PL/PDF and object permissions

We are currently examining PL/PDF to generate PDF reports from ApEx.
The PL/PDF objects are installed in a separate schema (plpdf), including the "query_printing" procedure.
Now we want to use the plpdf functionality from multiple other schema's by calling the "query_printing" procedure with a query as parameter.
So this means :
- granting EXECUTE permissions on plpdf and query_printing to all other users
- granting SELECT permissions to the plpdf user on all tables used in the query that is passed to the query_printing procedure
Is this the recommended way of working ? It seems a bit hard to maintain to me.

Did you ever solve this question?
I am thinking of using this feature but want to avoid pitfalls like this.

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    The "embed" feature common to MS Office applications is not applicable to PDF (for the why and wherefore of PDF get comfortable and read the ISO Standard for PDF - ISO 32000-1:2008).
    You can insert other PDF files' pages into any given PDF.
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  • Dynamic CRM 2013 Online how to execute Report, generate PDF and email

    Dear All,
    I am using Dynamic CRM 2013 online. For quote, I have workflow and Dialogue processes for review process. On approval, I want the system to generate a PDF of quote report, attach the PDF and email it to the Customer.
    Better I would like, When approver, clicks on the approve button, the system should auto generate a PDF of quote report, attach the PDF and email it to the Customer, without any further input from the user. If its not possible, I may have to put button on
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    I am using the attached code, but facing various issues.
    1. Under prepare the SOAP Message coding part, I am not sure what should be the below URL for CRM 2013 Online?
    xHReq.Open("POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/CrmService.asmx", false);
    2. What should be the emailid here? Is it Recepient Contact id(Guid) ?
    var emailid = resultXml.selectSingleNode("//CreateResult").nodeTypedValue;
    alert("emailid" + emailid.toString());
    3. Using this code, not able to create Entity for "ActivityMimeAttachment", I am getting newEntity as undefined.
    Below is the code I am using. Please check and help me out, where I am going wrong. Let me know if any better way to implement it. At present, I have put one button on quote form, on click event, below code will get executed.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Xrm;
    if (window.opener) { Xrm = window.opener.Xrm; }
    else if (window.parent) { Xrm = window.parent.Xrm; }
    function getReportingSession() {
    var reportName = "Quotation_Report"; //set this to the report you are trying to download
    var reportId = "7C39D18F-1DC6-E311-8986-D89D6765B238"; //set this to the guid of the report you are trying to download
    var recordid =;
    // recordid = recordid.substring(1, 37); //getting rid of curly brackets
    var pth = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "/CRMReports/rsviewer/reportviewer.aspx";
    var retrieveEntityReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", pth, false);
    retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*");
    retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    retrieveEntityReq.send("id=%7B" + reportId + "%7D&uniquename=" + Xrm.Page.context.getOrgUniqueName() + "&iscustomreport=true&reportnameonsrs=&reportName=" + reportName + "&isScheduledReport=false");
    var x = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("ReportSession=");
    var ret = new Array();
    ret[0] = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.substr(x + 14, retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("&", x) - x - 14); //the session id
    x = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("ControlID=");
    ret[1] = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.substr(x + 10, retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("&", x) - x - 10); //the control id
    return ret;
    function createEntity(ent, entName, upd) {
    var jsonEntity = JSON.stringify(ent);
    var createEntityReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var ODataPath = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";"POST", ODataPath + "/" + entName + "Set" + upd, false);
    createEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    createEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    var newEntity = JSON.parse(createEntityReq.responseText).d;
    alert("new entity" + newEntity);
    return newEntity;
    function createAttachment() {
    var params = getReportingSession();
    var recordid =;
    alert("recordid " + recordid);
    var orgName = Xrm.Page.context.getOrgUniqueName();
    var userID = Xrm.Page.context.getUserId();
    //create email record
    // Prepare the SOAP message.
    var xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" +"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=''" +
    " xmlns:xsi=''" +
    " xmlns:xsd=''>" +
    "<soap:Header>" +
    "</soap:Header>" +
    "<soap:Body>" +
    "<Create xmlns=''>" +
    "<entity xsi:type='email'>" +
    "<regardingobjectid type='quote'>" + recordid + "</regardingobjectid>" +
    "<subject>" + "Email with Attachment4" + "</subject>" +
    "</entity>" +
    "</Create>" +
    "</soap:Body>" +
    // Prepare the xmlHttpObject and send the request.
    var xHReq = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
    xHReq.Open("POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/CrmService.asmx", false);
    xHReq.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
    xHReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
    xHReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", xml.length);
    // Capture the result
    var resultXml = xHReq.responseXML;
    // alert("resultXml " + resultXml);
    // Check for errors.
    var errorCount = resultXml.selectNodes('//error').length;
    if (errorCount != 0) {
    var msg = resultXml.selectSingleNode('//description').nodeTypedValue;
    var emailid = resultXml.selectSingleNode("//CreateResult").nodeTypedValue;
    alert("emailid" + emailid.toString());
    //var emailid = userID;
    var post = Object();
    post.Body = encodePdf(params);
    var email = new Array();
    email[0] =new Object();
    email[0].id = emailid;
    email[0].entityType ='email';
    post.Subject ="File Attachment";
    post.AttachmentNumber = 1;
    post.FileName ="Report.pdf";
    post.MimeType ="application/pdf";
    post.ObjectId = Object();
    post.ObjectId.LogicalName ="email";
    post.ObjectId.Id = email[0].id;
    post.ObjectTypeCode ="email";
    createEntity(post,"ActivityMimeAttachment", "");
    alert("created successfully");
    email.Subject = "Your Order";
    //Set The current order as the Regarding object
    email.RegardingObjectId = {
    Id:, //Get the current entity Id , here OrderId
    LogicalName: the current entity name, here it will be “salesOrder”
    //Create Email Activity
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations.Create(email, "Email", EmailCallBack, function (error) { alert(error.message); });
    // Email Call Back function
    function EmailCallBack(result) {
    email = result; // Set the email to result to use it later in email attachment for retrieving activity Id
    var activityPartyFrom = new Object();
    // Set the From party of the ActivityParty to relate an entity with Email From field
    activityPartyFrom.PartyId = {
    Id: customerId, // id of entity you want to associate this activity with.
    LogicalName: "contact"
    // Set the "activity" of the ActivityParty
    activityPartyFrom.ActivityId = {
    Id: result.ActivityId,
    LogicalName: "email"
    // Now set the participation type that describes the role of the party on the activity).
    activityPartyFrom.ParticipationTypeMask = { Value: 2 }; // 2 means ToRecipients
    // Create the from ActivityParty for the email
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations.Create(activityPartyFrom, "ActivityParty", ActivityPartyFromCallBack, function (error) { alert(error.message); });
    var activityPartyTo = new Object();
    // Set the From party of the ActivityParty to relate an entity with Email From field
    activityPartyTo.PartyId = {
    Id: ownerId, // id of entity you want to associate this activity with.
    LogicalName: "systemuser"
    // Set the "activity" of the ActivityParty
    activityPartyTo.ActivityId = {
    Id: result.ActivityId,
    LogicalName: "email"
    // Now set the participation type that describes the role of the party on the activity). activityPartyTo.ParticipationTypeMask = { Value: 1 }; // 1 means Sender
    // Create the from ActivityParty
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations.Create(activityPartyTo, "ActivityParty", ActivityPartyToCallBack, function (error) { alert(error.message); });
    //ActivityParty From Callback
    function ActivityPartyFromCallBack(result) {
    //ActivityParty To Callback
    function ActivityPartyToCallBack(result) {
    var StringMaker = function () { = [];
    this.length = 0;
    this.append = function (s) {;
    this.length += s.length;
    this.prepend = function (s) {;
    this.length += s.length;
    this.toString = function () {
    var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
    function encode64(input) {
    var output = new StringMaker();
    var chr1, chr2, chr3;
    var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
    var i = 0;
    while (i < input.length) {
    chr1 = input[i++];
    chr2 = input[i++];
    chr3 = input[i++];
    enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
    enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
    enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
    enc4 = chr3 & 63;
    if (isNaN(chr2)) {
    enc3 = enc4 = 64;
    else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
    enc4 = 64;
    output.append(keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4));
    return output.toString();
    var bdy = new Array();
    var bdyLen = 0;
    function concat2Bdy(x) {
    bdy[bdyLen] = x;
    function encodePdf(params) {
    bdy = new Array();
    bdyLen = 0;
    var retrieveEntityReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var pth = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?ReportSession=" + params[0] + "&Culture=1033&CultureOverrides=True&UICulture=1033&UICultureOverrides=True&ReportStack=1&ControlID=" + params[1] + "&OpType=Export&FileName=Public&ContentDisposition=OnlyHtmlInline&Format=PDF";"GET", pth, false);
    retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*");
    return encode64(bdy);
    <SCRIPT type=text/vbscript>
    Function BinaryToArray(Binary)
    Dim i
    ReDim byteArray(LenB(Binary))
    For i = 1 To LenB(Binary)
    byteArray(i-1) = AscB(MidB(Binary, i, 1))
    concat2Bdy(AscB(MidB(Binary, i, 1)))
    BinaryToArray = byteArray
    End Function
    <input type="button" onclick="createAttachment();" value="Attach Report" />
    Thanks. and waiting for your valuable comments.
    - Mittal

    Yes, I was able to make my code working as below. Tested on CRM online 2013.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    if (typeof (SDK) == "undefined")
    { SDK = { __namespace: true }; }
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations = {
    _context: function () {
    if (typeof GetGlobalContext != "undefined")
    { return GetGlobalContext(); }
    else {
    if (typeof Xrm != "undefined") {
    return Xrm.Page.context;
    else { return new Error("Context is not available."); }
    _getServerUrl: function () {
    var serverUrl = this._context().getServerUrl()
    if (serverUrl.match(/\/$/)) {
    serverUrl = serverUrl.substring(0, serverUrl.length - 1);
    return serverUrl;
    _ODataPath: function () {
    return this._getServerUrl() + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/";
    _errorHandler: function (req) {
    return new Error("Error : " +
    req.status + ": " +
    req.statusText + ": " +
    _dateReviver: function (key, value) {
    var a;
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
    a = /Date\(([-+]?\d+)\)/.exec(value);
    if (a) {
    return new Date(parseInt(value.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10));
    return value;
    Create: function (object, type, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", this._ODataPath() + type + "Set", true);
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
    if (this.status == 201) {
    successCallback(JSON.parse(this.responseText, SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations._dateReviver).d);
    else {
    Retrieve: function (id, type, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", this._ODataPath() + type + "Set(guid'" + id + "')", true);
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
    if (this.status == 200) {
    successCallback(JSON.parse(this.responseText, SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations._dateReviver).d);
    else {
    Update: function (id, object, type, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", this._ODataPath() + type + "Set(guid'" + id + "')", true);
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    req.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method", "MERGE");
    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
    if (this.status == 204 || this.status == 1223) {
    else {
    Delete: function (id, type, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", this._ODataPath() + type + "Set(guid'" + id + "')", true);
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    req.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method", "DELETE");
    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
    if (this.status == 204 || this.status == 1223) {
    else {
    RetrieveMultiple: function (type, filter, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    if (filter != null) {
    filter = "?" + filter;
    else { filter = ""; }
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", this._ODataPath() + type + "Set" + filter, true);
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
    if (this.status == 200) {
    successCallback(JSON.parse(this.responseText, SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations._dateReviver).d.results);
    else {
    __namespace: true
    <script type="text/javascript">
    //Create Email and link it with Order as Regarding field
    var Xrm;
    var email = new Object();
    var ownerID = "";
    var CustomerId = "";
    if (window.opener) { Xrm = window.opener.Xrm; }
    else if (window.parent) { Xrm = window.parent.Xrm; }
    //Get ownerid who send email of quotation to customer
    function GetOwnerID() {
    var owner = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("ownerid").getValue();
    ownerID = owner[0].id;
    var ownerName = owner[0].name;
    var entityType = owner[0].entityType;
    //Get customerid who receive email of quotation from owner
    function GetToEmailGUID() {
    var Customer = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('customerid').getValue();
    CustomerId = Customer[0].id;
    var CustomerName = Customer[0].name;
    var entityType = Customer[0].entityType;
    //if CustomerId is type of "Account" then get Primary Contact id of that account
    if (entityType == "account") {
    var contact = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("customerid").getValue();
    if (contact === null) return;
    var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl();
    var oDataSelect = serverUrl + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/AccountSet(guid'" + contact[0].id + "')?$select=PrimaryContactId";
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", oDataSelect, false);
    req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (req.readyState === 4) {
    if (req.status === 200) {
    var retrieved = JSON.parse(req.responseText).d;
    CustomerId = retrieved.PrimaryContactId.Id;
    else {
    function CreateEmail() {
    email.Subject = "Email with Report Attachment";
    //Set The current order as the Regarding object
    email.RegardingObjectId = {
    Id:, //Get the current entity Id , here OrderId
    LogicalName: the current entity name, here it will be “salesOrder”
    //Create Email Activity
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations.Create(email, "Email", EmailCallBack, function (error) { alert(error.message); });
    // Email Call Back function
    function EmailCallBack(result) {
    email = result; // Set the email to result to use it later in email attachment for retrieving activity Id
    var activityPartyFrom = new Object();
    // Set the From party of the ActivityParty to relate an entity with Email From field
    activityPartyFrom.PartyId = {
    Id: CustomerId, //"79EBDD26-FDBE-E311-8986-D89D6765B238", // id of entity you want to associate this activity with.
    LogicalName: "contact"
    // Set the "activity" of the ActivityParty
    activityPartyFrom.ActivityId = {
    Id: result.ActivityId,
    LogicalName: "email"
    // Now set the participation type that describes the role of the party on the activity).
    activityPartyFrom.ParticipationTypeMask = { Value: 2 }; // 2 means ToRecipients
    // Create the from ActivityParty for the email
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations.Create(activityPartyFrom, "ActivityParty", ActivityPartyFromCallBack, function (error) { alert(error.message); });
    var activityPartyTo = new Object();
    // Set the From party of the ActivityParty to relate an entity with Email From field
    activityPartyTo.PartyId = {
    Id: ownerID, //"79EBDD26-FDBE-E311-8986-D89D6765B238", // id of entity you want to associate this activity with.
    LogicalName: "systemuser"
    // Set the "activity" of the ActivityParty
    activityPartyTo.ActivityId = {
    Id: result.ActivityId,
    LogicalName: "email"
    // Now set the participation type that describes the role of the party on the activity).
    activityPartyTo.ParticipationTypeMask = { Value: 1 }; // 1 means Sender
    // Create the from ActivityParty
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations.Create(activityPartyTo, "ActivityParty", ActivityPartyToCallBack, function (error) { alert(error.message); });
    //ActivityParty From Callback
    function ActivityPartyFromCallBack(result) {
    //ActivityParty To Callback
    function ActivityPartyToCallBack(result) {
    //Create attachment for the created email
    function CreateEmailAttachment() {
    //get reporting session and use the params to convert a report in PDF
    var params = getReportingSession();
    //Email attachment parameters
    var activitymimeattachment = Object();
    activitymimeattachment.ObjectId = Object();
    activitymimeattachment.ObjectId.LogicalName = "email";
    activitymimeattachment.ObjectId.Id = email.ActivityId;
    activitymimeattachment.ObjectTypeCode = "email",
    activitymimeattachment.Subject = "File Attachment";
    activitymimeattachment.Body = encodePdf(params);
    activitymimeattachment.FileName = "Report.pdf";
    activitymimeattachment.MimeType = "application/pdf";
    //Attachment call
    SDK.JScriptRESTDataOperations.Create(activitymimeattachment, "ActivityMimeAttachment", ActivityMimeAttachmentCallBack, function (error) { alert(error.message); });
    //ActivityMimeAttachment CallBack function
    function ActivityMimeAttachmentCallBack(result) {
    var features = "location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes";
    var width = "800px";
    var height = "600px"; + "main.aspx?etc=" + 4202 + "&pagetype=entityrecord&id=" + email.ActivityId, "_blank", features);
    // To open window which works in outlook and IE both
    //openStdWin(Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "main.aspx?etc=" + 4202 + "&pagetype=entityrecord&id=" + email.ActivityId, "_blank", width, height, features);
    //This method will get the reportId based on a report name that will be used in getReportingSession() function
    function GetReportId(reportName) {
    var oDataSetName = "ReportSet";
    var columns = "ReportId";
    var filter = "Name eq '" + reportName + "'";
    retrieveMultiple(oDataSetName, columns, filter, onSuccess);
    function retrieveMultiple(odataSetName, select, filter, successCallback) {
    var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
    var ODATA_ENDPOINT = "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";
    var odataUri = serverUrl + ODATA_ENDPOINT + "/" + odataSetName + "?";
    if (select) {
    odataUri += "$select=" + select + "&";
    if (filter) {
    odataUri += "$filter=" + filter;
    type: "GET",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    datatype: "json",
    url: odataUri,
    beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
    XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    success: function (data) {
    if (successCallback) {
    if (data && data.d && data.d.results) {
    else if (data && data.d) {
    else {
    error: function (XmlHttpRequest, errorThrown) {
    if (XmlHttpRequest && XmlHttpRequest.responseText) {
    alert("Error while retrieval ; Error – " + XmlHttpRequest.responseText);
    function onSuccess(data) {
    reportId = data[0].ReportId.replace('{', ").replace('}', ");
    CreateEmailAttachment(); // Create Email Attachment
    //Gets the report contents
    function getReportingSession() {
    var pth = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "/CRMReports/rsviewer/reportviewer.aspx";
    var retrieveEntityReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var Id =;
    var quotationGUID = Id.replace('{', ""); //set this to selected quotation GUID
    quotationGUID = quotationGUID.replace('}', "");
    var reportName = "Quotation"; //set this to the report you are trying to download
    var reportID = "7C39D18F-1DC6-E311-8986-D89D6765B238"; //set this to the guid of the report you are trying to download
    var rptPathString = ""; //set this to the CRMF_Filtered parameter
    var strParameterXML = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'><entity name='quote'><all-attributes /><filter type='and'><condition attribute='quoteid' operator='eq' uitype='quote' value='" + quotationGUID + "' /> </filter></entity></fetch>";"POST", pth, false);
    retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*");
    retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    rptPathString = "id=%7B" + reportID + "%7D&uniquename=" + Xrm.Page.context.getOrgUniqueName() + "&iscustomreport=true&reportnameonsrs=&reportName=" +
    reportName + "&isScheduledReport=false&p:CRMAF_Filteredquote=" + strParameterXML;
    //remove the part starting from &p:salesorderid if your report has no parameters
    var x = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("ReportSession=");
    var ret = new Array();
    ret[0] = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.substr(x + 14, retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("&", x) - x - 14); //the session id
    x = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("ControlID=");
    ret[1] = retrieveEntityReq.responseText.substr(x + 10, retrieveEntityReq.responseText.indexOf("&", x) - x - 10); //the control id
    return ret;
    var bdy = new Array();
    var bdyLen = 0;
    function concat2Bdy(x) {
    bdy[bdyLen] = x;
    function encodePdf(params) {
    bdy = new Array();
    bdyLen = 0;
    var retrieveEntityReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var pth = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?ReportSession=" + params[0] +
    "&Culture=1033&CultureOverrides=True&UICulture=1033&UICultureOverrides=True&ReportStack=1&ControlID=" + params[1] +
    "&OpType=Export&FileName=Public&ContentDisposition=OnlyHtmlInline&Format=PDF";"GET", pth, false);
    retrieveEntityReq.setRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*");
    return encode64(bdy);
    var StringMaker = function () { = [];
    this.length = 0;
    this.append = function (s) {;
    this.length += s.length;
    this.prepend = function (s) {;
    this.length += s.length;
    this.toString = function () {
    var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
    function encode64(input) {
    var output = new StringMaker();
    var chr1, chr2, chr3;
    var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
    var i = 0;
    while (i < input.length) {
    chr1 = input[i++];
    chr2 = input[i++];
    chr3 = input[i++];
    enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
    enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
    enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
    enc4 = chr3 & 63;
    if (isNaN(chr2)) {
    enc3 = enc4 = 64;
    } else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
    enc4 = 64;
    output.append(keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4));
    return output.toString();
    <script type="text/vbscript">
    Function BinaryToArray(Binary)
    Dim i
    ReDim byteArray(LenB(Binary))
    For i = 1 To LenB(Binary)
    byteArray(i-1) = AscB(MidB(Binary, i, 1))
    concat2Bdy(AscB(MidB(Binary, i, 1)))
    BinaryToArray = byteArray
    End Function
    <input type="button" onclick="CreateEmail();" value="Attach Report" />
    Thank you,

  • Convert a web report into pdf and print (in BW 3.5)

    Hello gurus,
    i have few web reports ( created using WAD). i am looking for a possibility to convert a web report (viewed in a browser by a user) into pdf and print them and this should be done by pressing a button.
    Is it possible in BW 3.5 version?.
    could anyone please help me?
    Any how to docs. would be really helpful.
    thanks and regards

    Here it is
    <!-- BW data source object tags -->
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_DATA_PROVIDER"/>
             <param name="NAME" value="DATAPROVIDER_1"/>
             <param name="DATA_PROVIDER_ID" value=""/>
             DATA_PROVIDER:             DATAPROVIDER_1
             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
             <param name="CMD" value="SET_PROPERTIES"/>
             <param name="TEMPLATE_ID" value="ZPD_ADHOC_PAGE"/>
             <param name="MENU_BACK" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_BACK_TO_START" value=""/>
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             <param name="MENU_SORT" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_CALCULATE_RESULT" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_CALCULATE_VALUE" value=""/>
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             <param name="MENU_DISPLAY_DOCUMENTS" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_DOCUMENT_CREATE" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_DISPLAY_DOCUMENT_PROP" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_DISPLAY_DOCUMENT_SELEC" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_RRI" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_EXPORT_TO_CSV" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_EXPORT_TO_XLS" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_BOOKMARK" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_CHARACTERISTIC_PROPERTIES" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_VALUE_PROPERTIES" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_QUERY_PROPERTIES" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_VARIABLE_SCREEN" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_CURRENCY_CONVERSION" value=""/>
             <param name="MENU_ENHANCED" value=""/>
    <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft DHTML Editing Control">
    <TITLE>SAP BW Reporting Print Page</TITLE>
    <link href="/sap/bw/Mime/BEx/StyleSheets/BWReports.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
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    //   Global Variable Definition
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    function datestamp(){
               var Today = new Date()
    function getReportTitle() {
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                         var rpttitle =  "Unspecified Query Title";
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                                 hdr3 = hdr3 + (myHdr3.substring(i,i+1));
                         var hdr3 =  "#";
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                         var asof =  "";
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          headingHTM += '</STRONG></font></TD><TD Rowspan="' + headingspancnt + '" align="right" vAlign="top"><input type="image" border="0" name="SAPLogo" src="/sap/bw/Mime/Customer/Images/images.jpg" alt="SAP Logo"></TD></TR>';
          if (header2 != '#') headingHTM += '<TR><TD vAlign="top" align="left"><FONT Size=1>' + header2 + '</FONT></TD></TR>';
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          headingHTM += queryTitle;
          headingHTM += '</STRONG></font></TD><TD Rowspan="' + headingspancnt + '" Colspan="' + rightspancnt  + '" align="right" vAlign="top"><input type="image" border="0" name="SAPLogo" src="/sap/bw/Mime/Customer/Images/images.jpg" alt="SAP Logo"></TD></TR>';
          if (header2 != '#') headingHTM += '<TR><TD vAlign="top" align="left" Colspan="' + leftspancnt + '"><FONT Size=1>' + header2 + '</FONT></TD></TR>';
          if (header3 != '#') headingHTM += '<TR><TD vAlign="top" align="left" Colspan="' + leftspancnt + '"><FONT Size=1>' + header3 + '</FONT></TD></TR>';
          headingHTM += '<TR><TD vAlign="top" align="left" Colspan="' + leftspancnt + '"><FONT Size=1>' + asofDateTime + '</FONT></TD></TR>';
          headingHTM += '<TR><TD vAlign="top" align="left" Colspan="' + ColumnCnt + '"><hr size=2 color=black align=left></TD></TR>';
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          footingHTM += '<TR><TD vAlign="top" align="left" nowrap Colspan="' + leftspancnt + '"><FONT Size=1>Prepared: ';
          footingHTM += PrintDateTimeStamp;
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          footingHTM = footingHTM + 'Page ' + currPage.toString() + ' of ' + varPageTotal.toString();
          footingHTM += '</FONT></TD></TR>';
       return footingHTM;
    function GetReportFooting() {
       var footingHTM = "";
       footingHTM += '</TABLE>';
       return footingHTM;
    function formatToPrint() {
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                   pageRowCnt = 0;
               if (prevPage != currPage) {
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       PrintHTM += GetPageFooting();       
       PrintHTM += GetReportFooting();
       return PrintHTM;
    function DisplayPrintNotice() {
    // Paper Size "0" is Letter with Landscape
    // Paper Size "1" is Legal with Landscape
    // Paper Size "2" is Letter with Portrait
    if (varPaperSize == "0") {var varMessage ="nn From your browser File Menu, select Page Setup and do the following: nn 1) Adjust the Printer Orientation to Landscape n 2) select Print menu, then select the Print button.";}
    if (varPaperSize == "1") {var varMessage ="nn From your browser File Menu, select Page Setup and do the following: nn 1) Adjust the Paper Size to Legal n 2) Adjust the Printer Orientation to Landscape n 3) select Print menu, then select the Print button.";}
    //if (varPaperSize == "2") {var varMessage ="nn From your browser File Menu, select Page Setup and do the following: nn 1) Adjust the Paper Size to Letter n 2) Adjust the Paper Source (if necessary) n 3) Adjust the Orientation to Portrait (default) n 4) Select the Okay button nn Again select the File Menu, select Print, then select the Print button.";}
    /*   SAP BW Reporting Stylesheet Revisions        */        
    function writeStyleRevisions() {
    function writeDynamicFontRevisions(dynafont) {
    //Writes the Dynamic Stylesheet
    <TABLE  id="tp1" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=660 border=0 >
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             <param name="OWNER" value="SAP_BW"/>
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             <param name="NAME" value="MYQUERY"/>
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             ITEM:            MYQUERY
    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
            var tbls = document.body.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
            for (var i=0;i<tbls.length;i++) {
                  if (tbls<i>.name == "MYQUERY"){
                        var dataTable = tbls<i>;
            document.title = queryTitle;
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                ColumnCnt = getTotalColumns();
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            varFontSize = startingFont;
            if (rptWidth > WidthMax) {
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                rowHeight = Math.floor(rptHeight/(dataTable.rows.length+1)) + 1;        // add 1 for 2 row heading, add 1 for padding
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            if (dataTable.rows.length == 1) {
                varPageTotal = 1;                //No Applicable Data found message
            else {
                totalRows = dataTable.rows.length-1;                                       // total rows less headings
                varPageTotal = Math.floor(totalRows/RowsPerPageMax);       // compute total pages
                if (totalRows != (varPageTotal * RowsPerPageMax)) {
                    varPageTotal = varPageTotal + 1;                                        // if not a complete last page, add 1 for partial page
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   = "none";
   = "hidden";
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    input.ie55   { display: none }
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               controls<i>.disabled = false;
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    <input disabled type="button" value="Page Setup..."
    <input class=ie55 disabled type="button" value="Print Preview..."
    <input class=ie55 disabled type="button" value="Landscape"
    <input class=ie55 disabled type="button" value="Portrait"

  • Saving report as PDF and text file

    Currently, I saved my report as PDF. It opens in Acrobat reader automatically when the report is executed. Is there a way for me to save it as PDF and as a text file at the same time? (without having to open the file in Acrobat reader and saving it)

    You can add your PDF and TEXT file formats to a distribution list (Instead of GENERATE REPORT TO A FILE). To do this:
    1. Go to your Object Navigator and highlight your report.
    2. Right click on your report. Select Property Palette.
    3. Select Distribution
    4. You can add of of the formats that you want to print or save to the report to.
    5. You will have to add Distribution Id (any number starting with 1) where you want the file to be saved (c:\my_reports\inventory.pdf), the type of file: PDF and how many copies you want: 2
    6. Click OK after finishing...
    To make it work ... You would highlight your report from your Object Navigator and then choose FILE-DISTRIBUTE and this will save it to all the files your specified and/or printer.

  • I am in the process of expanding a database of chemistry journal articles.  These materials are ideally acquired in two formats when both are available-- PDF and HTML.  To oversimplify, PDFs are for the user to read, and derivatives of the HTML versions a

    I am in the process of expanding a database of chemistry journal articles.  These materials are ideally acquired in two formats when both are available-- PDF and HTML.  To oversimplify, PDFs are for the user to read, and derivatives of the HTML versions are for the computer to read.  Both formats are, of course, readily recognized and indexed by Spotlight.  Journal articles have two essential components with regards to a database:  the topical content of the article itself, and the cited references to other scientific literature.  While a PDF merely lists these references, the HTML version has, in addition, links to the cited items.  Each link URL contains the digital object identifier (doi) for the item it points to. A doi is a unique string that points to one and only one object, and can be quite useful if rendered in a manner that enables indexing by Spotlight.  Embedded URL's are, of course, ignored by Spotlight.  As a result, HTML-formatted articles must be processed so that URL's are openly displayed as readable text before Spotlight will recognize them.  Conversion to DOC format using MS Word, followed by conversion to RTF using Text Edit accomplishes this, but is quite labor intensive.
      In the last few months, I have added about 3,500 articles to this collection, which means that any procedure for rendering URL's must be automated and able to process large batches of documents with minimal user oversight.  This procedure needs to generate a separate file for each HTML document processed. Trials using Automator's "Get Specified Finder Items" and "Get Selected Finder Items", as well as "Ask For Finder Items"  (along with "Get URLs From Web Pages") give unsatisfactory results.  When provided with multiple input documents, these three commands generate output in which the URLs from multiple input items are merged into a single block, which yields a single file using "Create New Word Document" as the subsequent step.  A one-to-one, input file to output file result can be obtained by processing one file at a time, but this requires manual selection of each item and one-at-a-time processing. What I need is a command that accepts multiple input documents, but processes them one at a time, generating a separate output for each file processed.  Is there a way for Automator to do this?

    With the project all done, i'm preparing for the presentation. Managed to get my hands on a HD beamer for the night (Epason TW2000) and planning to do the presentation in HD.
    That of course managed to bring up some problems. I posted a thread which i'll repost here . Sorry for the repost, i normally do not intend to do this, but since this thread is actually about the same thing, i'd like to ask the same question to you. The end version is in AfterEffects, but that actually doesn't alter the question. It's about export:
    "I want to export my AE project of approx 30 min containing several HD files to a Blu Ray disc. The end goal is to project the video in HD quality using the Epson  EMP-TW2000 projector. This projector is HD compatible.
    To project the video I need to connect the beamer to a computer capable of playing a heavy HD file (1), OR burn the project to a BRD (2) and play it using a BRplayer.
    I prefer option 2, so my question is: which would be the preferred export preset?
    Project specs:
                        - 1920x1080 sq pix  (16:9)
                        - 25 fps
                        - my imported video files (Prem.Pro sequences) are also 25 fps and are Progressive (!)
    To export to a BRD compatible format, do i not encounter a big problem: my projectfiles are 25 fps and progressive, and I believe that the only Bluray preset dispaying 1920x1080 with 25 fps requests an INTERLACED video  (I viewed the presets found on this forum, this thread)... There is also a Progr. format, BUT then you need 30 fps (29,...).
    So, is there one dimension that can be changed without changing the content of the video, and if yes which one (either the interlacing or the fps).
    I'm not very familiar with the whole Blu-ray thing, I hope that someone can help me out."
    Please give it a look.

  • Exporting a crystal report as PDF and Attaching to an email via code - Filename Issuses?

    Post Author: alynch
    CA Forum: .NET
    I need to export a crystal report as a pdf and send it out via email.  I have created a subroutine that works but the attached filename come up as "untitled.txt" so the receiving machine believes it is a text file.  If I rename it on the recipients machine to a ".pdf" I can open it with acrobat and it looks OK.  Does anyone know how to rename the file as a pdf prior to sending it out? 
    Thank You.
    I have included a copy of the subroutine:
    Dim repdoc As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument()
    Dim diskOpts As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions()
    Dim ExpOpts As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions
    Dim MailOpts As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.MicrosoftMailDestinationOptions()
    repdoc = Me.CrystalReport11
    repdoc.Load("C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\WindowsApplication3\WindowsApplication3\CrystalReport1.rpt")
    ExpOpts = repdoc.ExportOptions
    With ExpOpts
    .ExportDestinationType = CrystalDecisions.&#91;Shared&#93;.ExportDestinationType.MicrosoftMail
    .ExportFormatType = CrystalDecisions.&#91;Shared&#93;.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
    End With
    With MailOpts
    .MailMessage = "Message"
    .MailToList = "enter email adress here"
    .MailSubject = "Attached is a PDF file - .net Export test "
    End With
    ExpOpts.DestinationOptions = MailOpts
    Catch err As Exception
    End Try
    End Sub

    Post Author: Knight
    CA Forum: .NET
    I had this same problem today, here's what I used. Its built in 2 parts. Step one loops throught and exports PDF copies of a traking report. Step 2 builds an email list from a SQl query and sends it.STEP ONE:Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click        'Declare the some variables        Dim row1 As DataRow        Dim brokerID As String        Dim brokername As String        Dim brokerEmail As String        Dim shipdate As String        Dim crParameterFieldDefinitions As ParameterFieldDefinitions        Dim crParameterFieldDefinition As ParameterFieldDefinition        Dim crParameterValues As New ParameterValues()        Dim crParameterDiscreteValue As New ParameterDiscreteValue()        Dim crParameterFieldDefinitions1 As ParameterFieldDefinitions        Dim crParameterFieldDefinition1 As ParameterFieldDefinition        Dim crParameterValues1 As New ParameterValues()        Dim crParameterDiscreteValue1 As New ParameterDiscreteValue()        Dim CrReport As New CrystalReport1() ' Report Name         Dim report As ReportDocument = "O:KNIFormats_ReportPrivateSMStageShipmentInfo"        Dim CrExportOptions As ExportOptions        Dim CrDiskFileDestinationOptions As New DiskFileDestinationOptions()        Dim CrFormatTypeOptions As New PdfRtfWordFormatOptions()        Dim SHIPDATE123 As String        SHIPDATE123 = _month & "/" & _day & "/" & year        Dim db As String        db = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Datalogin")        Dim sqlCon As New SqlConnection        sqlCon.ConnectionString = db        Dim strsql1 As String        strsql1 = "SELECT     tblSOOrd_Hdr.BrokerCd, tblSO_Ord_Hdr.BrokerName, tblSM_Ship_Hdr.ShipDate "        strsql1 &= "FROM         tblSO_Ord_Hdr INNER JOIN tblSM_Ship_Hdr ON tblSO_Ord_Hdr.Locale = tblSM_Ship_Hdr.Locale AND tblSO_Ord_Hdr.OrdNo = tblSM_Ship_Hdr.OrdNo AND "        strsql1 &= "              tblSO_Ord_Hdr.RlsNo = tblSM_Ship_Hdr.RlsNo INNER JOIN tblSys_Cust_Broker ON tblSO_Ord_Hdr.BrokerCd = tblSys_Cust_Broker.BrokerCd "        strsql1 &= "GROUP BY tblSO_Ord_Hdr.BrokerCd, tblSM_Ship_Hdr.ShipDate, tblSO_Ord_Hdr.BrokerName "        strsql1 &= "HAVING      (tblSM_Ship_Hdr.ShipDate = '" & SHIPDATE123 & "') "        Dim da1 As New SqlDataAdapter(strsql1, sqlCon)        Dim worktbl1 As DataTable        worktbl1 = New DataTable("tblEmail")        da1.Fill(worktbl1)        da1.FillSchema(worktbl1, SchemaType.Source)        If worktbl1.Rows.Count > 0 Then            For Each row1 In worktbl1.Rows                brokerID = CStr(row1("BrokerCd")).Trim                brokername = CStr(row1("BrokerName")).Trim                shipdate = CStr(row1("ShipDate")).Trim                CrReport.Load()                crParameterDiscreteValue.Value = shipdate                crParameterFieldDefinitions = CrReport.DataDefinition.ParameterFields                crParameterFieldDefinition = crParameterFieldDefinitions.Item("ShipDate")                crParameterValues = crParameterFieldDefinition.CurrentValues                crParameterValues.Clear()                crParameterValues.Add(crParameterDiscreteValue)                crParameterFieldDefinition.ApplyCurrentValues(crParameterValues)                crParameterDiscreteValue1.Value = brokerID                crParameterFieldDefinitions1 = CrReport.DataDefinition.ParameterFields                crParameterFieldDefinition1 = crParameterFieldDefinitions1.Item("Broker")                crParameterValues1 = crParameterFieldDefinition1.CurrentValues                crParameterValues1.Clear()                crParameterValues1.Add(crParameterDiscreteValue1)                crParameterFieldDefinition1.ApplyCurrentValues(crParameterValues1)                CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "c:Test_Folder20" & _year & "-" & _month & "-" & day & "" & brokername & ".pdf"                CrFormatTypeOptions.FirstPageNumber = 1 ' Start Page in the Report                 CrFormatTypeOptions.LastPageNumber = 1000 ' End Page in the Report                 CrFormatTypeOptions.UsePageRange = True                CrExportOptions = CrReport.ExportOptions                With CrExportOptions                    .ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile                    .ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat                    .DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions                    .FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions                End With                Try                    CrReport.Export()                Catch err As Exception                    MessageBox.Show("DID NOT EXPORT")                End Try            Next            MessageBox.Show("All PDF's exported succesfully")        End If    End SubSTEP 2: Private Sub Button3Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click        Dim row2 As DataRow        Dim SHIPDATE123 As String        SHIPDATE123 = _month & "/" & _day & "/" & year        Dim db1 As String        db1 = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Datalogin")        Dim sqlCon As New SqlConnection        sqlCon.ConnectionString = db1        Dim strsql2 As String        strsql2 = "SELECT     tblSOOrd_Hdr.BrokerCd, tblSys_Cust_Broker.BrokerName, tblSM_Ship_Hdr.ShipDate, tblSys_Cust_Broker.ContactEmail "        strsql2 &= "FROM      tblSO_Ord_Hdr INNER JOIN tblSM_Ship_Hdr ON tblSO_Ord_Hdr.Locale = tblSM_Ship_Hdr.Locale AND tblSO_Ord_Hdr.OrdNo = tblSM_Ship_Hdr.OrdNo AND "        strsql2 &= "          tblSO_Ord_Hdr.RlsNo = tblSM_Ship_Hdr.RlsNo INNER JOIN tblSys_Cust_Broker ON tblSO_Ord_Hdr.BrokerCd = tblSys_Cust_Broker.BrokerCd "        strsql2 &= "GROUP BY  tblSO_Ord_Hdr.BrokerCd, tblSM_Ship_Hdr.ShipDate, tblSys_Cust_Broker.ContactEmail, tblSys_Cust_Broker.BrokerName, tblSys_Cust_Broker.Email_ASN "        strsql2 &= "HAVING    (tblSM_Ship_Hdr.ShipDate = '" & SHIPDATE123 & "') AND (tblSys_Cust_Broker.Email_ASN = 1) AND (tblSys_Cust_Broker.ContactEmail <> '') " Dim da1 As New SqlDataAdapter(strsql2, sqlCon) Dim worktbl2 As DataTable worktbl2 = New DataTable("tblEmail12") da1.Fill(worktbl2) da1.FillSchema(worktbl2, SchemaType.Source) Dim brokerID As String Dim brokername As String Dim brokerEmail As String Dim shipdate As String If worktbl2.Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each row2 In worktbl2.Rows brokerID = CStr(row2("BrokerCd")).Trim brokername = CStr(row2("BrokerName")).Trim brokerEmail = CStr(row2("ContactEmail")).Trim shipdate = CStr(row2("ShipDate")).Trim Dim mail As New MailMessage Dim att As String att = "c:Test_Folder20" & _year & "-" & _month & "-" & _day & "" & brokername & ".pdf" 'set the addresses mail.From = New MailAddress("[email protected]") mail.To.Add(brokerEmail) mail.Attachments.Add(New Attachment(att)) 'set the content mail.Subject = "Shipment Tracking report from Knox Nursery for " & SHIPDATE123 mail.IsBodyHtml = True mail.Body = "
    " mail.Body &= "This shipment update has been requested by:
    "                'send the message                Dim smtp As New SmtpClient                smtp.Send(mail)                ' MessageBox.Show("No Records Found", "Failed to send", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop            Next        Else            MessageBox.Show("No broker have opted in", "No Emails Sent", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)        End If        MessageBox.Show("Emails sent... ", "Emails Sent", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)    End Sub

  • System and Object privileges question

    hello everyone.
    I was really making it a priority to really understand both system and object privileges for users. I have setup a couple of 'sandboxes' at home and have done lots of testing. So far, it has gone very well in helping me understand all the security involved with Oralce (which, IMHO, is flat out awesome!).
    Anyway, a couple of quick questions.
    As a normal user, what view can I use to see what permissions I have in general? what about permissions on other schemas?
    I know I can do a:
    select * from session_privs
    which lists my session privileges.
    What other views (are they views/data dictionary?) that I can use to see what I have? Since this is a normal user, they don't have access to any of the DBA_ views.
    I'll start here for now, but being able to see everything this user has, would be fantastic.

    Sorry. should have elaborated more.
    In SQLPLUS, (logged in while logged into my Linux OS), I am working to try and get sqlplus to display the results of my query so it is easy to read. Right now, it just displays using the first 1/4 or 1/3 of the monitor screen to the left. Make sense? So it does not stretch the results out to utilize the full screen. it is hard to break down and read the results because they are "stacked" on top of each other.
    Would be nice if I could adjust sqlplus so the results are easier to read.

  • How can we give navigation to go a saved pdf and open it, in obiee report c

    I have a requirement for obiee 11g report, that I have to create a report which have a column, whose value should be pdf icon and when we click on that it should we go to saved pdf and open it. Please give me reply as soon as possible.
    Edited by: 903449 on Dec 21, 2011 12:19 AM

    In this version ...just upload your PDF file. then use dashboard object and call it like below...
    try it u r url like this:
    URL path for PDF File
    If any sapce b/w the folder path use %20 in tha url
    if / in the path use %2F in that URL 100% it will work
    for more refer my earliear post and blog:
    Download URL in dashboard not working
    Edited by: Devarasu on Dec 21, 2011 12:57 AM

  • When saving a pdf the objects on the page appear offset of the page boundries.

    This happens mostly in illustrator but it just happened again to me while printing a .ps booklet out of indesign and converting to a pdf using distiller.
    See the image below:
    The left shows my InDesign Document. On the right is the pdf that results from the save. As you can see the page boundaries are being completely disregarded when saving the pdf and everything is equally shifted down and to the right.
    Here is an example of me having the same problem in illustrator:
    As you can see there is sometimes zero correlation between what is on the artboard and what page the objects end up on in the pdf.
    This problem also has another strange symptom, it seems to have to do with dragging images from firefox onto an artboard in illustrator. The image is place automatically in the center and all objects in the file move together in one direction. see before and after photos below:
    After image dragged in:
    You can even continue to drag images in and it will move in the same direction the same amount every time:
    I'm running Adobe CS6 on OSX 10.9.1.
    Thanks in advance!

    In so many words: We can't know. You have not provided any details about your exact settings, what version of Acrobat, your placed images, color settings, color profiles and a million other things including perhaps providing your test fioles for inspection by other people. That aside simply ask in teh relevant ID/ AI/ Acro/ PDF forums. This place here is a dead place and only meant for general sales, install and activation questions, not specific workflow questions.

  • Do I begin by scanning my illustration in a pdf and then save it as a png on illustrator?

    Do I begin by scanning my artwork as pdf and then saving it as a png on illustrator?

    Depends on what you want to do with the file. Most scanning software can scan as tiff, png, jpg and sometimes pdf. In each of these cases the resulting file is usually a raster file. The exception is software that can convert text into edible text known as OCR, or have some time of auto trace feature for converting artwork into vector objects. This is where pdf would shine compared to the other formats. Tiff is the only remaining one that can also save live editable text.
    As I said once the pdf is imported into illustrator, what format you choose to save from there will depend on what you plan on doing next with it. Ai, pdf, psd or tiff would make good candidates for master files. (A file you can re-edit at a later date with no worry of degradation) And then each of these formats have their pros and cons.

  • Do I begin by scanning my illustratration in a pdf and then save it as a png on illustrator?

    Do I begin by scanning my artwork as pdf and then saving it as a png on illustrator?

    Depends on what you want to do with the file. Most scanning software can scan as tiff, png, jpg and sometimes pdf. In each of these cases the resulting file is usually a raster file. The exception is software that can convert text into edible text known as OCR, or have some time of auto trace feature for converting artwork into vector objects. This is where pdf would shine compared to the other formats. Tiff is the only remaining one that can also save live editable text.
    As I said once the pdf is imported into illustrator, what format you choose to save from there will depend on what you plan on doing next with it. Ai, pdf, psd or tiff would make good candidates for master files. (A file you can re-edit at a later date with no worry of degradation) And then each of these formats have their pros and cons.

  • Do I begin by scanning my illustrator in a pdf and then save it as a png on illustrator?

    Do I begin by scanning my artwork as pdf and then saving it as a png on illustrator?

    Depends on what you want to do with the file. Most scanning software can scan as tiff, png, jpg and sometimes pdf. In each of these cases the resulting file is usually a raster file. The exception is software that can convert text into edible text known as OCR, or have some time of auto trace feature for converting artwork into vector objects. This is where pdf would shine compared to the other formats. Tiff is the only remaining one that can also save live editable text.
    As I said once the pdf is imported into illustrator, what format you choose to save from there will depend on what you plan on doing next with it. Ai, pdf, psd or tiff would make good candidates for master files. (A file you can re-edit at a later date with no worry of degradation) And then each of these formats have their pros and cons.

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