrdId" on the table binding directly, which is not supposed to work

  • How to add custom barcolor in ProgressIndicator?

    I want to add custom color to barColor property of ProgressIndicator.
    How user defined color can be added to barColor?

    Just add a styleclass.
    .sapMPIBarNeutral {
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#B8DBEE 0,#006ca7 100%);
    Or stick to the standard and change the "state" property.
    Kind regards,

  • ProgressIndicator in a af: column

    Hello everyone,
    I am having trouble implementing the af: progressIndicator in a af: column.
    Here's the case:
    I have a af: table that shows the status of the loading of some procedures. One of the columns indicates the "completed" number of steps of the procedure. Instead of showing the number of completed procedures I want to show the progressIndicator for each row of the table. I can't figure out how to pass the number of completed steps (of each row) to the progressIndicator. Can anyone help me with this?
    thank you in advance

    The value attribute of the progressIndicator takes a oracle.adf.view.faces.model.BoundedRangeModel. You can define the number of steps for the indicator as a range within this model. Hope that helps.

  • Width of phtmlb:ganttChart

    I just inserted a phtmlb:ganttChart into my WebAS application. Cool stuff.
    Now, I wonder how to set the width of the chart.
    In my case, the chart is inserted into a table, which has width="100%". If the time frame that is shown in the chart is too big to fit on my screen, then everything that does not fit on the screen is cut off and no scrollbars are shown. The same happens is the height of the chart gets too big for my screen (too many rows). Then, the rows at the bottom are cut off as well.

    Hi Singh,
    here is the code i used. hope it's helpful.
      <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0">
            <xhtmlb:overflowContainer id     = "ovfGanttMilestones"
                                      mode   = "SCROLL_WITH_REPOSITION"
                                      width  = "99%"
                                      height = "400px" >
            <phtmlb:ganttChart  id               = "ganttMilestonesGraphic"
                                background       = "GRID"
                                displayWeekends  = "HIGH_LIGHTED"
                                rangeStartDate   = "<%= controller->mv_start_date_gantt%>"
                                rangeEndDate     = "<%= controller->mv_end_date_gantt%>"
                                rangeRows        = "<%= LINES( lt_milestones ) + 1%>"
                                rangeType        = "<%= controller->mv_range_type%>"
                                onRangeDown      = "ganttRangeDown"
                                onRangeUp        = "ganttRangeUp"
                                validate         = "true" >
    <%-- make header columns  --%>
            <% IF lt_milestones IS NOT INITIAL. %>
            <phtmlb:ganttChartHierarchy row   = "1"  collapsed = "FALSE" />
            <% ENDIF. %>
            <phtmlb:ganttChartTextColumn title = "Nr" width="4"/>
              <phtmlb:ganttChartText   row              = "1"
                                       text             = " "
                                       bold             = "true"
                                       indentationLevel = "0"   />
            <% LOOP AT lt_milestones ASSIGNING <fs>. %>
                <phtmlb:ganttChartText row              = "<%= sy-tabix + 1 %>"
                                       text             = "<%=<fs>-mlstn%>"
                                       indentationLevel = "1"   />
            <% ENDLOOP.%>
            <%-- text column 2--%>
            <phtmlb:ganttChartTextColumn title = "Start" width="11"/>
              <phtmlb:ganttChartText   row              = "1"
                                       text             = "Milestones"
                                       bold             = "true"
            <% LOOP AT lt_milestones ASSIGNING <fs>. %>
                <phtmlb:ganttChartText row              = "<%= sy-tabix + 1 %>"
                                       text             = "<%= <fs>-mlstxt%>"
            <% ENDLOOP.%>
            <%-- text column 3--%>
            <phtmlb:ganttChartTextColumn title = "End" width="11"/>
              <phtmlb:ganttChartText   row              = "1"
                                       text             = " "
                                       bold             = "true"
            <% LOOP AT lt_milestones ASSIGNING <fs>. %>
                <phtmlb:ganttChartText row              = "<%= sy-tabix + 1 %>"
                                       text             = "<%=<fs>-mlstxt_end%>"
            <% ENDLOOP.%>
    <%-- now show ganttChart-Elements for milestones --%>
            <% LOOP AT lt_special_milestones ASSIGNING <fs>. %>
              <% IF <fs>-mlst_datum_end IS INITIAL. %>
                  <phtmlb:ganttChartActivity row       = "<%= sy-tabix + 1 %>"
                                             startDate = "<%= <fs>-mlst_datum %>"
                                             endDate   = "<%= <fs>-mlst_datum %>"
                                             text      = "<%= <fs>-mlstxt %>"
                                             type      = "MILESTONE"
                                             color     = "GROUP1" />
              <% ELSE.%>
                  <phtmlb:ganttChartActivity row       = "<%= sy-tabix + 1 %>"
                                             startDate = "<%= <fs>-mlst_datum %>"
                                             endDate   = "<%= <fs>-mlst_datum_end %>"
                                             text      = "<%= <fs>-mlstxt %>"
                                             type      = "DEFAULT"
                                             color     = "GROUP1" />
              <% ENDIF. %>
            <% ENDLOOP.%>

  • ProgressIndicator for migration (export/import) of db tables

    I want to use the "progressIndicator" component of ADF faces for my export-import db tables utility which will be launched by an "Export/Import" button on the UI. For the value of "progressIndicator" component, I am using a bean and extending it to the BoundedRangeModel class where getValue() and getMaximum() methods are being implemented. The problem is, how can I call the export() method "in sync with" my bean getValue() and getMaximum() methods, or will I have to use threads, no workaround? (Here, getValue() should get the value from some log db table which will get updated by the export() method)

    I have done this in the past using this general approach:
    1). Class that actually does the exports is a thread. As it progresses, it updates a "percent complete" somewhere, perhaps in a session-scoped managed bean that has been injected upon creation.
    2). Web page has progress indicator and af:poll to update the indicator periodically. progress indicator uses percent complete from the session bean that is updated by the thread.
    3). Upon user clicking "export" - instantiate and run the thread.
    Don't actually have time to post the actual code here, but I know I put this in a post earlier (perhaps last year).

  • ProgressIndicator and  hourglass for long running processes

    Hi all,
    Iam using Oracle ADF 10g with EJBs.
    I have a long running process for which I want to give the user an indication of its progress. The process is run upon clicking a submit button.
    I have tested the use of the combination of progressIndicator + poll according to the example of Gerger consulting( but it did not work. The problem is that my long running process hangs the page and the progress bar does not work until the process has finished.
    I have seen a similar post in this foum (Re: How to run long background jobs in ADF applications where a user complains that there is not an Oracle method for running asynchronous processes from Oracle ADF.
    I've tested to isolate my asynchronous process with the progressIndicator + poll in a single ADF page. The process is being activated from an invokeAction from the executables of the pagedef file. But again the process hangs the page and the progressIndicator does not display at all.
    So I have abandoned the idea of the progress indicator and Iam thinking of using an hourglass.
    Is there an example or guidelines of how I can do it?

    Thanks John for your reply,
    Iam still working on the progressIndicator. I have read the discussion thoroughly quite many times.
    One thing I have not yet figured out from your discussion is how you manage to create the long-running-process thread within an action method within the managed bean and make the thread still be active, while the parent action method has finished.
    Usually the managed beans attached to a .jspx pages has request scope. So a commandButton's action method (that will spawn the long running thread) will finish much earlier than the thread and it will kill the thread.

Maybe you are looking for

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