Picking and packing changing status date?

Hello friends,
I need to know where is registered the date when you change the status to 'B' or 'C' in picking and packing. And if is possible to introduce a planned date for packing as in picking we have KODAT.
Can you help me??? please!!!

One efficient way of doing it is to get this from CDHDR and CDPOS, the tables the hold the change documents(change log). This is effective but performance intensive.
KODAT has the planned Picking date. It doesn't reflect the actual picking date.
Hope it helps.
Good luck

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    I have various sales orders in pick and pack manager (picked tab) for the same customer.
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    I've found the answer. It's in SAP Note 870655.
    "The pick and pack manager creates the deliveries from the ship to adresse from the business partner.
    If you change the ship to addresse on the BP after you have created the first sales order, you will have two sales orders with two different addresses and this is why you also will get two different deliveries."

  • Negative Qty in Pick and Pack Manager

    Hi all, I've the following problem with SBO 2005A, is there someone who can help me?
    I need to print pick lists even if "qty available to release" is less than the open qty.
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    In other words: in the morning I receive goods from my supplier, in the late morning I must issue sales orders. I would need to print pick lists before acquiring goods (in Sap).
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    regarding article ABC
    qty in stock = 4
    qty in a PO = 100 (delivery date today)
    qty in a Sales Order = 30 (delivery date tomorrow)
    I would like to print a pick list with qty 30. Total available could be 74 (100+4 -30) or -26, it doesn't matter.
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    I have the same problem at my client site and I think we need to rethink the logic for the Pick and Pack Manager.  What if inventory quantity is wrong?  Or, what if you need visibility of the whole Sales Order in the warehouse and the shipping people do not have access to the Sales Order module.  I suggest you allow the user to print Sales Order Items on the Pick List that, according to Sap, does not have availability.  The Picker could find sufficient quantity on the shelf or the order may need to be partially picked and staged until the rest of the order becomes available. 
    If you check the Block Negative Inventory box in Document Settings, then prevent the zero quantity item from appearing on the Pick List.

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    You know, in a user exit or a BADi you can access any variable of the program you want.
    Just find what which program calls the Exit User, put a break-point in it, and find the variable you need to access.
    Then add this kind code in your Exit :
    DATA: l_var TYPE ....
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_var>    TYPE ANY.
    ASSIGN ('(PGMNAME)variable') TO <fs_var>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      l_var = <fs_var>.
    Same thing for a table :
    DATA: lt_var TYPE TABLE OF....
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_var>    TYPE ANY.
    ASSIGN ('(PGMNAME)table[]') TO <fs_var>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      lt_var[] = <fs_var>.
    LOOP AT lt_var ASSIGNING ...

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    nonetheless. Am I forgetting something ?
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    to a user defined table, but I'm getting an error message:"Item - The item is
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    Hi Carl,
    1) What do you mean by "much higher then I Expected"? The elements should line up nicely by their top. A button is higher then a checkbox, so they will not line up at the center, btu at the top...
    2) First a note; there will be major changes for the pick and pack manager in the next release of SB1 (2006 version) so you might want to keep in mind that you have to rebuild everything in the near future.
    Concerning your problem; it's correct that you aren't allowed to change a system matrix. One solution could be to set the visability of the system Matrix to false, and add a own Matrix on top of it. Note that you have to create the neccassery functionality for that Matrix yourself.
    Hope this helps,

  • Orders for On-hold Customers in Pick and Pack

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    Thanks Gordon, I finally found the time to follow your advice.
    In case it is at all useful to anyone else the change I made to Transaction Notification was as follows
    IF     @transaction_Type IN (N'A',N'U')
    AND     @object_type = 156
         IF EXISTS (
              SELECT          T1.AbsEntry
              FROM          OPKL T1
              INNER JOIN     PKL1 T2
                   ON     T1.AbsEntry = T2.AbsEntry
              INNER JOIN     ORDR T3
                   ON     T2.OrderEntry = T3.DocEntry
              INNER JOIN     OCRD T4
                   ON     T3.CardCode = T4.CardCode
              WHERE          T1.AbsEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
                   AND     T4.frozenFor = 'Y'
              DECLARE          @DocEntry int
              SELECT          TOP 1 @DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
              FROM          OPKL T1
              INNER JOIN     PKL1 T2
                   ON     T1.AbsEntry = T2.AbsEntry
              INNER JOIN     ORDR T3
                   ON     T2.OrderEntry = T3.DocEntry
              INNER JOIN     OCRD T4
                   ON     T3.CardCode = T4.CardCode
              WHERE          T1.AbsEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
                   AND     T4.frozenFor = 'Y'
              SELECT          @error = 156,
                        @error_message = 'Customer is on hold for order ' + CAST(@DocEntry AS varchar(10)) + ' - picklist cannot be progressed (SP_TransactionNotification)'

  • Inactive customers not in pick and pack manager

    In 8.8 the inactive/on hold functionality has changed - according to SAP note 1480670 business partners who are set to 'Inactive' will not show in any 'choose from' lists. It appears that this also applies to the pick and pack manager - is there any way of changing this so that orders due are shown regardless of whether the customer is inactive or not?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Kate,
    I have tested this , it is SAP System Behaviour. Inactive BP will not be available to be choosen in the Pick and Pack manager.
    Rakesh N

  • Picking and Packing through handheld devices in B1

    The distribution client has already Handheld devices which he wants to integrate to B1. normally in B1 picking list is created and than goes to packing list and than its ready for the dispatch.
    He wants to use those handheld devices when picking those items it reflects in the system that certain items against that picking list have been captured and now can be packed.
    what are technical information is required for this and where wqe can do it.
    kindly reply.

    There are a few things to consider as your client ventures into this integration project.
    All handheld devices in some way are linked to a base system. First investiagte how the handheld is being currently used.  The data from the handheld should be getting transferred to some base system / base station.  This is the point from where you should plan your integration with SAP B1.
    In SAP, you will need to use the Pick and Pack process in order for this to work right.
    The Pick and Pack process stores information on Orders Released to pick on a table which the information from the handheld cam be used to update as to What has been picked.
    Then the regular process of copying the Picked items to Delivery and Delivey to AR Invoice will happen in SAP B1.

  • Pick and Pack / Goods Issue with Multi Batch Pickup

    Dear Friends,
    Can anyone explain me the process of Pick and Pack / Goods Issue with Multi Batch Pickup.

    Hi Mathur,
    Please refer these links on working with batch splits in deliveries :
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/38/c1853488601e33e10000009b38f83b/frameset.htm">Batch split</a>
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/38/c1853488601e33e10000009b38f83b/frameset.htm">Executing Multi batch</a>
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/38/c1853488601e33e10000009b38f83b/frameset.htm">Transferring Batch Data from Deliveries into Warehouse Management</a>
    Hope it helps. Please reward if useful.
    Thanks & Regards
    Sadhu Kishore

  • Item not showing in Pick and Pack manager

    Hello All,
    One of the user added GRPO with 5 Items, but in Pick and Pack manager I can see only 4 Items from that GRPO.
    Can anyone help to find out the cause for this.

    Hello All,
    Following is the screenshot of GRPO, SO and Pick and Pack manager.
    Item no. 26105-003 is not showing in the Pick and Pack manager. all other items are there.

  • Picking and Packing manager

    Hello everyone,
    A customer uses the Pick and Pack functionality of SAP Business One to process the deliveris for up to 100 sales orders at a time (an average of about 400 lines in the picking list). In version 2007A SP 01 PL08 this function consumes a lot of memory, it takes a long time to deliver results and sometimes it causes the system to crash. I checked the SAP notes related to the Pick and Pack tool and found that this is indeed a problem but I am not certain whether it has been solved for good. According to what I got from the notes, the version my customer uses should not have this problem.
    I upgraded the customer's database to 8.8 SP 00 PL 13, moved it to a bigger server and we ran several tests. The system works fine with the usual load (100 orders, 400 lines) but we ran a test where the 100 orders contained over 2000 lines and the system crashed displaying a message about insufficient memory.
    What I would like to know if the performance problems related to the Picking and Packing manager have been solved, if so in what circumstances, what are the maximum number of lines or sales orders that SBO can handle without crashing, and whether there exists a particular process that could be followed to ensure that the tool presents the best performance.
    I would greatly appreciate any help with this issue.
    Thanks in advance and best regards,
    PS. The server that we are working on with version 8.8 are the following:
    2 Intel Xeon Quad processors (2.6 GHz)
    12 GB RAM Memory
    around 300 GB hard disk
    Windows Server 2003 R2 (64bits)

    I suggest you to use the server that have minimum 16 GB memories.
    The SAP B1 can run either in 64 bit or 32 bit servers. In this case, it is better to use 64 bit.
    So, SAP can run in such memories.
    After the server spec is upgraded, you must upgrade the B1 version from 13 to 16. Let see if it solved the issue.
    We have B1 customer that have more than 1000 rows in its PO and processing 200 POs everyday but have no problem in the performance since they use sun server quadcore processors and 16 gb memories

  • RF Pick and Pack delivery sequence going by material rather than bin locati

    Hi All,
    During picking and packing through RF we are entering the TO number and after that packaging barcode. Everything is working fine but transaction has some kind of logic where its taking the warehouse picker around different aisles based upon material rather than bin location.
    Transaction for wave/discrete picking doesn't have this problem.
    Can someone please advise how to fix this?
    Edited by: Csaba Szommer on Feb 6, 2012 8:37 AM

    Hi Frenchy
    TO sort profile is setup for picking correctly but nothing for picking and packing. For some reason picking sort profile is not kicking in when using picking and packing.
    Any other suggestions???

  • RF Pick and Pack delivery going by material rather than bin location

    Hi All,
    During picking and packing through RF we are entering the TO number and after that packaging barcode. Everything is working fine but transaction has some kind of logic where its taking the warehouse picker around different aisles based upon material rather than bin location.
    Transaction for wave/discrete picking doesn't have this problem.
    Can someone please advise how to fix this?

    Hi Frenchy
    TO sort profile is setup for picking correctly but nothing for picking and packing. For some reason picking sort profile is not kicking in when using picking and packing.
    Any other suggestions???

  • Pick and Pack - Cant add the Delivery transaction Directly

    Hi All,
    Upon selecting the Orders in Pick and Pack Manager and Selecting the Deliver Option, delivery screen opens for every order that we have selected for which we need to add and confirm the Delivery.
    Thus if I have 100+ sales orders in Pick n Pack I need to add the Delivery transaction 100+ times.
    Is there any alternative way where Delivery Transaction is added automatically like u add Purchase Order from Order Recommendation.?
    Thanks in advance.

    I think there is no way to add all the Orders directly to Delivery by single shot in Default SBO( U have to add one by one delivery ), For achieve this u have to try with SDK only.
    Also  as u said if ur making 100+ delivers from 100+order at single shot then in SAP all the deliver entries will be posted but at the end of the day if u have not deliverd some of the deliveries and these time it will be a problem (Bcoz physically items will be in ur stock ).. so u have to think on this terms....

  • Pick and Pack check Fulfillment% not only by item but also by document

    when user set sales order set
    Allow Partial Delivery per Row = FALSE
    Allow Partial Delivery = FALSE
    when Pick and Pack check Fulfillment% set 100-100
    i have a sales order which have multi-line . but line 2 item didn't have enough quantity.so this document can not  shipping because it do not allow partial delivery.
    But in Pick and Pack manager still include some line in picklist which the item line  Fulfillment% = 100.
    This kind of pick list will very confuse warehouse person.
    Edited by: Jimmy Cheng on Jan 24, 2008 12:43 PM

    Sorry, it seems that the responsible people are too busy with other tasks.
    I had raised the lacking presence to someone in that area 3 months back - and he confirmed that they need to engage more, but apparently that didn't come true yet to the extent it should.
    I'll try again.

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