Please tell me please please!!!

hi im from malaysia... who can tell me the price of:
N95(1GB)- AP set
N95(1GB)- Original set
N82-AP set
N82-original set

24-Mar-2008 09:29 AM
cejlai wrote:
hi im from malaysia... who can tell me the price of:
N95(1GB)- AP set
N95(1GB)- Original set
N82-AP set
N82-original set
Sorry we cant give pricing here. This is a user to user technical support forum. You need to check at shops or at the internet.
If my post has helped you please click the white star on the right

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    iTunes is available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X - nothing else, including Android.
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    If the SIM is out of your phone, find my phone needs a data connection, so could use wifi - IF in range of a wifi and one that it can join (ie. a known network or one that is wholly open so no login required).  Your phone could also simple be turned off, so not findable, or it may have been restored (plugged into iTunes and restored as new) again, making it permanently unfindable.  Honestly, for someone stealing an iPhone, this is likely the first thing they do - restore as new and it is theirs forever.
    Find my iPhone is tied to the users iCloud account - the find function is part of the iCloud account's services and it communicates with the iCloud servers over a data connection - either wifi or 3G.
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    You need at least Acrobat 9 to be eligible for upgrades, so it's a moot point. Simply buy a new license of a current version.

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    If you will, click on my above URL (in bold)..... If you click on "Resume", you should see light blue rules separating each section. But I bet you will see heavier gray bars with headers inside them. Also, if you view my Flash work, go to the "Epiphone Casino Mini Site".... the "Finshes" and "Features" pages' interactive elements will not function as they should (never mind the video page!)—but they work perfectly when accessing my site from my bookmark on my computer.
    Can someone please tell me how to make my site update web-wide, and how to get my Flash files to function?
    Message was edited by: darling67

    It seams a lot of folks are haveing issues with FTP upload. Try these areas to look at. Maybe the right answer. I dont use Flash on my sites for a long time now. Anyhow, check these out.


    i need alittle help i have this GUI that i created and i am trying to hook it up to a database in MS ACCESS and i am have so many problems trying to get my second table called billings to pull and show up in my GUI please take a look at my code and tell me what is wrong with it.
    now on my GUI its supposed to allow you to choose a company in the list box and after choosing a company, this allows you to get all the company's information like address and state and zip code and another list box is populated called consultants and you can choose a consultant and gethis or her billing information , like their hours billed from that company and their total hours billed
    please look at my code and tell me what is wrong, especially with the part about pulling information from the database.
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Project extends Frame implements ItemListener, ActionListener
         //Declare database variables
         Connection conconsultants;
         Statement cmdconsultants;
         ResultSet rsconsultants;
         boolean blnSuccessfulOpen = false;
         //Declare components
         Choice lstNames = new Choice();
         TextField txtConsultant_Lname = new TextField(10);
         TextField txtConsultant_Fname = new TextField(10);
         TextField txtTitle = new TextField(9);
         TextField txtHours_Billed = new TextField(14);
         Button btnAdd = new Button("Add");
         Button btnEdit = new Button("Save");
         Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel");
         Button btnDelete = new Button("Delete");
         Label lblMessage = new Label(" ");
         public static void main(String args[])
              //Declare an instance of this application
              Project thisApp = new Project();
         public void createInterface()
              //Load the database and set up the frame
              if (blnSuccessfulOpen)
                   //Set up frame
                   setTitle("Update Test Database");
                   addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                                  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event)
                   setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   //Set up top panel
                   Panel pnlTop = new Panel(new GridLayout(2, 2, 10, 10));
                   pnlTop.add(new Label("Last Name"));
                   lstNames.insert("Select a Name to Display", 0);
                   pnlTop.add(new Label(" "));
                   add(pnlTop, "North");
                   //Set up center panel
                   Panel pnlMiddle = new Panel(new GridLayout(5, 2, 10, 10));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Consultant_Lname"));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Consultant_Fname"));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Title"));
                   pnlMiddle.add(new Label("Hours_Billed"));
                   Panel pnlLeftButtons = new Panel(new GridLayout(0, 2, 10, 10));
                   Panel pnlRightButtons = new Panel(new GridLayout(0, 2, 10, 10));
                   add(pnlMiddle, "Center");
                   //Set up bottom panel
                   add(lblMessage, "South");
                   //Display the frame
                   setSize(400, 300);
                   stop(); //Close any open connection
                   System.exit(-1); //Exit with error status
         public Insets insets()
              //Set frame insets
              return new Insets(40, 15, 15, 15);
         public void loadDatabase()
                   //Load the Sun drivers
              catch (ClassNotFoundException err)
                   //Load the Microsoft drivers
                   catch (ClassNotFoundException error)
                   System.err.println("Drivers did not load properly");
                   //Connect to the database
                   conconsultants = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Test");
                   //Create a ResultSet
                   cmdconsultants = conconsultants.createStatement();
                   rsconsultants = cmdconsultants.executeQuery(
                   "Select * from consultants; ");
                   blnSuccessfulOpen = true;
              catch(SQLException error)
                   System.err.println("Error: " + error.toString());
         public void loadNames(ResultSet rsconsultants)
              //Fill last name list box
              catch (SQLException error)
                   System.err.println("Error in Display Record." + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event)
              //Retrieve and display the selected record
              String strConsultant_Lname = lstNames.getSelectedItem();
              lblMessage.setText(""); //Delete instructions
                   rsconsultants = cmdconsultants.executeQuery(
    "SELECT c.Consultant_ID"+
    "FROM Consultants c, Clients l, Billing b"+
    "WHERE c.Consultant_ID = b.Consultant_ID"+
    "l.Client_ID = b.Client_ID"+
    "GROUP BY c.Consultant_ID");
    //"SELECT * FROM Consultants INNER JOIN Billing ON Consultants.Consultant_ID = Billing.Consultant_ID");
    //FROM Consultants INNER JOIN Billing ON Consultants.Consultant_ID = Billing.Consultant_ID;");
    //"Select * from consultants where [Consultant_Lname] = '" + strConsultant_Lname + "';");
              catch(SQLException error)
                   lblMessage.setText("Error in result set. " + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void displayRecord(ResultSet rsconsultants)
              //Display the current record
                        lblMessage.setText("Record not found");
              catch (SQLException error)
                   lblMessage.setText("Error: " + error.toString());
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              //Test the command buttons
              Object objSource = event.getSource();
              if(objSource == btnAdd && event.getActionCommand () == "Add")
              else if (objSource == btnAdd)
              else if(objSource == btnEdit)
              else if(objSource == btnDelete)
              else if(objSource == btnCancel)
         public void setTextToNotEditable()
              //Lock the text fields
         public void setTextToEditable()
              //Unlock the text fields
         public void clearTextFields()
              //Clear the text fields
         public void Add()
              //Add a new record
              lblMessage.setText(" ");     //Clear previous message
              setTextToEditable();                //Unlock the text fields
              clearTextFields();                //Clear text field contents
              txtConsultant_Lname.requestFocus ();
              //Set up the OK and Cancel buttons
              //Disable the Delete and Edit buttons
         public void Save()
                        //Save the new record
                        // Activated when the Add button has an "OK" label
                        if (txtConsultant_Lname.getText().length ()== 0 || txtTitle.getText().length() == 0)
                             lblMessage.setText("The Consultant's Last Name or Title is blank");
                                  cmdconsultants.executeUpdate("Insert Into consultants "
                                            + "([Consultant_Lname], [Consultant_Fname], Title, [Hours_Billed]) "
                                            + "Values('"
                                            + txtConsultant_Lname.getText() + "', '"
                                            + txtConsultant_Fname.getText() + "', '"
                                            + txtTitle.getText() + "', '"
                                            + txtHours_Billed.getText() + "')");
                                  //Add to name list
                                  //Reset buttons
                             catch(SQLException error)
                                  lblMessage.setText("Error: " + error.toString());
         public void Delete()
                        //Delete the current record
                        int intIndex = lstNames.getSelectedIndex();
                        String strConsultant_Lname = lstNames.getSelectedItem();
                        if(intIndex == 0)          //Make sure a record is selected
                                                      //Position 0 holds a text message
                             lblMessage.setText("Please select the record to be deleted");
                             //Delete the record from the database
                                       "Delete from consultants where [Consultant_Lname] = '" + strConsultant_Lname + "';");
                                  clearTextFields();               //Delete from screen
                                  lstNames.remove(intIndex);          //Delete from list
                                  lblMessage.setText("Record deleted");     //Display message
                             catch(SQLException error)
                                  lblMessage.setText("Error during Delete."
                                       + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void Cancel()
                        //Enable the Delete and Edit buttons
                        //Disable the Cancel button
                        //Change caption of button
                        //Clear the text fields and status bar
         public void Edit()
                        //Save the modified record
                        int intIndex = lstNames.getSelectedIndex();
                        if(intIndex == 0)          //Make sure a record is selected
                                                      //Position 0 holds a text message
                             lblMessage.setText("Please select the record to change");
                             String strConsultant_Lname = lstNames.getSelectedItem();
                                  cmdconsultants.executeUpdate("Update consultants "
                                       + "Set [Consultant_Lname] = '" + txtConsultant_Lname.getText() + "', "
                                       + "[Consultant_Fname] = '" + txtConsultant_Fname.getText() + "', "
                                       + "Title = '" + txtTitle.getText() + "', "
                                       + "[Hours_Billed] = '" + txtHours_Billed.getText() + "' "
                                       + "Where [Consultant_Lname] = '" + strConsultant_Lname + "';");
                                  if (!strConsultant_Lname.equals(txtConsultant_Lname.getText()))
                                       //Last name changed; change the list
                                       lstNames.remove(intIndex); //Remove the old entry
                                       lstNames.add(txtConsultant_Lname.getText()); //Add the new entry
                             catch(SQLException error)
                                  lblMessage.setText("Error during Edit. " + "Error: " + error.toString());
         public void stop()
              //Terminate the connection
                   if (conconsultants != null)
              catch(SQLException error)
                   lblMessage.setText("Unable to disconnect");

    The diagnosis is simple. You damaged the phone and screen when you dropped the phone.

  • HT1688 Someone changed the settings on my iPhone so that I can no longer update my apps or download new apps. I don't have the icon on my phone anymore. Can someone please tell me how to get it back?

    Someone changed the settings on my iPhone so that I can no longer update or add apps. The icon no longer appears. Can someone please tell me how to add that back?

    I should have added that the iTunes app is not displayed on my phone in order for me to add the apps.

  • Help....I am trying to set up iClould on my pc....the set up was complete....when I try to sign in to set up it says the Apple ID is valid but is not an iCloud account.  Please help me and tell me what I am doing wrong.

    Help....I am trying to set up iClould on my pc....the set up was complete....when I try to sign in to set up it says the Apple ID is valid but is not an iCloud account.  Please help me and tell me what I am doing wrong. Thx

    Hi DesCoop,
    You must initiallly activate iCloud from an IOS device or a Mac. You cannot inititally activated from a PC.

  • Whenever i try to login with my apple ID , it says this ID is not yet used on itunes. & because of this i can't even download apps. Please someone tell me what should i do ? ASAP.

    Whenever i try to login with my apple ID , it says this ID is not yet used on itunes. & because of this i can't even download apps. Please someone tell me what should i do ? ASAP.

    Read here:

  • Can someone please tell me why when I order an Itunes app. , do I always get charged twice for the same thing.  It has happened on two different occasions.  Does it have anything to do with having 2 different ipods linked to the same account?

    Can someone please tell me why when  i order an app on my sons ipod, do I get charged twice for it?   When I tried do report a problem with the charge, it said that I can not get a refund on that item.   This is the second time this has happened to me.   Does it have anything to do with having more then one ipod linked to the same account?   Thanks for any help you can give me!!!

    It has nothing to do with have more than one device using that account.
    After you purchase it once, you redownload it on other devices by the following, not like purchasing a new app.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    If you really got charged twice for purchases the same app twice with the same account contact iTunes again by:
    Apple - Support - iTunes - Contact Us
    Make sure that they are really the same app first.

  • Could you please tell me why as a Brit resident in Japan therefore having a billing address that is Japanese is forced to only get service from the Japanese online store? Is there not some way of allowing me to select movies and music to buy and download

    Could you please tell me why as a Brit resident in Japan therefore having a billing address that is Japanese is forced to only get service from the Japanese online store? Is there not some way of allowing me to select movies and music to buy and download from other stores. Why do am i forced to try to nread Japanese when I have selected English as my language. The price for Downloads is no different and even if it was I am happy to pay. This also applies to Movie rental which is crazy and extremely restrictive. I a supposed GLOBAL community why does Apple do this.

    You can buy ONLY from the itunes store of your country of residence (As proven by valid billing address of credit card) and ONLY while inside the borders of that country.
    These are the terms of the itunes store.

  • HT4847 I am unable to delete the last backup from icloud, i checked my all device setting but it still say "cannot delete icloud this time because it is in use,"Please tell me what should i do.

    I am unable to delete the last backup from icloud, i checked my all device setting but it still say "cannot delete icloud this time because it is in use,"Please tell me what should i do                             

    It still didn't work...
    Within this commonfiles\apple folder, there is only one folder, labeled "Internet Services." Within this folder, there are 6 folders, labeled:
    Within all but CoreDAV and BookmarkDAV_client, there are multiple different folders, all labeled starting with a two letter (acronym I believe, for different languages) then .lproj (for example, a folder is labeled "ar.lproj".
    In each of the folders of APLZOD.resources, there is a file labeled "APLZODlocalized.dll."
    In all of the folders containing the multiple .lproj folders, there are likewise "name"localized.dll files contained.
    In the BookmarkDAV_client and Core DAV folders, they each contain only one file, "Info.plist"
    I attempted to delete all of these files, and still, the FileAssassin could not delete them. I unlocked one of them for instance, and I tried to delete the file myself (thru windows explorer and just clicking delete), and I still had the same issue of coming eventually to the window requesting me to "try again" to have permission.
    What can I do?? I'd like to avoid Unlocker, but if it really is a reliable and SAFE program, and someone knows a SAFE place to download it from, I'd appreciate it very much so!!

  • Please can someone tell me what cable I need to connect my Macbook Pro 15'' Retina display to a Yamakasi Catleap Monitor?

    Hi all,
    I have a Macbook Pro 15'' Retina and I'm thinking of getting a Yamaksai Catleap Monitor, please can someone tell me the best way to connect this? Do I need a thunderbolt to DVI connector, or Thunderbolt to VGA? Im assuning the former would be superior! Please can someone advise?
    Thanks very much in advance,

    Some UK links... You can use any of the following to get the video signal out of the iMac and into a standard format:
    Mini DVI - DVI
    Mini DVI - VGA
    Mini DVI - Composite/S-Video.
    The DVI will give you best quality, but VGA will be simpler. The DVI to HDMI connector is:
    Buy a DVI to HDMI connector (link). Long HDMI cables are pretty expensive though.
    Although HDMI can handle sound as neither DVI, MiniDVI nor VGA do you'll need to connect the sound separately. Simply connect the sound out on the iMac to the input on the TV using a cable like this:
    3.5mm to RCA.
    If you use the miniDVI to VGA connector here's a long VGA cable (link).
    All Macs since about 1999 have had +DVD Player+ installed. I'm not at my Mac right now to check Front Row in Leopard but Front Row in Tiger certainly played DVDs (but +DVD Player+ is a better, more flexible DVD Player).

  • Please tell me a BAPI to get Closing balance of customer account based on Sales Organization?

    Hi Experts,
    A requirement has come up where I want to get Customer closing balance based on its sales organization as this particular customer is extented to 2 different sales organizations. I want to get the closing balance of individual sales organization vise.
    Please tell me a BAPI to get Closing balance of customer account based on Sales Organization?

    AFAIK there is no such BAPI, cause there is no database table with balance for customer per sales organisation. (No KNCx table for VKORG)
    First ask functionals (*) how to recover sales organisation from a FI document (I suppose for SD invoice it is easy if no merging between organisation) will be a little tricker for pure FI document like payment transactions (hope thet are quickly cleared...)  Then start from non cleared records of BSID (also BSAD if you use a past date of reference, in case you have to add the records of BSAD with clearing date greater than reference date) and cross it with SD information to break FI into sales organisation.
    (*) Ask for where do they store VKORG in FI documents

  • My MAC did a software update tonight and now my mail wont load, it is teeling me I need to update my mail software, can someone tell me how to do this please?e

    My mac updated softwar tonight and now I have no mal, can someone tell me how to udate my mail sofware please ?

    I assume you're talking about Security Update 2012-004 for Snow Leopard? Have you by any changed moved your Mail application out of the Applications folder? This will cause updates to fail to work - Apple's included applications should always be left where Apple installed them.
    If this is the case, move it back, then downlad the update from Security Update 2012-004 (Snow Leopard) and run it again.

  • My Mail programme appears to have locked up. It's showing as open in my doc but in reality I can't open it and it won't quite. If I try to shut the machine down it tells me that I need to quite mail but I can't! Any hints please?

    My Mail programme appears to have locked up. It's showing as open in my doc but in reality I can't open it and it won't quit. If I try to shut the machine down it tells me that I need to quit Mail but I can't! Any hints please?

    Open  > Force Quit and press Mail

Maybe you are looking for