Playback Failed - Action Not Supported On Disabled Control Exception

I tried to add a coded UI test for my log-in page and Playback failed by giving this error,
Test method BugTrackerNew._2_Login.CodedUITestMethod1 threw exception:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.ActionNotSupportedOnDisabledControlException: Cannot perform 'SetProperty of Text with value "Manuli"' on the disabled or read-only control. Additional Details:
TechnologyName:  'MSAA'
Name:  'Read'
ControlType:  'Edit'
Please tell me a method to run this test.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension;
using Keyboard = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.Keyboard;
namespace BugTrackerNew
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for _2_Login
    /// </summary>
    public class _2_Login
        public _2_Login()
        public void CodedUITestMethod1()
        #region Additional test attributes
        // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        ////Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        //public void MyTestInitialize()
        //    // To generate code for this test, select "Generate Code for Coded UI Test" from the shortcut menu and select one of the menu items.
        //    // For more information on generated code, see
        ////Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        //public void MyTestCleanup()
        //    // To generate code for this test, select "Generate Code for Coded UI Test" from the shortcut menu and select one of the menu items.
        //    // For more information on generated code, see
        /// <summary>
        ///Gets or sets the test context which provides
        ///information about and functionality for the current test run.
        public TestContext TestContext
                return testContextInstance;
                testContextInstance = value;
        private TestContext testContextInstance;
        public UIMap UIMap
                if (( == null))
           = new UIMap();
        private UIMap map;
 public void EnterUsername()
            #region Variable Declarations
            WinEdit uIItemEdit = this.UIMozillaFirefoxStartPWindow.UIHttp1921682010090logDocument1.UIItemEdit;
            //uIItemEdit.Text = "Manuli";
            // Type 'Manuli' in text box numbered 3 in '' document
            uIItemEdit.Text = this.EnterUsernameParams.UIItemEditText;
public void EnterPassword()
            #region Variable Declarations
            WinEdit uIItemEdit = this.UIMozillaFirefoxStartPWindow.UIHttp1921682010090logDocument1.UIItemEdit;
            // Click text box numbered 3 in '' document
            Mouse.Click(uIItemEdit, new Point(19, 12));
            // Type '********' in text box numbered 3 in '' document
            Keyboard.SendKeys(uIItemEdit, this.EnterPasswordParams.UIItemEditSendKeys, true);
 public void ClickOK()
            #region Variable Declarations
            WinButton uIOKButton = this.UIMozillaFirefoxStartPWindow.UIHttp1921682010090logDocument1.UIOKButton;
            // Click 'Ok' button
            Mouse.Click(uIOKButton, new Point(37, 5));
Please help

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    Hi ,
    You could try this by using action wizard in Acrobat and see what you get .
    This could also be possible by using Java Script .If you are good with it ,please try that and see if you get the desired results .
    Try the same using Acrobat under the action wizard option and check if that suits your requirement .
    We would also check at our end what best is possible and what best Acrobat and InDesign are capable of doing .
    Javascript is one the fine options to get this job done .
    Please let me the OS you work on .
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    actually you're working a little too hard. You actually tried to make an HD DVD. It's a defunct format that only plays on Macs and a handful of set top players. While you can make one, I believe I remember that the media is indeed different, so trying to burn to red laser media is going to do what it did for you.
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    Check this link,
    SAP Transaction iView
    Srinivasan T

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    import javafx.scene.Cursor;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
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        public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
            VBox root = new VBox();
            Button button = new Button("Test Button");
            Scene scene = new Scene(root);

    can I set another cursor on disabled nodes?apparently not - log a jira with your test case.
    Any solutions?A couple of workarounds.
    Set the cursor on the parent of the disabled region (wrapping the disabled region in a pane for this specific purposes if needed).
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Cursor;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class DisabledControlCursor extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { launch(args); }
      @Override public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
        VBox root = new VBox();
        root.getChildren().add(new Button("Test Button"));
        Pane wrapper = new Pane();
        Scene scene = new Scene(wrapper);
    }Set the cursor on the entire scene containing the disabled region.
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Cursor;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class DisabledControlCursor extends Application {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { launch(args); }
      @Override public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
        VBox root = new VBox();
        root.getChildren().add(new Button("Test Button"));
        Scene scene = new Scene(root);

  • File Data Source:  does not support any other host except LOCALHOST?

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    "The file protocol is used only for the machine that launches the crawler. You can not specify any other host for this kind of URL, except LOCALHOST."
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    Invalid file protocol URL: file//\\s2\myDir\
    Hostname of the file URL "file://\\s2\myDir\ is not "localhost".
    My question:
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    (3) If not, how about the newer version of US, 9.2 or 9.02? Can they be used to search files on other network servers/drives?
    (4) If no to question (3), is there any plan to support this in the future version of US?
    My comment: Not able to search other servers really limits the userfulness of US. I really hope Oracle will consider adding this capability.

    More on my previous questions:
    Since I posted my previous question, I have read on the 1.0.3 online help that we can define remote crawlers to crawl "on a remote machine other than the Oracle Ultra Search database". So I assume this is how to make US to search on other servers. In the online documentation it also includes the following paragraph on "Remote Crawler Profiles Page":
    "Use this page to view and edit remote crawler profiles. A remote crawler profile consists of all parameters needed to run the Ultra Search crawler on a remote machine other than the Oracle Ultra Search database. A remote crawler profile is identified by the hostname. The profile includes the cache, log, and mail directories that the remote crawler shares with the database machine. "
    The Remote Crawler Profiles Page, however, displays only remote crawlers already defined and the page seems to be used just for editing the porfiles of these defined remote crawlers.
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    (2) Where can I find more documentation on remote crawlers?
    (3) Once the remote crawlers are set up, how do I specify the file URLs for each remote crawler?
    (4) With US9.02 or 9.2, does remote crawler work the same as in 1.0.3, or are there any enhancements?

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    Message from webpage
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    So, is it a known issue and anyone has solution on this?

    its common issue and the solution is, in IE go to tools -> compatibility view settings you will see a pop-up window from here uncheck the boxes which has Display intranet sites in compatibility view or display all websites in compatibility view(better to uncheck all three check boxes) and also check if you have added any domain to allow the compatible view eg: URL which ends with in
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  • ERROR: RUL-00025:fact class multiple inheritance not supported

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    I simply used the wizards to deploy the decide activity so I have no clue what this might be.
    The rule session EVALUATEAPPROVAL:230011 failed to execute step assert
    RUL-00025:fact class multiple inheritance not supported
    oracle.rules.rl.exceptions.RLRuntimeException: fact class multiple inheritance not supported
         at oracle.rules.rl.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.createRuntimeMultipleInheritanceException(
         at jess.DefinstanceList.autoDefclass(
         at jess.DefinstanceList.assertObject(
         at jess.Rete.assertObject(

    RL only supports single inheritance, either from an interface or a class. JAXB 1.0 generates a set of classes that inherit and implement each other. If the RL code is generated in the wrong order and child classes are generated before parent classes, then you get the indicated exception. In most cases, not importing the element class will prevent this from happening, and in the rest not importing the ObjectFactory class will prevent it (or unchecking the "supportsXpath" option). You can't use the element class in the rules anyway since the properties it inherits from it's parent don't show up in lists.
    So, it's not the complexity of the XSD that matters in processing, only that a single inheritance chain is specified. If you follow the original instructions with your complex XSD, I believe you will see it work correctly.
    This has been fixed in the as-yet-unreleased version, but the only workaround for released versions is above.

  • RUL-00025:fact class multiple inheritance not supported

    Hi Everyone,
    I am creating a rule for a order schema which accepts OrderTotal and CustomerType and based on both response back if the Approval is required or not. When deploying the process I am getting the "RUL-00025:fact class multiple inheritance not supported." Below is the schema which I am using.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:or="" xmlns="" elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <element name="OrderDetailsRequest" type="or:OrderRequestT"/>
         <element name="OrderDetailsResponse" type="or:OrderResponseT"/>
         <complexType name="OrderRequestT">
                   <element name="OrderTotal" type="int"/>
                   <element name="CustomerType" type="string"/>
         <complexType name="OrderResponseT">
                   <element name="ApprovalRequiredFlag" type="string"/>
    This is what the error is:
    The rule session RulesTest:90002 failed to execute step assert
    RUL-00025:fact class multiple inheritance not supported
    oracle.rules.rl.exceptions.RLRuntimeException: fact class multiple inheritance not supported
         at oracle.rules.rl.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.createRuntimeMultipleInheritanceException(
         at jess.DefinstanceList.autoDefclass(
         at jess.DefinstanceList.assertObject(
         at jess.Rete.assertObject(
         at jess.Funcall.execute(
    Caused by: oracle.rules.rl.exceptions.MultipleInheritanceException: fact class 'DemoPackage.OrderDetailsRequestImpl' cannot extend both 'DemoPackage.OrderRequestT' and 'DemoPackage.OrderDetailsRequest'
         at oracle.rules.rl.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.createMultipleInheritanceException(
         at oracle.rules.rl.common.ClassSymbol.setFactClass(
         at oracle.rules.rl.common.ClassSymbol.initialize(
         at jess.DefinstanceList.getProperties(
         at jess.DefinstanceList.autoDefclass(
         ... 33 more
    Execution plan for RulesTest:90002
    assert fact DemoPackage.OrderDetailsRequest
    Please help me!!!
    Thank You.

    For the class DemoPackage.OrderDetailsRequest, either don't import it into the datamodel or set the visibility of it to false. This should fix the issue.

  • Presentation variable is not supported in "SQL Issued"

    hi, there is a presentation variable called @{ps_var} from a prompt
    and I have written a custom sql and typed in "SQL Issued"
    I found that the presentation variable is not supported in "SQL Issued" (exception flows when I clicked the "Set SQL" button.)
    (in the captured screen, it is hardcoded as 'REPLACED_BY_PRESENTATION_VARIABLE', no error occurs when I clicked the "Set SQL" button. the result is correct.
    however, when 'REPLACED_BY_PRESENTATION_VARIABLE' is replaced by @{ps_var}, exception flows when I clicked the "Set SQL" button.
    is there an alternatives to avoid the error ? or any ways to assign the selected value from the prompt to this sql ?
    thank you very much!

    Just set your presentation variable with an other method.
    Check here you will find how you can set a presentation variable for a filter

  • Why Application ack not supported in Reciever adapters?

    Hi All,
    a.What is difference between Application and System acknowledgements ?
    b. Why  Application ack not supported in Reciever adapters (except for CIDX and RNIF)?
        (as mentioned in
    says  If messages are sent from the PCK to the Integration Server, you must create a receiver XI adapter in the PCK.!!
      Should not this be either way?

    <b>a.</b> System acknowledgments used by the runtime environment to confirm that an asynchronous message has reached the receiver.
    Application acknowledgments used to confirm that the asynchronous message has been successfully processed at the receiver.
    <b>c.</b> No
    Message was edited by:
            Prabhu  S

  • Error -- ISO8859_1 Not Supported in Weblogic 6.1 SP2

    I've installed Weblogic 6.1 Service Pack 2 on Solaris 8, and when I go to install
    and deploy and applications (including the Petstore Demo) I get an error message
    which says 'ISO8859_1 is not supported'.
    If I stop and then restart the Weblogic Server, I get the following StackTrace
    included below.
    I've noticed there have been several posts on this topic, but no response. Thanks
    in advance to anyone who can help me out!
    Gary Smith
    [email protected]
    --Stack Trace of Error when Server Startup:
    weblogic.xml.process.XMLParsingException: The encoding "ISO8859_1" is not supported.
    - with nested exception:
    [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The encoding "ISO8859_1" is not supported.] Line:
    0 Column: 0
    at weblogic.xml.process.ProcessorDriver.process(
    at weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.J2EEDeploymentDescriptorLoader_J2EE12.process(J2EEDeploymentDescriptorLoader_J2EE12
    at weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.J2EEUtils.loadDeploymentDescriptor(
    at weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.J2EEUtils.loadDeploymentDescriptor(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at $Proxy11.load(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at $Proxy38.start(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(
    at weblogic.Server.main(

    Please try using a valid XML (also called MIME or IANA) encoding name
    (ISO-8859-1) instead of the Java encoding name (ISO8859_1).
    The IANA character set registry can be found at:
    Regards --
    Jim Brown
    Gary Smith wrote:
    I've installed Weblogic 6.1 Service Pack 2 on Solaris 8, and when I go to install
    and deploy and applications (including the Petstore Demo) I get an error message
    which says 'ISO8859_1 is not supported'.
    If I stop and then restart the Weblogic Server, I get the following StackTrace
    included below.
    I've noticed there have been several posts on this topic, but no response. Thanks
    in advance to anyone who can help me out!
    Gary Smith
    [email protected]
    --Stack Trace of Error when Server Startup:
    weblogic.xml.process.XMLParsingException: The encoding "ISO8859_1" is not supported.
    - with nested exception:
    [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The encoding "ISO8859_1" is not supported.] Line:
    0 Column: 0
    at weblogic.xml.process.ProcessorDriver.process(
    at weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.J2EEDeploymentDescriptorLoader_J2EE12.process(J2EEDeploymentDescriptorLoader_J2EE12
    at weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.J2EEUtils.loadDeploymentDescriptor(
    at weblogic.j2ee.dd.xml.J2EEUtils.loadDeploymentDescriptor(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at $Proxy11.load(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at $Proxy38.start(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.start(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    Jim Brown
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support

  • "Date formatting not supported yet"??

    When I add imports to get around the problem described in my previous
    email, I run into an exception that says "Date formatting not supported
    yet". The exception is thrown in util/ What's the
    intention here? Why don't we just return the value unformatted? How
    should I handle this so I can take advantage of the formatting if it is
    supported someday? Are there any other formatting types which I need
    to "handle" in order to run?

    When I add imports to get around the problem described in my previous
    email, I run into an exception that says "Date formatting not supported
    yet". The exception is thrown in util/ What's the
    intention here? Why don't we just return the value unformatted? How
    should I handle this so I can take advantage of the formatting if it is
    supported someday? Are there any other formatting types which I need
    to "handle" in order to run?The exception lets you know that there is a specific issue you need to work
    around during migration. The reason we don't just return the unformatted
    value is that we didn't want to give the impression that date formatting
    worked when it doesn't (yet).
    If you just want the value to come through without an attempt at formatting,
    the correct thing to do is to change your JSP tags to eliminate the date
    formatting attributes. If this is a loss of data (the format masks), then
    you should just comment them out rather than delete them.
    The whole issue of date formatting is unfortunately complex. Suffice to say
    that it is far easier for the developer to format the date as they wish in
    their code then it is for us to try and provide generic date formatting.
    The issue revolves around having all the necessary information in order to
    do the formatting in a generic way.

Maybe you are looking for

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