PLD - Border lines

I am having trouble with border lines around the fields. I have 4 fields side by side and 4 fields below. All fields are same height and all fields are at same level (top is same). When I print the fields do not line up and the lines around the fields are jagged.
Any ideas why this happens?

PLD is similar with web page. More factors could affect it results. Do all fields have the same font?

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    | |
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    |________________________________________ |

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    if the data is multiple i.e. line items choose table.
    if the data is single i.e. fixed choose template.
    Create table
    >  Draw u r no lines
    > choose option select pattern
    > select display framed patterns
    Choose u r required one.
    out lined, or full lined. u can choose option.
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    with regards,

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    Updated first post with dmesg output. I added all of it, but here's a quick snippet of the tail (which is right after booting up and attempting to autostart SLiM)
    [ 13.426857] NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 310.19, but
    NVRM: this kernel module has the version 304.60. Please
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    NVRM: components have the same version.
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    An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo
    local/lib32-nvidia-utils 310.19-1
    NVIDIA drivers utilities and libraries. (32-bit)
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    try this:
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    TitledBorder myBorder = new TitledBorder(" my Title ");

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       When u r going to create a table in forms it will show the all details regarding the tables
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           -> width etc...
    From there u can do that .
    u can also select the table format as all ready defined formats i.e available in he same screen.

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    Rather than posting in this forum, which is dedicated to Mac and Windows (not Office) compatibility, try posting in the Microsoft newsgroup for Mac Word found here < <a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">> .
    Be sure to search the group first in case your question has already been asked and answered.
    Good luck!
      Mac OS X (10.4.10)   1 GHz Powerbook G4

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    If you use Excel program to create a file, then print it, Does this issue still persist?
    Also what happens if you change the borders style within Excel? for example, change the border line to thick.
    Also it seems that  a similar topic has been discussed here:


    Hi gurus,
    I have an interesting problem. I developed a smart forms. It works clearly. I create the preview then get a printout, everything on the paper is OK. However, when ı get the printout by printing immediately, I mean without previewing it, The borders not seen on the paper. What may be the problem.
    Thanks in advance..

    Go to the table in smartform and change the Horizontal Alignment of the smartforms... may in left or right. and similary in the template portion of smartforms. I am sure it will chnage and the border line would shown in printing.

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    Edited by: MAHESH FADNAVIS on Apr 7, 2008 11:53 AM

    Can you try to print in a different printer, if the error persists then the problem is in the smartform, otherwise raise a note to SAP regarding this. I think that there is problem is with the page format in which u are taking the printout.
    Can you check if you have selected the framed border in the table border select pattern.
    Hope That Helps
    Anirban M.

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    thanks for the help
    ~ a30n

    Anyone? thanks


    Hi Abapers,
    I am using blockded list  I don't need the border line of list as per my requirement.
    ho to remove the border line for the list output.
    I hope some body will help me.
    Chandra Shaker.

    If you use the OO way to do alv, (class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID), in table GS_LAYOUT you have fields NO_HGRIDLN & NO_VGRIDLN to remove verticals and horizontal lines.
          IS_LAYOUT                      = GS_LAYOUT
          IT_OUTTAB                       = WT_MD[]
          IT_FIELDCATALOG           = GT_FIELDCAT.

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    1- BEFORE (a clean cutted image) :
    2- Using a plugin (also with others):
    3- AFTER (white border) :
    This is so interesting.
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    This is regarding the border of the PLD pages.
    I want to put left and right borders to the empty spaces in the print layouts.  How to do that?
    Pls tell.
    Take Care,

    If you want to set border for the all the fields then select the field one by one and set the border by putting 1.
    this is available in       tools/field/properities-> border tab if you want thin line put 1 and if you want dark line put 2...

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    I didn't enter the system details because the problem appeared on all the (different) systems I tried: iBook G4 (OS X 10.3.8), iMac G4 (OS X 10.3.9), iMac G5 (OS X 10.4.?), AppleWorks 6.2.7 and 6.2.9. I understand the need in general, but since this problem persisted across all these platforms, I thought that it would either be a well-known usage problem or bug (even though my best efforts could find no mention of it).
    Thanks for your response.

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