Please help, importing

sorry if this has been discussed, I'm new here. I have a sony HDD camera, my mac mounts the camera and I can access the files but quicktime won't open the files and iMovie tells me that it can't import the files because quicktime can't parse the file. They are MPG files. I'm new to video editing so if anyone caould give me some guidance I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Hi Gaum and welcome!
The bad news is that iMovie 6 expects to be fed a DV stream from digital tape from a camera connected by firewire.
MPG is a compressed delivery format not intended for editing.
Your camera is incompatible with iMovie 6, but it might work with iMovie 8.

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    I have got the following two classes. It shows the elements (double-numbers) of a matrix in a frame. The problem is, if the matrix consists of too much numbers , I am not able to see the whole numbers, but rather the first digit of each number.
    I want to be able to scroll through the matrix and the numbers should be presented completely in the frame.
    But how????;-(
    public class MatrixFrame extends Frame {
    public MatrixPanel matrixPanel;
    public MatrixFrame(double[] [] values,int x, int y) {
    matrixPanel = new MatrixPanel(values,x,y);
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public class MatrixPanel extends Panel {
    MatrixPanel(double[] [] values,int l, int r) {
    setLayout(new GridLayout(l,r));
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    for (int j=0;j<r;j++) {
    add(new MatrixValue(values [j]));
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    MatrixValue(double d) {
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    Dimension d= getSize();
    Thanx for your help

    Instead of extending JComponent, your MatrixValue should extend JLabel. JLabel sizes properly, thus allowing you to place it within a ScrollPane. Otherwise you will have do something like this:
    public MatrixValue extends JComponent {
    public void paint(Graphics _g) {
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)_g;
    Rectangle r = g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(Double.toString(data), g);
    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());


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    Are you using Windows, Mac or chrarging it via a Wall charger?

  • Scroll bar problems ..Please help!!!!!!

    This is what the program looks like. topPanel has newItemPanel on top of it. when you click continue newItemPanel becomes invisible and newItemDescriptionPanel becomes visible. When you click continue newItemDescriptionPanel becomes invisible and priceEnterPanel becomes visible.
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    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.System;
    public class MainPanel extends      JFrame implements     ActionListener
         private boolean      firstRun = true;
         private final int     ITEM_PLAIN     =     0;     // Item types
         private final int     ITEM_CHECK     =     1;
         private final int     ITEM_RADIO     =     2;
         private     JPanel          topPanel;
         private JPanel          newItemPanel;
         private JRadioButton onlineAuctionRadio;
         private JRadioButton fixedPriceRadio;
         private ButtonGroup bg;
         private JButton     continueButton;
         private JLabel      blankLabel;       //used to give space between things
         private JPanel           newItemDescriptionPanel;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel3;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel5;
         JScrollPane displayScroller;
         JEditorPane itemDescriptionTextArea;
         GridBagLayout gridbag;
         GridBagConstraints gbc;
         private JCheckBox   secondCategoryCheckBox;
         private JLabel          itemTitleLabel;
         private JLabel          requiredLabel, requiredLabel2;
         private JLabel      requiredStarLabel;
         private JTextField  itemTitleTextField;
         private JLabel           subtitleLabel;
         private JTextField      subtitleTextField;
         private JLabel          itemDescriptionLabel;
         private JButton     itemDescriptionContinueButton;
         private JLabel          percentageLabel;
         //------- price enter page ----------------
         private JLabel          startingPriceLabel;
         private JLabel           dollarSignLabel;
         private JTextField     startingPriceTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel1;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel2;
         private JLabel          buyItNowLabel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel3;
         private JLabel          dollarSignLabel2;
         private JTextField     buyItNowTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel5;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel6;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel7;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel8;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel9;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel10;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel11;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel12;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel13;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel14;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel15;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel16;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel17;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel18;
         private JLabel          donatePercentageLabel;
         private JTextField     donatePercentageTextField;
         private JPanel          fSp; // fill space panel
         private JPanel          fSp1;
         private JPanel          fSp2;
         private JPanel          fSp3;
         private JPanel          fSp4;
         private JPanel          fSp5;
         private JPanel          fSp6;
         private JPanel          fSp7;
         private JPanel          fSp8;
         private JPanel          fSp9;
         private JLabel           numberOfPicturesLabel;
         private JTextField     numberOfPicturesTextField;
         private JCheckBox     superSizePicturesCheckBox;
         private JLabel          superSizePicturesLabel;
         private JRadioButton standardPictureRadioButton;
         private JRadioButton picturePackRadioButton;
         private JCheckBox     listingDesignerCheckBox;
         private ButtonGroup bgPictures;
         private JCheckBox      valuePackCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryPictureCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     subtitleCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     boldCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     borderCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     highlightCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     featuredPlusCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryFeaturedCheckBox;
         private JLabel          homePageFeaturedLabel;
         private JComboBox     homePageFeaturedComboBox;
         private JCheckBox     giftCheckBox;
         JScrollPane priceEnterPanelScroll;
         private JButton          backToRadioButton;
         private JButton          backToItemDescriptionButton;
         private JPanel           priceEnterPanel;
         private final static String RADIOPANEL = "JPanel with radios";
         private final static String DESCRIPTIONPANEL = "JPanel with description";
         private final static String PRICEENTERPANEL = "JPanel with price entering";
         private JPanel           cards;
         private     JMenuBar     menuBar;
         private     JMenu          menuFile;
         private     JMenu          menuEdit;
         private     JMenu          menuProperty;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertySystem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyEditor;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyDisplay;
         private     JMenu        menuFileNew;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewAccount;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewItem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileOpen;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSave;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSaveAs;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileExit;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCopy;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCut;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditPaste;
         public MainPanel()
              requiredLabel = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel.setForeground (;
              requiredLabel2 = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel2.setForeground (;
              requiredStarLabel = new JLabel ("*");
              requiredStarLabel.setForeground (;
              setTitle( "photo galleries" );
              setSize( 310, 130 );
              topPanel = new JPanel();
              topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
              topPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("TopPanel"));
              //topPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (300,300));
              getContentPane().add( topPanel );
              topPanel.setVisible (false);
              //     For New Item Panel
              ButtonListener ears = new ButtonListener();
              blankLabel = new JLabel ("  ");  // used to give space between radio buttons and continue button
              continueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              continueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToRadioButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              itemDescriptionContinueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              itemDescriptionContinueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToItemDescriptionButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToItemDescriptionButton.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //topPanel.add (newItemPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("NewItemPanel"));
              newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
              onlineAuctionRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold item at online Auction"     );
              fixedPriceRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold at a Fixed Price");
              bg = new ButtonGroup();
              onlineAuctionRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              fixedPriceRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel.add (onlineAuctionRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (fixedPriceRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (blankLabel);
              newItemPanel.add (continueButton);
              // ------ After continue pressed ---------
              newItemDescriptionPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemPanel.add (newItemDescriptionPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("newItemDescriptionPanel"));
              secondCategoryCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("The item was listed in a second category");
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (false);
              itemTitleLabel = new JLabel ("Item title");
              itemTitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              subtitleLabel = new JLabel ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              subtitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              itemDescriptionLabel = new JLabel ("Item description");
              itemDescriptionTextArea = new JEditorPane();
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setContentType( "text/html" );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( false );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (500,250));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setFont(new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setForeground( );
              gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc.gridx = 0;
              gbc.gridy = 4;
              displayScroller = new JScrollPane( itemDescriptionTextArea );
              gridbag = new GridBagLayout ();
              gridbag.setConstraints( displayScroller, gbc );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( true );
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Additonal 2"));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox.add (secondCategoryCheckBox);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (blankLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (itemTitleLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (requiredLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (itemTitleTextField);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel.add(itemTitleTextField);//<--add textfield to panel
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel);//<--add panel to boxlayout panel
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2.add (subtitleLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.add (subtitleTextField);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (itemDescriptionLabel);
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (requiredLabel2);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel4);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3.add (displayScroller);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel3);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (backToRadioButton);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (itemDescriptionContinueButton);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel5);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //----------- Price Enter Page ----------------
              priceEnterPanel = new JPanel();
              priceEnterPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(priceEnterPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              priceEnterPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Price enter Panel"));
              priceEnterPanel.setVisible (false);
              priceEnterPanelScroll = new JScrollPane (priceEnterPanel);
              topPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              standardPictureRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Standard");
              picturePackRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Picture Pack ($1.00 for up to 6 pictures or $1.50 for 7 to 12 pictures)");
              bgPictures = new ButtonGroup();
              standardPictureRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              picturePackRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Supersize Pictures ($0.75)");
              listingDesignerCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Listing designer $0.10");
              valuePackCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Get the Essentials for less! Gallery, Subtitle, Listing Designer. $0.65 (save $0.30)");
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              listingDesignerCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              valuePackCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              startingPriceLabel = new JLabel ("Starting Price");
              dollarSignLabel = new JLabel ("$");
              startingPriceTextField = new JTextField (10);
              buyItNowLabel = new JLabel ("Buy It Now");
              dollarSignLabel2 = new JLabel ("$");
              buyItNowTextField = new JTextField (10);
              donatePercentageLabel = new JLabel ("Donate percentage of sale");
              donatePercentageTextField = new JTextField (2);
              donatePercentageTextField.setText ("0");
              percentageLabel = new JLabel ("%");
              // Right-justify the text
              numberOfPicturesLabel = new JLabel ("Number of pictures used");
              numberOfPicturesTextField = new JTextField (1);
              numberOfPicturesTextField.setText ("0");
              galleryPictureCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery ($0.35) [Requires a picture]");
              subtitleCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              boldCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Bold ($1.00)");
              borderCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Border ($3.00)");
              highlightCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Highlight ($5.00)");
              featuredPlusCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Featured Plus! ($19.95)");
              galleryFeaturedCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery Featured ($19.95) [Requires a picture]");
              homePageFeaturedLabel = new JLabel ("Home Page Featured ($39.95 for 1 item, $79.95 for 2 or more items)");
              homePageFeaturedComboBox = new JComboBox ();
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("None..."));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("1 item"));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("2 or more items"));
              giftCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Show as a gift ($0.25)");
              fillUpSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel6 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel7 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel8 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel9 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel10 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel11 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel12 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel13 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel14 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel15 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel16 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel17 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel18 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp1     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp2     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp3     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp4     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp5     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp6     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp7     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp8     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp9     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (startingPriceLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (requiredLabel2);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (dollarSignLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (startingPriceTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel2);     
         //     fillUpSpacePanel1.add (backToItemDescriptionButton);
         //     priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel3.add (buyItNowLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel3);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (dollarSignLabel2);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (buyItNowTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel4);
              fillUpSpacePanel1.add (donatePercentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (donatePercentageTextField);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (percentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel5);
              fillUpSpacePanel6.add (numberOfPicturesLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel6);
              fillUpSpacePanel7.add (numberOfPicturesTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel7);
              fillUpSpacePanel8.add (standardPictureRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel8);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (blankLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (superSizePicturesCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel9.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel11.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel11);
              fillUpSpacePanel12.add (listingDesignerCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel12);
              fillUpSpacePanel13.add (valuePackCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel13);
              fSp.add (galleryPictureCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp);
              fSp1.add (subtitleCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp1);
              fSp2.add (boldCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp2);
              fSp3.add (borderCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp3);
              fSp4.add (highlightCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp4);
              fSp5.add (featuredPlusCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp5);
              fSp6.add (galleryFeaturedCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp6);
              fSp7.add (homePageFeaturedLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp7);
              fSp8.add (homePageFeaturedComboBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp8);
              fSp9.add (giftCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp9);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              //Create the panel that contains the "cards".
              cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
              cards.add(newItemPanel, RADIOPANEL);
              cards.add(newItemDescriptionPanel, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
              cards.add(priceEnterPanel, PRICEENTERPANEL);
              topPanel.add(cards, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              // Create the menu bar
              menuBar = new JMenuBar();
              // Set this instance as the application's menu bar
              setJMenuBar( menuBar );
              // Build the property sub-menu
              menuProperty = new JMenu( "Properties" );
              menuProperty.setMnemonic( 'P' );
              // Create property items
              menuPropertySystem = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "System...", null, 'S', null );
              menuPropertyEditor = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Editor...", null, 'E', null );
              menuPropertyDisplay = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Display...", null, 'D', null );
              //Build the File-New sub-menu
              menuFileNew = new JMenu ("New");
              menuFileNew.setMnemonic ('N');
              //Create File-New items
              menuFileNewItem = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Item", null, 'A', null );
              menuFileNewAccount = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Account", null, 'A', null );
              // Create the file menu
              menuFile = new JMenu( "File" );
              menuFile.setMnemonic( 'F' );
              menuBar.add( menuFile );
              //Add the File-New menu
              menuFile.add( menuFileNew );
              // Create the file menu
              // Build a file menu items
              menuFileOpen = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Open...",
                                            new ImageIcon( "open.gif" ), 'O',
                                            "Open a new file" );
              menuFileSave = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Save",
                                            new ImageIcon( "save.gif" ), 'S',
                                            " Save this file" );
              menuFileSaveAs = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Save As...", null, 'A',
                                            "Save this data to a new file" );
              // Add the property menu     
              menuFile.add( menuProperty );
              menuFileExit = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Exit", null, 'X',
                                            "Exit the program" );
              // Create the file menu
              menuEdit = new JMenu( "Edit" );
              menuEdit.setMnemonic( 'E' );
              menuBar.add( menuEdit );
              // Create edit menu options
              menuEditCut = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Cut", null, 'T',
                                            "Cut data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditCopy = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Copy", null, 'C',
                                            "Copy data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditPaste = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Paste", null, 'P',
                                            "Paste data from the clipboard" );
         public JMenuItem CreateMenuItem( JMenu menu, int iType, String sText,
                                            ImageIcon image, int acceleratorKey,
                                            String sToolTip )
              // Create the item
              JMenuItem menuItem;
              switch( iType )
                   case ITEM_RADIO:
                        menuItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem();
                   case ITEM_CHECK:
                        menuItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem();
                        menuItem = new JMenuItem();
              // Add the item test
              menuItem.setText( sText );
              // Add the optional icon
              if( image != null )
                   menuItem.setIcon( image );
              // Add the accelerator key
              if( acceleratorKey > 0 )
                   menuItem.setMnemonic( acceleratorKey );
              // Add the optional tool tip text
              if( sToolTip != null )
                   menuItem.setToolTipText( sToolTip );
              // Add an action handler to this menu item
              menuItem.addActionListener( this );
              menu.add( menuItem );
              return menuItem;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileExit)
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewAccount)
                   System.out.println ("hlkadflkajfalkdjfalksfj");
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewItem){
                   if (firstRun){
                        newItemPanel.setVisible (true);
                        topPanel.setVisible (true);
                   firstRun = false;
              //System.out.println( event );
         private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
             //, (String)evt.getItem());
                   if (event.getSource() == continueButton){
                        if (!(onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()) && !(fixedPriceRadio.isSelected()))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must select at least one.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                             if (onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()){
                         (cards, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                                  //newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
                                  //newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (true);
                   if (event.getSource() == itemDescriptionContinueButton){
                       if (itemTitleTextField.getText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(""))
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must enter a title.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                    (cards, PRICEENTERPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToRadioButton){
               (cards, RADIOPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToItemDescriptionButton){
              , DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                   if (standardPictureRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (true);
                   if (picturePackRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              } //end of action performed

    Mostly I see there is about 100 times as much code as I care to look at.
    So you don't know how to get a panel in a scroll pane, and then get that scroll pane into your GUI? Then try doing that by itself, not encumbered with 10000 lines of irrelevant code. Once you have it working, plug it into the big lump of code. Or if you can't get it working, ask about the small problem here.

  • Can't run very simple DOM parsing source on my machine - please help :(

    Hi Guys,
    I am trying to run the following very simple program on my machine to parse a very simple XML file.
    It just returns Document object NULL.
    Same code is working fine on another machine.
    Note: there is no silly mistake. i have valid xml file at valid place.
    Please help.
    import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    class XML
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   String caseFile = "c:\\case-config\\config.xml";
                   DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                   DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                   Document doc = builder.parse(caseFile);
                   System.out.println("\n\n----" + doc);
              }catch(Exception e)

    You could also work with JDOM, which I find easier to use than regular DOM:
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
    import org.jdom.Document;
    String caseFile = "c:/case-config/config.xml";
    InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new FileReader(caseFile));
    SAXBuilder builder= new SAXBuilder();
    Document document =;Just an alternate suggestion.

  • M new to this forum + new to java please help me with file handling program

    hi i want to make a file handling program where in i want to input a text file say f1 whose style is mentioned as below
    now i want to write d out put of file f1 to file f2 but only those string entries widout any ... in them how to do that :-(( please help :((

    import java.lang.*;
    class javcsse{
             void javsce (){
              BufferedReader in;
            PrintWriter out;
            String line;
                in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("e:\\cntcs\\n7.txt"));
                out = new PrintWriter("e:\\cntcs\\n8.txt");
               line = in.readLine();
               while(line != null)
                     if(line.contains("...") && line.contains("....")){
                         break ;                
                    line = in.readLine();
            } catch (Exception ex)
      public class javcse{
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new javcsse();
    }hey i wrote this code yet could u tell y is it still not working :((

  • What am i doing wrong with this class please help

    What am i doing wrong with this class? I'm trying to create a JFrame with a JTextArea and a ScrollPane so that text can be inserted into the text area. however evertime i run the program i cannot see the textarea but only the scrollpane. please help.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class Instructions extends JFrame{
    public JTextArea textArea;
    private String s;
    private JScrollPane scrollPane;
    public Instructions(){
    textArea = new JTextArea();
    s = "Select a station and then\nadd\n";
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
    }//end constructor
    public static void main(String args[]){
    new Instructions();
    }//end class

    I'm just winging this so it might be wrong:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class Instructions extends JFrame{
    public JTextArea textArea;
    private String s;
    private JScrollPane scrollPane;
    public Instructions(){
    textArea = new JTextArea();
    s = "Select a station and then\nadd\n";
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
    // Here you already have textArea in scrollPane so no need to put it in
    // content pane, just put scrollPane in ContentPane.
    // think of it as containers within containers
    // when you try to put them both in at ContentPane level it will use
    // it's layout manager to put them in there side by side or something
    // so just leave this out this.getContentPane().add(textArea);
    }//end constructor
    public static void main(String args[]){
    new Instructions();
    }//end class

  • Please help - JFrame, menu, another JFrame, setBackground

    I am trying to make a simple program that draws a JFrame with a menu. The menu has one item, which when selected draws another JFrame. That JFrame has a button, which when pressed changes the background color. Many hours have gone into this, despite the fact that I made a similar program a few weeks ago.
    The compiler complains about the method getContentPane, when I remove that, it runs and draws the first window, but the menu item does not make the second window. Also, the setDefaultCloseOperation confuses the compiler as well.
    Please help.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class MenuAction2
    public static void main(String[] args) 
         MainWindow window = new MainWindow("Menu action example");
    class MainWindow extends JFrame
         MainWindow(String title)
         getContentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         Toolkit theKit = getToolkit();          
         Dimension wndSize = theKit.getScreenSize();  
         setBounds(0, 0,wndSize.width, wndSize.height);
         fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
         connectItem = new JMenuItem();
         connectItem = fileMenu.add("Connect...");
         connectItem.addActionListener(menuHandler = new Handler());
         getContentPane.add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);  
    class Handler implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          win = new ConnectWindow("Connect to Database");
          getContentPane().add(win, BorderLayout.NORTH);
      private JMenu fileMenu;
      private JMenuItem connectItem;
      private JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); 
      private JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();
      private Handler menuHandler;
      private ConnectWindow win;
    class ConnectWindow extends JFrame
         ConnectWindow(String title)
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              JButton connectB = new JButton("Connect");
              connectB.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

    getContentPane is a method so you should use it that way:
    getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    getContentPane.add(new Button("Ok"));

  • Error during import. Please HELP!

    Hello All,
    We want to export / import some page groups and are faced with the following situation.
    We were able to get the transport set of the page group from the source and create the dmp file using the command:
    File.cmd -mode export -s portal -p <portal_schema_pwd> -c iasdb -d pqr.dmp
    We also created the transport set in the target system by executing the command:
    File.cmd -mode export -s portal -p <portal_schema_pwd> -c iasdb -d pqr.dmp -pu <portal-user id> -pp <portal password>
    Browsing through to see the transport sets, we could see the status of the created transport set to be "EXTRACT_COMPLETE"
    But when we tried to import it, the status changes to MERGE_FAILED and the log shows: MAPPING NOT FOUND AT PAGE ID:xxxx SITE ID:yyyy.     
    We are not using any web providers. All are DB providers. Our page groups do not share any object. And we are using release 9.0.2 .
    Someone must have come across this error. Please help.
    Abhilash Vantaram

    Dude, you really should only post in one of the forums. No need to put this in Portal-General, Application Server - General AND Portal Import/Export. Just about everyone who answers goes to all of these anyway. See the Portal-General forum - I posted a response there.

  • Please help! I defragged my hard drive and now Illustrator CS6 is trying to open all of my complex Illustrator files with a "Text Import Options" box as if they are text files, and they are not opening!

    Please help! Illustrator CS6 started trying to open all of my files with a "Text Import Options" box as if they were text files, and they are not opening!  Help!

    Hi Monika,
    I have spent the last two or three days trying to do what you suggested.  I uninstalled Adobe 6 from Windows.  Some files that CS6 placed on my system during installation remained, including fonts and .dll files.
    I had to abandon the Cleaner Tool you suggested because in one screen it allowed me to specify removing CS6 only, but on the following screen it only gave on option to remove ALL Adobe programs.  I could not do that because I didn't have the serial number handy for CS3 in case I want to reinstall it at some point.
    I tried to get technical help with the Cleaner Tool problem but no definitive help was available, so I reinstalled CS6 again without having the benefit of the Cleaner Tool.  I tried to get the serial number for CS3 so I could use the Cleaner Tool but spent 2 wasted hours in chat.  Even though I had a customer number, order number, order date, place of purchase, the email address used AND 16 digits of the serial number, in two hours the agent couldn't give me the serial number.  After two hours I had nothing but instructions to wait another 20 minutes for a case number.
    Illustrator CS6 is still trying to open some backups as Text and otherNone of the problems have been fixed.  I have tried to open/use the .ai files in CS6 installed on another system and am getting the same result, so I don't think the software was damaged by the cleaner.  The hard drive cleaner is well-known and I've run it many times without any problem to previous versions of Illustrator or any other programs.
    When I ordered, the sale rep promised good technical support and gave me an 800 number, but after I paid the $2000, I learned that the 800 number she gave me doesn't support CS6 and hangs up on me.  Adobe doesn't call it a current product even though they just sold it to me about 3 weeks ago.
    Would appreciate any help you experts can offer.  If I can't solve this, the last backup I can use was from June and I will have lost HUNDREDS of hours of work and assets that I cannot replace.
    Exhausted and still desperately in need of help...

  • IPhoto crasht when importing photos and now it doesn't open anymore. Please help!

    I was importing photos in iPhoto, when the program crasht. I tried to restart it, but it never opend. I installed it again and again and made a software update - still doesn't work. What can I do? Please help!

    What version of iPhoto? Assuming 09 or later
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

  • Please help, need to import .swf/flash media

    Hi all, have a little issue here. I have some SWF flash media and I want to bring it into imovie so I can edit it more effectivley then with qt. However, I have been haveing alot of trouble, most time I only get the audio part of it and no image. Most of the media is widescreen, I was able to export the media in qt to dv stream and then import it, however, it lost its widescreen look and was kinda squished from the sides if that makes sense, if anybody has expeirence with this type of media, please help.

    Hi Nathan,
    I've never "dared" to convert .swf, but I read a lot about problems doing so... probably the Quicktime section of this forum is better to ask...
    maybe a much easier workaround is using tools as SnapzPro from Ambrosia; this tool claims to "record" any screen content (and audio) and convert it directly into any wanted format (as dv)...
    just a thought.......

  • Please help me! I imported my pics to iphoto but I can't open them now. I can't see them on full Screen/edit them like before. All I get is a exclamation mark when I double click on them. I don't have copies, can someone please help me?

    I imported all my pics to Iphoto and I can't open/edit them now. When I double click on them, I only get an exclamation mark. Please help me I don't have copies. I tried burning them to a cd but it didn't work. Can someone please help me?

    The ! turns up when iPhoto loses the connection between the thumbnail in the iPhoto Window and the file it represents.
    What version of iPhoto? Assuming 09 or later...
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

  • Importing all my music to iTunes(Please help me out)

    I just purchased a 20gb ipod today and am havintg some trouble importing all of my music. I have complete music library's in "RealPlayer" "Winamp" and "Windows Media Player", it doesnt matter which one of these i import from(whatevers easier i guess). I have tried the add folder option on "Documents and settings", "my documents" and "program files" and it has only imported around 600 of the 3600 songs in my music library.
    Also, i have read pages and pages on this board trying to find an answer. I saw one post which talked about this very issue but it was never resolved. It confronted importing from windows media to iTunes and the answer was to highlight all the music and drag it over to iTunes. This Does Not Work. I highlight all my song, hold down on the mouse and move it over to the iTunes box. However once i leave the Windows media box the arrow from my mouse turns into a circle w/a line acrosse, not allowing me to drag it.
    Please Give me an answer on how I can import all my music to iTunes. If you do I will kiss your feet and applaud your genious.
    Please help me out.

    No. I never found a solution to the problem to import my music libary from Realplayer to itunes.
    I have exhausted everything that I know and have read as tips from this and other posts.
    Please come back to post an answer if you find a solution and I will do the same.
    I am going to go ahead and just synch to Realplayer to fill up my ipod. Then I will see if I can switch to itunes for all future synching and hope that I can find a way not to lose the music on my ipod that came from Realplayer. If this doesn't work, I will have to stick with Realplayer as my main music interface and synching for ipod.

  • I updated to Itunes over 6 months ago on my windows XP desktop.It's worked well. Recently, on startup, a dialog box appeared which read: Itunes was not properly installed. If you wish to burn or import CDs please re-install Itunes. Please help.

    I updated to Itunes over 6 months ago on my Mindows XP desktop. It has worked well.
    Recently, on startup, a dialogue box appeared which read: "Itunes was nor properly installed. If
    you wish to burn or import CDs you have to re-install Itunes." I attempted to upgrade to V 11.0.1
    which ended with an error message and a code 2330. I have abandoned that idea. I would like to
    re-install V10.6.1.7 or update to 10.6.3. but where do I find these old versions? Which do I use,
    32 or 64 bit?
    Please help.
    Konogboki 1968

    I attempted to upgrade to V 11.0.1
    which ended with an error message and a code 2330.
    That one's consistent with disk/file damage. The first thing I'd try with that is running a disk check (chkdsk) over your C drive.
    XP instructions in the following document: How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP
    Vista instructions in the following document: Check your hard disk for errors
    Windows 7 instructions in the following document: How to use CHKDSK (Check Disk)
    Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, or use chkdsk /r (depending on which way you decide to go about doing this). You'll almost certainly have to schedule the chkdsk to run on startup. The scan should take quite a while ... if it quits after a few minutes or seconds, something's interfering with the scan.
    Does the chkdsk find/repair any damage? If so, can you get an install to go through properly afterwards?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Adobe Form not getting displayed on the portal

    Hi, From the MSS portal when I run the process, the associated adobe form(using HCM) doesn't get displayed on the portal. Initially the problem was with higher version of acrobat reader but now it is solved. Now I am not getting any error or warning

  • IPod Touch 2G 8GB wont turn on or connect to computer. Device Malfunctioned

    My iPod Touch 2G 8GB will not turn on or connect to my (or any other) computer or accesory. I'm not sure but I believe my USB cord may have been damp from a recent flood. When I plug it into a Vista computer, a popup reads "One of the usb devices att

  • External drive format to be used as iTunes library and media folder

    Hi everyone, I want to transffer my iTunes to an external drive, do I need to format my external drive to Extended Journal or will an Appleshare be alright? Thanks!

  • Nikon coolpix P6000 NRW files not recognized

    Hello, On my new Nikon, when I try to download the RAW images, neither iPhoto nor Image Capture will recognize the Nikon's RAW NRW format. If I shoot the images in JPEG, it is fine. If I use Nikon's included software, I can download the RAW images to

  • InputStreamReader: reads too much?

    i read text from an InputStreamReader: int count; char[] chars = new char[2048]; while ((count =, 0, chars.length)) != -1) {     textArea.append(new String(chars)); }and noticed that too much text is read! I i increase chars (e.g. 4096